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ABSTRACT Grey Fantails (Rhipidura albiscapa), a common Australian flycatcher, commonly desert their nests before egg‐laying. We tested the hypothesis that Grey Fantails desert incomplete nests in response to the attention of predators by placing a mounted Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina), a common nest predator, near fantail nests that were under construction. As a control, we placed a mounted King Parrot (Alisteris scapularis), a nonpredatory bird similar in size to Pied Currawongs, near other fantail nests. Four of six female fantails (67%) deserted incomplete nests in response to the presentation of the Pied Currawong. In contrast, none of the seven females presented with a mounted King Parrot deserted. Female Grey Fantails may use the attention of a predator at the nest during the building stage as a cue to desert. Such desertion may be adaptive for Grey Fantails because currawongs are large predators, making successful nest defense unlikely, and they also present considerable risk to adults. In addition, fantails may raise multiple broods during a breeding season and, therefore, have a high renesting potential.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is a taxonomically widespread reproductive tactic. One of the earliest hypotheses put forward to explain the evolution of CBP was "risk spreading"; that is, by laying eggs in more than one nest, parasites may increase the likelihood that at least one offspring will survive to independence. However, the risk spreading hypothesis, based on the assumptions of random nest predation and random selection of target nests by parasites, was theoretically refuted soon after its appearance. New results from the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) have revealed that nests are not predated at random and that parasites preferentially lay in safe nests. By taking into account these findings and by modifying accordingly the basic assumptions of the earlier model that refuted the risk spreading hypothesis, we built a model to address the role of nest predation in the evolution of CBP. Model simulations revealed that the selective advantage of parasitic laying, related to nest predation, is much higher than previously thought. Furthermore, the invasion probability of parasitic tactic when initially rare was reasonably high within our model framework. We show that the use of risk assessing, instead of random risk spreading, makes parasitic laying evolutionarily advantageous.  相似文献   

Nest predation is the leading cause of reproductive failure in birds and thus it shapes their life history strategies. Intensities of nest predation appear to differ among nest locations and types in both temperate and tropical regions. However, there is limited knowledge of factors influencing susceptibility of avian nests to predation in Africa. The aim of our study was to investigate artificial nest predation rates of different ground and shrub nests located at different heights in the rainforest undergrowth. We placed artificial avian nests within a homogeneous lowland forest interior with sparse forest undergrowth in the Mount Cameroon National Park, Cameroon. We exposed three sets of nests: 50 bare-ground, 50 cup-ground and 50 cup-shrub nests, for 10 d. Predation was higher for cup-ground nests compared to cup-shrub nests, and bare-ground nests were more depredated than cup-ground nests. We concluded that the presence of a cup as well as higher nest position significantly increased probability of artificial nest survival. The results of this study suggest a potential selection pressure on nest type and placement in lowland forest birds for a poorly known tropical region.  相似文献   

Many air-breathing aquatic foragers may be killed by aerial or subsurface predators while recovering oxygen at the surface; yet the influence of predation risk on time allocation during dive cycles is little known in spite of numerous studies on optimal diving. We modeled diving behavior under the risk of predation at the surface. The relationship between time spent at the surface and the risk of death is predicted to influence the optimal surface interval, regardless of whether foragers accumulate energy at a constant rate while at the food patch, deplete food resources over the course of the dive, or must search for food during the dive. When instantaneous predation risk during a single surface interval decreases with time spent at the surface, a diver should increase its surface interval relative to that which maximizes energy intake, thereby increasing dive durations and reducing the number of surfacings per foraging bout. When instantaneous risk over a single surface interval does not change or increases with increasing time at the surface, divers should decrease their surface interval (and consequently their dive duration) relative to that which maximizes energy intake resulting in more dives per foraging bout. The fitness consequences of selecting a suboptimal surface interval vary with the risk function and the way divers harvest energy when at depth. Finally, predation risk during surface intervals should have important consequences for habitat selection and other aspects of the behavioral ecology of air-breathing aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

In a recent series of papers, Thomas E. Martin has suggested that selective, density-dependent predation on nests may promote ecological diversification of birds and constrain the number of coexisting species in a community. In an experimental study, Martin has demonstrated density-dependent predation on artificial nests constructed and placed so as to mimic natural ones. Comparisons between habitats indicate that availability of suitable nest sites may influence community diversity more strongly than does diversity of foraging niches. Although his case is circumstantial at this point, Martin argues compellingly for considering predation more seriously in studies of community ecology. Indeed, many patterns attributed to competition for food resources may arise, instead, from the partitioning of predator-escape space.  相似文献   

Two fish that jointly approach a predator in order to inspect it share the deadly risk of capture depending on the distance between them. Models are developed that seek ESS inspection distances of both single prey and pairs, based on experimental data of the risk that prey (sticklebacks) incur when they approach a predator (pike) to varying distances. Our analysis suggests that an optimal inspection distance can exist for a single fish, and for two equal fish behaving entirely cooperatively so as to maximize the fitness of the pair. Two equal fish inspecting cooperatively should inspect at an equal distance from the predator. The optimal distance is much closer to the predator for cooperative pairs than for single inspectors. However, optimal inspection for two equal fish behaving cooperatively operates across a rather narrow band of conditions relating to the benefits of cooperation. Evolutionarily stable inspection can also exist for two equal fish behaving non-cooperatively such that each acts to make a best reply (in terms of its personal fitness) to its opponent''s strategy. Non-cooperative pairs should also inspect at equal distance from the pike. Unlike the ''single fish'' and ''cooperative'' optima, which are unique inspection distances, there exists a range of ESS inspection distances. If either fish chooses to move to any point in this zone, the best reply of its opponent is to match it (move exactly alongside). Unilateral forward movement in the ''match zone'' may not be possible without some cooperation, but if the pair can ''agree'' to move forward synchronously, maintaining equal distance, inspection will occur at the nearest point in this zone to the predator. This ''near threshold'' is an ESS and is closer to the predator than the single fish optimum: pairs behaving almost selfishly can thus attain greater benefits from inspection by the protection gained from Hamilton''s dilution effect. That pairs should inspect more closely than single fish conforms with empirical findings. Phenotypic asymmetries in costs and benefits between the fish are not yet included in the model.  相似文献   

Begging by nestling birds can be conspicuous and loud. Such displays are thought to function in signalling nestling condition and securing parental care, but they also may inadvertently attract the attention of predators. We compared the structure of nestling begging calls to the risk of predation among 24 species of birds breeding in a forest community in central Arizona. After controlling for body size and phylogeny, we found that species subject to greater nest predation had calls with higher frequency (pitch) and lower amplitude (loudness) than species subject to lower rates of nest predation. As these acoustic features make it difficult for potential predators to pinpoint the source of a sound, our results suggest that an increased risk of predation has led to the evolution of begging calls that minimize locatability. The relationship between call structure and the risk of predation also supports the hypothesis that attracting predators is a direct cost of begging and that such costs can constrain any evolutionary escalation in the intensity of nestling begging.  相似文献   

Extreme environments are often considered a predation refuge for organisms living in them. In southern Mexico several species of poeciliid fishes are undergoing incipient speciation in a variety of extreme (i.e. permanently dark and/or sulphidic) freshwater systems, and previous research has demonstrated reproductive isolation between populations from sulphidic and adjacent benign habitats. In the present study, we investigated bird predation rates (measured as successful captures per minute) in two sulphidic surface and several benign surface habitats, to test the hypothesis that extreme habitats are predation refuges. We found capture rates to be approximately 20 times higher in sulphidic environments: probably facilitated by extremophile poeciliids spending most of their time at the water surface, where they engage in aquatic surface respiration as a direct response to hypoxia. Even birds that are usually not considered major fish predators regularly engage in fish predation in the toxic habitats of southern Mexico. Our results demonstrate that extreme environments do not necessarily represent a refuge from predation, and we discuss the general importance of predation in driving incipient speciation in these systems. Finally, we hypothesize that natural selection via avian predation may play an important role in maintaining reproductive isolation between divergent poeciliid populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 417–426.  相似文献   

Schneider NA  Low M  Arlt D  Pärt T 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31517
Nest predation risk generally increases nearer forest-field edges in agricultural landscapes. However, few studies test whether differences in edge contrast (i.e. hard versus soft edges based on vegetation structure and height) affect edge-related predation patterns and if such patterns are related to changes in nest conspicuousness between incubation and nestling feeding. Using data on 923 nesting attempts we analyse factors influencing nest predation risk at different edge types in an agricultural landscape of a ground-cavity breeding bird species, the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). As for many other bird species, nest predation is a major determinant of reproductive success in this migratory passerine. Nest predation risk was higher closer to woodland and crop field edges, but only when these were hard edges in terms of ground vegetation structure (clear contrast between tall vs short ground vegetation). No such edge effect was observed at soft edges where adjacent habitats had tall ground vegetation (crop, ungrazed grassland). This edge effect on nest predation risk was evident during the incubation stage but not the nestling feeding stage. Since wheatear nests are depredated by ground-living animals our results demonstrate: (i) that edge effects depend on edge contrast, (ii) that edge-related nest predation patterns vary across the breeding period probably resulting from changes in parental activity at the nest between the incubation and nestling feeding stage. Edge effects should be put in the context of the nest predator community as illustrated by the elevated nest predation risk at hard but not soft habitat edges when an edge is defined in terms of ground vegetation. These results thus can potentially explain previously observed variations in edge-related nest predation risk.  相似文献   

Scent-marking by male mice under the risk of predation   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
The use by predators of scent marks made by potential prey isa largely unexplored potential cost of olfactory signaling.Here we investigate how animals that differ in their investmentin scent-marking respond to simulated predation risk, by comparingthe willingness to approach and counter-mark the scent marksof a competitor in the presence or absence of predator odor.We aimed to test whether animals that invest heavily in scent-marking,and which may thus be more vulnerable to eavesdropping predators,will either (1) take greater risks to counter-mark the competitor'sscent or (2) reduce or abandon scent-marking. Using outbredmale laboratory mice, Mus musculus, we show that, in the absenceof predators, individuals which initially scent-mark at highfrequency (high markers) approach the competitor's scent marksmore quickly and spend more time in counter-marking than thosewhich initially invest relatively little (low markers). Ina sib-sib experimental design, simulated presence of predationrisk (urine of ferrets, Mustela putorius furo) caused bothkinds of individual to approach the competitor's marks moreslowly, but high markers approached more quickly than low markersand spent more time in the vicinity of the competitor's marks.Only high markers significantly reduced their overmarking ofthe competitor's scent. These results suggest (1) that thereis a unique danger inherent to scent-marking at high frequenciesand (2) that high-marking males were prepared to accept increasedcosts of intrasexual competition in order to reduce the riskof predation. Further tests using the scent of naked mole-rats, Heterocephalus glaber, showed that these effects were not elicited simply by an unfamiliar odor. We discuss reasons for the observeddifference in response to predation risk between the groups,and the implications of these results for counter-selectionon scent-marking strategies.  相似文献   

Two fish that cooperatively inspect a predator may have negotiated the share of the risk that each takes. A test of both the costs of predator inspection dependent on the distance from which the predator is approached and the potential benefits of cooperation was carried out strictly experimentally. We made either singletons or pairs of dead sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, approach hungry pike, Esox lucius, by remote control according to an algorithm that mimicked natural inspection. The predation risk of both single inspectors and parallel inspecting pairs increased with closer inspection distances. A member of an inspecting pair had only about half the risk of that of a single inspector. In pairs, a companion diluted the lead fish''s risk of being caught, depending on its distance behind the leader. The absolute risk difference between leader and follower was greatest for close inspection distances and decreased further away from the predator. The leader''s relative risk increased with its distance ahead of the laggard. However, for a given distance between leader and laggard, the relative risks of the two fish remained similar with distance from the predator. The cost side of the inequalities that define a ''Prisoner''s Dilemma'' has thus been measured for this system. In a second experiment the ''attack deterrence hypothesis'' of predator inspection (i.e. inspection decreases attack probability) was tested. The pike was offered a choice between two sticklebacks, one of which had carried out a predator inspection visit. There was no indication of attack deterrence through predator inspection.  相似文献   

As a major process affecting the reproductive success of birds, nest predation influences population density and dynamics and forces species to adapt to ecological and evolutionary time scales. The disentangling of potential natural and anthropogenic drivers of nest predation is crucial for the conservation of species. Thus, we investigated the effects of elevation, egg characteristics, vegetation structure and human activities on daily nest predation rates of artificial ground nests by baiting 700 artificial nests with quail eggs along an elevational gradient of about 1100 m. After 25 days, we found an overall daily nest predation rate of 0.045. Our generalized linear mixed model revealed increasing daily predation rates with increasing forest management, no impact of recreational activities, and lower daily predation rates in the vicinity of buildings. Furthermore, daily predation rates declined with increasing density of near-ground vegetation and increased with increasing tree cover. Finally, we found no influence of elevation, matching of egg and ground colouration, and dead wood on daily nest predation rates. Our results revealed that the risk of nest predation depends more on vegetation structure than on current levels of recreational activities. Moreover, the negative relation of nest predation risk and near-ground vegetation indicates that the changing forest structure after natural disturbances (e.g. wind throw or bark beetle infestation), which is tolerated within the benign neglect strategy applied by the authorities of protected areas, decreases the predation risk, whereas salvage logging increases this risk.  相似文献   

In spite of uncertainty about the biochemical processes involved, silver staining is a widely used technique for assessing the locations of active NORs in eukaryotic genomes in general, and in mammalian genomes in particular. However, following a previous study of hedgehog chromosomes, we present here a second example from two gerbil species (Rodentia, Muridae), which have several clear Ag-positive signals that do not correspond to 28S rDNA clusters. Although this pattern may be characteristic of particular genomes displaying unusual heterochromatic features, our study casts doubt upon the reliability and universality of Ag-staining for detecting active NORs.  相似文献   

We model ontogenetic shifts (e.g. in food or habitat use) during development under predation risk. We ask whether inclusion of state and frequency dependence will provide new insights when compared with game-free life-history theory. We model a simple biological scenario in which a prey animal must switch from a low-predation, low-growth habitat to a high-predation, high-growth habitat. To assess the importance of frequency dependence, we compare the results of four scenarios of increasing complexity: (1) no predation; (2) constant predation; (3) frequency-dependent predation (predation risk diluted at high prey density); and (4) frequency-dependent predation as in (3) but with predators allowed to respond adaptively to prey behaviour. State dependence is included in all scenarios through initial size, assumed to be environmental. A genetic algorithm is used to search for optimal solutions to the scenarios. We find substantially different results in the four different scenarios and suggest a decision tree by which biological systems could be tested to ascertain which scenario is most applicable.  相似文献   

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