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Recently published annual mass balances or budgets for nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon in Chesapeake Bay have pictured the estuary as retaining a very large fraction, perhaps all, of the nutrients that enter from land drainage, the atmosphere, and anthropogenic discharges. However, these budgets have been based on estimates of the net exchanges of nutrients at the mouth of the bay or on the rates of accumulation of nutrients and sediments calculated from the distributions of various geochemical tracers in the sediments. While conceptually straightforward, the first approach is subject to large errors because it requires the determination of a small "signal" against a large background of tidal "noise". The second approach has led to overestimates of the nutrient trapping efficiency of the bay because tracer-derived sediment deposition rates have been multiplied by the surface area of the whole bay or various parts of the bay rather than by the smaller area of active sediment deposition. This approach is also incorrect because the average, long-term rates of sediment deposition measured by the geochemical tracers, including major floods, have been compared to shorter-term records of nutrient input.The more appropriate calculation of nutrient retention based on contemporaneous measurements of nutrient and sediment input and the chemical compositon of sediments accumulated in the estuary shows that Chesapeake Bay retains only some 3–6% of the nitrogen, 11–17% of the phosphorus and 33–83% of the silicon brought into its waters during a year in which no major flood occurred.This behavior suggests that current problems of estuarine eutrophication are more a consequence of present nutrient inputs than an inevitable or inescapable legacy of past enrichment. It also follows that the management or manipulation of nutrient loadings to esturies may lead to a more rapid response in environmental quality than previously predicted.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of the sediment chemistry of 7 East Anglian reservoirs are presented as part of a regional study on the assessment and control of eutrophication. The influence of water quality (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature) on phosphate (PO4) adsorption by sediment from hypertrophic Ardleigh Reservoir is also examined. Extractable phosphate-P (extr.-P) varied between 92 and 383 mg kg–1 dry matter. Extractable P varied between 5.3 and 16.6% of the total phosphate-P (Tot. P) content and increased with the concentration of dissolved reactive phosphate-P (DRP) in the overlying water column. Organically complexed iron (organic Fe) was the determinand which correlated most closely with phosphate adsorption capacity, PAC (r = 0.8). Organic Fe was also related inversely to Extr. P. The rate and extent of PO4 adsorption by Ardleigh Reservoir sediment increased with the initial concentration of DRP and adsorption equilibria were reached after 24 h. The equilibrium DRP concentration, [DRP], was 0.7 mg P 1–1 under aerobic conditions indicative of a high potential for PO4 exchange. The rate and extent of PO4 adsorption was greater at 7 °C than at 22 °C PO4 adsorption increased markedly with dissolved oxygen status. Ardleigh sediment exhibited a marked buffering capacity to a change in pH; however, PO4 adsorption was greatest at an equilibrium pH of 5.6 and decreased progressively either side of this pH value.Options for the artificial control of sediment PO4 release are discussed in relation to the seasonal variation in sediment PO4 exchange observed for Ardleigh Reservoir.  相似文献   

The gradient in soil characteristics from the bulk soil to the root surface is important to roots and to the organisms that live in the rhizosphere. Our ability to measure ion concentrations at the root surface is extremely limited, and models are largely untested. We used data from a well studied Norway spruce stand in SW Sweden to compare the measured difference in nutrient concentrations between rhizosphere and bulk soil with the difference predicted by a steady-state simulation model based on ecosystem budgets of nutrient uptake. The simulation model predicted depletion of NH4, Ca, Mg, K in the rhizosphere, which shows that budgeted uptake rates were greater than the mass flow of bulk solution towards the root. In plots treated with ammonium sulphate, the model predicted an accumulation of S in the rhizosphere. In contrast, the observed rhizosphere concentrations were generally enriched in nutrients, relative to bulk soil. Collecting rhizosphere soil adhering to root surfaces may not be an appropriate method for describing the concentration gradient around the root. In addition, the simulation model omits some processes affecting conditions in the rhizosphere that are important to explaining nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

We measured porewater profiles of inorganic (NH4 +, NO3 (+NO2 ), PO4 3– (hereafter referred to as DIP)) and organic (DON, DOP) nutrients in seagrass-vegetated sediments at two sites in a shallow bay in Bermuda within close proximity (200 m) but subject to different nutrient loading. At both sites, total dissolved and inorganic nutrient concentrations were usually 1–2 orders of magnitude higher in the sediments than in the water column, with the exception of NO3 . Organic N and P were significant components of the total dissolved nutrient pools both in the sediment porewater and in the overlying water column (up to 75% for DON and 40% for DOP), and may be important in meeting plant nutrient demands. We used two approaches to examine how well porewater nutrient concentrations reflected the relative availabilities of N and P for seagrasses: (1) a simple stoichiometric nutrient regeneration model based on the N:P ratio of decomposing organic matter and porewater NH4 + concentrations to predict porewater DIP, and (2) fitting of the porewater profiles to estimate rates of net nutrient production (or consumption), which reflects the balance between nutrient sources and sinks in the rhizosphere. The stoichiometric model indicated that sediment porewaters were depleted in P relative to N in the low-nutrient outer bay site, and enriched in P relative to N in the higher-nutrient inner bay site. These results are consistent with the mechanism of carbonate sediments in oligotrophic tropical environments being a strong sink for dissolved inorganic P and our previous work suggesting that nutrient enrichment causes P to become disproportionately more available than N. Net nutrient production rates of porewater P at both sites and N at the inner bay site were low (typically < 2%) relative to the nutrient demands of the seagrasses. The implications of the profile interpretation are two-fold: (1) the low rates of net nutrient production indicate diffusive losses from the root zone were insignificant and that nutrient turnover rates were high, except in the P-limited outer bay where N accumulated in sediment porewaters; and (2) because standing stock nutrient concentrations often represent a small fraction of the total nutrients cycled in the sediments, they are in many cases a poor indicator of nutrient availability. Based on our estimates of losses from the root zone, decomposition, and plant uptake we have constructed a rough budget for the cycling of P and N at our two sites.  相似文献   

Hypoxic conditions are common in many coastal environments such as Chesapeake Bay. While medusae appear to be quite tolerant of low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, the effects of hypoxia on the benthic polyp stages are unknown. Chrysaora quinquecirrha (DeSor) polyps, and were subjected to 5 DO treatments (air-saturated [control], 3.5, 2.5, 1.5 and 0.5 mg l–1) in the laboratory. Polyp survival and development were documented over 24 d. Virtually no mortality occurred in any treatment during the first 5 d. Total polyp mortality after 24 d was 59.3% at the lowest DO concentration, whereas <3% mortality was observed in the air-saturated treatment. Formation of stolons and strobilae occurred in all treatments, however, the proportions of polyps undergoing stolonation and strobilation were significantly greater in all DO concentrations above 0.5 mg l–1. Polyp encystment was not observed in any treatment over the course of the 24 d experiment. These results indicate that polyps can survive and asexually propagate even during prolonged exposure to hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Primary production of microphytobenthos (MPB) contributes significantly to the total production in shallow coastal environments. MPB is a diverse community in which diatoms are usually the main microalgal group. Diatoms require N, P, and other nutrients as with other autotrophs, but in addition require silicate to create their outer cell wall. Therefore, dissolved silica (DSi) might be a potential limiting factor for benthic primary production in areas with reduced freshwater input. To test this hypothesis, a microcosm experiment was conducted using intact sediment cores collected from an intertidal mudflat in the Bay of Cádiz and supplied with increasing concentrations of DSi (0, 5, 10, 25, and 45 μmol · L?1). After 7 d of enrichment, we determined chlorophyll a and c (Chl a, c) contents, metabolic rates (Net [Pn] and Areal Gross [PgA] Production and Light [RL] and Dark [RD] Respiration), as well as fluxes of inorganic nutrients across the sediment‐water interface. Chl a and c contents increased significantly with respect to the initial conditions but no differences between treatments were found. Both Pn and PgA showed a saturating‐like pattern with silicate concentration, reaching maximum rates at a DSi concentration of 45 μmol · L?1. The addition of DSi also resulted in an increase of DSi and ammonium uptake by the sediment, which was significantly higher in light than in darkness. Our results clearly show that water column DSi concentrations have a direct impact on benthic primary production, also controlling other related processes such as inorganic nutrient fluxes.  相似文献   

Light dependent sediment-water exchange rates of dissolved reactive silicon (DRSi) and phosphorus (DRP) were studied on field station Archipel (3 m water depth) in Lake Grevelingen (SW Netherlands). Bell jars, either light or darkened, were fixed permanently over a productive microflora mat of mainly Navicula spp.; sediment-water exchange was monitored over an 11 days period. Gross primary production values in the mat amounted to 1000 mg C·m–2·day–1.In the dark bell jar, DRSi and DRP release rates from the sediment were ca. 275 and 85 mg·m–2·day–1, respectively. Release rates in the light bell jars were on average only 15% of these values. Parallel bell jar experiments under different environmental conditions indicate a direct relationship between the primary production figures and nutrient sediment-water exchange rates.Communication nr. 369 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, the Netherlands. This paper was presented at the first International Workshop on phosphorus fractionation, availability and release of the Sediment Phosphorus Group, held in Vienna, 23–26 March, 1986.  相似文献   

A diffusion enrichment technique is presented which allows for chemical enrichment of soft surficial and shallow subsurface sediments and subsequent measurement of O2 production. The sediment is enriched by inserting a perforated tube containing dialysis tubing filled with a nutrient/agar mixture. O2 production by surficial sediment is measured using an inverted, translucent, polyethylene chamber over the sediment. The inside of the chamber contains a collapsible bag connected to the water outside the chamber. When water overlying the sediment is withdrawn from a sampling port, it is displaced with water from outside the chamber, thus preventing contamination of water samples with pore water from below. The technique was tested by enriching near-shore sediments in a large oligotrophic lake with inorganic N and P. NHinf4/p+ additions significantly stimulated benthic primary production as measured by 02 production, whereas enrichment with POinf4/3- had no effect.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feeding chronology, daily ration, and the effects of temperature upon gastric evacuation were examined in the pipefish,Syngnathus fuscus, from field and laboratory data.S. fuscus displayed a pattern of diurnal feeding, characteristic of syngnathids. Daily ration calculations yielded estimates of 4.0 and 4.4% body weight per day, which are comparable to estimates for other teleosts. Evacuation rate was found to be temperature dependent. with more rapid evacuation with increasing temperature. In addition, evacuation rate was found to be positively correlated with gut content. Slowing of evacuation rate with decreasing gut content may allow for increased assimilation efficiency during periods of low food availability. Daily ration, although controlled by the temperature dependence of evacuation rate, may also be controlled by prey abundance; fish maximize food intake during periods of high prey availability, and maximize upon assimilation during periods of low prey availability.Contribution number 1035 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science of the College of William and Mary.  相似文献   

Narragansett Bay is a relatively well-mixed, high salinity coastal embayment and estuary complex in southern New England (USA). Much of the shoreline is urban and the watershed is densely developed. We have combined our data on C, N, and P inputs to this system, on C, N, and P accumulation in the sediments, and on denitrification with extensive work by others to develop approximate annual mass balances for these elements. The results show that primary production within the bay is the major source of organic carbon (4 times greater than other sources), that land drainage and upstream sewage and fertilizer are the major sources of N, and that landward flowing bottom water from offshore may be a major source of dissolved inorganic phosphorus. Most of the nutrients entering the bay arrive in dissolved inorganic form, though DON is a significant component of the N carried by the rivers. About 40% of the DIN in the rivers is in the form of ammonia. Sedimentation rates are low in most of Narragansett Bay, and it appears that less than 20% of the total annual input of each of these elements is retained within the system. A very small amount of C, N, and P is removed in fisheries landings, denitrification in the sediments removes perhaps 10–25% of the N input, and most of the carbon fixed in the system is respired within it. Stoichiometric calculations suggest that some 10–20% of the organic matter formed in the bay is exported to offshore and that Narragansett Bay is an autotrophic system. Most of the N and P that enters the bay is, however, exported to offshore waters in dissolved inorganic form. This assessment of the overall biogeochemical behavior of C, N, and P in the bay is consistent with more rigorously constrained mass balances obtained using large living models or mesocosms of the bay at the Marine Ecosystem Research Laboratory (MERL).  相似文献   

For centuries, people in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have harvested and consumed blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Historically, the production of the crabs was intimately connected to the work and knowledge of commercial watermen. In recent years, declining crab populations have resulted in an increased local use of pasteurized crab meat imported from Asia and South America. Also emerging is an ecological discourse that emphasizes pollution reduction to save crabs to eat. In this article, I analyze these production and consumption changes for Chesapeake Bay blue crabs within a broad-ranging framework of cultural models and environmental anthropology. Explicit textual information increasingly suggests that the cultural model of Chesapeake blue crabs as food is one of crab cakes made (with imported crab meat) in the "local tradition" and, to a lesser degree so far, is an emerging discourse presenting blue crabs as a culinary poster child for antipollution campaigns.  相似文献   

Kelderman  P.  van de Repe  A. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):489-490
Extended abstract Lake Grevelingen is a brackish water lake in the SW Netherlands. The lake has an area of 108 km2, a mean depth of 5.3 m (maximum 48 m), a mean chlorinity of 13 to 16%0 Cl, and a hydraulic residence time of about 8 years. Mass budget studies have shown a consistent seasonal pattern in the phosphorus sediment-water exchange in Lake Grevelingen (Kelderman 1980). From May to August a P mobilization from the sediment takes place, estimated atca. 12.5 mg P · m−2 · day−1. The sediment accumulatesca. 5.5 mg P · m−2 · day−1 during the rest of the year. Temperature may be an important factor in establishing this pattern. Sediment-water exchange was studied by means of laboratory experiments under specified conditions. Sediment cores (30 cm depth, 11 cm diameter) were taken at four stations in the lake, with sediment types varying from medium- to muddy sand (Fig. 1). The cores with overlying water (ca. 21) were placed in the dark at 5 °C in thermostatically controlled water baths. After a week's incubation time the temperature was slowly raised, such that after three weeks eight cores (four sediment types, duplicates) were at 5 °C, eight were at 10 °C, eight at 15 °C and eight at 20 °C. The same procedure was applied to the four control cores, containing lake water.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in a shallow fishpond located on the eastern side of Arcachon Bay, France.Dissolved oxygen, pH and nutrient content (NH4, NO2, NO3 and PO4) showed pronounced diel variations.These phenomena seemed to be directly controlled by biological processes. Microbially mediated degradation of organic matter constitutes the main source of nutrients in the water column and primary producers consume the major part of these products. These processes are closely coupled to the light-dark cycle.Man-induced water renewal caused low modifications in nutrient concentration and did not alter its temporal dynamics.  相似文献   

4th instar Chironomus plumosus larvae (about 1000·m–2) were added to tubes containing sediment and overlying water. At a temperature of 20°C the larvae greatly increased the trasnport of silica, phosphorus and iron from the sediment to the water. Oxygen concentrations did not influence the exchange of silica. For two non-calcareous sediments the exchange of phosphorus and iron was much higher under anaerobic than under aerobic conditions while the difference was small for sediment from a hardwater lake. Exchange of inorganic nitrogen was little influenced by added chironomid larvae.  相似文献   

In a detailed analysis of oxygen saturation in a shallow Danish estuary it was possible to separate the effect of meteorological forcings (i.e. wind and solar radiation) and nutrient loads on oxygen depletion in bottom water. Regression analysis showed that oxygen saturation tied to nitrogen load rather than to phosphorus load. During summer periods of stratification the oxygen saturation could be attributed to the time elapsed after the onset of stratification and the accumulated nitrogen loading 10 month prior to measurement. Using a 10-year meteorological database and an empirical model it was calculated that a 25% reduction in nitrogen loading would reduce the number of days with severe oxygen depletion (i.e. <15% of saturation) by more than 50%.  相似文献   

The formulations of SWITCH, a model for prediction of nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface, are presented. Results of the application to data on the sediment of Lake Veluwe are presented and discussed.SWITCH calculates the thicknesses of the aerobic and denitrifying layers on the basis of a step-wise steady state approach. The concentrations of detritus, ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in the sediments and the pore water are simulated dynamically using mass balance equations.Analysis of the data for Lake Veluwe show large spatial heterogeneity. This presents a major drawback for the calibration of SWITCH, which focused on the silty part of the lake. The results show that the model simulates realistically and consistently layer thicknesses, concentrations and mass fluxes connected with the transport and conversion processes. The model appears to have potential for describing both seasonal patterns and developments on the long term.SWITCH calculates strongly increased phosphate return fluxes, following total reduction of the top sediments. An important hypothesis in the model is that phosphate precipitated in reduced sediment layers is transferred to the oxidized layer and dissolves instantaneously. This results in a decrease of the phosphorus content of the sediment, but also maintains high release rates of phosphorus after the reduction of the external phosphorus loading of Lake Veluwe. Model results and mass balance studies for the overlying water indicate that the removal of phosphorus to deeper sediment layers is underestimated or that dilution of the sediments occurs as the result of sedimentation.  相似文献   

Aim   Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves is an important mechanism of nutrient conservation in plants, but the patterns of nutrient resorption at the global scale are unknown. Because soil nutrients vary along climatic gradients, we hypothesize that nutrient resorption changes with latitude, temperature and precipitation.
Location   Global.
Methods   We conducted a meta-analysis on a global data set collected from published literature on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption of woody plants.
Results    For all data pooled, both N resorption efficiency (NRE) and P resorption efficiency (PRE) were significantly related to latitude, mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP): NRE increased with latitude but decreased with MAT and MAP. In contrast, PRE decreased with latitude but increased with MAT and MAP. When functional groups (shrub versus tree, coniferous versus broadleaf and evergreen versus deciduous) were examined individually, the patterns of NRE and PRE in relation to latitude, MAT and MAP were generally similar.
Main conclusions   The relationships between N and P resorption and latitude, MAT and MAP indicate the existence of geographical patterns of plant nutrient conservation strategies in relation to temperature and precipitation at the global scale, particularly for PRE, which can be an indicator for P limitation in the tropics and selective pressure shaping the evolution of plant traits. Our results suggest that, although the magnitude of plant nutrient resorption might be regulated by local factors such as substrate, spatial patterns are also controlled by temperature or precipitation.  相似文献   

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