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Studies of avian nest success often focus on examining influences of variation in environmental and seasonal factors. However, in‐depth evaluations can also incorporate variation in individual incubation behaviour to further advance our understanding of avian reproductive ecology. We examined these relationships in colonially nesting Black‐crowned Night‐Herons Nycticorax nycticorax using intensive video‐monitoring methods to quantify incubation behaviours. We modelled nest survival as a function of both extrinsic factors and incubation behaviours over a 3‐year period (2010–12) on Alcatraz Island, USA. Model‐averaged parameter estimates indicated that nest survival increased as a function of greater incubation constancy (% of time spent incubating eggs within a 24‐h period), and average daily precipitation throughout the nesting stage. Common Ravens Corvus corax are the only known nest predator of Night‐Herons on Alcatraz Island, as on many other coastal Pacific islands. We also investigated the effects of heterospecific nesting of California Gulls Larus californicus and Western Gulls Larus occidentalis in a mixed‐species colony with Night‐Herons, based on nesting proximity data collected over a 2‐year period (2011–12). This second analysis indicated that, in addition to incubation behaviours, nesting heterospecifics are an important factor for explaining variation in Night‐Heron nest survival. However, contrary to our original expectation, we found that Night‐Herons experienced increased nest survival with increasing distance from gull colony boundaries. These results may apply to other areas with multiple colonial nesting species and similar predator communities and climatic patterns.  相似文献   

According to both the predation avoidance and foraging efficiency hypotheses, birds within mixed flocks increase their foraging efficiency and/or can spend more time feeding and less time looking out for predators. These hypotheses predict that birds in mixed flocks obtain benefits. Thus, mixed flock formation could serve as a strategy to cope with difficult conditions imposed on birds such as climatic conditions that ultimately result in a change in predation pressure or food resources. We evaluate the hypotheses that forming part of a flock confers benefits to its members and the associated prediction that birds will take advantage of these benefits and flock more often under cold and dry weather conditions between and within seasons to cope with such conditions. We surveyed the presence of mixed flocks, flocking propensity, number of species and individuals in mixed flocks in the Subtropical Yungas foothill of Argentina, to examine seasonality, flocking behavior of birds and their responses to two climatic variables: temperature and humidity. Bird species presented a higher flocking propensity and mixed flocks occurred more frequently during the dry and cold seasons than during the more benign seasons, and lower values of temperature within seasons triggered the flocking behavior. Although effects between seasons were expected, birds also showed a short‐term response to small changes in temperature within seasons. These results strengthen the ideas proposed by the foraging hypothesis. Although benefits derived from flocking have yet to be determined, whatever they are should be understood in the context of seasonal variation in life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Reforestation has large potential for mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration. Native mixed‐species plantings have a higher potential to reverse biodiversity loss than do plantations of production species, but there are few data on their capacity to store carbon. A chronosequence (5–45 years) of 36 native mixed‐species plantings, paired with adjacent pastures, was measured to investigate changes to stocks among C pools following reforestation of agricultural land in the medium rainfall zone (400–800 mm yr?1) of temperate Australia. These mixed‐species plantings accumulated 3.09 ± 0.85 t C ha?1 yr?1 in aboveground biomass and 0.18 ± 0.05 t C ha?1 yr?1 in plant litter, reaching amounts comparable to those measured in remnant woodlands by 20 years and 36 years after reforestation respectively. Soil C was slower to increase, with increases seen only after 45 years, at which time stocks had not reached the amounts found in remnant woodlands. The amount of trees (tree density and basal area) was positively associated with the accumulation of carbon in aboveground biomass and litter. In contrast, changes to soil C were most strongly related to the productivity of the location (a forest productivity index and soil N content in the adjacent pasture). At 30 years, native mixed‐species plantings had increased the stability of soil C stocks, with higher amounts of recalcitrant C and higher C : N ratios than their adjacent pastures. Reforestation with native mixed‐species plantings did not significantly change the availability of macronutrients (N, K, Ca, Mg, P, and S) or micronutrients (Fe, B, Mn, Zn, and Cu), content of plant toxins (Al, Si), acidity, or salinity (Na, electrical conductivity) in the soil. In this medium rainfall area, native mixed‐species plantings provided comparable rates of C sequestration to local production species, with the probable additional benefit of providing better quality habitat for native biota. These results demonstrate that reforestation using native mixed‐species plantings is an effective alternative for carbon sequestration to standard monocultures of production species in medium rainfall areas of temperate continental climates, where they can effectively store C, convert C into stable pools and provide greater benefits for biodiversity.  相似文献   

Shade coffee has been identified as an important habitat for Nearctic‐Neotropical migrants during the non‐breeding season, including species of conservation concern such as Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea). To better understand habitat features important for migrants in shade coffee, we studied the foraging behavior of migrants in mixed‐species flocks at six shade‐coffee farms in the Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela, in 2008–2009 and the El Niño drought year of 2009–2010. We examined interspecific differences in foraging behavior and tree species selection of three foliage‐gleaning migrants, Blackburnian (Setophaga fusca), Cerulean, and Tennessee (Oreothlypis peregrina) warblers, and aerial‐foraging American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). For morphologically similar Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers, we also examined factors influencing foraging rates (attack and movement rates), capture of large prey, and maneuver/substrate type. We found that aerial‐foraging American Redstarts foraged lower, used more aerial maneuvers, showed no tree species selection, and were less likely to forage in flocks than foliage‐gleaners. Although foraging rates were similar for Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers, the three foliage‐gleaners differed in foraging height and use of maneuvers. Cerulean Warblers foraged lower than the other two species, whereas Blackburnian Warblers used the greatest proportion of woody gleans. All three foliage‐gleaners selected Inga spp. (a commonly planted shade tree in shade‐coffee farms) for foraging, and Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers captured a greater proportion of large prey in Inga spp. than in other tree species. During the drought year, Blackburnian and Cerulean warblers captured half as many large prey and used a greater proportion of woody‐gleans. We found that interactions among behavioral, floristic, and environmental drivers influenced the foraging behavior of migrants wintering in shade coffee. Our results support those of previous studies suggesting that migrants partition resources behaviorally during the non‐breeding season, that foliage‐gleaners may benefit from the presence of shade trees, especially Inga spp., in agroforestry systems, and that drought may influence the foraging behavior of foliage‐gleaning migrants, presumably due to reduced prey availability.  相似文献   

Five red‐capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus) were gradually introduced to an established mixed‐species exhibit containing six black and white colobus, seven mandrills, and six sooty mangabeys. Interspecific interactions were documented throughout the 3‐month introduction period and for an additional 3 months immediately thereafter. In addition, each species' behavior and exhibit use were documented before and after the addition of the fourth species. Minimal interactions were observed between the red‐capped mangabeys and the colobus or mandrills, and neither species was significantly affected by this addition. Many affiliative and aggressive interactions and changes in behavior were documented in the sooty mangabeys. However, this study shows that even closely related allopatric species can coexist in a captive environment, and the animals can benefit from this association. Zoo Biol 23:95–108, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many organisms rely on synchronizing the timing of their life‐history events with those of other trophic levels—known as phenological matching—for survival or successful reproduction. In temperate deciduous forests, the extent of matching with the budburst date of key tree species is of particular relevance for many herbivorous insects and, in turn, insectivorous birds. In order to understand the ecological and evolutionary forces operating in these systems, we require knowledge of the factors influencing leaf emergence of tree communities. However, little is known about how phenology at the level of individual trees varies across landscapes, or how consistent this spatial variation is between different tree species. Here, we use field observations, collected over 2 years, to characterize within‐ and between‐species differences in spring phenology for 825 trees of six species (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Fagus sylvatica, Betula pendula, Corylus avellana, and Acer pseudoplatanus) in a 385‐ha woodland. We explore environmental predictors of individual variation in budburst date and bud development rate and establish how these phenological traits vary over space. Trees of all species showed markedly consistent individual differences in their budburst timing. Bud development rate also varied considerably between individuals and was repeatable in oak, beech, and sycamore. We identified multiple predictors of budburst date including altitude, local temperature, and soil type, but none were universal across species. Furthermore, we found no evidence for interspecific covariance of phenology over space within the woodland. These analyses suggest that phenological landscapes are highly complex, varying over small spatial scales both within and between species. Such spatial variation in vegetation phenology is likely to influence patterns of selection on phenology within populations of consumers. Knowledge of the factors shaping the phenological environments experienced by animals is therefore likely to be key in understanding how these evolutionary processes operate.  相似文献   

Prebreeding survival is an important life history component that affects both parental fitness and population persistence. In birds, prebreeding can be separated into pre‐ and postfledging periods; carryover effects from the prefledging period may influence postfledging survival. We investigated effects of body condition at fledging, and climatic variation, on postfledging survival of radio‐marked greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Great Basin Desert of the western United States. We hypothesized that body condition would influence postfledging survival as a carryover effect from the prefledging period, and we predicted that climatic variation may mediate this carryover effect or, alternatively, would act directly on survival during the postfledging period. Individual body condition had a strong positive effect on postfledging survival of juvenile females, suggesting carryover effects from the prefledging period. Females in the upper 25th percentile of body condition scores had a postfledging survival probability more than twice that (Φ = 0.51 ± 0.06 SE) of females in the bottom 25th percentile (Φ = 0.21 ± 0.05 SE). A similar effect could not be detected for males. We also found evidence for temperature and precipitation effects on monthly survival rates of both sexes. After controlling for site‐level variation, postfledging survival was nearly twice as great following the coolest and wettest growing season (Φ = 0.77 ± 0.05 SE) compared with the hottest and driest growing season (Φ = 0.39 ± 0.05 SE). We found no relationships between individual body condition and temperature or precipitation, suggesting that carryover effects operated independently of background climatic variation. The temperature and precipitation effects we observed likely produced a direct effect on mortality risk during the postfledging period. Conservation actions that focus on improving prefledging habitat for sage‐grouse may have indirect benefits to survival during postfledging, due to carryover effects between the two life phases.  相似文献   

Animals acquire information produced by other species to reduce uncertainty and avoid predators. Mixed‐species flocks (MSFs) of birds are ubiquitous in forest ecosystems and structured, in part, around interspecific information transfer, with “nuclear” species providing information that other species eavesdrop on. We hypothesized that in a seasonal tropical forest, the amount of information produced by birds about predation would be dynamic and particularly would decrease inside MSFs when the nuclear species leave MSFs to breed. We obtained baseline information on MSF encounter rate and species composition along established sampling routes over 9 months near the Sino‐Vietnamese border. We also conducted three experiments to quantify information produced by different species in response to typical predator encounters, including a moving predator stimulus presented inside of MSFs, and a stationary predator model presented both inside and outside of MSFs. MSFs were much less frequent in the breeding season with fewer individuals of the nuclear species, David's Fulvetta (Alcippe davidi), participating, though the diversity of other species remained stable. Fulvettas were the dominant producer of alarm‐related information both to the moving and stationary stimuli in MSFs and were also among the most active mobbers to stimuli presented outside of MSFs. In the breeding season, they tended to call less to the moving stimulus, and substantially fewer individuals responded to the in‐flock stationary stimulus. Other species increased their own information production at stationary predator stimuli (inside and outside of MSFs) during the breeding season, perhaps due to their increased investment in offspring during this time. Yet even during the breeding season, David's Fulvetta remained the highest producer of information about predators in MSFs. Hence, while we show that information production in MSFs can be somewhat dynamic, we describe a continually asymmetric communication system, in which a nuclear species is important to the whole community.  相似文献   

A major challenge in disease ecology is to understand how co‐infecting parasite species interact. We manipulate in vivo resources and immunity to explain interactions between two rodent malaria parasites, Plasmodium chabaudi and P. yoelii. These species have analogous resource‐use strategies to the human parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax: P. chabaudi and P. falciparum infect red blood cells (RBC) of all ages (RBC generalist); P. yoelii and P. vivax preferentially infect young RBCs (RBC specialist). We find that: (1) recent infection with the RBC generalist facilitates the RBC specialist (P. yoelii density is enhanced ~10 fold). This occurs because the RBC generalist increases availability of the RBC specialist's preferred resource; (2) co‐infections with the RBC generalist and RBC specialist are highly virulent; (3) and the presence of an RBC generalist in a host population can increase the prevalence of an RBC specialist. Thus, we show that resources shape how parasite species interact and have epidemiological consequences.  相似文献   

Many species are shifting their ranges in response to the changing climate. In cases where such shifts lead to the colonization of a new ecosystem, it is critical to establish how the shifting species itself is impacted by novel environmental and biological interactions. Anthropogenic habitats that are analogous to the historic habitat of a shifting species may play a crucial role in the ability of that species to expand or persist in suboptimal colonized ecosystems. We tested if the anthropogenic habitat of docks, a likely mangrove analog, provides improved conditions for the range‐shifting mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii within the colonized suboptimal salt marsh ecosystem. To test if docks provided an improved habitat, we compared the impact of the salt marsh and dock habitats on ecological and life history traits that influence the ability of this species to persist and expand into the salt marsh and compared these back to baselines in the historic mangrove ecosystem. Specifically, we examined behavior, physiology, foraging, and the thermal conditions of A. pisonii in each habitat. We found that docks provide a more favorable thermal and foraging habitat than the surrounding salt marsh, while their ability to provide conditions which improved behavior and physiology was mixed. Our study shows that anthropogenic habitats can act as analogs to historic ecosystems and enhance the habitat quality for range‐shifting species in colonized suboptimal ecosystems. If the patterns that we document are general across systems, then anthropogenic habitats may play an important facilitative role in the range shifts of species with continued climate change.  相似文献   

A total of 134 bird species were recorded at Jianfengling, Hainan Island, in China from May 2000 to September 2004, of which 44 participated in one or more of 134 mixed‐species flocks. These flocks averaged 3.8 ± 0.2 species and 20.3 ± 1.2 individuals. Flocking propensity in a given species ranged from 1.5 to 100%. For flocking species, frequency of flocking and number of individuals in flocks was positively correlated with frequency and number in point counts. Among all species pairs with flocking frequency above 5%, cluster and correlation analysis indicated there were two principal groups of flocking birds – canopy species and understorey species: associations were positive within a group, but negative between groups. Canopy birds had a higher flocking propensity than understorey birds. They also made significantly less use of inner branches and trunks and greater use of middle branches, and foraged at a significantly greater height when in mixed‐species flocks than when solitary. For understorey bird species, there were no significant differences in foraging locations between solitary and mixed‐species flocks. Higher flocking frequency occurred in the wet season for canopy birds, but in the dry season for understorey birds. Overall patterns were consistent with the explanation that flocking enables an expansion of foraging niche by reducing the risk of predation.  相似文献   

Mating system variability is known to exist between and within species, often due to environmental influences. An open question is whether, vice versa, similar environmental conditions entail congruent mating behavior, for example in terms of multiple paternity, in species or populations sharing largely comparable breeding modes. This study employed microsatellite markers to investigate the incidence of multiple paternity in Cyprichromis coloratus and Cyprichromis leptosoma, two sympatric, closely related, mouthbrooding Lake Tanganyika cichlids with similar ecological and behavioral characteristics including the formation of open‐water schools. Mouthbrooding females of both species were collected from the same mixed‐species breeding school at the same time, minimizing environmental variation during courtship and mating. In C. coloratus, four of 12 broods had more than one sire, with a mean of 1.33 reconstructed sires per brood. C. leptosoma exhibited multiple paternity in 18 of 22 broods, with a mean of 2.59 or 2.86 reconstructed sires per brood according to the programs gerud and colony , respectively. In addition, two broods were found to contain offspring transplanted from another brood. There was no significant difference in brood size between species, but mean sire number did differ significantly. Hence, substantial similarity in reproductive behavior along with shared environmental conditions during courtship and spawning did not lead to equal rates of polyandry or sneaking in the two species.  相似文献   

Predation of tree seeds can be a major factor structuring plant communities. We present a three year study on tree seed survival on experimental dishes in an old‐growth forest in central Europe in Austria. We addressed species specific, spatial and temporal aspects of post‐dispersal seed predation. Seeds of Norway spruce Picea abies, European beech Fagus sylvatica, and silver fir Abies alba were exposed on dishes in different types of exclosures which allowed access only to specific guilds of seed predators. Removal experiments were carried out in two old‐growth forests and a managed forest (macro‐sites), including micro‐sites with and without cover of ground vegetation. We conducted the experiment in three consecutive years with a mast year of beech and spruce before the first year of the study. The seed removal experiments were combined with live trapping of small mammals being potential seed predators. Our experiments showed a distinctly different impact of different predator guilds on seed survival on the dishes with highest removal rates of seeds from dishes accessible for small mammals. We observed differing preferences of small mammals for the different tree species. Seed survival in different macro‐ and micro‐habitats were highly variable with lower seed survival in old growth forests. In contrast to our assumption, and in contrast to the satiation hypothesis which assumes higher seed survival in and directly after mast years, seed survival was lower in the year following the mast year of beech when a population peak of small mammals occurred and higher in intermast periods when subsequently small mammal population crashed. This suggests a higher importance of sporadic masting shortly after mast years in intermast periods for establishment of forest trees provided that pollination efficiency is high enough in such years. Combined with the high seed mortality observed after the mast year, this corroborates the important role of seed predation for forest dynamics. An altered synchrony or asynchrony of masting of different tree species and changed masting frequencies through climate change may thus lead to strong and non‐linear effects on forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Antoine Tardif  Bill Shipley 《Oikos》2015,124(8):1050-1057
We tested the hypothesis that interactions between plant species during the process of mixed‐species leaf litter decomposition increases with increasing functional diversity of leaves within the mixtures; specifically, there is a positive correlation between functional dispersion and the deviations from Grime's biomass‐ratio hypothesis, with a null intercept. We measured decomposition rates (mg g?1 d?1) of mixed‐species leaf litter from two experimental designs: 1) a microcosm experiment with litterbags of species mixtures combining six tree species, alone and in 42 combinations, and 2) an in situ litterbag experiment with all possible mixture combinations of four herb species (from one to four species). Interaction strengths and directions were measured as deviations from community‐weighted means (CWM) of monoculture decomposition values, following the biomass‐ratio hypothesis (BRH). Functional diversity was measured as Laliberté and Legendre's functional dispersion (FDis), using leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf nitrogen and carbon contents, and proportions of water soluble compounds, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Correlations between FDis and deviations from BRH varied strongly, depending upon the combination of functional traits, the plant type or the environmental conditions, and the way in which prediction error was expressed (absolute or actual deviation). For tree species, FDis that was based on a combination of water soluble compounds, hemicellulose concentration, and LDMC was negatively correlated with interaction strength but positively with its absolute value. For herbs, interaction strength (absolute or actual) decreased as FDis of the mixtures increased, based on cellulose and lignin contents. There was no positive correlation between functional dispersion and the deviations from Grime's biomass‐ratio hypothesis, with a null intercept. Despite a relationship between litter interactions and functional divergence, this relationship was not generalisable. Other functional traits that were missing in our study might have played an important role.  相似文献   

Mixed‐species animal groups (MSGs) are widely acknowledged to increase predator avoidance and foraging efficiency, among other benefits, and thereby increase participants' fitness. Diversity in MSG composition ranges from two to 70 species of very similar or completely different phenotypes. Yet consistency in organization is also observable in that one or a few species usually have disproportionate importance for MSG formation and/or maintenance. We propose a two‐dimensional framework for understanding this diversity and consistency, concentrating on the types of interactions possible between two individuals, usually of different species. One axis represents the similarity of benefit types traded between the individuals, while the second axis expresses asymmetry in the relative amount of benefits/costs accrued. Considering benefit types, one extreme represents the case of single‐species groups wherein all individuals obtain the same supplementary, group‐size‐related benefits, and the other extreme comprises associations of very different, but complementary species (e.g. one partner creates access to food while the other provides vigilance). The relevance of social information and the matching of activities (e.g. speed of movement) are highest for relationships on the supplementary side of this axis, but so is competition; relationships between species will occur at points along this gradient where the benefits outweigh the costs. Considering benefit amounts given or received, extreme asymmetry occurs when one species is exclusively a benefit provider and the other a benefit user. Within this parameter space, some MSG systems are constrained to one kind of interaction, such as shoals of fish of similar species or leader–follower interactions in fish and other taxa. Other MSGs, such as terrestrial bird flocks, can simultaneously include a variety of supplementary and complementary interactions. We review the benefits that species obtain across the diversity of MSG types, and argue that the degree and nature of asymmetry between benefit providers and users should be measured and not just assumed. We then discuss evolutionary shifts in MSG types, focusing on drivers towards similarity in group composition, and selection on benefit providers to enhance the benefits they can receive from other species. Finally, we conclude by considering how individual and collective behaviour in MSGs may influence both the structure and processes of communities.  相似文献   

The flow of jelly within a honeybee colony   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary The flow of jelly from 100 nurse bees to the members of two normal-sized colonies was measured during one night. To follow the flow, nurses were injected with 14C-phenylalanine. They incorporated this label into the protein of their hypopharyngeal (brood food) glands and their own body protein. When they were allowed trophallactic contacts during the investigation period a loss of label and a shift away from the abdomen was observed, indicating protein synthesis in the hypopharyngeal glands from previously stored protein. Very young larvae were fed less frequently than older ones. Younger workers received larger amounts of jelly than older ones, but considerable amounts were given to foragers. Drones behaved similarly. Between one-third and one-half of the distributed jelly was given to imagines; 10% and 16% of all workers received radioactive jelly from 100 nurses in the two colonies during one night. Thus, jelly is a very important food for adult honey bees. There was a remarkable exchange of label within the class of nurses themselves that is interpreted as communication within the social system.Abbreviation dpm decays per minute  相似文献   

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