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Summary The ultrastructural features of the paraventricular neurones of the non-treated rat are presented comparing them with those of the supraoptic neurones. No striking differences are seen between the general electron microscopic characteristics of the paraventricular and supraoptic neurones.The importance of adequate fixation to obtain good preservation of the neurones is emphasized, since inadequate fixation can cause e.g. artefactual appearance of dark neurones. The previously presented classification of the neurosecretory neurones into two categories (e.g. light and dark neurones) on the basis of the number of ribosomes is not considered justifiable, since their number can vary to a very great extent even within a single cell.The synthesis of neurosecretory products in the paraventricular neurones obviously follows the general mode of the synthesis of secretory proteins: ribosomes—RER—Golgi complex—secretory vesicles.On the basis of the localization of heavy metal deposits after osmium impregnation and demonstration of acid phosphatase the Golgi complex of the paraventricular neurones is found to be polarized. The direction of the polarity is discussed.The substructures of the dense cores of the neurosecretory granules and of the contents of the lysosomal dense bodies are nearly identical. Therefore it is considered impossible to determine positively the nature of the dark condensed material within the Golgi complex. The characteristics of the immature neurosecretory granules and the possibility of releasing neurosecretory products into the cytoplasm already within the perikarya are speculated.This study was supported by a grant from the Emil Aaltonen Foundation, Tampere. I express my best thanks to Docent Antti U. Arstila, Head of the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, and Professor Urpo K. Rinne, Head of the Department of Neurology, for the guidance of this work.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of two closely related species of ophiuroids, Ophiocoma echinata and Ophiocoma wendti, were examined ultrastructurally. Morphologically, these spermatozoa resemble those of other non-echinoid echinoderms. The acrosomal complex, completely contained within an anterior fossa in the spherical nucleus, consists of a membrane-limited acrosomal vesicle and periacrosomal material. Events of the acrosomal reaction in O. echinata and O. wendti are presented. In both species, the reaction results in the establishment of an extracellular coat of acrosomal vesicle origin on the anterior surface of the spermatozoon. The possible role of this extracellular coat in the species-specific binding of sperm and ova is discusses. The origin of acrosomal tubule membrane is elucidated.  相似文献   

Summary A new method described in the present paper allows identification of neurophysine-containing (NP) vesicles of the magnocellular neurosecretory system of vertebrates. After oxidation of ultrathin sections, the content of NP vesicles can be dissolved specifically in an alkaline medium. This procedure marks NP vesicles selectively in all portions of the classical neurosecretory system.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Dres h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Granted by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technik der DDR.  相似文献   

Summary Vasopressin-containing neurons, identified by immunocytochemistry, are located predominantly in the posterior magnocellular division of the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus. By electron microscopy, the immunoreaction product is seen within the cell bodies and neuronal processes. In the perikarya and dendritic processes, the immunoreactive material is associated primarily with neurosecretory granules. Axonal processes, identified by their content of microtubules and accumulation of neurosecretory granules, show the immunoreaction product in association with both of these organelles. Afferent axo-dendritic, axo-somatic and putative axo-axonic synapses with immunostained vasopressinergic neurons can be identified. The presynaptic profiles do not contain immunoreactive material. This study contributes to the ultrastructural characterization of vasopressinergic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus and of their afferent synaptic input.Supported by NIH Grants HD-12956 and 2SO7RR05403  相似文献   

Summary The development of cartilage and bone in the regenerating segment of the tendon of Achilles following transection has been studied with regeneration taking place in situ, and also following transplantation to a subcutaneous site. Prior to transplantation regeneration was allowed to proceed in situ for various periods of time.It was observed that cartilage and bone develop from the cells of certain pre-cartilaginous areas which represent a metaplasia from fibroblasts. Transplantation to the subcutaneous site at a stage of regeneration when pre-cartilaginous or cartilaginous foci are present leads to the eventual development of bone in the transplant. Transplants made prior to the development of pre-cartilage or cartilage do not show bony metaplasia.It is concluded that the tension of muscle pull is a factor stimulating the metaplastic transformation of fibroblasts to chondroblasts, but once this transformation has occurred the progression to bony metaplasia continues, independently of tension.Supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Epididymal biopsies from rats that had undergone unilateral or bilateral vasectomies from one to eight months previously were compared with biopsies from their contralateral side or from normal controls to ascertain what ultrastructural changes had occurred. After vasectomy, spermatozoa appeared to dissolve in the lumen of the caput epididymidis and to be absorbed by the principal cells. About 5 weeks after vasectomy, numerous lamellar accumulations became apparent in the supernuclear region. Their resemblance to lysosomes or residual bodies was confirmed by an acid phosphatase reaction. After 10 weeks, similar lamellar and polymorphic accumulations on the contralateral side of animals with unilateral vasectomies indicated that resorption had also increased on the unligated side.Publication No. 627 of the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center. This study was supported by NIH Grants No. RR-00163 and HD-05969.The author wishes to thank Ms. J. Hren for her excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Light and electron microscopy of newborn, four day, one, two, three and five week old rats revealed principally a progressive increase in the diversity and number of synaptic contacts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The major increase in synaptic diversity occurred between four days and one week of age. Correlation between this finding and the adult synaptic morphology of SCN (Güldner, 1976) on the one hand, and the ontogeny of circadian rhythms on the other were made. This suggested that the retinal afferents arriving on day four form asymmetrical contacts with dendrites. While increase in synaptic number was progressive, it was most marked between three and five weeks of age. By five weeks, most features of the adult SCN were present. No significant morphological effects were evident as a result of neonatal retinal lesions.Supported in part by grants NS-12265, NS-12267, HD04583 and HD-08658 from the National Institutes of Health, USPHS. The electron microscopic facilities of the California Regional Primate Center, supported by NIH grant RR-00169, were utilized. The technical assistance of Mrs. Viviana Wong is gratefully acknowledged. A preliminary report of a portion of this data was given at the Society for Neuroscience, November, 1974 in St. Louis, Missouri.  相似文献   

Summary By use of an antibody against the 14 amino acids in the mutated vasopressin precursor (CP-14) characteristic of the homozygous Brattleboro rat, an immunohisto- and-cytochemical study was performed on the supraoptic nuclei of homozygous Brattleboro rats. At the light-microscopic level, varying numbers of perikarya per section exhibited a positive reaction. The most intense staining was observed in a patchy manner on the peripheral portions of the cytoplasm, its central portion being stained less intensely. The antiserum did not react with the supraoptic perikarya of the Wistar rat. In the homozygous Brattleboro rat, antibodies against normal vasopressin only rarely resulted in a positive immunoreaction. However, when it was observed, incubation of the subsequent section with CP-14-antiserum suggested a co-localization of both peptides in the same perikaryon. At the ultrastructural level, CP-14 immunoreactivity was demonstrated on the secretory cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, on lysosome-like bodies and on parts of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. With the use of an antibody against normal vasopressin, immunoreactivity was confined to very limited areas of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The oxytocin immunoreactivity in supraoptic perikarya of Brattleboro rats did not differ from that in the Wistar rat, either at the light- or at the electron-microscopic levels.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative ultrastructural techniques were used to study changes in the distribution of intracellular organelles in neurosecretory terminals of the rat neurohypophysis during recovery from a depolarising stimulus in vitro. The volumetric density of neurosecretory granules which, in profiles of nerve terminals sectioned through the area of contact with the basal lamina, was decreased as a result of stimulation, returned to control values within 2 h after cessation of stimulation. We conclude that, even in the absence of the cell body and action potentials propagated from it, granules can migrate quickly within the terminal region of the neurosecretory axons to refill a depleted compartment.  相似文献   

Summary Regenerated adrenocortical nodules were obtained by implanting fragments of the capsular tissue of excised adrenal glands into the musculus gracilis of rats (Belloni et al. 1990). Five months after the operation, operated rats showed a normal basal blood level of corticosterone, but a very low concentration of circulating aldosterone associated with a slightly increased plasma renin activity (PRA). Regenerated nodules were well encapsulated and some septa extended into the parenchyma from the connective-tissue capsule. The majority of parenchymal cells were similar to those of the zonae fasciculata and reticularis of the normal adrenal gland, while zona glomerulosa-like cells were exclusively located around septa (juxta-septal zone; JZ). In vitro studies demonstrated that nodules were functioning as far as glucocorticoid production was concerned, while mineralocorticoid yield was very low. Prolonged sodium restriction significantly increased PRA and plasma aldosterone concentration, and provoked a marked hypertrophy of JZ, which was due to increases in both the number and average volume of JZ cells. Accordingly, the in vitro basal production of aldosterone and other 18-hydroxylated steroids was notably enhanced. The plasma level of corticosterone, as well as zona fasciculata/reticularis-like cells and in vitro production of glucocorticoids by regenerated nodules were not affected. These findings, indicating that autotransplanted adrenocortical nodules respond to a prolonged sodium restriction similar to the normal adrenal glands, suggest that the relative deficit in mineralocorticoid production is not due to an intrinsic defect of the zona glomerulosa-like JZ, but is probably caused by the impairment of its adequate stimulation under basal conditions. The hypothesis is advanced that the lack of splanchnic nerve supply and chromaffin medullary tissue in regenerated nodules may be the cause of such an impairment.  相似文献   

Summary The arcuate nucleus, median eminence, and the lateral preoptic area from the brains of aldehyde-perfused male and female rats were examined by electron microscopy. In the lateral preoptic area, three neuronal types are described: a small light neuron, a larger light one, and a dark neuron resembling the larger light one in size and nuclear shape. Many myelinated axons are interposed among single neurons or neuronal pairs. The relationship of structures to each other is discussed. Several observations not previously reported are illustrated from tissue of the arcuate nucleus and median eminence.  相似文献   

Summary Rat carotid bodies were studied electron microscopically after short-term severe hypovolaemia, which is known to induce a marked chemoreceptor activation in the carotid body. Altogether 84 nerve-endings in the hypovolaemic rats' carotid bodies and 91 nerve-endings in the control carotid bodies were investigated. An increased accumulation of the glomus cell granular vesicles near the synaptic specializations of the nerve-endings was observed after hypovolaemia. Moreover, a statistically significant increase in the contacts between the nerve-ending synaptic specializations and the glomus cell granular vesicles was observed after hypovolaemia. A suggestion was made that the glomus cells might act as modulating, probably inhibitory, interneurones, whose catecholamines are responsible for the inhibition.The authors are greatly indebted to lecturer Pekka Korkala Ph.L. from the Department of Psychology for his skilful statistical analysis of the results.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the neurosecretory cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the normal male rat was studied by electron microscopy during various functional states. Four morphologically distinct types of neurosecretory cells were observed. It appears that they do not represent different classes of cells but different phases of secretory activity of a single cell type. The perikarya of the neurosecretory cells show a definite cycle of formation and transportation of secretory granules. We have designated the phases of this cycle as: (1) phase of synthesis, (2) phase of granule production, (3) phase of granule storage and (4) phase of granule transport. The neurosecretory granules appear to be moved in bulk into the axons, forming a large axonal swelling filled with granules as a result of one cycle in the neurosecretory process. Thus it may be postulated that a secretory cycle in the perikaryon of the neurosecretory cell seems to result in the formation of a Herring body in its axon, and that its content is then conveyed to the posterior pituitary.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of (125I) alpha bungarotoxin (-BTX) binding sites in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the adult female rat was examined by electron-microscopic autoradiography. The ultrastructural distribution of silver grains was analysed by line source, direct point count, and 50% probability circle methods. Real grain distribution was significantly different from that of randomly generated hypothetical grains. Line source analysis demonstrated two populations of sources: one associated with membranes, and one inside neuronal structures. Probability circle analysis of shared grains indicated that membrane-bound-radioactive sources were mainly asssociated with axo-dendritic appositions. Only a small proportion of labeled neuronal interfaces exhibited synaptic differentiations in the plane of section. However, the compartment containing synaptic terminals was the most enriched when comparing real to hypothetical grains. Probability circle analysis of exclusive grains demonstrated that sources that were not associated with neuronal plasma membranes were likely to be within nerve cell bodies and dendrites. It is concluded that the majority of specifically labeled -BTX binding sites in the SCN is membrane bound, and may be associated with axodendritic synaptic transmission. The presence of a significant proportion of the label in the soma and dendrites of suprachiasmatic neurons 24 h after ventricular infusion suggests that some of the labeled binding sites (junctional or nonjunctional) may be internalized within these two compartments.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG), fasttwitch-glycolytic (FG) and slow-twitch-oxidative (SO) fibers in plantaris and soleus muscles of normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats was studied. In the diabetic animals, the mitochondria of FOG and SO fibers showed a loss of cristae and an increase in electron-dense granules. There was also an increased number of lipid droplets in close proximity to the mitochondria and the nuclei, and a separation of individual muscle nuclei to form satellite cells. Higher incidences of surface projections and sarcoplasmic splittings at the nuclear region were noticed in SO fibers. The FG fibers showed some disorientation of the T-tubular system. It is concluded that streptozotocin-diabetes has differential effects on the fine structure of the three fiber types of rat skeletal muscle.Supported by USPHS Grant AM 18280-04, Boston University Grant GRS-405-BI, and a grant-in-aid award from Sigma Xi Society  相似文献   

Samples from the liver of a male rat (Sprague-Dawley), a monkey (Macacus rhesus), and a longnose gar pike (Lepisosteus osseus) were studied in a transmission electron microscope to provide cytological and histological information about structures previously poorly documented in the literature. Glisson's capsule consisted of dense, irregular connective tissue of typical Type-I collagen fibrils. The capsule was formed by a single stratum of fibroblasts in the rat and in the pike, but by one or two strata of fibroblasts in the monkey. In the rat, but not in the monkey or pike, fibroblast processes interdigitated with processes from the hepatocytes. In the pike, fibroblast processes extended toward both mesothelium and hepatocytes. In some areas of the rat and pike, mesothelial cells had desmosomal connections and microvillous projections into the peritoneal cavity. Marginated heterochromatin was more abundant in the rat and monkey. The mesothelium was discontinuous in the rat and monkey but, in areas of discontinuity, the capsular surface was covered by a basal lamina, often barely perceptible beneath mesothelial cells of the rat and monkey, but prominent in the pike. In the pike, the mesothelium had numerous pinocytotic vesicles on both peritoneal and capsular surfaces.  相似文献   

Summary The corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-synthesizing perikarya and neural processes were detected at ultrastructural level in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and in the median eminence of control and colchicine-pretreated rats. The unlabelled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) immunohistochemical method was used in a pre-embedding manner, on thick, non-frozen sections. In CRF-perikarya, neurosecretory granules (80–120 nm in diameter), free ribosomes, and the rough endoplasmic reticulum were labelled. Unlabelled axon terminals formed asymmetric synapses on CRF-containing perikarya and dendrites. Immunolabelled axons terminated in the palisadic zone of the median eminence.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies of the ventricular surface of the frog cerebellum showed regional differences. In the midline region of the adult cerebellum was found a band of profusely ciliated squamous ependymal cells. In the rest of the cerebellum the ependymal cells were columnar and each had a single cilium. In the cerebellum of the premetamorphic tadpole, the squamous ependymal cells of the midline region also were monociliated. During metamorphosis they gradually became multiciliated. Additionally, supraependymal cells and synaptic elements were present on the ventricular surface of the cerebellum of adult frogs as well as in late metamorphic tadpoles. In contrast, supraependymal cells were rarely observed in premetamorphic tadpoles, and it was concluded that the supraependymal system develops during metamorphosis. It is postulated that the band of cilia may be associated with the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, and supraependymal synaptic elements function in neuroendocrine regulation.  相似文献   

Four Blastocystis isolates from cockroaches were established and these isolates were morphologically confirmed as Blastocystis organisms by light and/or electron microscopy. As these isolates were morphologically indistinguishable from Blastocystis isolated from other animals, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using their small subunit ribosomal RNA genes. A analyses of these sequences with previously reported ones that had been classified into nine Blastocystis clades indicated the presence of a new clade that comprised only Blastocystis organisms from cockroaches (clade X). A clade comprised of amphibian and reptilian Blastocystis organisms (clade IX) was located at the basal position of the Blastocystis tree together with the common ancestor of Proteromonas and Protoopalina, clade X emerged after the divergences of these two basal clades and its branching position was clearly supported by bootstrap analysis.  相似文献   

The epithelioid cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus have been studied with respect to the release mechanism of the secretory granules. Invaginations of the plasma membrane into the interior of the epithelioid cells are interpreted as stages before or after an exocytotic process. Granules are sometimes observed in close contact with the plasma membrane, and material with electron density similar to that of the granules can also be observed in the invaginations. These morphological features suggest that the granular material of the epithelioid cells is extruded into the texture of the basal lamina. Furthermore, a dense network of microtubules and microfilaments is described and the functional role of this system in exocytosis is discussed.  相似文献   

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