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Light-dependent chloroplast movements are an actin-dependent cellular response to changes in the light environment that help plants maximize photosynthetic potential and reduce photodamage. Over a dozen proteins are known to be required for normal chloroplast movements, but the molecular mechanisms regulating the transformation of light perception into chloroplast motility are not fully understood. Here, we show that in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) the actin-bundling plasma membrane-associated proteins THRUMIN1, PLASTID MOVEMENT IMPAIRED1 (PMI1), and KINESIN-LIKE PROTEIN FOR ACTIN-BASED CHLOROPLAST MOVEMENT1 (KAC1) interact through the 14-3-3 proteins KAPPA and OMEGA. We also show that the interaction of PMI1 with 14-3-3 KAPPA and OMEGA is regulated by blue light activation of the Phototropin2 photoreceptor. Live-cell confocal microscopy revealed light-induced dynamic changes in the cellular localizations of PMI1 and KAC1. In particular, PMI1 was relocated away from irradiated areas of the plasma membrane in less than a minute after blue light exposure, consistent with PMI1 playing a critical role in initiating light-dependent chloroplast movements. We present a modified conceptual model for high light-dependent chloroplast movements in which PMI1 acts as the mobile signal that initiates a coordinated sequence of changes in protein–protein and protein–plasma membrane interactions that initiate the chloroplast movement response and determine where in the cell chloroplasts are able to anchor to the plasma membrane.

High light intensity-induced chloroplast movements in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll cells involves protein interaction changes and requires movement of the protein PMI1 from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

It has long been observed that many neuronal types position their nuclei within restricted cytoplasmic boundaries. A striking example is the apical localization of cone photoreceptors nuclei at the outer edge of the outer nuclear layer of mammalian retinas. Yet, little is known about how such nuclear spatial confinement is achieved and further maintained. Linkers of the Nucleoskeleton to the Cytoskeleton (LINC complexes) consist of evolutionary-conserved macromolecular assemblies that span the nuclear envelope to connect the nucleus with the peripheral cytoskeleton. Here, we applied a new transgenic strategy to disrupt LINC complexes either in cones or rods. In adult cones, we observed a drastic nuclear mislocalization on the basal side of the ONL that affected cone terminals overall architecture. We further provide evidence that this phenotype may stem from the inability of cone precursor nuclei to migrate towards the apical side of the outer nuclear layer during early postnatal retinal development. By contrast, disruption of LINC complexes within rod photoreceptors, whose nuclei are scattered across the outer nuclear layer, had no effect on the positioning of their nuclei thereby emphasizing differential requirements for LINC complexes by different neuronal types. We further show that Sun1, a component of LINC complexes, but not A-type lamins, which interact with LINC complexes at the nuclear envelope, participate in cone nuclei positioning. This study provides key mechanistic aspects underlying the well-known spatial confinement of cone nuclei as well as a new mouse model to evaluate the pathological relevance of nuclear mispositioning.  相似文献   

在线粒体基因组中存在着来自细胞核和叶绿体的DNA,这些外源DNA的存在增加了线粒体基因组的复杂性.概述了近年来关于线粒体与细胞核和叶绿体之间遗传物质水平转移方面的研究现状.  相似文献   

On average our eyes make 3–5 saccadic movements per second when we read, although their neural mechanism is still unclear. It is generally thought that saccades help redirect the retinal fovea to specific characters and words but that actual discrimination of information only occurs during periods of fixation. Indeed, it has been proposed that there is active and selective suppression of information processing during saccades to avoid experience of blurring due to the high-speed movement. Here, using a paradigm where a string of either lexical (Chinese) or non-lexical (alphabetic) characters are triggered by saccadic eye movements, we show that subjects can discriminate both while making saccadic eye movement. Moreover, discrimination accuracy is significantly better for characters scanned during the saccadic movement to a fixation point than those not scanned beyond it. Our results showed that character information can be processed during the saccade, therefore saccades during reading not only function to redirect the fovea to fixate the next character or word but allow pre-processing of information from the ones adjacent to the fixation locations to help target the next most salient one. In this way saccades can not only promote continuity in reading words but also actively facilitate reading comprehension.  相似文献   

Cardiac remodeling was shown to be associated with reduced gap junction expression after myocardial infarction. A reduction in gap junctional proteins between myocytes may trigger ventricular arrhythmia. Therefore, we investigated whether N-acetylcysteine exerted antiarrhythmic effect by preserving connexin43 expression in postinfarcted rats, focusing on cAMP downstream molecules such as protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac). Male Wistar rats after ligating coronary artery were randomized to either vehicle, or N-acetylcysteine for 4 weeks starting 24 hours after operation. Infarct size was similar between two groups. Compared with vehicle, cAMP levels were increased by N-acetylcysteine treatment after infarction. Myocardial connexin43 expression was significantly decreased in vehicle-treated infarcted rats compared with sham operated rats. Attenuated connexin43 expression and function were blunted after administering N-acetylcysteine, assessed by immunofluorescent analysis, dye coupling, Western blotting, and real-time quantitative RT-PCR of connexin43. Arrhythmic scores during programmed stimulation in the N-acetylcysteine-treated rats were significantly lower than those treated with vehicle. In an ex vivo study, enhanced connexin43 levels afforded by N-acetylcysteine were partially blocked by either H-89 (a PKA inhibitor) or brefeldin A (an Epac-signaling inhibitor) and completely blocked when H-89 and brefeldin A were given in combination. Addition of either the PKA specific activator N6Bz or Epac specific activator 8-CPT did not have additional increased connexin43 levels compared with rats treated with lithium chloride alone. These findings suggest that N-acetylcysteine protects ventricular arrhythmias by attenuating reduced connexin43 expression and function via both PKA- and Epac-dependent pathways, which converge through the inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase-3β.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of mRNA degradation in the chloroplast consists of sequential events including endonucleolytic cleavage, the addition of poly(A)-rich sequences to the endonucleolytic cleavage products, and exonucleolytic degradation by polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase). In Escherichia coli, polyadenylation is performed mainly by poly(A)-polymerase (PAP) I or by PNPase in its absence. While trying to purify the chloroplast PAP by following in vitro polyadenylation activity, it was found to copurify with PNPase and indeed could not be separated from it. Purified PNPase was able to polyadenylate RNA molecules with an activity similar to that of lysed chloroplasts. Both activities use ADP much more effectively than ATP and are inhibited by stem-loop structures. The activity of PNPase was directed to RNA degradation or polymerization by manipulating physiologically relevant concentrations of P(i) and ADP. As expected of a phosphorylase, P(i) enhanced degradation, whereas ADP inhibited degradation and enhanced polymerization. In addition, searching the complete Arabidopsis genome revealed several putative PAPs, none of which were preceded by a typical chloroplast transit peptide. These results suggest that there is no enzyme similar to E. coli PAP I in spinach chloroplasts and that polyadenylation and exonucleolytic degradation of RNA in spinach chloroplasts are performed by one enzyme, PNPase.  相似文献   

《Cell host & microbe》2014,15(4):413-423
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目前关于动物和酵母细胞中p34cdc2的定位研究结果尚存在分歧,而关于该蛋白在植物细胞中的定位尚不清楚.以多头绒泡菌( Physarum polycephalum )S期、G2早期、G2中期、G2晚期、前期、中期和后末期的原质团和细胞核为材料进行免疫印迹,发现原质团和细胞核都含有一种分子量约34 kD的类p34cdc2蛋白,该蛋白在原质团和细胞核中的含量在整个细胞周期进程中基本保持稳定.以抗p34cdc2单克隆抗体为探针的免疫电镜结果显示,类p34cdc2蛋白既分布于细胞核也分布于细胞质中,在细胞核中主要与染色体和核仁结合.经抗p34cdc2单克隆抗体处理后,多头绒泡菌的有丝分裂启始迟滞约2 h.结果表明,多头绒泡菌类p34cdc2蛋白存在于细胞核和细胞质中,与细胞有丝分裂密切相关,其含量在细胞周期进程中基本保持稳定.  相似文献   

We studied the roles of the cerebellum and caudate nuclei in the programming and control of ballistic movements. An experimental model of operant food-procuring movements of the rats was used; the activity of single neurons of the above structures was recorded in the course of these motor performances. To evaluate the impact of the cerebellar–caudate interaction on the process of control of the ballistic (centrally programmed) components of food-procuring motor performance, we also recorded modifications of the neuronal activity in one of the above-mentioned structures induced by electrical extrastimulation of another structure in the course of realization of the above components. It is demonstrated that the cerebellum and, in particular, its dentate nuclei are involved in the programming of ballistic food-procuring movements. Neurons of the caudate nuclei play a significant role in the immediate preparation for and subsequent current control of stereotyped ballistic movements. The high plastic properties of the cerebellar neurons manifested in the process of control of ballistic food-procuring movements are proved.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) can induce acute pain in humans and plays an important role in pain sensitization caused by inflammation and injury in animal models. There is evidence that NO acts both in the central nervous system via a cyclic GMP pathway and in the periphery on sensory neurons through unknown mechanisms. It has recently been suggested that TRPV1 and TRPA1, two polymodal ion channels that sense noxious stimuli impinging on peripheral nociceptors, are activated by NO in heterologous systems. Here, we investigate the relevance of this activation. We demonstrate that NO donors directly activate TRPV1 and TRPA1 in isolated inside-out patch recordings. Cultured primary sensory neurons display both TRPV1- and TRPA1-dependent responses to NO donors. BH4, an essential co-factor for NO production, causes activation of a subset of DRG neurons as assayed by calcium imaging, and this activation is at least partly dependent on nitric oxide synthase activity. We show that BH4-induced calcium influx is ablated in DRG neurons from TRPA1/TRPV1 double knockout mice, suggesting that production of endogenous levels of NO can activate these ion channels. In behavioral assays, peripheral NO-induced nociception is compromised when TRPV1 and TRPA1 are both ablated. These results provide genetic evidence that the peripheral nociceptive action of NO is mediated by both TRPV1 and TRPA1.  相似文献   

It has now believed that chloroplasts arose from cyanobacteria,however,during endosymbiosis,the photosynthetic genes in chloroplasts have been reduced.How these changes occurred during plant evolution was the focus of the present study.Beginning with photosystem Ⅰ (PSI) genes,a homologous comparison of amino acid sequences of 18 subunits of PSI from 10 species of cyanobacteria,chloroplasts in 12 species of eucaryotic algae,and 28 species of plants (including bryophytes,pteridophytes,gymnospermae,dicotyledon and monocotyledon) was undertaken.The data showed that 18 genes of PSIcan be divided into two groups: Part Ⅰ including seven genes (psaA,psaB,psaC,psaI,psaJ,yct3 and ycf4) shared both by cyanobacteria and plant chloroplasts;Part Ⅱ containing another 11 genes (psaD,psaE,psaF,psaK,psaL,psaM,btpA,ycf37,psaG,psaH and psaN) appeared to have diversified in different plant groups.Among Part I genes,psaC,psaA and psaB had higher homology in all species of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts.Among Part II genes,only psaG,psaH and psaN emerged in seed plants.  相似文献   

We assessed the capacity of three species of disturbance‐sensitive understory birds to traverse a highway (50–75 m width) and large farm clearing (250 m width), by radio‐tracking translocated individuals in central Amazonia, Brazil. Most individuals translocated across the highway (eight of nine birds) or moved within continuous forest (five of seven birds) returned to their home ranges, whereas none of five birds moved across the large clearing returned. Our results suggest that large clearings (>250 m width) can significantly reduce the movements of some understory rainforest birds.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fusion requires the coordinated fusion of the outer and inner membranes. Three large GTPases—OPA1 and the mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2—are essential for the fusion of mammalian mitochondria. OPA1 is mutated in dominant optic atrophy, a neurodegenerative disease of the optic nerve. In yeast, the OPA1 ortholog Mgm1 is required for inner membrane fusion in vitro; nevertheless, yeast lacking Mgm1 show neither outer nor inner membrane fusion in vivo, because of the tight coupling between these two processes. We find that outer membrane fusion can be readily visualized in OPA1-null mouse cells in vivo, but these events do not progress to inner membrane fusion. Similar defects are found in cells lacking prohibitins, which are required for proper OPA1 processing. In contrast, double Mfn-null cells show neither outer nor inner membrane fusion. Mitochondria in OPA1-null cells often contain multiple matrix compartments bounded together by a single outer membrane, consistent with uncoupling of outer versus inner membrane fusion. In addition, unlike mitofusins and yeast Mgm1, OPA1 is not required on adjacent mitochondria to mediate membrane fusion. These results indicate that mammalian mitofusins and OPA1 mediate distinct sequential fusion steps that are readily uncoupled, in contrast to the situation in yeast.  相似文献   

Working with the Dipteran Calliphora erythrocephala, we have tested the hypothesis that only one nucleolar organizer region (NO) is replicated during polyploidization. NO replication was examined in two very different highly polyploid nuclear types: salivary gland nuclei and nurse cell nuclei. Two strains of the organism containing NO regions with highly diagnostic nontranscribed spacer (NTS) polymorphisms were prepared and reciprocal single pair-matings between members of the strains were performed. The representation of the two distinguishable NOs in diploid and polyploid DNAs of individual F1 progeny from each cross was then examined. DNA from a total polyploid nuclear DNA preparation and from individual polyploid nuclei of both tissue types was analyzed. Our results show conclusively that both genomic NOs are replicated in individual polyploid nuclei of both types. Further, evidence for variation in the relative replication of cistrons from the two NOs by individual nuclei was obtained. The cistron types present in the NOs of both strains showed differential replication upon polyploidization. In general, the patterns of differential cistron replication seen in salivary gland and nurse cell nuclei were similar.  相似文献   

SUMOylation participates in ecdysteroid biosynthesis at the onset of metamorphosis in Drosophila melanogaster. Silencing the Drosophila SUMO homologue smt3 in the prothoracic gland leads to reduced lipid content, low ecdysone titers, and a block in the larval–pupal transition. Here we show that the SR-BI family of Scavenger Receptors mediates SUMO functions. Reduced levels of Snmp1 compromise lipid uptake in the prothoracic gland. In addition, overexpression of Snmp1 is able to recover lipid droplet levels in the smt3 knockdown prothoracic gland cells. Snmp1 expression depends on Ftz-f1 (an NR5A-type orphan nuclear receptor), the expression of which, in turn, depends on SUMO. Furthermore, we show by in vitro and in vivo experiments that Ftz-f1 is SUMOylated. RNAi–mediated knockdown of ftz-f1 phenocopies that of smt3 at the larval to pupal transition, thus Ftz-f1 is an interesting candidate to mediate some of the functions of SUMO at the onset of metamorphosis. Additionally, we demonstrate that the role of SUMOylation, Ftz-f1, and the Scavenger Receptors in lipid capture and mobilization is conserved in other steroidogenic tissues such as the follicle cells of the ovary. smt3 knockdown, as well as ftz-f1 or Scavenger knockdown, depleted the lipid content of the follicle cells, which could be rescued by Snmp1 overexpression. Therefore, our data provide new insights into the regulation of metamorphosis via lipid homeostasis, showing that Drosophila Smt3, Ftz-f1, and SR-BIs are part of a general mechanism for uptake of lipids such as cholesterol, required during development in steroidogenic tissues.  相似文献   

Before undertaking the permanent culture of chloroplasts, theirpower to divide in vitro was investigated. The results suggestthat factors or conditions which govern cell elongation alsocontrol chloroplast division.  相似文献   

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