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Larval and juvenile stages of kurosoi,Sebastes schlegeli, are described and illustrated from wild specimens. Some ecological aspects of larvae and juveniles are also described. Notochord flexion occurred between 5.6–7.5 mm SL. Transformation occurred between 13–20 mm SL. Preflexion and flexion larvae ofS. schlegeli can be distinguished from similar larvae by the pigmentation of the dorsal and ventral midlines of the tail and absence of pigmentation on the ventral portion of the rectum. After notochord flexion, the dorsal and lateral regions in both larvae and pelagic juveniles were heavily pigmented, suggesting adaptation for neustonic life style. Larvae and juveniles were caught at many coastal stations, but did not occur in cooler offshore waters. Larvae smaller than 20 mm SL inhabited surface waters. Until ca. 40 mm SL, juveniles inhabited mainly surface waters (without drifting seaweed), but also used other habitats, such as the drifting seaweed, and near the sea bed. Small larvae (<7 mm SL) fed mainly on copepod nauplii. Larger larvae fed on calanoid copepodites andEvadne nordmanni. Pelagic juveniles fed mainly on fish eggs, with fish larvae also being important food items for some individuals. Most food items taken by juveniles that were associated with drifting seaweed were eggs with attaching filaments (Cololabis saira andHyporhamphus sajori), suggesting that the high density of such food items both attracts and keeps juveniles around drifting seaweed.  相似文献   

We investigated the size at maturation, breeding season, and morphological development of larvae and juveniles of a freshwater pipefish Microphis leiaspis, which belongs to Gastrophori, collected from three rivers on the northern part of Okinawa-jima Island, Japan. The minimum size of brooding males was 105–123 mm in standard length (SL). The smallest mature female was estimated to be ca. 130 mm SL from the analysis of gonadosomatic index (GSI) and histological observations of gonads. The breeding season was estimated to be from June to December according to monthly changes in female GSI, histological observations of gonads, and monthly changes in the occurrence of brooding males. The number of eggs in the male brood pouch ranged from 75 to 241 (mean ± SD: 152 ± 52, n = 22). The male releases newly hatched larvae in freshwater areas. After newborns grow in the sea, they return to freshwater areas of the rivers and attain maturity. Microphis leiaspis was conformed to have an amphidromous life history. Notochord length of the released larvae was 6.1 mm, with a well-developed finfold. Larvae attained 11.1 mm SL, formation of the caudal and dorsal fin rays was complete, and the caudal fin became lozenge shaped at 30 days after the release, and juveniles reached 36.0 mm SL at 63 days after release. In the period between 30 and 63 days after the release, formation of all fins except the pectoral fins was completed, and caudal fin rays were extended and sector shaped with deep slits between each fin ray. The morphology of the released larvae of M. leiaspis is similar to that of Gastrophori species, and the morphology of juveniles similar to other species of Microphis.  相似文献   

Early life stages of Artedidraco skottsbergi and A. shackletoni were collected off Adélie Land. The morphology and pigmentation pattern of nine larvae and juveniles of A. skottsbergi between 17.2 and 21.4 mm in standard length (SL), and of two juveniles of A. shackletoni measuring 25.1 mm SL were described. A. skottsbergi was characterized by a heavily pigmented body, except for the caudal peduncle, with distinctively dense pigmentation on the ventrolateral half of the body and caudal section (17.2–17.9 mm SL). Furthermore, they had no pigmentation on the pectoral fin base until they attained 21.4 mm SL. Juvenile A. shackletoni had a heavily pigmented body except for the ventral side of the abdomen and the anal fin base. The proximal part of the dorsal fin and most of the anal fin were covered with melanophores. Although knowledge of larval and juvenile Artedidraco species is limited, the distribution of melanophores on the fins, pectoral fin base and caudal peduncle at each developmental stage may be useful for species identification.  相似文献   

Diel activity patterns in Metapenaeus and Penaeus juveniles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small (5–10.9 mm carapace length), medium (11–15.9 mm), and large (16–20.9 mm) juveniles of Metapenaeus anchistus, Metapenaeus sp., Penaeus monodon and P. merguiensis were stocked individually in glass tanks provided with sand substrate, sea water, artificial bamboo shelter, aeration and food. The seven activity types (recorded for each shrimp hourly for 24 h) were classified as below (burrowing) or above substrate (swimming, walking, stationary, in shelter, feeding and cleaning). Shrimp juveniles exhibited a strong diel periodicity — emergence and activity at night and burrowing in the day. The chi-square test showed that type of activity (above/below substrate) was associated with period (light/dark). Diurnal burrowing was greater among Metapenaeus than Penaeus; inversely, above substrate activities were more frequent for Penaeus species compared to Metapenaeus. Feeding was the major above substrate and nocturnal activity for M. anchistus, Metapenaeus sp. and P. monodon. Only P. Monodon used the shelter consistently. Frequency of the 7 activity types was dependent on juvenile size for Penaeus, e.g., the preference for shelters shifted to burrowing with increase in size in P. monodon. Results are discussed in relation to the importance of mangrove habitats in providing shelter to penaeids, in particular the mangrove-associated P. monodon and P. merguiensis.  相似文献   

The larval and juvenile stages of kitsune-mebaru,Sebastes vulpes, based on 50 wild specimens collected in, the Sea of Japan, are described and illustrated, and some ecological aspects of the early life history (feeding, horizonal distribution and habitat shift) included. Preflexion larvae became extruded between 3.9–4.6 mm body length (BL) and notochord flexion occurred between 4.7–7.1 mm BL. Transformation from postflexion larvae to pelagic juventiles occurred between 13–17 mm BL. Compared with other rockfish species,S. vulpes is deep-bodied, throughout both larval and, juvenile stages. Larval and juvenileS. vulpes inhabit mainly coastal water surface layer (usually on the continental shelf), but do not occur offshore region (northwest of Oki Islands). Although someS. vulpes juveniles are associated with drifting seaweed, such clumps are not indispensable habitats for any stages. Surface-to-benthie migration of juveniles occurs at about 25 mm BL. Preflexion and flexion larvae feed mainly on copepod nauplii, and postflexion, transforming larvae and pelagic juveniles mainly on calanoid copepodites (Parracalanus parvus).  相似文献   

The morphology of the early stage of Eumegistus was described from three specimens [E. brevorti: 23.0 mm in standard length (SL) juvenile; E. illustris: 5.8 mm SL postflexion larva, and 40.0 mm SL juvenile] recently rediscovered in museum collections. Larval and juvenile pigmentation patterns were reported for the first time for this genus. The 5.8 mm SL postflexion larva of E. illustris had pigmentation on the head and anterior half of the body, through to the middle of the dorsal fin base. In larvae and juveniles of both species, the outer side of the pelvic fin was pigmented. The two juveniles possessed several spines on the lachrymal and protruding rays in the middle of the caudal fin. Although it is known previously that the notochord flexion occurs at 5.0–6.0 mm SL in E. brevorti, the reexamined 5.0 mm SL specimen had the notochord completely flexed. Furthermore, we could not confirm whether the previously studied 4.0 mm SL specimen was E. brevorti because it was badly damaged.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments with Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, from the upper Yangtze River to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed fish from day-0 (embryo, first life interval after hatching) to day-30 feeding larva for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and down-stream movement, and diel activity. Hatchling to day-12 embryos and days 13–24 larvae were similar for ontogenetic behavior, i.e., neither initiated a dispersal migration, both swam within 15cm of the bottom, both preferred bright habitat, and neither strongly preferred cover or open habitat. Embryos and larvae were weakly active day and night. Days 72–76 juveniles had a weak nocturnal downstream migration, indicating wild juveniles disperse from a spawning site. In other sturgeon species yet studied representing three genera on three continents, Dabry's sturgeon is the first that does not disperse as an embryo or larva. Development of Dabry's sturgeon is slow, requiring more cumulative temperature degree days per millimeter of larvae TL than is required for other sturgeons to develop into larvae. Thus, a dispersal migration that diverts energy from development may not be adaptive. The available information suggests the initial dispersal of early life intervals is likely done by females, which spawn in a dispersed spawning style, not the usual aggregated spawning style. Juvenile migrants had a black body and tail with a light line along the lateral scutes. The color of juvenile migrants shows that a dark body and tail is characteristic of Acipenser that migrate downstream as larvae or juveniles.  相似文献   

The juveniles of Kyphosus vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard 1825), collected from the Indian Ocean and Japanese waters, are described with some ontogenetic morphological changes based on six specimens having 14 dorsal and 13 anal fin soft rays, 56–62 scales in a longitudinal row along the midbody, and 30–32 gill-rakers on the first gill-arch. The juveniles of K. vaigiensis smaller than ca. 42 mm in standard length (SL) have the proximal parts of the dorsal and anal fin soft-rayed portions covered with small scales, and the single outer row of the upper jaw teeth consisting of incisor-like and conically pointed teeth, the former with polycuspid tips differing from the specimens greater than ca. 68 mm SL. The holotype of Cantharus lineolatus Valenciennes 1830, 41.5 mm SL, was included here in the juveniles as K. vaigiensis. Therefore, K. vaigiensis is recognized as a senior synonym of C. lineolatus.  相似文献   

The smallest known specimen (20mm standard length: SL) of Triodon macropterus Lesson is described and illustrated. It is easily distinguished from superficially similar tetraodontid and diodontid larvae or early juveniles of comparable size by the following characters: separate premaxillae in conjunction with the fused dentaries; the presence of multicuspid spinoid scales; the jet-black mark in front of the soft dorsal fin; the developing pelvis, which is visible through the distended skin of the belly; and the presence of a number of procurrent caudal fin rays. The small Triodon differs from the adult in possessing a huge head that measures 45% SL (vs. 28.5–32.7% in adult), the absence of the characteristic dewlap with the conspicuous lateral ocellus, and the structure of the scales and nostrils.  相似文献   

We studied ontogenetic behavior, migration, and wintering behavior of young Klamath River green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the laboratory to provide insight into likely behavior of wild sturgeon. Hatchling free embryos preferred cover but were poor swimmers and could not move farther than a few centimeters to cover. The poor swimming ability and cover preference of hatchlings suggests evolution for habitat selection of females to place eggs in habitat with cover for eggs (and hatchlings), and for egg characteristics (large, dense, and weakly adhesive) to cause rapid sinking into cover without drifting. A day or so after fish developed into larvae (first life interval feeding exogenously), day-12 larvae initiated a 12-day downstream nocturnal migration. A totally nocturnal migration is unlike other Acipenser migrants yet studied. Migrant larvae had a dark-colored body typical of other Acipenser species that migrate as larvae. Tail color was a dark black (black-tail phenotype) only during the early larva period, suggesting a morphological adaptation for migration, foraging, or both. Post-migrant larvae and early juveniles to day 84 foraged diurnally with a nocturnal activity peak. Day 110–181 juveniles moved downstream at night until water temperature decreased to about 8°C, indicating wild juveniles migrate downstream to wintering habitat. Habitat preference of month 9–10 wintering juveniles suggests wild juveniles are in deep pools with low light and some rock structure. Wintering juveniles were only active at night. Initiation and cessation of daily activity was at dusk and dawn during illumination changes of <1.0lx. This sensitivity to illumination has not been found before in sturgeons. During the first 10months of life, nocturnal activity of early life intervals is a dominant feature of migration, foraging, and wintering.  相似文献   

An analysis of the diet of 0+ perch, smelt and roach caught at night of the pelagial of a mesotrophic lake showed that their food was composed mainly of herbivorous and predatory cladocerans, copepods and Chaoborus larvae during summer, and of herbivorous cladocerans and copepods during October. An analysis of habitat use by juveniles revealed separation among the species: roach occurred in the upper, perch and smelt in the deeper water layers. Food and habitat were alternatively partitioned among the juveniles. In early summer the lowest food overlap between perch and smelt coincided with high habitat overlap. In October high food overlap between perch and smelt corresponded with low habitat overlap. Smelt and roach fry used common food resources throughout the season, but they were segregated in habitat.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to culture sponge juveniles from larvae. Starting from larvae we expected to enhance the survival and growth, and to decrease the variation in these parameters during the sponge cultures. First, settlement success, morphological changes during metamorphosis, and survival of Dysidea avara, Ircinia oros, Hippospongia communis, under the same culture conditions, were compared. In a second step, we tested the effects of flow and food on survival and growth of juveniles from Dysidea avara and Crambe crambe. Finally, in a third experiment, we monitored survival and growth of juveniles of D. avara and C. crambe transplanted to the sea to compare laboratory and field results. The results altogether indicated that sponge culture from larvae is a promising method for sponge supply and that laboratory culture under controlled conditions is preferred over sea cultures in order to prevent biomass losses during these early life stages.  相似文献   

Short-term variability in vertical distribution and feeding of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) larvae was investigated while tracking a larval patch over a 48-h period. The patch was repeatedly sampled and a total of 12,462 mackerel larvae were caught within the upper 100 m of the water column. Physical parameters were monitored at the same time. Larval length distribution showed a mode in the 3.0 mm standard length (SL) class (mean abundance of 3.0 mm larvae =75.34 per 100 m3, s=34.37). Highest densities occurred at 20–40 m depth. Larvae <5.0 mm SL were highly aggregated above the thermocline, while larvae ≥5.0 mm SL were more dispersed and tended to migrate below the thermocline. Gut contents of 1,177 mackerel larvae (2.9–9.7 mm SL) were analyzed. Feeding incidence, mean number (numerical intensity) and mean dry weight (weight-based intensity) of prey items per larval gut were significantly dependent on larval size. However, while weight-based feeding intensities continued to increase with larval length, numerical intensity peaked at 4–4.9 mm SL, indicating a shift in the larval diet. While first-feeding larvae relied most heavily on copepod nauplii and eggs, larvae ≥5.0 mm SL initiated piscivorous feeding. All identifiable fish larvae were Atlantic mackerel. Thus, the piscivory was cannibalism. Larval feeding incidence and numerical feeding intensities peaked during daytime and were reduced at night. Daily ration estimates for first-feeding mackerel larvae <4.0 mm SL were extremely low = 1.43% body dry weight, but increased dramatically at 5.0 mm SL, i.e., at the onset of cannibalism, reaching >50% body dry weight in larva ≥8.0 mm SL. Received in revised form: 31 October 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The larval development and food habits of the marbled parrotfish, Leptoscarus vaigiensis (Scaridae) associated with drifting algae were studied. In this study, 628 L. vaigiensis of various developmental stages ranging from postflexion larvae (9.4mm in standard length, SL) to adults (192.0mmSL) were sampled from drifting algae at two fishing ports in Nakagusuku Bay of Okinawa Island. In 3969 fish comprising 65 taxa in 34 families of Teleostei collected with drifting algae, L. vaigiensis occupied 15.8% of samples and occurred generally throughout the whole year. A large number of L. vaigiensis were collected from July to October accompanied by an occurrence of drifting algae composed of Sargassum spp. Larvae and early juveniles ranging from 11.1 to 14.9mmSL appeared sporadically throughout the year, and postflexion larvae 11mmSL occurred from July to November. Their food shifted from planktonic copepods in postflexion larvae and juveniles ranging from 10.0 to 14.9mmSL to seaweed in the juveniles ranging from 15.0 to 24.9mmSL. Furthermore, adults and young over 25mmSL fed almost exclusively on seaweed, with Sargassum spp. constituting the drifting algae. These facts indicate that drifting algae may have a role concerning food and habitat, and may act as a nursery for L. vaigiensis.  相似文献   

The early life stages of Lestidiops sphyraenopsis (Paralepididae) are described on the basis of 14 specimens [7.8 mm in notochord length (NL)–88.6 mm in standard length (SL)] collected from the western North Pacific, and the holotype of Stemonosudis molesta is reexamined. Larval L. sphyraenopsis occurred in the Kuroshio waters, and juveniles were taken in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition waters. Diagnostic characters of larval and juvenile L. sphyraenopsis are 96–101 myomeres; 27–31 anal fin rays; 4–9 peritoneal pigment sections in larvae (7.8 mm NL–27.3 mm SL); dorsal and anal pigment patches present; and anus located anterior to a vertical through dorsal fin origin. Stemonosudis molesta, known only from the holotype from the South Pacific, is similar to immature specimens of L. sphyraenopsis, but can be clearly distinguished from the latter by having higher vertebral counts (105 vs. 96–101) and by morphometric and pigment differences. Consequently, S. molesta is a valid species, and the distribution of L. sphyraenopsis is restricted to the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the pyralid moth, Herpetogramma aeglealis, construct feeding shelters upon the Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides). Field and laboratory study involving 532 shelters showed that as the larvae mature, they sequentially inhabit approximately 5 shelters of 3 distinct types, constructed at night on different fronds of the same plant. The bundle shelter, simple and ephemeral, is first to be inhabited and constructed. The fiddlehead shelter which houses slightly older larvae strongly resembles contemporaneously emerging frond fiddleheads. The final shelter form, the globe, is a silk-bound ball of leaflets at the frond tip. An individual larva usually constructs 3 globe shelters on different fronds of the same plant before completing its development. As shelter sites, sterile Polystichum fronds are chosen preferentially over fertile fronds. The bundle and fiddlehead shelter forms, less abundant, appear cryptic to humans and perhaps to other vertebrates. The final globe shelter form is larger and quite conspicuous. However, the persistence of empty globe shelters left on the plant as the larva moves to a new one may serve to make searching for larvae less profitable for potential predators and parasites. We suggest that the energetic costs of constructing and occupying multiple shelters may be offset by circumvention of reduced frond palatability and reduced exposure to predators and parasites.  相似文献   

The development of all osteological elements, except scales, of the Japanese sardine,Sardinops melanostictus, is described from newly-hatched larvae to adult fishes. Newly-hatched larvae lacked osteological elements. Part of the head skeleton began to develop in 53 hour old larvae (4.2 mm in notochord length [NL]). Larvae at the first-feeding stage (77 hours, 5.5 mm NL) possessed several elements of the head skeleton and pectoral fin supports. In a 10.5 mm NL specimen, part of the caudal and dorsal fin supports were apparent. The centra appeared in specimens 18–22.7 mm in standard length (SL). Gill rakers were first observed in the lower branchial arches at 13 mm NL and spine-like processes with spiny nodules from about 25 mm SL. The distance between the predorsal and first dorsal proximal radial relative to SL rapidly decreased with forward translocation of the dorsal fin and became constant beyond approximately 34 mm SL. At this stage, most basic osteological elements were established. Completion of the osteological structure was characterized by the disappearance of the dentary teeth at 60–70 mm SL. Based on the osteological development, ontogenetic intervals consisting of four periods and eight phases were recognized.  相似文献   

Sillaginid juveniles collected from the surf zone at Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, between May 1986 and September 1987 were identified asSillago aeolus (n=702, 8.9–26.0 mm SL) andS. sihama (n=3414, 8.6–22.9 mm SL), based on the numbers of dorsal and anal soft fin rays and vertebrae. The two species were easily distinguishable by the pattern of melanophores distributed on the caudal fin base,S. aeolus having a triangular-shaped cluster, whereas the melanophores formed a vertical line inS. sihama. The ratios of pre-anal and caudal peduncle lengths to SL also differed between the species, both being higher inS. aeolus. The occurrence ofS. aeolus was limited to the dry season, from January to March. On the other hand,S. sihama occurred year-round, although a peak was observed in the dry season, from November to April.  相似文献   

Eggs of the silver pomfret,Pampus argenteus, were collected and artificially fertilized by stripping fully-ripe male and female broodstock caught by gillnets in Kuwait waters during June 1997. Larvae hatched from fertilized eggs were reared until 90 days after hatching (DAH) in water temperatures of 27–30°C. Newly-hatched larvae grew from an average of 2.4 mm in body length (BL) to 3.7, 4.4, 7.2 and 8.4 mm at 8, 12, 24 and 30 DAH, respectively. Myomere and vertebral numbers ranged from 34 to 36. Transformation from the larval to juvenile form was completed at 22.2 mm BL (40 DAH). Dorsal and anal fin spines first appeared when juveniles reached 38.8 mm BL (50 DAH). Body depth increased with increase in body length; a rapid increase in body depth occurred in larvae 7.1–8.0 mm, reaching 57% of BL, and further increased to 69% of BL in juveniles 38.8 to 47.9 mm. Pigmentation during development is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Juvenile development ofSuggrundus meerdervoortii was described, based on twelve specimens (12.9–43.8 mm SL) collected from off Yamagata Prefecture, Japan Sea. Two exterior openings in the lateral line scales were completed at ca. 35 mm SL, with the interopercular flap and iris lappet being visible at ca. 44 mm SL, these all being useful taxonomic characters. In juveniles and additional young and adult specimens (ca. 70–191 mm SL), the proportions of head length, snout length, orbital diameter, caudal peduncle depth and caudal fin length decreased with growth; interorbital width decreased rapidly until ca. 70 mm SL, but more or less stabilised thereafter (70–191 mm SL).  相似文献   

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