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Poliovirus RNA recombination in cell-free extracts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Triplex-induced recombination and repair in the pyrimidine motif   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner at polypurine/polypyrimidine sites and mediate targeted genome modification. Triplexes are formed by either pyrimidine TFOs, which bind parallel to the purine strand of the duplex (pyrimidine, parallel motif), or purine TFOs, which bind in an anti-parallel orientation (purine, anti-parallel motif). Both purine and pyrimidine TFOs, when linked to psoralen, have been shown to direct psoralen adduct formation in cells, leading to mutagenesis or recombination. However, only purine TFOs have been shown to mediate genome modification without the need for a targeted DNA-adduct. In this work, we report the ability of a series of pyrimidine TFOs, with selected chemical modifications, to induce repair and recombination in two distinct episomal targets in mammalian cells in the absence of any DNA-reactive conjugate. We find that TFOs containing N3′→P5′ phosphoramidate (amidate), 5-(1-propynyl)-2′-deoxyuridine (pdU), 2′-O-methyl-ribose (2′-O-Me), 2′-O-(2-aminoethyl)-ribose, or 2′-O, 4′-C-methylene bridged or locked nucleic acid (LNA)-modified nucleotides show substantially increased formation of non-covalent triplexes under physiological conditions compared with unmodified DNA TFOs. However, of these modified TFOs, only the amidate and pdU-modified TFOs mediate induced recombination in cells and stimulate repair in cell extracts, at levels comparable to those seen with purine TFOs in similar assays. These results show that amidate and pdU-modified TFOs can be used as reagents to stimulate site-specific gene targeting without the need for conjugation to DNA-reactive molecules. By demonstrating the potential for induced repair and recombination with appropriately modified pyrimidine TFOs, this work expands the options available for triplex-mediated gene targeting.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination catalyzed by human cell extracts.   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Two plasmids containing noncomplementing and nonreverting deletions in a bacterial phosphotransferase gene conferring resistance to neomycin (Neor) were incubated with human cell extracts, and the mixtures were used to transform recombination-deficient (recA-) Escherichia coli cells. We were able to obtain Neor colonies at a frequency of 2 X 10(-3). This frequency was 100 to 1,000 times higher than that obtained with no extracts. The removal of riboadenosine 5'-triphosphate, Mg2+, or deoxynucleoside triphosphates from the reaction mixture severely reduced the yield of Neor colonies. Examination of plasmid DNA from the Neor colonies revealed that they resulted from gene conversion and reciprocal recombination. On the basis of these results, we conclude that mammalian somatic cells in culture have the enzymatic machinery to catalyze homologous recombination in vitro.  相似文献   

Expression of the DNA repair and recombination protein human Rad51 (HsRad51) is increased in transformed cells and in cancer cell lines. In order to study the effects of acute HsRad51 ectopic overexpression on cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis, we generated clones of the human fibrosarcoma cell line HT1080 carrying a HsRad51 transgene under a repressible promoter. The HsRad51-overexpressing cells showed decreased plating efficiency and growth rate in a dose-dependent manner with regard to the degree of overexpression. An accumulation of HsRad51-overexpressing cells in G(2) was observed following release of cells after synchronization with double thymidine block. Moreover, the fraction of apoptotic cells measured by annexin V-FACS increased with the time of HsRad51 overexpression. In the light of these observations, sustained increased levels of HsRad51 may contribute to tumor progression by causing a selection for cells tolerant to the growth-suppressive and apoptosis-inducing effects of acute HsRad51 overexpression.  相似文献   

The human recombinase HsRad51 is cleaved during apoptosis. We have earlier observed cleavage of the 41-kDa full-length protein into a 33-kDa product in apoptotic Jurkat cells and in in vitro translated HsRad51 after treatment with activated S-100 extract. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis was used for mapping of the cleavage site to AQVD274 downward arrow G, which does not correspond to a conventional caspase cleavage site. The absence of HsRad51 cleavage in staurosporine-treated apoptotic MCF-7 cells, which lack caspase-3, indicates that caspase-3 is essential for HsRad51 cleavage in vivo. Cleavage into the 33-kDa fragment was generated by recombinant caspase-3 and -7 in in vitro translated wild type HsRad51, but not in the HsRad51 AQVE274 downward arrow G mutant. Similarly, HsRad51 of Jurkat cell extracts was cleaved into the 33-kDa product by recombinant caspase-3, whereas caspase-7 failed to cleave endogenous HsRad51. The cleavage of in vitro translated wild type and AQVE274 downward arrow G mutant HsRad51 as well as of endogenous HsRad51 also gave rise to a smaller fragment, which corresponds in size to a recently reported DVLD187 downward arrow N HsRad51 cleavage product. In Jurkat cell extracts, the AQVD274 downward arrow G and DVLD187 downward arrow N cleavage products of HsRad51 appeared at equal concentrations of caspase-3. Moreover both fragments were generated by induction of apoptosis in MDA-MB 157 cells with staurosporine and in Jurkat cells with camptothecin. Thus, two sites in the HsRad51 sequence are targets for caspase cleavage both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The Rad6/Rad18-dependent monoubiquitination of PCNA plays a crucial role in regulating replication past DNA damage in eukaryotic cells. We show here that in human cell-free extracts, efficient PCNA monoubiquitination requires both the synthesis of relatively long DNA tracts and polymerase idling or stalling at sites of DNA modification or DNA secondary structures. This dual dependency suggests a dynamic process in which, following initiation, the DNA synthesizing complex undergoes modifications that make it competent as a mediator for the activation of the Rad6/Rad18 pathway.  相似文献   

Interaction of human recombination proteins Rad51 and Rad54.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The cDNA for human protein HsRad54, which is a structural homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombination/repair protein Rad54, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. As demonstrated by analysis in vitro and in vivo, HsRad54 protein interacts with human Rad51 recombinase. The interaction is mediated by the N-terminal domain of HsRad54 protein, which interacts with both free and DNA-bound HsRad51 protein.  相似文献   

Trinucleotide repeat expansions cause 17 heritable human neurological disorders. In some diseases, somatic expansions occur in non-proliferating tissues such as brain where DNA replication is limited. This finding stimulated significant interest in replication-independent expansion mechanisms. Aberrant DNA repair is a likely source, based in part on mouse studies showing that somatic expansions are provoked by the DNA repair protein MutSβ (Msh2-Msh3 complex). Biochemical studies to date used cell-free extracts or purified DNA repair proteins to yield partial reactions at triplet repeats. The findings included expansions on one strand but not the other, or processing of DNA hairpin structures thought to be important intermediates in the expansion process. However, it has been difficult to recapitulate complete expansions in vitro, and the biochemical role of MutSβ remains controversial. Here, we use a novel in vitro assay to show that human cell-free extracts catalyze expansions and contractions of trinucleotide repeats without the requirement for DNA replication. The extract promotes a size range of expansions that is similar to certain diseases, and triplet repeat length and sequence govern expansions in vitro as in vivo. MutSβ stimulates expansions in the extract, consistent with aberrant repair of endogenous DNA damage as a source of expansions. Overall, this biochemical system retains the key characteristics of somatic expansions in humans and mice, suggesting that this important mutagenic process can be restored in the test tube.  相似文献   

We have developed an assay utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell extracts to catalyze recombination in vitro between homologous plasmids containing different mutant alleles of the tet gene. Electrophoretic analysis of product DNA indicated that a number of novel DNA species were formed during the reaction. These species migrated through agarose gels as distinct bands with decreased electrophoretic mobility compared with the substrate DNA. The DNA from each individual band was purified and shown to be enriched 5- to 100-fold for tetracycline-resistant recombinants by using a transformation assay. The structure of the DNA molecules present in these bands was determined by electron microscopy. Recombination between circular substrates appeared to involve the formation and processing of figure-eight molecules, while recombination between circular and linear substrates involved the formation of molecules in which a circular monomer had a monomer-length linear tail attached at a region of homology.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the primary mechanism for the removal of many lesions from DNA. This repair process can be broadly divided in two stages: first, incision at damaged sites and second, synthesis of new DNA to replace the oligonucleotide removed by excision. In order to dissect the repair mechanism, we have recently devised a method to analyze the incision reaction in vitro in the absence of repair synthesis (1). Damage-specific incisions take place in a repair reaction in which mammalian cell-free extracts are mixed with undamaged and damaged plasmids. Most of the incision events are accompanied by excision. Using this assay, we investigated here various parameters that specifically affect the level of damage-dependent incision activity by cell-free extracts in vitro. We have defined optimal conditions for the reaction and determined the kinetics of the incision with cell-free extracts from human cells. We present direct evidence that the incision step of NER is ATP-dependent. In addition, we observe that Mn2+ but no other divalent cation can substitute for Mg2+ in the incision reaction.  相似文献   

DNA replication in cell-free extracts from Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
G Crevel  S Cotterill 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(13):4361-4369
We have developed an efficient in vitro replication system from 0-2 h Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Demembranated Xenopus sperm DNA when incubated in such an extract first becomes enclosed in a nucleus-like structure with a nuclear envelope and a karyoskeleton. It then undergoes one round of semiconservative replication--this replication appears completely dependent on nuclear formation. Up to 30% of input DNA is nucleated in one reaction. Efficient nuclear formation and replication are dependent on a cold treatment step, prior to disruption of the embryos. They also depend on the age of the embryos used. Extracts from older embryos (0-5 h) are capable of nuclear formation, although at a much reduced efficiency, and repair synthesis, but seem to have lost the ability to initiate DNA replication. In addition to replicating sperm DNA this system appears capable of carrying out semi-conservative replication on some plasmids. However, it cannot use these to trigger nuclear formation; replication is only seen if the plasmids are coincubated with sperm DNA. The in vitro formed nuclei have not been observed to trigger nuclear envelope breakdown and entry into mitosis. However, they can re-replicate the DNA if the nuclei are permeabilized. This system should be a useful complement to the previously isolated Xenopus in vitro replication system. In addition the amenability of Drosophila to genetic study should open up new approaches not previously possible with Xenopus.  相似文献   

Since skeletal muscle is the major site in the body for oxidation of leucine, isoleucine and valine, the pathway and control of leucine oxidation were investigated in cell-free preparations of rat muscle. Leucine was found to be transaminated to 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate, which was then oxidatively decarboxylated. On differential centrifugation 70--80% of the transaminase activity was recovered in the soluble fraction of the cell, and the remaining amount in the mitochondrial fraction. The transaminase, from both fractions had similar pH optima and both were markedly inhibited by Ca2+. Thus changes in cellular Ca2+ concentration may regulate transaminase activity. Both transaminases had a much higher affinity for 2-oxoglutarate than for pyruvate. Therefore the utilization of amino groups from leucine for the biosynthesis of alanine in muscle [Odessey, Khairallah & Goldberg (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 7623--7629] in vivo involves transamination with 2-oxoglutarate to produce glutamate, which is then transaminated with pyruvate to produce alanine. The dehydrogenase activity assayed by the decarboxylation of methyl-2-oxo[1-14C]pentanoate was localized exclusively in the fraction containing mitochondria and required NAD+, CoA and thiamin pyrophosphate for optimal activity. Measurements of competitive inhibition suggested that the oxo acids of leucine, isoleucine and valine are all decarboxylated by the same enzyme. The enzyme activity was decreased by 90% upon freezing or sonication and was stimulated severalfold by Mg2+, K+ and phosphate ions. In addition, it was markedly inhibited by ATP, but not by non-metabolizable analogues. This observation suggests that splitting of ATP is required for inhibition. The oxidative decarboxylation of 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate by the dehydrogenase appears to be the rate-limiting step for leucine oxidation in muscle homogenates and also in intact tissues. In fact, rat muscles incubated with [1-14C]leucine release 1-14C-labelled oxo acid into the medium at rates comparable with the rate of decarboxylation. Intact muscles also released the oxo acids of [1-14C]valine or [1-14C]isoleucine, but not of other amino acids. These findings suggest that muscle is the primary source of the branched-chain oxo acids found in the blood.  相似文献   

Dimerization of human XPA and formation of XPA2-RPA protein complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yang ZG  Liu Y  Mao LY  Zhang JT  Zou Y 《Biochemistry》2002,41(43):13012-13020
XPA plays an important role in the DNA damage recognition during human nucleotide excision repair. Here we report that the XPA is a homodimer either in the free state or as a complex with human RPA in solution under normal conditions. The human XPA protein purified from baculovirus-infected sf21 insect cells has a molecular mass of 36 317 Da, as determined by mass spectroscopy. However, the apparent molecular mass of XPA determined by the native gel filtration chromatography was about 71 kDa, suggesting that XPA is a dimer. This observation was supported by a native PFO-PAGE and fluorescence spectroscopy analysis. XPA formed a dimer (XPA2) in a broad range of XPA and NaCl concentrations, and the dimerization was not due to the disulfide bond formation. Furthermore, a titration analysis of the binding of XPA to the human RPA indicated that it was the XPA2 that formed the complex with RPA. Finally, the difference between the mass spectrometric and the calculated masses of XPA implies that the protein contains posttranslational modifications. Taken together, our data suggest that the dimerization of XPA may play an important role in the DNA damage recognition of nucleotide excision repair.  相似文献   

Recombination between a 360-base-pair (bp) segment of a wild-type thymidine kinase gene (tk) from each of three different strains (F, MP, and 101) of herpes simplex virus type one and a complete herpes simplex virus type 1 (strain F) tk gene containing an 8-bp insertion mutation was studied. The pairs of tk sequences resided as closely linked repeats within the genome of mouse LTK- cells. The frequency of recombination between sequences exhibiting 232 bp of uninterrupted homology and containing no mismatches other than the insertion mutation was comparable to the frequency of recombination between two sequences exhibiting four additional nucleotide mismatches distributed in such a way to preserve the 232-bp stretch of contiguous homology. In contrast, the placement of only two single-nucleotide mismatches (in addition to the insertion mutation) in such a manner to reduce the longest uninterrupted homology to 134 bp resulted in a 20-fold reduction in recombination. We conclude that the rate of intrachromosomal recombination in mammalian cells is determined by the amount of uninterrupted homology available and not by the total number of mismatches within a given interval of DNA. Furthermore, efficient recombination appears to require between 134 and 232 bp of uninterrupted homology; single-nucleotide heterologies are most likely sufficient to disrupt the minimal efficient recombination target. We also observed that if recombination was allowed to initiate within sequences exhibiting perfect homology, the event could propagate through and terminate within adjacent sequences exhibiting 19% base pair mismatch. We interpret this to mean that heterology exerts most of its impact on early rather than late steps of intrachromosomal recombination in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparing chromatin assembly extracts has not been available for budding yeast. Here I describe such a method in detail. The assembly extract, a crude 100,000g supernatant, is prepared from cells disrupted in a manual or motorized grinder while they are frozen. The core histones and all soluble protein factors required for chromatin assembly under physiological conditions are present in the extract. Assembly is sensitive to mutation of lysine residues in the amino-terminal tail of histone H4 whose acetylation is associated with nucleosome deposition in vivo. The reaction is ATP dependent, and assembly-driven DNA supercoiling occurs with the same efficiency as in extracts from mammalian somatic cells. This simple system offers a unique opportunity to analyze chromatin metabolism by a combined biochemical and genetic approach that is not feasible for any other model organism.  相似文献   

Synthesis of tRNA in cell-free extracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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