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Tibetan siskins are birds native to the Himalayan region often imported into Italy for commercial purposes. Fecal examination of 45 imported subjects with clinical signs of diarrhoea revealed the presence of a large number of coccidian oocysls. After sporulation, accomplished by mixing feces with 2.5 % (w/v) acqueous K2Cr2O7 at room temperature (22° C ± 1° C), exogenous stages of an Isospora species were revealed. The oocysts of this Isospora are spherical, have a bilayered colorless wall, and average 23.24 μm × 23.05 μm; oocyst residuum and micropyle are absent, while an oval polar granule is rarely present. The elliptical sporocysts average 18.44 μm × 10.97 μm and the Stieda body protrudes slightly from the end of the sporocyst. A spherical sporocyst residuum is present though it sometimes consists of scattered granules. The spindle-shaped sporozoites average 11.53 μm × 2.86 μm, and have two refractile bodies. The taxonomic position of the tibetan siskin is controversial. Some authors include this species in the genus Serinus , while others include it in the genus Carduelis. The coccidian species isolated from these tibetan siskins was, for this reason. compared with the Isospora species previously described both in the genus Carduelis and in the genus Serinus. As a result of this comparison a new species. Isospora thibetana , was named. In the intestine of dead subjects, oocysts were found only in the ileum where the mucosa was greatly thickened and presented a heavy leucocytic infiltration consisting mainly of lympho-monocytic cells. A similar infiltration was observed in liver and lungs as well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Large numbers of coccidian oocysts belonging to the genus Isospora were obtained from the intestinal contents of 98 Carduelis atrata imported into Italy from South America during the months of August through December 1994. The oocysts are sub-spherical and average 21 × 20.3 μm (19.4–23.5 μm × 18.5–22 μm), have a bilayered wall, and an oval polar granule (rarely two). The sporocysts are elliptical and measure 18.8 μm × 10.3 μm (17.5–18.94 μm × 9.5–11.0 μm). The Stieda body protrudes slightly from the end of the sporocyst. A large sporocyst residuum is present, consisting of many granules that may be in a compact mass or scattered. Since this Isospora sp.does not resemble any other species of Isospora previously described from birds of the genus Carduelis , it has been named Isospora atrata n. sp. after the host. Disseminated asexual stages were found in mononuclear cells derived from formalin-fixed post mortem material, suggesting this coccidian may represent an Atoxoplasma -like parasite. Four coccidia-free Serinus canarius L. cohabitated for a long period (4 mo) with infected C. atrata but oocysts were never found in the stool of these birds.  相似文献   

Eimeria ornata n. sp. is described from the feces of 6/16 (37.5%) ornate box turtles, Terrapene ornata ornata , in northcentral Texas. Endogenously sporulated oocysts are ellipsoid 17.9 × 15.7(16-21 × 14-18) μm, with a thin, single-layered wall; shape index 1.14 (1.0-1.3). A micropyle is absent but a polar granule was present in one third of the oocysts. An oocyst residuum was present, consisting of numerous small globules situated either in a distinct mass or scattered within the oocyst. The sporocysts are elongate, 11.1 × 5.4 (9-13 × 5-6) μm, with an indistinct Stieda body at 1 pole. A sporocyst residuum is present, consisting either as a compact mass or as scattered granules. The sporozoites are elongate, 9.5 × 2.0 (8-12 × 2) μm, in situ, with spherical anterior and posterior refractile bodies. The new species is distinguished from the similar Eimeria carri Ernst & Forrester, 1973, from eastern box turtles, T. Carolina , by slight differences in oocyst morphology and endogenous sporulation.  相似文献   

The Javan ferret-badger Melogale orientalis (Carnivora: Mustelidae: Helictidinae) is a small carnivore endemic to Indonesia. In the family Mustelidae, 10 Eimeria, 12 Cystoisopora, one Isospora, and one Hammondia species are known, but no eimeriid coccidia has been yet described in the subfamily Helictinidae (ferret badgers). Coproscopic examination of Javan ferret-badgers imported into the Czech Republic revealed the presence of coccidian oocysts. Sporulated oocysts differ from other Eimeria known in the family Mustelidae by their small size (12.4–16.1 × 10.4–13.4 μm) and ovoidal shape. Morphological data and phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and COI genes indicated a new species of Eimeria found in faecal samples of Javan ferret badgers. The species is described as E. melogale n. sp.  相似文献   

正在湖南省长沙市望城区大泽湖湿地(28°19′14″N,112°53′54″E,海拔40 m)的稻田和草丛中先后3次(2014年3月11日,2015年3月12日和11月9日)分别记录到1只雌性红颈苇鹀(Emberiza yessoensis)(图1)。形态特征如下:头顶具细皮黄色纹,耳羽色深,颈背沙皮黄,下体黄白,胸侧和两胁沾棕色细条纹;虹膜深色,嘴峰直,下嘴厚,嘴及脚均为肉色。  相似文献   

Eimeria tahamensis n. sp. is described from the harlequin quail (Coturnix delegorguei arabica) from Tahama, Saudi Arabia. The sporulated oocysts of E. tahamensis n. sp. are ellipsoid, 36.5–42 × 25.5–29 (41.2 ± 1.34 × 28.4 ± 0.81) μm, with a thick two-layered wall and one polar granule but without a micropyle or an oocyst residuum. The sporocysts are ovoid, 14–16 × 9–11.5 (15.3 ± 0.7 × 10.8 ± 0.64) μm, with a knob-like Stieda body and sporocyst residuum, but without a substiedal body. The sporozoites are often located transversely at the two ends of the sporocysts. The host bird belongs to the order Galliformes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Feces from a juvenile specimen of the anteater Tamandua tetradactyla from Ponta de Pedras, Marajó, Pará, northern Brazil, contained three different coccidial oocysts: Eimeria tamanduae Lainson, 1968; E. corticulata Lainson & Shaw, 1990; and a third species previously unrecorded and described here as Eimeria marajoensis n. sp. Oocysts of the latter parasite are spherical to subspherical, 13.9 ± 1.5 times 13.4 ± 1.4 (11.1-16.5 times 11.1-16.5) μm, shape index (length/width) 1.0 (1.0-1.2). the oocyst wall is a single, Colorless layer about 0.6-1.0 μm thick with no striations or micropyle. There is no oocyst residuum, but a single, round, oval or irregularly shaped polar granule of about 0.75-2.5 μm is consistently present. the sporocysts are broadly ellipsoidal, 7.1 ± 0.7 ± 5.3 ± 0.6 (6.0-8.8 times 4.0-5.7) μm, shape index 1.3 (1.2-1.5), with a delicate wall bearing a minute stieda body. No sub-stieda body was visible. the sporocyst residuum consists of some 10-20 rounded granules, lying between the two slightly curved sporozoites which measure approximately 6.5 times 2.0 μm. Sporocyst refractile bodies were not discernablc.  相似文献   

Oocysts of Eimeria saudiensis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) are described from the feces of the Arabian oryx, Oryx leucoryx , from the Riyadh Zoo, Saudi Arabia. The oocysts were ellipsoidal or slightly ovoid, 31.2 times 24.5 (24.3–36.5 times 20.0–27.6) μm with a bilayered wall about 1.7 μm thick. The micropyle was covered by a dome-shaped cap. The oocyst residuum was absent, but tiny polar granules were present. The sporocysts were elongate ovoid, 14.3 times 7.2 (11.5–18.5 times 6.0–9.0) μm, had a Stieda body, but lacked a substiedal body. The sporocyst residuum was present, composed of numerous small granules. The sporozoites were elongate club-shaped, and contained two prominent refractile bodies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Leidyana canadensis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) is described from larvae of the eastern hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) collected near St. Stephen, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada. Gamonts solitary, located between host ventricular peritrophic membrane and ventricular epithelium. Protomerite very broadly ellipsoid with transverse posterior margin; length 43.7 μm, width 42.7 μm; protomerite-deutomerite septum strongly constricted. Deutomerite narrowly obovoid with anterior transverse margin; length 186.6 μm, width 58.7 μm; total length 227.1 μm. Nucleus spherical to broadly ellipsoid; length 26.3 μm, width 20.2 μm; placement abaxial in the posterior 2/3 of the deutomerite. Nucleus often obscured in late gamonts. Association late, caudofrontal, ephemeral and leading directly to syzygy. Gametocysts roughly spherical; diameter 216.7 μm; hyaline coat increasing diameter to 359.1 μm. Gametocysts mature and dehisce through six short spore tubes within 48 hours. Oocysts axially symmetric, dolioform in dorsal aspect, compressed in the plane perpendicular to the major axis, very uniform in size and shape; length along major axis 5.2 μm, terminal width 1.8 μm, medial width 3.8 μm; extruded in chains.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Eimeria turcicus n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) is reported from the gall bladder of the Mediterranean gecko, Hemidactylus t. turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Houston Zoo, Texas, USA. Oocysts of this coccidian are elongate and cylindrical, 38.2 × 17.9 (35.2-40.8 × 16.8-20.0)μm, with a smooth, bilayered wall ∼ 1.6 μm thick; shape index 2.1 (1.9-2.3). A polar granule is present, but a micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent. Sporocysts are ovoid, 11.0 × 8.8 (10.0-12.0 × 8.0-9.4) μm, with a smooth, thin wall and suture; shape index 1.3 (1.1-1.4). Each sporocyst contains a residuum measuring 6.0 × 5.1 (4.8-8.0 × 4.8-6.4) μm, additional residual granules scattered among the sporozoites, and two sporozoites that are normally arranged head-to-tail within the sporocyst. Each sporozoite contains a single, ovoid, posterior refractile body and a central nucleus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Early development of Eimeria papillata (Apicomplexa) in the mouse was evaluated using Nomarski interference-contrast and brightfield microscopy. Sporozoite-shaped meronts, which were motile and contained a large posterior refractile body and a smaller anterior refractile body, were observed entering and leaving host cells in the jejunum of an experimentally infected mouse at 26 h post inoculation (HPI). However, early developmental stages were not observed in tissue of the duodenum, ileum, cecum and colon. the mean length and width of these meronts (n = 20) were 12.0 μm and 3.7 μm, respectively. Spherical or subspherical meronts containing crescent-shaped merozoites were observed at 36 HPI.  相似文献   

Summary Two new species of Isospora (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) are described from the faeces of passeriform birds of South America. I. cyanocoracis n. sp. is described from Cyanocorax chrysops (Passeriformes: Corvidae) and I. paroariae n. sp. from Paroaria coronata (Passeriformes: Emberizidae). I. cyanocoracis oocysts are spherical or subspherical, 28.7×26.8 m (25.0–30.5×24.5–29.0), with bi-layered wall about 2.0 m thick. Micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent; large polar granule present. Sporocysts are ovoid, 19.3×11.4 m (17.0–21.0×10.5–12.2), with smooth, single-layered wall about 0.8 m thick. Stieda and substiedal bodies and sporocyst residuum are present. Sporozoites 12.2×4.2 m (10.5–15.0×3.5–4.5), possess spherical anterior and posterior refractile bodies. I. paroariae oocysts are spherical or subspherical, 22.3×21.4 m (19.5–25.5×18.5–24.0), and have bi-layered wall about 1.8 m thick. Micropyle, polar granule, and oocyst residuum are absent. Sporocysts ovoid, 15.2×10.0 m (14.0–16.5×8.0–11.5), possess smooth, single-layered wall about 0.7 m thick. Stieda and substiedal bodies and sporocyst residuum are present. Sporozoites elongate, 11.3×3.4 m (10.0–13.5×3.2–4.0), have single, large, posterior refractile body. ac]19840712  相似文献   

Eimeria conanli n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) is described from intestinal contents and feces of Nerodia erythrogaster transversa and N harteri harteri from northcentral Texas. Oocysts of the new species are ellipsoid in shape. 17.9 × 13.0(15–21 × 12–15) μm, with a smooth, thin, single-layered wall; shape index 1.4 (1.2–1.5). One to several (usually 2) polar granule(s) and an oocyst residuum are present, but a micropyie is absent. Sporocysts are elongate, 12.9 × 5.2 (13–15 × 5–6) -m, apparently without a true Stieda body structure. Each sporoeyst contains an ellipsoid residuum, 3.9 × 3.2 (3–6 × 2–4) μm, and elongate sporozoites, 11.4 × 2.5 (10–14 × 2–3) μm in situ, each with a spherical or subspherical anterior refractile body and spherical to ellipsoid posterior refractile body. In addition to the new species, oocysts of 4 previously described eimerians from colubrid snakes were found in these hosts.  相似文献   

The following two species are described from Carduelis sinica (Greenfinch) from Italy. The oocysts of Isospora mcquistioni n. sp. were 26.0 x 22.6 (24.0-28.5 x 20.0-24.2) microns and ovoid with a smooth bilayered wall. Neither micropyle nor oocyst residuum were observed. One polar granule was found. Sporocysts were oval, 18.1 x 11.4 (16.0-19.8 x 11.0-12.0) microns, and with a symmetrical Stieda complex. The residuum was compact and spherical. Isospora bioccai n. sp. oocysts were spherical to subspherical and 24.0 x 23.6 (22.0-26.0 x 21.0-25.8) microns. The oocyst wall was smooth and bilayered. A micropyle and oocyst residuum were absent; 4 to 10 elongate polar granules were present. Sporocysts were 19.5 x 11.6 (18.0-20.0 x 10.0-12.4) microns, ellipsoidal, and with a symmetrical Stieda complex. The sporocyst residuum was diffuse and composed of a few granules.  相似文献   

Oocysts of Isospora ernsti n. sp. and Isospora blagburni n. sp. are described from the black-capped bulbul Pycnonotus xanthopygos from Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, Illinois. The bird came from southwestern Africa seven years earlier. I. ernsti oocysts are ellipsoidal to bluntly ovoid, 28–38 × 23–31m (mean 34 × 28 m) and have a single-layered oocyst wall. Micropyle, oocyst residuum and polar granules are absent. Sporocysts are elongate ovoid, 24–30 × 11–16 m (mean 27×13 m). Stieda and substiedal bodies and sporocyst residuum are present. I. blagburni oocysts are spherical to subspherical. 21–28 × 19–26 m (mean 25 × 23 m) and have a single oocyst wall. Sporocysts are ovoid and 17–23 × 10–13 m (mean 20 × 12 m). Stieda and substiedal bodies and sporocyst residuum are present.  相似文献   

Feces from a juvenile specimen of the anteater Tamandua tetradactyla from Ponta de Pedras, Marajó, Pará, northern Brazil, contained three different coccidial oocysts: Eimeria tamanduae Lainson, 1968; E. corticulata Lainson & Shaw, 1990; and a third species previously unrecorded and described here as Eimeria marajoensis n. sp. Oocysts of the latter parasite are spherical to subspherical, 13.9 +/- 1.5 x 13.4 +/- 1.4 (11.1-16.5 x 11.1-16.5) microns, shape index (length/width) 1.0 (1.0-1.2). The oocyst wall is a single, colorless layer about 0.6-1.0 microns thick with no striations or micropyle. There is no oocyst residuum, but a single, round, oval or irregularly shaped polar granule of about 0.75-2.5 microns is consistently present. The sporocysts are broadly ellipsoidal, 7.1 +/- 0.7 +/- 5.3 +/- 0.6 (6.0-8.8 x 4.0-5.7) microns, shape index 1.3 (1.2-1.5), with a delicate wall bearing minute stieda body. No sub-stieda body was visible. The sporocyst residuum consists of some 10-20 rounded granules, lying between the two slightly curved sporozoites which measure approximately 6.5 x 2.0 microns. Sporocyst refractile bodies were not discernable.  相似文献   

Oocysts of Isospora peromysci (Davis, 1967) (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) were recovered from the feces of 1/30 (3.3%) white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus , in Johnson County, Texas. This report represents a new host and geographic record for the parasite. The coccidium was also found in 1/20 (5.0%) deer mice, P. maniculatus , from the same locale. Morphological data are provided on the sporulated oocyst of I. peromysci and comparisons are made with previously published information on the species from other geographic localities.  相似文献   

Oocysts of Isospora peromysci (Davis, 1967) (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) were recovered from the feces of 1/30 (3.3%) white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus, in Johnson County, Texas. This report represents a new host and geographic record for the parasite. The coccidium was also found in 1/20 (5.0%) deer mice, P. maniculatus, from the same locale. Morphological data are provided on the sporulated oocyst of I. peromysci and comparisons are made with previously published information on the species from other geographic localities.  相似文献   

Three new species of Isospora Schneider, 1881 are described from agamid lizards, Isospora cannoni n. sp. in Diporiphora australis from northern Queensland, Australia, I. choochotei n. sp. in Calotes mystaceus from northern Thailand, and I. deserti n. sp. in Agama pallida from Israel. I. cannoni oöcysts are subspherical, 20–25 × 22.5–27.5 m with two ovoid sporocysts, 14–15.5 × 10–11.5 m. I. choochotei oöcysts are spherical to subspherical, 24–32 × 28–32.5 m with two ovoid sporocysts, 11 × 15.5–18 m. I. deserti oöcysts are spherical, 25–28 m in diameter with two ovoid sporocysts, 10–11 × 14–17.5 m. All species had sporocysts with Stieda bodies and underwent endogenous development in the nucleus of the host gut epithelial cells. At completion of merogony and gamogony, the host nucleus was reduced to a thin envelope. The significance of endogenous stage characteristics in Isospora taxonomy is discussed.  相似文献   

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