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辽西下白垩统九佛堂组尾羽龙类—新属(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了一件采自辽西热河群九佛堂组一新的窃蛋龙类:义县似尾羽龙(Similicaudipteryx yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.),并依据其和尾羽龙属的相似特征,及其匕首状的尾综骨,肠骨、踱骨和脚趾的形态等将其归入窃蛋龙类的尾羽龙科,但其所具有的一些特征也不同于该科已建立的尾羽龙属,如尾综骨的形态和较大的个体等。该化石具有许多典型的窃蛋龙类的特征,如短尾、较短的前肢等,有别于其他窃蛋龙类的特征还包括耻骨和肠骨的长度比为1.46,背椎上发育2个大而深的椎体下突、背椎侧部具孔等。义县似尾羽龙是又一类具有真正尾综骨的恐龙,表明尾综骨这一曾经被认为是鸟类特有的结构可能是在恐龙中独自演化的。它具有一些进步的特征如具尾综骨等,但同时也具有一些原始的特征如5个愈合的荐椎,耻骨联合长,表明在窃蛋龙类中存在着特征的镶嵌进化现象。似尾羽龙与驰龙类、其他窃蛋龙类等恐龙一样,脚趾并没有对握,已有的证据说明完全的对握目前还只是出现于鸟类中。根据其短尾、中部收缩的趾骨和灵巧的身体等都表明它是一类适于快速奔跑的动物。目前为止,已知的尾羽龙类化石均发现于北票四合屯地区的义县组下部尖山沟层(段),距今约125Ma。新标本发现于义县西二虎桥地点,属于九佛堂组,距今约120Ma,这也是迄今为止在九佛堂组发现的惟一一件尾羽龙类化石,对研究早白垩世窃蛋龙类的演化和热河生物群恐龙组合的特征具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

林天瑞 《古生物学报》2002,41(3):428-433
描述采用自南澳大利亚Officer盆地东部Manya-6号钻井的下寒武统Ouldburra组的Abadiella三叶虫的一新种-Abadiella officerensis,同时指出Parabadiella是Abadiella的同义名。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new fauna of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) ichthyosaurs, which includes at least one new genus and species, was recovered from deposits of the Loon River Formation at Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada. All Cretaceous ichthyosaurs have been referred to a single genus, Platypterygius . The Loon River Formation material, however, does not satisfy the diagnosis for Platypterygius , and it is distinctive enough to warrant the erection of a new genus and species of ichthyosaur. Maiaspondylus lindoei gen. et sp. nov. is distinguished from other ichthyosaurs by an extensive overlapping contact of the jugal and the maxilla; marginal teeth with smooth crowns, fluted cementum, lingual curvature and implantation in a dental groove; and humerus with isomorphic proximal and distal ends, featuring three distal articular facets in which the medial articular facet is smaller than the lateral facets. The holotype and referred material is described here, and the relationship of Maiaspondylus to other ophthalmosaurs is discussed.  相似文献   

从中国西部地区发现两个黑蛋巢菌新种,它们是甘肃黑蛋巢(Cyathus gansuensis)和嘉峪关黑蛋巢(Cyathus jiayuguanensis)。模式标本保存于西南林学院真菌标本室(MHSFC)  相似文献   

万煜   《广西植物》1988,(3):235-236
<正> 根粗,直径3—5毫米,木质化、中空。茎长,下部平卧地面,上部向上斜升,直径1—2厘米,节上被残存的叶鞘,每隔几节生叶簇。叶禾叶状,长34—80厘米,宽1.3—2.6厘米,先端渐尖或钝,向基部渐狭成不明显的柄,具膜质鞘,上面绿色,下面淡绿色,具灰绿色纵条纹,有多数脉。总状花序1(-2)个,从茎顶端的叶丛中抽出,短于叶,长(6-)9  相似文献   

The new species, Schaereria bullata Kantvilas from alpine Tasmania, is described and illustrated, with notes on its characterization, distribution and habitat. A key to the seven known species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

关于湖蛭属及其一新种的记述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨潼 《水生生物学报》1987,11(3):268-273
我国原有鱼蛭科湖蛭属两种,其中中华湖蛭广泛分布华中地区,严重危害鲤、鲫鱼。据对安徽巢湖的调查,鲤鱼的感染率较鲫鱼高,大个体的感染率又较小个体的高。此蛭每年4月上旬开始离开鱼体到湖底繁殖,12月下旬新生幼体开始侵袭鱼体。哲罗湖蛭则仅限于黑龙江流域。1964年在青岛附近的黄海以及1975年在秦皇岛附近的渤海从两种硬骨鱼体上共得到4条属同一种的大型湖蛭,经鉴定为冈湖蛭Limnotrachelobdella okae,这是该种在我国首次记载。1985年在厦门附近的南海从赤点石斑鱼鳍上得到两条同属一种的小型湖蛭,被定为新种福建湖蛭(Limnotrachelobdella fujianensis sp.nov.)。本文给予此一新记录和一新种以详细的描述。    相似文献   

Abstract:  Small reptiles from the Early Jurassic Pant 4 fissure fill in Glamorgan, South Wales (St. Bride's Island, Pant Quarry), were formerly provisionally attributed to three species of sphenodontian lepidosaurs. A re-analysis, aided by new material, has found this herpeto-fauna to consist almost exclusively of a single new species, Clevosaurus convallis sp. nov . , with only one specimen referable to Sphenodontia incertae sedis . Clevosaurus is known from the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic in various parts of the world, but C. convallis represents the first occurrence of the genus in the Jurassic of Britain. The material is fragmentary but includes numerous premaxillae, maxillae, dentaries and palatines, and the new species is distinguished by the unique combination of six large additional dentary teeth and a very short nasal process of the premaxilla, along with the diagnostic Clevosaurus features.  相似文献   

Five species of the marine pulmonate genus Smeagol (family Smeagolidae)are described from upper littoral shingle habitats from southeastern Australia and New Zealand. The systematic position ofthe family is discussed. (Received 24 June 1991; accepted 2 October 1991)  相似文献   

中国南海蛇鳗科一新纪录属及一新纪录种(鱼纲,鳗鲡目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国南海蛇鳗科1新纪录属Echelus Rafinesque,1810和1新纪录种Echelus uropterus(Temminck et Schlegel,1846).该属的特征为:尾鳍、胸鳍存在;背鳍起点在胸鳍后端之前;头部无额骨孔、眶后孔和上颞骨孔;鳃孔中等大;鳃膜骨条连于舌骨或上舌骨尖前.该种的特征:尾尖柔软;颌齿和犁骨齿颗粒状,带形;后鼻孔在上唇边缘外侧.  相似文献   

本文报道了采自云南的黑蛋巢菌属(Cyathus Haller:Pers.)两个新种,一个新变种。它们分别是:巨孢黑蛋巢Cyathut megasporus Ren et Zhou、角状黑蛋巢Cyathus cornucop-ioides Zhou et Ren和新西兰黑蛋巢卵形孢变种C.no(?)ae-zeelandiae Tul.var.ovisporus R-en et Zhou。模式标本均保存在西南林学院真菌标本室。  相似文献   

记述钝革螨属Amblygamasus Berlese,1904 1新种,龚氏钝革螨,新种Amblygamasus gongzhengdai sp.nov.,和肛厉螨属Proctolaelaps Berlese,1923中国新纪录,长毛肛厉螨Proctolaelaps longipilis(Chant,1958),标本采自银川市花卉市场,模式标本保存于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所昆虫标本馆,北京.  相似文献   

本文报告了壳二孢属(Ascochyta)新种4个:(木忽)木壳二孢(Ascochyta araliae Sun et Bai),朝鲜槐壳二孢(A.maackiae Sun et Bai),假酸浆壳二孢(A.nicandrae Sun et Bai)和花椒壳二孢(A.zanthoxyli Sun et Bai)。建立了新组合1个,即淡竹壳二孢(A.osmophila(Davis)L(?) et Bai))。此外,报告了国内新记录种19个。新种有拉丁文和中文描述及图。标本保存于沈阳农业大学真菌标本室(MHSAU)。  相似文献   

本文报道了黑蛋巢菌属Cyathus的三个新种、一个新变种和一个新记录种,它们分别是:四川黑蛋巢菌C.sichuanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,关帝山黑蛋巢菌C.guandishanensisLiu et Y.M.Li,云南黑蛋巢菌C.yunnanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,五台山黑蛋巢菌垣曲变种C.wutaishanensis Liu,Shangguan et Yuan var.yuanquensis Liu et Y.M.Li和栗褐黑蛋巢菌C.badius Kobayasi。模式标本除C.yunanensis Liu et Y.M.Li保存在中国科学院微生物研究所标本室外,其余均保存在山西大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

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