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Bone marrow (BM) transplantation has been used to study the cellular basis of genetic control of autoimmune diseases, but conclusions remain elusive due to the contradictory findings in different animal models. In the current study, we found that BM cells from myocarditis-susceptible A.SW mice can render irradiated, myocarditis-resistant B10.S recipient mice susceptible to myosin-induced myocarditis, indicating that hematopoietic cells express the genetic differences controlling susceptibility to autoimmune myocarditis. We then sought to differentiate the role of lymphoid vs nonlymphoid components of BM in the pathogenesis of myocarditis by comparing mixed chimeras receiving BM from A.SW wild-type or RAG(-/-) mice mixed with BM from B10.S wild-type mice. This experiment clearly demonstrated that T and B lymphocytes were indispensable for transferring the susceptible phenotype to disease-resistant recipients. Our findings significantly narrow the cellular expression of genetic polymorphisms controlling the EAM phenotype.  相似文献   

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a polygenic disease caused by progressive autoimmune infiltration (insulitis) of the pancreatic islets of Langerhan, culminating in the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells. Genome scans of families with diabetes suggest that multiple loci make incremental contributions to disease susceptibility. However, only the IDDM1 locus is well characterized, at a molecular and functional level, as alleleic variants of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II HLA-DQB1, DRB1, and DPB1 genes that mediate antigen presentation to T cells. In the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse model, the Idd1 locus was shown to be the orthologous MHC gene I-Ab. Inheritance of susceptibility alleles at IDDM1/Idd1 is insufficient for disease development in humans and NOD mice. However, the identities and functions of the remaining diabetes loci (Idd2-Idd19 in NOD mice) are largely undefined. A crucial limitation in previous genetic linkage studies of this disease has been reliance on a single complex phenotype-diabetes that displays low penetrance and is of limited utility for high-resolution genetic mapping. Using the NOD model, we have identified an early step in diabetes pathogenesis that behaves as a highly penetrant trait. We report that NOD-derived alleles at both the Idd5 and Idd13 loci regulate a T lymphocyte-dependent progression from a benign to a destructive stage of insulitis. Human chromosomal regions orthologous to the Idd5 and -13 intervals are also linked to diabetes risk, suggesting that conserved genes encoded at these loci are central regulators of disease pathogenesis. These data are the first to reveal a role for individual non-MHC Idd loci in a specific, critical step in diabetes pathogenesis-T cell recruitment to islet lesions driving destructive inflammation. Importantly, identification of intermediate phenotypes in complex disease pathogenesis provides the tools required to progress toward gene identification at these loci.  相似文献   

Captopril prevents experimental autoimmune myocarditis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Captopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, is widely used in the treatment of a variety of cardiomyopathies, but its effect on autoimmune myocarditis has not been addressed experimentally. We investigated the effect of captopril on myosin-induced experimental autoimmune myocarditis. A/J mice, immunized with syngeneic cardiac myosin, were given 75 mg/L of captopril in their drinking water. Captopril dramatically reduced the incidence and severity of myocarditis, which was accompanied by a reduction in heart weight to body weight ratio and heart weight. Captopril specifically interfered with cell-mediated immunity as myosin delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) was reduced, while anti-myosin Ab production was not affected. Captopril-treated, OVA-immunized mice also exhibited a decrease in OVA DTH. In myosin-immunized, untreated mice, injection of captopril directly into the test site also suppressed myosin DTH. Interestingly, captopril did not directly affect Ag-specific T cell responsiveness because neither in vivo nor in vitro captopril treatment affected the proliferation, IFN-gamma secretion, or IL-2 secretion by Ag-stimulated cultured splenocytes. These results indicate that captopril ameliorates experimental autoimmune myocarditis and may act, at least in part, by interfering with the recruitment of cells to sites of inflammation and the local inflammatory environment.  相似文献   

An association was found in rats of different strains between the susceptibility to EAU and the number of mast cells in the choroid of the eye. High responder rats (Lewis, CAR) had strikingly more choroidal mast cells than the low responder BN animals, whereas intermediate numbers of mast cells were found in the F1 hybrids of Lewis and BN (LBNF), which exhibited an average level of susceptibility to EAU. LeR rats, derived from the Lewis strain, developed EAU only when treated with B. pertussis, and their number of choroidal mast cells was only about 1/5 of that found in the Lewis rats. Unlike the differences in the number of choroidal mast cells, small variations were found in the skin mast cell numbers of the tested rats. It is proposed that the number of local mast cells may be one mechanism by which the susceptibility to an organ-specific autoimmune disease is genetically regulated.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to determine whether dietary selenium (Se) deficiency could influence the injurious effect of human viruses other than Coxsackie virus B3 (CVB3) on mouse heart. Weanling C3H/HeN mice were fed a Se-deficient or Se-adequate diet for 4 wk and then were inoculated intraperitoneally with one of the following viruses: Coxsackie virus B1 (CVB1), echovirus 9 (EV9), Coxsackie virus A9 (CVA9), or herpes simplex 1 (HSV1). Polio virus 1 (PV1) was employed as a negative control. Prior to inoculation, mean serum Se levels were 430 versus 61 ng/mL in adequate versus deficient mice, respectively. Ten days later, hearts were removed and processed by routine histological procedures. Cardiac lesions were scored according to the number and size of myocarditic foci. Significantly greater heart damage resulting from CVB1 and EV9 was observed in Se-deficient than in Se-adequate mice, and the Se status had no influence on CVA9-induced myocarditis. In contrast, heart damage caused by HSV1 was significantly milder in Se-deficient than in Se-adequate mice. Therefore, it may be concluded that the Se status of the murine host selectively influences the degree of viral-induced myocarditic lesions.  相似文献   

In autoimmune hepatitis, strong TGF-beta1 expression is found in the inflamed liver. TGF-beta overexpression may be part of a regulatory immune response attempting to suppress autoreactive T cells. To test this hypothesis, we determined whether impairment of TGF-beta signaling in T cells leads to increased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune hepatitis (EAH). Transgenic mice of strain FVB/N were generated expressing a dominant-negative TGF-beta type II receptor in T cells under the control of the human CD2 promoter/locus control region. On induction of EAH, transgenic mice showed markedly increased portal and periportal leukocytic infiltrations with hepatocellular necroses compared with wild-type mice (median histological score = 1.8 +/- 0.26 vs. 0.75 +/- 0.09 in wild-type mice; P < 0.01). Increased IFN-gamma production (118 vs. 45 ng/ml) and less IL-4 production (341 vs. 1,256 pg/ml) by mononuclear cells isolated from transgenic livers was seen. Impairment of TGF-beta signaling in T cells therefore leads to increased susceptibility to EAH in mice. This suggests an important role for TGF-beta in immune homeostasis in the liver and may teleologically explain TGF-beta upregulation in response to T cell-mediated liver injury.  相似文献   

Transfer of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis with T cell clones   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have investigated three T lymphocyte clones isolated from CBA/CaJ mice primed with mouse thyroid extract (MTE) in adjuvant. All three clones are L3T4+, Ig-, and Lyt2- and proliferate to MTE, mouse thyroglobulin (MTG) and rat thyroid extract. Clones A7 and B7 transfer thyroiditis to irradiated (475 rad) syngeneic mice, but not to normal recipients. The thyroid lesion induced by the B7 clone is characterized by the infiltration of both mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells. The thyroiditis is transient in that lesions are apparent 7 and 14 days after transfer, but thyroids return to normal by day 21. Clone B7 showed helper activity for trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin-primed B cells in vitro when stimulated with trinitrophenyl-MTG and also stimulated the production of anti-MTG antibody in recipient mice. Clone A7 induced thyroid lesions characterized by infiltration of the thyroid with mononuclear cells, with virtually no polymorphonuclear cell infiltration. This clone has shown no helper activity following stimulation with trinitrophenyl-MTG. The third clone (D2) proliferates to and shows helper activity to MTG, but fails to transfer thyroiditis to syngeneic, irradiated mice. On continuous culture, clone B7 lost its surface Thy. The loss of Thy appears unrelated to the ability to transfer thyroiditis since subclones of B7 with markedly different percentages of Thy+ cells transferred disease equally well.  相似文献   

The genetic susceptibility to murine alpha TBM disease is a dominant trait that maps to H-2K. In previous studies we have shown that the critical difference between susceptible (SJL) and nonsusceptible (B10.S(8R] mice is the phenotype of the tubular Ag-specific effector T cells (TDTH). In SJL mice, these TDTH are Lyt-2+, whereas in B10.S(8R) mice the TDTH are L3T4+. These phenotypic differences have an important functional correlate: Lyt-2+ TDTH are nephritogenic, whereas L3T4+ TDTH are typically not nephritogenic. Both mouse strains have the potential to differentiate both L3T4+ and Lyt-2+ TDTH. The preferential selection of a single TDTH phenotype in each is the result of differential T cell regulation. In the present studies, we have examined the contribution of suppressor and contrasuppressor T cells in the regulation of TDTH phenotype selection. Our studies show that in both SJL and B10.(8R) mice, after exposure to Ag, a suppressor T cell subpopulation functions to inhibit the nephritogenic Lyt-2+ TDTH. In SJL, but not B10.S(8R) mice, this suppression is counterbalanced by Lyt-2+, Vicia Villosa lectin-adherent T cells. Such contrasuppressor function is mediated through a T cell-derived soluble protein (TcsF), which is Ag-binding and recognized by alpha I-JS antisera. This functional TcsF activity maps, as does susceptibility to disease, to H-2K. In the presence of genetically compatible TcsF, the TDTH phenotype in nonsusceptible mice switches to that of susceptible mice. These Lyt-2+ TDTH from nonsusceptible mice are fully capable of inducing tubulointerstitial nephritis following adoptive transfer. Our studies describe a new role for Tcs cells and augment our understanding of their etiopathogenetic role in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice spontaneously develop diabetes with a strong female prevalence; however, the mechanisms for this gender difference in susceptibility to T cell-mediated autoimmune diabetes are poorly understood. This investigation was initiated to find mechanisms by which sex hormones might affect the development of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. We examined the expression of IFN-gamma, a characteristic Th1 cytokine, and IL-4, a characteristic Th2 cytokine, in islet infiltrates of female and male NOD mice at various ages. We found that the most significant difference in cytokine production between sexes was during the early stages of insulitis at 4 wk of age. IFN-gamma was significantly higher in young females, whereas IL-4 was higher in young males. CD4(+) T cells isolated from lymph nodes of female mice and activated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Abs produced more IFN-gamma, but less IL-4, as compared with males. Treatment of CD4(+) T cells with estrogen significantly increased, whereas testosterone treatment decreased the IL-12-induced production of IFN-gamma. We then examined whether the change in IL-12-induced IFN-gamma production by treatment with sex hormones was due to the regulation of STAT4 activation. We found that estrogen treatment increased the phosphorylation of STAT4 in IL-12-stimulated T cells. We conclude that the increased susceptibility of female NOD mice to the development of autoimmune diabetes could be due to the enhancement of the Th1 immune response through the increase of IL-12-induced STAT4 activation by estrogen.  相似文献   

Genetic control of NKT cell numbers maps to major diabetes and lupus loci   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Natural killer T cells are an immunoregulatory population of lymphocytes that plays a critical role in controlling the adaptive immune system and contributes to the regulation of autoimmune responses. We have previously reported deficiencies in the numbers and function of NKT cells in the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse strain, a well-validated model of type 1 diabetes and systemic lupus erythematosus. In this study, we report the results of a genetic linkage analysis of the genes controlling NKT cell numbers in a first backcross (BC1) from C57BL/6 to NOD.Nkrp1(b) mice. The numbers of thymic NKT cells of 320 BC1 mice were determined by fluorescence-activated cell analysis using anti-TCR Ab and CD1/alpha-galactosylceramide tetramer. Tail DNA of 138 female BC1 mice was analyzed for PCR product length polymorphisms at 181 simple sequence repeats, providing greater than 90% coverage of the autosomal genome with an average marker separation of 8 cM. Two loci exhibiting significant linkage to NKT cell numbers were identified; the most significant (Nkt1) was on distal chromosome 1, in the same region as the NOD mouse lupus susceptibility gene Babs2/Bana3. The second most significant locus (Nkt2) mapped to the same region as Idd13, a NOD-derived diabetes susceptibility gene on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) induced in rats by injection of cardiac myosin is an animal model of human myocarditis and post-myocarditis dilated cardiomyopathy. It has been reported that proinflammatory cytokines play crucial roles in the induction of EAM and in the progression of myocardial injury in this disease. FR167653 (1-[7-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-8-(4-pyridyl) pyrazolo [5,1-c] [1,2,4] triazin-2-yl]-2-phenylethanedione sulfate monohydrate) as been reported to suppress tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-). We hypothesized that FR167653 would suppress the progression of EAM if TNF- and/or interleukin-1 beta (IL-1) were the culprit cytokines in EAM. To investigate the effects of FR167653 in EAM, FR167653 was given to rats for 4 weeks, immediately after they had been immunized with cardiac myosin. The ratio of heart weight to body weight and the area of inflammatory lesions were less in the FR167653 groups than in the control rats. FR167653 reduced serum sialic acid levels significantly. The control group showed a deterioration in cardiac function. The FR167653 groups had significantly better hemodynamic parameters, including improved left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, central venous pressure, aortic pressure, and positive and negative left ventricular pressure derivatives. mRNA expression of IL-1 in the heart was significantly lower in rats given FR167653. However, mRNA of TNF- was not detected in any groups. Our results suggest that FR167653 suppresses the development of myocarditis by suppression of IL-1.  相似文献   

Autoimmune spondylitis was induced in BALB/c mice and their MHC-matched (BALB/c x DBA/2)F1 and F2 hybrids by systemic immunization with cartilage/intervertebral disk proteoglycan (PG). As in human ankylosing spondylitis, the MHC was the major permissive genetic locus in murine PG-induced spondylitis (PGIS). Two major non-MHC chromosome loci with highly significant linkage were found on chromosomes 2 (Pgis2) and 18 (Pgis1) accounting for 40% of the entire F2 trait variance. The dominant spondylitis-susceptibility allele for Pgis2 locus is derived from the BALB/c strain, whereas the Pgis1 recessive allele was present in the disease-resistant DBA/2 strain. The Pgis1 locus significantly affected the disease-controlling Pgis2 locus, inducing as high incidence of spondylitis in F2 hybrids as was found in the spondylitis-susceptible parent BALB/c strain. Additional disease-controlling loci with suggestive linkage were mapped to the chromosomes 12, 15, and 19. Severity of spondylitis in F2 mice positively correlated with serum levels of amyloid A, IL-6, and Pg-specific Abs, and showed negative correlation with Ag-induced T cell proliferation, IFN-gamma, IL-4, and TNF-alpha production. A major locus controlling serum IL-6 was found on chromosome 14 near osteoclast differentiation factor Tnfsf11. Locus on chromosome 11 near the Stat3 and Stat5 genes controlled serum level of the Ig IgG2a isotype. The two major genetic loci Pgis1 and Pgis2 of murine spondylitis were homologous to chromosome regions in human genome, which control ankylosing spondylitis in human patients. Thus, this animal model of experimentally induced spondylitis might facilitate the identification of spondylitis-susceptibility genes in humans.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) represents a Th17 T cell-mediated mouse model of postinflammatory heart disease. In BALB/c wild-type mice, EAM is a self-limiting disease, peaking 21 days after alpha-myosin H chain peptide (MyHC-alpha)/CFA immunization and largely resolving thereafter. In IFN-gammaR(-/-) mice, however, EAM is exacerbated and shows a chronic progressive disease course. We found that this progressive disease course paralleled persistently elevated IL-17 release from T cells infiltrating the hearts of IFN-gammaR(-/-) mice 30 days after immunization. In fact, IL-17 promoted the recruitment of CD11b(+) monocytes, the major heart-infiltrating cells in EAM. In turn, CD11b(+) monocytes suppressed MyHC-alpha-specific Th17 T cell responses IFN-gamma-dependently in vitro. In vivo, injection of IFN-gammaR(+/+)CD11b(+), but not IFN-gammaR(-/-)CD11b(+), monocytes, suppressed MyHC-alpha-specific T cells, and abrogated the progressive disease course in IFN-gammaR(-/-) mice. Finally, coinjection of MyHC-alpha-specific, but not OVA-transgenic, IFN-gamma-releasing CD4(+) Th1 T cell lines, together with MyHC-alpha-specific Th17 T cells protected RAG2(-/-) mice from EAM. In conclusion, CD11b(+) monocytes play a dual role in EAM: as a major cellular substrate of IL-17-induced inflammation and as mediators of an IFN-gamma-dependent negative feedback loop confining disease progression.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Treg) deficiency leads to a severe, systemic, and lethal disease, as showed in immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome patients, and scurfy mouse. Postneonatal thymectomy autoimmune gastritis has also been attributed to the absence of Tregs. In this case however, disease is mild, organ-specific, and, more important, it is not an obligatory outcome. We addressed this paradox comparing T cell compartments in gastritis-susceptible and resistant animals. We found that neonatal thymectomy-induced gastritis is not caused by the absence of Tregs. Instead of this, it is the presence of gastritogenic T cell clones that determines susceptibility to disease. The expansion of such clones under lymphopenic conditions results in a reduced Treg:effector T cell ratio that is not enough to control gastritis development. Finally, the presence of gastritogenic clones is determined by the amount of gastric Ag expressed in the neonatal thymus, emphasizing the importance of effector repertoire variability, present even in genetically identical subjects, to organ-specific autoimmune disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which autoantibodies against cardiac myosin (CM) may lead to heart dysfunction is unknown. We show that autoantibodies to CM in anti-CM sera and mAbs derived from experimental autoimmune myocarditis targeted the heart cell surface and induced Ab-mediated cAMP-dependent protein kinase A activity. Ab-mediated cell signaling of protein kinase A was blocked by CM, anti-IgG, or by specific inhibitors of the beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) pathway. mAbs confirmed mimicry between CM and the beta-AR. Passive transfer of purified Ab (IgG) from CM-immunized rats resulted in IgG deposition and apoptosis in the heart, leading to a cardiomyopathic heart disease phenotype in recipients. Our novel findings link anti-CM Ab with the beta-AR and subsequent Ab-mediated cell signaling in the heart.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated that both myelin-specific and nonmyelin-specific rat T cells were capable of accelerating the development of transplanted rat BM-derived APC in the CNS of SCID C.B-17/scid (SCID) mice. This suggested that nonmyelin-specific T cells might be capable of increasing susceptibility to EAE by increasing the number and function of APC in the CNS before disease induction. To assess this possibility, we evaluated disease incidence, day of onset, duration, mean peak severity, cumulative disease index, and histopathology in the presence or absence of nonmyelin-specific T cells. The results demonstrate an association between T cell responses to nonmyelin Ags, accelerated development of BM-derived CNS APC before disease induction, and heightened susceptibility to CNS inflammation mediated by myelin-specific T cells. This suggests that T cell responses to nonmyelin Ags can potentiate CNS inflammation by elevating the functional presence of CNS APC.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented showing that in experimental autoimmune myocarditis, there are certain components in IgG fraction of the sera that bind to myocardium muscarinic cholinergic receptors. The autoimmune IgG simulated the biologic effect of cholinergic agonists because (i) it increased cGMP levels, (ii) it decreased cAMP stimulated levels, and (iii) it reduced heart contractility and diminished reactivity to exogenous acetylcholine. Autoimmune IgG inhibited the binding of specific muscarinic cholinergic radioligand to purified myocardial membranes behaving as noncompetitive inhibitors. The recognition appears to be organ specific because the autoimmune IgG did not bind to muscarinic cholinergic receptors of urinary bladder. The presence of antibodies against antigens expressed in an accessible form to antibody in living myocardial cells might be related to some of the immunopathologic mechanisms participating in the pathogenesis of the experimental autoimmune myocarditis.  相似文献   

Day 3 thymectomy (D3Tx) results in a loss of peripheral tolerance mediated by natural regulatory T cells (nTregs) and development of autoimmune ovarian dysgenesis (AOD) and autoimmune dacryoadenitis (ADA) in A/J and (C57BL/6J × A/J) F(1) hybrids (B6A), but not in C57BL/6J (B6) mice. Previously, using quantitative trait locus (QTL) linkage analysis, we showed that D3Tx-AOD is controlled by five unlinked QTL (Aod1-Aod5) and H2. In this study, using D3Tx B6-Chr(A/J)/NaJ chromosome (Chr) substitution strains, we confirm that QTL on Chr16 (Aod1a/Aod1b), Chr3 (Aod2), Chr1 (Aod3), Chr2 (Aod4), Chr7 (Aod5), and Chr17 (H2) control D3Tx-AOD susceptibility. In addition, we also present data mapping QTL controlling D3Tx-ADA to Chr17 (Ada1/H2), Chr1 (Ada2), and Chr3 (Ada3). Importantly, B6-ChrX(A/J) mice were as resistant to D3Tx-AOD and D3Tx-ADA as B6 mice, thereby excluding Foxp3 as a susceptibility gene in these models. Moreover, we report quantitative differences in the frequency of nTregs in the lymph nodes (LNs), but not spleen or thymus, of AOD/ADA-resistant B6 and AOD/ADA-susceptible A/J, B6A, and B6-Chr17(A/J) mice. Similar results correlating with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and orchitis susceptibility were seen with B10.S and SJL/J mice. Using H2-congenic mice, we show that the observed difference in frequency of LN nTregs is controlled by Ada1/H2. These data support the existence of an LN-specific, H2-controlled mechanism regulating the prevalence of nTregs in autoimmune disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

 Autoimmune disease involves both the development of autoreactivity and the expression of organ damage, and susceptibility is genetically complex. We recently reported that in autoimmune myocarditis susceptibility to antibody-mediated cardiac injury is strain specific. DBA/2 mice develop myocarditis following administration of myosin-specific antibody, while BALB/c mice do not. This susceptibility appears to be controlled by expression of myosin in the myocardial extracellular matrix. CByD2F1 mice are both resistant to induction of myocarditis and do not demonstrate extracellular myosin, indicating a recessive genetic component to these traits. A backcross analysis of susceptibility using DBA/2×CByD2F1 mice revealed a locus on chromosome 12 that is strongly linked with myocarditis. In male mice there was a second region on chromosome 1 that also contributes to disease susceptibility. However, genetic susceptibility in both female and male mice was genetically complex. This study demonstrates that the genetic basis of tissue injury can be analyzed separately from the genetic basis of autoreactivity. Future studies will determine whether the genetic factors identified in this study are also involved in susceptibility to rheumatic fever. Received: 18 May 1998 / Revised: 3 July 1998  相似文献   

Regulatory T (T(reg)) cells show promise for treating autoimmune diseases, but their induction to elevated potency has been problematic when the most optimally derived cells are from diseased animals. To circumvent reliance on autoantigen-reactive T(reg) cells, stimulation to myelin-independent Ags may offer a viable alternative while maintaining potency to treat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The experimental Salmonella vaccine expressing colonization factor Ag I possesses anti-inflammatory properties and, when applied therapeutically, reduces further development of EAE in SJL mice. To ascertain T(reg) cell dependency, a kinetic analysis was performed showing increased levels of FoxP3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells. Inactivation of these T(reg) cells resulted in loss of protection. Adoptive transfer of the vaccine-induced T(reg) cells protected mice against EAE with greater potency than naive or Salmonella vector-induced T(reg) cells, and cytokine analysis revealed enhanced production of TGF-beta, not IL-10. The development of these T(reg) cells in conjunction with immune deviation by Th2 cells optimally induced protective T(reg) cells when compared those induced in the absence of Th2 cells. These data show that T(reg) cells can be induced to high potency to non-disease-inducing Ags using a bacterial vaccine.  相似文献   

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