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Human oral mucosa includes various epithelia that are commonly classified as lining, masticatory, and specialized epithelia. Although adjacent tissues, the gingiva and alveolar mucosa represent two different types of epithelia: the gingiva is cornified and exhibits high rate ridges, whereas the mucosa does not normally cornify and exhibits a relatively smooth-contoured borderline between the epithelium and the underlying connective tissue. We examined the cytokeratin patterns of both epithelia using one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The gingiva expresses a great complexity of cytokeratins, including significant amounts of components nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, and 17, as well as traces of cytokeratins nos. 4 and 15, i.e., a pattern similar to those of vaginal mucosa and epidermis containing proliferative keratinocytes. In contrast, the alveolar mucosa contains only two major cytokeratins, i.e., nos. 4 and 13, together with two minor amounts of cytokeratins nos. 5, 6, 14, and 17, thus resembling the patterns of certain other stratified, noncornified epithelia, such as the esophagus. Immunofluorescence microscopy using monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins nos. 4 and 13 revealed the presence of these proteins in the suprabasal layers of alveolar mucosa, whereas in the gingiva, only certain small, suprabasal clusters of cells appeared to contain these cytokeratins. The cytoskeletal differences between gingival and alveolar mucosa are discussed in relation to the differences in their morphology and function, and with respect to pathological processes characteristic of these epithelia.  相似文献   



Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) is a powerful technique to examine post-translational modifications of complexly modulated proteins. Currently, spot detection is a necessary step to assess relations between spots and biological variables. This often proves time consuming and difficult when working with non-perfect gels. We developed an analysis technique to measure correlation between 2DE images and biological variables on a pixel by pixel basis. After image alignment and normalization, the biological parameters and pixel values are replaced by their specific rank. These rank adjusted images and parameters are then put into a standard linear Pearson correlation and further tested for significance and variance.  相似文献   

Terminal differentiation of squamous epithelia is usually characterized by the synthesis of a subset of cytokeratins (CKs) in suprabasal cell layers which become major components of the intermediate filament (IF) bundle cytoskeleton of the maturing cells. We have examined the significance, molecular nature and pattern of synthesis of the elusive human CK 2 by analyzing mRNAs from certain stratified epithelia, using in vitro translation, cDNA cloning. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization. We show that genuine polypeptides with the typical gel electrophoretic mobility of CK 2 exist but that the CK 2 present in the masticatory epithelia of hard palate and gingiva (CK 2p) differs from that found in epidermis (CK 2e) by its amino acid sequence and is encoded by a different gene. The two CKs 2 show only limited sequence homology (71% identical amino acid positions in the rod domain), and the oral CK 2p is more closely related to the corneal CK 3 (86%), as is also indicated by the cross-reaction of monoclonal antibody AE5. By in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry, we further show that both CK 2e and CK 2p are expressed only in suprabasal cell layers of the specific epithelia where they can accumulate to represent major cytoskeletal proteins. We discuss this tissue-type specificity of CK 2 synthesis in otherwise morphologically and biochemically similar epithelia in relation to differences of IF appearance and packing in upper strata between epidermal and masticatory epithelia as well as to tissue formation and differentiation during development.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions were investigated considering both morphologic criteria and keratin polypeptide expression in homotypic and heterotypic recombinants of adult mouse skin and oral mucosa. Two series of cross-recombinants of epithelia with different morphology and keratin patterns were chosen: (a) footpad epidermis/ear dermis and ear epidermis/footpad dermis; (b) palate epithelium/cheek connective tissue and cheek epithelium/palate connective tissue. Homotypic and heterotypic recombinants were prepared after EDTA-separation of the original tissues and then grown on syngeneic mice in subcutaneously prepared protected graft chambers. EDTA-separation is especially suited to completely separate the epidermal-dermal union, and the transplantation procedure used strictly prevents contamination with host epithelium. Five weeks after implantation keratins were analyzed by one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and peptide mapping. In both series, homotypic recombination of the tissues did not alter the original morphology and keratin polypeptide composition of the individual epithelial components. Ear epidermis displayed no significant changes in structure or keratin pattern in heterotypic recombinants. Recombined with ear dermis, footpad epidermis showed acquisition of some morphologic features typical for ear epidermis and slight changes in keratin composition which were, however, difficult to interpret due to the normal similarities of footpad keratin with that of ear. In contrast, the heterorecombinants of the palate/cheek series exhibited considerable alterations in their keratin patterns. Either epithelium showed suppression of distinct keratin subunits and de novo expression of subunits characteristic of the epithelium normally associated with the connective tissue component. The keratin patterns of both matches closely resembled each other and represented patterns intermediate between the normal patterns. This partial, however, significant modulation in the expression of differentiation markers was paralleled by similarly directed changes in the architecture of the heterotransplanted tissues, thus indicating that both morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation of certain adult epithelia can be influenced by extrinsic mesenchymal factors.  相似文献   

The mucosal immune system in the male rodent urogenital tract was studied by localizing secretory component (sc) in the rat and immunoglobulin A (IgA) in both rat and mouse by immunofluorescence. In the rat, bright labelling of sc was observed at several sites, including the ejaculatory ducts, excretory ducts of several accessory glands, and urethral glands in the pelvic and bulbous portions of the urethra. Pale labelling of sc was detected in epithelial cells of the ventral prostate gland. Plasma cells containing IgA were only observed in the urethral gland in the bulbous portion of the urethra in rats and mice. These results suggest that IgA may be transported into the urogenital tract of the male rat primarily at sites distal to the production of seminal fluid and spermatozoa. While locally synthesized IgA may be available in the bulbous urethra, it appears that serum may be the main source of IgA for transport into the rat urogenital tract at the other sites where its receptor, sc, was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The distribution and type of cytokeratins present in the normal human epithelia of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, tongue, palatine tonsil, epiglottis, vocal cord, and laryngeal ventricle were studied using immunohistochemical techniques and by gel electrophoresis of cytoskeletal proteins microdissected from frozen tissues. Noncornifying stratified epithelia covering the oropharynx, tongue, surface of the palatine tonsil, pharyngeal surface of the epiglottis, and vocal cord were all found to contain cytokeratins nos. 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, and 15, together with minor amounts of cytokeratin no. 19, i.e., a pattern similar to that previously reported for esophageal epithelium. The immunohistochemical reaction with KA4, an antibody specific for cytokeratins nos. 14, 15, 16, and 19, revealed reactivity confined to the basal epithelial cells of the tongue, oropharynx, pharyngeal epiglottis, and two out of five samples of vocal cords. This same antibody reacted with the entire thickness of three out of the five true vocal cords which were shown by gel electrophoresis to also contain cytokeratins nos. 16 and 17. Gel electrophoresis revealed that the pseudostratified columnar epithelium covering the laryngeal ventricle was more complex, in that it contained cytokeratins nos. 5, 13, 14, 15, and 17, which are typical of stratified epithelia, as well as cytokeratins nos. 7, 8, 18, and 19, which are characteristic of simple epithelia. This pattern is similar to that found in bronchial epithelium. The laryngeal surface of the epiglottis exhibited cytokeratins nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 19, i.e., a pattern combining features of both esophageal- and bronchial-type epithelia. The reaction of these epithelia containing columnar cells with antibody RGE-53, which is specific for cytokeratin no. 18, revealed a staining reaction confined to the superficial columnar cells, whereas KA1 stained only the basal cells of these epithelia. The results of our study make it possible to distinguish two types of noncornifying stratified squamous epithelium, namely the 'esophageal type' which covers the tongue, oropharynx, and pharyngeal surface of the epiglottis, and another type which overlies the vocal cords and the transitional zone between the pharyngeal and laryngeal surfaces of the epiglottis. Furthermore, there appear to be variants of pseudostratified columnar epithelium, i.e., the usual bronchial type lining the laryngeal ventricle, and a type with a thicker subcolumnar cell compartment that is found on the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis. The patterns of expression of cytokeratins in the respiratory tract are compared with those of other epithelia.  相似文献   

The epithelium of the mammalian vagina arises from two distinct germ layers, endoderm from the urogenital sinus and mesoderm from the Müllerian ducts. While neonatal vaginal epithelium can be induced to form prostate which is normally an endodermal derivative, it has not been determined whether this ability to form prostate is shared by both mesoderm- and endoderm-derived vaginal epithelia. To test the competence of vaginal epithelia we have isolated sinus-derived and Müllerian-derived vaginal epithelia from newborn mice, combined them with rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme, and grown the tissue recombinants for 4 weeks in male athymic nude mice. Endoderm-derived sinus vaginal epithelium was induced to form prostatic tissue which expressed prostate-specific secretory proteins in 21 of 23 tissue recombinants. Müllerian-derived vaginal epithelium formed small ducts and cysts lined by a simple epithelium. These latter tissue recombinants lacked any evidence of prostatic secretory proteins. Similarly, endoderm-derived urethral epithelium was induced to form prostate (17 of 17 cases), while mesoderm-derived uterine epithelium was not (0 of 13 cases). Therefore, the ability to form prostatic epithelium was limited to endodermal derivatives of the urogenital tract.  相似文献   

Summary Cytokeratin expression was studied in the epitheha lining the normal human urine conducting system using immunohistochemistry on frozen sections employing a panel of 14 monoclonal antibodies. Eleven of these anti-cytokeratin antibodies reacted specifically with one of the 19 human cytokeratin polypeptides. Profound differences were found in the cytokeratin expression patterns between the different types of epithelium in the male and female urinary tract. In the areas showing morphological transitions of transitional epithelium to columnar epithelium and of nonkeratinizing sqamous epithelium to keratinizing squamous epithelium gradual shifts of cytokeratin expression patterns were observed, often anticipating the morphological changes. However, also within one type of epithelium, i.e. the transitional epithelium, two different patterns of cytokeratin expression were found. Expression of cytokeratin 7 was homogeneous in the transitional epithelium of renal pelvis and ureter but heterogeneous in the transitional epithelium of the bladder. Furthermore, intraepithelial differences in cytokeratin expression could be shown to be differentiation related. Using a panel of chain-specific monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin 8 and 18 conformational and/or biochemical changes in the organization of these intermediate filaments were demonstrated upon differentiation in columnar and transitional epithelium.This study was supported in part by the Netherlands Cancer Foundation  相似文献   

Cytokeratin expression was studied in the epithelia lining the normal human urine conducting system using immunohistochemistry on frozen sections employing a panel of 14 monoclonal antibodies. Eleven of these anticytokeratin antibodies reacted specifically with one of the 19 human cytokeratin polypeptides. Profound differences were found in the cytokeratin expression patterns between the different types of epithelium in the male and female urinary tract. In the areas showing morphological transitions of transitional epithelium to columnar epithelium and of nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium to keratinizing squamous epithelium gradual shifts of cytokeratin expression patterns were observed, often anticipating the morphological changes. However, also within one type of epithelium, i.e. the transitional epithelium, two different patterns of cytokeratin expression were found. Expression of cytokeratin 7 was homogeneous in the transitional epithelium of renal pelvis and ureter but heterogeneous in the transitional epithelium of the bladder. Furthermore, intraepithelial differences in cytokeratin expression could be shown to be differentiation related. Using a panel of chain-specific monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins 8 and 18 conformational and/or biochemical changes in the organization of these intermediate filaments were demonstrated upon differentiation in columnar and transitional epithelium.  相似文献   

L I Larsson 《Life sciences》1977,21(4):503-508
Immunocytochemistry and radioimmunochemistry demonstrates the occurrence of numerous nerves containing the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in the male genital tract. The nerves occur in association with arteries and smooth musculature of the organs. Available evidence suggests VIP to be a new neurotransmittor possibly involved in the regulation of blood flow and muscle contractility of the male genital organs.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic polypeptide profiles of normal human saliva differ markedly between different reports. Since both methodological variations and polymorphism may explain these differences, in this study we aimed to establish whether or not the salivary electrophoretic polypeptide profiles of subjects from a healthy population share discrete molecular features. To this end, parotid, submandibular/sublingual and whole salivas were collected separately from each of 40 young and 34 elderly clinically healthy adults and processed for SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Coomassie blue staining. Each type of glandular saliva displayed a different group of invariant (i.e. present in every subject) electrophoretic polypeptide bands while whole saliva showed a profile that reflected mostly the combined contribution of the major salivary glands. Some minor variant (i.e. absent in some subjects) bands were identified in each type of saliva. Regarding those interindividual variations, no age- or sex-dependence was appreciated. Altogether, these results demonstrate the occurrence of distinctive electrophoretic polypeptide patterns, in addition to some minor variations, for each type of normal saliva, thus providing a background for further populational studies on salivary polypeptide profiles.  相似文献   

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