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It has been suggested that the signal transduction initiated by apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) activates key proteins involved in cholesterol efflux. ABCA1 serves as a binding partner for apoA-I, but its participation in apoA-I-induced signaling remains uncertain. We show that the exposure of human fibroblasts to ABCA1 ligands (apolipoproteins and amphipathic helical peptides) results in the generation of intracellular signals, including activation of the small G-protein Cdc42, protein kinases (PAK-1 and p54JNK), and actin polymerization. ApoA-I-induced signaling was abrogated by glyburide, an inhibitor of the ABC transporter family, and in fibroblasts from patients with Tangier disease, which do not express ABCA1. Conversely, induction of ABCA1 expression with the liver X receptor agonist, T0901317, and the retinoid X receptor agonist, R0264456, potentiated apoA-I-induced signaling. Similar effects were observed in HEK293 cells overexpressing ABCA1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein, but not ABCA1-GFP (K939M), which fails to hydrolyze ATP, or a nonfunctional ABCA1-GFP with a truncated C terminus. We further found that Cdc42 coimmunoprecipitates with ABCA1 in ABCA1-GFP-expressing HEK293 cells exposed to apoA-I but not in cells expressing ABCA1 mutants. We conclude that ABCA1 transduces signals from apoA-I by complexing and activating Cdc42 and downstream kinases and, therefore, acts as a full apoA-I receptor.  相似文献   

Recent developments in lipid metabolism have shown the importance of ATP binding cassette transporters (ABCs) in controlling cellular and total body lipid homeostasis. ABCA1 mediates the transport of cholesterol and phospholipids from cells to lipid-poor apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), whereas ABCG1 and ABCG4 mediate the transport of cholesterol from cells to lipidated lipoproteins. ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCG4 are all expressed in cholesterol-loaded macrophages, and macrophages from ABCA1 and ABCG1 knockout mice accumulate cholesteryl esters. Here, we show that the lipidated particles generated by incubating cells overexpressing ABCA1 with apoA-I are efficient acceptors for cholesterol released from cells overexpressing either ABCG1 or ABCG4. The cholesterol released to the particles was derived from a cholesterol oxidase-accessible plasma membrane pool in both ABCG1 and ABCG4 cells, which is the same pool of cholesterol shown previously to be removed by high density lipoproteins. ABCA1 cells incubated with apoA-I generated two major populations of cholesterol- and phospholipid-rich lipoprotein particles that were converted by ABCG1 or ABCG4 cells to one major particle population that was highly enriched in cholesterol. These results suggest that ABCG1 and ABCG4 act in concert with ABCA1 to maximize the removal of excess cholesterol from cells and to generate cholesterol-rich lipoprotein particles.  相似文献   

Cholesterol efflux capacity associates strongly and negatively with the incidence and prevalence of human CVD. We investigated the relationships of HDL’s size and protein cargo with its cholesterol efflux capacity using APOB-depleted serum and HDLs isolated from five inbred mouse strains with different susceptibilities to atherosclerosis. Like humans, mouse HDL carried >70 proteins linked to lipid metabolism, the acute-phase response, proteinase inhibition, and the immune system. HDL’s content of specific proteins strongly correlated with its size and cholesterol efflux capacity, suggesting that its protein cargo regulates its function. Cholesterol efflux capacity with macrophages strongly and positively correlated with retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) and PLTP, but not APOA1. In contrast, ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux correlated strongly with HDL’s content of APOA1, APOC3, and APOD, but not RBP4 and PLTP. Unexpectedly, APOE had a strong negative correlation with ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux capacity. Moreover, the ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux capacity of HDL isolated from APOE-deficient mice was significantly greater than that of HDL from wild-type mice. Our observations demonstrate that the HDL-associated APOE regulates HDL’s ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux capacity. These findings may be clinically relevant because HDL’s APOE content associates with CVD risk and ABCA1 deficiency promotes unregulated cholesterol accumulation in human macrophages.  相似文献   

Our aim in this study was to investigate the effect of aging on the capacity of HDLs to promote reverse cholesterol transport. HDLs were isolated from plasma of young (Y-HDL) and elderly (E-HDL) subjects. HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux was studied using THP-1 and J774 macrophages. Our results show that E-HDLs present a lower capacity to promote cholesterol efflux than Y-HDLs (41.7 +/- 1.4% vs. 49.0 +/- 2.2%, respectively; P = 0.013). Reduction in the HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux capacity with aging was more significant with HDL(3) than HDL(2) (Y-HDL(3), 57.3 +/- 1% vs. E-HDL(3), 50.9 +/- 2%; P = 0.012). Moreover, our results show that ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux is the more affected pathway in terms of cholesterol-removing capacity. Interestingly, the composition and structure of HDL revealed a reduction in the phosphatidylcholine-sphingomyelin ratio (E-HDL, 32.7 +/- 2.7 vs. Y-HDL, 40.0 +/- 1.9; P = 0.029) and in the phospholipidic layer membrane fluidity in E-HDL compared with Y-HDL as well as an alteration in the apolipoprotein A-I structure and charge. In conclusion, our results shown that E-HDLs present a reduced capacity to promote cholesterol efflux, principally through the ABCA1 pathway, and this may explain the increase of the incidence of cardiovascular diseases observed during aging.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that both apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and ABCA1 play crucial roles in HDL biogenesis and in the human atheroprotective system. However, the nature and specifics of apoA-I/ABCA1 interactions remain poorly understood. Here, we present evidence for a new cellular apoA-I binding site having a 9-fold higher capacity to bind apoA-I compared with the ABCA1 site in fibroblasts stimulated with 22-(R)-hydroxycholesterol/9-cis-retinoic acid. This new cellular apoA-I binding site was designated "high-capacity binding site" (HCBS). Glyburide drastically reduced (125)I-apoA-I binding to the HCBS, whereas (125)I-apoA-I showed no significant binding to the HCBS in ABCA1 mutant (Q597R) fibroblasts. Furthermore, reconstituted HDL exhibited reduced affinity for the HCBS. Deletion of the C-terminal region of apoA-I (Delta187-243) drastically reduced the binding of apoA-I to the HCBS. Interestingly, overexpressing various levels of ABCA1 in BHK cells promoted the formation of the HCBS. The majority of the HCBS was localized to the plasma membrane (PM) and was not associated with membrane raft domains. Importantly, treatment of cells with phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C, but not sphingomyelinase, concomitantly reduced the binding of (125)I-apoA-I to the HCBS, apoA-I-mediated cholesterol efflux, and the formation of nascent apoA-I-containing particles. Together, these data suggest that a functional ABCA1 leads to the formation of a major lipid-containing site for the binding and the lipidation of apoA-I at the PM. Our results provide a biochemical basis for the HDL biogenesis pathway that involves both ABCA1 and the HCBS, supporting a two binding site model for ABCA1-mediated nascent HDL genesis.  相似文献   

The accumulation of lipoprotein cholesterol in theartery wall is thought to be an important factor in thedevelopment of atherosclerosis. After retentionand modi-fication in arteries, atherogenic lipoproteins are taken upby macrophages, bringing about macrophage-derived foamcells. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) plays a role in trans-porting cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver.The elevated level of HDL is associated with a decreasein atherosclerosis and the apolipoproteins to remo…  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phospholipids are essential to the body, but an excess of cholesterol or lipids is toxic and a risk factor for arteriosclerosis. ABCG1, one of the half-type ABC proteins, is thought to be involved in cholesterol homeostasis. To explore the role of ABCG1 in cholesterol homeostasis, we examined its subcellular localization and function. ABCG1 and ABCG1-K120M, a WalkerA lysine mutant, were localized to the plasma membrane in HEK293 cells stably expressing ABCG1 and formed a homodimer. A stable transformant expressing ABCG1 exhibited efflux of cholesterol and choline phospholipids in the presence of BSA, and the cholesterol efflux was enhanced by the presence of HDL, whereas cells expressing ABCG1-K120M did not, suggesting that ATP binding and/or hydrolysis is required for the efflux. Mass and TLC analyses revealed that ABCG1 and ABCA1 secrete several species of sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), and SMs were preferentially secreted by ABCG1, whereas PCs were preferentially secreted by ABCA1. These results suggest that ABCA1 and ABCG1 mediate the lipid efflux in different mechanisms, in which different species of phospholipids are secreted, and function coordinately in the removal of cholesterol and phospholipids from peripheral cells.  相似文献   

We previously reported that cholesterol-enriched macrophages excrete cholesterol into the extracellular matrix. A monoclonal antibody that detects cholesterol microdomains labels the deposited extracellular particles. Macro­phage deposition of extracellular cholesterol depends, in part, on ABCG1, and this cholesterol can be mobilized by HDL components of the reverse cholesterol transport process. The objective of the current study was to determine whether ABCA1 also contributes to macrophage deposition of extracellular cholesterol. ABCA1 functioned in extracellular cholesterol deposition. The liver X receptor agonist, TO901317 (TO9), an ABCA1-inducing factor, restored cholesterol deposition that was absent in cholesterol-enriched ABCG1−/− mouse macrophages. In addition, the ABCA1 inhibitor, probucol, blocked the increment in cholesterol deposited by TO9-treated wild-type macrophages, and completely inhibited deposition from TO9-treated ABCG1−/− macrophages. Lastly, ABCA1−/− macrophages deposited much less extracellular cholesterol than wild-type macrophages. These findings demonstrate a novel function of ABCA1 in contributing to macrophage export of cholesterol into the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Ceramide is a component of the sphingomyelin cycle and a well-established lipid signaling molecule. We recently reported that ceramide specifically increased ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux to apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), a critical process that leads to the formation of cardioprotective HDL. In this report, we characterize the structural features of ceramide required for this effect. C2 dihydroceramide, which contains a fully saturated acyl chain and is commonly used as a negative control for ceramide apoptotic signaling, stimulated a 2- to 5-fold increase in ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux to apoA-I over a 0-60 muM concentration range without the cell toxicity apparent with native C2 ceramide. Compared with C2 ceramide, C6 and C8 ceramides with medium-length N-acyl chains showed a similar extent of efflux stimulation (a 2- to 5-fold increase) but at a higher onset concentration than the less hydrophobic C2 ceramide. In contrast, the reduced and methylated ceramide analogs, N,N-dimethyl sphingosine and N,N,N-trimethyl sphingosine, failed to stimulate cholesterol efflux. We found that changes in the native spatial orientation at either of two chiral carbon centers (or both) resulted in an approximately 50% decrease compared with native ceramide-stimulated cholesterol efflux. These data show that the overall ceramide shape and the amide bond are critical for the cholesterol efflux effect and suggest that ceramide acts through a protein-mediated pathway to affect ABCA1 activity.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) was markedly increased in the plasma and in the liver upon acute inflammation induced by intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mice, and SAA in the plasma was exclusively associated with HDL. In contrast, no HDL was present in the plasma and only a small amount of SAA was found in the VLDL/LDL fraction (d < 1.063 g/ml) after the induction of inflammation in ABCA1-knockout (KO) mice, although SAA increased in the liver. Primary hepatocytes isolated from LPS-treated wild-type (WT) and ABCA1-KO mice both secreted SAA into the medium. SAA secreted from WT hepatocytes was associated with HDL, whereas SAA from ABCA1-KO hepatocytes was recovered in the fraction that was >1.21 g/ml. The behavior of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) was the same as that of SAA in HDL biogenesis by WT and ABCA1-KO mouse hepatocytes. Lipid-free SAA and apoA-I both stabilized ABCA1 and caused cellular lipid release in WT mouse-derived fibroblasts, but not in ABCA1-KO mouse-derived fibroblasts, in vitro when added exogenously. We conclude that both SAA and apoA-I generate HDL largely in hepatocytes only in the presence of ABCA1, likely being secreted in a lipid-free form to interact with cellular ABCA1. In the absence of ABCA1, nonlipidated SAA is seemingly removed rapidly from the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the associations of individual apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I)-containing HDL subpopulation levels with ABCA1- and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-mediated cellular cholesterol efflux. HDL subpopulations were measured by nondenaturing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis from 105 male subjects selected with various levels of apoA-I in pre-beta-1, alpha-1, and alpha-3 HDL particles. ApoB-containing lipoprotein-depleted serum was incubated with [(3)H]cholesterol-labeled cells to measure efflux. The difference in efflux between control and ABCA1-upregulated J774 macrophages was taken as a measure of ABCA1-mediated efflux. SR-BI-mediated efflux was determined using cholesterol-labeled Fu5AH hepatoma cells. Fractional efflux values obtained from these two cell systems were correlated with the levels of individual HDL subpopulations. A multivariate analysis showed that two HDL subspecies correlated significantly with ABCA1-mediated efflux: small, lipid-poor pre-beta-1 particles (P=0.0022) and intermediate-sized alpha-2 particles (P=0.0477). With regard to SR-BI-mediated efflux, multivariate analysis revealed significant correlations with alpha-2 (P=0.0004), alpha-1 (P=0.0030), pre-beta-1 (P=0.0056), and alpha-3 (P=0.0127) HDL particles. These data demonstrate that the small, lipid-poor pre-beta-1 HDL has the strongest association with ABCA1-mediated cholesterol even in the presence of all other HDL subpopulations. Cholesterol efflux via the SR-BI pathway is associated with several HDL subpopulations with different apolipoprotein composition, lipid content, and size.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that ABCA1 interacts preferentially with lipid-poor apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). Here, we show that treatment of plasma with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) multilamellar vesicles generates prebeta(1)-apoA-I-containing lipoproteins (LpA-I)-like particles similar to those of native plasma. Isolated prebeta(1)-LpA-I-like particles inhibited the binding of (125)I-apoA-I to ABCA1 more efficiently than HDL(3) (IC(50) = 2.20 +/- 0.35 vs. 37.60 +/- 4.78 microg/ml). We next investigated the ability of DMPC-treated plasma to promote phospholipid and unesterified (free) cholesterol efflux from J774 macrophages stimulated or not with cAMP. At 2 mg DMPC/ml plasma, both phospholipid and free cholesterol efflux were increased ( approximately 50% and 40%, respectively) in cAMP-stimulated cells compared with unstimulated cells. Similarly, both phospholipid and free cholesterol efflux to either isolated native prebeta(1)-LpA-I and prebeta(1)-LpA-I-like particles were increased significantly in stimulated cells. Furthermore, glyburide significantly inhibited phospholipid and free cholesterol efflux to DMPC-treated plasma. Removal of apoA-I-containing lipoproteins from normolipidemic plasma drastically reduced free cholesterol efflux mediated by DMPC-treated plasma. Finally, treatment of Tangier disease plasma with DMPC affected the amount of neither prebeta(1)-LpA-I nor free cholesterol efflux. These results indicate that DMPC enrichment of normal plasma resulted in the redistribution of apoA-I from alpha-HDL to prebeta-HDL, allowing for more efficient ABCA1-mediated cellular lipid release. Increasing the plasma prebeta(1)-LpA-I level by either pharmacological agents or direct infusions might prevent foam cell formation and reduce atherosclerotic vascular disease.  相似文献   

Patients homozygous for Tangier disease have a near absence of plasma HDL as a result of mutations in ABCA1 and hypercatabolize normal HDL particles. To determine the relationship between ABCA1 expression and HDL catabolism, we investigated intravascular remodeling, plasma clearance, and organ-specific uptake of HDL in mice expressing the human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) transgene in the Abca1 knockout background. Small HDL particles (7.5 nm), radiolabeled with (125)I-tyramine cellobiose, were injected into recipient mice to quantify plasma turnover and the organ uptake of tracer. Small HDL tracer was remodeled to 8.2 nm diameter particles within 5 min in human apolipoprotein A-I transgenic (hA-I(Tg)) mice (control) and knockout mice. Decay of tracer from plasma was 1.6-fold more rapid in knockout mice (P < 0.05) and kidney uptake was twice that of controls, with no difference in liver uptake. We also observed 2-fold greater hepatic expression of ABCA1 protein in hA-I(Tg) mice compared with nontransgenic mice, suggesting that overexpression of human apoA-I stabilized hepatic ABCA1 protein in vivo. We conclude that ABCA1 is not required for in vivo remodeling of small HDLs to larger HDL subfractions and that the hypercatabolism of normal HDL particles in knockout mice is attributable to a selective catabolism of HDL apoA-I by the kidney.  相似文献   

HIV infection, through the actions of viral accessory protein Nef, impairs activity of cholesterol transporter ABCA1, inhibiting cholesterol efflux from macrophages and elevating the risk of atherosclerosis. Nef also induces lipid raft formation. In this study, we demonstrate that these activities are tightly linked and affect macrophage function and HIV replication. Nef stimulated lipid raft formation in macrophage cell line RAW 264.7, and lipid rafts were also mobilized in HIV-1-infected human monocyte-derived macrophages. Nef-mediated transfer of cholesterol to lipid rafts competed with the ABCA1-dependent pathway of cholesterol efflux, and pharmacological inhibition of ABCA1 functionality or suppression of ABCA1 expression by RNAi increased Nef-dependent delivery of cholesterol to lipid rafts. Nef reduced cell-surface accessibility of ABCA1 and induced ABCA1 catabolism via the lysosomal pathway. Despite increasing the abundance of lipid rafts, expression of Nef impaired phagocytic functions of macrophages. The infectivity of the virus produced in natural target cells of HIV-1 negatively correlated with the level of ABCA1. These findings demonstrate that Nef-dependent inhibition of ABCA1 is an essential component of the viral replication strategy and underscore the role of ABCA1 as an innate anti-HIV factor.  相似文献   

ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) mediates the transport of cellular cholesterol to HDL, and it plays a key role in maintaining macrophage cholesterol homeostasis. During inflammation, HDL undergoes substantial remodeling, acquiring lipid changes and serum amyloid A (SAA) as a major apolipoprotein. In the current study, we investigated whether remodeling of HDL that occurs during acute inflammation impacts ABCG1-dependent efflux. Our data indicate that lipid free SAA acts similarly to apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in mediating sequential efflux from ABCA1 and ABCG1. Compared with normal mouse HDL, acute phase (AP) mouse HDL containing SAA exhibited a modest but significant 17% increase in ABCG1-dependent efflux. Interestingly, AP HDL isolated from mice lacking SAA (SAAKO mice) was even more effective in promoting ABCG1 efflux. Hydrolysis with Group IIA secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)-IIA) significantly reduced the ability of AP HDL from SAAKO mice to serve as a substrate for ABCG1-mediated cholesterol transfer, indicating that phospholipid (PL) enrichment, and not the presence of SAA, is responsible for alterations in efflux. AP human HDL, which is not PL-enriched, was somewhat less effective in mediating ABCG1-dependent efflux compared with normal human HDL. Our data indicate that inflammatory remodeling of HDL impacts ABCG1-dependent efflux independent of SAA.  相似文献   

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