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D.J. Freeman  R. Hobkirk 《Steroids》1976,28(5):613-619
The metabolism of estradiol-17β by the guinea pig uterus late in pregnancy was studied in vivo and in vitro.Whole uteri were examined for estrogen metabolites one hour following an intravenous injection of [3H]-estradiol-17β or uterine sections were examined after incubation for one hour at 37°C in medium containing [3H]-estradiol-17β.In both instances uterine tissue metabolized estradiol-17g to five products: estrone, estrone-3-sulfate, 17β-estradiol-3-sulfate, estrone-3-glucuronide and 17β-estradiol-3-glucuronide. Of the total radioactive products 11 – 43% were glucuronides, 17 – 26% were sulfates and 4 – 17% was estrone. These results indicate that the guinea pig uterus actively transforms estradiol-17β into glucuronides and sulfates late in pregnancy.  相似文献   

The metabolism of tritium-labeled estrone and estradiol-17β in slices of lung tissue obtained from an adult human was studied: estrone was identified as the only metabolite of estradiol-17β and estradiol-17β as the exclusive product of estrone metabolism. Product formation remained linear as a function of time of incubation up to 3 h and of wet lung tissue mass up to 300 mg/ml. At equimolar substrate concentrations, the rates of estrone formation were at least 2-fold greater than those of estradiol-17β. The apparent KM of 17β-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase for estrone was 11 μM and that for estradiol-17β was 10 μM. These results are suggestive that the human lung enzyme binds estrone and estradiol-17β with similar affinities; however, the oxidative pathway is favored as indicated by the greater Vmax attained in the formation of estrone. It is possible that, in vivo, the human lung constitutes a site for estradiol-17β inactivation to estrone as well as a site for the conversion of estrone to estradiol-17β. This last process may become particularly important in instances in which the ovaries have ceased to function and secrete estradiol-17β, e.g. the postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for separating uterine epithelium that is 80% pure and connective-tissue stroma that is 60% pure. This was used to study the effects of steroid hormones on total and nuclear-protein synthesis in these tissues. 2. Oestradiol-17beta given alone produces mitoses in the epithelium but not in the stroma. It stimulated incorporation in vitro of [(14)C]lysine into total protein, histones and acidic nuclear proteins to a greater extent in epithelium than stroma. Incorporation into acidic nuclear proteins was most markedly stimulated, reaching four to six times the normal value 4h after treatment, and then declining rapidly. This peak was only seen in epithelial preparations. 3. After pretreatment with progesterone, oestradiol-17beta has the reverse effect, producing mitoses only in stroma. Progesterone alone had no effect on the amounts or rates of incorporation of [(14)C]lysine into stromal nuclear proteins, but changes after oestradiol-17beta treatment were similar to those seen in epithelium with oestradiol-17beta alone. In the epithelium, progesterone alone depressed incorporation into histones and acidic nuclear proteins, but did not abolish the subsequent response to oestradiol-17beta. With this treatment there was a rapid, large and transient increase in incorporation into epithelial total protein not seen with oestradiol-17beta alone. 4. Progesterone had no qualitative effect on the distribution of specific oestrogen-binding proteins, as judged by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation. However, progesterone treatment increased the uptake in vivo of [6,7-(3)H]oestradiol-17beta by stroma, and it is possible that this is important although the differences were not apparent after labelling in vitro.  相似文献   

The effect of estradiol-17β (E2) on several important aspects of cholesterol metabolism were examined in the rat. Ovariectomized rats were implanted subcutaneously with 1 or 4 cm. of silastic tubing packed with E2, and were also given 2% D2O in their drinking water. The E2 diffused slowly out of the implants and the two different lengths of tubing resulted in constant E2 blood concentrations of either high (4.0 cm) or physiological (1.0 cm) levels. By measuring the rate of incorporation of deuterium into plasma cholesterol by mass spectrometry over a period of 42 days, we determined the rate constant of cholesterol synthesis and cholesterol turnover time and rate under two E2 dosage conditions. E2 treatment did not affect the rate constant of cholesterol synthesis or the cholesterol turn-over time. However, cholesterol turnover rate (mg synthesized/day) showed a dose dependent reduction with increasing doses of E2. This may be secondarily caused by E2's suppression of both food Intake and subsequent weight gain; E2 treated animals are smaller and, therefore, synthesize less cholesterol per day. Additionally, E2 treated animals showed a rise in plasma cholesterol levels and in the fraction of labeled cholesterol appearing in the plasma.  相似文献   

The concentrations of total estrogens in fetal calf plasma were determined during a 6–10 day period immediately before delivery. Comparison was made between levels found in untreated calves and calves infused with dexamethasone at the rate of 0.1, 1.0 and 10 mg/24 hours. In untreated calves the plasma estrone, estradiol-17β and estradiol-17α levels remained relatively constant at 38 ± 7 ng ml?1 (mean ± SEM n = 3), 46 ± 6 ng ml?1 and 29 ± 5 ng ml?1 respectively. Infusion with dexamethasone at 0.1 mg/24 hr (3 calves) and 1.0 mg/24 hr (3 calves) was without dramatic effect on plasma estrogen levels. However, in one fetus infused with 10.0 mg/24 hr the dexamethasone treatment may have caused a transitory rise in the levels of all estrogens examined.  相似文献   

Summary Ornithine decarboxylase, a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis and cell growth, has been localized in mouse kidney by autoradiography after administration of radiolabeled -difluoromethylornithine. This drug is an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase and forms a covalent bond with the enzyme. It was found that ornithine decarboxylase is present in all cell types studied but that the highest content occurs in the proximal convoluted tubules followed by the distal convoluted tubules and the collecting tubules. The majority of the enzyme is located in the cytoplasm but about 10–15% is present in the nuclei (often associated with nucleolus-like components) of the cells of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. The labeled ornithine decarboxylase was lost rapidly from both nucleus and cytoplasm of all the cell types examined, and labeling by radioactive -difluoromethylornithine was greatly reduced if the mice were pretreated for 5 h with cycloheximide to block protein synthesis. These results indicate that ornithine decarboxylase turns over rapidly in all of the cells.  相似文献   

J. Saumande 《Steroids》1981,38(4):425-437
A radioimmunoassay for estradiol-17β (E2β) without solvent extraction is described. It can be used for plasma samples with concentrations higher than 10 pg/ml.Tritiated E2β, and a specific antiserum in phosphate buffer were added to plasma samples, the total incubation volume being 0,5 ml. An identical volume of steroid free plasma to that assayed in unknowns (0.050 – 0.2 ml) was added to the standard curve. Immunoprecipitation was used to separate bound and free E2β and the bound radioactivity counted in the polypropylene assay tube.The calculated regression of E2β measured on plasma loaded with excess E2β (y = 0.987x + 3.8; R = 0.99) and that of E2β measured in the same sample by the direct assay on that of E2β found by a reference extraction method (y = 0.998× + 14.9; R = 0.98) as well as the presence of parallelism between the standard curve and different volumes of plasma and acceptable inter and intra assay coefficients of variation show that this method is suitable for the measurement of E2β in uteroovarian venous plasma. However, this method cannot be used for peripheral plasma of pregnant animals because it is not specific.The method was found useful in a study on the effect of gonadotrophin pulses on the ovary when many samples had to be analysed. Furthermore, there is a potential for automatization which would facilitate more detailed analyses of ovarian-hypophyseal relationships.  相似文献   

A single dose of tritiated estradiol-17β (3H-E2β) was injected i.v. into 5 high egg producing White Leghorn hens, 31 weeks of age, at 19.2 ± 2.1 (mean ± S.D.) hr before oviposition. Blood (2 ml) was sampled at approximately 5 min intervals over 40 min. Whenever possible, metabolites were monitored and identified by the double isotope technique with the addition of the corresponding 14C-labelled standards to plasma prior to analysis. The metabolic half-life and clearance rate of 3H-E2β in plasma were 10.9 ± 1.9 min and 118 ± 18 ml/min/kg body weight, respectively. The calculated production rate of E2β at 19.2 hr before oviposition was 19.5 ± 5.7 ng/min based on the plasma level (93±22 pg/ml) measured at that time. The relative concentrations (% of plasma radioactivity) of the major metabolites isolated at 5.7 ± 0.6 min post injection were, in descending order: estradiol-17β-3-sulfate (E2β-3S : 14.9 ± 2.7), estradiol-17α-3-sulfate (E2α-3S; 5.7 ± 0.3), estrone (E1; 4.6 ± 0.5), estrone sulfate (E1S; 2.2 ± 0.5), and estradiol-17 α (E2α; 1.2 ± 0.4). As time proceeded, the relative concentration of E2α-3S gradually increased so that by 43.2 ± 1.0 min it became the most abundant identifiable metabolite (12.3 ± 1.1) followed by E2β-3S (9.1 ± 1.7), E2S (1.2 ± 0.6), E1 (0.7 ± 0.4) and E2α (0.3 ± 0.2). These findings are consistent with the view that one of the major pathways of E2β metabolism in the circulation of the hen is via E2β
E2β?3S ?E1S
E2α-3S.  相似文献   

Summary Radioiodinated -bungarotoxin (-Bgt) was used to localize -Bgt-acetylcholine receptors in the carotid body of the rat. The gamma spectrometer analyses indicated a high uptake of [125I] -Bgt in carotid bodies incubated in vitro (1.51 fmole per organ). Incorporation of the isotope was effectively blocked by pretreatment of carotid bodies with d-tubocurarine and unlabeled -Bgt, but not by atropine. Light microscopic autoradiography showed a heavy labeling of some parenchymal cells. Electron-microscopic autoradiography revealed that labeling was localized along the interface between parenchymal cells, especially where their cytoplasmic processes engage in complex interdigitations. The silver grain counts on electron-microscopic autoradiographs suggest that labelings are preferentially associated with the plasma membrane of certain Type I cells. It is suggested that these Type I cells in the rat's carotid body probably are provided with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on their plasma membranes.This research was partly supported by a grant from the Edward G. Schleider Foundation of New Orleans.The authors extend appreciation to Drs. Akira Arimura, Dept. of Medicine, for supplying a part of the radioisotope and to James Fisher, Dept. of Pharmacology, Tulane Medical School, for use of the gamma spectrometer. Appreciation also is extended to Mrs. Lia Pedroza for technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary Progesterone pretreatment of ovariectomised rats resulted in a moderate (44%) lowering of the level of nuclear estradiol receptors found in the uterine epithelium 2 h after a single injection of this estrogen.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay was developed for rapid determination of estradiol-17β concentrations in unextracted defatted bovine milk. The assay was dependent on the use of a highly specific anti-estradiol-17β antiserum. Application of a formula to correct for the interference associated with individual milk samples and use of appropriate assay blanks facilitated interpolation on a buffer standard curve. The assay offered a high degree of sensitivity (0.6pg/ml milk) and a precision (within-assay coefficient of variation: 0.196; between-assay CV:0.191) comparable with contemporary extraction methods.  相似文献   

1. The uterine response to a single injection of oestradiol-17beta during postnatal development of the rat was studied with respect to (i) nuclear binding of oestradiol-17beta; (ii) induction of the synthesis of a specific cytoplasmic protein (;induced protein' of Gorski); (iii) rate of incorporation of (3)H-labelled amino acids into total protein and into nuclear acid-soluble and acid-insoluble protein; and (iv) rate of [(3)H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. 2. Specific nuclear binding of oestradiol-17beta could be demonstrated even at birth. Administration of oestradiol-17beta in vivo caused a significant increase in the number of nuclear binding sites in rats aged 10 days or older. 3. A rapid method is described for the detection of the ;induced protein', based on cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Induction of this protein could be demonstrated at the age of 10, 15 and 20 days, but not in 5-day-old rats. 4. In 20-day-old rats the rate of (3)H-labelled amino acid incorporation into protein increased by 3h after oestradiol administration. Incorporation into the different protein fractions reached peak values asynchronously: at 3-4h for acid-insoluble nuclear protein, at 6h for total protein and at about 12h for acid-soluble protein. 5. Treatment with oestradiol failed to stimulate amino acid incorporation into protein in 5- or 10-day-old rats; at the age of 15 to 30 days the hormone caused a significant increase in incorporation into total protein and into both types of nuclear protein. 6. Since the capacity for nuclear binding of oestradiol and for synthesis of the induced protein is demonstrable in the rat uterus before it acquires the ability to respond to the hormone with enhanced general protein synthesis and DNA synthesis, it appears that nuclear binding and the synthesis of the induced protein may be necessary but not sufficient conditions for the trophic action of oestradiol.  相似文献   

The effects of sequential induction of PGFM pulses by estradiol-17β (E2) on prominence of PGFM pulses and progesterone (P4) concentration were studied in heifers. Three treatments of vehicle (n = 12) or E2 (n = 12) at doses of 0.05 or 0.1 mg were given at 12-h intervals beginning on Day 15 postovulation. Blood samples were collected every 12 h from Days 13-24 and hourly for 12 h after the first and third treatments. On Day 15, all heifers were in preluteolysis and on Day 16 were in preluteolysis in the vehicle-treated heifers (n = 11) and either preluteolysis (n = 4) or luteolysis (n = 8) in the E2-treated heifers. Peak concentration of induced PGFM pulses during preluteolysis on Day 15 was greater (P < 0.04) than for pulses during preluteolysis on Day 16. The interval from ovulation to the beginning of luteolysis was shorter (P < 0.04) in the E2-treated heifers than in the vehicle-treated heifers. An E2-induced PGFM pulse was less prominent (P < 0.008) in heifers in temporal association with a transient resurgence in P4 than in heifers with a progressive P4 decrease. The hypothesis that repeated E2 exposure stimulates increasing prominence of PGFM pulses was not supported. Instead, repeated exposure reduced the prominence of PGFM pulses, in contrast to the stimulation from the first E2 treatment. Reduced prominence of a PGF pulse during luteolysis can lead to a transient resurgence in P4 concentration.  相似文献   

Steroids are active signal transmitters in Vertebrates. These roles have also been hypothesized in other Phyla and endocrine disrupting effects have been reported for different estrogen-like compounds in fishes and some marine invertebrates. As estradiol-17β has shown some physiological activities in the oyster and as estrogens or estrogen-like molecules can be present in water, we have investigated the bioaccumulation and metabolism of this estrogen in vivo in the oyster Crassostrea gigas. When dissolved in seawater, in less than 48 h estradiol-17β concentrated up to 31 times in the soft tissues of the suspension-feeder mollusc. Injected in the adductor muscle, estradiol-17β circulated from muscle to the gonad, the gills, the mantle, the labial palps, and to a lesser extent to the digestive gland. After 2 h, estradiol flow increased specifically towards this gland. Different hypotheses were raised concerning the circulation paths. However, in all cases estradiol metabolism primarily evidenced an in vivo transformation into estrone in the whole oyster and in its digestive gland. This strong 17β-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase activity confirms our previous in vitro results. In conclusion, it is proposed that oyster is able to take in charge estradiol as a potential contaminant in seawater. Therefore, its bioaccumulation and transformation into estrone could be studied as potential biomarkers of endocrine disruption. Furthermore, the experimental approach with dissolved steroids in the seawater combined to an anatomical screening appears as an interesting tool to investigate the bivalve endocrinology.  相似文献   

During the process of maturation in the oviduct, canine oocytes in the germinal vesicle stage are exposed to decreasing levels of estradiol-17β and increasing levels of progesterone. However, hormone concentrations in the microenvironments in which they act are higher than serum concentrations. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare the meiotic competence of canine oocytes harvested from anestrous bitches in culture medium containing high concentrations (20 μg ml−1) of estradiol-17β and/or progesterone in association to gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) using three different maturation periods (48, 72, and 96 h). Oocytes were cultured in tissue culture medium (TCM-199) and arranged in four experimental groups: group control, group E2 (estradiol-17β), group P4 (progesterone), and group E2 + P4. Regardless of the maturation period, groups P4 and E2 + P4 presented statistically higher rate of germinal vesicle breakdown oocytes compared to the group control and group E2. There were no significant differences among groups on germinal vesicle, metaphase I, metaphase II, and degenerated or unidentifiable oocytes rates. The mean percentage of metaphase II oocytes was higher at 96 h when compared to 72 h. Results of the present research indicate no influence of estradiol-17β supplementation, unless in association with progesterone. There is an evidence of the positive effect of progesterone on germinal vesicle breakdown. Results also showed that extended periods of in vitro maturation affect positively maturation rates to metaphase II of low competent oocytes harvested from anestrous bitches, independent of the maturation media. In conclusion, high concentrations of steroids, especially progesterone, have positive effect on in vitro oocyte maturation when the oocytes are derived from the anestrous status.  相似文献   

  • 1.1.Juvenile Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) were fed on a diet supplemented with estradiol-17β (E2) at doses of 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg. The effects on growth, sex distribution and body composition were investigated in two groups of gonadally undifferentiated stages (early and later juvenile stages).
  • 2.2.Feminization (95–100%) was observed in all E2-treated groups.
  • 3.3.The growth rate of fish treated with 25 and 50 mg/kg E2 diet at the early juvenile stage was significantly increased.
  • 4.4.The amount of protein in muscle decreased and that of fat increased in the E2-treated groups except in the early juvenile stage fed with 25 mg/kg E2.

Summary Total Xenopus liver cytoplasmic RNA isolated following long-term estrogen administration (14 days) was fractioned using Sepharose 4B chromatography. One of the Sepharose 4B peaks was shown to contain RNA with a molecular weight reported for vitellogenin mRNA (34S). The presence of estrogeninduced vitellogenin mRNA in the peak 5 RNA was determined by translation of the RNA in the oocyte and analysis of the oocyte translational products by immunoprecipitation with anti-vitellogenin.Sepharose 4B peaks 2 and 3 were also observed to contain estrogen induced mRNA populations sedimenting between 9-18S. These findings suggest that Sepharose 4B chromatography might prove useful in separating different mRNA populations following estrogen-induced gene activation.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of 3H-GABA in the visual system of half-head preparations of Musca and Drosophila was studied by means of light and electron microscope autoradiography. Of all three ganglia, only the first synaptic region, the lamina ganglionaris, showed accumulation of radioactive grains, and there a preferential glial uptake could be found. Under normal light conditions at incubation (constant light flux of 100 Lux) the maximum of radio-activity was found in the marginal glia cells. Increasing the time of incubation produced also an increase in the number of grains per surface unit in the marginal glia cells. After changing the light intensity during incubation, quantitative modifications of the distribution of radio-activity were observed: incubating with stroboscopic illumination, the number of grains diminished in the marginal glia cells and remained constant in the epithelial cells; incubated in darkness, the epithelial cells became more intensely labelled whilst the number of grains decreased in the marginal cells.The possibility is discussed that the receptor axons 1–6 are the neurological elements of the lamina which use GABA as a transmitter. This hypothesis is lent some support from results of similar experiments with neurological mutants of Drosophila. In opm 18 there was a delayed uptake of 3H-GABA whereas in opm 3 and ebony the results were comparable to those found in Musca incubated in darkness. Behavioral studies on these mutants have demonstrated a defect, most probably related to the receptor system 1–6.  相似文献   

The effect of oestradiol treatment on the acetylation of histones of the immature rat uterus has been studied. A 10mug dose of oestradiol causes a 70% increase at 5min and a 140% increase at 10min after administration in the labelling of the histone fraction F2+F3. No effect of oestradiol is seen on the labelling of histones F1 or acidic non-histone chromatin proteins. The oestradiol stimulation is seen in animals pretreated with either cycloheximide or actinomycin D. The stimulation of labelling caused by oestradiol is completely abolished by pretreatment of the animals with the anti-oestrogen, nafoxidine. The stimulation is given by lower doses of oestradiol, by stilboestrol and oestriol, but is not given by testosterone. These results suggest that stimulation of histone acetylation in the uterus is the earliest known effect of the hormone on its target tissue.  相似文献   

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