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为研制具有自主知识产权的郁金香(Tulipa gesneriana)新种质, 本实验选择6种栽培郁金香品种为母本, 5种野生郁金香为父本进行杂交试验。结果显示, 平均受精率为(84.8±3.5)%, 母本受精率最高的是克斯奈丽斯, 平均为(94.0±2.3)%, 受精率最低的是蒙特卡罗, 平均为(71.0±3.8)%。果实发育1个月最高坐果率为100.0%, 平均为(75.2±4.1)%, 2个月最高坐果率为(90.0±3.6)%, 平均为(47.0±3.4)%; 杂交种子平均结实率为24.3%。研究结果表明, 母本与杂交组合对受精率、坐果率和结实率有显著影响, 父本则没有显著影响; 杂交组合小黑人×伊犁郁金香、小黑人×柔毛郁金香及小黑人×天山郁金香亲合性较 好, 其杂交种子结实率分别为78.2%、68.4%和57.5%。  相似文献   

以四川优良的中国樱桃栽培和野生种质及欧洲甜樱桃为试材进行杂交,对自交坐果率、杂交亲和性、杂交坐果率进行了调查和分析。结果表明:(1)中国樱桃自交亲和,欧洲甜樱桃自交不亲和;(2)杂交授粉2周后,各杂交组合表现出较高的杂交亲和性,坐果率为57.24~93.03%;5周后,各杂交组合表现出不同程度的杂种败育性,远缘杂交尤为明显;(3)在中国樱桃种内杂交中,以野生种质为父本的杂交坐果率极显著高于以栽培品种为父本的杂交坐果率;而远缘杂交中,以‘红灯’为母本,以中国樱桃栽培品种为父本的杂交坐果率显著高于以中国樱桃野生种质为父本的杂交坐果率;(4)受亲本影响,不同的杂交组合坐果率不同,受父本的影响极显著高于受母本的影响。基于上述结果,该研究进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

通过新疆分布的3种甘草属植物——乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、光果甘草(G.glabra)和黄甘草(G.eurycarpa)的人工杂交试验,比较了杂交结果率、杂交种子的萌发参数、幼苗成活率等指标,并对杂交授粉后花粉管萌发、生长过程进行荧光观察,旨在探讨3种甘草属植物的种间杂交亲和性及杂交后代种子活力。结果表明:(1)种间杂交结果率最高为96.67%,最低为55.62%,说明3种甘草种间杂交配子亲和性较高;(2)荧光显微观察表明,各杂交组合在授粉后0.5~2h内花粉均可在柱头上大量萌发,在授粉后48h内花粉管均可到达子房与胚珠受精,说明三种甘草种间杂交不存在配子隔离障碍;(3)杂交种子萌发率、发芽指数、平均萌发时间和幼苗成活率与自然结实种子无显著差异,种间杂交种子活力较高,幼苗成活率均为75%以上。以上结果表明3种甘草属植物的同域分布区,在相同传粉途径下,这三种甘草属植物的种间隔离机制不完善。有发生自然杂交并形成杂交区的可能。  相似文献   

以杜鹃红山茶(Camellia azalea)为母本,‘绿带可娜’、‘红芙蓉’、‘迪朱丽亚’等13个观赏性较强的山茶花品种为父本,采用常规杂交育种方法,共配置13个杂交组合进行杂交试验。以坐果率、结实率、出苗率、单花成苗率作为评价亲和性的指标对杂交父本进行筛选,利用因子分析法对杂交组合亲和力进行综合评价,并采用形态鉴定法比较杂交子代与父母本主要性状差异。结果表明,‘绿带可娜’、‘玛丽费丝’、‘尼丽夫人’、‘花露珍’、‘娃丽娜深’为亲和性高的父本,杜鹃红山茶ב绿带可娜’、杜鹃红山茶ב玛丽费丝’为杂交亲和性较高的组合。杜鹃红山茶种间杂交后代花色、花型表现趋于父本,叶片更接近于母本杜鹃红山茶,杂交后代均遗传母本全年开花的特性。  相似文献   

丁香属植物有性杂交试验的研究初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1988-1989年在哈尔滨市第三苗圃进行了丁香属(Syringa L.)植物种间(内)杂交试验。结果表明:⑴不同杂交组合的亲和性差异很大,在试验的18个杂交组合中有5个杂交组合得到了发育正常的杂种F1代种子,但结实率不同,其中以白丁香与洋丁香为亲本的杂交组合,无论是正交或反交,杂种F1代的结实率均达86%以上,表现出较高的亲和力。而以重瓣洋丁香为母本,白丁香为父本和杂交组合,杂种F1代结实率仅有  相似文献   

新疆野生种与栽培种郁金香的杂交F1种子于4℃低温下培养36-67d后萌发,随后于15℃下培养3-5个月形成鳞茎。‘小黑人’×柔毛郁金香、‘小黑人’×天山郁金香和‘小黑人’×伊犁郁金香F1种子的萌发率差异显著,分别为60.37%-63.89%、80.28%-81.25%和3.75%-4.45%。‘小黑人’×柔毛郁金香和‘小黑人’×天山郁金香F1的鳞茎分别在添加6-BA2.0mg·L^-1(单位下同)+KT1.0+TDZ0.1和6-BA5.0+KT0.4的1/2MS培养基中增殖。‘小黑人’×天山郁金香F1种子萌发后有41.67%呈畸形,畸形的萌芽在添加6-BA2.0+KT0.4的1/2MS培养基中可诱导出鳞茎并增殖。  相似文献   

以景宁木兰(Magnolia sinostellata)为亲本,分别与望春玉兰(M.biondii)、紫玉兰(M.liliiflora)、红运二乔(M.soulangeana ‘Red lucky’)、丹馨玉兰(M.soulangeana ‘Danxin’)进行种间远缘杂交,并以景宁木兰自交为对照,研究了景宁木兰自交和杂交亲和性。结果表明:(1)景宁木兰具有较高的花粉活力与柱头可授性,花粉管能正常进入杂交母本花柱,自交结实率为2%;(2)以景宁木兰为父本,紫玉兰柱头对其花粉具有较好的识别性,花粉萌发率和花粉管生长速度均高于以红运二乔和丹馨玉兰做母本的组合,花粉管生长较为正常,结实率为25%,而与红运玉兰杂交的结实率为4%,与丹馨玉兰杂交的结实率为0%;(3)以景宁木兰为母本,望春玉兰花粉在其柱头上的萌发比率高于其他4个组合,但花粉管生长过程中出现扭曲,景宁木兰花柱内出现胼胝质沉积,且最终并未获得种子。花粉管发育镜检结果表明:受精前障碍即花粉管进入花柱基部前生长异常是引起景宁木兰与丹馨玉兰、望春玉兰杂交不结实的主要原因;并进一步推测花粉管进入子房后的异常状态是导致景宁木兰自交,与红运二乔杂交结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

蔷薇属植物与现代月季品种杂交亲和性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为培育抗寒、抗病性强、芳香的月季品种,以单瓣黄刺玫(Rosa xanthinaf.normalis)、黄刺玫(R.xanthina)、报春刺玫(R.primula)、美蔷薇(R.bella)、腺果大叶蔷薇(R.macrophylla var.glandulifera)、荷花蔷薇(R.multifloraf.carnea)等6个蔷薇属种、变种及变型和5个玫瑰品种为父本,以11个现代月季品种和香水月季(R.odorata)为母本设计72个授粉组合进行远缘杂交,统计杂交结实率及杂交种子萌发率,并采用扫描电镜技术观察了杂交亲本的花粉与柱头形态,测定花粉萌发率。结果显示:(1)除黄刺玫外,所试其他蔷薇属植物均适合作为父本材料与现代月季品种和香水月季杂交,但不同杂交组合的结实率及出苗率差异显著。(2)花粉、柱头形态对杂交亲和性无显著影响,花粉生活力对杂交亲和性有显著影响,且与杂交结实率成正相关关系。通过试验,筛选出14个亲和性较好的杂交组合、4个适宜的母本材料(香水月季、‘橘红潮’、‘金玛丽’、‘粉和平’)和6个适宜的父本材料(单瓣黄刺玫、报春刺玫、美蔷薇、腺果大叶蔷薇、荷花蔷薇、玫瑰‘大红紫枝’)。  相似文献   

为种质资源保护和乡土园林树种推广提供技术支持,对野生露珠杜鹃(Rhododendron irroratum)繁育系统和杂交亲和性进行研究,试验包括开花生物学特性,繁育系统特性,与高山杜鹃优良园艺品种杂交授粉,荧光显微镜观察授粉花粉萌发及花粉管生长过程,以及坐果率和结实率统计。结果表明(:1)露珠杜鹃开花时间为4月下旬到5月下旬,花粉活力与柱头可授粉性随开花时间的延长逐渐下降。(2)杂交指数(OCI)为3,P/O值为343.47。(3)主要传粉者为膜翅目中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana),繁育系统为兼性异交型,自交亲和,需要传粉者,属虫媒花。(4)人工控制授粉发现不存在无融合生殖,能自动自花授粉,异株异花、同株异花、自花授粉坐果率分别为46.96%、45.03%、37.16%,人工授粉平均坐果率与自然传粉坐果率基本一致。(5)露珠杜鹃作为亲本进行人工杂交授粉表现出杂交不亲和,母本花粉管中存在胼胝质栓塞,导致花粉管不能延伸至子房。通过观察发现,露珠杜鹃杂交亲和难点在于花粉管生长过程。  相似文献   

分析不同升温时间对乌天麻(Gastrodia elata f.glauca)、红天麻(Gastrodia elata f.elata)箭麻生长习性、花期同步及杂交种子发育影响,为早期获得高质量天麻杂交种子材料,促进天麻杂交种高效育苗提供科学依据。对乌天麻和红天麻箭麻不同时间定植升温(22℃)下花茎出苗时间、始花时间、花茎高度、杂交种子质量等进行分析。结果显示,不同升温时间是影响箭麻出苗时间、始花时间的主要因素,乌天麻集中于2月中下旬出苗,红天麻升温10~15 d后陆续出苗;生态变型是影响箭麻生育期长短、花期花朵数的主要因素,乌天麻比红天麻生育期长21.47 d,对花期及蒴果采收期无较大影响,红天麻比乌天麻更易完成抽薹;不同升温时间条件下,乌天麻挂果率为87.76%,红天麻挂果率为94.53%;母本决定杂交种子质量,以红天麻为母本、乌天麻为父本所得杂交种子活性为94.32%,优于以乌天麻为母本、红天麻为父本所得杂交种子活性。因此,生产中应于1月中旬对乌天麻开始升温,待乌天麻出苗后(15 d左右)开始对红天麻升温催芽,使得乌天麻与红天麻于3月中上旬花期同步,4月初可获得优良杂交天麻种子。  相似文献   

A range of almost 1400 cross combinations has been carried out between 31 species of Tulipa subgenus Tulipa. Most of the sections are well separated reproductively from each other. The designated species aggregates in section Clusianae appeared to be intersterile. Also in section Kolpakowskianae the species, as far as used, cannot be combined. Some crosses between species of section Tulipanum succeeded. The species of sections Eichleres and Tulipa (including the cultivated tulip T gesneriana ) could be combined in various ways, although the highest level of seed set was achieved within either section. The crossability data support the current taxonomic division. The level of reproductive isolation between sympatric species is discussed, and the importance of crossability studies for plant breeding in Tulipa pointed out briefly.  相似文献   

 Pollen tube growth in the pistil and pollen tube penetration of ovules have both been studied in crosses between cultivars from Tulipa gesneriana L. and 12 tulip species from all eight sections of the genus Tulipa to identify pre-fertilization barriers. Depending on the cross, pollen tubes grew as far as the stigma or the style or continued growing down into the ovary. Pollen tubes penetrated none or only a few percent of the ovules of some crosses, despite the presence of many pollen tubes in the ovary. In other crosses, from which no or only a few hybrids have been obtained after seed maturation on the plant, pollen tube penetration was found in up to 79% of the ovules. Apparently, various kinds of barriers preventing fertilization or normal embryogenesis occur in interspecific tulip crosses. Received: 26 July 1996 / Revision accepted: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

以甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)的耐盐性较强品种‘中山3号’和‘守田2号’及R-A高含量品种‘中山4号’和‘守田3号’为亲本配置7个杂交组合并获得杂交种子,对种子结实率和发芽率及F1代幼苗的存活率进行统计分析,在此基础上采用砂培和水培方法比较了亲本及F1代扦插苗对NaCl胁迫的耐性.结果表明:品种间杂交组合的结实率均显著高于同系列品种间杂交及自交组合,其中‘守田2号’ב中山3号’杂交组合的结实率最高,为74.9%;7个杂交组合F1代的种子发芽率为63.8% ~ 89.0%,差异明显;‘守田2号’ב中山4号’杂交组合F1代幼苗存活率相对较低(79.80%),其他杂交组合F1代幼苗存活率均在93%以上.砂培条件下,用100 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫7d,各杂交组合F1代扦插苗的存活率差异不显著;随NaCl胁迫时间的延长各杂交组合F1代扦插苗的存活率均明显下降;胁迫28 d,‘守田2号’ב守田 3号’杂交组合以及‘中山3号’自交组合F1代扦插苗的存活率显著高于其他杂交组合.水培条件下,用100、150、200和250 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫14 d,‘守田2号’ב中山3号’、‘中山3号’ב守田2号’和‘中山3号’ב守田3号’3个杂交组合F1代扦插苗的存活率均显著高于其耐盐亲本及其他杂交组合.研究结果说明:通过杂交提高甜菊耐盐能力是可行的,而亲本的耐盐能力及亲本配置对杂交后代目标性状有较大影响;‘中山3号’ב守田2号’、‘守田2号’ב中山3号’和‘中山3号’ב守田3号’是耐盐性较强的甜菊优良杂交组合.  相似文献   

A range of almost 1400 cross combinations has been carried out between 31 species of Tulipa subgenus Tulipa. Most of the sections are well separated reproductively from each other. The designated species aggregates in section Clusianae appeared to be intersterile. Also in section Kolpakowskianae the species, as far as used, cannot be combined. Some crosses between species of section Tulipanum succeeded. The species of sections Eichleres and Tulipa (including the cultivated tulip T gesneriana) could be combined in various ways, although the highest level of seed set was achieved within either section. The crossability data support the current taxonomic division. The level of reproductive isolation between sympatric species is discussed, and the importance of crossability studies for plant breeding in Tulipa pointed out briefly.  相似文献   

 The development of the embryo and endosperm has been investigated in an intraspecific Tulipa gesneriana cross and in the incongruent cross T. gesneriana ×T. agenensis at intervals of 10 days, from 12 to 82 days after pollination (DAP). In both tulip crosses, the zygote gives rise to an apparently undifferentiated cell mass, the proembryonal cell mass, on which a suspensor then develops. Subsequently, a globular embryo is formed on top of the suspensor. This embryo finally elongates, giving rise to a spindle-shaped embryo. The cellular endosperm fills the whole embryo sac in mature seeds, except for a region immediately around the embryo. In both crosses, aberrant developments were found. In the intraspecific T. gesneriana cross, the pollen tubes did not open in a number of ovules. In other ovules, the pollen tubes seemed to have opened, but an embryo or endosperm was not found or only endosperm was observed. In the cross T. gesneriana ×T. agenensis, fewer pollen tubes entered the ovules than in the intraspecific T. gesneriana cross. The ovules with embryo and endosperm formation of the incongruent interspecific cross showed, in general, retarded development in comparison with the intraspecific T. gesneriana cross. The first globular embryos and spindle-shaped embryos were found at the later fixation dates and the relatively lower number of spindle-shaped embryos at 82 DAP had a shorter average length. The number of ovules with deformations in embryo and/or endosperm development was also higher in the cross T. gesneriana × T. agenensis in comparison with the intraspecific T. gesneriana cross. Between 87% and 100% of the ovules with embryo and endosperm development showed normal development in the intraspecific T. gesneriana cross, while in the incongruent interspecific cross, from 22 DAP, between 17% and 56% of the ovules showed normal development. Of those ovules with aberrations in embryo and/or endosperm formation, about 80% had a deformed endosperm, of which more than 50% also contained a deformed embryo. Embryos of the incongruent cross might be saved by the application of embryo rescue techniques. Received: 10 December 1996 / Revision accepted: 23 April 1997  相似文献   

采用染色体常规压片法对兰科Orchidaceae火焰兰属Renanthera内3个及与万代兰属Vanda间1个共4个杂交新组合F1代核型进行研究。结果表明:4个杂交新组合F1代中,麒麟火焰兰R. coccinea ‘Qi Lin’、麒麟火焰兰×中华火焰兰R. sinica、(云南火焰兰R. imschootiana×中华火焰兰)×麒麟火焰兰、云南火焰兰×小花万代兰Vanda coerulescens的染色体数目依次为37、57、54、38;核型公式分别为:2n=2x+1=37=22m (2sat)+15sm (4sat)、2n=3x=57=39m (3sat)+12sm (3sat)+3st+3T、2n=3x=54=9M+27m+12sm+3st+3T、2n=2x=38=6M+14m+16sm +2T。核型不对称系数依次为:48.76、60.50、51.60、65.87。按Stebbins分类,均为“2B”型。4个新组合中,染色体存在非整倍体(三体)及多倍体(3×)现象,核形态显示了杂交新组合F1代较丰富的变异特点。  相似文献   

A new agglutinin from the Tulipa gesneriana bulbs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two agglutinins with different agglutinating activity exist in Tulipa gesneriana bulbs. One is the T. gesneriana lectin which agglutinates yeasts as reported previously [Oda, Y. and Minami, K. (1986) Eur. J. Biochem. 159, 239-245]. The other agglutinin is a new one which agglutinates animal erythrocytes and was purified from the tulip bulbs using affinity chromatography on thyroglobulin-Sepharose 4B. The agglutinin agglutinated mouse and rat erythrocytes at a minimum concentration of 2 micrograms/ml and 30 micrograms/ml respectively, but did not agglutinate erythrocytes from other animals and yeasts even at a concentration of 1000 micrograms/ml. The agglutinin appeared homogeneous by disc gel electrophoresis at pH 4.3 and gel filtration. Its relative molecular mass was determined by gel filtration to be approximately 40,000. It was suggested that the agglutinin was composed of two different subunits of 26 kDa and 14 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. Binding of radioiodinated agglutinin to mouse erythrocytes indicated that the presence of a high-affinity site with a dissociation constant of 2.00 X 10(-9) M. In inhibition experiments thyroglobulin glycopeptides were the most potent inhibitors; thyroglobulin was also a potent inhibitor. Orosomucoid and mucin showed weak inhibition. The other glycoproteins, glycopeptides and sugars examined showed no inhibition.  相似文献   

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