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Representative conditional yeast secretory mutants, blocked in transport of secretory and plasma membrane proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (sec 18), from the Golgi body (sec 7) and in transport of secretory vesicles (sec 1), accumulated exoglucanase, a constitutive yeast activity, when incubated at the restrictive temperature (37°C). Different proportions of the accumulated activity were released by mutant cells under permissive conditions. The presence or absence of cycloheximide during the secretion period made no differences in the results. More than 90% of the internal activity was bound to membrane in wild type cells. However, only the soluble pool underwent changes during the accumulation or secretion periods. The bulk of secretory invertase accumulated by sec 1 was also soluble. By contrast sec 7 and sec 18 accumulated membrane-bound as well as soluble invertase forms and both were secreted in similar proportions in each mutant. More than 90% of the accumulated invertase was secreted at the permissive temperature in sec 18 cells. That percentage was significantly lower for exoglucanase (<65%). Concomitantly, invertase accumulated by this mutant exited from the cells with a lower half time (t 1/2=150 min). These results may be interpreted assuming that exoglucanase is exported by a passive flow of the soluble pool.Non-standard abbreviations p-NPG p-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside - Con A concanavalin A - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)-amino-methane  相似文献   

Summary The MSS51 gene product has been previously shown to be involved in the splicing of the mitochondrial pre-mRNA of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COX1). We show here that it is specifically required for the translation of the COX1 mRNA. Furthermore, the paromomycin-resistance mutation (P inf454 supR ) which affects the 15 S mitoribosomal RNA, interferes, directly or indirectly, with the action of the MSS51 gene product. Possible roles of the MSS51 protein on the excision of COX1 introns are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast strains carrying one of the two regulatory mutations cat1 and cat3 are defectve in derepression of several glucose-repressible enzymes that are necessary for utilizing non-fermentable carbon sources. Hence, these strains fail to grow on ethanol, glycerol or acetate. The synthesis of isocitrate lyase, malate synthase, malate dehydrogenase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase is strongly affected in cat1 and cat3 strains. Genes CAT1 and CAT3 have been isolated by complementation of the cognate, mutations after transformation with an episomal plasmid gene library. The restriction map of CAT1 proved its allelism to the earlier isolated SNF1 gene. Both genes appear to exist as single-copy genes per haploid genome as indicated by Southern hybridization. Northern analysis has shown that the 1.35 kb CAT3 mRNA is constitutively expressed, independent of the carbon source in the medium. Derepression studies with CAT3 transformants using a multi-copy plasmid showed over-expression of glyoxylate cycle enzymes. This result would be consistent with a direct effector function for the CAT3 gene product.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-three fermentations of Pedro Ximénez grapes, collected in three degrees of ripeness, were carried out by inoculation with three types of inoculum: pure cultures ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae races and ofTorulaspora delbrueckii, indigenous yeasts, and mixed cultures of indigenous yeasts enriched with the pure cultures. By means of variance analysis 21 compounds were determined whose final concentrations in the wines significantly depended on the musts, the inocula or both. Eleven products that depended significantly on the inocula were subjected to a discriminant analysis in which most of the pure cultures gathered in a discriminant space area different from that occupied by the indigenous yeasts. The centroids corresponding to most of the mixed cultures were shifted to the central area of the discriminant space, moved away from their corresponding pure cultures and approached the indigenous yeasts. The results show a high similarity between the fermentations carried out with mixed cultures with the addedS. cerevisiae races and those fermentations carried out with the indigenous yeasts, with regard to those compounds which were significantly dependent on the inocula.  相似文献   

Summary We describe here a new method for the introduction of non-selectable alleles into Saccharomyces cerevisiae, gene replacement by donation. This method only requires the availability of an autonomously replicating, selectable plasmid containing the allele to be introduced into yeast. The plasmid is digested at a restriction site (or sites) within this allele, and introduced into yeast by transformation. In the course of double-strand break repair, the entering plasmid donates genetic information to the chromosome, replacing the chromosomal allele in a gene conversion-like event. Gene replacement events are identified by a phenotypic screen of the transformants. When necessary, the transforming plasmid may be subsequently lost by segregation during permissive growth. We have studied several parameters affecting the utility of this protocol as a method of gene replacement. Together with our previous results, the results show gene replacement by donation to be a useful, facile method, yielding gene replacement in up to 1.5% of transformants.  相似文献   

Both insect and mammalian genes have previously been cloned by genetic complementation in yeast. In the present report, we show that the method can be applied also to plants. Thus, we have cloned a rape cDNA for 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IMDH) by complementation of a yeast leu2 mutation. The cDNA encodes a 52 kDA protein which has a putative chloroplast transit peptide. The in vitro made protein is imported into chloroplasts, concomitantly with a proteolytic cleavage. We conclude that the rape cDNA encodes a chloroplast IMDH. However, Southern analysis revealed that the corresponding gene is nuclear. In a comparison of IMDH sequences from various species, we found that the rape IMDH is more similar to bacterial than to eukaryotic proteins. This suggests that the rape gene could be of chloroplast origin, but has moved to the nucleus during evolution.  相似文献   

白逢彦 《微生物学报》2022,62(11):4188-4201
采用低温底层发酵的拉格(lager)啤酒15世纪开始在德国巴伐利亚地区出现,19世纪初流行至全世界,目前已成为全球产量最高的酒精饮料。目前已阐明,拉格啤酒发酵酵母为巴斯德酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces pastorianus),该种是一个杂交种,由艾尔(ale)啤酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)与野生真贝氏酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces eubayanus)杂交而成,后者赋予了拉格啤酒酵母的耐低温能力。近年的群体遗传学和群体基因组学研究表明,拉格啤酒酵母的野生亲本S.eubayanus起源于青藏高原,可能通过丝绸之路传播到了欧洲。比较基因组学研究表明,拉格啤酒酵母包含2个株系,即Ⅰ系/Saaz系和Ⅱ系/Frohberg系,早期分别流行于中欧和西欧地区。前者为近似异源3倍体,后者为近似异源4倍体。2个株系在耐低温、麦芽三糖利用和风味物质产生能力等方面具有明显差异。在中国普通微生物菌种保藏管理中心(China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center,CGMCC)保藏的S.pastorianus...  相似文献   

Summary The URA7 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes CTP synthetase (EC which catalyses the conversion of uridine 5-triphosphate to cytidine 5-triphosphate, the last step of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. We have cloned and sequenced the URA 7 gene. The coding region is 1710 by long and the deduced protein sequence shows a strong degree of homology with bacterial and human CTP synthetases. Gene disruption shows that URA7 is not an essential gene: the level of the intracellular CTP pool is roughly the same in the deleted and the wild-type strains, suggesting that an alternative pathway for CTP synthesis exists in yeast. This could involve either a divergent duplicated gene or a different route beginning with the amination of uridine mono- or diphosphate.  相似文献   

【背景】马克斯克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyces marxianus)具有完整的木糖代谢途径,可以高效利用木质纤维素中的木糖,因此对其糖转运蛋白基因的研究或可有效解决酵母木糖转运的相关问题。【目的】根据马克斯克鲁维酵母DMKU3-1042中KLMA_70145和KLMA_80101基因位点的功能预测,获得马克斯克鲁维酵母GX-UN120相应的糖转运蛋白基因序列并探究其功能。【方法】将转运蛋白基因分别克隆表达至酿酒酵母EBY.VW4000中考察重组菌株生长特性,以此间接评价对应转运蛋白的转运能力。【结果】Km_SUT2基因编码的糖转运蛋白可有效提高宿主细胞转运木糖、阿拉伯糖、山梨糖、核糖、乳糖和葡萄糖的能力,但却不能转运甘露糖、果糖、蔗糖和半乳糖。类似地,Km_SUT3基因编码的糖转运蛋白可提高细胞转运木糖、阿拉伯糖、山梨糖、半乳糖、核糖、乳糖和葡萄糖的能力,但却不能转运甘露糖和果糖。然而在葡萄糖存在的条件下,重组菌株对各种碳源的利用均受抑制,但Km_SUT3转运木糖和核糖过程中受葡萄糖的抑制作用较小。【结论】马克斯克鲁维酵母GX-UN120中转运蛋白Km_SUT2和Km_SUT3可...  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two HSP90-related genes per haploid genome, HSP82 and HSC82. Random mutations were induced in vitro in the HSP82 gene by treatment of the plasmid with hydroxylamine. Four temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants and one simultaneously is and cold-sensitivie (cs) mutant were then selected in a yeast strain in which HSC82 had previously been disrupted. The mutants were found to have single base changes in the coding region, which caused single amino acid substitutions in the HSP82 protein. All of these mutations occurred in amino acid residues that are well conserved among HSP90-related proteins of various species from Escherichia coli to human. Various properties including cell morphology, macromolecular syntheses and thermosensitivity were examined in each mutant at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. The mutations in HSP82 caused pleiotropic effects on these properties although the phenotypes exhibited at the nonpermissive temperature varied among the mutants.  相似文献   

Yeast cells can respond and adapt to osmotic stress. In our attempt to clarify the molecular mechanisms of cellular responses to osmotic stress, we cloned seven cDNAs for hyperosmolarity-responsive (HOR) genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a differential screening method. Structural analysis of the clones revealed that those designated HOR1, HORS, HOR4, HOR5 and HOR6 encoded glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpd1p), glucokinase (Glklp), hexose transporter (Hxtlp), heat-shock protein 12 (Hsp12p) and Na+, K+, Li+-ATPase (Enalp), respectively. HOR2 and HOR7 corresponded to novel genes. Gpdlp is a key enzyme in the synthesis of glycerol, which is a major osmoprotectant in S. cerevisiae. Cloning of HOR1/GPD1 as a HOR gene indicates that the accumulation of glycerol in yeast cells under hyperosmotic stress is, at least in part, caused by an increase in the level of GPDH protein. We performed a series of Northern blot analyses using HOR cDNAs as probes and RNAs prepared from cells grown under various conditions and from various mutant cells. The results suggested that all the HOR genes are regulated by common signal transduction pathways. However, the fact that they exhibited certain distinct responses indicated that they might also be regulated by specific pathways in addition to the common pathways. Ca2+ seemed to be involved in the signaling systems. In addition, Hog1p, one of the MAP kinases in yeast, appeared to be involved in the regulation of expression of HOR genes, although its function seemed to be insufficient for the overall regulation of expression of these genes.  相似文献   

Proline is an important amino acid in terms of its biological functions and biotechnological applications. In response to osmotic stress, proline is accumulated in many bacterial and plant cells as an osmoprotectant. However, it has been shown that proline levels are not increased under various stress conditions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Proline is believed to serve multiple functions in vitro such as protein and membrane stabilization, lowering the T m of DNA, and scavenging of reactive oxygen species, but the mechanisms of these functions in vivo are poorly understood. Yeast cells biosynthesize proline from glutamate in the cytoplasm via the same pathway found in bacteria and plants and also convert excess proline to glutamate in the mitochondria. Based on the fact that proline has stress-protective activity, S. cerevisiae cells that accumulate proline were constructed by disrupting the PUT1 gene involved in the degradation pathway and by expressing the mutant PRO1 gene encoding the feedback inhibition-less sensitive γ-glutamate kinase to enhance the biosynthetic activity. The engineered yeast strains successfully showed enhanced tolerance to many stresses, including freezing, desiccation, oxidation, and ethanol. However, the appropriate cellular level and localization of proline play pivotal roles in the stress-protective effect. These results indicate that the increased stress protection is observed in yeast cells under the artificial condition of proline accumulation. Proline is expected to contribute to yeast-based industries by improving the production of frozen dough and alcoholic beverages or breakthroughs in bioethanol production.  相似文献   

Predicted protein sequences of fungal chitin synthases can be divided into a non-homologous N-terminal region and a C-terminal region that shows significant homology among the various synthases. We have explored the function of these domains by constructing a series of nested deletions, extending from either end, in theCHS1 andCHS2 genes ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. In both cases, most or all of the sequences encoding the non-homologous N-terminal region (one-third of the protein for Chs1p and about one-fourth for Chs2p) could be excised, with little effect on the enzymatic activity in vitro of the corresponding synthase or on its function in vivo. However, further small deletions (20–25 amino acids) into the homologous region were deleterious to enzymatic activity and function, and often led to changes in the zymogenic character of the enzymes. Similarly, relatively small (about 75 amino acids) deletions from the C-terminus resulted in loss of enzymatic activity and function of both synthases. Thus, it appears that all the information necessary for membrane localization, enzymatic activity and function resides in the homologous regions of Chs1p and Chs2p, a situation that may also apply to other chitin synthases.These authors contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

An antibiotic-resistant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from shochu yeast. Three mutants were used for shochu brewing and gave higher ethanol productivities than the parent. The mutants were resistant to cycloheximide, cerulenin, trichothecin and other organic compounds such as lauric acid. In the presence of 20% (v/v) ethanol, the viability of the mutants was 87–96%, but that of the parent was 77%. Zymolyase treatment for 3 h, decreased the viability of the parent by 44% but that of the mutants only by 11–32%. Thus the higher ethanol productivity of these mutants is related to their high ethanol tolerance and resistance to various organic compounds.  相似文献   

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