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There was made a quantitative study of the influence of 14 days space flight ("Kosmos-2044") on dendritic spine (DS) density of the layer V pyramidal neurons of rat sensomotor cortex. There was found an increase of the number of apical DS lying in the layers III-IV in the flight group only. Number of DS on oblique dendrites was increased in the III-IV cortical layers both in the flight and tail-suspended rats. There was also an increase in the number of DS on basal dendrites in all experimental groups. Obtained data are compared with similar 7 days flight results ("Kosmos-1667") and other data of nervous tissue plasticity in weightlessness.  相似文献   

Using Golgi-Cox preparates the postnatal development (1st to 90th day after birth) of the patterns of apical dendrite spines in layer V pyramids in albino rat sensorimotor cortex is represented. Especially it is reported about the evolution of the total amount of apical dendrite spines, of length of apical dendrites, of spine density (spine dendrite quotients, DQ), of interspinous distance (space between two adjacent visible spines, in the proximal dendrite with increasing spine distribution and in the district with crest of spine distribution separately) and finally of cell body length.  相似文献   

1. The arrangement of the pyramidal cells of the visual cortex has been investigated by light and electron microscopy in 36 albino rats. 2. It was shown, that the apical dendrites form bundles. The number of dendrites per bundle is about 5 in the lower lamina Vb and 7.5 in the upper lamina Va, the diameter of bundles is about 25.7 mum. The average distance between the centers of bundles is 76,4 mum, and between the peripheries 53.1 mum. 3. The results are compared with physiological and morphological findings. It was shown, that there is an agreement of diameter of bundles und their lateral branching dendrites with diameters of columns of cells and of terminal branchings of specific afferents. 4. The morphological results are graphically reconstructed.  相似文献   

It was shown during experiments on unrestrained rats that rhythmic stimulation of the pyramidal tract produced a statistically significant increase in the functional activity of neuronal populations of the sensorimotor cortex, manifesting as potentiation of the primary, positive phase of pyramidal cortical response. Combined rhythmically matched stimulation of the pyramidal tract and of the lateral hypothalamus leads to statistically significant enhancement in potentiation of the positive phase of pyramidal cortical response compared with effects produced independently of hypothalamic involvement. When stimulation of the pyramidal tract and the lateral hypothalamus are combined with stimulation applied at the same periodicity to the sensorimotor cortex, a further statistically significant enhancement in potentiation of the positive phase of pyramidal cortical response is seen in addition to the potentiating effect produced by hypothalamic stimulation.Institute for Brain Research of the All-Union Scientific Center of Mental Health, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 367–373, May–June, 1986.  相似文献   

1. In Golgi-Cox-impregnated coronal sections of albino rat brains at 1, 4, 26, 24, 30, 60 and 90 days it is presented the evolution of the spine-less, bare initial zone ("nude zone", NZ) at the proximal apical main dendrites of the layer V pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory and anterior limbie cortex. The quantitative results are analyzed by statistical methods. 2. The NZ is comprehended as a morphological correlate of the endodendritic neuroplasmic flow (Weiss 1944, Globus, Lux and Schuberl 1968, Kreutzberg 1973). The observed changes of the percental frequency and the average length of NZ increases rapidly. 3. The NZ occurs at first in the (12th) 16 postnatal day, thus in a time, when the organs of hearing and the eyes are differentiated completely. Between 16th and 24th day the percental frequency as well as the longitude of NZ increases. During this time the rats will be independent of the mother animals. With the full differentiation of the urogenital tract and especially with the sexual maturity the percentage frequency of NZ increases only at pyramidal cells in the anterior limbie cortex between 24th and 60th day. During 3rd month the NZ is occuring percental more frequently in the anterior limbic cortex than in the somatosensory cortex. At this time the average length of NZ is shorter in the limbic cortex. 4. As to the enriched, vivid movement of the animals and the playing impulse of the young rats the average length of NZ will be extended at pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex during 2nd month, as well as the pattern of spine distribution will be changed along apical dendrites (Schlerhorn, unpublished). During the following (3rd) month the NZ will be shorteded in the somatosensory cortex, obviously caused by new formation of spines at the proximal main dendrites. 5. These newly formed spines in the initial zone of apical dendrites may be inhibitory spines. The inhibitory spines are stained only when using the mercury chromate impregnation according to Golgi-Cox, but not when using the silver chromate methods according to Golgi-Kopsch or Golgi-Bubenaite. The different tingibility of these spines by different Golgi techniques is discussed by Doedens, Nagel and Schierhorn (1974). The pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex possess a longer average length of NZ (Lnz = 7,3[mum]) than the pyramidal cells in the anterior limbic cortex (Lnz = 6.2[mum]). As to NZ the differences between silver and mercury chromate stained pyramidal neurons are greater in the somatosensory cortex than in limbic cortex (see Tab. 7). Therefore we assume that there are in the initial zone of somatosensory pyramidal neurons more inhibitory spines than at the pyramidal neurons in the anterior limbic cortex. 6. The regional differences in the percentual frequency and in the average length of NZ between somatosensory and limbic cortex are new identifying marks of architectonic differentiation of the pyramidal neurons in cortical regions of phylogenetically different ages.  相似文献   

Three groups of Wistar-rats were exposed to permanent noise (80 db) during different periods in their postnatal life: the first group was exposed starting from birth for a period of four weeks, the second one from birth up to nine weeks of age and the third group from the fifth up to the ninth week postnatal. A fourth group (control animals) was reared under normal laboratory conditions. After the experiments the brains were exposed to a modified GOLGI-method. In lamina-V-pyramids of the gyrus cinguli lightmicroscopical results: length, number and distribution of spines on the main apical dendrites and on the apical dendritic branches where evaluated. Main results: 1. Permanent noise during the early postnatal development phase of the brain of rats (from birth up to the fourth week of age) causes a statistically significant increase of apical spines. The spines-values are 20% above those of the control animals. 2. Permanent noise from birth up to the ninth week of age or applied only during the later postnatal period (from the fifth week up to the ninth week of age) does not significantly alterate the spines-value. 3. The results are estimated as a consequence of extreme environmental factors causing effects, comparable with an universal stress reaction. Conclusions were discussed in comparison to the results of other authors.  相似文献   

In slices of rat sensorimotor cortex, extracellular field potentials evoked by electrical stimulation of the white matter were recorded at various cortical depths. In order to determine the nature of the various components, experiments were performed in 3 situations: in a control perfusion medium, in a solution in which calcium ions have been replaced by magnesium ions to block synaptic transmission, and in cortices in which the pyramidal neurons of layer V had been previously induced to degenerate.In the control situation, the response at or near the surface was a positive-negative wave. From a depth of about 150 μm downwards, the evoked response consisted usually of 6 successive components, 3 positive-going, P11, P3 and P6 and 3 negative-going, N2, N4 and N5. P1 and N4 were apparent in superficial layers only. The amplitude of the remaining waves variable in the cortex but all diminished near the white matter.The early part of the surface positive wave arises from a non-synaptic activation of superficial elements, probably apical dendrites. The late part of the surface positive wave and the negative wave are due to the synaptic activation of neurons located probably in layer III.The large negative wave N2 represents principally the antidromic activation of cell bodies and possibly of proximal dendrites of neurons situated in layers III, IV and V, through the compound action potentials of afferent and efferent fibers may contribute to a reduced part to its generation.The late components N4 to P6 are post-synaptic responses. The negative component N5, the amplitude of which is largest in layers III and IV, represents excitatory responses of neurons located at various depths in the cortex. The nature of the positive component P6 is less clear, although the underlying mechanism might be inhibitory synaptic potentials.  相似文献   

Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are a family of cytosolic phosphoproteins that consist of 5 members (CRMP 1–5). CRMP2 and CRMP4 regulate neurite outgrowth by binding to tubulin heterodimers, resulting in the assembly of microtubules. CRMP2 also mediates the growth cone collapse response to the repulsive guidance molecule semaphorin‐3A (Sema3A). However, the role of CRMP4 in Sema3A signaling and its function in the developing mouse brain remain unclear. We generated CRMP4?/? mice in order to study the in vivo function of CRMP4 and identified a phenotype of proximal bifurcation of apical dendrites in the CA1 pyramidal neurons of CRMP4?/? mice. We also observed increased dendritic branching in cultured CRMP4?/? hippocampal neurons as well as in cultured cortical neurons treated with CRMP4 shRNA. Sema3A induces extension and branching of the dendrites of hippocampal neurons; however, these inductions were compromised in the CRMP4?/? hippocampal neurons. These results suggest that CRMP4 suppresses apical dendrite bifurcation of CA1 pyramidal neurons in the mouse hippocampus and that this is partly dependent on Sema3A signaling. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012  相似文献   

The intracellular activity of pyramidal tract neurons was studied during electrical stimulation of ventrolateral and ventroposterolateral thalamic nuclei in acute experiments on cats immobilized by myorelaxants. Somatic action potentials were observed and spontaneous spikes were also produced by single and rhythmic stimulation of the thalamic nuclei at the rate of 8–14 Hz, by iontophoretic application of strychnine, and by intracellular depolarizing current pulses. These potentials had a relatively low and variable amplitude of 5–60 mV and are presumed to be dendritic action potentials. It is postulated that these variable potentials arise in the dendrites of pyramidal neurons with multiple zones generating such activity. No interaction was observed where somatic and dendritic action potentials occur simultaneously. The possible functional role of dendritic action potentials is discussed.I. S. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 435–443, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   

Response in pyramidal neurons belonging to the sensorimotor cortex (37% of total nerve cells investigated in this zone) which were identified by stimulating the bulbar pyramids, were investigated during experiments on unrestrained rabbits. Pyramidal neurons having connections with the lateral hypothalamus were activated during operation of feeding behavior, while activity was inhibited in those unconnected with the lateral hypothalamus. Microiontophoretic application of a protein synthesis inhibitor to pyramidal neurons caused their ability to respond to ascending activating influences from the lateral hypothalamus to disappear. When pentagastrin was applied to these neurons following the protein synthesis blocker, they recovered their ability to participate in hypothalamic feeding reaction. It is suggested that synthesis and release of a gastrin-like peptide into the perineuronal space is required for sensorimotor cortex pyramidal neurons to participate in the organization of feeding behavior.P. K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 5, 601–606, September–October, 1987.  相似文献   

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