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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A key target set at the second Plant Genome Size Workshop, held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in 2003, was to produce first DNA C-value data for an additional 1 % of angiosperm species, and, within this, to achieve 75 % familial coverage overall (up from approx. 50 %) by 2009. The present study targeted eudicot families for which representation in 2003 (42.5 %) was much lower than monocot (72.8 %) and basal angiosperm (69.0 %) families. METHODS: Flow cytometry or Feulgen microdensitometry were used to estimate nuclear DNA C-values, and chromosome counts were obtained where possible. KEY RESULTS: First nuclear DNA C-values are reported for 20 angiosperm families, including 18 eudicots. This substantially increases familial representation to 55.2 % for angiosperms and 48.5 % for eudicots. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of targeting specific plant families to improve familial nuclear DNA C-value representation is reconfirmed. International collaboration will be increasingly essential to locate and obtain material of unsampled plant families, if the target set by the second Plant Genome Size Workshop is to be met.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA C-values and genome size are important biodiversity characters with fundamental biological significance. Yet C-value data for pteridophytes, a diverse group of vascular plants with approx. 9000 extant species, remain scarce. A recent survey by Bennett and Leitch (2001, Annals of Botany 87: 335-345) found that C-values were reported for only 48 pteridophyte species. To improve phylogenetic representation in this group and to check previously reported estimates, C-values for 30 taxa in 17 families were measured using flow cytometry for all but one species. This technique proved generally applicable, but the ease with which C-value data were generated varied greatly between materials. Comparing the new data with those previously published revealed several large discrepancies. After discounting doubtful data, C-values for 62 pteridophyte species remained acceptable for analysis. The present work has increased the number of such species' C-values by 93 %, and more than doubled the number of families represented (from 10 to 21). Analysis shows that pteridophyte C-values vary approx. 450-fold, from 0-16 pg in Selaginella kraussiana to 72.7 pg in Psilotum nudum var. gasa. Superimposing C-value data onto a robust phylogeny of pteridophytes suggests some possible trends in C-value evolution and highlights areas for future work.  相似文献   

First nuclear DNA amounts in more than 300 angiosperms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Genome size (DNA C-value) data are key biodiversity characters of fundamental significance used in a wide variety of biological fields. Since 1976, Bennett and colleagues have made scattered published and unpublished genome size data more widely accessible by assembling them into user-friendly compilations. Initially these were published as hard copy lists, but since 1997 they have also been made available electronically (see the Plant DNA C-values database http://www.kew.org/cval/homepage.html). Nevertheless, at the Second Plant Genome Size Meeting in 2003, Bennett noted that as many as 1000 DNA C-value estimates were still unpublished and hence unavailable. Scientists were strongly encouraged to communicate such unpublished data. The present work combines the databasing experience of the Kew-based authors with the unpublished C-values produced by Zonneveld to make a large body of valuable genome size data available to the scientific community. METHODS: C-values for angiosperm species, selected primarily for their horticultural interest, were estimated by flow cytometry using the fluorochrome propidium iodide. The data were compiled into a table whose form is similar to previously published lists of DNA amounts by Bennett and colleagues. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The present work contains C-values for 411 taxa including first values for 308 species not listed previously by Bennett and colleagues. Based on a recent estimate of the global published output of angiosperm DNA C-value data (i.e. 200 first C-value estimates per annum) the present work equals 1.5 years of average global published output; and constitutes over 12 % of the latest 5-year global target set by the Second Plant Genome Size Workshop (see http://www.kew.org/cval/workshopreport.html). Hopefully, the present example will encourage others to unveil further valuable data which otherwise may lie forever unpublished and unavailable for comparative analyses.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperms: progress, problems and prospects   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BACKGROUND: The nuclear DNA amount in an unreplicated haploid chromosome complement (1C-value) is a key diversity character with many uses. Angiosperm C-values have been listed for reference purposes since 1976, and pooled in an electronic database since 1997 (http://www.kew.org/cval/homepage). Such lists are cited frequently and provide data for many comparative studies. The last compilation was published in 2000, so a further supplementary list is timely to monitor progress against targets set at the first plant genome size workshop in 1997 and to facilitate new goal setting. SCOPE: The present work lists DNA C-values for 804 species including first values for 628 species from 88 original sources, not included in any previous compilation, plus additional values for 176 species included in a previous compilation. CONCLUSIONS: 1998-2002 saw striking progress in our knowledge of angiosperm C-values. At least 1700 first values for species were measured (the most in any five-year period) and familial representation rose from 30 % to 50 %. The loss of many densitometers used to measure DNA C-values proved less serious than feared, owing to the development of relatively inexpensive flow cytometers and computer-based image analysis systems. New uses of the term genome (e.g. in 'complete' genome sequencing) can cause confusion. The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative C-value for Arabidopsis thaliana (125 Mb) was a gross underestimate, and an exact C-value based on genome sequencing alone is unlikely to be obtained soon for any angiosperm. Lack of this expected benchmark poses a quandary as to what to use as the basal calibration standard for angiosperms. The next decade offers exciting prospects for angiosperm genome size research. The database (http://www.kew.org/cval/homepage) should become sufficiently representative of the global flora to answer most questions without needing new estimations. DNA amount variation will remain a key interest as an integrated strand of holistic genomics.  相似文献   

郭水良  于晶  李丹丹  周平  方其  印丽萍 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6516-6529
为了评估DNA C-值和基因组大小(genome size)在植物入侵性评估中的价值,应用流式细胞仪测定了长三角及邻近地区138种草本植物的核DNA含量,其中111种为首次报道。在此基础上比较了不同植物类群这两个值的差异,特别是入侵性与非入侵性植物这两个值的差异。结果表明:(1)138种草本植物平均DNA C-值为1.55 pg,最大者是最小者的37.17倍。127个类群平均基因组大小为1.08 pg,最大者是最小者的34.11倍;(2)统计了菊科(Asteraceae)、禾本科(Poaceae)、石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)、十字花科(Brassicaceae)、玄参科(Scrophulariaceae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)、唇形科(Labiatae)和伞形科(Umbelliferae)的DNA C-值和基因组大小,发现禾本科植物的这两个值显著地大于其他7个科(P0.01)。单子叶的DNA C-值和基因组极显著地大于双子叶植物(P0.01);(3)杂草比非杂草具有更低的DNA C-值(P0.01)和基因组大小(P0.001);与DNA C-值相比,基因组大小在这两个类群之间的差异更为明显(P0.001),这种现象也体现在菊科植物中。随着基因组(X1)和DNA C-值(X2)由大变小,植物的杂草性(入侵性,Y)由弱变强,两者关系分别符合:Y=2.2334-1.2847 ln(X1)(r=0.4612,P0.01)和Y=2.4421-0.7234 ln(X2)(r=0.2522,P0.01),DNA C-值和基因组大小可以作为植物入侵性评估的一个指标;(4)多倍体杂草的基因组极明显地小于二倍体杂草(P0.01),前者为后者的0.63倍。在非杂草中,多倍体基因组比二倍体的略小,前者仅为后者的0.84倍,差异不显著(P0.5)。菊科植物中多倍体杂草的基因组也显著地小于二倍体杂草(P0.1)。基因组变小和多倍体化相结合,进一步增强了植物的入侵性。在多倍体植物入侵性评估中,基因组大小比DNA C-值更有价值。  相似文献   

The geographic position of Lebanon in the Mediterranean basin at the transition of two major landmasses, Eurasia and Africa, has contributed to its high plant diversity and makes its flora particularly interesting to study. This paper contributes to the plant DNA C-value database of native Lebanese taxa. These data should reinforce biodiversity evaluation, systematic and evolution studies involving processes of speciation such as polyploidisation. C-values have been estimated by flow cytometry using propidium iodide as intercalary fluorochrome stain. Each sample comprised at least five individuals. Where possible, several populations were measured for each species. This study presents C-values for 225 taxa belonging to 55 families and 141 genera. C-values are novel for 193 taxa including 126 plants endemic to the Eastern Mediterranean region. These are the first values for 50 genera. In this panel, genome size ranged from 1C = 0.28 pg in Hypericum thymifolium to 54.69 pg in Fritillaria alfredae. The life growth form and life cycle type are analysed according to the genome size class. Cases of polyploidy are reported for some species usually considered as only diploid. Examination of C-value variation through flow cytometry constitutes a powerful tool to screen taxonomic heterogeneity, opening further investigations.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts are reported for 83 species and 53 genera of palms, covering all of the six subfamilies. 4C DNA contents range between 3.89 and 55.62 pg in diploids, showing an approximate 14.3-fold variation in genome size. Polyploids have DNA contents of up to 156.40 pg/4c which demonstrates a 40.2-fold variation. Diploids with high DNA contents occur in three subfamilies of palms (Coryphoideae, Calamoideae, Arecoideae), and seem to be further restricted to particular tribes or subtribes (Thrinacinae, Borasseae, Lepidocaryeae, Caryoteae, some subtribes of Areceae). Palms from the subfamilies Nypoideae and Phytelephantoideae have the lowest DNA amounts, followed by the Phoeniceae and the Corypheae: Livistoninae from the subfamily Coryphoideae. Although DNA amounts in some genera and subtribes are usually constant, e.g., in Phoenix, Phytelephas, the Livistoninae, Dypsidinae, diploid Butiinae), considerable variation occurs at the diploid level in some large and apparently actively evolving genera such as Chamaedorea, Pinanga, Cenoma and possibly Bactris. Formaldehyde fixation is recommended for palms, as conventional ethanol-acetic acid fixation has proved to be unsuitable for DNA estimation of Feulgen-stained nuclei by microdensitometry, since it can lead to errors up to 2.5-fold in extent. Chromosome counts are reported for 72 of the species studied, of which 42 are new.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of nuclear DNA variation in angiosperms is still widely debated. The discussion mainly revolves round the causative factors influencing genome size and the adaptive consequences to an organism according to its growth form and environmental conditions. Nuclear DNA values are now known for 3874 angiosperm species (including 773 woody species) from over 219 families (out of a total of 500) and 181 species of woody gymnosperms, representing all the families. Therefore, comparisons have been made on not only angiosperms, taken as a whole, but also on the subsets of data based on taxonomic groups, growth forms, and environment. Nuclear DNA amounts in woody angiosperms are restricted to less than 23.54 % of the total range of herbaceous angiosperms; this range is further reduced to 6.8 % when woody and herbaceous species of temperate angiosperms are compared. Similarly, the tropical woody dicots are restricted to less than 50.5 % of the total range of tropical herbaceous dicots, while temperate woody dicots are restricted to less than 10.96 % of the total range of temperate herbaceous dicots. In the family Fabaceae woody species account for less than 14.1 % of herbaceous species. Therefore, in the total angiosperm sample and in subsets of data, woody growth form is characterized by a smaller genome size compared with the herbaceous growth form. Comparisons between angiosperm species growing in tropical and temperate regions show highly significant differences in DNA amount and genome size in the total angiosperm sample. However, when only herbaceous angiosperms were considered, significant differences were obtained in DNA amount, while genome size showed a non-significant difference. An atypical result was obtained in the case of woody angiosperms where mean DNA amount of tropical species was almost 25.04 % higher than that of temperate species, which is because of the inclusion of 85 species of woody monocots in the tropical sample. The difference becomes insignificant when genome size is compared. Comparison of tropical and temperate species among dicots and monocots and herbaceous monocots taken separately showed significant differences both in DNA amount and genome size. In herbaceous dicots, while DNA amount showed significant differences the genome size varies insignificantly. There was a non-significant difference among tropical and temperate woody dicots. In three families, i.e., Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae the temperate species have significantly higher DNA amount and genome size than the tropical ones. Woody gymnosperms had significantly more DNA amount and genome size than woody angiosperms, woody eudicots, and woody monocots. Woody monocots also had significantly more DNA amount and genome size than woody eudicots. Lastly, there was no significant difference between deciduous and evergreen hardwoods. The significance of these results in relation to present knowledge on the evolution of genome size is discussed.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts of 118 cultivated fonio accessions representing 94 landraces collected from the major growing areas of West-Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Togo) and eight accessions of four wild relatives were investigated by Laser flow cytometry. In cultivated species, average 2C-values ranged from 1.848 ± 0.031 pg for Digitaria iburua to 1.956 ± 0.004 pg for D. exilis. In D. exilis landraces the chromosome number was determined at 2n = 36. The closely related wild species D. longiflora and D. ternata showed similar 2C DNA contents of 1.869 ± 0.035 pg and 1.775 ± 0.070 pg, respectively. Distinctly larger genomes were identified for more distant species D. lecardii and D. ciliaris with 2.660 ± 0.070 pg and 2.576 ± 0.030 pg per 2C nucleus, respectively. Intra-specific variations were found to be slight and insignificant, suggesting genome size stability mainly within the cultivated gene pool. These results support the distance of cultivated fonio species D. exilis and D. iburua from D. lecardii and D. ciliaris as well as their close relationships with D. longiflora and D. ternata. Relevance of the results for ploidy level considerations in fonio millets is discussed.  相似文献   

Genome downsizing in polyploid plants   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
All else being equal, polyploids are expected to have larger C-values (amount of DNA in the unreplicated gametic nucleus) than their diploid progenitors, increasing in direct proportion with ploidy. This expectation is observed in some polyploid series, especially those newly formed, but there are examples suggesting that C-values in particular polyploids are less than expected. The availability of the Angiosperm DNA C-values database ( http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/cval/homepage.html ) has allowed this question to be addressed across a broad range of angiosperms and has revealed striking results deviating from expectation: (i) mean 1C DNA amount did not increase in direct proportion with ploidy, and (ii) mean DNA amount per basic genome (calculated by dividing the 2C value by ploidy) tended to decrease with increasing ploidy. These results suggest that loss of DNA following polyploid formation, or genome downsizing, may be a widespread phenomenon of considerable biological significance. Recent advances in our understanding of the molecular events that take place following polyploid formation together with new data on how DNA amounts can both increase and decrease provide some insights into how genome downsizing may take place. The nature of the evolutionary forces that may be driving DNA loss are also discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 651–663.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Multicellular eukaryotic algae are phylogenetically disparate. Nuclear DNA content estimates have been published for fewer than 1 % of the described species of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta. The present investigation aims to summarize the state of our knowledge and to add substantially to our database of C-values for theses algae. METHODS: The DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI (4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and RBC (chicken erythrocyte) standard were used to estimate 2C values with static microspectrophotometry. KEY RESULTS: 2C DNA contents for 85 species of Chlorophyta range from 0.2-6.1 pg, excluding the highly polyploidy Charales and Desmidiales with DNA contents of up to 39.2 and 20.7 pg, respectively. 2C DNA contents for 111 species of Rhodophyta range from 0.1-2.8 pg, and for 44 species of Phaeophyta range from 0.2-1.8 pg. CONCLUSIONS: New availability of consensus higher-level molecular phylogenies provides a framework for viewing C-value data in a phylogenetic context. Both DNA content ranges and mean values are greater in taxa considered to be basal. It is proposed that the basal, ancestral genome in each algal group was quite small. Both mechanistic and ecological processes are discussed that could have produced the observed C-value ranges.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA content (2C) is reported for all genera of the Cycadales, using flow cytometry with propidium iodide. Nuclear DNA content ranges from 24 to 64 pg in cycads. This implies that the largest genome contains roughly 40 × 10(9) more base pairs than the smallest genome. The narrow range in nuclear DNA content within a genus is remarkable for such an old group. Furthermore, 42 of the 58 plants measured, covering five genera, have 18 chromosomes. They vary from 36.1 to 64.7 pg, covering the whole range of genome sizes (excluding the genome of Cycas). Hence, their does not seem to be a correlation between genome size and the number of chromosomes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary significance of the c . 1000-fold range of DNA C-values in angiosperms (1C =  c . 0.1–127.4 pg) has often attracted interest. A recent analysis, which superimposed available C-value data onto the angiosperm phylogeny, that placed Ceratophyllaceae as the most basal angiosperm family led to the conclusion that ancestral angiosperms were characterized by small genomes (defined as 1C £ 3.5 pg). However, with the recent increase in DNA sequence data and large-scale phylogenetic analyses, strong support is now provided for Amborellaceae and/or Nymphaeaceae as the most basal angiosperm families, followed by Austrobaileyales (comprising Schisandraceae, Trimeniaceae and Austrobaileyaceae). Together these five families comprise the ANITA grade. The remaining basal angiosperm families (Ceratophyllaceae, Chloranthaceae and magnoliids), together with monocotyledons and eudicotyledons, form a strongly supported clade. A survey showed that C-value data were scarce in the basal angiosperm families, especially the ANITA grade. The present paper addresses these phylogenetic gaps by providing C-value estimates for each family in ANITA, together with C-values for species in Chloranthaceae, Ceratophyllaceae and a previously unrepresented family in the magnoliids, the Winteraceae.  © The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 175–179.  相似文献   

Plant DNA flow cytometry and estimation of nuclear genome size   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
BACKGROUND: DNA flow cytometry describes the use of flow cytometry for estimation of DNA quantity in cell nuclei. The method involves preparation of aqueous suspensions of intact nuclei whose DNA is stained using a DNA fluorochrome. The nuclei are classified according to their relative fluorescence intensity or DNA content. Because the sample preparation and analysis is convenient and rapid, DNA flow cytometry has become a popular method for ploidy screening, detection of mixoploidy and aneuploidy, cell cycle analysis, assessment of the degree of polysomaty, determination of reproductive pathway, and estimation of absolute DNA amount or genome size. While the former applications are relatively straightforward, estimation of absolute DNA amount requires special attention to possible errors in sample preparation and analysis. SCOPE: The article reviews current procedures for estimation of absolute DNA amounts in plants using flow cytometry, with special emphasis on preparation of nuclei suspensions, stoichiometric DNA staining and the use of DNA reference standards. In addition, methodological pitfalls encountered in estimation of intraspecific variation in genome size are discussed as well as problems linked to the use of DNA flow cytometry for fieldwork. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable estimation of absolute DNA amounts in plants using flow cytometry is not a trivial task. Although several well-proven protocols are available and some factors controlling the precision and reproducibility have been identified, several problems persist: (1) the need for fresh tissues complicates the transfer of samples from field to the laboratory and/or their storage; (2) the role of cytosolic compounds interfering with quantitative DNA staining is not well understood; and (3) the use of a set of internationally agreed DNA reference standards still remains an unrealized goal.  相似文献   

Genome evolution in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The roles of variation in DNA content in plant evolution and adaptation remain a major biological enigma. Chromosome number and 2C DNA content were determined for 21 of the 25 species of the genus Sorghum and analysed from a phylogenetic perspective. METHODS: DNA content was determined by flow cytometry. A Sorghum phylogeny was constructed based on combined nuclear ITS and chloroplast ndhF DNA sequences. KEY RESULTS: Chromosome counts (2n = 10, 20, 30, 40) were, with few exceptions, concordant with published numbers. New chromosome numbers were obtained for S. amplum (2n = 30) and S. leiocladum (2n = 10). 2C DNA content varies 8.1-fold (1.27-10.30 pg) among the 21 Sorghum species. 2C DNA content varies 3.6-fold from 1.27 pg to 4.60 pg among the 2n = 10 species and 5.8-fold (1.52-8.79 pg) among the 2n = 20 species. The x = 5 genome size varies over an 8.8-fold range from 0.26 pg to 2.30 pg. The mean 2C DNA content of perennial species (6.20 pg) is significantly greater than the mean (2.92 pg) of the annuals. Among the 21 species studied, the mean x = 5 genome size of annuals (1.15 pg) and of perennials (1.29 pg) is not significantly different. Statistical analysis of Australian species showed: (a) mean 2C DNA content of annual (2.89 pg) and perennial (7.73 pg) species is significantly different; (b) mean x = 5 genome size of perennials (1.66 pg) is significantly greater than that of the annuals (1.09 pg); (c) the mean maximum latitude at which perennial species grow (-25.4 degrees) is significantly greater than the mean maximum latitude (-17.6) at which annual species grow. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA sequence phylogeny splits Sorghum into two lineages, one comprising the 2n = 10 species with large genomes and their polyploid relatives, and the other with the 2n = 20, 40 species with relatively small genomes. An apparent phylogenetic reduction in genome size has occurred in the 2n = 10 lineage. Genome size evolution in the genus Sorghum apparently did not involve a 'one way ticket to genomic obesity' as has been proposed for the grasses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nuclear DNA content (C-value) varies approximately 1000-fold across the angiosperms, and this variation has been reported to have an effect on the quality of AFLP fingerprints. Various methods have been proposed for circumventing the problems associated with small and large genomes. Here we investigate the range of nuclear DNA contents across which the standard AFLP protocol can be used. METHODS: AFLP fingerprinting was conducted on an automated platform using the standard protocol (with 3 + 3 selective bases) in which DNA fragments are visualized as bands. Species with nuclear DNA contents ranging from 1C = 0.2 to 32.35 pg were included, and the total number of bands and the number of polymorphic bands were counted. For the species with the smallest C-value (Bixa orellana) and for one of the species with a large C-value (Damasonium alisma), alternative protocols using 2 + 3 and 3 + 4 selective bases, respectively, were also used. KEY RESULTS: Acceptable AFLP traces were obtained using the standard protocol with 1C-values of 0.30-8.43 pg. Below this range, the quality was improved by using 2 + 3 selective bases. Above this range, the traces were generally characterized by a few strongly amplifying bands and noisy baselines. Damasonium alisma, however, gave more even traces, probably due to it being a tetraploid. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that for known polyploids, genome size is a more useful indicator than the 1C-value in deciding which AFLP protocol to use. Thus, knowledge of ploidy (allowing estimation of genome size) and C-value are both important. For small genomes, the number of interpretable bands can be increased by decreasing the number of selective bases. For larger genomes, increasing the number of bases does not necessarily decrease the number of bands as predicted. The presence of a small number of strongly amplifying bands is likely to be linked to the presence of repetitive DNA sequences in high copy number in taxa with large genomes.  相似文献   

The 4C DNA values of 112 species, belonging to 37 families have a range from 0.83 pg (Bixa orellana) to 15.54 pg (Thryallis angustifolia), showing a 18.72-fold variation. The genome size varies from 0.21 pg (Bixa orellana) to 3.32 (Thespesia populnea), with a 15.8-fold difference. The Bombacaceae has the minimum range (1.08-fold) of variation, while the maximum (5.0-fold) is shown by the Fabaceae. The Boraginaceae, Lauraceae, Malpighiaceae, and Malvaceae generally have higher 4C DNA values of > 10 pg, while the Bixaceae, Caricaceae, Oxalidaceae, and Santalaceae have lower values of < 2.0 pg. These data add further to our knowledge on variation in DNA amount in tropical hardwoods.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are used to estimate interspecific variation among mangrove and non-mangrove Heritiera fomes, H. littoralis and H. macrophylla. All the species have 2n = 38 chromosomes, with minute structural changes distinguishing the karyotype of each species. Significant variation of 4C DNA content occurs at the interspecific level. Interspecific polymorphism ranged from 14.09% between H. fomes and H. littoralis to 52.73% between H. fomes and H. macrophylla. H. macrophylla showed wide polymorphism in the RAPD marker with H. littoralis (51.23%) and H. fomes (52.73%). Two distinct RAPD products obtained from OPA-10 (1000 bp) and OPD-15 (900 bp) found characteristic molecular markers in H. macrophylla , a species from a non-mangrove habitat. H. macrophylla was more distantly related to H. fomes [genetic distance (1-F) = 0.305] than to H. littoralis [genetic distance (1-F) = 0.273]. H. littoralis was of a closer affinity to H. fomes [genetic distance (1-F) = 0.218] than to H. macrophylla.  相似文献   

Chicken red blood cells (CRBCs) are widely used as standards for DNA content determination. Cytogenetic data have shown that the Z sex chromosome is approximately twice as large as the W, so that the DNA content differs to some extent between male (ZZ) and female (ZW) chickens. Despite this fact, male and female CRBCs have been indiscriminately used in absolute genome size determination. Our work was conducted to verify whether the DNA content differences between male and female Gallus gallus domesticus “Leghorn” nuclei and ZZ/ZW chromosomes can be resolved by image cytometry (ICM). Air-dried smears stained by Feulgen reaction were used for nuclei analysis. Chicken metaphase spreads upon Feulgen staining were analyzed for obtaining quantitative information on the Z and W chromosomes. Before each capture session, we conducted quality control of the ICM instrumentation. Our results from nuclear measurements showed that the 2C value is 0.09 pg higher in males than in females. In chromosomes, we found that the Z chromosome shows 200% more DNA content than does the W chromosome. ICM demonstrated resolution power to discriminate low DNA content differences in genomes. We suggest prudence in the general use of CRBC 2C values as standards in comparative cytometric analysis. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:229–235, 2010)  相似文献   

Comparison of four nuclear isolation buffers for plant DNA flow cytometry   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Background and Aims DNA flow cytometry requires preparationof suspensions of intact nuclei, which are stained using a DNA-specificfluorochrome prior to analysis. Various buffer formulas weredeveloped to preserve nuclear integrity, protect DNA from degradationand facilitate its stoichiometric staining. Although nuclearisolation buffers differ considerably in chemical composition,no systematic comparison of their performance has been madeuntil now. This knowledge is required to select the appropriatebuffer for a given species and tissue. • Methods Four common lysis buffers (Galbraith's, LB01,Otto's and Tris.MgCl2) were used to prepare samples from leaftissues of seven plant species (Sedum burrito, Oxalis pes-caprae,Lycopersicon esculentum, Celtis australis, Pisum sativum, Festucarothmaleri and Vicia faba). The species were selected to covera wide range of genome sizes (1·30–26·90pg per 2C DNA) and a variety of leaf tissue types. The followingparameters were assessed: forward (FS) and side (SS) light scatters,fluorescence of propidium iodide-stained nuclei, coefficientof variation of DNA peaks, presence of debris background andthe number of nuclei released from sample tissue. The experimentswere performed independently by two operators and repeated onthree different days. • Key Results Clear differences among buffers were observed.With the exception of O. pes-caprae, any buffer provided acceptableresults for all species. LB01 and Otto's were generally thebest buffers, with Otto's buffer providing better results inspecies with low DNA content. Galbraith's buffer led to satisfactoryresults and Tris.MgCl2 was generally the worst, although ityielded the best histograms in C. australis. A combined analysisof FS and SS provided a ‘fingerprint’ for each buffer.The variation between days was more significant than the variationbetween operators. • Conclusions Each lysis buffer tested responded to a specificproblem differently and none of the buffers worked best withall species. These results expand our knowledge on nuclear isolationbuffers and will facilitate selection of the most appropriatebuffer depending on species, tissue type and the presence ofcytosolic compounds interfering with DNA staining.  相似文献   

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