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Measurements of nitric oxide (NO) pulmonary diffusing capacity (DL(NO)) multiplied by alveolar NO partial pressure (PA(NO)) provide values for alveolar NO production (VA(NO)). We evaluated applying a rapidly responding chemiluminescent NO analyzer to measure DL(NO) during a single, constant exhalation (Dex(NO)) or by rebreathing (Drb(NO)). With the use of an initial inspiration of 5-10 parts/million of NO with a correction for the measured NO back pressure, Dex(NO) in nine healthy subjects equaled 125 +/- 29 (SD) ml x min(-1) x mmHg(-1) and Drb(NO) equaled 122 +/- 26 ml x min(-1) x mmHg(-1). These values were 4.7 +/- 0.6 and 4.6 +/- 0.6 times greater, respectively, than the subject's single-breath carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (Dsb(CO)). Coefficients of variation were similar to previously reported breath-holding, single-breath measurements of Dsb(CO). PA(NO) measured in seven of the subjects equaled 1.8 +/- 0.7 mmHg x 10(-6) and resulted in VA(NO) of 0.21 +/- 0.06 microl/min using Dex(NO) and 0.20 +/- 0.6 microl/min with Drb(NO). Dex(NO) remained constant at end-expiratory oxygen tensions varied from 42 to 682 Torr. Decreases in lung volume resulted in falls of Dex(NO) and Drb(NO) similar to the reported effect of volume changes on Dsb(CO). These data show that rapidly responding chemiluminescent NO analyzers provide reproducible measurements of DL(NO) using single exhalations or rebreathing suitable for measuring VA(NO).  相似文献   

Airway lengthening after pneumonectomy (PNX) may increase diffusive resistance to gas mixing (1/D(G)); the effect is accentuated by increasing acinar gas density but is difficult to detect from lung CO-diffusing capacity (Dl(CO)). Because lung NO-diffusing capacity (Dl(NO)) is three- to fivefold that of Dl(CO), whereas 1/D(G) for NO and CO are similar, we hypothesized that a density-dependent fractional reduction would be greater for Dl(NO) than for Dl(CO). We measured Dl(NO) and Dl(CO) at two tidal volumes (Vt) and with three background gases [helium (He), nitrogen (N(2)), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF(6))] in immature dogs 3 and 9 mo after right PNX (5 and 11 mo of age). At maturity (11 mo), background gas density had no effect on Dl(NO), Dl(CO), or Dl(NO)-to-Dl(CO) ratio in sham controls. In PNX animals, Dl(NO) declined 25-50% in SF(6) relative to He and N(2), and Dl(NO)/Dl(CO) declined approximately 50% in SF(6) relative to He at a Vt of 15 ml/kg, consistent with a significant 1/D(G). At 5 mo of age, Dl(NO)/Dl(CO) declined 25-45% in SF(6) relative to He and N(2) in both groups, but Dl(CO) increased paradoxically in SF(6) relative to N(2) or He by 20-60%. Findings suggest that SF(6), besides increasing 1/D(G), may redistribute ventilation and/or enhance acinar penetration of the convective front.  相似文献   

Exhaled nitric oxide (NO) concentration is a noninvasive index for monitoring lung inflammation in diseases such as asthma. The plateau concentration at constant flow is highly dependent on the exhalation flow rate and the use of corticosteroids and cannot distinguish airway and alveolar sources. In subjects with steroid-naive asthma (n = 8) or steroid-treated asthma (n = 12) and in healthy controls (n = 24), we measured flow-independent NO exchange parameters that partition exhaled NO into airway and alveolar regions and correlated these with symptoms and lung function. The mean (+/-SD) maximum airway flux (pl/s) and airway tissue concentration [parts/billion (ppb)] of NO were lower in steroid-treated asthmatic subjects compared with steroid-naive asthmatic subjects (1,195 +/- 836 pl/s and 143 +/- 66 ppb compared with 2,693 +/- 1,687 pl/s and 438 +/- 312 ppb, respectively). In contrast, the airway diffusing capacity for NO (pl.s-1.ppb-1) was elevated in both asthmatic groups compared with healthy controls, independent of steroid therapy (11.8 +/- 11.7, 8.71 +/- 5.74, and 3.13 +/- 1.57 pl.s-1.ppb-1 for steroid treated, steroid naive, and healthy controls, respectively). In addition, the airway diffusing capacity was inversely correlated with both forced expired volume in 1 s and forced vital capacity (%predicted), whereas the airway tissue concentration was positively correlated with forced vital capacity. Consistent with previously reported results from Silkoff et al. (Silkoff PE, Sylvester JT, Zamel N, and Permutt S, Am J Respir Crit Med 161: 1218-1228, 2000) that used an alternate technique, we conclude that the airway diffusing capacity for NO is elevated in asthma independent of steroid therapy and may reflect clinically relevant changes in airways.  相似文献   

Morbidly obese individuals may have altered pulmonary diffusion during exercise. The purpose of this study was to examine pulmonary diffusing capacity for nitric oxide (DLNO) and carbon monoxide (DLCO) during exercise in these subjects. Ten morbidly obese subjects (age = 38 +/- 9 years, BMI = 47 +/- 7 kg/m(2), peak oxygen consumption or VO(2peak) = 2.4 +/- 0.4 l/min) and nine nonobese controls (age = 41 +/- 9 years, BMI = 23 +/- 2 kg/m(2), VO(2peak) = 2.6 +/- 0.9 l/min) participated in two sessions: the first measured resting O(2) and VO(2peak) for determination of wattage equating to 40, 75, and 90% oxygen uptake reserve (VO(2)R). The second session measured pulmonary diffusion from single-breath maneuvers of 5 s each, as well as heart rate (HR) and VO(2) over three workloads. DLNO, DLCO, and pulmonary capillary blood volume were larger in obese compared to nonobese groups (P 0.10). The morbidly obese have increased pulmonary diffusion per unit increase in VA compared with nonobese controls which may be due to a lower rise in VA per unit increase in VO(2) in the obese during exercise.  相似文献   

Serum concentration of nitric oxide metabolites (NOx) is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors in pediatrics. The aim of this study was to determine sex- and age-specific reference ranges for serum NOx concentrations in pediatrics. Serum NOx levels were measured in 401 subjects (189 boys and 212 girls), aged 4–19 years, using the Griess method. Study subjects selected from participants of Tehran lipid and glucose study, an ongoing cohort study aimed at determining of noncommunicable disease risk factors among Tehranian subjects. The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry guidelines and the robust method were used for determining reference values for sample sizes greater or less than 120 respectively. The 95% reference values for serum NOx concentrations were 13.6–69.2, 11.4–66.0, and 12.2–69.4 μmol/L in boys, girls, and total population respectively. The upper limit of serum NOx was 28% lower in otherwise healthy overweight and obese boys while it was 6% higher in overweight and obese girls, for both groups compared to their corresponding normal weight subjects. In conclusion, this study, for the first time, reports reference values for serum NOx levels in healthy children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Rats, when injected with endotoxin, begin to exhale nitric oxide (NO) within 1 h. This study measured the diffusing capacity for NO in the lungs of rats (DL(NO)) under both control and endotoxemic conditions, and it also estimated the rate at which endogenous NO (VP(NO)) enters the distal compartment of the lung, both in control rats and during endotoxemia. DL(NO) increased from 0.68 +/- 0.12 (SE) ml. min(-1). mmHg(-1) in control rats to 1.17 +/- 0.25 ml. min(-1). mmHg(-1) in endotoxemic rats. VP(NO) was 2.6 +/- 0.5 nl/min in control rats and attained a value of 218.6 +/- 50.1 nl/min at the height of NO exhalation 3 h after the endotoxin. We suggest that increased DL(NO) reflects an increase in pulmonary membrane diffusing capacity, caused by a pulmonary hypertension that is due to neutrophil aggregation in the lung capillaries. DL(NO) may also be increased by an enlarged pulmonary capillary volume because of the vasodilatory effects of the endogenous NO that is produced by the lung in response to the endotoxin. NO production by the lungs in response to endotoxin is unique in that it is the only situation reported to date in which pathologically induced increases in NO exhalation originate from the alveolar compartment of the lung, as opposed to the small conducting airways.  相似文献   



Human airway surface liquid (ASL) has abundant antimicrobial peptides whose potency increases as the salt concentration decreases. Xylitol is a 5-carbon sugar that has the ability to lower ASL salt concentration, potentially enhancing innate immunity. Xylitol was detected for 8 hours in the ASL after application in airway epithelium in vitro. We tested the airway retention time of aerosolized iso-osmotic xylitol in healthy volunteers.


After a screening spirometry, volunteers received 10 ml of nebulized 5% xylitol. Bronchoscopy was done at 20 minutes (n = 6), 90 minutes (n = 6), and 3 hours (n = 5) after nebulization and ASL was collected using microsampling probes, followed by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Xylitol concentration was measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and corrected for dilution using urea concentration.


All subjects tolerated nebulization and bronchoscopy well. Mean ASL volume recovered from the probes was 49 ± 23 μl. The mean ASL xylitol concentration at 20, 90, and 180 minutes was 1.6 ± 1.9 μg/μl, 0.6 ± 0.6 μg/μl, and 0.1 ± 0.1 μg/μl, respectively. Corresponding BAL concentration corrected for dilution was consistently lower at all time points. The terminal half-life of aerosolized xylitol obtained by the probes was 45 minutes with a mean residence time of 65 minutes in ASL. Corresponding BAL values were 36 and 50 minutes, respectively.


After a single dose nebulization, xylitol was detected in ASL for 3 hours, which was shorter than our in vitro measurement. The microsampling probe performed superior to BAL when sampling bronchial ASL.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of prone positioning on gas-transfer characteristics in normal human subjects. Single-breath (SB) and rebreathing (RB) maneuvers were employed to assess carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DlCO), its components related to capillary blood volume (Vc) and membrane diffusing capacity (Dm), pulmonary tissue volume (Vti), and cardiac output (Qc). Alveolar volume (Va) was significantly greater prone than supine, irrespective of the test maneuver used. Nevertheless, Dl(CO) was consistently lower prone than supine, a difference that was enhanced when appropriately corrected for the higher Va prone. When adequately corrected for Va, diffusing capacity significantly decreased by 8% from supine to prone [SB: Dl(CO,corr) supine vs. prone: 32.6 +/- 2.3 (SE) vs. 30.0 +/- 2 ml x min(-1) x mmHg(-1) stpd; RB: Dl(CO,corr) supine vs. prone: 30.2 +/- 2.2 (SE) vs. 27.8 +/- 2.0 ml x min(-1) x mmHg(-1) stpd]. Both Vc and Dm showed a tendency to decrease from supine to prone, but neither reached significance. Finally, there were no significant differences in Vti or Qc between supine and prone. We interpret the lower diffusing capacity of the healthy lung in the prone posture based on the relatively larger space occupied by the heart in the dependent lung zones, leaving less space for zone 3 capillaries, and on the relatively lower position of the heart, leaving the zone 3 capillaries less engorged.  相似文献   

Steady state estimates of the pulmonary diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) require measurement of the uptake and the average alveolar partial pressure of carbon monoxide (PACO). The expired alveolar sample obtained by different experimental methods and/or breathing patterns rarely represents the actual PACO. It is widely accepted that nonuniform distribution of ventilation, diffusion and perfusion causes discrepancies in the measurement of diffusing capacity. tan additional source of error in choosing PACO arises in the sampling time chosen by the experimental method. A theoretical study of a ramp-with-pause and a square breathing pattern demonstrates that the sample-time error exists even in the homogeneous lung. The study shows for the homogeneous lung that the correct fractional concentration of alveolar carbon monoxide (FAV) occurs at a time (TAV), one-half of a breathing period after the effective inspiration time (TI) for the two very different breathing patterns. TI is well-defined in relation to any breathing pattern which can be approximated by ramps and pauses. If TAV and the sample time chosen by the experimental method are known, then the measured DLCO can be corrected to the actual diffusing capacity (DL). The theory agrees with experimental results and computer simulations of inhomogeneous lungs from the literature. This agreement suggests that the theory for the homogeneous lung is also relevant to the inhomogeneous lung.  相似文献   

The distribution of red blood cells in alveolar capillaries is typically nonuniform, as shown by intravital microscopy and in alveolar tissue fixed in situ. To determine the effects of red cell distribution on pulmonary diffusive gas transport, we computed the uptake of CO across a two-dimensional geometric capillary model containing a variable number of red blood cells. Red blood cells are spaced uniformly, randomly, or clustered without overlap within the capillary. Total CO diffusing capacity (DLCO) and membrane diffusing capacity (DmCO) are calculated by a finite-element method. Results show that distribution of red blood cells at a fixed hematocrit greatly affects capillary CO uptake. At any given average capillary red cell density, the uniform distribution of red blood cells yields the highest DmCO and DLCO, whereas the clustered distribution yields the lowest values. Random nonuniform distribution of red blood cells within a single capillary segment reduces diffusive CO uptake by up to 30%. Nonuniform distribution of red blood cells among separate capillary segments can reduce diffusive CO uptake by >50%. This analysis demonstrates that pulmonary microvascular recruitment for gas exchange does not depend solely on the number of patent capillaries or the hematocrit; simple redistribution of red blood cells within capillaries can potentially account for 50% of the observed physiological recruitment of DLCO from rest to exercise.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) was first detected in the exhaled breath more than a decade ago and has since been investigated as a noninvasive means of assessing lung inflammation. Exhaled NO arises from the airway and alveolar compartments, and new analytical methods have been developed to characterize these sources. A simple two-compartment model can adequately represent many of the observed experimental observations of exhaled concentration, including the marked dependence on exhalation flow rate. The model characterizes NO exchange by using three flow-independent exchange parameters. Two of the parameters describe the airway compartment (airway NO diffusing capacity and either the maximum airway wall NO flux or the airway wall NO concentration), and the third parameter describes the alveolar region (steady-state alveolar NO concentration). A potential advantage of the two-compartment model is the ability to partition exhaled NO into an airway and alveolar source and thus improve the specificity of detecting altered NO exchange dynamics that differentially impact these regions of the lungs. Several analytical techniques have been developed to estimate the flow-independent parameters in both health and disease. Future studies will focus on improving our fundamental understanding of NO exchange dynamics, the analytical techniques used to characterize NO exchange dynamics, as well as the physiological interpretation and the clinical relevance of the flow-independent parameters.  相似文献   

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