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现存蜉蝣翅基纵脉走向及愈合模式(昆虫纲:蜉蝣目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周长发 《昆虫学报》2007,50(1):51-56
有翅昆虫翅基纵脉的走向及愈合模式在系统发育重建中占有重要地位。然而,现存蜉蝣翅基纵脉的走向及愈合状况在大部分种类变化极大,无法推测其原始状况,只在极少数种类保留有部分可见残迹。中国拟短丝蜉Siphluriscus chinensis的翅基保留有独立的亚前缘脉弓、部分中脉M和肘脉Cu主干以及前中脉MA及径分脉Rs的走向痕迹。据此并结合红斑蜉Ephemera rufomaculata 和大网脉蜉Chromarcys magnifica翅基的相关特征,本文提出了蜉蝣目主要纵脉基部走向及愈合的基本模式,其要点有:中脉主干在基部与径脉主干独自发出后先接近或愈合后又分离、它们各自分成两支后的前中脉及径分脉又先愈合再分离、肘脉始终独立。这种中脉与径脉先接近或愈合后分离的模式非常接近新翅类的情况而与蜻蜓很不相同(在蜻蜓,中脉与肘脉在基部愈合) 。亚前缘脉弓的作用相信是加强了因翅基骨板发达而相互远离的纵脉间的连结作用。这个假说也可以来解释蜻蜓复杂脉相的形成原因。  相似文献   

蜉蝣属一新种(蜉蝣目:蜉蝣科)(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细描述了采自安徽黄土坑的一新种:黑翅蜉(Ephemeranigropterasp.nov)的形态特征,并对前人划分蜉蝣属各亚属的标准作了修订。认为将前翅MP2脉与CuA脉在基部连接与否作为划分蜉蝣亚属的标准比较可行。这样,黑翅蜉应归入到蜉蝣属叉蜉亚属(Dicrephemera)。黑翅蜉区别于蜉蝣属其它种的特征为:1)雄成虫前翅外侧大部分呈棕红色,半透明,雌成虫的前翅只具少许斑点,翅透明;2)后翅外侧缘具棕红色斑纹,半透明,而雌成虫后翅不具斑纹,透明,3)雄、雌成虫腹部背板上的斑纹形式及排列;4)雄成虫的尾铗大部分为黑色;5)雄成虫的阳茎的形状独特,且两阳茎紧靠。  相似文献   

现存蜉蝣目昆虫的原始特征和独特性状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周长发  郑乐怡 《昆虫知识》2003,40(4):294-298
现存蜉蝣具有一系列引人注目的特征 ,它们为重建原始昆虫模式、探讨翅的起源、脉相的演化、附肢的演变等起到重要作用。该文系统总结了现生蜉蝣具有的原始特征和独特性状 (如原变态、稚虫水生、交尾行为、脉相、翅面皱褶、翅位、较多的附肢和蜕皮次数以及口器、生殖系统等等 ) ,并讨论比较了有关这些特征起源和演化的主要观点。  相似文献   

<正> 蜉蝣(Mayfly)是一类原始和古老的有翅昆虫。这类昆虫在我国尚未引起人们的注意去从事系统的调查研究,故无论在系统分类、地理分布、生物学、经济利用等各方面都了解很少,与先进国家相比,存在着很大的差距,亟待进一步的研究。本文拟对蜉蝣的形态特征、生活习性、与人类的关系。标本采集和保存等基础知识作一简要的介绍。  相似文献   

回顾了世界蜉蝣目化石研究简史,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,共40科、124属、218种,其中包括中国的8属13种;描述了不同地质时期主要蜉蝣化石的分类单元和分布地区.简要介绍了蜉蝣分类系统及系统发育、稚虫食性、与其它昆虫的关系和古生态等方面的研究成果.在本文的第2部分,初步分析了目前该类群所存在的一些问题,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

"古翅类"系统发育关系研究进展(昆虫纲,有翅类)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
古翅类的系统发育问题是六足总纲中有争议的热点问题之一。对现存古翅类(孵蝣目 蜻蜒目)与新翅类之间的系统发育关系有3种主要观点:古翅类(=蜉蝣目 蜻蜒目) 新翅类,蜉蝣目 (蜻蜒目 新翅类),蜻蜒目 (蜉蝣目 新翅类)。第1种观点得到化石、形态和部分基因证据支持,第2种观点得到较多形态特征支持,支持第3种观点的证据较少。这一问题的解决有赖于更多昆虫种类、化石以及分子证据的发现和研究。  相似文献   

新疆天山地区雏蝗属一新种(直翅目,网翅蝗科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述采自新疆天山地区雏蝗属1新种,即天山雏蝗Chorthippus tianshanensis sp.nov.,新种近似于红胫雏蝗Chorthippus rufitibis Zheng,1989,主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟后区长为沟前区的1.1倍;2)前翅较狭长,翅长为宽的4.1倍;3)前缘脉域宽为径脉分支处宽的1.7倍;4)前缘脉域宽为亚前缘脉域宽的2.6倍;5)后足胫节黄褐色.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室及山西大学生命科学与技术学院.  相似文献   

河南省蜉蝣新种记述:昆虫纲:蜉蝣目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了采自河南省伏牛山地区的蜉蝣目3新种,即河南刺翅蜉Centroptilum henanensis sp.nov.长茎锯形蜉Serratella longipennis spn.nov与黑铗细蜉Caenis nigroforcepssp.nov.讨论了它们区别于近似种的特征。  相似文献   

文中简述了襀翅目缅甸琥珀研究概况,并基于一件保存较好的雌虫标本,报道了襀翅目襀科新属种Burperla decolorata gen. et sp. nov.。该化石具有以下重要特征:体较长,体色浅,触须与触角较长, RP脉末端接近翅端部,下殖板宽大、圆形,后缘中部突出。这些形态特征显著区别于襀科的其它化石及现生类群。  相似文献   

在标本鉴定和文献汇总的基础上,对东北亚地区(包括朝鲜半岛、日本、俄罗斯远东地区、中国东北)的蜉蝣区系做了统计分析.结果显示,截至目前该地区已报道蜉蝣18科48属237种.其中俄罗斯远东地区的蜉蝣属种多样性最高,而从地区对比来看,朝鲜半岛和中国东北地区的蜉蝣区系最为相似(属种相似度分别为83%和64%).日本群岛蜉蝣区系相对独特,这可能是由于它长期与大陆分离而造成的.  相似文献   

Abstract  The complete mature nymph wing pad with distinct venation has been collected from Jiuquan Basin, Northwest China, which is almost without precedent in the fossil history of insect. The venation with large radial and costal fields is considered as archaic feature which very probably represents the primitive stage in the evolution of Ephemeroptera. Furthermore, as compared with the modern adult wing, the stronger articular sclerites in the fossil nymphal wing pad of Ephemeropsis trisetalis probably shows that the reduction of the articulation in modern mayfly wing is a secondarily acquired character.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the gross morphology, fine venation and cuticular features of Leitneria fioridana Chapman, the single living representative of the order Leitneriales and Leitneria eocenica (Berry) Brown, presumbaly a related fossil species. In addition to the type material, newly collected fossil specimens were investigated from clay pits in the Middle Eocene, Claiborne Formation, of western Tennessee and Kentucky. Foliate stipules attached to the petioles of several specimens suggest the assignment of this fossil leaf type to the genus Leitneria is incorrect. The nature of the gross morphology, fine venation and cuticular features confirms the misidentification. Previously, various specimens of this fossil leaf type have been placed in eight species of seven genera in seven families of six angiosperm orders, none of which are correct systematically. The gross morphology, venation and cuticular characters of the fossil leaf are distributed among a few extant South American genera of arborescent Rubiaceae. The fossil is an extinct rubiaceous leaf type which cannot be placed within a single modern subfamily, tribe or genus of the family. The organ genus, Paleorubiaceophyllum is proposed for these leaves. Three varieties of a single fossil species, P. eocenicum, are recognized. One variety with epidermal cells nearly twice the size of the others may represent a polyploid population.  相似文献   

A classification of the architectural features of dicot leaves—i.e., the placement and form of those elements constituting the outward expression of leaf structure, including shape, marginal configuration, venation, and gland position—has been developed as the result of an extensive survey of both living and fossil leaves. This system partially incorporates modifications of two earlier classifications: that of Turrill for leaf shape and that of Von Ettingshausen for venation pattern. After categorization of such features as shape of the whole leaf and of the apex and base, leaves are separated into a number of classes depending on the course of their principal venation. Identification of order of venation, which is fundamental to the application of the classification, is determined by size of a vein at its point of origin and to a lesser extent by its behavior in relation to that of other orders. The classification concludes by describing features of the areoles, i.e., the smallest areas of leaf tissue surrounded by veins which form a contiguous field over most of the leaf. Because most taxa of dicots possess consistent patterns of leaf architecture, this rigorous method of describing the features of leaves is of immediate usefulness in both modern and fossil taxonomic studies. In addition, as a result of this method, it is anticipated that leaves will play an increasingly important part in phylogenetic and ecological studies.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The first fossil records of Holarctic representatives of the genus Comptosia Macquart, 1840 from the middle Eocene Messel Pit, Germany, and the upper Eocene of Florissant, USA, are reported. The fossil from Messel, Comptosia pria sp. nov., is represented by a well-preserved wing, displaying characteristic wing venation, remains of the second wing and elements of the thorax. The Florissant fossil, C. miranda comb. nov., is preserved almost completely with both wings and most parts of the body visible. Extant members of the genus Comptosia are currently found only in Australia, and close relatives are known from southern South America. Previously this group of genera has been thought to be of Gondwanan origin, but these Eocene fossil representatives of Comptosia from the Holarctic region argue against this interpretation, and suggest that Comptosia and its relatives were more widespread in both Northern and Southern hemispheres during the Palaeogene. The fossil record of bee flies suggests a major radiation of bombyliids in the late Cretaceous or early Cenozoic. This assumption is supported by the comparatively young geological age of many bombyliid host taxa. A key factor driving the specialization of many bombyliid larvae on ground-dwelling hosts may have been avoidance of competition with tachinid flies and parasitic hymenopterans.  相似文献   

Large leaves, new to the fossil record, from the Claiborne Formation in western Tennessee have been collected and analyzed. Careful analyses of venation and cuticular anatomy indicate that these fossil leaves contain specific characters found in modern species of the genus Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma. Features of venation were taxonomically more useful than other features. Reports of fossils of the Araceae are scarce and those few fossils assigned to the family frequently have been inadequately studied. This report establishes a reliable and carefully documented occurrence of the Araceae in the fossil record, and provides information concerning the differentiation of the family in time and the distributions of the genus Philodendron.  相似文献   

The nymphal stages of Palaeozoic insects differ significantly in morphology from those of their modern counterparts. Morphological details for some previously reported species have recently been called into question. Palaeozoic insect nymphs are important, however – their study could provide key insights into the evolution of wings, and complete metamorphosis. Here we review past work on these topics and juvenile insects in the fossil record, and then present both novel and previously described nymphs, documented using new imaging methods. Our results demonstrate that some Carboniferous nymphs – those of Palaeodictyopteroidea – possessed movable wing pads and appear to have been able to perform simple flapping flight. It remains unclear whether this feature is ancestral for Pterygota or an autapomorphy of Palaeodictyopteroidea. Further characters of nymphal development which were probably in the ground pattern of Pterygota can be reconstructed. Wing development was very gradual (archimetaboly). Wing pads did not protrude from the tergum postero‐laterally as in most modern nymphs, but laterally, and had well‐developed venation. The modern orientation of wing pads and the delay of wing development into later developmental stages (condensation) appears to have evolved several times independently within Pterygota: in Ephemeroptera, Odonatoptera, Eumetabola, and probably several times within Polyneoptera. Selective pressure appears to have favoured a more pronounced metamorphosis between the last nymphal and adult stage, ultimately reducing exploitation competition between the two. We caution, however, that the results presented herein remain preliminary, and the reconstructed evolutionary scenario contains gaps and uncertainties. Additional comparative data need to be collected. The present study is thus seen as a starting point for this enterprise.  相似文献   

The genus Ventilago Gaertn. usually occurs in hot, dry, and low-altitude tropical environments. The fossil record of this genus is meager, so its origin and geographic history are still poorly understood. We describe a fossil winged fruit species-Ventilago lincangensis K. N. Liu & S. P. Xie sp. nov. from the upper Miocene Bangmai Formation of Lincang city, Yunnan Province, China. The fossil conforms to the modern genus Ventilago in architecture of the prominent fruit wing including a prominent midvein, a set of minor longitudinally secondary veins extending the full length of the fruit and reticulate higher order venation. The elliptical fruit body at the base of the wing shows an equatorial rim and has a short pedicel. This is the first report of Ventilago fruits in China, and is significant for the investigation of the origin and evolutionary history of this genus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three new species of fossil Anisoptera (dragonflies) are reported from Tiffanian (Late Palaeocene) sediments of the Paskapoo Formation, near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. The three species are all assigned to the new genus Alloaeschna , which is classified in the subfamily Gomphaeschninae.
Phylogenetic analysis of gomphaeschnine wing venation suggests that the subfamily is paraphyletic, with derived gomphaeschnines such as Boyeria and Linaeschna more closely related to the Brachytroninae and Aeshninae than are other gomphaeschnines. One of the most primitive gomphaeschnines, and the oldest fossil form, is the Jurassic Morbaeschna. Parallelism, convergence and reversal in the evolution of features of the wing venation is common.
The new genus Alloaeschna is at about the same evolutionary grade as the old-world genus Oligoaeschna and the new-world genus Gomphaeschna , and is one of the more primitive known members of the Gomphaeschninae. The new species are the first recorded Palaeocene gomphaeschnines and the oldest known gomphaeschnines from the Americas.
Several extant genera have fossil representatives on continents different from those on which they now survive, suggesting repeated crossing of land bridges and/or widespread ancestral species prior to the separation of the continents, and subsequent extinction leading to present relict distributions.  相似文献   

D. W. Yalden 《Ibis》1971,113(3):349-356
Estimates for the wing span, mass and wing area of Archaeopteryx lithographica are provided, and these are used to derive certain of the flight parameters. From the data available on the lengths of skeletal components, amplified by examination of casts of the specimens and full-size enlargements of photographs, the wing span is estimated at 58–59 cm and the wing area as 479 cm2. To judge from animals of similar size, the mass was probably about 200 g. These figures give an estimated minimum flying speed of 7-6 m/sec and a wing loading of 0–42 gf/cm2. These figures are, and must be from their method of derivation, comparable with those of similar sized modern birds, These data are used to reconsider the possibility of flapping flight in this bird. It is suggested that the primitive anatomy of the pectoral skeleton has been somewhat over-emphasized, and it is shown that the pectoral crest on the humerus was relatively very large compared with modern birds. The power required to fly would require muscular physiology outside the range of mammalian (at least, human) capability, but well within the modern avian range. It is felt that Archaeopteryx was capable of flapping flight, but that it was probably not long sustained.  相似文献   

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