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The feeding diversity of subtidal samples of macroinvertebrates from Ria Formosa was estimated with Shannon–Wiener information index and complementary evenness. The results were compared with other commonly used methodologies under the European Water Framework Directive, such as diversity indices, AMBI and ITI.Assuming that in a healthy environment all feeding groups are present, and that no group clearly dominates, the feeding diversity is expected to be maximal and the evenness feeding diversity will be close to 1. In degraded environments some feeding groups might be absent or having low relative abundance, and generally with one or two groups dominating the community. In this way the evenness feeding diversity index would measure deviations from expected values due to a degradation of the environment. Although confirmation of this approach needs to be tested in other shallow waters, the results obtained show interesting features.To each of the 297 species belonging to the Ria Formosa data matrix a feeding group was assigned, among six groups: surface deposit feeders, subsurface deposit feeders, herbivores, suspension feeders and suspension/deposit feeders (species which have the two feeding modes depending on food availability). The carnivorous, parasites, omnivorous and scavengers were all grouped together, forming the sixth group. Most of the stations of Ria Formosa showed high feeding diversity, which could correspond to a good or high ecological status (ES) except at one location, that occasionally showed low feeding diversity. This poor condition was essentially due to low water renewal and extreme environmental variation of some parameters, such as salinity. At some locations an intermediate feeding diversity was observed mainly due to natural accumulation of organic matter. Other commonly used indices also point out to the same tendencies.We propose the evenness feeding diversity estimate approach as a practical and apparently robust method to estimate the ES of shallow waters, which can be used together with other common indicators. This approach has also the advantage of showing low sensibility to small samples and to low taxonomic identification effort.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) enrichment experiments were performed using natural phytoplankton and microphytobenthic assemblages from the brackish water Öresund, S.W. Sweden. The response of algae from a low-nutrient area (Falsterbo Canal) was compared to that of algae from a polluted, nutrient-rich area (Lomma Bay).The biomass (measured as chlorophyll a) of both phytoplankton and microphytobenthos from the Falsterbo Canal increased after the addition of nitrogen. Phytoplankton growth was stimulated by the addition of phosphorus to the nitrogen-rich water of the polluted Lomma Bay. Sediment chlorophyll a showed no significant increase after the addition of nutrients in the Lomma Bay. In containers without sediment, phytoplankton uptake was calculated to account for ≈ 90% of the disappearance of inorganic fixed nitrogen from the water. In the sediment containers the microphytobenthos was estimated to account for ≈20% of the nitrogen uptake. The rest was presumably lost mainly through denitrification.When containers with microphytobenthos from Lomma Bay were kept in the dark, phosphorus was released at a rate of up to ≈ 180 μM · m?2 · day?1. We suggest that by producing oxygen microbenthic algae keep the sediment surface oxygenated thereby decreasing phosphorus transport from the sediment to the overlying water.  相似文献   

An in situ mesocosm experiment was performed at Old Woman CreekEstuary, OH, to assess the importance of fish-induced sedimentresuspension in regulating phytoplankton biomass and communitystructure Six polyethylene tubes (1 m diameter x 2 m long) wereplaced into the lake, enclosing portions of the water columnand sediments Three duplicated treatments were established:(i) control, no fish, (ii) fish, stocked with small fish fromthe lake; and (iii) fish/net, stocked with fish, but into tubeswith coarse nets suspended above the sediments to prevent resuspension.Total P concentrations and algal biomass in the fish tubes becamemarkedly higher than the fish/net and control tubes. Centricdiatoms and small cryptomonads were the initial dominants. Inthe lake and fish tubes, this community was replaced by nanochlorophytes.In the fish/ net and control tubes, a very different successionoccurred, where large cryptomonads became dominant These resultsindicate that sediment nutrient resuspensions by fish activitiescan maintain a phytoplankton community in an immature state,with small r-selected dominants. When sediment nutrient resuspensionwas prevented (in the fish/net and control tubes), larger algalspecies increased in relative biovolume, regardless of whetherfish were present.  相似文献   

Somatic coliphages have been proposed as indicators of water quality. But several factors have been considered a drawback for their use as indicators. We evaluated the contribution of temperate phages to the numbers of somatic coliphages detected in water by ISO (International Standards Organization) standardised methods. Prophage induction from naturally occurring bacteria was assayed with mitomycin C, ciprofloxacin and UV irradiation. Results indicate that the presence of prophages will not influence the determinations of somatic coliphages in water.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The planktonic ciliate communities of eleven organically coloured north and central Florida lakes representing a variety of trophic conditions were examined during 1979–80. The total abundance and biomass of ciliates were not significantly different from comparable clearwater lakes and only minor taxonomic replacements were noted at the order level.
2. Timing of population peaks of oligotrophic lakes was dissimilar to clearwater lakes of the same trophic state, but seasonality in meso-trophic and eutrophic lakes resembled patterns described for comparable clearwater lakes.
3. Various ciliate components were strongly correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations, but only moderately correlated to dominant phytoplankton groups. No significant correlations were found between ciliate components and bacterial abundance.
4. Myxotrophic taxa numerically dominated oligotrophic systems, particularly during midsummer, and accounted for a large percentage of the total ciliate biomass. Estimates of the ciliate contribution to total autotrophic biomass indicate that these zoochlorellae-bearing protozoa may account for much of the autotrophic biomass during midsummer periods in coloured lakes, and thus may lead to an overestimation of phytoplankton standing crops available to zooplankton grazers if chlorophyll a is used as a surrogate measure of algal biomass.  相似文献   

Lee A  Lamb RN  Gong B  Schneider RP 《Biofouling》2000,15(1-3):207-220
The presence of humic substances in conditioning films deposited on solid surfaces from natural waters was investigated using electron impact (EI), chemical ionization (CI) and secondary ion time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFSIMS). EI and CI spectra of a freshwater sample from a pond in Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia, showed a high degree of similarity with spectra of humic acids purchased from Fluka and Sigma as well as with reference humic acid and fulvic acid from the International Humic Substances Society, suggesting that most of the organic matter in the pond water was of humic origin. All the complex electron impact mass spectra feature series of high-intensity ions separated by 14 Da or 18 Da, which can be attributed to CH(2) and OH(2) respectively. Thermal desorption profiles of all samples generated by EI and CI were qualitatively similar. The secondary desorption peaks were less well-defined in CI compared to EI. Positive ion thermal desorption profiles displayed a two-step ionisation, with a sharp and well-defined initial desorption peak at t~50s, followed by a broader desorption peak with a maximum intensity at t ~ 100 s post-heating. The Centennial Park natural organic matter (NOM) differed from the other humic fractions in having two additional broad desorption peaks between the two described previously, and a less-defined initial peak. Infrared spectroscopy showed that proteinaceous matter in the lake water was insignificant in comparison with functional groups indicative of humic substances. TOFSIMS characterization showed almost identical spectra for Aldrich humic acid and Centennial Park NOM in the high mass region of 2000 Da to 3000 Da. Each spectrum contains approximately 25 groups of ion peaks, separated by 74 Da from group to group. Each group is composed of 6 or 7 individual peaks. The spectral features are consistent with a macromolecular structure of humic acid where aromatic rings are joined to the macrostructure via aliphatic spacer molecules.  相似文献   

Benthic microalgae are known to perform important ecosystem functions in shallow lakes. As such it is important to understand the environmental variables responsible for regulating community structure, positioning and biomass. We tested the hypothesis that the positioning (across a depth gradient of 2–22 m overlying water depth) and relative biomass (determined using bulk and lens tissue harvested chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations) of the epipelon community would vary independently with season (12 monthly samples) and across natural gradients of light and habitat disturbance relative to the total benthic algal community (i.e. all viable microalgae in the surface sediments) in a shallow eutrophic loch. Total sediment microalgal Chl a concentrations (TS-Chl; range: 5–874 μg Chl a g−1 dw) were highest in winter and in the deepest site (20 m overlying water depth), apparently as a result of phytoplanktonic settling and sediment focussing processes. Epipelic Chl a concentrations (Epi-Chl; range: <0.10–6.0 μg Chl a g−1 dw) were highest in winter/spring, a period when water clarity was highest and TS-Chl lowest. Principal components analysis highlighted strong associations between Epi-Chl and sites of intermediate depths (2.5–5.5 m) in all seasons except autumn/winter. Autumn/winter represented the season with the highest average wind speeds preceding sampling, during which the highest Epi-Chl concentrations were associated with the deepest sites. Epi-Chl was associated with intermediate light and habitat disturbance during spring/summer and summer/autumn and varied positively with habitat disturbance, only, in autumn/winter and winter/spring. The epipelon community structure also varied with depth; diatoms dominated shallow water sediments, cyanobacteria dominated deep water sediments, and sediments at sites of intermediate depth returned the highest biovolume estimates and the most diverse communities. This study has strengthened the hypothesis that the structure and biomass of benthic microalgal communities in lakes are regulated by habitat disturbance and water clarity, both of which are expected to respond to climate change and eutrophication. The degree to which these structural responses reflect functional performance requires clarification.  相似文献   

The association of Phaeocystis spp. with small pennate diatoms during three Phaeocystis-dominated spring blooms were investigated in the Eastern English Channel (2003 and 2004) and in coastal waters of Western Norway during a mesocosm experiment (2005). In each of these studies, colonization of the surface of large Phaeocystis spp. colonies by small needle-shaped diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia spp.) were observed. In the English Channel the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima colonized the surface of large (>100 μm) Phaeocystis globosa colonies. The abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima reached 130 cells per colony and formed up to 70% of the total carbon associated with Phaeocystis cells during late bloom stages. In Norwegian waters, the surface of large (>250 μm) Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies were colonized by Pseudo-nitzschia cf. granii var. curvata and to a lesser degree by other phytoplankton and protist species, although the abundance of these diatoms was never greater than 40 cells per colony. Based on these observations we suggest that diatoms utilize Phaeocystis colonies not only as habitat, but that they are able to utilize the colonial matrix as a growth substrate. Furthermore, these observations indicate that a considerable fraction of biomass (chlorophyll) associated with Phaeocystis colonies, especially large colonies concerned with intense and prolonged blooms, are due to co-occurring plankton species and not exclusively Phaeocystis cells.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from biomass combustion are traditionally assumed climate neutral if the bioenergy system is carbon (C) flux neutral, i.e. the CO2 released from biofuel combustion approximately equals the amount of CO2 sequestered in biomass. This convention, widely adopted in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of bioenergy systems, underestimates the climate impact of bioenergy. Besides CO2 emissions from permanent C losses, CO2 emissions from C flux neutral systems (that is from temporary C losses) also contribute to climate change: before being captured by biomass regrowth, CO2 molecules spend time in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. In this paper, a method to estimate the climate impact of CO2 emissions from biomass combustion is proposed. Our method uses CO2 impulse response functions (IRF) from C cycle models in the elaboration of atmospheric decay functions for biomass‐derived CO2 emissions. Their contributions to global warming are then quantified with a unit‐based index, the GWPbio. Since this index is expressed as a function of the rotation period of the biomass, our results can be applied to CO2 emissions from combustion of all the different biomass species, from annual row crops to slower growing boreal forest.  相似文献   

Halimeda is a potential carbon sink species and an important player in the global carbonate budget. The objectives of this study were to: (i) examine the CaCO3 and sediment productions of H. macroloba by measuring the density, growth rate, and recruitment; (ii) quantify the numbers of aragonite crystals; (iii) document reproductive events; and (iv) determine the life‐span. This study was carried out at Lidee Lek Island, Satun, Thailand during July 2015 to April 2016. The density was measured using quadrats (0.25 m2) and three 50 m line transects. Alizarin Red‐S marking technique was used for the growth rate and CaCO3 accumulation rate assessments. The recruitment, reproduction and life‐span were measured by tagging 500 individuals. Tagged individuals and new plants were counted. In this study, mean and the highest density of Halimeda were 44.42 ± 13.95 and 138.22 ± 11.68 thalli m?2, respectively, and Halimeda produced 1–2 new segments.thallus?1 day?1 or 0.021 ± 0.001 g dry weight.thallus?1.day?1. The annual biomass production was 1910–5950 g m?2 year.?1. There was a low rate of occurrence of sexual reproduction, observed in late July to September, ranging from 0.17% to 1.92%. For the mortality and recruitment rates, approximately 70–80% of individuals were lost during July to September 2015, probably from sexual reproduction and the recruitment rate varied from 5.36 ± 0.79% to 21.03 ± 2.33%. The highest density of new recruits was found in September 2015 right after the sexual reproductive event occurred. New recruits have been found up to April 2016 without any reproductive events, suggesting that both sexual and asexual reproduction helped maintain the population. The life span of Halimeda was 8–12 months. In addition, Halimeda accumulated CaCO3 at approximately 0.018 g CaCO3 thallus?1 day?1 and produced CaCO3 at approximately 291.94–908.11 g m?2 year?1, indicating that Halimeda contributes to CaCO3 and helps to sink carbon through calcification. The results in terms of the density, growth rate, and CaCO3 accumulation rate can be used to calculate the mass of carbonate sediment contributed by Halimeda.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of the abundance and spatial distribution of 18 widespread species of Odonata has made it possible to assess their contribution to the export of aquatic productivity that entered the Barabinsk forest-steppe ecosystem. The annual emergence of Odonata varies from 0.8 to 4.9 g/m2 of the land area and from 2.3 to 13.3 g/m2 of the water area, which is 4–5 times larger than that in Diptera. The total flux of organic matter from water to terrestrial ecosystems remains relatively stable (sixfold interannual variability) irrespective of large interannual variations in the abundance of separate species (e.g., 42-fold interannual variability in Libellula quadrimaculata). The metal content was determined in nine Odonata species. Export of metals by dragonflies decreases in the series K > Na > Mg > Ca > Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd. Therefore, odonates appear to be quantitatively and qualitatively important providers of aquatic resources to the forest-steppe landscape of Western Siberia.  相似文献   

Light intensity is an important environmental factor affecting the structure of fish assemblages during the day-night cycle. Light influences how organisms perceive their environment, modulating their intraspecific and interspecific relationships. The relationship between light intensity variations and biological cycles should be observed at the level of organismal morphology. In this study the relationship between activity rhythms, thus light intensity experienced by fish in the period of major activity and external morphology, have been investigated. The morphological traits of 97 selected fish species were compared in order to determine the existence of a common morphological plan in agreement with their diurnal or nocturnal activity rhythm. Species sorting was performed by maximizing the diversity of activity rhythm, habitat choice, ecology, and trophic habits within the same family, to assess the importance of the day-night cycle on species morphology in relation to other environmental features. The morphological characters selected for the geometric morphometric analysis were body profile and the position of mouth, eye, pelvic, pectoral, dorsal, and caudal fin. The present analysis allowed different consensus forms for nocturnal and for diurnal species to be identified. Two-block Partial Least Squares analysis was then performed for the purpose of modeling the covariation between the form and two important external variables (ecology and activity).  相似文献   

In planktonic ecosystems, algae and bacteria exhibit complex interrelationships, as algae provide an important organic matter source for microbial growth while microbial metabolism recycles limiting nutrients for algae in a loose commensalism. However, algae and bacteria can also compete for available nutrients if supplies of organic matter are sufficient to satisfy bacterial demand. We developed a stoichiometrically explicit model of bacteria–algae interactions that incorporated realistic assumptions about algal light and nutrient utilization, algal exudation of organic matter, and bacterial processing of organic matter and nutrients. The model makes specific predictions about how the relative balance of algae and bacteria should change in response to varied nutrient and light availability seen in lakes and oceans. The model successfully reproduces published empirical data and indicates that, under moderate nutrient supply, the bacterial percentage of total respiration should be maximal at intermediate light intensity.  相似文献   

The current recognition that chemical measurements are uncertain indicators of biological consequences of pollution has shifted the emphasis away from assessing environmental chemistry alone toward the inclusion of measurements of the health of organisms. Effects of pollutants begin with the individual, have subsequent repercussions on population level processes, and ramifications for community structure and functions. Pollutants act at a molecular level and the biochemical lesions is the first step in the manifestation of effects. Technologies that operate at the cellular level assist in elucidating toxicity. Higher levels of integration include an organism's capacity for growth. Laboratory bioassays andin situ research can monitor physiological incapacities and assist in predicting population level effects. A yet higher level of organization is that of the ecological community.  相似文献   

The plankton of nine Ontario lakes spanning several physiographicregions was sampled every two weeks during the ice-free periodof 1981, and one lake was studied in the three previous years.Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and ciliated protozoa were sampled,counted and sized. The size data were converted to biomass estimatesto yield quantitative comparisons of the relative allocationof biomass among different functional compartments. This isthe first study to look simultaneously and quantitatively atthe total plankton system of lakes (including ciliates, pbytoplanktonand net zooplankton) over a broad physiographic region. Ciliatesconstitute –10% of the non-algal biomass and 5% of thetotal planktonic biomass of these lakes. Ciliate standing cropsamong lakes are significantly corrrelated with total organicand total inorganic carbon concentrations in the water column,while the dynamics of ciliate biomass fluctuations are significantlycorrelated with variations in total phosphorus concentration,in conductivity, in Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration, and ininorganic carbon content. There appears to be a significantdynamical relationship between ciliates as a proportion of thetotal planktonic biomass, exclusive of filamentous and large(>30 µm) spherical algae, and the relative biomassof small algae (2–5 µm) as a fraction of total algalbiomass, again exclusive of filaments and large (>30 µm)algae. The hypothesis is advanced that ciliates primarily functionas bacterial grazers in planktonic ecosystems and that theirprimary competitors in this role are rotifers.  相似文献   

The features of overgrowing of different types of protected shallow waters in the Ivankovo, Uglich, and Gorky reservoirs have been considered. The average degree of overgrowing increases in the following series: pocket-type shallow waters (37.3% of area), shallow waters behind islands (40.6), and bays (56.9). Helophytes contribute to the overgrowing of more than 50% of all types of protected shallow waters. The composition of plant community dominants of protected shallow waters of different types is very similar, because the reservoirs belong to the same cascade, are located in one climatic zone, and have similar ecotopes. The effect of morphometric parameters (area, volume, length, average width and depth) and their ratios (oblongness of water area, openness, and isolation) on the overgrowing of protected shallow water areas is expressed only at average values of these parameters and has an exponential form. The contribution of the area isolation to overgrowing is most significant (up to 55%).  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for six little‐known fish species collected in the northern Persian Gulf (south of Iran) are presented, namely, Plicofollis dussumieri, Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer, Cynoglossus bilineatus, Cynoglossus arel, Solea elongata, and Pseudorhombus elevates.  相似文献   

The southeast of the Iberian Peninsula is a recognized area of high aquatic biodiversity, water beetles being one of the most well-known groups contributing to such biodiversity. The standing waters of this area show a high habitat diversity, occurring fresh, saline, temporary, permanent, karstic, endorheic, and artificial small water bodies. Despite this, there has been no attempt to analyze their contribution to local biodiversity. In this work, we identify the species inhabiting standing waters, analyze their contribution to the checklist from the study area, and recognize the species exclusive to this kind of habitat. We also highlight the most threatened species, identify the habitats which constitute biodiversity hotspots for this group, explore patterns of water beetle assemblage composition, and identify indicator species associated with each habitat type. We collected 125 species, 55 of them being typical to lentic habitats, in the set of 26 sampled standing water bodies, which means the 57% of the 218 species recorded in the most recent checklist for the study area. A total of 10 species are Iberian endemics and four can be considered threatened, Ochthebius irenae falling in both categories. Natural ponds showed the highest species richness (91 species), while saline water bodies (endorheic lagoons and continental salt-pans) contributed the most threatened species: Nebrioporus baeticus, Ochthebius delgadoi, Ochthebius tudmirensis and Ochthebius irenae. The most representative species for continental salt-pans was Ochthebius notabilis, for endorheic lagoons Ochthebius marinus and Hygrotus pallidulus, while Hydroglyphus geminus played this part in rice fields. Our results suggest that rice fields, endorheic lagoons, and continental salt-pans have specific water beetles assemblages, which could be used in bioassessment and conservation studies. In general, standing waters are seriously threatened in this area, particularly as a result of intensive agricultural activities. Thus, taking into account these ecosystems hold a high number of species, their continued degradation is likely to result in a significant loss of biodiversity, including key populations of a number of threatened and endemic species.  相似文献   

Insect emergence was studied with floating box traps in the littoral of Lake Mindelsee from July 1st until September 30th, 1984. The material was collected every 48 h. Out of the total catch of 6897 specimens per m2, 75.1 % belonged to the Chironomidae, 4,9% to the Chaoboridae, 15,4% to the Ephemeroptera and 3,2% to the Trichoptera. Endochironomus sp., Lauterborniella agrayloides, Polypedilum pullum (Chironomidae) and Oocetis testacea (Trichoptera) are reported for the first time from Lake Mindelsee. The seasonal course of the total emergence showed two distinct peaks: one at the end of July, the other at the beginning of September. Diurnal emergence was studied on two occasions, in July and in August. Most of the insects emerged during dusk and dawn. Species composition and degree of water mite infection of the collected nematocerans were studied. Host range and specific attachment sites of the different water mite taxa could only be established on the genus or family-level, with the exception of the most common water mite species Hydrodroma despiciens. In addition to its main host Chaoborus flavicans, this mite species infested 16 chironomid species with Corynoneura sp., Cryptocladopelma viridula, Pseudochironomus prasinatus and Tanytarsus lactescens as new records. The larvae of Hydrodroma despiciens were attached almost exclusively to the thorax of the imagines. Chaoborus flavicans, and within the Chironomidae Procladius sp. of the subfamily Tanypodinae, showed the highest average mite load. Species of the subfamily Chironominae were also heavily infested (e.g. Microtendipes sp., infestation rate 76 % with a maximum mite load of 18). Within the representatives of the subfamily Orthocladiinae however, only low infestation rates occurred with maximum one larva per host. Finally, problems like the synchronization of the life-cycles of hosts and parasites and strategies of coexistence between the different water mite taxa parasitizing one host are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Ethylene has been increasingly implicated as a regulatory mechanism in plant germination, growth, and development, and is produced from the sediments of freshwater habitats. In this paper, we analyse the production and origin of ethylene from ephemeral freshwater rock pool sediments, and explore the role of ethylene in regulating seedling emergence from the seed bank.


The production of ethylene from rock pool sediments subjected to variable moisture content and antibiotic treatments was assessed through gas chromatography, and the role of ethylene in regulating seedling emergence was determined by seedling emergence assays and seed germination experiments.


Biogenic ethylene production from rock pool sediments occurred rapidly (3–6 h) following inundation, with the majority of seedling emergence occurring between 36 and 72 h. Inoculation of sediments with streptomycin and amphotericin B resulted in significantly reduced ethylene production (up to 60 % and 84 % respectively), and completely inhibited seedling emergence. Additionally, the exposure of dormant seeds to ethylene resulted in significantly increased seed germination percentage in five out of six rock pool species.


Biogenic ethylene production may play an important role in regulating seed dormancy and the timing of seedling emergence from the sediment seed bank following inundation events in rock pools and other freshwater aquatic communities.  相似文献   

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