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Analyses of new cercopithecid fossil specimens from the South African site of Haasgat point to craniofacial affinities with the genus Cercopithecoides. Detailed metric and non-metric comparisons with South African Cercopithecoides williamsi, and other East African Cercopithecoides species, Cercopithecoides kimeui, Cercopithecoides meaveae, Cercopithecoides kerioensis, and Cercopithecoides alemyehui demonstrate that the Haasgat fossils have distinct craniofacial morphology and dental metrics. Specifically, material from Haasgat probably represents one of the smaller Cercopithecoides, differing from the others in its particular suite of features that vary within the genus. It is unique in its more vertical ramus, associated with a relatively lengthened mandibular body. Haasgat Cercopithecoides has a particularly narrow interorbital region between relatively larger ovoid orbits, with articulation of the maxillary bones at a suture above the triangular nasal bones. Furthermore, the maxillary arcade is more rounded than other Cercopithecoides, converging at the M2 and M3. The conclusion drawn from this analysis is that the Pleistocene Haasgat fossils are colobines representing a distinct taxon of Cercopithecoides, Cercopithecoides haasgati, thus adding a second species of the genus to southern Africa.  相似文献   

Three fossils, a cranium of Papio, a cercopithecid frontal bone, and a mandible of juvenile Papio, have been recovered from cave deposits in the !Ncumtsa (Koanaka) Hills of western Ngamiland, Botswana. These specimens are significant because well‐preserved crania of Papio are extremely rare in the fossil record outside of South Africa and because this is the first report of fossil primate cranial remains from Botswana. Thermoluminescence dating of surrounding cave matrix indicates an age of ≥317 ± 114 ka, within the Middle Pleistocene, although it may be older. Based on univariate and multivariate analyses, the adult !Ncumtsa specimen falls within the range of variation seen in extant forms of Papio, yet is distinct from any living species/subspecies and represents a new taxon, named here as a new subspecies of Papio hamadryas—Papio hamadryas botswanae. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

华龙洞遗址发现于2004年,先后于2006和2014~2017年进行了5次发掘,期间发现了若干古人类化石和大量哺乳动物化石;本文是对2014~2016年出土哺乳动物化石的初步研究成果。目前已鉴定出8目24科43种(含未定种)哺乳动物,其中以偶蹄类化石最丰富。化石保存状况较差,以碎骨为主,牙齿较少,完整骨骼更少;但骨骼上鲜见啮齿类啮咬痕迹。华龙洞动物群与南京汤山猿人遗址、和县猿人遗址及重庆盐井沟等动物群较为相似,尤其是与和县猿人遗址及南京猿人遗址动物群最为接近,主要表现在如下方面:1)都含古人类化石;2)都不含第三纪动物群的孑遗分子;3)都含有大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的主要成员(大熊猫、剑齿象、巨貘及猪獾等),同时也都含一定量的北方属种,但华龙洞含北方成分相对较少,只发现翁氏麝鼩、麝鼹、变异仓鼠、布氏毛足田鼠、棕熊、李氏野猪、葛氏斑鹿及大角鹿等,华龙洞的大角鹿是该属分布最靠南的地点;4)都含有剑齿象而不含晚更新世常见的亚洲象;5)都含有大量头后骨骼,与以含单个牙齿为主的其它南方洞穴迥然有别。从化石保存状况及属种组成判断,华龙洞堆积时代与和县猿人遗址最为接近,也是中更新世。由于遗址尚未完全暴露,其堆积性质尚不清楚;但从蝙蝠类化石判断,很可能与洞穴堆积有关。  相似文献   

Papionin monkey fossils are common in the Plio‐Pleistocene aged karst cave deposits northwest of Johannesburg in South Africa. These deposits have yielded important primate and other vertebrate fauna since their discovery in the early part of the 20th century. In this article, we describe new primate cranial and dental specimens from excavations at the site of Cooper's D in the Sterkfontein Valley that date to around 1.5 million years ago. Unlike other localities in southern Africa, most of the new fossils are referred to Theropithecus oswaldi oswaldi, an extinct gramnivorous monkey related to the living gelada. Diagnostic features of T. o. oswaldi crania and teeth include large, thickly enameled molars with tall, columnar cusps, and high molar relief, an upright mandibular ramus, postorbital constriction, and anterior fusion of temporal lines. Also present in the new sample are teeth referred to Papio sp., which show low crowned bunodont molars, and a number of indeterminate papionin teeth and skull fragments. The presence of T. o. oswaldi at Cooper's D extends the list of known localities where the taxon is found, and may indicate the presence of an open, grassland environment in the area during the early Pleistocene. The abundance of theropith fossils at Cooper's suggests that Papio was not consistently the most common papionin in southern Africa over the past three million years. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:613–629, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Knowledge about dietary niche is key to understanding hominin evolution, since diet influences body proportions, brain size, cognition, and habitat preference. In this study we provide ecological context for the current debate on modernity (or not) of aquatic resource exploitation by hominins. We use the Homo erectus site of Trinil as a case study to investigate how research questions on possible dietary relevance of aquatic environments can be addressed. Faunal and geochemical analysis of aquatic fossils from Trinil Hauptknochenschicht (HK) fauna demonstrate that Trinil at ∼1.5 Ma contained near-coastal rivers, lakes, swamp forests, lagoons, and marshes with minor marine influence, laterally grading into grasslands. Trinil HK environments yielded at least eleven edible mollusc species and four edible fish species that could be procured with no or minimal technology. We demonstrate that, from an ecological point of view, the default assumption should be that omnivorous hominins in coastal habitats with catchable aquatic fauna could have consumed aquatic resources. The hypothesis of aquatic exploitation can be tested with taphonomic analysis of aquatic fossils associated with hominin fossils. We show that midden-like characteristics of large bivalve shell assemblages containing Pseudodon and Elongaria from Trinil HK indicate deliberate collection by a selective agent, possibly hominin.  相似文献   

Summary The Cabo Cope Unit, which outcrops east of Aguilas (Murcia), belongs to the Maláguide tectonic Complex (Betic Internal Zone) and displays stratigraphic characteristics of particular interest, including Triassic bioclastic carbonate beds which are not common in the Maláguide units. Biostratigrafic fossils have been found in these beds and may correlate with Triassic alpine biofacies. Alpine fauna fossils only appeared in those palaeogeographic units of the Internal Zone of the Cordillera referred to as Alpujárride units, while the influence of the Sephardic faunal province is evident in almost all the cordillera. For these reasons it is noteworthy that new alpine fauna fossils have been found in an Internal Zone unit in which relevant fossils rarely appear. The Triassic succession of the unit studied in this paper can be subdivided into two members: a lower one, which is clastic and contains thick gypsum beds, and an upper one, consisting of carbonate rocks. The lower member has been interpreted as a fluvial-coastal deposit. The upper member is interpreted as a sequence of carbonate ramp deposits. This ramp evolved into a shallow platform with tidal flats typical of a coastal zone. The bivalve fossilsDaonella cf.lommeli (Wissmann) and “Posidonia” sp. have been found in the carbonate member, along with the conodontSephardiella mungoensis (Diebel). These fossils are of the Late Ladinian age and have been found only in this outcroup of the Betic Cordillera. The presence of this fossil assemblage, which belongs to the alpine faunal province, indicates a connection during the Late Ladinian between the Tethys sea and this area of the Maláguide palaeogeographic domain. The palaeogeographic location of the Cabo Cope Unit during the Middle Triassic was at the south-easternmost part of the Betic Basin, implying that the connection between the Tethys and the Betic Basin was established in the easternmost domains of the basin.  相似文献   

  • 1 This review covers the Pleistocene history of British non-marine Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia and especially Mammalia, which alone have a good fossil record. Aves are also briefly discussed.
  • 2 The fossil material available is often inadequate for purposes of taxonomy and identification. Further problems arise because many groups of Mammalia have undergone rapid evolution during the Pleistocene.
  • 3 In this paper the fossil record is related to the currently accepted stratigraphic table of the British Pleistocene (Shotton & West, 1969). Wherever possible, fossil records have been assigned to pollen assemblage zones. Throughout, emphasis is placed on the relationship between faunal history and vegetational history, as determined from fossil pollen and macroscopic plant remains.
  • 4 Although fossils are relatively scarce in the fluviatile and lacustrine deposits of open sites, compared with the often rich cave assemblages, the stratigraphy of the former is usually much clearer and the sediments commonly contain pollen. It is difficult to correlate cave sequences with those of open sites.
  • 5 It is important to take into account possible bias in a fossil assemblage according to its mode of accumulation, e.g. assemblages from occupation sites may represent only those animals which were hunted by man.
  • 6 Lower Pleistocene vertebrates are rather poorly-known. The majority of fossils are from the marine Crags of East Anglia (Pre-Ludhamian to Pastonian) and a single cave assemblage of this age is known (Dove Holes). Few records can be related to particular stages, but a few finds from Easton Bavents are assigned to Antian and Baventian stages.
  • 7 Early Middle Pleistocene vertebrates are represented mainly by the rich assemblages from the marine and fresh-water Weybourne Crag and Cromer Forest Bed Series (Baventian to Early Anglian) of Norfolk and Suffolk. The East Runton fauna appears to be of pre-Cromerian (?Pastonian) age. A good fauna is known from the type Cromerian deposits at West Runton (zone Cr 11). A few records are available for zone ?Cr III and one for the Early Anglian. The assemblages from other localities appear to represent more than one stage at each site, e.g. the so-called ‘Bacton Forest Bed’ fauna is composite, including both Cromerian and ?Pastonian taxa. Outside East Anglia one open site (Sugworth) and one cave fauna (Westbury) of probable Cromerian age are known.
  • 8 Many of the fossils found in lacustrine and river-terrace deposits of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene glacial-interglacial succession (Anglian to present day) can be assigned to particular stages, zones or even subzones. Cave assemblages rarely predate the Ipswichian. No pre-Devensian records are available for either Scotland or Ireland. The Anglian fauna is very poorly known. The Hoxnian is represented principally by the Clacton (zone Ho IIb) and Swanscombe faunas. The Baker's Hole deposit, the basal gravels of the Summertown-Radley Terrace and the Glutton and Bear Strata in Tornewton Cave have yielded faunas of probable Wolstonian age. The early Ipswichian is poorly represented (Selsey), many fossils are known from zone Ip Iib (e.g. Trafalgar square, Swanton Morley, Aveley), there are a few records from early zone Ip III (Aveley, Swanton Morley) and fairly good faunas from zone Ip III/IV (Histon Road, Stutton). Several open and cave-site faunas resemble those of zones Ip II and Ip III and the assemblages from Ilford, Brundon, etc., appear to date from the end of this interglacial. The Early Devensian is represented by the Wretton fauna and probably by some cave faunas. Middle Devensian faunas are fairly well known (e.g. Upton Warren) and there are a number of records for the Late-Devensian (Ballybetagh, High Furlong, Nazeing). Many cave faunas date from the Middle or Late Devensian. Good faunas are available from the early Flandrian, zone F1 I (e.g. Star Carr). The present-day native fauna (zone F1 111) is also discussed.
  • 9 The main faunal characteristics for each subdivision of the Pleistocene are summarized in the Conclusions. There is a major faunal change between the predominantly Tertiary fauna of the Red Crag Nodule Bed (Probably Pre-Ludhamian and older) and that of the Red Crag (Pre-Ludhamian and Ludhamian). There appears to have been comparatively little change in fauna through the rest of the Lower Pleistocene but the more intense climatic fluctuations of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene were accompanied by rapid faunal change and the appearance of characteristic ‘steppe-tundra’ faunas in the Wolstonian and Devensian cold stages. The Late-Devensian and Flandrian faunas are impoverished in comparison to earlier stages. This may be partly due to the activities of man as well as climatic and vegetational changes.
  • 10 There is usually good agreement between fauna and vegetational conditions when these can be compared, but a few taxa (e.g. Cricetus cricetus, Equus) have clearly changed their ecological requirements during the Pleistocene. Changes of fauna in response to vegetational changes within interglacials are known from the Hoxnian and especially the Ipswichian. The ‘steppe-tundra’ vegetation of cold stages was accompanied by a mixture of animals nowadays extinct or living in either steppe or tundra.

Recent submarine caves are inhabited by endemic faunas adapted to oligotrophism, darkness and a tranquil environment. Many of their representatives are archaic types of animals resembling fossils from very early times in evolution. This article compares fossil fauna from Jurassic neptunian dykes (originally sea bed clefts) from the Western Carpathians with the Recent cave-dwelling fauna. The ostracods Pokornyopsis feifeli are particularly important. In the Western Carpathians, these were exclusively found in the Middle/Late Jurassic fissure fillings, but in the non-Tethyan Germanic Jurassic this species was found in deep-marine claystones. They are phylogenetic forerunners of the recent genus Danielopolina inhabiting both anchialine caves and deep seas. This indicates a Jurassic migration of deep-marine fauna to cryptic habitats. Other examples of cryptic communities include the Upper Jurassic cavity-dwelling fauna dominated by serpulids and scleractinian corals. Associated suspension feeders include thecideidine brachiopods, oysters, bryozoans, sponges, crinoids and sessile foraminifers. Serpulid-dominated bioconstructions have recent analogies in the Mediterranean and Carribean seas. Different type of dyke communities represent the Late Jurassic fauna of small sized ammonites which originated from both Tethyan and Boreal paleobioprovinces. It has not been established whether these amonites were juvenile, dwarfed specimens adapted to limited cave space or size-sorted adult specimens.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):557-593
Valdavara 3 is a new early late Pleistocene paleontological and archeological cave site in northwestern Iberia. Over 1400 fossils have been collected, representing about 40 species. The fauna is of interglacial aspect and is in accordance with the OSL dates from the fossiliferous layer, which indicate an age of 103–113 ka. The great taxonomical diversity indicates a varied landscape. A small collection of lithic artifacts was found associated with the fossils, demostrating presence of humans and suggesting short non-residential visits to the cave. The fossiliferous site was predominantly formed by natural processes. Many fossil localities have short or biased faunal lists, but the fossil fauna recovered from Valdavara 3 is remarkably diverse and may reflect the fauna which once lived there.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a large raptor such as the crowned eagle (Stephanaoetus coronatus) was responsible for collecting at least a portion of the primate fauna from the South African fossil site of Taung, including its lone hominin specimen. This taphonomic signature at Taung is currently regarded as a unique and, most likely, isolated case in primate and human evolution. However, the activities of large, carnivorous birds should also be detectable at other primate fossil localities in Africa if raptors have been a strong selective force throughout primate evolution. Over the last 60 years, a collection of extinct cercopithecids has been assembled from several cave breccias on the Humpata Plateau in southern Angola. The material, dated near the Plio‐Pleistocene boundary, includes an assortment of craniodental and postcranial remains variably assigned to Papio (Dinopithecus) cf. quadratirostris, Parapapio, Cercopithecoides, and Theropithecus. We compare the Angolan and Taung material to remains of extant primates killed by crowned eagles in the Ivory Coast's Tai National Park. Our analysis indicates that the size distribution and composition of fauna from the localities is quite similar and that there are striking consistencies in damage to the crania from each site. The absence of large bodied (>20 kg) primates and other mammalian taxa at the Taung hominin locality and Tai, and their rarity in Angola, combined with the strong likelihood that raptor nests were positioned near fissure openings at both fossil localities, provides additional support for eagle involvement. On the basis of this evidence, we conclude that at least some of the Angolan cercopithecids were most likely raptor prey and hypothesize that raptor predation has been a strong and perhaps underappreciated selective force during the course of primate evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two arthropod trace fossils are described and analysed from the Carboniferous Lower Westphalian (C. communis and basal A. modiolaris chronozones) coal-bearing strata of Lancashire. The biserial trackway Diplichnites triassicus consists of five overlapping en echelon sets of 7–9 tracks preserved as epichnia and hypichnia in lacustrine siltstones. The trackway suggests subaqueous in-phase walking by a multi-segmented producer with a body length of 35–40 mm, width 17–22 mm, and 7–9 appendages. Curved, clustered, or laterally repeated, hypichnial lobes with transverse striations on the base of ripple cross-laminated sandstone are identified as Rusophycus versans. This trace fossil is interpreted as shallow resting or furrowing burrows of a homopodous arthropod, 30–60 mm long, 15–30 mm wide, and probably the same kind of arthropod as produced D. triassicus.A review of contemporary arthropod body fossils from Lagerstätten in Lancashire favours the onisciform, or Arthropleura like arthropod Camptophyllia as a potential producer of both of these trace fossils in a lacustrine palaeoenvironment.This study integrates the analysis of sediments, trace fossils and body fossils for reconstructing the arthropod biota and ecology in Westphalian lacustrine and crevasse splay fluvial palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   

陕西蓝田锡水洞啮齿动物群的性质与时代   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
锡水洞啮齿动物化石共6科19属25种.其中大部分为东洋界种类,因此具有强烈的南方色彩;喜湿热的现生啮齿类占绝对优势,它反映了一个气候相对湿热的时期,表明锡水洞遗址当时具有亚热带森林环境.该啮齿动物群的时代为中更新世;它既可与南方歌乐山期各动物群直接对比,又可与北方周口店第一地点动物群对比,因此在研究南北动物群对比上具有重要意义;它的时代比公王岭动物群的晚,比陈家窝动物群的可能也稍晚.  相似文献   

王頠  莫进尤 《人类学学报》2004,23(2):130-137
广西扶绥县南山洞发现人类化石及哺乳动物化石。人类化石包括2枚智人牙齿化石,分别是左下第三臼齿和右下第二臼齿,其形态特征与广西其他山洞发现的智人化石相似,归入晚期智人。哺乳动物化石多为华南大熊猫———剑齿象动物群成员,时代属更新世晚期。该地点新发现的蒙古野驴化石属华南晚更新世动物群的首次发现。南山洞所有化石发现于洞内浅褐色砂质粘土中,堆积物第二层钙板层的铀系年龄为30—40ka。蒙古野驴的出现暗示中国南方大陆可能在末次冰期出现过干冷的气候环境。  相似文献   

Rabal‐Garcés, R., Cuenca‐Bescós, G., Canudo, J.I. & de Torres, T. 2011: Was the European cave bear an occasional scavenger? Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 96–108. The cave bear Ursus spelaeus fossils remains are quite abundant in the Late Pleistocene site of Coro Tracito (Huesca, Spain). The site constitutes the highest mountain record of cave bears in the Iberian Peninsula. Being a monospecific locality, it permits the study of the biology and dietary habits of this species. The study of the limb bones established first, the mortality pattern of this population of Ursus spelaeus and, second, the alteration pattern due to carnivore tooth‐marks. Some authors have performed similar analyses in the same kind of skeletal elements in other cave bear localities all over Europe and, therefore it has been possible to compare our results with those from other sites. The tooth‐marks found in the bones of cave bears, especially in monospecific sites, have been attributed to a scavenging behaviour. In agreement with the authors, our analysis presented here supports the hypothesis of scavenging behaviour for cave bears. □Behaviour, Late Pleistocene, Spain, taphonomy, tooth‐marks, Ursus spelaeus.  相似文献   

2008年12月在贵州毕节团结乡首次发现麻窝口洞化石点,经2009年、2012年和2013年3次发掘,在麻窝口洞上部砂质黏土地层中共发现了四千余件哺乳动物牙齿化石。2013年7月发现的3枚古人类牙齿,分别为左上犬齿、左上第一臼齿和右上第二臼齿。人类牙齿尺寸偏小,臼齿咬合面沟纹简单,没有复杂的咬合面皱纹和附尖齿带结构,牙根短而不显粗壮,上述特点有别于我国已经发现的直立人和早期智人,可归入解剖学上的现代人。与人类相伴的哺乳动物化石,经初步鉴定共计8目20科43属53种,动物群组合反映出亚热带森林生态环境。根据动物群的时代特点,地貌地层及堆积物的光释光年代测定,指示毕节麻窝口洞古人类的时代可能为中更新世晚期,或者晚更新世早期,毕节古人类牙齿的发现为东亚地区现代人的起源及演化增添了新的证据。  相似文献   

朱祥根 《古生物学报》2022,61(4):628-642
提要新疆吐鲁番盆地桃树园地区晚二叠世地层称作下仓房沟群,自下而上分为泉子街组、梧桐沟组和锅底坑组,为河–湖相碎屑沉积,剖面连续,层序清楚,动、植物化石丰富。文中研究的腹足类标本产于桃东沟剖面梧桐沟组下部和中部的介壳灰岩层和灰岩透镜体中,见有2层,计有2科4属6种:Xinjiangospira rotundata Yu et Zhu,Xinjiangospira habita sp.nov.、Hydrobia turpanensis Wei、Hydrobia orientalis sp.nov.、Pseudamnicola taodonggouensis sp.nov.和Valvata complanusa sp.nov.;与腹足类共生的有双壳类、叶肢介、介形类,以及植物和脊椎动物化石等,其中双壳类主要是Palaeanodonta,Palaeomutela和Anthraconauta等属。该腹足动物群由Hydrobiidae和Valvatidae的属种组成,标本数量多,壳体小,保存完好,是迄今已知属种最丰富的古生代淡水腹足类动物群。当前梧桐沟组腹足动物群面貌与准噶尔盆地大龙口剖面小龙口组...  相似文献   

Gnetalean compression-impression fossils are described from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, north-eastern China, and assigned to six species of Liaoxia Cao et S.Q. Wu. The fossils have opposite-decussate phyllotaxis and cones comprising 2–12 pairs of bracts. Ovulate cones have seeds typically in a distal position. The species differ from each other and from previously described fossils in the absence or presence of leaves, shape of cones and seeds, and shape and position of cone bracts. The species of Liaoxia are probably close relatives of extant species of Ephedra L., but diagnostic reproductive details that could confirm this hypothesis are not preserved. The restricted information in the fossils and the poorly understood morphological diversity of extant Ephedra, prevent assignment of the fossils to any particular subgroup of Ephedra, as well as an explicit exclusion of them from the extant genus.  相似文献   

The 1982 observation of the immigration of an adult male olive baboon, Papio anubis,into a group of yellow baboons, Papio cynocephalus,in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, constitutes the first confirmed report of interbreeding between the two species within the Amboseli baboon population. We document the social aspects of the immigration and describe subsequent sightings of anubisbaboons in Amboseli that confirm the existence of a previously unrecognized hybrid zone in Kenya.  相似文献   

Although temperate cave‐adapted fauna may evolve as a result of climatic change, tropical cave dwellers probably colonize caves through adaptive shifts to exploit new resources. The founding populations may have traits that make colonization of underground spaces even more likely. To investigate the process of cave adaptation and the number of times that flightlessness has evolved in a group of reportedly flightless Hawaiian cave moths, we tested the flight ability of 54 Schrankia individuals from seven caves on two islands. Several caves on one island were sampled because separate caves could have been colonized by underground connections after flightlessness had already evolved. A phylogeny based on approximately 1500 bp of mtDNA and nDNA showed that Schrankia howarthi sp. nov. invaded caves on two islands, Maui and Hawaii. Cave‐adapted adults are not consistently flightless but instead are polymorphic for flight ability. Although the new species appears well suited to underground living, some individuals were found living above ground as well. These individuals, which are capable of flight, suggest that this normally cave‐limited species is able to colonize other, geographically separated caves via above‐ground dispersal. This is the first example of an apparently cave‐adapted species that occurs in caves on two separate Hawaiian islands. A revision of the other Hawaiian Schrankia is presented, revealing that Schrankia simplex, Schrankia oxygramma, Schrankia sarothrura, and Schrankia arrhecta are all junior synonyms of Schrankia altivolans. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 114–139.  相似文献   

系统记述了广西崇左三合大洞巨猿动物群中的反刍类:湖麂(Muntiacus lacustris)、凤岐祖鹿(?)相似种(Cervavitus? cf.C.fenqii)、云南黑鹿(Cervus(R.)yunnanensis)、广西巨羊(Megalovis guangxiensis)、山羊亚科属种未定(Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.)和大额牛未定种(Bos(Bibos)sp.)。与其他相关的早更新世动物群中的反刍类相比, 它们与柳城巨猿洞和田东么会洞的最相似。三合大洞的反刍类在组合上反映早更新世的时代特征及湿热的森林-草丛生态环境。这种环境非常适宜诸如巨猿这类高等灵长类的栖息。  相似文献   

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