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The occurrence of rust fungi (Basidiomycota) infecting vascular plants on 14 sites in western Panama differing in altitude, climate, and vegetation type was analyzed. Three vegetation-types are investigated: (1) Disturbed sites where Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae are most speciose, (2) slightly disturbed high canopy forests with sparse herbaceous undergrowth and no dominant plant family, and (3) relatively undisturbed forests with rich herbaceous undergrowth where Orchidaceae and ferns are most speciose. The majority of species of Pucciniales were found in disturbed sites on Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae, whereas high canopy forests with sparse herbaceous layers yielded only few species of Pucciniales that were not common on any specific plant family. In undisturbed forests, a higher number of Pucciniales was found infecting mostly pteridophytes and Orchidaceae. Generally, undisturbed sites yielded a lower number of Pucciniales in relation to the number of plant species of which several species have a wide host range within the same site, and a low percentage of samples containing teliospores. Disturbed sites yielded a high number of Pucciniales in relation to the number of plant species, many rusts having a wide geographical distribution and a wide host range outside the sites, and a higher percentage of samples containing teliospores.  相似文献   

Sixty-six small woodland islands (0.008–2.16 ha) isolated in the agricultural landscape of the Wierzbanówka valley (western Carpathian foothills) were investigated. Analysis of historical cartographic material showed that 60 woodland islands are most probably the remnants of ancient woodlands. Among them both woodlands associated with more than one type of soil, and those with homogeneous soil conditions, were identified; the latter were divided into two groups differing in the period of isolation and anthropogenic pressure. These three groups of woodlands were analysed statistically using 12 independent variables (area, shape, distance to the nearest large woodland, mean distance to the five nearest woodland islands, cover of tree-and shrub layer, and others) and 20 dependent variables (number of all species, number of species of different growth forms, mode of dispersal, and phytosociological characters). The number of species was found to be related to habitat diversity, area, shape, isolation, and cover of tree and shrub layers. Compared with the more recently isolated and less disturbed woodlands, those isolated for longer periods and more anthropogenically disturbed were found to have fewer species, including fewer harbaceous species, woodland species, species of the Querco-Fagetea class, and also tree and shrub dyszoochores, as well as herbaceous endozoochores and myrmecochores. On the other hand, significantly more non-woodland species, species of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, and tree anemochores were present here.  相似文献   

In 2005, researchers at the Leipzig Canopy Crane Research Facility collected living leaves of four temperate tree species at heights of between 15 and 33 m above the ground. Following surface sterilisation of the leaves, leaf-fragments were cultured on malt extract agar which allowed the growth of endophytic fungi into the surrounding medium. Isolated cultures were identified by morphology and sequence analysis of the D1/D2 region of the large subunit rDNA. Phylogenetic analysis established the taxonomic positions of the fungi. A total of 49 different taxa were identified, representing 20 families and ten orders. With the exception of one basidiomycetous yeast, all taxa belonged to filamentous ascomycetes. Species richness was highest on Tilia cordata and lowest on Quercus robur. Species-accumulation curves showed that the sampling effort was not sufficient to cover the majority of the likely species at the investigation site. Most endophytes proved to be ubiquitous within the canopy of the investigation site, but habitat preferences in terms of different tree species, different light regimes and season (sampling times) were obvious for some abundant endophytes. Apiognomonia errabunda and Aspergillus niger occurred predominantly on Q. robur, Diplodina acerina on Acer pseudoplatanus, one species of Phoma significantly prefered shaded leaves from the lower canopy layer whereas Sordaria fimicola prefered sun-exposed leaves from the upper tree crowns. Seasonal patterns were observed, for example, for A. errabunda, which was abundant in young leaves in the spring and almost completely absent in aged autumn-leaves, thus suggesting the accumulation of antifungal secondary plant metabolites during the growing season. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Wilfried Morawetz died in March 2007.  相似文献   

Tracking changes in biodiversity through time requires an understanding of the relationship between modern diversity and how this diversity is preserved in the fossil record. Fossil pollen is one way in which past vegetation diversity can be reconstructed. However, there is limited understanding of modern pollen-vegetation diversity relationships from biodiverse tropical ecosystems. Here, pollen (palynological) richness and diversity (Hill N1) are compared with vegetation richness and diversity from forest and savannah ecosystems in the New World and Old World tropics (Neotropics and Palaeotropics). Modern pollen data were obtained from artificial pollen traps deployed in 1-ha vegetation study plots from which vegetation inventories had been completed in Bolivia and Ghana. Pollen counts were obtained from 15 to 22 traps per plot, and aggregated pollen sums for each plot were >?2,500. The palynological richness/diversity values from the Neotropics were moist evergreen forest?=?86/6.8, semi-deciduous dry forest?=?111/21.9, wooded savannah?=?138/31.5, and from the Palaeotropics wet evergreen forest?=?144/28.3, semi-deciduous moist forest?=?104/4.4, forest-savannah transition?=?121/14.1; the corresponding vegetation richness/diversity was 100/36.7, 80/38.7 and 71/39.4 (Neotropics), and 101/54.8, 87/45.5 and 71/34.5 (Palaeotropics). No consistent relationship was found between palynological richness/diversity, and plot vegetation richness/diversity, due to the differential influence of other factors such as landscape diversity, pollination strategy, and pollen source area. Palynological richness exceeded vegetation richness, while pollen diversity was lower than vegetation diversity. The relatively high global diversity of tropical vegetation was found to be reflected in the pollen rain.  相似文献   

Records of fungi in Panama scattered in literature are presented in a preliminary annotated checklist which is published in Panama. It includes 1807 species and subspecific taxa in 646 genera. The data allow to trace more than 100 years of history of mycology in Panama, presented here for the first time. The species richness is analyzed numerically with respect to the systematic position of the species and their ecology. Considering the numbers of records for different regions of Panama, a comparison with numbers of species published for some other neotropical countries, as well as recent experience collecting fungi in Panama, the incompleteness of the checklist is evident. Values of relative species richness of different systematic groups in Panama compared to values of the same groups as known worldwide, show that our knowledge is fragmentary in Panama especially for Agaricales, Uredinales, and some groups of microfungi. We are still in the pioneer phase of mycological investigation in Panama.  相似文献   

Plant range boundaries are generally considered to reflect abiotic conditions; however, a rise in negative or decline in positive species interactions at range margins may contribute to these stable boundaries. While evidence suggests that pollinator mutualisms may decline near range boundaries, little is known about other important plant mutualisms, including microbial root symbionts. Here, we used molecular methods to characterize root‐associated fungal communities in populations of two related temperate tree species from across the species’ range in the eastern United States. We found that ectomycorrhizal fungal richness on plant roots declined with distance from the centre of the host species range. These patterns were not evident in nonmycorrhizal fungal communities on roots nor in fungal communities in bulk soil. Climatic and soil chemical variables could not explain these biogeographic patterns, although these abiotic gradients affected other components of the bulk soil and rhizosphere fungal community. Depauperate ectomycorrhizal fungal communities may represent an underappreciated challenge to marginal tree populations, especially as rapid climate change pushes these populations outside their current climate niche.  相似文献   

In the more than twenty years in which long-term canopy research has been conducted, mycology has been largely disregarded. Our studies using a construction crane to gain access to the canopy of a forest in Leipzig, Germany are the first long term investigations assessing the diversity and ecology of wood-decaying fungi in a canopy. Thirty-seven individuals of nine different tree species with a large amount of dead wood were selected. Sampling focussed on the four most prominent tree species Acer pseudoplatanus, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus robur and Tilia cordata. In the years 2002 and 2003 dead wood was collected in different canopy strata. Dead branches were removed and stored for two weeks in open boxes with high humidity to allow growth of fructifications in the laboratory. 118 different taxa were identified (108 species, 77 genera). Corticioid fungi (e.g., of Corticiaceae, Stereaceae, Hymenochaetaceae) dominated the fungal composition with 37 species, pyrenomycetes were present with 18 species. Agaric fungi (Agaricales and Cortinariales) were scarce. Species with minute basidiomes dominated the fungal composition of this systematic group. Agarics with larger sporomes were found only once and were restricted to strongly decayed branches in shaded canopy areas. Concerning species richness and fungal composition the four tree species mentioned above differed remarkably. As expected, many fungi that grew on bark or slightly decayed wood showed a distinct host and substratum specifity. It is noteworthy that fungi which are purportedly to be non-specific were found on single tree species only.  相似文献   

Results of diversity and community ecology studies strongly depend on sampling depth. Completely surveyed communities follow log-normal distribution, whereas power law functions best describe incompletely censused communities. It is arguable whether the statistics behind those theories can be applied to voluminous next generation sequencing data in microbiology by treating individual DNA sequences as counts of molecular taxonomic units (MOTUs). This study addresses the suitability of species abundance models in three groups of plant-associated fungal communities - phyllosphere, ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. We tested the impact of differential treatment of molecular singletons on observed and estimated species richness and species abundance distribution models. The arbuscular mycorrhizal community of 48 MOTUs was exhaustively sampled and followed log-normal distribution. The ectomycorrhizal (153 MOTUs) and phyllosphere (327 MOTUs) communities significantly differed from log-normal distribution. The fungal phyllosphere community in particular was clearly undersampled. This undersampling bias resulted in strong sensitivity to the exclusion of molecular singletons and other rare MOTUs that may represent technical artefacts. The analysis of abundant (core) and rare (satellite) MOTUs clearly identified two species abundance distributions in the phyllosphere data - a log-normal model for the core group and a log-series model for the satellite group. The prominent log-series distribution of satellite phyllosphere fungi highlighted the ecological significance of an infrequent fungal component in the phyllosphere community.  相似文献   

The effects of biodiversity of aboveground organisms have been widely investigated in a range of ecosystems, yet whether similar responses are also seen in belowground microbial communities, such as ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, are little understood. We investigated, in vitro, the effects of a gradient of 1–8 species of EM fungi interacting with substratum carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio on biomass production and CO2 efflux. The model experimental systems enabled us to recover and measure biomass of individuals within communities and calculate net selection and complementarity effects. Both biomass and CO2 efflux increased with species richness particularly under high N concentrations. Moreover, net biodiversity effects were largely positive, driven by both selection and complementarity effects. Our results reveal, in pure culture, the implications of EM species richness on community productivity and C cycling, particularly under high N conditions, and constitute the basis for future experiments under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi often share a common substrate, and their spatial proximity in many environments has lead to either synergistic or antagonistic interactions. In this paper, the interaction of bacterial and fungal decomposers from an aquatic environment was studied. We found indications of a tradeoff between fungal growth and tolerance towards bacteria. Fungal strains growing best in absence of bacteria were most severely affected by bacterial presence, while those less suppressed during co-existence with bacteria had lower maximal growth rates in bacterial absence. Additionally, we show that the antagonism between bacteria and fungi is connected to competition for substrate, but that this competition can be drastically altered if fungi are given an opportunity to establish before inoculation of bacteria. Established fungi out-competed bacteria, and gained higher biomass than in simultaneously inoculated treatments with higher substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Wildfire is the dominant disturbance in boreal forests and fire activity is increasing in these regions. Soil fungal communities are important for plant growth and nutrient cycling postfire but there is little understanding of how fires impact fungal communities across landscapes, fire severity gradients, and stand types in boreal forests. Understanding relationships between fungal community composition, particularly mycorrhizas, and understory plant composition is therefore important in predicting how future fire regimes may affect vegetation. We used an extreme wildfire event in boreal forests of Canada's Northwest Territories to test drivers of fungal communities and assess relationships with plant communities. We sampled soils from 39 plots 1 year after fire and 8 unburned plots. High‐throughput sequencing (MiSeq, ITS) revealed 2,034 fungal operational taxonomic units. We found soil pH and fire severity (proportion soil organic layer combusted), and interactions between these drivers were important for fungal community structure (composition, richness, diversity, functional groups). Where fire severity was low, samples with low pH had higher total fungal, mycorrhizal, and saprotroph richness compared to where severity was high. Increased fire severity caused declines in richness of total fungi, mycorrhizas, and saprotrophs, and declines in diversity of total fungi and mycorrhizas. The importance of stand age (a surrogate for fire return interval) for fungal composition suggests we could detect long‐term successional patterns even after fire. Mycorrhizal and plant community composition, richness, and diversity were weakly but significantly correlated. These weak relationships and the distribution of fungi across plots suggest that the underlying driver of fungal community structure is pH, which is modified by fire severity. This study shows the importance of edaphic factors in determining fungal community structure at large scales, but suggests these patterns are mediated by interactions between fire and forest stand composition.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are among the most ancient, widespread and functionally important symbioses on Earth that help feed the world. Yet, mass-production of clean (i.e. in vitro produced), safe and robust inoculum at affordable costs remains a critical challenge. Very recently, Luginbuehl et al. (2017) found that plants supply lipids to the symbiotic partner, thus ‘providing the AMF with a robust source of carbon for their metabolic needs’. Hence, engineering plants for enhanced delivery of lipids to AMF could represent an innovative avenue to produce a novel generation of high-quality and cost-effective bio-fortified AMF inoculants for application in agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

The specific shape of the relationship between plant diversity and productivity and the causal mechanism(s) behind the observed pattern(s) are still highly debated. Recent advances suggest that the relationship depends on several environmental variables and may change with the observational scale. In this study, a multivariate, multiscale approach was used to identify the variables that determine the relationship between species richness and annual production along a forest/old field edge in southern Québec (Canada). Various relationships between richness and production were found at different distances to the edge. In the forest, most relationships were positive and linear, while in the old field the relationship shifted from positive linear to non-significant with increasing distance from the edge. In the forest or in the old field, the shape of the relationship (all distances from the edge combined) was unimodal. Path analyses showed that species richness was determined mostly by production, which was influenced by different limiting resources, depending on the community (forest or old field). An increasing range in production created by pooling across community types can confound the resources and/or conditions determining the diversity-productivity relationship.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(3):241-246
Species richness patterns of ground-dwelling vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens were compared along an altitudinal gradient (310–1135 m a.s.l.), in western Norway. Total species richness peaked at intermediate altitudes, vascular plant species richness peaked immediately above the forest limit (at 600–700 m a.s.l.), bryophyte species richness had no statistically significant trend, whereas lichen richness increased from the lowest point and up to the forest limit, with no trend above. It is proposed that the pattern in vascular plant species richness is enhanced by an ecotone effect. Bryophyte species richness responds to local scale factors whereas the lichen species richness may be responding to the shading from the forest trees.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in species richness and species turnover during secondary succession following experimental disturbance were studied in eight permanent plots in a species‐rich dry heathland in the southern part of the Czech Republic. The treatments applied were sod‐cutting, burning, cutting of above‐ground biomass, and control. The plots were sampled annually between 1992 and 2000; species richness was analysed at three scales, 25 cm × 25 cm, 1 m × 1 m, and 3 m × 3 m. Disturbances resulted in increased species richness. The highest vascular plant richness was attained during the secondary succession after sod‐cutting, where species established on exposed bare ground. Less severe disturbances by burning and cutting also caused a slight increase in the number of vascular plant species. For bryophytes and lichens, the highest increase in the number of species was also found in the sod‐cut plots, where all cryptogams were removed by the disturbance. At the scale of 3 m × 3 m, species richness of both vascular plants and cryptogams peaked in 1995–1996, i.e. 3–4 yrs after the disturbance, and slowly decreased or slightly fluctuated without any trend thereafter. At smaller scales it either peaked later or constantly increased over the entire observation period of 9 yrs. Species mobility, expressed as species accumulation over time, was lower than reported from grasslands. Rates of species turnover, calculated as Jaccard dissimilarity between pairs of consecutive years, corresponded across different scales. This implies that successional dry heathlands have a higher small‐scale mobility than heathlands which are apparently stable at larger scale.  相似文献   

The microbial rhodopsins (MR) are homologous to putative chaperone and retinal-binding proteins of fungi. These proteins comprise a coherent family that we have termed the MR family. We have used modeling techniques to predict the structure of one of the putative yeast chaperone proteins, YRO2, based on homology with bacteriorhodopsins (BR). Availability of the structure allowed depiction of conserved residues that are likely to be of functional significance. The results lead us to predict an extracellular protein folding function and a transmembrane proton transport pathway. We suggest that protein folding is energized by a novel mechanism involving the proton motive force. We further show that MR family proteins are distantly related to a family of fungal, animal and plant proteins that include the human lysosomal cystine transporter (LCT) of man (cystinosin), mutations in which cause cystinosis. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses of both the MR family and the LCT family are reported. Proteins in both families are of the same approximate size, exhibit seven putative transmembrane alpha-helical spanners (TMSs) and show limited sequence similarity. We show that the LCT family arose by an internal gene duplication event and that TMSs 1-3 are homologous to TMSs 5-7. Although the same could not be demonstrated statistically for MR family members, homology with the LCT family suggests (but does not prove) a common evolutionary pathway. Thus, TMSs 1-3 and 5-7 in both LCT and MR family members may share a common origin, accounting for their shared structural features.  相似文献   

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