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This paper discusses an issue on the development of biophysical methods for biochip analysis. A scheme and construction of a biochip analyzer based on wide-field digital fluorescence microscopy are described. The analyzer is designed to register images of biological microchips labeled with fluorescent dyes. The device developed is useful for high-sensitive throughput recording analyses by biochips after interaction of immobilized probes with fluorescently labeled sample molecules as well as it provides the higher rate of the analysis compared to laser scanning devices. With this analyzer a scope where biological microchips can be applied becomes wider, the development of new protocols of the analyses is possible and standard analyses run faster with the use of biochips, the expenses for the analysis performance can be reduced.  相似文献   

Confocal reader for biochip screening and fluorescence microscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We developed a fluorescence reader for the sensitive detection of surface-generated fluorescence. The system is applicable for high resolution imaging as well as for the readout of large biochips. The surface of a microscope coverslip is scanned with a laser beam focused to a waist diameter of 500 nm (FWHM) by means of a single aspheric lens. Scanning large areas with a focused beam usually evokes the need of automatic control elements to adjust the laser spot to the designated position at the surface. Due to the special design of the reader, the focus keeps at the plane of the surface even when scanning large areas, obviating the requirement of any real time control. Thus the instrument is straightforward and inexpensive. Nevertheless it features a high sensitivity and high optical resolution. The versatility of the instrument is demonstrated by imaging cells and reading out a DNA-chip. The excellent sensitivity is shown by detecting single fluorescently labeled antibodies.  相似文献   

Structured illumination microscopy is a method that can increase the spatial resolution of wide-field fluorescence microscopy beyond its classical limit by using spatially structured illumination light. Here we describe how this method can be applied in three dimensions to double the axial as well as the lateral resolution, with true optical sectioning. A grating is used to generate three mutually coherent light beams, which interfere in the specimen to form an illumination pattern that varies both laterally and axially. The spatially structured excitation intensity causes normally unreachable high-resolution information to become encoded into the observed images through spatial frequency mixing. This new information is computationally extracted and used to generate a three-dimensional reconstruction with twice as high resolution, in all three dimensions, as is possible in a conventional wide-field microscope. The method has been demonstrated on both test objects and biological specimens, and has produced the first light microscopy images of the synaptonemal complex in which the lateral elements are clearly resolved.  相似文献   

Telomere length measurements using digital fluorescence microscopy.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
BACKGROUND: The ends of chromosomes (telomeres) are important to maintain chromosome stability, and the loss of telomere repeat sequences has been implicated in cellular senescence and genomic instability of cancer cells. The traditional method for measuring the length of telomeres (Southern analysis) requires a large number of cells (>10(5)) and does not provide information on the telomere length of individual chromosomes. Here, we describe a digital image microscopy system for measurements of the fluorescence intensity derived from telomere repeat sequences in metaphase cells following quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (Q-FISH). METHODS: Samples are prepared for microscopy using Q-FISH with Cy3 labeled peptide nucleic acid probes specific for (T(2)AG(3))(n) sequences and the DNA dye DAPI. Separate images of Cy3 and DAPI fluorescence are acquired and processed with a dedicated computer program (TFL-TELO). With the program, the integrated fluorescence intensity value for each telomere, which is proportional to the number of hybridized probes, is calculated and presented to the user. RESULTS: Indirect tests of our method were performed using simulated as well as defined tests objects. The precision and consistency of human telomere length measurements was then analyzed in a number of experiments. It was found that by averaging the results of less than 30 cells, a good indication of the telomere length (SD of 10-15%) can be obtained. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that accurate and repeatable fluorescence intensity measurements can be made from Q-FISH images that provide information on the length of telomere repeats at individual chromosomes from limited number of cells.  相似文献   

Use of nuclepore filters for counting bacteria by fluorescence microscopy.   总被引:144,自引:0,他引:144  
Polycarbonate Nuclepore filters are better than cellulose filters for the direct counting of bacteria because they have uniform pore size and a flat surface that retains all of the bacteria on top of the filter. Although cellulose filters also retain all of the bacteria, many are trapped inside the filter where they cannot be counted. Before use, the Nuclepore filters must be dyed with irgalan black to eliminate autofluorescence. Direct counts of bacteria in lake and ocean waters are twice as high with Nuclepore filters as with cellulose filters.  相似文献   

Polycarbonate Nuclepore filters are better than cellulose filters for the direct counting of bacteria because they have uniform pore size and a flat surface that retains all of the bacteria on top of the filter. Although cellulose filters also retain all of the bacteria, many are trapped inside the filter where they cannot be counted. Before use, the Nuclepore filters must be dyed with irgalan black to eliminate autofluorescence. Direct counts of bacteria in lake and ocean waters are twice as high with Nuclepore filters as with cellulose filters.  相似文献   

Use of fluorescence microscopy for monitoring periodontal disease state   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Samples of subgingival plaque from patients with periodontal disease and control subjects were stained with the Fluoretec Fluorescent test kits (Pfizer Inc., New York) developed for the rapid detection of members of the Bacteroides fragilis and B. melaninogenicus groups of anaerobes. The same fluorescent fields were also examined by dark-field microscopy for the total count of bacteria. Bacteroides fragilis and B. melaninogenicus were found in plaque samples of healthy subjects and periodontally diseased patients with no significant difference in percent of total flora. Oral spirochetes also fluoresced with the antisera used. Samples from healthy sites showed virtually no spirochetes; spirochetes were present in diseased sites. Tests with other antisera also showed that fluorescein-labelled antibodies can be adsorbed nonspecifically to the surface of spirochetes. Such a phenomenon can be used to monitor an individual's periodontal disease state.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial morphology and length change during fission and fusion and mitochondrial movement varies dependent upon the cell type and the physiological conditions. Here, we describe fundamental wide-field fluorescence microcopy and 3D imaging techniques to assess mitochondrial shape, number and length in various cell types including cancer cell lines, motor neurons and astrocytes. Furthermore, we illustrate how to assess mitochondrial fission and fusion events by 3D time-lapse imaging and to calculate mitochondrial length and numbers as a function of time. These imaging methods provide useful tools to investigate mitochondrial dynamics in health, aging and disease.  相似文献   

The combination of multiple dye-DNA interactions, a fluorescence digital imaging system with a scientific CCD camera, and multivariate image analysis allows the rapid karyotyping of fluorescent human metaphase chromosome spreads. Chromosomes are stained with the bisbenzimidazole dye Hoechst 33342 and chromomycin A3, a dye pair used frequently in bivariate flow analysis and sorting of metaphase chromosomes in suspension. The use of ratio functions involving the total and peak intensities of the two dyes provides increased resolution of the karyotype in the microscope, and it can be anticipated that the same approach could lead to improved performance with flow systems as well. High pass filtering with a Laplace operator yields characteristic banded images of the individual chromosomes, even with total fields that are less than 200 pixels on a side.  相似文献   

Cellular events are accomplished by the coordinated interactions of cellular components within the three-dimensional context of a cell. Simultaneous observation of multiple components in three dimensions can be essential for understanding such interactions. Toward this end, we have developed a computerized microscope workstation capable of recording three-dimensional images of multiple cellular components in fixed and living cells. All aspects of microscope control, data collection, image processing and analysis can be performed on the one workstation. In this report, we describe the components and capabilities of this integrated system. In addition, we discuss some general problems of multiple-wavelength, three-dimensional imaging and our application of this technology to the analysis of chromosome organization in Drosophila melanogaster. Three-dimensional imaging of fixed embryos stained by indirect immunofluorescence has revealed the structural organization of chromosomes, microtubules, and the nuclear lamins. Imaging of living embryos injected with fluorescently labelled proteins has confirmed and extended these results by allowing the study of these structures throughout the cell cycle. The combination of the molecular specificity of fluorescence microscopy and the three-dimensional structural information obtained by our workstation has provided novel insights into the dynamic aspects of chromosome behavior during the cell cycle. We believe this system has many important applications in the study of the molecular basis of cellular events.  相似文献   

A large DNA analysis method which enable to obtain spatial information of positions of specific sequences along DNA molecule has been developed. Making use of the phenomenon that large DNA molecule is elongated stably under alternative current field in a concentrated linear polymer solution, direct observation of elongated individual lambda DNA molecules with fluorescence probes was carried out using fluorescence microscopy. Then, the spatial positions of the fluorescence spot of the probe on the DNA molecule were determined by image analysis.  相似文献   

Single long DNA molecule (T4 DNA) in agarose gel was visualized with a fluorescence microscope. We confirmed alternating current electric fields is effective for stretching of single DNA molecule in agarose gel. This stretching phenomenon was observed with wide range of agarose gel concentration from 0.5%(W/V) to 1.5%. From this observation, the presence of agarose gel fiber is essential for this stretching phenomenon. The stretching process of several DNA molecules in gel shows discontinuity, which is never observed in polymer systems. It would be based on topological restriction from gel fibers.  相似文献   

In fluorescence microscopy, the fluorescence emission can be characterised not only by intensity and position, but also by lifetime, polarization and wavelength. Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) can report on photophysical events that are difficult or impossible to observe by fluorescence intensity imaging, and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy imaging (TR-FAIM) can measure the rotational mobility of a fluorophore in its environment. We compare different FLIM methods: a chief advantage of wide-field time-gating and phase modulation methods is the speed of acquisition whereas for time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) based confocal scanning it is accuracy in the fluorescence decay. FLIM has been used to image interactions between proteins such as receptor oligomerisation and to reveal protein phosphorylation by detecting fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In addition, FLIM can also probe the local environment of fluorophores, reporting, for example, on the local pH, refractive index, ion or oxygen concentration without the need for ratiometric measurements.  相似文献   

The increasing experimental use of total internal reflection/fluorescence photobleaching recovery has motivated a theoretical study of the spatial intensity profiles generated by two interfering evanescent waves. The interference patterns generated by evanescent waves differ considerably from those generated by plane waves in a homogenous medium because evanescent waves are not transverse and because the evanescent propagation number depends on the incidence angle of the totally internally reflected light. The periodicity and contrast of the evanescent interference patterns under various conditions are calculated; these parameters depend on the intensities, polarizations, and incidence angles of the two incident beams, as well as the refractive indices of the two media that form the planar interface where total internal reflection occurs. The derived intensity profiles are used to develop expressions for the shapes of fluorescence photobleaching recovery curves when evanescent interference patterns are used for fluorescence excitation and bleaching. The calculations also suggest that colliding beam experiments may confirm theoretically predicted evanescent field polarizations.  相似文献   

Computational modeling has the potential to add an entirely new approach to hypothesis testing in yeast cell biology. Here, we present a method for seamless integration of computational modeling with quantitative digital fluorescence microscopy. This integration is accomplished by developing computational models based on hypotheses for underlying cellular processes that may give rise to experimentally observed fluorescent protein localization patterns. Simulated fluorescence images are generated from the computational models of underlying cellular processes via a "model-convolution" process. These simulated images can then be directly compared to experimental fluorescence images in order to test the model. This method provides a framework for rigorous hypothesis testing in yeast cell biology via integrated mathematical modeling and digital fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To investigate the intricate nervous processes involved in many biological activities by computerized image analysis, accurate and reproducible labeling and measurement of neurites are prerequisite. We have developed an automated neurite analysis method to assist this task. METHODS: Our approach can be considered as automated with certain user interaction in setting initial parameters. Single and connected centerlines along neurites are extracted. The computerized method can also generate branching and end points. Owing to its multi-scale flexibility, both thick and thin neurites are simultaneously detected. RESULTS: We employ the relative neurite length difference (defined as the difference between the lengths obtained by automated and manual analysis divided by the total length of the latter) and neurite centerline deviation (defined as the area of the regions enclosed by different paths between automated and manual analysis divided by the total length of the former) to evaluate the performance of our algorithm, which is of great interest in neurite analysis. The average of the relative length difference is about 0.02, while the average of the centerline deviation is about 2.8 pixels. The probabilities of the distributions being the same from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test of the automatic and manual results are 99.79%. The KS test also shows no significant bias between different observers based on the proposed new validation scheme. CONCLUSIONS: With the accurate and automated extraction of neurite centerlines and measurement of neurite lengths, the proposed method, which greatly reduces human labor and improves efficiency, can serve as a candidate tool for large-scale neurite analysis beyond the capability of manual tracing methods.  相似文献   

Extended resolution fluorescence microscopy.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fluorescence microscopy is an essential tool of modern biology, but, like all forms of optical imaging, it is subject to physical limits on its resolving power. In recent years, several exciting techniques have been introduced to exceed these limits, including standing wave microscopy, 4Pi confocal microscopy, I5M and structured illumination microscopy. Several such techniques have been definitively demonstrated for the first time during the past year.  相似文献   

Total direct counts of bacterial abundance are central in assessing the biomass and bacteriological quality of water in ecological and industrial applications. Several factors have been identified that contribute to the variability in bacterial abundance counts when using fluorescent microscopy, the most significant of which is retaining an adequate number of cells per filter to ensure an acceptable level of statistical confidence in the resulting data. Previous studies that have assessed the components of total-direct-count methods that contribute to this variance have attempted to maintain a bacterial cell abundance value per filter of approximately 10(6) cells filter(-1). In this study we have established the lower limit for the number of bacterial cells per filter at which the statistical reliability of the abundance estimate is no longer acceptable. Our results indicate that when the numbers of bacterial cells per filter were progressively reduced below 10(5), the microscopic methods increasingly overestimated the true bacterial abundance (range, 15.0 to 99.3%). The solid-phase cytometer only slightly overestimated the true bacterial abundances and was more consistent over the same range of bacterial abundances per filter (range, 8.9 to 12.5%). The solid-phase cytometer method for conducting total direct counts of bacteria was less biased and performed significantly better than any of the microscope methods. It was also found that microscopic count data from counting 5 fields on three separate filters were statistically equivalent to data from counting 20 fields on a single filter.  相似文献   

By making only minor modifications, we adapted a conventional confocal beam-scanning laser microscope for the recording of UV-excited fluorescence. The major, and most expensive, change is that we coupled an external UV argon ion laser, providing the wavelengths 334, 351 and 364 nm, to the microscope scanner. We also replaced some optical components to obtain improved transmission and reflection properties in the UV. Only easily obtainable and inexpensive off-the-shelf components were used. The most serious problem encountered was the chromatic aberration of the microscope objective when using both UV and visible wavelengths. This is of no consequence in conventional microscopy where good imaging properties are important only in the visible region. In confocal microscopy on the other hand, good imaging properties are necessary for both the exciting and fluorescent light. Rather than having new optics designed, we tried with simple means to reduce the effects of the chromatic aberration to a tolerable level. This was done by mechanical adjustments in the ray-path. In addition we also tested two mirror objectives, which are inherently free from chromatic aberrations. However, such objectives have rather limited numerical apertures and are not of the immersion type. Their value in biomedical applications is therefore limited.The objective most frequently used in our experiments was a 63/1.25 oil-immersion fluorite. Without any compensation this objective had a depth resolution in UV-excited confocal fluorescence that was an order of magnitude worse than when using visible-light excitation. The useful field of view was also very small due to lateral chromatic aberration. By simple means we managed to improve the depth resolution by a factor of 4.4, and at the same time increase the useful field of view substantially. Still, the depth resolution was worse than what is obtained using visible light excitation. We think this is due to the fact that after compensation the objective is working with an incorrect tube length.Using the modified instrument, we recorded specimens labelled with AMCA and Fluoro-Gold, obtaining 1.5 μm thick optical sections.  相似文献   

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