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WWOX is a gene that spans an extremely large chromosomal region. It is derived from within chromosomal band 16q23.2 which is a region with frequent deletions and other alterations in a variety of different cancers. This chromosomal band also contains the FRA16D common fragile site (CFS). CFSs are chromosomal regions found in all individuals which are highly unstable. WWOX has also been demonstrated to function as a tumor suppressor that is involved in the development of many cancers. Two other highly unstable CFSs, FRA3B (3p14.2) and FRA6E (6q26), also span extremely large genes, FHIT and PARK2, respectively, and these two genes are also found to be important tumor suppressors. There are a number of interesting similarities between these three large CFS genes. In spite of the fact that they are derived from some of the most unstable chromosomal regions in the genome, they are found to be highly evolutionarily conserved and the chromosomal region spanning the mouse homologs of both WWOX and FHIT are also CFSs in mice. Many of the other CFSs also span extremely large genes and many of these are very attractive tumor suppressor candidates. WWOX is therefore a member of a very interesting family of very large CFS genes.  相似文献   

The neurobeachin gene spans the common fragile site FRA13A   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Common fragile sites are normal constituents of chromosomal structure prone to chromosomal breakage. In humans, the cytogenetic locations of more than 80 common fragile sites are known. The DNA at 11 of them has been defined and characterized at the molecular level. According to the Genome Database, the common fragile site FRA13A maps to chromosome band 13q13.2. Here, we identify the precise genomic position of FRA13A, and characterize the genetic complexity of the fragile DNA sequence. We show that FRA13A breaks are limited to a 650 kb region within the neurobeachin (NBEA) gene, which genomically spans approximately 730 kb. NBEA encodes a neuron-specific multidomain protein implicated in membrane trafficking that is predominantly expressed in the brain and during development.  相似文献   

Fragile sites appear as breaks, gaps, or decondensations on metaphase chromosomes when cells are grown under specific culture conditions. The breaks are nonrandom, appearing in defined, conserved locations throughout the mammalian genome. Common fragile sites, as their name implies, are present in virtually all individuals. With three common fragile sites cloned, their mechanism of expression and the role, if any, they play in human disease are still unclear. We have assembled a BAC contig of >1 Mb across the second most active common fragile site, FRA16D (16q23.2). We fluorescently labeled these BACs and used them as probes on metaphases from aphidicolin-induced lymphocytes and demonstrated that FRA16D decondensation/breakage occurs over a region of at least 1 Mb. Thus, this is the largest common fragile site cloned to date. Microsatellite markers that map within FRA16D show a very high loss in prostate, breast, and ovarian tumors, indicating that loss within this fragile site may be important in the development or progression of these tumors. In addition, a common t(14q32;16q23) translocation is observed in up to 25% of all multiple myelomas (MM). We localized four of four such cloned t(14;16) MM breakpoints within the FRA16D region. This work further demonstrates that the common fragile sites may play an important role in cancer development.  相似文献   

Replication stress induces physical breakage at discrete loci in chromosomes, which can be visualized on a metaphase chromosome spread. These common fragile sites (CFS) are conserved across species and are hotspots for sister chromatid recombination, viral integration, rearrangements, translocations, and deletions (Glover et al 2005). Despite multiple theories, the molecular mechanisms of CFS expression and genomic instability are still not well understood. The fragile site FRA16D is of special interest because it is the second most highly expressed fragile site and is located within the WWOX tumor suppressor gene. Previous data identified a polymorphic AT repeat within a FRA16D subregion called F1 that causes chromosome fragility and replication fork stalling in a yeast model (Zhang and Freudenreich 2007). Recently, we have found that breakage increases in an AT repeat length-dependent manner. Our results suggest that the AT repeat in the context of F1 forms a secondary structure, making the region more vulnerable to breakage.  相似文献   

Replication dynamics at common fragile site FRA6E   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The replication dynamics at common fragile site FRA6E has been evaluated by molecular combing and interphase fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) in primary human lymphocytes cultured under normal or aphidicolin-induced stress conditions. FRA6E is one of the most frequently expressed common fragile sites of the human genome. It harbours several genes, PARK2 being regarded as the most relevant one. According to the results obtained from interphase FISH analysis, FRA6E can be considered a mid-late-replicating sequence characterised by heterogeneous replication timing. Molecular combing did not reveal specific replication parameters at the fragile site: fork rates were highly comparable to those detected at an early replicating locus (LMNB2) used as control and in very good agreement with the whole-genome data obtained in parallel. The same indication applied to the density of initiation zones, the inter-origin distances from adjacent ongoing forks, the frequencies of unidirectional forks, fork arrest events and asynchronous forks. Interestingly, PARK2 appeared embedded in an early/late replication transition zone, corresponding to intron 8 (162 kb) and to the fragility core of FRA6E. In cells exposed to aphidicolin, few forks progressing at a rather slow rate were observed, the majority of them being unidirectional, but again a specific response of the fragile site was not observed. In summary, at FRA6E the replication process is not impaired per se, but chromosome breakages occur preferentially at an early/late replication transition zone. Aphidicolin might increase the occurrence of breakage events at FRA6E by prolonging the time interval separating the replication of early and late replication domains. These results may be of general significance to address the problem of fragile site instability.  相似文献   

Characterization of the human common fragile site FRA2G   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Common fragile sites are nonrandom loci that show gaps and breaks when cells are exposed to specific compounds. They are preferentially involved in recombination, chromosomal rearrangements, and foreign DNA integration. These sites have been suggested to play a role in chromosome instability observed in cancer. In this work we used a FISH-based approach to identify a BAC contig that spans the FRA2G fragile site located at the 2q31 region. Our observations indicate that a very fragile region spanning at least 450 kb is present within a large fragile region that extends over 1 Mb. At least seven genes are mapped in the fragile region. One of these seems to be a good candidate as a potential tumor suppressor gene impaired by the recurrent deletions observed at the 2q31 region in some neoplasms. In the fragile region, a considerable number of regions of high flexibility that may be related to the fragility are present.  相似文献   

WWOX was cloned as a tumor suppressor gene mapping to chromosomal fragile site FRA16D. Loss of WWOX is closely related to tumorigenesis, cancer progression, and therapy resistance. Recent studies demonstrate the growing role of WWOX gene in other human pathologies such as metabolic and nervous system-related conditions. The neurologic phenotype of WWOX mutation includes seizures, ataxia, developmental delay, and spasticity of variable severity. WWOX is a ubiquitous protein with high expression in many tissues including brain, cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord. WWOX is highly expressed in different brain regions during murine fetal development and remained unchanged in the cortex and the corpus callosum in adult mice. The mechanism or the putative role of WWOX in the nervous system is still unclear but may include abnormal signaling protein, disruption of neuronal pathways, neuronal differentiation, mitochondrial dysfunction, or apoptosis. Homozygous mutations affecting WWOX in humans are likely to be more described in the future using exome sequencing. The described findings highlight that WWOX plays a critical role in normal central nervous system development and disease.The aim of this review is to summarize the roles of WWOX in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Common fragile sites (CFS) are chromosomal regions that exhibit instability during DNA replication stress. Although the mechanism of CFS expression has not been fully elucidated, one known feature is a severely delayed S-phase. We used an in vitro primer extension assay to examine the progression of DNA synthesis through various sequences within FRA16D by the replicative human DNA polymerases δ and α, and with human cell-free extracts. We found that specific cis-acting sequence elements perturb DNA elongation, causing inconsistent DNA synthesis rates between regions on the same strand and complementary strands. Pol δ was significantly inhibited in regions containing hairpins and microsatellites, [AT/TA]24 and [A/T]19–28, compared with a control region with minimal secondary structure. Pol δ processivity was enhanced by full length Werner Syndrome protein (WRN) and by WRN fragments containing either the helicase domain or DNA-binding C-terminal domain. In cell-free extracts, stalling was eliminated at smaller hairpins, but persisted in larger hairpins and microsatellites. Our data support a model whereby CFS expression during cellular stress is due to a combination of factors—density of specific DNA secondary-structures within a genomic region and asymmetric rates of strand synthesis.  相似文献   

Common fragile sites are specific chromosomal loci that show gaps, breaks, or rearrangements in metaphase chromosomes under conditions that interfere with DNA replication. The mechanism underlying the chromosomal instability at fragile sites was hypothesized to associate with late replication time. Here, we aimed to investigate the replication pattern of the common fragile site FRA7H, encompassing 160 kb on the long arm of human chromosome 7. Using in situ hybridization on interphase nuclei, we revealed that the replication of this region is initiated relatively early, before 30% of S phase is completed. However, a high fraction ( approximately 35%) of S-phase nuclei showed allelic asynchrony, indicating that the replication of FRA7H is accomplished at different times in S phase. This allelic asynchrony is not the result of a specific replication time of each FRA7H allele. Analysis of the replication pattern of adjacent clones along FRA7H by using cell population and two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization analyses showed significant differences in the replication of adjacent clones, under normal growth condition and upon aphidicolin treatment. This pattern significantly differed from that of two nonfragile regions which showed a coordinated replication under both conditions. These results indicate that aphidicolin is enhancing an already existing difference in the replication time along the FRA7H region. Based on our replication analysis of FRA7H and on previous analysis of the common fragile site FRA3B, we suggest that delayed replication is underlying the fragility at aphidicolin-induced common fragile sites.  相似文献   

Human chromosomal fragile sites are specific loci that are especially susceptible to DNA breakage following conditions of partial replication stress. They often are found in genes involved in tumorigenesis and map to over half of all known cancer-specific recurrent translocation breakpoints. While their molecular basis remains elusive, most fragile DNAs contain AT-rich flexibility islands predicted to form stable secondary structures. To understand the mechanism of fragile site instability, we examined the contribution of secondary structure formation to breakage at FRA16B. Here, we show that FRA16B forms an alternative DNA structure in vitro. During replication in human cells, FRA16B exhibited reduced replication efficiency and expansions and deletions, depending on replication orientation and distance from the origin. Furthermore, the examination of a FRA16B replication fork template demonstrated that the majority of the constructs contained DNA polymerase paused within the FRA16B sequence, and among the molecules, which completed DNA synthesis, 81% of them underwent fork reversal. These results strongly suggest that the secondary-structure-forming ability of FRA16B contributes to its fragility by stalling DNA replication, and this mechanism may be shared among other fragile DNAs.  相似文献   

Summary Polymorphic DNA markers located in bands 16q13, 16q21 and 16q22 were examined for recombination with FRA16B, the fragile site at 16q22.100. A tight linkage cluster D16S10-FRA16B-D16S4-HP was established. There were no recombinants between D16S10 and D16S4, which flank FRA16B. The markers D16S10 and D16S4 are in close proximity on the genetic map and delineate a small chromosomal segment, which contains the distamycin A-inducible fragile site.  相似文献   

Human fragile sites are weak staining gaps in chromosomes generated by specific culture conditions. The short CGG repeating DNA derived from folate-sensitive fragile sites has been shown to exclude single nucleosomes. To test whether this nucleosome exclusion model provides a general molecular mechanism for the formation of fragile sites, a different class of fragile site, the 33-base pair AT-rich repeating DNAs derived from the rare distamycin-inducible site, FRA16B, was examined for its ability to assemble single nucleosomes and nucleosome arrays using in vitro nucleosome reconstitution methods. The FRA16B DNA fragments strongly exclude nucleosome assembly only in the presence of distamycin, and increasing the number of 33-bp repeats increases the effect of distamycin in the destabilization of the nucleosome formation, suggesting a common mechanism for the formation of fragile sites.  相似文献   

The mammalian chromosomes present specific sites of gaps or breaks, the common fragile sites (CFSs), when the cells are exposed to DNA replication stress or to some DNA binding compounds. CFSs span hundreds or thousands of kilobases. The analysis of these sequences has not definitively clarified the causes of their fragility. There is considerable evidence that CFSs are regions of late or slowed replication in the presence of sequence elements that have the propensity to form secondary structures, and that the cytogenetic expression of CFSs may be due to unreplicated DNA. In order to analyse the relationship between DNA replication time and fragility, in this work we have investigated the timing of replication of sequences mapping within two CFSs (FRA1H and FRA2G), of syntenic non-fragile sequences and of early and late replicating control sequences by using fluorescent in situ hybridization on interphase nuclei, conventional fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy. Our results indicate that the fragile sequences are slow replicating and that they enter G2 phase unreplicated with very high frequency. Thus these regions could sometimes reach mitosis unreplicated or undercondensed and be expressed as chromosome gaps/breakages.  相似文献   

The complex basis underlying common fragile site instability in cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Common fragile sites (CFSs) were characterized almost 30 years ago as sites undergoing genomic instability in cancer. Recently, in vitro studies have found that oncogene-induced replication stress leads to CFS instability. In vivo, CFSs were found to be preferentially unstable during early stages of cancer development and to leave a unique signature of instability. It is now increasingly clear that, along the spectrum of replication features characterizing CFSs, failure of origin activation is a common feature. This and other features of CFSs, together with the replication stress characterizing early stages of cancer development, lead to incomplete replication that results in genomic instability preferentially at CFSs. Here, we review the shared and unique characteristics of CFSs, their underlying causes and their implications, particularly with respect to the development of cancer.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112062
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