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The stalk cell differentiation inducing factor (DIF) has the properties required of a morphogen responsible for pattern regulation during the pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium development. It induces prestalk cell formation and inhibits prespore cell formation, but there is as yet no strong evidence for a morphogenetic gradient of DIF. We have measured DIF accumulation by monolayers of isolated prestalk and prespore cells in an attempt to provide evidence for such a gradient. DIF is accumulated in the largest quantities by a subpopulation of prestalk cells that specifically express the DIF-inducible genes pDd56 and pDd26. Since it has been shown recently that cells that express pDd56 are localized in the central core of the prestalk cell region of the pseudoplasmodia, our current results suggest a morphogenetic gradient generated by this region.  相似文献   

During development, secreted morphogens such as Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh), and BMP emit from their producing cells in a morphogenetic field, and specify different cell fates in a direct concentration-dependent manner. Understanding how morphogens form their concentration gradients to pattern tissues has been a central issue in developmental biology. Various experimental studies from Drosophila have led to several models to explain the formation of morphogen gradients. Over the past decade, one of the main findings in this field is the characterization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as an essential regulator for morphogen gradient formation. Genetic and cell biological studies have showed that HSPGs can regulate morphogen activities at various steps including control of morphogen movement, signaling, and intracellular trafficking. Here, we review these data, highlighting recent findings that reveal mechanistic roles of HSPGs in controlling morphogen gradient formation.Embryonic development involves many spatial and temporal patterns of cell and tissue organization. These patterning processes are controlled by gradients of morphogens, the “form-generating substances” (Tabata and Takei 2004; Lander 2007). Secreted morphogen molecules, including members of Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh), and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) families, are generated from organizing centers and form concentration gradients to specify distinct cell fates in a concentration-dependent manner. Understanding how morphogen gradients are established during development has been a central question in developmental biology. Over the past decade, studies in both Drosophila and vertebrates have yielded important insights in this field. One of the important findings is the characterization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as an essential regulator for morphogen gradient formation. In this review, we first discuss various models for morphogen movement. Then, we focus on the functions of HSPGs in morphogen movement, signaling, and trafficking.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients play a key role in multiple differentiation processes. Both the formation of the gradient and its interpretation by the receiving cells need to occur at high precision to ensure reproducible patterning. This need for quantitative precision is challenged by fluctuations in the environmental conditions and by variations in the genetic makeup of the developing embryos. We discuss mechanisms that buffer morphogen profiles against variations in gene dosage. Self-enhanced morphogen degradation and pre-steady-state decoding provide general means for buffering the morphogen profile against fluctuations in morphogen production rate. A more specific “shuttling” mechanism, which establishes a sharp and robust activation profile of a widely expressed morphogen, and enables the adjustment of morphogen profile with embryo size, is also described. Finally, we consider the transformation of the smooth gradient profile into sharp borders of gene expression in the signal-receiving cells. The integration theory and experiments are increasingly used, providing key insights into the system-level functioning of the developmental system.In order for a uniform field of cells to differentiate into a reproducible pattern of organs and tissues, cells need to receive information about their position within the field. During development, positional information is often conveyed by spatial gradients of morphogens (Wolpert 1989). In the presence of such gradients, cells are subject to different levels of morphogen, depending on their positions within the field, and activate, accordingly, one of several gene expression cassettes. The quantitative shape of the morphogen gradient is critical for patterning, with cell-fate boundaries established at specific concentration thresholds. Although these general features of morphogen-based patterning are universal, the range and form of the morphogen profile, and the pattern of induced target genes, vary significantly depending on the tissue setting and the signaling pathways used.The formation of a morphogen gradient is a dynamic process, influenced by the kinetics of morphogen production, diffusion, and degradation. These processes are tightly controlled through intricate networks of positive and negative feedback loops, which shape the gradient and enhance its reproducibility between individual embryos and developmental contexts. In the past three decades, many of the components comprising the morphogen signaling cascades have been identified and sorted into pathways, enabling one to start addressing seminal questions regarding their functionality: How is it that morphogen signaling is reproducible from one embryo to the next, despite fluctuations in the levels of signaling components, temperature differences, variations in size, or unequal distribution of components between daughter cells? Are there underlying mechanisms that assure a reproducible response? Are these mechanisms conserved across species, similar to the signaling pathways they control?In this review, we outline insights we gained by quantitatively analyzing the process of morphogen gradient formation. We focus on mechanisms that buffer morphogen profiles against fluctuations in gene dosage, and describe general means by which such buffering is enhanced. These mechanisms include self-enhanced morphogen degradation and pre-steady-state decoding. In addition, we describe a more specific “shuttling” mechanism that is used to generate a sharp and robust profile of a morphogen activity from a source that is broadly produced. We discuss the implication of the shuttling mechanism for the ability of embryos to adjust their pattern with size. Finally, we consider the transformation of the smooth gradient profile into sharp borders of gene expression in the signal-receiving cells.  相似文献   

Orchestration of spatial organization by signaling gradients - morphogen gradients - is a fundamental principle in animal development. Despite their importance in tissue patterning and growth, the exact mechanisms underlying the establishment and maintenance of morphogen gradients are poorly understood. Our recent work on BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) morphogen signaling during wing development identified a novel protein, Pentagone (Pent), as a critical regulator of morphogen activity. In the following, we discuss the properties of Pent and its role as a feed-back loop in morphogen gradient formation.  相似文献   

Orchestration of spatial organization by signaling gradients--morphogen gradients--is a fundamental principle in animal development. Despite their importance in tissue patterning and growth, the exact mechanisms underlying the establishment and maintenance of morphogen gradients are poorly understood. Our recent work on BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) morphogen signaling during wing development identified a novel protein, Pentagone (Pent), as a critical regulator of morphogen activity. In the following, we discuss the properties of Pent and its role as a feed-back loop in morphogen gradient formation.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) act as morphogens to control patterning and growth in a variety of developing tissues in different species. How BMP morphogen gradients are established and interpreted in the target tissues has been extensively studied in Drosophila melanogaster. In Drosophila, Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a homologue of vertebrate BMP2/4, acts as a morphogen to control dorsal–ventral patterning of the early embryo and anterior–posterior patterning and growth of the wing imaginal disc. Despite intensive efforts over the last twenty years, how the Dpp morphogen gradient in the wing imaginal disc forms remains controversial, while gradient formation in the early embryo is well understood. In this review, we first focus on the current models of Dpp morphogen gradient formation in these two tissues, and then discuss new strategies using genome engineering and nanobodies to tackle open questions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Secreted signaling proteins of the Wingless (Wg)/Wnt, Hedgehog and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)/Decapentaplegic (Dpp) families function as morphogens to control growth and pattern formation during development. Although these proteins have been shown to act directly on distant cells in the developing limbs of the fruit fly Drosophila, little is known about how ligand gradients form in vivo. Wg protein is found in vesicles in Wg-responsive cells in the embryo and imaginal discs. It has been proposed that Wg may be transported by a vesicle-mediated mechanism. RESULTS: A novel method to visualize extracellular Wg protein was used to show that Wg forms an unstable gradient on the basolateral surface of the wing imaginal disc epithelium. Wg movement did not require internalization by dynamin-mediated endocytosis. Dynamin activity was, however, required for Wg secretion. By reversibly blocking Wg secretion, we found that Wg moves rapidly to form a long-range extracellular gradient. CONCLUSIONS: The Wg morphogen gradient forms by rapid movement of ligand through the extracellular space, and depends on continuous secretion and rapid turnover. Endocytosis is not required for Wg movement, but contributes to shaping the gradient by removing extracellular Wg. We propose that the extracellular Wg gradient forms by diffusion.  相似文献   

The organization of cells and tissues is controlled by the action of 'form-giving' signalling molecules, or morphogens, which pattern a developmental field in a concentration-dependent manner. As the fate of each cell in the field depends on the level of the morphogen signal, the concentration gradient of the morphogen prefigures the pattern of development. In recent years, molecular genetic studies in Drosophila melanogaster have allowed tremendous progress in understanding how morphogen gradients are formed and maintained, and the mechanism by which receiving cells respond to the gradient.  相似文献   

Establishing and maintaining a morphogen gradient are important in the growth and patterning of developing organs. When a discontinuity in a morphogen signal gradient is created by somatic mutant clones with aberrant intensities of morphogen signals within the Drosophila wing disc, the clones can be removed by apoptosis to restore the morphogen signal gradient. This apoptosis is termed "morphogenetic apoptosis" and has been observed to occur in a cell autonomous or non-cell autonomous manner. This review discusses possible molecular mechanisms of both autonomous and non-cell autonomous apoptosis in addition to similar cellular events in reference to recent findings.  相似文献   

The developing limb is an excellent model for pattern formation in vertebrate embryos. Signalling by the polarizing region controls limb pattern across the antero-posterior axis of the chick limb. It was suggested first on theoretical grounds that signalling by the polarizing region could involve a morphogen gradient. Embryological manipulations provided evidence consistent with this model and, more recently, signalling molecules associated with the polarizing region have been identified and tested for their role as morphogens. It is still not clear whether any of the known molecules act directly as a morphogen. The extension of the morphogen model to patterning along the other axes of the limb has been proposed but this may not be applicable.  相似文献   

In the framework of reaction-diffusion theory we deal with the problem of pattern regulation in morphogenesis. A generic model is proposed where the kinetic terms follow constraints imposed by scale invariance considerations. These constraints allow a class of kinetic schemes to be formulated so that, starting with an initially homogeneous morphogen distribution in the field, a stable gradient is established of the form: S(chi,L) = Lpf(chi/L). Here L is the length of the morphogenetic field, chi is the position variable and f(chi/L) is some monotonic function of the relative distance. With this distribution a scale invariant gradient can be constructed which leads to pattern regulation. A linear stability analysis of the model permits the definition of the parameter values enabling the system to abandon the homogeneous state spontaneously. Simulations of the evolution of the system towards its final stable state result in approximate pattern invariance for different field lengths. The accuracy of this invariance is in agreement with some recent quantitative experimental findings in both developing and regenerating systems.  相似文献   

In early development much of the cellular diversity and pattern formation of the embryo is believed to be set up by morphogens. However, for many morphogens, including members of the TGF-beta superfamily, the mechanism(s) by which they reach distant cells is unknown. We have used immunofluorescence to detect, at single cell resolution, a morphogen gradient formed across vertebrate tissue. The TGF-beta ligand is distributed in a gradient visible up to 7 cell diameters (about 150-200 microm) from its source, and is detectable only in the extracellular space. This morphogen gradient is functional, since we demonstrate activation of a high response gene (Xeomes) and a low-response gene (Xbra) at different distances from the TGF-beta source. Expression of the high affinity type II TGF-beta receptor is necessary for detection of the gradient, but the shape of the gradient formed only depends in part on the spatial variation in the amount of receptor. Finally, we demonstrate that the molecular processes that participate in forming this functional morphogen gradient are temperature independent, since the gradient forms to a similar extent whether the cells are maintained at 4 degrees C or 23 degrees C. In contrast, TGF-beta1 internalisation by cells of the Xenopus embryo is a temperature-dependent process. Our results thus suggest that neither vesicular transcytosis nor other active processes contribute to a significant extent to the formation of the morphogen gradient we observe. We conclude that, in the model system used here, a functional morphogen gradient can be formed within a few hours by a mechanism of passive diffusion.  相似文献   

Drosophila gastrulation serves as a model system to elucidate the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in morphogenetic movements. The ligand of the FGF receptor Heartless, which is involved in mesoderm movement, has now been isolated and shown to be a link between a morphogen gradient and cell behavior.  相似文献   

Morphogens are signaling molecules that are secreted by a localized source and spread in a target tissue where they are involved in the regulation of growth and patterning. Both the activity of morphogenetic signaling and the kinetics of ligand spreading in a tissue depend on endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. Here, we review quantitative approaches to study how large-scale morphogen profiles and signals emerge in a tissue from cellular trafficking processes and endocytic pathways. Starting from the kinetics of endosomal networks, we discuss the role of cellular trafficking and receptor dynamics in the formation of morphogen gradients. These morphogen gradients scale during growth, which implies that overall tissue size influences cellular trafficking kinetics. Finally, we discuss how such morphogen profiles can be used to control tissue growth. We emphasize the role of theory in efforts to bridge between scales.A fundamental challenge in biology is to understand how morphologies and complex patterns form in multicellular systems by the collective organization of many cells. Cells divide and undergo apoptosis, and they communicate via signaling pathways that use molecules as information carriers. In tissues, large-scale patterns of gene expression emerge from the coordinated signaling activity and response of many cells. The establishment of such patterns is often guided by long-range concentration profiles of morphogens. Cell divisions and cell rearrangements must be coordinated over large distances to achieve specific tissue sizes and shapes. To unravel how molecular processes and interactions can eventually be responsible for the formation of structures and patterns in tissues during development, it is important to study processes at different scales and understand how different levels of organization are connected. Such an approach becomes strongest if it involves a combination of quantitative experimental studies with theory.In the present article, we discuss several such approaches on different scales with a particular emphasis on theory. Starting from the kinetic and dynamic properties of endosomal networks inside a cell, we discuss transport processes in a tissue that can be related to kinetic trafficking parameters. Such transport processes are then responsible for the formation of graded morphogen concentration profiles. To permit scalable patterns in tissues of different sizes, it has been suggested that morphogen gradients scale during growth. This can be achieved on the tissue level by feedback systems that are sensitive to tissue size and regulate, for example, morphogen degradation. Finally, morphogen gradients that scale with tissue size can provide a system to robustly organize cell division in a large tissue and generate homogeneous growth. Theory can play an important role to bridge scales and understand how molecular and cellular processes can control pattern formation and tissue growth on larger scales.Morphogens are signaling molecules that are secreted in specific regions of developing tissues and can induce signaling activity far from their source. They typically form graded concentration profiles and therefore endow cells with positional information (cells can obtain information about their position in a tissue). Thus, they can guide cells to differentiate into complex morphological patterns. Morphogens also control cell growth and cell division. Because they control both patterning and growth, they may play a key role to coordinate these two processes. Such coordination is important because the size of morphological patterns must adjust during growth, whereas growth influences such patterns. A well-studied morphogen is Decapentaplegic (Dpp), which controls morphogenesis in the imaginal wing disc of developing Drosophila. Consequently, mutations in Dpp or defects in the trafficking pathways that control its graded concentration profiles and signaling affect the formation and structure of the adult wing.The study of morphogens was traditionally approached from a genetic perspective: Which gene products behave like morphogens? Which mutants affect patterning and growth? The realization that morphogens typically operate by a gradient of concentration raised the question of how morphogen gradients are generated. It became clear that the cellular trafficking of morphogens is a key issue for the generation of morphogen profiles. Morphogens are secreted ligands that bind receptors in the plasma membrane. The secretion of the ligands and the concentrations of receptor, ligand, and receptor/ligand complex at the plasma membrane are governed by their trafficking in the cell by vesicular transport. In particular, it was shown that trafficking through the endocytic pathway has an important impact on the formation of morphogen gradients (reviewed in Gonzalez-Gaitan 2003; see Bökel and Brand 2014). This is, to a large extent, how the cells respond to morphogens and contribute to set their local concentrations. To understand functions of morphogens in a tissue, we need to study how the gradient is formed. This, in turn, requires insights into morphogen trafficking through the endocytic pathway. The problem of morphogen behavior, therefore, becomes a problem spanning several levels of complexity: the organ level, the tissue level, the cell level, the organelle level, and the molecular level. Theoretical approaches motivated by physics combined with quantitative experimental approaches provide an ideal framework to understand how these different levels of complexity are intertwined.Two recent discoveries highlighted such integration. (1) The observation that profiles of the morphogen Dpp scale during growth, which implies that the rate of Dpp degradation mediated by the endocytic pathway of each of the cells in the tissue depends on the size of the overall tissue. This suggests that two levels of complexity are linked because cellular trafficking receives cues about the global tissue size. (2) As a result of the changes of the degradation rate that leads to gradient scaling, cells receive an increasing level of signaling. This, in turn, can be used by the cells to decide when to divide. This regulation again involves two levels of complexity because regulation at the endocytic pathway determines the growth properties of the tissue and, ultimately, its final size.In the following, we discuss quantitative approaches to study cellular signaling processes on different scales. Here, the aim is to understand how patterns on large scales can emerge during development from molecular processes and signaling pathways that involve endocytosis and cellular trafficking. We begin by describing trafficking of ligands in the endocytic pathway. We then consider the situation of a morphogen ligand and its impact in gradient formation. Subsequently, we discuss how gradient scaling might be realized. Finally, we discuss how such scaling processes play an important role in the regulation of morphogenetic growth.  相似文献   

The genetic network controlling early dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning has been extensively studied and modeled in the fruit fly Drosophila. This patterning is driven by signals coming from bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and regulated by interactions of BMPs with secreted factors such as the antagonist short gastrulation (Sog). Experimental studies suggest that the DV patterning of vertebrates is controlled by a similar network of BMPs and antagonists (such as Chordin, a homologue of Sog), but differences exist in how the two systems are organized, and a quantitative comparison of pattern formation in them has not been made. Here, we develop a computational model in three dimensions of the zebrafish embryo and use it to study molecular interactions in the formation of BMP morphogen gradients in early DV patterning. Simulation results are presented on the dynamics BMP gradient formation, the cooperative action of two feedback loops from BMP signaling to BMP and Chordin synthesis, and pattern sensitivity with respect to BMP and Chordin dosage. Computational analysis shows that, unlike the case in Drosophila, synergy of the two feedback loops in the zygotic control of BMP and Chordin expression, along with early initiation of localized Chordin expression, is critical for establishment and maintenance of a stable and appropriate BMP gradient in the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

The importance of morphogens is a central concept in developmental biology. Multiple-fate patterning and the robustness of the morphogen gradient are essential for embryo development. The ways by which morphogens diffuse from a local source to form long distance gradients can differ from one morphogen to the other, and for the same morphogen in different organs. This paper will study the mechanism by which morphogens diffuse through the aid of membrane-associated non-receptors and will investigate how the membrane-associated non-receptors help the morphogen to form long distance gradients and to achieve good robustness. Such a mechanism has been reported for some morphogens that are rapidly turned over. We will establish a set of reaction-diffusion equations to model the dynamical process of morphogen gradient formation. Under the assumption of rapid morphogen degradation, we discuss the existence, uniqueness, local stability, approximation solution, and the robustness of the steady-state gradient. The results in this paper show that when the morphogen is rapidly turned over, diffusion of the morphogen through membrane-associated non-receptors is a possible strategy to form a long distance multiple-fate gradient that is locally stable and is robust against the changes in morphogen synthesis rate.  相似文献   

The interpretation of gradients in positional information is considered in terms of thresholds in cell responses, giving rise to cell states which are discrete and persistent. Equilibrium models based on co-operative binding of control molecules do not show true thresholds of discontinuity, though with a very high degree of co-operativity they could mimic them; in any case they do not provide the cells with any memory of a transient signal. A simple kinetic model based upon positive feedback can account both for memory and for discontinuities in the pattern of cell states. The model is an example of a bistable control circuit, and transitions from one state to another may be brought about not only by morphogenetic signals, but also by disturbances in the parameters determining the kinetics of the system. This might explain some aspects of transdetermination in insects.An attempt is made to analyse the precision with which a spatial gradient of a diffusible morphogen could be interpreted by a kinetic threshold mechanism, in terms of the length of the field, the steepness of the concentration gradient, and the intrinsic random variability of cells. It is concluded that it would be possible to specify as many as 30 distinct cell states in a positional field 1 mm long with a concentration span of 103. Mechanisms for reducing the positional error are considered.  相似文献   

Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a Drosophila TGF beta/bone morphogenetic protein homolog, functions as a morphogen to specify cell fate along the anteroposterior axis of the wing. Dpp is a heparin-binding protein and Dpp signal transduction is potentiated by Dally, a cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan, during assembly of several adult tissues. However, the molecular mechanism by which the Dpp morphogen gradient is established and maintained is poorly understood. We show evidence that Dally regulates both cellular responses to Dpp and the distribution of Dpp morphogen in tissues. In the developing wing, dally expression in the wing disc is controlled by the same molecular pathways that regulate expression of thick veins, which encodes a Dpp type I receptor. Elevated levels of Dally increase the sensitivity of cells to Dpp in a cell autonomous fashion. In addition, dally affects the shape of the Dpp ligand gradient as well as its activity gradient. We propose that Dally serves as a co-receptor for Dpp and contributes to shaping the Dpp morphogen gradient.  相似文献   

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