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Fasullo M  St Amour C  Zeng L 《Mutation research》2005,578(1-2):158-169
DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair occurs by homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous endjoining (NHEJ). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, expression of both MATa and MATalpha inhibits NHEJ and facilitates DSB-initiated HR. We previously observed that DSB-initiated recombination between two his3 fragments, his3-Delta5' and his3-Delta3'::HOcs is enhanced in haploids and diploids expressing both MATa and MATalpha genes, regardless of the position or orientation of the his3 fragments. Herein, we measured frequencies of DNA damage-associated translocations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in yku70 haploid mutants, defective in NHEJ. Translocation and SCE frequencies were measured in strains containing the same his3 fragments after DSBs were made directly at trp1::his3-Delta3'::HOcs. Wild type and yku70 cells were also exposed to ionizing radiation and radiomimetic agents methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), phleomycin, and 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide (4-NQO). Frequencies of X-ray-associated and DSB-initiated translocations were five-fold higher in yku70 mutants compared to wild type; however, frequencies of phleomycin-associated translocations were lower in the yku70 haploid mutant. Frequencies of DSB-initiated SCEs were 1.8-fold higher in the yku70 mutant, compared to wild type. Thus, DSB-initiated HR between repeated sequences on non-homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids occurs at higher frequencies in yku70 haploid mutants; however, higher frequencies of DNA damage-associated HR in yku70 mutants depend on the DNA damaging agent.  相似文献   

A number of studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have revealed RAD51-independent recombination events. These include spontaneous and double-strand break-induced recombination between repeated sequences, and capture of a chromosome arm by break-induced replication. Although recombination between inverted repeats is considered to be a conservative intramolecular event, the lack of requirement for RAD51 suggests that repair can also occur by a nonconservative mechanism. We propose a model for RAD51-independent recombination by one-ended strand invasion coupled to DNA synthesis, followed by single-strand annealing. The Rad1/Rad10 endonuclease is required to trim intermediates formed during single-strand annealing and thus was expected to be required for RAD51-independent events by this model. Double-strand break repair between plasmid-borne inverted repeats was less efficient in rad1 rad51 double mutants than in rad1 and rad51 strains. In addition, repair events were delayed and frequently associated with plasmid loss. Furthermore, the repair products recovered from the rad1 rad51 strain were primarily in the crossover configuration, inconsistent with conservative models for mitotic double-strand break repair.  相似文献   

Mozlin AM  Fung CW  Symington LS 《Genetics》2008,178(1):113-126
Rad51 requires a number of other proteins, including the Rad51 paralogs, for efficient recombination in vivo. Current evidence suggests that the yeast Rad51 paralogs, Rad55 and Rad57, are important in formation or stabilization of the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament. To gain further insights into the function of the Rad51 paralogs, reporters were designed to measure spontaneous or double-strand break (DSB)-induced sister or nonsister recombination. Spontaneous sister chromatid recombination (SCR) was reduced 6000-fold in the rad57 mutant, significantly more than in the rad51 mutant. Although the DSB-induced recombination defect of rad57 was suppressed by overexpression of Rad51, elevated temperature, or expression of both mating-type alleles, the rad57 defect in spontaneous SCR was not strongly suppressed by these same factors. In addition, the UV sensitivity of the rad57 mutant was not strongly suppressed by MAT heterozygosity, even though Rad51 foci were restored under these conditions. This lack of suppression suggests that Rad55 and Rad57 have different roles in the recombinational repair of stalled replication forks compared with DSB repair. Furthermore, these data suggest that most spontaneous SCR initiates from single-stranded gaps formed at stalled replication forks rather than DSBs.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the CTF4 (CHL15) gene, earlier identified in two screens for yeast mutants with increased rates of mitotic loss of chromosome III and artificial circular and linear chromosomes. Analysis of the segregation properties of circular minichromosomes and chromosome fragments indicated that sister chromatid loss (1:0 segregation) is the predominant mode of chromosome destabilization in ctf4 mutants, though nondisjunction events (2:0 segregation) also occur at an increased rate. Both inter- and intrachromosomal mitotic recombination levels are elevated in ctf4 mutants, whereas spontaneous mutation to canavanine resistance was not elevated. A genomic clone of CTF4 was isolated and used to map its physical and genetic positions on chromosome XVI. Nucleotide sequence analysis of CTF4 revealed a 2.8-kb open reading frame with a 105-kDa predicted protein sequence. The CTF4 DNA sequence is identical to that of POB1, characterized as a gene encoding a protein that associates in vitro with DNA polymerase alpha. At the N-terminal region of the protein sequence, zinc finger motifs which define potential DNA-binding domains were found. The C-terminal region of the predicted protein displayed similarity to sequences of regulatory proteins known as the helix-loop-helix proteins. Data on the effects of a frameshift mutation suggest that the helix-loop-helix domain is essential for CTF4 function. Analysis of sequences upstream of the CTF4 open reading frame revealed the presence of a hexamer element, ACGCGT, a sequence associated with many DNA metabolism genes in budding yeasts. Disruption of the coding sequence of CTF4 did not result in inviability, indicating that the CTF4 gene is nonessential for mitotic cell division. However, ctf4 mutants exhibit an accumulation of large budded cells with the nucleus in the neck. ctf4 rad52 double mutants grew very slowly and produced extremely high levels (50%) of inviable cell division products compared with either single mutant alone, which is consistent with a role for CTF4 in DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Several chemical mutagens and carcinogens, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated PAHs, are adsorbed to the surface of diesel exhaust particles (DEP). DEP can induce formation of reactive oxygen species and cause oxidative DNA damage as well as bulky carcinogen DNA adducts. Lung tissue is a target organ for DEP induced cancer following inhalation. Recent studies have provided evidence that the lung is also a target organ for DNA damage and cancer after oral exposure to other complex mixtures of PAHs. The genotoxic effect of oral administration of DEP was investigated, in terms of markers of DNA damage, mutations and repair, in the lung of Big Blue® rats fed a diet with 0, 0.2, 0.8, 2, 8, 20 or 80 mg DEP/kg feed for 21 days. There was no significant increase in the mutation frequency in the cII gene. However, an increase of DNA damage measured as DNA strand breaks (comet assay) and bulky DNA adducts (32P post labeling) was observed. The level of DNA strand breaks increased significantly at all dose levels while the level of DNA adducts increased significantly only at the intermediate dose levels. Similarly, the number of oxidized DNA bases measured as endonuclease III and fapyguanine glycosylase (FPG) sensitive sites increased at the intermediate dose levels. The induction of DNA damage by DEP exposure did not increase the expression of the repair genes OGG1 and ERCC1 at the mRNA level. The present study indicates that the lung is a target organ for primary DNA damage following oral exposure to DEP. DNA damage was induced following exposure to relatively low levels of DEP, but under the conditions used in the present experiment DNA damage did not result in an increased mutation rate.  相似文献   

Data are presented establishing a direct correlation between 3-aminobenzamide-induced sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency and the level of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporated into DNA. In addition, it is shown that most of the SCEs are induced in the second cell cycle, in which BrdU-containing DNA is used as the template for replication.  相似文献   

By using a multiply marked supernumerary chromosome III as an indicator, we isolated mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that display increased rates of chromosome loss. In addition to mutations in the tubulin-encoding TUB genes, we found mutations in the CIN1, CIN2, and CIN4 genes. These genes have been defined independently by mutations causing benomyl supersensitivity and are distinct from other known yeast genes that affect chromosome segregation. Detailed phenotypic characterization of cin mutants revealed several other phenotypes similar to those of tub mutants. Null alleles of these genes caused cold sensitivity for viability. At 11 degrees C, cin mutants arrest at the mitosis stage of their cell cycle because of loss of most microtubule structure. cin1, cin2, and cin4 mutations also cause defects in two other microtubule-mediated processes, nuclear migration and nuclear fusion (karyogamy). Overproduction of the CIN1 gene product was found to cause the same phenotype as loss of function, supersensitivity to benomyl. Our findings suggest that the CIN1, CIN2, and CIN4 proteins contribute to microtubule stability either by regulating the activity of a yeast microtubule component or as structural components of microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary Disruption/deletion mutations in genes of the RAD52 epistasis group of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined for their effects on recombination between single-and double-stranded circular DNA substrates and chromosomal genes in a transformation assay. In rad50 mutants there was a small reduction in recombination with single-stranded DNA at the leu2-3, 112 allele; in addition there was an almost complete elimination of recombination at trpl-1 for both single- and double-stranded DNA. Reintroduction of a wild-type RAD50 gene on a replicating plasmid carrying CEN4 restored recombinational competence at trpl-1, indicating that rad50 is defective in gene replacement of this allele. In rad52 mutants a reduction of 30%-50% in recombination involving either single- or double-stranded circular DNA was observed in each experiment when compared to the wild type. This reduction of recombination in rad52 mutants was similar for recombination at the ura352 mutant locus where only integration events have been observed, and at the trpl-1 mutant locus, where recombination occurs predominantly by gene replacement. Neither the rad54 nor the rad57 mutations had a significant effect on recombination with single- or double-stranded DNA substrates.  相似文献   

Genome instability in rad54 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The RAD54 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a conserved dsDNA-dependent ATPase of the Swi2/Snf2 family with a specialized function during recombinational DNA repair. Here we analyzed the consequences of the loss of Rad54 function in vegetative (mitotic) cells. Mutants in RAD54 exhibited drastically reduced rates of spontaneous intragenic recombination but were proficient for spontaneous intergenic recombinant formation. The intergenic recombinants likely arose by a RAD54-independent pathway of break-induced replication. Significantly increased rates of spontaneous chromosome loss for diploid rad54/rad54 cells were identified in several independent assays. Inter estingly, the increase in chromosome loss appeared to depend on the presence of a homolog. In addition, the rate of complex genetic events involving chromosome loss were drastically increased in diploid rad54/rad54 cells. Together, these data suggest a role for Rad54 protein in the repair of spontaneous damage, where in the absence of Rad54 protein, homologous recombination is initiated but not properly terminated, leading to misrepair and chromosome loss.  相似文献   

Two rad mutants of yeast, rad10 and rad16, are shown to be defective in the removal of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers since DNAs obtained from irradiated cells following a post-irradiation incubation in the dark still retain UV-endonuclease-sensitive sites. Both rad10 and rad16 mutants are in the same pathway of excision-repair as the rad1, rad2, rad3 and rad4 mutants.  相似文献   


Summary Excision of pyrimidine dimers and interstrand DNA crosslinks was examined in the deletion mutants rad7-1, rad23-1, and rad7-1 rad23-1. These mutants remove pyrimidine dimers and crosslinks much less efficiently than the RAD + strains; only 30–60% of pyrimidine dimers and 25–40% of crosslinks are removed even after prolonged incubation. The rad7 and rad23 mutations may represent defects in protein factors which increase the efficiency of the nicking enzyme complex or make chromatin more accessible to the nicking activity.  相似文献   

The ability to remove ultraviolet (UV)-induced pyrimidine dimers was examined in four radiation-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The susceptibility of DNA from irradiated cells to nicking by either the T4 UV-endonuclease or an endonuclease activity found in crude extracts of Micrococcus luteus was used to measure the presence of dimers in DNA. The rad3 and rad4 mutants are shown to be defective in dimer excision whereas the rad6 and rad9 mutants are proficient in dimer excision.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in two genes (cdc8 and cdc21) required for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae result in a 6- to 11-fold increase in the rate of mitotic segregation of petites at the permissive temperature. The defect in DNA replication and the increased rate of petite production result from the same mutation since the two phenotypes cosegregate and corevert. Most of the petites isolated from strains carrying mutations in cdc8 and cdc21 contain mtDNA. Therefore, the petites do not result simply from an underreplication of mitochondrial DNA. The mutation rates for nuclear and mitochondrial genes are the same in cdc8, cdc21 and their wild-type parent. Therefore the petites are unlikely to result from an increase in the rate of base pair substitution.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the nucleolar organiser region (NOR) is located on chromosome XII. It contains 100-200 copies of rDNA--a minimum of 20 rDNA genes in tandem--and is termed the RDN locus. Yeast cells may exist in either haploid or diploid form. There are two forms of life cycle: haploid and diploid cells double by mitosis, and diploid cells are reduced to the haploid state by meiosis. Diploid cells have two homologous chromosomes for each of the 16 chromosomes. They are usually of the same size. However, in this study it is shown that homologous chromosomes XII can become different in size due to unequal sister chromatid exchange during mitosis in 'old' cells.  相似文献   

An fls1 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which did not grow in the presence of 30 micrograms of fluphenazine per ml, was isolated. Mutants that were resistant to 90 micrograms of fluphenazine per ml and temperature sensitive for growth were obtained from the fls1 mutant. One fluphenazine-resistance mutation, fsr1, was located near the his7 locus on chromosome II. Growth of the fsr1 mutants at 35 degrees C was arrested after nuclear division. The other group of fluphenazine-resistant mutants, carrying fsr2 mutations, showed Ca2+-dependent growth at 35 degrees C. Growth of the fsr2 mutants at 35 degrees C was arrested at the G2 stage of the cell cycle in Ca2+-poor medium.  相似文献   

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