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Islands are hotspots of biodiversity, with a disproportionately high fraction of endemic lineages, often of ancient origin. Nevertheless, intra‐island phylogeographies are surprisingly scarce, leading to a scanty knowledge about the microevolutionary processes induced on island populations by Plio‐Pleistocene climatic oscillations, and the manner in which these processes contributed to shape their current genetic diversity. We investigated the phylogeography, historical demography and species distribution models of the Corsican endemic newt Euproctus montanus (north‐western Mediterranean). As for many island endemics, the continuous distribution of E. montanus throughout its range has hitherto been considered as evidence for a single large population, a belief that also guided the species' categorization for conservation purposes. Instead, we found a geographic mosaic of ancient evolutionary lineages, with five main clades of likely Pliocene origin (2.6–5.8 My), all but one restricted to northern Corsica. Moreover, the copresence between main lineages in the same population was limited to a single case. As also suggested by growing literature on intra‐island phylogeographic variation, it seems that the extensive use of simplifying assumption on the population structure and historical demography of island populations—both in theoretical and applicative studies—should be carefully reconsidered, a claim that is well exemplified by the case presented here.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands have been a test ground for evolutionary theory, but here, we focus on the possibilities for evolutionary study created by offshore islands. These can be colonized through various means and by a wide range of species, including those with low dispersal capabilities. We use morphology, modern and ancient sequences of cytochrome b (cytb) and microsatellite genotypes to examine colonization history and evolutionary change associated with occupation of the Orkney archipelago by the common vole (Microtus arvalis), a species found in continental Europe but not in Britain. Among possible colonization scenarios, our results are most consistent with human introduction at least 5100 bp (confirmed by radiocarbon dating). We used approximate Bayesian computation of population history to infer the coast of Belgium as the possible source and estimated the evolutionary timescale using a Bayesian coalescent approach. We showed substantial morphological divergence of the island populations, including a size increase presumably driven by selection and reduced microsatellite variation likely reflecting founder events and genetic drift. More surprisingly, our results suggest that a recent and widespread cytb replacement event in the continental source area purged cytb variation there, whereas the ancestral diversity is largely retained in the colonized islands as a genetic ‘ark’. The replacement event in the continental M. arvalis was probably triggered by anthropogenic causes (land‐use change). Our studies illustrate that small offshore islands can act as field laboratories for studying various evolutionary processes over relatively short timescales, informing about the mainland source area as well as the island.  相似文献   

The traditional southern Pleistocene refugia hypothesis in Europe has lately been challenged for several animal and plant species. The Carpathian Basin, especially at the marginal regions, is one of the recently recognized biodiversity hotspots in Europe. Marginal populations are prone to have lower genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation than central populations. Here, we examined one mitochondrial DNA fragment (D‐loop) and nine nuclear (microsatellite) loci to describe the genetic diversity and phylogeographical pattern of fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) populations in the Carpathian Basin with focusing on the southern margins of the Western Carpathians, where isolated populations of this species are present. Analyses of microsatellites indicated reduced genetic diversity for most of the isolated populations. Based on the mitochondrial DNA, only two haplotypes were found, whereas the analyses with the nuclear markers revealed a more recent genetic split between Western (Alpine) and Eastern (Carpathian) populations, and separated the Apuseni Mountains population (part of the Western Carpathians). Using approximate Bayesian computation analyses, we identified the most probable colonization scenario for the isolated North Hungarian Carpathian Basin populations. The split between isolated salamander populations from the central populations in the Carpathian Mountains dates back to the beginning of the Late Pleistocene, while the split between most of the Hungarian populations can be associated with the Last Glacial Maximum. We found evidence for long‐time isolation between the marginal Carpathian Basin and central populations. Our results also show that S. salamandra survived glacial periods in the temperate forests of north‐east Pannonia (North Hungarian Mountains), confirming that the Carpathian Basin served as important northerly refugia during the Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

The use of genetic distances to identify species within the framework of DNA barcoding has to some extent improved the development of biodiversity studies. However, using a fixed empirical threshold to delimit species may lead to overestimating species diversity. In this study, we use a new data set of COI sequences for 366 specimens within the genus of Cletus as well as conduct an analysis on the same genetic data for collected morphologically defined species from previous phylogeographical studies, to test whether high intraspecific genetic divergences are common with the premises of comprehensive sampling. The results indicate C. graminis Hsiao & Cheng 1964 , is the same species with C. punctiger (Dallas, 1852) and should be synonymized and that the distributional record of C. pugnator (Fabricius, 1787) in China is correct. High intraspecific genetic differentiations (0%–4.35%) were found in C. punctiger. Furthermore, as to the mined data, the maximum intraspecific K2P distances of 186 species (48.44% of 384) exceed 3%, and 101 species (26.30%) can be divided into two or more clusters with a threshold of 3% in cluster analysis. If genetic distance is used to delimit species boundaries, the minimum interspecific K2P distance of the congeneric species should be considered rather than only using the fixed empirical value; otherwise, the species richness may be overestimated in some cases.  相似文献   

The marine cave‐dwelling mysid Hemimysis margalefi is distributed over the whole Mediterranean Sea, which contrasts with the poor dispersal capabilities of this brooding species. In addition, underwater marine caves are a highly fragmented habitat which further promotes strong genetic structuring, therefore providing highly informative data on the levels of marine population connectivity across biogeographical regions. This study investigates how habitat and geography have shaped the connectivity network of this poor disperser over the entire Mediterranean Sea through the use of several mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Five deeply divergent lineages were observed among H. margalefi populations resulting from deep phylogeographical breaks, some dating back to the Oligo‐Miocene. Whether looking at the intralineage or interlineage levels, H. margalefi populations present a high genetic diversity and population structuring. This study suggests that the five distinct lineages observed in H. margalefi actually correspond to as many separate cryptic taxa. The nominal species, H. margalefi sensu stricto, corresponds to the westernmost lineage here surveyed from the Alboran Sea to southeastern Italy. Typical genetic breaks such as the Almeria‐Oran Front or the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait do not appear to be influential on the studied loci in H. margalefi sensu stricto. Instead, population structuring appears more complex and subtle than usually found for model species with a pelagic dispersal phase. The remaining four cryptic taxa are all found in the eastern basin, but incomplete lineage sorting is suspected and speciation might still be in process. Present‐day population structure of the different H. margalefi cryptic species appears to result from past vicariance events started in the Oligo‐Miocene and maintained by present‐day coastal topography, water circulation and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Aim The Mediterranean region is often regarded as a crossroads where species of various origins meet. However, the biogeographical relationships between this region and contiguous Saharan, Macaronesian and Irano‐Turanian regions have not been investigated in detail. The aim of this study was to characterize the phylogeography of the circum‐Mediterranean species Myrtus communis and to investigate the origin of isolated central Saharan populations of Myrtus nivellei. Location The distribution ranges of M. communis from Macaronesia to the Irano‐Turanian region (173 sampled populations) and of M. nivellei in the mountains (Hoggar, Tassili n’Ajjer, Immidir, Tibesti) of the central Sahara (23 populations). Methods Nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) sequences of Myrtaceae were used to root the phylogeny of Myrtus, and to date its crown node, according to a detailed review of the palaeobotanical records used for multiple fossil calibration. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences were analysed through the determination of genetic diversity indices and by statistical phylogeography. Results Both cpDNA and nrDNA markers indicated east–west genetic differentiation within M. communis. During the late Miocene, a key vicariance event affected the previous circum‐Mediterranean distribution of Myrtus, leading to the isolation of eastern populations. During the late Miocene or early Pliocene, two clades diverged: one is now scattered in the Mediterranean Basin and adjacent regions, whereas the other evolved in the western Mediterranean region. The differentiation of lineages during the Plio‐Pleistocene occurred mainly in the western part of the Mediterranean Basin, which has been at the origin of migrations towards Macaronesian islands and Saharan mountains. This is one of the first plant phylogeographical studies to report migrations from the Mediterranean to the Sahara. Main conclusions The genus Myrtus has persisted in the Mediterranean region since at least the Neogene and its biogeography reflects the cumulation of the species’ responses to successive palaeoenvironmental changes. The current distribution of the genus Myrtus in the Mediterranean Basin and in isolated areas, such as the Macaronesian islands and Saharan mountains, can be explained by the striking ability of this plant not only to persist locally in various refugia, but also to migrate.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the phylogenetics of the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), a forest passerine with a wide Palaearctic range including Corsica, using three mitochondrial genes and three nuclear introns, and its phylogeographic history using the COI gene. Our phylogenetic results, including eight of the ten sub‐species currently recognized, support the monophyly of C. familiaris with respect to its Indo‐Asian sister species C. hodgsoni. C. familiaris comprises two lineages that diverged during the mid‐Pleistocene (c. 1 Myr): one palaeoendemic lineage has an allopatric range nowadays restricted to the Corsica island and the Caucasus region whereas the second one, more recent and widespread, is distributed over most of Eurasia and in northern China. The most likely scenario that may explain such a pattern is a double colonization of the western Palaearctic from the eastern range of the species. During the middle Pleistocene period, a first lineage expanded its range up into Europe but did not persist through glacial cycles except in Corsica and the Caucasus region. Later, during the upper Pleistocene, a second lineage began to diversify around 0.09 Myr, spreading towards the western Palaearctic from a unique refuge likely located in the eastern Palaearctic [correction added on 6 March 2015 after first online publication: 0.9 Myr amended to 0.09 Myr]. Apart from C. f. corsa, our results do not suggest any distinct evolutionary history for other sub‐species previously described on morphological grounds in Europe. Our study highlights the important conservation value of the Corsican treecreeper and emphasizes the major role of mature pine forests in the evolution of endemic bird taxa in Corsica. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 134–153.  相似文献   

Little has been known about the impacts of past vicariance events on the phylogeography and population structure of freshwater fishes in East Asia. The aims of this study are to assess the genetic variability with extensive sampling throughout the range of Chinese spiny loach, Cobitis sinensis, and to infer the genetic structure and evolutionary history of populations. Cobitis sinensis in China may have initiated from two ancestral populations, namely Yangtze and Pearl Rivers, which diverged about 7.24 MYA likely due to drainage systems alteration. In the phylogroup I, a southward dispersal event occurred from East China (Yangtze River) to south ZheMin and Hainan subregions, followed by eastward dispersal from ZheMin to south Taiwan. In the phylogroup II, eastward colonization took place from Pearl River to north Taiwan in the late Pliocene, coupled with loss of genetic diversity in the island populations. This study showed that Cenozoic tectonic movements and climatic and sea‐level fluctuations may have shaped the genetic structure of C. sinensis in concert. Highly diverged mtDNA sequences suggest existence of cryptic species in morphospecies C. sinensis.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic diversity patterns of endangered species is an important premise for biodiversity conservation. The critically endangered salamander Andrias davidianus, endemic to central and southern mainland in China, has suffered from sharp range and population size declines over the past three decades. However, the levels and patterns of genetic diversity of A. davidianus populations in wild remain poorly understood. Herein, we explore the levels and phylogeographic patterns of genetic diversity of wild‐caught A. davidianus using larvae and adult collection with the aid of sequence variation in (a) the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments (n = 320 individuals; 33 localities), (b) 19 whole mtDNA genomes, and (c) nuclear recombinase activating gene 2 (RAG2; n = 88 individuals; 19 localities). Phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA datasets uncovered seven divergent mitochondrial clades (A–G), which likely originated in association with the uplifting of mountains during the Late Miocene, specific habitat requirements, barriers including mountains and drainages and lower dispersal ability. The distributions of clades were geographic partitioned and confined in neighboring regions. Furthermore, we discovered some mountains, rivers, and provinces harbored more than one clades. RAG2 analyses revealed no obvious geographic patterns among the five alleles detected. Our study depicts a relatively intact distribution map of A. davidianus clades in natural species range and provides important knowledge that can be used to improve monitoring programs and develop a conservation strategy for this critically endangered organism.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a severe form of habitat fragmentation that can cause many species to be locally extirpated and many others to become trapped and isolated within an urban matrix. The role of drift in reducing genetic diversity and increasing genetic differentiation is well recognized in urban populations. However, explicit incorporation and analysis of the demographic and temporal factors promoting drift in urban environments are poorly studied. Here, we genotyped 15 microsatellites in 320 fire salamanders from the historical city of Oviedo (Est. 8th century) to assess the effects of time since isolation, demographic history (historical effective population size; Ne) and patch size on genetic diversity, population structure and contemporary Ne. Our results indicate that urban populations of fire salamanders are highly differentiated, most likely due to the recent Ne declines, as calculated in coalescence analyses, concomitant with the urban development of Oviedo. However, urbanization only caused a small loss of genetic diversity. Regression modelling showed that patch size was positively associated with contemporary Ne, while we found only moderate support for the effects of demographic history when excluding populations with unresolved history. This highlights the interplay between different factors in determining current genetic diversity and structure. Overall, the results of our study on urban populations of fire salamanders provide some of the very first insights into the mechanisms affecting changes in genetic diversity and population differentiation via drift in urban environments, a crucial subject in a world where increasing urbanization is forecasted.  相似文献   

Species are generally described from morphological features, but there is growing recognition of sister forms that show substantial genetic differentiation without obvious morphological variation and may therefore be considered ‘cryptic species’. Here, we investigate the field vole (Microtus agrestis), a Eurasian mammal with little apparent morphological differentiation but which, on the basis of previous sex‐linked nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses, is subdivided into a Northern and a Southern lineage, sufficiently divergent that they may represent two cryptic species. These earlier studies also provided limited evidence for two major mtDNA lineages within Iberia. In our present study, we extend these findings through a multilocus approach. We sampled 163 individuals from 46 localities, mainly in Iberia, and sequenced seven loci, maternally, paternally and biparentally inherited. Our results show that the mtDNA lineage identified in Portugal is indeed a distinct third lineage on the basis of other markers as well. In fact, multilocus coalescent‐based methods clearly support three separate evolutionary units that may represent cryptic species: Northern, Southern and Portuguese. Divergence among these units was inferred to have occurred during the last glacial period; the Portuguese lineage split occurred first (estimated at c. 70 000 bp ), and the Northern and Southern lineages separated at around the last glacial maximum (estimated at c. 18 500 bp ). Such recent formation of evolutionary units that might be considered species has repercussions in terms of understanding evolutionary processes and the diversity of small mammals in a European context.  相似文献   

Aim Populations of free‐living vertebrates on islands frequently differ from their mainland counterparts by a series of changes in morphometric, life‐history, behavioural, physiological and genetic traits, collectively referred to as the ‘island syndrome’. It is not known, however, whether the ‘island syndrome’ also affects parasitic organisms. The present study establishes the colonization pattern of the Mediterranean islands by the nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus, a direct and specific parasite of rodent hosts of the Apodemus genus, and evaluates the effects of island colonization by this species on two components of the island syndrome: the loss of genetic diversity and the enlargement of the ecological niche. Location Heligmosomoides polygyrus was sampled on seven western Mediterranean islands ? Corsica, Crete, Elba, Majorca, Minorca, Sardinia and Sicily ? as well as in 20 continental locations covering the Mediterranean basin. Methods The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (690 base pairs) was sequenced in 166 adult H. polygyrus individuals sampled in the 27 continental and island locations. Phylogenetic reconstructions in distance, parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian posterior probabilities were carried out on the whole cytochrome b gene data set. The levels of nucleotide, haplotype and genetic divergence (Kimura two‐parameter distance estimator) diversities were estimated in each island population and in the various continental lineages. Results Phylogenetic reconstructions show that the mainland origins of H. polygyrus were continental Spain for the Balearic Islands (Majorca, Minorca), northern Italy for the Tyrrhenian Islands (Corsica, Sardinia, Elba), southern Italy for Sicily, and the Balkan region for Crete. A comparison of island H. polygyrus populations with their mainland source populations revealed two characteristic components of the island syndrome in this parasite. First, island H. polygyrus populations display a significant loss of genetic diversity, which is related (r2 = 0.73) to the distance separating the island from the mainland source region. Second, H. polygyrus exhibits a niche enlargement following insularization. Indeed, H. polygyrus in Corsica is present in both A. sylvaticus and Mus musculus domesticus, while mainland H. polygyrus populations are present exclusively in Apodemus hosts. Main conclusions Our results show that H. polygyrus has undergone a loss of genetic diversity and a niche (host) enlargement following colonization of the western Mediterranean islands. To our knowledge, this study provides the first evidence for components of the ‘island syndrome’ in a parasitic nematode species.  相似文献   

Generic and specific determination among the Laurencia complex is a challenging task. DNA barcoding combined with phenotypic investigations are mandatory for species differentiation. In this study, two morphologically different members of the Laurencia complex were investigated using untargeted 1H‐NMR‐based metabolomics. Twenty‐one population samples were collected in order to evaluate both temporal and geographical homogeneity. Data obtained from 1H‐NMR analysis followed by statistical analysis allowed a clear separation of all the samples into two groups. DNA mitochondrial tests confirmed this pattern and identified the two species as Laurenciella sp. and Laurencia obtusa. In addition, metabolites responsible of this discrimination were investigated directly in crude extracts by 13C‐NMR using an in‐house computer‐assisted method. The combination of both untargeted (1H) and targeted (13C) NMR‐based metabolomic approaches proves to be a powerful and complementary approach to discriminate species from the Laurencia complex.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogeographic patterns of Merodon species (Diptera, Syrphidae) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ten species were sampled on five different islands and mainland sites as a minimum. All samples were screened for their mtDNA COI barcode haplotype diversity, and for some samples, we additionally generated genomic fingerprints. The recently established zoogeographic distribution categories classify these species as having (1) Balkan distribution; (2) Anatolian distribution; (3) continental areas and large islands distribution; and (4) with wide distribution. The ancestral haplotypes and their geographical localities were estimated with statistical parsimony (TCS). TCS networks identified as the ancestral haplotype samples that originated from localities situated within the distributional category of the species in question. Strong geographical haplotype structuring was detected for many Merodon species. We were particularly interested to test the relative importance of current (Aegean Sea) and past Mid‐Aegean Trench) barriers to dispersal for Merodon flies in the Aegean. We employed phylogenetic β‐diversity (Pβtotal) and its partition in replacement (Pβrepl) and richness difference (Pβrich) to test the importance of each explanatory variable (interisland distance, MAT, and island area) in interisland differences using partial Mantel tests and hierarchical partitioning of variation. β‐Analyses confirmed the importance of both current and past barriers to dispersal on the evolution of group. Current interisland distance was particularly important to explain the replacement of haplotypes, while the MAT was driving differences in richness of haplotypes, revealing the MAT as a strong past barrier whose effects are still visible today in the phylogenetic history of the clade in the Aegean. These results support the hypothesis of a highly restricted dispersal and gene flow among Merodon populations between islands since late Pleistocene. Additionally, patterns of phylogeographic structure deduced from haplotype connections and ISSR genome fingerprinting data revealed a few putative cases of human‐mediated transfers of Merodon spp.  相似文献   

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