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Myosin IIIA is specifically expressed in photoreceptors and cochlea and is important for the phototransduction and hearing processes. In addition, myosin IIIA contains a unique N-terminal kinase domain and C-terminal tail actin-binding motif. We examined the kinetic properties of baculovirus expressed human myosin IIIA containing the kinase, motor, and two IQ domains. The maximum actin-activated ATPase rate is relatively slow (k(cat) = 0.77 +/- 0.08 s(-1)), and high actin concentrations are required to fully activate the ATPase rate (K(ATPase) = 34 +/- 11 microm). However, actin co-sedimentation assays suggest that myosin III has a relatively high steady-state affinity for actin in the presence of ATP (K(actin) approximately 7 microm). The rate of ATP binding to the motor domain is quite slow both in the presence and absence of actin (K(1)k(+2) = 0.020 and 0.001 microm(-1).s(-1), respectively). The rate of actin-activated phosphate release is more than 100-fold faster (85 s(-1)) than the k(cat), whereas ADP release in the presence of actin follows a two-step mechanism (7.0 and 0.6 s(-1)). Thus, our data suggest a transition between two actomyosin-ADP states is the rate-limiting step in the actomyosin III ATPase cycle. Our data also suggest the myosin III motor spends a large fraction of its cycle in an actomyosin ADP state that has an intermediate affinity for actin (K(d) approximately 5 microm). The long lived actomyosin-ADP state may be important for the ability of myosin III to function as a cellular transporter and actin cross-linker in the actin bundles of sensory cells.  相似文献   

Myosin VI is the only pointed end-directed myosin identified and is likely regulated by heavy chain phosphorylation (HCP) at the actin-binding site in vivo. We undertook a detailed kinetic analysis of the actomyosin VI ATPase cycle to determine whether there are unique adaptations to support reverse directionality and to determine the molecular basis of regulation by HCP. ADP release is the rate-limiting step in the cycle. ATP binds slowly and with low affinity. At physiological nucleotide concentrations, myosin VI is strongly bound to actin and populates the nucleotide-free (rigor) and ADP-bound states. Therefore, myosin VI is a high duty ratio motor adapted for maintaining tension and has potential to be processive. A mutant mimicking HCP increases the rate of P(i) release, which lowers the K(ATPase) but does not affect ADP release. These measurements are the first to directly measure the steps regulated by HCP for any myosin. Measurements with double-headed myosin VI demonstrate that the heads are not independent, and the native dimer hydrolyzes multiple ATPs per diffusional encounter with an actin filament. We propose an alternating site model for the stepping and processivity of two-headed high duty ratio myosins.  相似文献   

Chara corallina class XI myosin is by far the fastest molecular motor. To investigate the molecular mechanism of this fast movement, we performed a kinetic analysis of a recombinant motor domain of Chara myosin. We estimated the time spent in the strongly bound state with actin by measuring rate constants of ADP dissociation from actin.motor domain complex and ATP-induced dissociation of the motor domain from actin. The rate constant of ADP dissociation from acto-motor domain was >2800 s(-1), and the rate constant of ATP-induced dissociation of the motor domain from actin at physiological ATP concentration was 2200 s(-1). From these data, the time spent in the strongly bound state with actin was estimated to be <0.82 ms. This value is the shortest among known values for various myosins and yields the duty ratio of <0.3 with a V(max) value of the actin-activated ATPase activity of 390 s(-1). The addition of the long neck domain of myosin Va to the Chara motor domain largely increased the velocity of the motility without increasing the ATP hydrolysis cycle rate, consistent with the swinging lever model. In addition, this study reveals some striking kinetic features of Chara myosin that are suited for the fast movement: a dramatic acceleration of ADP release by actin (1000-fold) and extremely fast ATP binding rate.  相似文献   

Kinetic mechanism of blebbistatin inhibition of nonmuscle myosin IIb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the effect of blebbistatin on the kinetic properties of nonmuscle myosin IIB subfragment 1 (NMIIB S1). Blebbistatin is a small molecule that affects cell blebbing during the process of cell division, which has been shown to decrease the myosin ATPase activity of a number of myosins [Straight et al. (2003) Science 299, 1743-1747]. The steady-state actin-activated ATPase activity of NMIIB S1 was decreased approximately 90% at 40 microM actin in the presence of blebbistatin. Stopped-flow techniques were employed to elucidate the effect of blebbistatin on the various steps of the NMIIB S1 cross-bridge cycle. Blebbistatin did not affect ATP binding and hydrolysis. Binding to actin in the presence of ADP (0.57 +/-0.08 microM(-1) s(-1)) was reduced slightly in the presence of blebbistatin (0.38 +/- 0.03 microM(-1) s(-1)), while mantADP dissociation from acto-NMIIB S1 was reduced (approximately 30%). P(i) release was blocked in the presence of blebbistatin. Accordingly, the apparent affinity of NMIIB S1 for actin in the presence of ATP was greatly reduced. Based on the above data, we surmise that blebbistatin inhibits the ATPase activity of NMIIB S1 primarily by blocking entry into the strong binding state; secondarily, it reduces the rate of ADP release. These effects are likely mediated by binding of blebbistatin within the myosin cleft that progressively closes in forming the acto-myosin rigor state.  相似文献   

The two actin-binding regions on the myosin heads of cardiac muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the presence of myosin S1 or myosin heads, actin filaments tend to form bundles. The biological meaning of the bundling of actin filaments has been unclear. In this study, we found that the cardiac myosin heads can form the bundles of actin filaments more rapidly than can skeletal S1, as monitored by light scattering and electron microscopy. Moreover, the actin bundles formed by cardiac S1 were found to be more stable against mechanical agitation. The distance between actin filaments in the bundles was approximately 20 nm, which is comparable to the length of a myosin head and two actin molecules. This suggests the direct binding of S1 tails to the adjacent actin filament. The "essential" light chain of cardiac myosin could be cross-linked to the actin molecule in the bundle. When monomeric actin molecules were added to the bundle, the bundles could be dispersed into individual filaments. The three-dimensional structure of the dispersed actin filaments was reconstructed from electron cryo-microscopic images of the single actin filaments dispersed by monomer actin. We were able to demonstrate that cardiac myosin heads bind to two actin molecules: one actin molecule at the conventional actin-binding region and the other at the essential light-chain-binding region. This capability of cardiac myosin heads to bind two actin molecules is discussed in view of lower ATPase activity and slower shortening velocity than those of skeletal ones.  相似文献   

Besides driving contraction of various types of muscle tissue, conventional (class II) myosins serve essential cellular functions and are ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotic cells. Three different isoforms in the human myosin complement have been identified as non-muscle class II myosins. Here we report the kinetic characterization of a human non-muscle myosin IIB subfragment-1 construct produced in the baculovirus expression system. Transient kinetic data show that most steps of the actomyosin ATPase cycle are slowed down compared with other class II myosins. The ADP affinity of subfragment-1 is unusually high even in the presence of actin filaments, and the rate of ADP release is close to the steady-state ATPase rate. Thus, non-muscle myosin IIB subfragment-1 spends a significantly higher proportion of its kinetic cycle strongly attached to actin than do the muscle myosins. This feature is even more pronounced at slightly elevated ADP levels, and it may be important in carrying out the cellular functions of this isoform working in small filamentous assemblies.  相似文献   

Myosin V is a molecular motor shown to move processively along actin filaments. We investigated the properties of the weak binding states of monomeric myosin V containing a single IQ domain (MV 1IQ) to determine if the affinities of these states are increased as compared to conventional myosin. Further, using a combination of non-hydrolyzable nucleotide analogues and mutations that block ATP hydrolysis, we sought to probe the states that are populated during ATP-induced dissociation of actomyosin. MV 1IQ binds actin with a K(d) = 4 microM in the presence of ATP gamma S at 50 mM KCl, which is 10-20-fold tighter than that of nonprocessive class II myosins. Mutations within the switch II region trapped MV 1IQ in two distinct M.ATP states with very different actin binding affinities (K(d) = 0.2 and 2 microM). Actin binding may change the conformation of the switch II region, suggesting that elements of the nucleotide binding pocket will be in a different conformation when bound to actin than is seen in any of the myosin crystal structures to date.  相似文献   

S Highsmith 《Biochemistry》1990,29(47):10690-10694
The ionic strength dependence of skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1) binding to unregulated F-actin was measured in solutions containing from 0 to 0.50 M added lithium acetate (LiOAc) in the absence and presence of MgADP. The data were analyzed by using a theory based on an ion interaction model that is rigorous for high ionic strength solutions [Pitzer, K. S. (1973) J. Phys. Chem. 77, 268-277] in order to obtain values for K, the equilibrium association constant when the ionic strength is zero, and for [zMzA[, the absolute value of the product of the net electric charges of the actin binding site on myosin (zM) and the myosin binding site on actin (zA). The presence of MgADP reduced K by a factor of 10, as expected, and reduced [zMzA[ by about 1 esu2. Because the presence of MgADP is not likely to change the net charge of the myosin binding site on actin, these data are consistent with a model in which MgADP binding to S1 reduces its affinity for actin by a mechanism that reduces the net electric charge of the acting binding site on S1. The value of [zMzA[ in the absence of ADP was 8.1 +/- 0.9 esu2, which, if one uses integer values, suggests that zM and zA are in the 8+ to 1+ esu and 1- to 8- esu ranges, respectively. ADP binding then reduces zM to the 7+ to 0.88+ esu range.  相似文献   

A comparison of the transient kinetics of cardiac ventricular normal and hyperthyroid modified myosin subfragment-1 reveals substantial similarities between the two proteins. The nucleotide-binding kinetics are nonexponential for both proteins, but the large tryptophan fluorescence changes, 34% for ATP binding and 12% for ADP binding which are comparable to those of rabbit skeletal myosin subfragment-1, permit the kinetic data to be resolved into a sum of two exponentials. Both the fast and slow forms of the proteins reach limiting rate constants at high nucleotide concentration. The fast forms of normal and thyrotoxic cardiac subfragment-1 are kinetically identical for nucleotide binding at 20 degrees C and pH 7 and the slow forms differ by less than a factor of 2. The kinetic data for ADP release and the single turnover of ATP could neither be fit by a single exponential nor resolved into two components, which indicates a difference in the rate constants by a factor of 2 or less. The largest difference found was in the steady state turnover of ATP for which thyrotoxic subfragment-1 had a 2.5 times faster turnover as compared to normal subfragment-1. The fractions of fast and slow forms of the two proteins are dependent on the nucleotide concentration and the fractions as well as the rate constants are a function of the protein concentration. This is consistent with the kinetic heterogeneity of cardiac myosin subfragment-1 resulting from aggregation. The differences in the rate constant for the steady state turnover of ATP and in aggregation properties between normal and hyperthyroid cardiac subfragment-1 are consistent with the induction of a myosin isozyme by thyroxine treatment. Moreover, the increase in the steady state turnover of ATP is consistent with the increase in contractility of the muscle in the hyperthyroid state.  相似文献   

The reactions of pyrene-labeled actin with myosin subfragment 1 (S1) and S1-ligand complexes at low ionic strength are described by the schemes [formula: see text] where M refers to a myosin head; A is actin; L is ligand; the asterisk refers to a high fluorescence state of actin; and K1 and K3 are association constants. K1 is reduced approximately 10-fold for M.ADP or M.pyrophosphate versus M alone. The rate constant of the isomerization step (k2) is 150-200 s-1 for A*M, A*M.ADP, and A*M-pyrophosphate (20 degrees C). The interaction between the ligand the actin binding sites reduces K2 from 2,000 for A*M to 50-100 for A*M.ADP and to approximately unity for A*M-pyrophosphate. The A*M.ADP state is equated with the AM'.ADP state of Sleep and Hutton (Sleep, J., A., and Hutton, R. L. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 1276-1283).  相似文献   

D Applegate  E Reisler 《Biochemistry》1984,23(20):4779-4784
Limited proteolytic digestions of myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) with elastase, subtilisin, papain, and thermolysin yield fragments that correspond within 1-2K daltons to the 25K, 50K, and 20K fragments produced by trypsin. While papain and thermolysin cut preferentially at the 26K/70K junction, elastase and subtilisin cleave both the 26K/70K and the 75K/22K junctions in S-1. Using the above proteases as conformational probes, we have previously demonstrated that the binding of actin is sensed at both the 26K/50K and the 50K/22K junctions [Applegate, D., & Reisler, E. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 7109-7112]. We report here that the binding of nucleotides at the active site is also sensed at both junctions. Both 2 mM MgADP and 5 mM MgATP slow the rate of elastase and subtilisin cleavage of the 95K heavy chain. With elastase, the 3-fold decrease in the rate of cleavage induced by nucleotides is evidenced at both the 26K/50K and the 50K/22K junctions. The analysis of subtilisin digestions is complicated by Mg nucleotide induced cleavage at a new site to produce a 91K fragment. Using N-methyl-6-anilinonaphthalene-2-sulfonyl chloride (MnsCl) to fluorescently label the 26K peptide, we demonstrate that the additional cleavage site is approximately 4K daltons from the N-terminal portion of the 95K heavy chain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Myosin interacts with actin during its enzymatic cycle, and actin stimulates myosin's ATPase activity. There are extensive interaction surfaces on both actin and myosin. Several surface loops of myosin play different roles in actomyosin interaction. However, the functional role of loop 4 in actin binding is still ambiguous. We explored the role of loop 4 by either mutating its conserved acidic group, Glu-365, to Gln (E365Q), or by replacing the entire loop with three glycines (DeltaAL) in a Dictyostelium discoideum myosin II motor domain (MD) containing a single tryptophan residue. This native tryptophan (Trp-501) is located in the relay loop and is sensitive to nucleotide binding and lever-arm movement. Fluorescence and fast kinetic measurements showed that the mutations in loop 4 do not alter the enzymatic steps of the ATPase cycle in the absence of actin. By contrast, actin binding was significantly weakened in the absence and presence of ADP and ATP in both mutants. Because the strength of actin-myosin interaction increases in the order of rigor, ADP, and ATP complex, we conclude that loop 4 is a functional actin-binding region that stabilizes actomyosin complex, particularly in weak actin-binding states.  相似文献   

Myosin II molecules assemble and form filaments through their C-terminal rod region, and the dynamic filament assembly-disassembly process of nonmuscle myosin II molecules is important for cellular activities. To estimate the critical region for filament formation of vertebrate nonmuscle myosin II, we assessed the solubility of a series of truncated recombinant rod fragments of nonmuscle myosin IIB at various concentrations of NaCl. A C-terminal 248-residue rod fragment (Asp 1729-Glu 1976) was shown by its solubility behavior to retain native assembly features, and two regions within it were found to be necessary for assembly: 35 amino acid residues from Asp 1729 to Thr 1763 and 39 amino acid residues from Ala 1875 to Ala 1913, the latter containing a sequence similar to the assembly competence domain (ACD) of skeletal muscle myosin. Fragments lacking either of the two regions were soluble at any NaCl concentration. We referred to these two regions as nonmuscle myosin ACD1 (nACD1) and nACD2, respectively. In addition, we constructed an alpha-helical coiled-coil model of the rod fragment, and found that a remarkable negative charge cluster (termed N1) and a positive charge cluster (termed P2) were present within nACD1 and nACD2, respectively, besides another positive charge cluster (termed P1) in the amino-terminal vicinity of nACD2. From these results, we propose two major electrostatic interactions that are essential for filament formation of nonmuscle myosin II: the antiparallel interaction between P2 and N1 which is essential for the nucleation step and the parallel interaction between P1 and N1 which is important for the elongation step.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional kinetic Ising model is developed to describe the binding of myosin subfragment 1 (SF-1) to regulated actin. The model allows for cooperative interactions between individual actin sites with bound SF-1 ligands rather than assuming that groups of actin monomer sites change their state in a cooperative fashion. With the triplet closure approximation, the model yields a set of 16 independent differential (master) equations which may be solved numerically to yield the extent of binding as a function of time. The predictions of the model are compared with experiments on the transient binding of SF-1 to regulated actin in the presence of Ca2+ and in the absence of Ca2+ with varying amounts of SF-1 prebound to the actin filament and on the equilibrium binding of SF-1 X ADP to regulated actin in the absence of Ca2+. In all cases, the calculations fit the data to within the experimental errors. In the case of SF-1 X ADP, the results suggest that a repulsive interaction exists between adjacently bound SF-1 at the ends of two neighboring seven-site actin units.  相似文献   

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