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Although human transthyretin (TTR) is associated with systemic amyloidoses, an anti-amyloidogenic effect that prevents Aβ fibril formation in vitro and in animal models has been observed. Here we studied the ability of three different types of TTR, namely human tetramers (hTTR), mouse tetramers (muTTR) and an engineered monomer of the human protein (M-TTR), to suppress the toxicity of oligomers formed by two different amyloidogenic peptides/proteins (HypF-N and Aβ42). muTTR is the most stable homotetramer, hTTR can dissociate into partially unfolded monomers, whereas M-TTR maintains a monomeric state. Preformed toxic HypF-N and Aβ42 oligomers were incubated in the presence of each TTR then added to cell culture media. hTTR, and to a greater extent M-TTR, were found to protect human neuroblastoma cells and rat primary neurons against oligomer-induced toxicity, whereas muTTR had no protective effect. The thioflavin T assay and site-directed labeling experiments using pyrene ruled out disaggregation and structural reorganization within the discrete oligomers following incubation with TTRs, while confocal microscopy, SDS-PAGE, and intrinsic fluorescence measurements indicated tight binding between oligomers and hTTR, particularly M-TTR. Moreover, atomic force microscopy (AFM), light scattering and turbidimetry analyses indicated that larger assemblies of oligomers are formed in the presence of M-TTR and, to a lesser extent, with hTTR. Overall, the data suggest a generic capacity of TTR to efficiently neutralize the toxicity of oligomers formed by misfolded proteins and reveal that such neutralization occurs through a mechanism of TTR-mediated assembly of protein oligomers into larger species, with an efficiency that correlates inversely with TTR tetramer stability.  相似文献   

Cystatin C and the prion protein have been shown to form dimers via three-dimensional domain swapping, and this process has also been hypothesized to be involved in amyloidogenesis. Production of oligomers of other amyloidogenic proteins has been reported to precede fibril formation, suggesting oligomers as intermediates in fibrillogenesis. A variant of cystatin C, with a Leu68-->Gln substitution, is highly amyloidogenic, and carriers of this mutation suffer from massive cerebral amyloidosis leading to brain hemorrhage and death in early adulthood. This work describes doughnut-shaped oligomers formed by wild type and L68Q cystatin C upon incubation of the monomeric proteins. Purified oligomers of cystatin C are shown to fibrillize faster and at a lower concentration than the monomeric protein, indicating a role of the oligomers as fibril-assembly intermediates. Moreover, the present work demonstrates that three-dimensional domain swapping is involved in the formation of the oligomers, because variants of monomeric cystatin C, stabilized against three-dimensional domain swapping by engineered disulfide bonds, do not produce oligomers upon incubation under non-reducing conditions. Redox experiments using wild type and stabilized cystatin C strongly suggest that the oligomers, and thus probably the fibrils as well, are formed by propagated domain swapping rather than by assembly of domain-swapped cystatin C dimers.  相似文献   

Sedimentation velocity analysis has been used to examine the base-specific structural conformations and unusual hydrogen bonding patterns of model oligonucleotides. Homo-oligonucleotides composed of 8-28 residues of dA, dT, or dC nucleotides in 100 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4, at 20 degrees C behave as extended monomers. Comparison of experimentally determined sedimentation coefficients with theoretical values calculated for assumed helical structures show that dT and dC oligonucleotides are more compact than dA oligonucleotides. For dA oligonucleotides, the average width (1.7 nm), assuming a cylindrical model, is smaller than for control duplex DNA whereas the average rise per base (0.34 nm) is similar to that of B-DNA. For dC and dT oligonucleotides, there is an increase in the average widths (1.8 nm and 2.1 nm, respectively) whereas the average rise per base is smaller (0.28 nm and 0.23 nm, respectively). A significant shape change is observed for oligo dC(28) at lower temperatures (10 degrees C), corresponding to a fourfold decrease in axial ratio. Optical density, circular dichroism, and differential scanning calorimetry data confirm this shape change, attributable from nuclear magnetic resonance analysis to i-motif formation. Sedimentation equilibrium studies of oligo dG(8) and dG(16) reveal extensive self-association and the formation of G-quadruplexes. Continuous distribution analysis of sedimentation velocity data for oligo dG(16) identifies the presence of discrete dimers, tetramers, and dodecamers. These studies distinguish the conformational and colligative properties of the individual bases in DNA and their inherent capacity to promote specific folding pathways.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA oligomers   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Regular superstructures of purified DNA in ethanolic solutions   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Aqueous solutions of purified DNA from bacteriophage T7 were subjected to various concentrations of ethanol and visualized by electron microscopy. Compact, linear, unbranched particles with uniform diameters were found which have three distinct lengths, 3.04±0.04 μm, 0.69±0.01 μm and 0.159±0.014μm, with increasing diameters. An analysis of the observations revealed supercoils of first, second and third order for the above lengths. DNA supercoiling may be the consequence of dehydration by ethanol and drying and, in native chromatin, of dehydration by histone.  相似文献   

Kinetic parameters for uracil DNA glycosylase (E. coli)-catalysed excision of uracil from DNA oligomers containing dUMP in different structural contexts were determined. Our results show that single-stranded oligonucleotides (unstructured) are used as somewhat better substrates than the double-stranded oligonucleotides. This is mainly because of the favourable Vmax value of the enzyme for single-stranded substrates. More interestingly, however, we found that uracil release from loop regions of DNA hairpins is extremely inefficient. The poor efficiency with which uracil is excised from loop regions is a result of both increased Km and lowered Vmax values. This observation may have significant implications in uracil DNA glycosylase-directed repair of DNA segments that can be extruded as hairpins. In addition, these studies are useful in designing oligonucleotides for various applications in DNA research where the use of uracil DNA glycosylase is sought.  相似文献   

DNA oligomer d(CGGAAGACTCTCCTCCG):d(CGGAGGAGAGTCTTCCG) named UASG (17mer M.W. = 11 kDa) was studied by 1H NMR and heteronuclear two dimensional (2D) NMR. All the labile protons and half of the non-exchangeable protons were assigned by use of conventional 1H 2D experiments including NOESY using 1-1 echo excitation for water suppression. Signal degeneracy in the sugar proton region made it difficult to make assignments of the remaining half of the non-exchangeable protons of the oligomer in 1H 2D spectra. Here we report a new strategy using 1H/13C and 1H/31P heteronuclear single-quantum correlation spectroscopy combined with homonuclear three dimensional NOESY-TOCSY. By this strategy, most of the proton resonances of the oligomer have been assigned, and it turned out that the whole conformation of the oligomer is B-form like.  相似文献   

The solid phase phospite triester synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides containing cytosine arabinoside (araC) is described. A protected araC phosphoramadite was prepared for the introduction of araC residues at 5'termini and internucleotide positions in DNA oligomers. These oligomers were utilized to demonstrate the formation of correct 3'-5' linkages, to test for alkaline lability at the araC site, and to study the stability of duplexes containing araC-G base pairs. For the introduction of araC residues at 3' terminal positions, a protected derivative of araC was coupled to functionalized silica. This material was used to prepare a test oligomer which was characterized enzymatically.  相似文献   

Impact of transition metals which catalyze the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), on activation of cell death signaling in plant cells have been documented to date. Similarly in green paramecia (Paramecium bursaria), an aquatic protozoan species harboring symbiotic green algae in the cytoplasm, toxicities of various metallic ions have been documented. We have recently examined the effects of double-stranded GC-rich DNA fragments with copper-binding nature and ROS removal catalytic activity as novel plant cell-protecting agents, using the suspension-cultured tobacco cells. Here, we show that above DNA oligomers protect the cells of green paramecia from copper-induced cell death, suggesting that the phenomenon firstly observed in tobacco cells is not limited only within higher plants but it could be universally observable in wider range of organisms.  相似文献   

Triple-helical DNA pairing intermediates formed by recA protein   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
RecA protein aligns homologous single- and double-stranded DNA molecules in three-stranded joints that can extend over thousands of base pairs. When cross-linked by 4'-amino-4,5',8-trimethyl-psoralen the joint structure observed in nonuniform and divided into multiple substructures each a few hundred base pairs long. Two paired substructures are observed; at least one, and possibly both, are right-handed triple helices. Sites of homologous contact are interspersed with regions where the DNA molecules are arranged side-by-side without contact. These substructures alternate in all combinations. The length and frequency of joints is much greater when one of the DNA substrates is linear, and interwinding is unrestricted, than when there are topological restrictions between the pairing partners. The results are consistent with the idea that recA protein facilitates the formation of a right-handed triple-helical DNA pairing intermediate during strand exchange. The results further suggest that recA filaments do not promote the formation of structures that provide efficient topological compensation for right-handed interwinding of two paired DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Nanopores have emerged over the past two decades to become an important technique in single molecule experimental physics and biomolecule sensing. Recently DNA nanotechnology, in particular DNA origami, has been used for the formation of nanopores in insulating materials. DNA origami is a very attractive technique for the formation of nanopores since it enables the construction of 3D shapes with precise control over geometry and surface functionality. DNA origami has been applied to nanopore research by forming hybrid architectures with solid state nanopores and by direct insertion into lipid bilayers. This review discusses recent experimental work in this area and provides an outlook for future avenues and challenges.  相似文献   

Protein misfolding and aggregation are exacerbated by aging and diseases of protein conformation including neurodegeneration, metabolic diseases, and cancer. In the cellular environment, aggregates can exist as discrete entities, or heterogeneous complexes of diverse solubility and conformational state. In this study, we have examined the in vivo dynamics of aggregation using imaging methods including fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), to monitor the diverse biophysical states of expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) proteins expressed in Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that monomers, oligomers and aggregates co-exist at different concentrations in young and aged animals expressing different polyQ-lengths. During aging, when aggregation and toxicity are exacerbated, FCS-based burst analysis and purified single molecule FCS detected a populational shift toward an increase in the frequency of brighter and larger oligomeric species. Regardless of age or polyQ-length, oligomers were maintained in a heterogeneous distribution that spans multiple orders of magnitude in brightness. We employed genetic suppressors that prevent polyQ aggregation and observed a reduction in visible immobile species with the persistence of heterogeneous oligomers, yet our analysis did not detect the appearance of any discrete oligomeric states associated with toxicity. These studies reveal that the reversible transition from monomers to immobile aggregates is not represented by discrete oligomeric states, but rather suggests that the process of aggregation involves a more complex pattern of molecular interactions of diverse intermediate species that can appear in vivo and contribute to aggregate formation and toxicity.  相似文献   

While remarkably complex networks of connected DNA molecules can form from a relatively small number of distinct oligomer strands, a large computational space created by DNA reactions would ultimately require the use of many distinct DNA strands. The automatic synthesis of this many distinct strands is economically prohibitive. We present here a new approach to producing distinct DNA oligomers based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a few random template sequences. As an example, we designed a DNA template sequence consisting of a 50-mer random DNA segment flanked by two 20-mer invariant primer sequences. Amplification of a dilute sample containing about 30 different template molecules allows us to obtain around 1011 copies of these molecules and their complements. We demonstrate the use of these amplicons to implement some of the vector operations that will be required in a DNA implementation of an analog neural network.  相似文献   

Three sets of semi-self-complementary deoxyribonucleotide decamers with the sequence XX-(5meCG)4, (5meCG)4-XX, or Y-(5meCG)4-Y, where XX = AA, CC, GG, or TT and Y = A, C, G, or T, were synthesized along with the self-complementary octamer (5meCG)4. The 8-mer duplex readily undergoes a B-to-Z conformational conversion upon increasing the NaCl concentration with a transitional midpoint of approximately 1.1 M NaCl. The 10-mers should form 8-bp duplexes a with core sequence of [(5meCG)4]2 with 5'-XX overhangs, 3'-XX overhangs, or 5',3'-Y/Y mismatches. Circular dichroism was employed to determine the conformations of all oligomers. Salt titrations were performed to measure the effect of overhangs and terminal mismatches on the B-to-Z conversion. In general, the presence of 5'-XX overhangs results in a transition midpoint equal to or slightly higher than the control, whereas the presence of 3'-XX overhangs results in a transition midpoint slightly lower than the control. The 3'-CC and 5'-GG overhangs are exceptions, with transition midpoints much higher than the control. These oligomers apparently form duplexes with 5',3'-C/C or 5',3'-G/G mismatches abutting a [(G5meC)4]2 duplex core. The presence of terminal mismatches in the third set of oligomers results in transition midpoints higher than the control. Ultraviolet absorbance methods were used to evaluate the effect of the various stacking motifs of the 10-mers on the thermodynamics of melting relative to the 8-mer for both B and Z conformations. We found that in both the B and Z conformations, the presence of an overhang stabilizes the [(5meCG)4]2 duplex, with the 5' overhangs having a greater stabilizing effect relative to the 3' overhangs. The presence of 5',3'-Y/Y mismatches also imparts a stabilizing effect on the control 8-mer in both the B and Z conformations. These results are discussed in terms of stacking interactions of the terminal unpaired bases.  相似文献   

We develop a quantitative method for analyzing repetitions of identical short oligomers in coding and noncoding DNA sequences. We analyze sequences presently available in the GenBank separately for primate, mammal, vertebrate, rodent, invertebrate and plant taxonomic partitions. We find that some oligomers "cluster" more than they would if randomly distributed, while other oligomers "repel" each other. To quantify this degree of clustering, we define clustering measures. We find that (i) clustering significantly differs in coding and noncoding DNA; (ii) in most cases, monomers, dimers and tetramers cluster in noncoding DNA but appear to repel each other in coding DNA. (iii) The degree of clustering for different sources (primates, invertebrates, and plants) is more conserved among these sources in the case of coding DNA than in the case of noncoding DNA. (iv) In contrast to other oligomers, we find that trimers always prefer to cluster. (v) Clustering of each particular oligomer is conserved within the same organism.  相似文献   

We have studied the torsional elastic constant (alpha) of short DNA (27mer) oligomers of various sequence by fluorescence polarization anysotropy (FPA) measurements. The lowest alpha values were found in samples with sequence rich in AA dinucleotides or containing the alternating d(A-T) x d(A-T) motif. The torsional rigidity of our DNA samples was compared to that calculated according to the current values of twist angle fluctuations derived for ten dinucleotide steps by recent analyses of DNA crystal structure database. The values of torsional rigidity derived from crystals are higher than our experimental ones, obtained by FPA analysis, suggesting that packing force in crystals may notably hinder the dinucleotide twist angle fluctuations that occur in solution. This behaviour is more evident for samples containing AA, TA and AT steps. In all the samples there is about a twofold change of the alpha value in the 10-40 degrees C range. An activation enthalpy (Delta H (#)) of about 17.4 kJ mol(-1), on average, was obtained for the temperature dependence of eight of the ten samples studied. A correlation with the stacking energy is discussed.  相似文献   

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