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Although numerous studies indicate that increasing atmospheric CO2 or temperature stimulate soil CO2 efflux, few data are available on the responses of three major components of soil respiration [i.e. rhizosphere respiration (root and root exudates), litter decomposition, and oxidation of soil organic matter] to different CO2 and temperature conditions. In this study, we applied a dual stable isotope approach to investigate the impact of elevated CO2 and elevated temperature on these components of soil CO2 efflux in Douglas-fir terracosms. We measured both soil CO2 efflux rates and the 13C and 18O isotopic compositions of soil CO2 efflux in 12 sun-lit and environmentally controlled terracosms with 4-year-old Douglas fir seedlings and reconstructed forest soils under two CO2 concentrations (ambient and 200 ppmv above ambient) and two air temperature regimes (ambient and 4 °C above ambient). The stable isotope data were used to estimate the relative contributions of different components to the overall soil CO2 efflux. In most cases, litter decomposition was the dominant component of soil CO2 efflux in this system, followed by rhizosphere respiration and soil organic matter oxidation. Both elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and elevated temperature stimulated rhizosphere respiration and litter decomposition. The oxidation of soil organic matter was stimulated only by increasing temperature. Release of newly fixed carbon as root respiration was the most responsive to elevated CO2, while soil organic matter decomposition was most responsive to increasing temperature. Although some assumptions associated with this new method need to be further validated, application of this dual-isotope approach can provide new insights into the responses of soil carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems to future climate changes.  相似文献   

Feng R F  Yang W Q  Zhang J  Deng R J  Jian Y  Lin J 《农业工程》2007,27(10):4019-4026
Little is known about the responses of the activities of soil enzymes that are related to mass cycle to simulated climate change. Therefore, 72 intact soil columns from the primary fir (Abies faxoniana Rehder & E. H. Wilson) forest were parked in environment-controlled chambers with the CK (outside ambient CO2 concentration and temperature), EC (elevated concentration CO2 with (347.1 ± 22.1) μmol·mol?1), ET (elevated temperature with (2.4 ± 0.4)°C), and ECT (elevated CO2 concentration with (352.8 ± 27.6) μmol·mol?1 and temperature with (2.2 ± 0.5)°C) treatments, and the activities of invertase, urease, nitrate reductase and acid phosphatase, which are related to the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in mineral soil (MS) and organic layer (OL) were measured simultaneously to understand the responses of these enzymes to climate change. Significant monthly variations on the activities of the studied enzymes were found in both OL and MS with the highest enzyme activities in summer, which were of ecological significance for soil nutrient availability and tree nutrition in the subalpine forest ecosystem. Different monthly patterns of enzyme activities were attributed to enzyme sources and soil layer. EC treatment had influenced slightly on the activities of the studied enzymes resulting from the higher CO2 concentration in soil atmosphere and no indirect effect from the EC owing to a lack of trees planted on soils. ET treatment increased enzyme activities in comparison with the CK treatment because ET was beneficial to microbial growth and propagation. The increments of the enzyme activities in OL were higher than those in MS, implying that OL is more sensitive to climate change. ECT treatment sharply increased enzyme activities in comparison with the EC and CK, but there was no significant difference between ET and ECT, which was also attributed to no indirect effect by EC treatment owing to trees not planted on soils, implying that the increment of enzyme activities resulted from the temperature effect. However, further studies on indirect effect and complex effect on soil enzyme activity caused by EC, ET and ECT are needed to understand the soil enzyme responses to the climate change.  相似文献   

Soil respiration in a cropland is the sum of heterotrophic (mainly microorganisms) and autotrophic (root) respiration. The contribution of both these types to soil respiration needs to be understood to evaluate the effects of environmental change on soil carbon cycling and sequestration. In this paper, the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on hetero- and autotrophic respiration in a wheat field were differentiated and evaluated by a novel split-root growth and gas collection system. Elevated atmospheric pCO2 of approximately 200 μmol mol−1 above the ambient pCO2 significantly increased soil respiration by 15.1 and 14.8% at high nitrogen (HN) and low nitrogen (LN) application rates, respectively. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on root respiration was not consistent across the wheat growth stages. Elevated pCO2 significantly increased and decreased root respiration at the booting-heading stage (middle stage) and the late-filling stage (late stage), respectively, in HN and LN treatments; however, no significant effect was found at the jointing stage (early stage). Thus, the effect of increased pCO2 on cumulative root respiration for the entire wheat growing season was not significant. Cumulative root respiration accounted for approximately 25–30% of cumulative soil respiration in the entire wheat growing season. Consequently, cumulative microbial respiration (soil respiration minus root respiration) increased by 22.5 and 21.1% due to elevated pCO2 in HN and LN, respectively. High nitrogen application significantly increased root respiration at the late stage under both elevated pCO2 and ambient pCO2; however, no significant effects were found on cumulative soil respiration, root respiration, and microbial respiration. These findings suggest that heterotrophic respiration, which is influenced by increased substrate supplies from the plant to the soil, is the key process to determine C emission from agro-ecosystems with regard to future scenarios of enriched pCO2.  相似文献   

Effects of elevated CO2 (700 L L–1) and a control (350 L L–1 CO2) on the productivity of a 3-year-old ryegrass/white clover pasture, and on soil biochemical properties, were investigated with turves of a Typic Endoaquept soil in growth chambers. Temperature treatments corresponding to average winter, spring, and summer conditions in the field were applied consecutively to all of the turves. An additional treatment, at 700 L L–1 CO2 and a temperature 6°C higher throughout than in the other treatments, was included.Under the same temperature conditions, overall herbage yields in the 700 L L–1 CO2 treatment were ca. 7% greater than in the control at the end of the summer period. Root mass (to ca 25 cm depth) in the 700 L L–1 CO2 treatment was then about 50% greater than in the control, but in the 700 L L–1 CO2+6°C treatment it was 6% lower than in the control. Based on decomposition results, herbage from the 700 L L–1+6°C treatment probably contained the highest proportion of readily decomposable components.Elevated CO2 had no consistent effect on soil total C and N, microbial C and N, or extractable C concentrations in any of the treatments. Under the same temperature conditions, it did, however, enhance soil respiration (CO2-C production) and invertase activity. The effects of elevated CO2 on rates of net N mineralization were less distinct, and the apparent availability of N for the sward was not affected. Under elevated CO2, soil in the higher-temperature treatment had a higher microbial C:N ratio; it also had a greater potential to degrade plant materials.Data interpretation was complicated by soil spatial variability and the moderately high background levels of organic matter and biochemical properties that are typical of New Zealand pasture soils. More rapid cycling of C under CO2 enrichment is, nevertheless, indicated. Futher long-term experiments are required to determine the overall effect of elevated CO2 on the soil C balance.  相似文献   

J. Taylor  A. S. Ball 《Plant and Soil》1994,162(2):315-318
The biodegradability of aerial material from a C4 plant, sorghum grown under ambient (345 µmol mol–1) and elevated (700 µmol mol–1) atmospheric CO2 concentrations were compared by measuring soil respiratory activity. Initial daily respiratory activity (measured over 10 h per day) increased four fold from 110 to 440 cm3 CO2 100g dry weight soil–1 in soils amended with sorghum grown under either elevated or ambient CO2. Although soil respiratory activity decreased over the following 30 days, respiration remained significantly higher (t-test;p>0.05) in soils amended with sorghum grown under elevated CO2 concentrations. Analysis of the plant material revealed no significant differences in C:N ratios between sorghum grown under elevated or ambient CO2. The reason for the differences in soil respiratory activity have yet to be elucidated. However if this trend is repeated in natural ecosystems, this may have important implications for C and N cycling.  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from terrestrial ecosystems to future CO2 enrichment and warming is critical for the development of mitigation and adaptation policies. The effects of continuous increase in elevated CO2 (EC) and elevated temperature (ET) on N2O emissions are not fully known. We synthesized 209 measurements from 70 published studies and carried out a meta-analysis to examine individual and interactive effects of EC and ET on N2O emissions from grasslands, croplands and forests. On average, a significant increase of 23% in N2O emissions was observed under EC across all case studies. EC did not affect N2O emissions from grasslands or forests, but significantly increased N2O emissions in croplands by 38%. The extent of ET effects on N2O emissions was nonsignificant and there was no significant difference in N2O emission responses among these three terrestrial systems. ET only promoted N2O emissions in forest by about 32% when ET was less than 2°C. The interactive effect of EC and ET on N2O emissions was significantly synergistic, showing a greater increase than the sum of the effects caused by EC and ET alone. Our findings indicated that the combination of EC and ET substantially promoted soil N2O and highlighted the urgent need to explore its mechanisms to better understand N2O responses under future climate change.  相似文献   

冯瑞芳  杨万勤  张健  邓仁菊  简毅  林静 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4019-4026
采用控制环境生长室研究了川西亚高山森林生态系统中与C、N、P循环有关的土壤转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的月动态及其对模拟大气CO2浓度增加、温度升高以及交互作用的动态响应。在一个生长季节内,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在温度较高的夏季。其中,土壤有机层的转化酶活性高峰出现在6月份,但土壤矿质层的转化酶活性高峰出现在7月份,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的脲酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在7月份,而硝酸还原酶的活性高峰均出现在8月份。升高大气CO2浓度处理(EC)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性没有显著影响。升高温度处理(ET)显著增加了土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的酶活性,并且土壤有机层的转化酶、硝酸还原酶和脲酶活性增加更显著。大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高之间的交互作用(ECT)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层酶活性的影响主要是温度升高引起的。  相似文献   

冯瑞芳  杨万勤  张健  邓仁菊  简毅  林静 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4019-4026
采用控制环境生长室研究了川西亚高山森林生态系统中与C、N、P循环有关的土壤转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的月动态及其对模拟大气CO2浓度增加、温度升高以及交互作用的动态响应。在一个生长季节内,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在温度较高的夏季。其中,土壤有机层的转化酶活性高峰出现在6月份,但土壤矿质层的转化酶活性高峰出现在7月份,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的脲酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在7月份,而硝酸还原酶的活性高峰均出现在8月份。升高大气CO2浓度处理(EC)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性没有显著影响。升高温度处理(ET)显著增加了土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的酶活性,并且土壤有机层的转化酶、硝酸还原酶和脲酶活性增加更显著。大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高之间的交互作用(ECT)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层酶活性的影响主要是温度升高引起的。  相似文献   

It has been predicted that elevated atmospheric CO2 will increase enzyme activity as a result of CO2-induced carbon entering the soil. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil enzyme activities under a rice/wheat rotation. This experiment was conducted in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China as part of the China FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) Project. Two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (580±60) and (380±40) μmol·mol-1) and three N application treatments (low-150, normal-250 and high-350 kg N·hm-2) were included. Soil samples (0-10 cm) were collected for analysis of β-glucosidase, invertase, urease, acid phosphates and β-glucosaminidase activities. The results revealed that with elevated atmospheric CO2 β-glucosidase activity significantly decreased (P < 0.05) at low N application rates; had no significant effect with a normal N application rate; and significantly increased (P < 0.05) with a high N application rate. For urease activity, at low and normal N application rates (but not high N application rate), elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased (P < 0.05) it. With acid phosphatase elevated atmospheric CO2 only had significant higher effects (P < 0.05) at high N application rates. Under different CO2 concentration, effects of N fertilization are also different. Soil β-glucosidase activity at ambient CO2 concentration decreased with N fertilization, while it increased at elevated CO2 concentration. In addition, invertase and acid phosphatase activities at elevated CO2 concentration, significantly increased (P < 0.05) with N treatments, but there was no effect with the ambient CO2 concentration. For urease activity, at ambient CO2 concentration, N fertilization increased it significantly (P < 0.05), whereas at elevated CO2 concentration it was not significant. Additionally, with β-glucosaminidase activity, there were no significant effects from N application. In general, then, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil enzyme activity, which may be attributed to the following two factors: (1) elevated atmospheric CO2 led to more plant biomass in the soil, which in turn stimulated soil microbial biomass and activity; and (2) elevated atmospheric CO2 increased plant photosynthesis, thereby increasing plant-derived soil enzymes.  相似文献   

It has been predicted that elevated atmospheric CO2 will increase enzyme activity as a result of CO2-induced carbon entering the soil. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil enzyme activities under a rice/wheat rotation. This experiment was conducted in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China as part of the China FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) Project. Two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (580±60) and (380±40) μmol·mol-1) and three N application treatments (low-150, normal-250 and high-350 kg N·hm-2) were included. Soil samples (0-10 cm) were collected for analysis of β-glucosidase, invertase, urease, acid phosphates and β-glucosaminidase activities. The results revealed that with elevated atmospheric CO2 β-glucosidase activity significantly decreased (P < 0.05) at low N application rates; had no significant effect with a normal N application rate; and significantly increased (P < 0.05) with a high N application rate. For urease activity, at low and normal N application rates (but not high N application rate), elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased (P < 0.05) it. With acid phosphatase elevated atmospheric CO2 only had significant higher effects (P < 0.05) at high N application rates. Under different CO2 concentration, effects of N fertilization are also different. Soil β-glucosidase activity at ambient CO2 concentration decreased with N fertilization, while it increased at elevated CO2 concentration. In addition, invertase and acid phosphatase activities at elevated CO2 concentration, significantly increased (P < 0.05) with N treatments, but there was no effect with the ambient CO2 concentration. For urease activity, at ambient CO2 concentration, N fertilization increased it significantly (P < 0.05), whereas at elevated CO2 concentration it was not significant. Additionally, with β-glucosaminidase activity, there were no significant effects from N application. In general, then, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil enzyme activity, which may be attributed to the following two factors: (1) elevated atmospheric CO2 led to more plant biomass in the soil, which in turn stimulated soil microbial biomass and activity; and (2) elevated atmospheric CO2 increased plant photosynthesis, thereby increasing plant-derived soil enzymes.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Leaf hydraulic properties are strongly linked with transpiration and photosynthesis in many species. However, it is not known if gas exchange and hydraulics will have co-ordinated responses to climate change. The objective of this study was to investigate the responses of leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) in Glycine max (soybean) to growth at elevated [CO2] and increased temperature compared with the responses of leaf gas exchange and leaf water status.


Two controlled-environment growth chamber experiments were conducted with soybean to measure Kleaf, stomatal conductance (gs) and photosynthesis (A) during growth at elevated [CO2] and temperature relative to ambient levels. These results were validated with field experiments on soybean grown under free-air elevated [CO2] (FACE) and canopy warming.

Key results

In chamber studies, Kleaf did not acclimate to growth at elevated [CO2], even though stomatal conductance decreased and photosynthesis increased. Growth at elevated temperature also did not affect Kleaf, although gs and A showed significant but inconsistent decreases. The lack of response of Kleaf to growth at increased [CO2] and temperature in chamber-grown plants was confirmed with field-grown soybean at a FACE facility.


Leaf hydraulic and leaf gas exchange responses to these two climate change factors were not strongly linked in soybean, although gs responded to [CO2] and increased temperature as previously reported. This differential behaviour could lead to an imbalance between hydraulic supply and transpiration demand under extreme environmental conditions likely to become more common as global climate continues to change.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对春玉米土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐洲  冯倩  王玉  赵金磊  李常鑫  王丽梅 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7331-7338
为探讨春玉米不同生育期土壤呼吸速率对大气CO2浓度升高的响应,以黄土高原旱作春玉米为研究对象,通过改进的开顶式气室(OTC)模拟大气CO2浓度升高的环境,在田间条件下设置自然大气CO2浓度(CK)、OTC对照(OTC,CO2浓度同CK)与CO2浓度升高(OTC+CO2,OTC系统自动控制CO2浓度700 μmol/mol)3种处理。研究了旱区覆膜高产栽培春玉米播前(V0)、六叶期(V6)、九叶期(V9)、吐丝期(R1)、乳熟期(R3)、蜡熟期(R5)及完熟期(R6)土壤呼吸速率对大气CO2浓度升高的响应特征,以及大气CO2浓度升高对土壤呼吸速率的温度与水分效应的影响。研究发现,OTC+CO2处理土壤呼吸速率,与CK相比,在R3和R5期分别增加43%、104%(P<0.05),与OTC相比,R3和R5期分别提升了63%、109%(P<0.05);OTC处理与CK相比,在整个生育期对土壤呼吸影响不显著;3种处理条件下,土壤温度和水分随生育期变化趋势基本一致,土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度和水分分别呈指数相关和抛物线型相关;结果表明:大气CO2浓度升高对土壤呼吸的影响因生育期而异,土壤温度和土壤水分是影响旱地农田土壤呼吸的重要因素,CO2浓度升高会使土壤呼吸温度效应值(Q10)降低,土壤呼吸对土壤水分响应的阈值提高。  相似文献   

Hagedorn  Frank  Bucher  Jürg B.  Tarjan  David  Rusert  Peter  Bucher-Wallin  Inga 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):273-286
The objectives of this study were to estimate how soil type, elevated N deposition (0.7 vs. 7 g N m–2y–1) and tree species influence the potential effects of elevated CO2 (370 vs. 570 mol CO2 mol–1) on N pools and fluxes in forest soils. Model spruce-beech forest ecosystems were established on a nutrient-rich calcareous sand and on a nutrient-poor acidic loam in large open-top chambers. In the fourth year of treatment, we measured N concentrations in the soil solution at different depths, estimated N accumulation by ion exchange resin (IER) bags, and quantified N export in drainage water, denitrification, and net N uptake by trees. Under elevated CO2, concentrations of N in the soil solution were significantly reduced. In the nutrient-rich calcareous sand, CO2 enrichment decreased N concentrations in the soil solution at all depths (–45 to –100%). In the nutrient-poor acidic loam, the negative CO2 effect was restricted to the uppermost 5 cm of the soil. Increasing the N deposition stimulated the negative impact of CO2 enrichment on soil solution N in the acidic loam at 5 cm depth from –20% at low N inputs to –70% at high N inputs. In the nutrient-rich calcareous sand, N additions did not influence the CO2 effect on soil solution N. Accumulation of N by IER bags, which were installed under individual trees, was decreased at high CO2 levels under spruce in both soil types. Under beech, this decrease occurred only in the calcareous sand. N accumulation by IER bags was negatively correlated with current-years foliage biomass, suggesting that the reduction of soil N availability indices was related to a CO2-induced growth enhancement. However, the net N uptake by trees was not significantly increased by elevated CO2. Thus, we suppose that the reduced N concentrations in the soil solution at elevated CO2 concentrations were rather caused by an increased N immobilisation in the soil. Denitrification was not influenced by atmospheric CO2 concentrations. CO2 enrichment decreased nitrate leaching in drainage by 65%, which suggests that rising atmospheric CO2 potentially increases the N retention capacity of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated levels of atmospheric [CO2] are likely to enhance photosynthesis and plant growth, which, in turn, should result in increased specific and whole-plant respiration rates. However, a large body of literature has shown that specific respiration rates of plant tissues are often reduced when plants are exposed to, or grown at, high [CO2] due to direct effects on enzymes and indirect effects derived from changes in the plant's chemical composition. SCOPE: Although measurement artefacts may have affected some of the previously reported effects of CO2 on respiration rates, the direction and magnitude for the effects of elevated [CO2] on plant respiration may largely depend on the vertical scale (from enzymes to ecosystems) at which measurements are taken. In this review, the effects of elevated [CO2] from cells to ecosystems are presented within the context of the enzymatic and physiological controls of plant respiration, the role(s) of non-phosphorylating pathways, and possible effects associated with plant size. CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to what was previously thought, specific respiration rates are generally not reduced when plants are grown at elevated [CO2]. However, whole ecosystem studies show that canopy respiration does not increase proportionally to increases in biomass in response to elevated [CO2], although a larger proportion of respiration takes place in the root system. Fundamental information is still lacking on how respiration and the processes supported by it are physiologically controlled, thereby preventing sound interpretations of what seem to be species-specific responses of respiration to elevated [CO2]. Therefore the role of plant respiration in augmenting the sink capacity of terrestrial ecosystems is still uncertain.  相似文献   

The concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and tropospheric ozone (O3) have been rising due to human activities. However, little is known about how such increases influence soil microbial communities. We hypothesized that elevated CO2 (eCO2) and elevated O3 (eO3) would significantly affect the functional composition, structure and metabolic potential of soil microbial communities, and that various functional groups would respond to such atmospheric changes differentially. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed 96 soil samples from a soybean free-air CO2 enrichment (SoyFACE) experimental site using a comprehensive functional gene microarray (GeoChip 3.0). The results showed the overall functional composition and structure of soil microbial communities shifted under eCO2, eO3 or eCO2+eO3. Key functional genes involved in carbon fixation and degradation, nitrogen fixation, denitrification and methane metabolism were stimulated under eCO2, whereas those involved in N fixation, denitrification and N mineralization were suppressed under eO3, resulting in the fact that the abundance of some eO3-supressed genes was promoted to ambient, or eCO2-induced levels by the interaction of eCO2+eO3. Such effects appeared distinct for each treatment and significantly correlated with soil properties and soybean yield. Overall, our analysis suggests possible mechanisms of microbial responses to global atmospheric change factors through the stimulation of C and N cycling by eCO2, the inhibition of N functional processes by eO3 and the interaction by eCO2 and eO3. This study provides new insights into our understanding of microbial functional processes in response to global atmospheric change in soybean agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)是中国东北地区天然次生林重要组成树种, 研究该树种幼苗有机碳积累及碳库容对未来气候变化的响应, 可为预测未来气候变暖情景下蒙古栎林的天然更新及幼苗的培育提供科学参考。该文旨在探讨CO2浓度和温度升高综合作用对蒙古栎幼苗非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累及其分配的影响。实验环境条件用人工气候箱控制, 控制条件如下: 1) CO2浓度倍增(700 μmol·mol-1), 温度升高4 ℃处理(HCHT); 2) CO2浓度正常(400 μmol·mol-1), 温度升高4 ℃处理(HT); 3) CO2浓度和温度均正常, 即对照组(CK); 每个气候箱幼苗分别在3种氮素水平下生长: N2 (15 mmol·L-1, 高氮), N1 (7.5 mmol·L-1, 正常供氮)和N0 (不施氮), 一共为9个处理。研究结果表明, 1) HCHT共同作用对NSC积累无促进作用, 但改变了植物各器官中NSC的分配比例, 叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉的积累明显增加, HCHT下N2水平有利于NSC的积累。2) HT明显影响了蒙古栎一年生幼苗NCS的积累和分配。在N2水平下, HT明显促进NSC的积累, 并增加了在主根中的分配比例。3)植株各器官可溶性糖含量的动态变化因处理不同而异。主根淀粉含量随时间逐渐增加, 而细根淀粉含量随时间逐渐减少。在未来气候变暖的情况下, 土壤中大量的氮供给, 可能将促进蒙古栎幼苗的生长、增加其碳库容和抵御不良环境的能力, 进而提高其天然更新潜力。  相似文献   

Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration in shoots and ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (C a ) was studied in a brackish wetland. Open top chambers were used to create test atmospheres of normal ambient and elevated C a (=normal ambient + 34 Pa CO2) over mono-specific stands of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi, the dominant C3 species in the wetland ecosystem, throughout each growing season since April of 1987. Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration were evaluated by measurements of gas exchange in excised shoots. The impact of elevated C a on the accumulation of carbon in the ecosystem was determined by ecosystem gas exchange measurements made using the open top chamber as a cuvette.Elevated C a increased carbohydrate and reduced Rubisco and soluble protein concentrations as well as photosynthetic capacity(A) and dark respiration (R d ; dry weight basis) in excised shoots and canopies (leaf area area basis) of Scirpus olneyi. Nevertheless, the rate of photosynthesis was stimulated 53% in shoots and 30% in canopies growing in elevated C a compared to normal ambient concentration. Elevated C a inhibited R d measured in excised shoots (–19 to –40%) and in seasonally integrated ecosystem respiration (R e ; –36 to –57%). Growth of shoots in elevated C a was stimulated 14–21%, but this effect was not statistically significant at peak standing biomass in midseason. Although the effect of elevated C a on growth of shoots was relatively small, the combined effect of increased number of shoots and stimulation of photosynthesis produced a 30% stimulation in seasonally integrated gross primary production (GPP). The stimulation of photosynthesis and inhibition of respiration by elevated C a increased net ecosystem production (NEP=GPP–R e ) 59% in 1993 and 50% in 1994. While this study consistently showed that elevated C a produced a significant increase in NEP, we have not identified a correspondingly large pool of carbon below ground.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated CO2 on growth of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum cv. Minaret) and soil protozoan and bacterial populations was investigated in soil pots placed in open top chambers fumigated with ambient air or air enriched with CO2 (ambient + 320 l L–1 CO2). We harvested plants two times during the growing season and measured the biomass and the C and N content of roots and shoots. The soil was divided into bulk and rhizosphere soil and the number of bacteria (colony-forming units, CFU) and protozoa was determined. There was no effect of atmospheric CO2 content on the number of bacteria, but the total number of bacterivorous protozoa was higher in pots from the elevated CO2 treatment. This increase was mainly due to an increase in the number of protozoa in the bulk soil. Density of protozoa in the rhizosphere was not affected by elevated CO2. This suggests that the increase in protozoan numbers was a result of a general increase in rhizodeposition, presumably caused by increased root production, and not to an increased root exudation per root mass. After harvest, soil from the two treatments was incubated with and without roots and the respiration rate was estimated at intervals for 200 days. During the first 55 days, the specific root induced respiration rate was not affected by the CO2 level at which the plants had been grown, indicating that the quality of the easily decomposable components of the roots was not affected by CO2 level.  相似文献   

Xinyou Yin 《Annals of botany》2013,112(3):465-475


Process-based ecophysiological crop models are pivotal in assessing responses of crop productivity and designing strategies of adaptation to climate change. Most existing crop models generally over-estimate the effect of elevated atmospheric [CO2], despite decades of experimental research on crop growth response to [CO2].


A review of the literature indicates that the quantitative relationships for a number of traits, once expressed as a function of internal plant nitrogen status, are altered little by the elevated [CO2]. A model incorporating these nitrogen-based functional relationships and mechanisms simulated photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2], thereby reducing the chance of over-estimating crop response to [CO2]. Robust crop models to have small parameterization requirements and yet generate phenotypic plasticity under changing environmental conditions need to capture the carbon–nitrogen interactions during crop growth.


The performance of the improved models depends little on the type of the experimental facilities used to obtain data for parameterization, and allows accurate projections of the impact of elevated [CO2] and other climatic variables on crop productivity.  相似文献   

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