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The structural evolution of regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin during shearing with a Couette cell has been studied in situ by synchrotron radiation small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering techniques. An elongation of fibroin molecules was observed with increasing shear rate, followed by an aggregation phase. The aggregates were found to be amorphous with beta-conformation according to infrared spectroscopy. Scanning x-ray microdiffraction with a 5 microm beam on aggregated material, which had solidified in air, showed silk II reflections and a material with equatorial reflections close to the silk I structure reflections, but with strong differences in reflection intensities. This silk I type material shows up to two low-angle peaks suggesting the presence of water molecules that might be intercalated between hydrogen-bonded sheets.  相似文献   

The intermediates in the ribosome assembly in exponentially growing Escherichia coli have been identified by centrifuging a crude lysate, pulse-labeled with a radioactive RNA base, through a sucrose gradient and analyzing for precursor rRNA in the gradient fractions by gel electrophoresis. The major intermediate in the assembly of the 50 S subunit cosediments with the mature subunit, whereas two minor precursor species sediment between the 30 S and 50 S peaks. The assembly of the 30 S subunit proceeds via a minor intermediate sedimenting slightly behind the mature subunit and a major precursor particle that cosediments with the mature 30 S subunit.The fraction of the rRNA contained in these precursor particles was determined by direct determination of the amount of rRNA in the precursor particles, and from the labeling kinetics of their rRNA. The direct estimation indicated that about 2% of the total 23 S type RNA, and 3 to 5% of the total 16 S type RNA is harboured in precursor particles. In the kinetic experiments the specific activity of the nucleoside triphosphates and of the different ribosomal particles was followed after addition of a radioactive RNA precursor to the growth medium. The results were compared with a digital simulation of the flow of isotopes through the assembly pathways. This method indicated that approximately 2% of the total 23 S type RNA, as well as 2% of the total 16 S type RNA, is contained in the precursor particles.  相似文献   

Muroga Y 《Biopolymers》2001,59(5):320-329
The small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) functions are analytically derived for both the randomly coiled and helical local conformations of a polypeptide chain in solution. The resulting scattering functions for helices of various types are characterized by a maximum in the range of scattering-vector corresponding to Bragg spacings of 3-5 A, whereas the random-coil function has no maximum. This result is compatible with the extant SAXS data for partially neutralized poly(L-glutamic acid) and poly(L-lysine) in aqueous solutions. Comparison of the SAXS data with the calculated scattering functions shows that helical structures in both polypeptide chains are of the 3.6(13)-helix (alpha-helix) rather than 3.0(10)-type.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering data suggest that major but reversible rearrangements of mitochondrial inner membrane structure are induced by uncouplers. Low levels of 2,4-dinitrophenol (10 micronM) cause a perceptible wide-angle shift of the 20 mrad X-ray scattering maximum characteristic of intact liver mitochondria. Higher dinitrophenol concentrations (greater than 25 micronM) reduce this scattering maximum to one-third its initial intensity. In terms of mitochondrial function, the former scattering change appears to correlate with the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation while the latter occurs in the course of dinitrophenol stimulation of mitochondrial ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and rheological measurements were performed on aqueous silk fibroin solutions extracted from the middle division of Bombyx mori silkworm over a wide range of polymer concentration C from 0.08 to 27.5 wt %. DLS results obtained in the dilute region of C less than 1 wt % are consistent with a model that an elementary unit is a large protein complex consisting of silk fibroin and P25 with a 6:1 molar ratio. Rheological measurements in the dilute C region reveal that those units (or clusters) with the hydrodynamic radius of about 100 nm form a network extending over the whole sample volume with small pseudoplateau modulus mainly by ionic bonding between COO(-) ions of the fibroin molecules and divalent metallic ions such as Ca(2+) or Mg(2+) ions present in the sample and also that, after a yield stress is reached, steady plastic flow is induced with viscosity much lower than the zero-shear viscosity estimated from creep and creep recovery measurements by 4-6 orders of magnitude. Angular frequency omega dependencies of the storage and the loss shear moduli, G'(omega) and G' '(omega), measured in the linear viscoelastic region, indicate that all solutions possess the pseudoplateau modulus in the low omega region and samples become highly viscoleastic for C greater, similar 4.2 wt %. Above C = 11.2 wt % another plateau appears at the high omega end accompanied by a distinct maximum of G' ' in the intermediate omega region. The relaxation motion with tau = 0.5 s corresponding to the maximum of G' ' is one of characteristic properties of the fibroin solutions in the high C region. Thermorheological behaviors of the solution with C = 27.5 wt % show that the network structure formed in the MM part of the silk gland is susceptible to temperature and a more stable homogeneous network is realized by raising the temperature up to T = 65 degrees C.  相似文献   

The kinetics of chain disruption and collapse of staphylococcal nuclease after positive or negative pressure jumps was monitored by real-time small-angle x-ray scattering under pressure. We used this method to probe the overall conformation of the protein by measuring its radius of gyration and pair-distance-distribution function p(r) which are sensitive to the spatial extent and shape of the particle. At all pressures and temperatures tested, the relaxation profiles were well described by a single exponential function. No fast collapse was observed, indicating that the rate limiting step for chain collapse is the same as that for secondary and tertiary structure formation. Whereas refolding at low pressures occurred in a few seconds, at high pressures the relaxation was quite slow, approximately 1 h, due to a large positive activation volume for the rate-limiting step for chain collapse. A large increase in the system volume upon folding implies significant dehydration of the transition state and a high degree of similarity in terms of the packing density between the native and transition states in this system. This study of the time-dependence of the tertiary structure in pressure-induced folding/unfolding reactions demonstrates that novel information about the nature of protein folding transitions and transition states can be obtained from a combination of small-angle x-ray scattering using high intensity synchrotron radiation with the high pressure perturbation technique.  相似文献   

Antheraea pernyi silk fibroin fibers were dissolved by aqueous lithium thiocyanate to obtain regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin solution. By means of circular dichroism, 13C NMR and Raman spectroscopy, the molecular conformation of regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin in aqueous solution was investigated. The relationship of environmental factors and sol–gel transformation behavior of regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin was also studied. The molecular conformations of regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin mainly were -helix and random coil in solution. There also existed a little β-sheet conformation. It was obviously different with Bombyx mori silk fibroin, whose molecular conformation in solution was only random coil but no -helix existence. With the increase of temperature and solution concentration and with the decrease of solution pH value, the gelation velocity of regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin solution increased. Especially, it showed that A. pernyi silk fibroin was more sensitive to temperature than B. mori silk fibroin during the sol–gel transformation. The velocity increased obviously when the temperature was above 30 °C. During the sol–gel transformation, the molecular conformation of regenerated A. pernyi silk fibroin changed from random coil to β-sheet structure. The results of these studies provided important insight into the preparation of new biomaterials by silk fibroin protein.  相似文献   

The resolution and reliability of solution scattering models have been significantly improved by ab initio shape and domain structure determination, and by detailed modelling of macromolecular complexes using rigid-body refinement. Substantial progress has also been made in the quantitative analysis and modelling of assembly and folding processes, and intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) is able to extract low-resolution protein shape information without requiring a specific crystal formation. However, it has found little use in atomic-level protein structure determination due to the uncertainty of residue-level structural assignment. We developed a new algorithm, SAXSTER, to couple the raw SAXS data with protein-fold-recognition algorithms and thus improve template-based protein-structure predictions. We designed nine different matching scoring functions of template and experimental SAXS profiles. The logarithm of the integrated correlation score showed the best template recognition ability and had the highest correlation with the true template modeling (TM)-score of the target structures. We tested the method in large-scale protein-fold-recognition experiments and achieved significant improvements in prioritizing the best template structures. When SAXSTER was applied to the proteins of asymmetric SAXS profile distributions, the average TM-score of the top-ranking templates increased by 18% after homologous templates were excluded, which corresponds to a p-value < 10−9 in Student's t-test. These data demonstrate a promising use of SAXS data to facilitate computational protein structure modeling, which is expected to work most efficiently for proteins of irregular global shape and/or multiple-domain protein complexes.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(22):5124-5135
Intrinsically disordered proteins and flexible regions in multidomain proteins display substantial conformational heterogeneity. Characterizing the conformational ensembles of these proteins in solution typically requires combining one or more biophysical techniques with computational modeling or simulations. Experimental data can either be used to assess the accuracy of a computational model or to refine the computational model to get a better agreement with the experimental data. In both cases, one generally needs a so-called forward model (i.e., an algorithm to calculate experimental observables from individual conformations or ensembles). In many cases, this involves one or more parameters that need to be set, and it is not always trivial to determine the optimal values or to understand the impact on the choice of parameters. For example, in the case of small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments, many forward models include parameters that describe the contribution of the hydration layer and displaced solvent to the background-subtracted experimental data. Often, one also needs to fit a scale factor and a constant background for the SAXS data but across the entire ensemble. Here, we present a protocol to dissect the effect of the free parameters on the calculated SAXS intensities and to identify a reliable set of values. We have implemented this procedure in our Bayesian/maximum entropy framework for ensemble refinement and demonstrate the results on four intrinsically disordered proteins and a protein with three domains connected by flexible linkers. Our results show that the resulting ensembles can depend on the parameters used for solvent effects and suggest that these should be chosen carefully. We also find a set of parameters that work robustly across all proteins.  相似文献   

A new principle in constructing molecular complexes from the known high-resolution domain structures joining data from NMR and small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements is described. Structure of calmodulin in complex with trifluoperazine was built from N- and C-terminal domains oriented based on residual dipolar couplings measured by NMR in a dilute liquid crystal, and the overall shape of the complex was derived from SAXS data. The residual dipolar coupling data serves to reduce angular degrees of freedom, and the small-angle scattering data serves to confine the translational degrees of freedom. The complex built by this method was found to be consistent with the known crystal structure. The study demonstrates how approximate tertiary structures of modular proteins or quaternary structures composed of subunits can be assembled from high-resolution structures of domains or subunits using mutually complementary NMR and SAXS data.  相似文献   

The small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technique has been applied to investigate solution and gel structures of alginate in the absence and presence of two divalent cations: Ca(II) and Cu(II). We have observed a broad maximum in the scattering curve, a characteristic of polyelectrolyte, for the purified alginate sample. The scattering maximum disappears in excess of added simple salt and shifts toward the higher angle region with increasing alginate concentration. Concentration dependence of the position and intensity of the maximum follows power law relations with exponents close to those predicted by theory. Data analysis shows an increase in correlation length ξ and cross-sectional diameter d0, of polymer chains upon gelation and suggests that a dimeric structure is adopted in the junction zone, consistent with the “egg-box” model previously proposed. In the Ca(II)–alginate system, the molecular parameters ξ and d0 are found to have good correlation with the macroscopic properties of gelation, such as gel point determined by viscosity measurements. However, for the Cu(II)–alginate system there is no clearly transitional behavior observed in ξ and d0, implying that the junction zone may be replaced by a more uniformly distributed site binding of Cu(II) ions to the carboxyl groups of both mannuronate and guluronate residues, in confirmation of previous 13C-nmr results. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements were performed on aqueous solutions of native silk fibroin extracted from three parts, the posterior (MP), the middle (MM), and the anterior parts (MA), of the middle division (M) of the silk gland of the Bombyx mori silkworm to study the dynamics and aggregation properties of silk fibroin. In the MP part, fibroin molecules are present as aggregates (or clusters) being composed of several large protein complexes or elementary unit (EU), which are further associated to make a large assembly connected via divalent metallic ions. In the MM part, such clusters of EU take more compact structure, and finally in the MA part, clusters disappear, but EUs are more or less aligned to keep the assembly, and the EU takes the conformation of wormlike cylinder capped with hemispheres at both ends. The overall conformational change in solution structure was interpreted as being due to the change in ionic environment in the solution. DLS study was also performed on regenerated silk fibroin solutions, which revealed that fibroin is present as a single molecule dominantly and their association behavior seems completely different from that of native samples and does not depend on types and concentration of added metallic ions.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Yang Y  Chen X  Shao Z 《Biomacromolecules》2012,13(6):1875-1881
The conformation and eventual morphology of silk fibroin (SF) chains are crucial for the mechanical properties of SF materials, and are strongly related to the solvation step as a key stage in their processing conditions. In this work, a novel SF/AmimCl (1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride) solution with unique properties is reported and compared with conventional regenerated SF aqueous solutions, based on an investigation of its rheological properties. The steady shearing behavior suggested that AmimCl is a good solvent for SF molecules, and shear thinning of semidiluted SF/AmimCl solution at high shear rates showed behavior similar to that in native spinning, which is due to the rearrangement and orientation of SF molecular chains. Fitting of experimental dynamic viscoelastic data to the Rouse model provided an effective method to estimate the molecular weight of SF. We believe that this work not only provides a better understanding of the relationship between properties of silk protein and aggregation states of their molecular chains, but also provides tools to fabricate high-performance SF-based materials.  相似文献   

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