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During early embryogenesis, heart and skeletal muscle progenitor cells are thought to derive from distinct regions of the mesoderm (i.e. the lateral plate mesoderm and paraxial mesoderm, respectively). In the present study, we have employed both in vitro and in vivo experimental systems in the avian embryo to explore how mesoderm progenitors in the head differentiate into both heart and skeletal muscles. Using fate-mapping studies, gene expression analyses, and manipulation of signaling pathways in the chick embryo, we demonstrate that cells from the cranial paraxial mesoderm contribute to both myocardial and endocardial cell populations within the cardiac outflow tract. We further show that Bmp signaling affects the specification of mesoderm cells in the head: application of Bmp4, both in vitro and in vivo, induces cardiac differentiation in the cranial paraxial mesoderm and blocks the differentiation of skeletal muscle precursors in these cells. Our results demonstrate that cells within the cranial paraxial mesoderm play a vital role in cardiogenesis, as a new source of cardiac progenitors that populate the cardiac outflow tract in vivo. A deeper understanding of mesodermal lineage specification in the vertebrate head is expected to provide insights into the normal, as well as pathological, aspects of heart and craniofacial development.  相似文献   

During embryogenesis, paraxial mesoderm cells contribute skeletal muscle progenitors, whereas cardiac progenitors originate in the lateral splanchnic mesoderm (SpM). Here we focus on a subset of the SpM that contributes to the anterior or secondary heart field (AHF/SHF), and lies adjacent to the cranial paraxial mesoderm (CPM), the precursors for the head musculature. Molecular analyses in chick embryos delineated the boundaries between the CPM, undifferentiated SpM progenitors of the AHF/SHF, and differentiating cardiac cells. We then revealed the regionalization of branchial arch mesoderm: CPM cells contribute to the proximal region of the myogenic core, which gives rise to the mandibular adductor muscle. SpM cells contribute to the myogenic cells in the distal region of the branchial arch that later form the intermandibular muscle. Gene expression analyses of these branchiomeric muscles in chick uncovered a distinct molecular signature for both CPM- and SpM-derived muscles. Islet1 (Isl1) is expressed in the SpM/AHF and branchial arch in both chick and mouse embryos. Lineage studies using Isl1-Cre mice revealed the significant contribution of Isl1(+) cells to ventral/distal branchiomeric (stylohyoid, mylohyoid and digastric) and laryngeal muscles. By contrast, the Isl1 lineage contributes to mastication muscles (masseter, pterygoid and temporalis) to a lesser extent, with virtually no contribution to intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles or extraocular muscles. In addition, in vivo activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in chick embryos resulted in marked inhibition of Isl1, whereas inhibition of this pathway increased Isl1 expression. Our findings demonstrate, for the first time, the contribution of Isl1(+) SpM cells to a subset of branchiomeric skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

J B Weiss  K L Suyama  H H Lee  M P Scott 《Cell》2001,107(3):387-398
Inductive interactions subdivide the Drosophila mesoderm into visceral, somatic, and heart muscle precursors. The muscle precursors form organs by executing tissue-specific migrations and cell fusions. We identified a novel gene, jelly belly (jeb), which is required for visceral mesoderm development. jeb encodes a secreted protein that contains an LDL receptor repeat. In jeb mutants, visceral mesoderm precursors form, but they fail to migrate or differentiate normally; no visceral muscles develop. Jeb protein is produced in somatic muscle precursors and taken up by visceral muscle precursors. jeb reveals a signaling process in which somatic muscle precursors support the proper migration and differentiation of visceral muscle cells. Later in embryogenesis, jeb is transcribed in neurons and Jeb protein is found in axons.  相似文献   

Postnatal heart stem and progenitor cells are a potential therapeutic tool for cardiomyopathies, but little is known about the mechanisms that control cardiac differentiation. Recent work has highlighted an important role for microribonucleic acids (miRNAs) as regulators of cardiac and skeletal myogenesis. In this paper, we isolated cardiac progenitors from neonatal β-sarcoglycan (Sgcb)-null mouse hearts affected by dilated cardiomyopathy. Unexpectedly, Sgcb-null cardiac progenitors spontaneously differentiated into skeletal muscle fibers both in vitro and when transplanted into regenerating muscles or infarcted hearts. Differentiation potential correlated with the absence of expression of a novel miRNA, miR669q, and with down-regulation of miR669a. Other miRNAs are known to promote myogenesis, but only miR669a and miR669q act upstream of myogenic regulatory factors to prevent myogenesis by directly targeting the MyoD 3' untranslated region. This finding reveals an added level of complexity in the mechanism of the fate choice of mesoderm progenitors and suggests that using endogenous cardiac stem cells therapeutically will require specially tailored procedures for certain genetic diseases.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, motor axons originating from a particular craniocaudal position in the neural tube innervate limb muscles derived from myoblasts of the same segmental level. We have investigated whether this relationship is important for the formation of specific nerve-muscle connections, by altering the segmental origin of muscles and examining their resulting innervation. First, by grafting quail wing somites to a new craniocaudal position opposite the chick wing, we established that the segmental origin of a muscle can be altered: presumptive muscle cells migrated according to their new, rather than their original, somitic level, colonizing a different subset of muscles. However, after reversal of a length of brachial somitic mesoderm along the craniocaudal axis, or exchange or shift of brachial somites, the craniocaudal position of wing muscle motoneurone pools within the spinal cord was undisturbed, despite the new segmental origin of the muscles themselves. While not excluding the possibility that muscles and their motor nerves are labelled segmentally, we conclude that specific motor axon guidance in the wing does not depend upon the existence of such labels.  相似文献   

The visceral muscles of the Drosophila midgut consist of syncytia and arise by fusion of founder and fusion-competent myoblasts, as described for the somatic muscles. A single-step fusion results in the formation of binucleate circular midgut muscles, whereas a multiple-step fusion process produces the longitudinal muscles. A prerequisite for muscle fusion is the establishment of myoblast diversity in the mesoderm prior to the fusion process itself. We provide evidence for a role of Notch signalling during establishment of the different cell types in the visceral mesoderm, demonstrating that the basic mechanism underlying the segregation of somatic muscle founder cells is also conserved during visceral founder cell determination. Searching for genes involved in the determination and differentiation of the different visceral cell types, we identified two independent mutations causing loss of visceral midgut muscles. In both of these mutants visceral muscle founder cells are missing and the visceral mesoderm consists of fusion-competent myoblasts only. Thus, no fusion occurs resulting in a complete disruption of visceral myogenesis. Subsequent characterisation of the mutations revealed that they are novel alleles of jelly belly (jeb) and the Drosophila Alk homologue named milliways (mili(Alk)). We show that the process of founder cell determination in the visceral mesoderm depends on Jeb signalling via the Milliways/Alk receptor. Moreover, we demonstrate that in the somatic mesoderm determination of the opposite cell type, the fusion-competent myoblasts, also depends on Jeb and Alk, revealing different roles for Jeb signalling in specifying myoblast diversity. This novel mechanism uncovers a crosstalk between somatic and visceral mesoderm leading not only to the determination of different cell types but also maintains the separation of mesodermal tissues, the somatic and splanchnic mesoderm.  相似文献   

Heart development depends on the spatio-temporally regulated contribution of progenitor cells from the primary, secondary and anterior heart fields. Primary heart field (PHF) cells are first recruited to form a linear heart tube; later, they contribute to the inflow myocardium of the four-chambered heart. Subsequently cells from the secondary (SHF) and anterior heart fields (AHF) are added to the heart tube and contribute to both the inflow and outflow myocardium. In amniotes, progenitors of the linear heart tube have been mapped to the anterior-middle region of the early primitive streak. After ingression, these cells are located within bilateral heart fields in the lateral plate mesoderm. On the other hand SHF/AHF field progenitors are situated anterior to the linear heart tube, however, the origin and location of these progenitors prior to the development of the heart tube remains elusive. Thus, an unresolved question in the process of cardiac development is where SHF/AHF progenitors originate from during gastrulation and whether they come from a region in the primitive streak distinct from that which generates the PHF. To determine the origin and location of SHF/AHF progenitors we used vital dye injection and tissue grafting experiments to map the location and ingression site of outflow myocardium progenitors in early primitive streak stage chicken embryos. Cells giving rise to the AHF ingressed from a rostral region of the primitive streak, termed region ‘A’. During development these cells were located in the cranial paraxial mesoderm and in the pharyngeal mesoderm. Furthermore we identified region ‘B’, located posterior to ‘A’, which gave rise to progenitors that contributed to the primary heart tube and the outflow tract. Our studies identify two regions in the early primitive streak, one which generates cells of the AHF and a second from which cardiac progenitors of the PHF and SHF emerge.  相似文献   



In Drosophila muscle cell fusion takes place both during the formation of the somatic mesoderm and the visceral mesoderm, giving rise to the skeletal muscles and the gut musculature respectively. The core process of myoblast fusion is believed to be similar for both organs. The actin cytoskeleton regulator Verprolin acts by binding to WASP, which in turn binds to the Arp2/3 complex and thus activates actin polymerization. While Verprolin has been shown to be important for somatic muscle cell fusion, the function of this protein in visceral muscle fusion has not been determined.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ to function during vertebrate development and cardiac progenitors, are among the first cell lineages to be established from mesoderm cells emerging from the primitive streak during gastrulation. Cardiac progenitors have been mapped in the epiblast of pre-streak embryos. In the early chick gastrula they are located in the mid-primitive streak, from which they enter the mesoderm bilaterally. However, migration routes of cardiac progenitors have never been directly observed within the embryo and the factor(s) controlling their movement are not known. Furthermore, it is not understood how signals controlling cell movement are integrated with those that determine cell fate. Long-term video microscopy combined with GFP labelling and image processing enabled us to observe the movement patterns of prospective cardiac cells in whole embryos in real time. Embryo manipulations and the analysis of explants suggest that Wnt3a plays a crucial role in guiding these cells through a RhoA dependent mechanism involving negative chemotaxis. Wnt3a is expressed at high levels in the amniote primitive streak and ectopic signalling activity caused wider movement trajectories resulting in cardia bifida, which was rescued by dominant-negative Wnt3a. Our studies revealed Wnt3a-RhoA mediated chemo-repulsion as a novel mechanism guiding cardiac progenitors. This activity can act at long-range and does not interfere with cardiac cell fate specification.  相似文献   

In human development, it is postulated based on histological sections, that the cardiogenic mesoderm rotates 180° with the pericardial cavity. This is also thought to be the case in mouse development where gene expression data suggests that the progenitors of the right ventricle and outflow tract invert their position with respect to the progenitors of the atria and left ventricle. However, the inversion in both cases is inferred and has never been shown directly. We have used 3D reconstructions and cell tracing in chick embryos to show that the cardiogenic mesoderm is organized such that the lateralmost cells are incorporated into the cardiac inflow (atria and left ventricle) while medially placed cells are incorporated into the cardiac outflow (right ventricle and outflow tract). This happens because the cardiogenic mesoderm is inverted. The inversion is concomitant with movement of the anterior intestinal portal which rolls caudally to form the foregut pocket. The bilateral cranial cardiogenic fields fold medially and ventrally and fuse. After heart looping the seam made by ventral fusion will become the greater curvature of the heart loop. The caudal border of the cardiogenic mesoderm which ends up dorsally coincides with the inner curvature. Physical ablation of selected areas of the cardiogenic mesoderm based on this new fate map confirmed these results and, in addition, showed that the right and left atria arise from the right and left heart fields. The inversion and the new fate map account for several unexplained observations and provide a unified concept of heart fields and heart tube formation for avians and mammals.  相似文献   

Though cardiac progenitor cells should be a suitable material for cardiac regeneration, efficient ways to induce cardiac progenitors from embryonic stem (ES) cells have not been established. Extending our systematic cardiovascular differentiation method of ES cells, here we show efficient and specific expansion of cardiomyocytes and highly cardiogenic progenitors from ES cells. An immunosuppressant, cyclosporin-A (CSA), showed a novel effect specifically acting on mesoderm cells to drastically increase cardiac progenitors as well as cardiomyocytes by 10-20 times. Approximately 200 cardiomyocytes could be induced from one mouse ES cell using this method. Expanded progenitors successfully integrated into scar tissue of infracted heart as cardiomyocytes after cell transplantation to rat myocardial infarction model. CSA elicited specific induction of cardiac lineage from mesoderm in a novel mesoderm-specific, NFAT independent fashion. This simple but efficient differentiation technology would be extended to induce pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and broadly contribute to cardiac regeneration.  相似文献   

Pattern formation in muscle development is often mediated by special cells called muscle organizers. During metamorphosis in Drosophila, a set of larval muscles function as organizers and provide scaffolding for the development of the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles. These organizers undergo defined morphological changes and dramatically split into templates as adult fibers differentiate during pupation. We have investigated the cellular mechanisms involved in the use of larval fibers as templates. Using molecular markers that label myoblasts and the larval muscles themselves, we show that splitting of the larval muscles is concomitant with invasion by imaginal myoblasts and the onset of differentiation. We show that the Erect wing protein, an early marker of muscle differentiation, is not only expressed in myoblasts just before and after fusion, but also in remnant larval nuclei during muscle differentiation. We also show that interaction between imaginal myoblasts and larval muscles is necessary for transformation of the larval fibers. In the absence of imaginal myoblasts, the earliest steps in metamorphosis, such as the escape of larval muscles from histolysis and changes in their innervation, are normal. However, subsequent events, such as the splitting of these muscles, fail to progress. Finally, we show that in a mutant combination, null for Erect wing function in the mesoderm, the splitting of the larval muscles is aborted. These studies provide a genetic and molecular handle for the understanding of mechanisms underlying the use of muscle organizers in muscle patterning. Since the use of such organizers is a common theme in myogenesis in several organisms, it is likely that many of the processes that we describe are conserved.  相似文献   

Postnatal satellite cells, isolated from normal or previously denervated skeletal muscles of juvenile quails, were tested as to their capacity to participate in embryonic muscle ontogeny. They were grafted into 2-day chick embryo hosts, in place of a piece of brachial somitic mesoderm. Satellite cell implants were prepared from pellets either of freshly isolated cells or of cells precultured in vitro under proliferative conditions. Myogenic capacity of the implanted cells was attested by their ability to fuse into myotubes when cultured under differentiation conditions. In no case did the implanted satellite cells invade the adjacent wing bud or participate in wing muscle morphogenesis. They did not either give rise to myotubes at the site of implantation, nor did they even survive longer than 3 days in the embryonic environment. These negative results indicate that postnatal satellite cells, unlike embryonic myoblasts, are unable to take part in muscle embryogenesis. Although they derive from the same somitic myogenic cell line as the embryonic myoblasts, they therefore represent a differentiated non-totipotent type of myogenic cell.  相似文献   

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