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Koebner's phenomenon (KP) has been observed in a number of skin diseases, including vitiligo. Its clinical significance in vitiligo with respect to disease activity and course is still debatable, while its relevance for surgical techniques has been demonstrated in some reports. We present a literature review on the currently known facts about KP in vitiligo, including details of clinical, experimental, and histopathological changes. The consensus view is that there are still no methods to define and assess KP in vitiligo. A new classification is proposed to allow an evaluation of KP in daily practice or in experimental studies. However, many unanswered questions still remain after redefining KP in patients with vitiligo. Active research focusing on KP in vitiligo may not only provide unexpected clues in the pathogenesis of vitiligo but also help to tailor novel therapies against this chronic and often psychologically devastating skin disease.  相似文献   

The relation of vitiligo/non‐segmental vitiligo (NSV) to Koebner's phenomenon is variably appreciated. Our objective was to develop and validate a simple clinical score for Koebner's phenomenon (KP) in patients with vitiligo/NSV. The study population was composed of 351 individuals in the development sample and 285 patients in the validation sample. Seven variables were independently associated with the presence of KP: disease duration of more than 3 yr, forehead + scalp areas, eyelids, wrists, genital + belt areas, knees and tibial crests. The score computed by the weighted sum of the rounded coefficients of these seven variables ranged from 0 to 56 (mean 38.39 ± 22.93). The probability of having KP was computed as follows: exp (?2.37 + 0.1*score)/exp [1 + (?2.37 + 0.1*score)]. When applying the score to each patient in the validation and the development sample, the score maintained adequate discrimination and calibration (AUC‐ROC = 0.78), arguing that KP can be adequately predicted using our score. Further studies should evaluate KP assessed by the K‐VSCOR in clinical practice with the aim to determine its association with clinical profile, course and treatment response of vitiligo.  相似文献   

The discovery of copy number variations (CNV) in the human genome opened new perspectives in the study of the genetic causes of inherited disorders and the etiology of common diseases. Differently patterned instances of somatic mosaicism in CNV regions have been shown to be present in monozygotic twins and throughout different tissues within an individual. A single-cell-level investigation of CNV in different human cell types led us to uncover mitotically derived genomic mosaicism, which is stable in different cell types of one individual. A unique study of immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines obtained with 20 year interval from the same two subjects shows that mitotic changes in CNV regions may happen early during embryonic development and seem to occur only once, as levels of mosaicism remained stable. This finding has the potential to change our concept of dynamic human genome variation. We propose that further genomic studies should focus on the single-cell level, to understand better the etiology and physiology of aging and diseases mediated by somatic variations.  相似文献   

Although it is widely believed that non‐segmental vitiligo (NSV) results from the autoimmune destruction of melanocytes, a clear understanding of defects in immune tolerance, which mediate this uncontrolled self‐reactivity, is still lacking. In the present study, we systemically evaluated circulating regulatory T (Treg) cells, including CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Treg cells and invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, as well as naïve and memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and their cytokine production, in a cohort of 43 progressive NSV patients with race‐, gender‐, and age‐matched healthy controls. We found that the general immunophenotypes of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and the percentage of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Tregs were comparable between NSV and healthy controls. However, percentages of peripheral iNKT cells were significantly decreased in NSV patients compared to that in healthy controls. Our data confirm the previous notion that the percentage of peripheral CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Tregs remains unaltered in NSV and suggests the involvement of defective iNKT cells in the pathogenesis of NSV.  相似文献   

Although mosaicism can have important implications for genetic counseling of families with hereditary disorders, information regarding the incidence of mosaicism is available for only a few genetic diseases. Here we describe an evaluation of 156 families with retinoblastoma; the initial oncogenic mutation in the retinoblastoma gene had been identified in these families. In 15 ( approximately 10%) families, we were able to document mosaicism for the initial mutation in the retinoblastoma gene, either in the proband or in one of the proband's parents. The true incidence of mosaicism in this group of 156 families is probably higher than our findings indicate; in some additional families beyond the 15 we identified, mosaicism was likely but could not be proven, because somatic or germ-line DNA from key family members was unavailable. Germ-line DNA from two mosaic fathers was analyzed: in one of these, the mutation was detected in both sperm and leukocyte DNA; in the other, the mutation was detected only in sperm DNA. Our data suggest that mosaicism is more common than is generally appreciated, especially in disorders such as retinoblastoma, in which a high proportion of cases represent new mutations. The possibility of mosaicism should always be considered during the genetic counseling of newly identified families with retinoblastoma. As demonstrated here, genetic tests of germ-line DNA can provide valuable information that is not available through analysis of somatic (leukocyte) DNA.  相似文献   

Certain neurodegenerative diseases are thought to be initiated by the aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins. However, the mechanism underlying toxicity remains obscure. Most of the suggested mechanisms are generic in nature and do not directly explain the neuron-type specific lesions observed in many of these diseases. Some recent reports suggest that the toxic aggregates impair the synaptic vesicular machinery. This may lead to an understanding of the neuron-type specificity observed in these diseases. A disruption of the vesicular machinery can also be deleterious for extra-synaptic, especially somatic, neurotransmission (common in serotonergic and dopaminergic systems which are specifically affected in Alzheimer''s disease (AD) and Parkinson''s disease (PD), respectively), though this relationship has remained unexplored. In this review, we discuss amyloid-induced damage to the neurotransmitter vesicular machinery, with an eye on the possible implications for somatic exocytosis. We argue that the larger size of the system, and the availability of multi-photon microscopy techniques for directly visualizing monoamines, make the somatic exocytosis machinery a more tractable model for understanding the effect of amyloids on all types of vesicular neurotransmission. Indeed, exploring this neglected connection may not just be important, it may be a more fruitful route for understanding AD and PD.  相似文献   

During the 2011 International Pigment Cell Conference (IPCC), the Vitiligo European Taskforce (VETF) convened a consensus conference on issues of global importance for vitiligo clinical research. As suggested by an international panel of experts, the conference focused on four topics: classification and nomenclature; definition of stable disease; definition of Koebner's phenomenon (KP); and 'autoimmune vitiligo'. These topics were discussed in seven working groups representing different geographical regions. A consensus emerged that segmental vitiligo be classified separately from all other forms of vitiligo and that the term 'vitiligo' be used as an umbrella term for all non-segmental forms of vitiligo, including 'mixed vitiligo' in which segmental and non-segmental vitiligo are combined and which is considered a subgroup of vitiligo. Further, the conference recommends that disease stability be best assessed based on the stability of individual lesions rather than the overall stability of the disease as the latter is difficult to define precisely and reliably. The conference also endorsed the classification of KP for vitiligo as proposed by the VETF (history based, clinical observation based, or experimentally induced). Lastly, the conference agreed that 'autoimmune vitiligo' should not be used as a separate classification as published evidence indicates that the pathophysiology of all forms of vitiligo likely involves autoimmune or inflammatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Currently, vitiligo lacks a validated Physician Global Assessment (PGA) for disease extent. This PGA can be used to stratify and interpret the numeric scores obtained by the Vitiligo Extent Score (VES). We investigated the interrater reliability of a 5‐point PGA scale during an international vitiligo workshop. Vitiligo experts from five different continents rated photographs of non‐segmental vitiligo patients with varying degrees of extent with the PGA score. Good interrater agreements (intraclass correlation coefficient >0.6) were observed between the raters overall and within each continent. All hypotheses to evaluate construct validity were confirmed. Median VES values per category were for limited 1.10 [IQR: 0.21–1.67], moderate 3.17 [IQR: 1.75–6.21], extensive 9.58 [IQR: 6.21–13.03] and very extensive 42.67 [IQR: 21.20–42.67]. Defined categories for vitiligo extent can be valuable for inclusion criteria and may impact future reimbursement criteria.  相似文献   

Sex chromosome abnormalities are common in mammals and humans and are often associated with subfertility. In this study a boar with normal sperm parameters was indicated to have reduced prolificacy from figures obtained for return rate, farrowing rate and total number of piglets born. G-banded cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood identified an abnormal mosaic sex chromosome constitution 39,XYY[74]/38,XY[23]/37,X[3]. Cytogenetic analysis of fibroblasts confirmed this mosaic karyotype with similar percentages of cell lines observed 39,XYY[76]/38,XY[19]/37,X[5]. External genitalia revealed a poorly developed scrotum with the right testicle being smaller than the left. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that this chromosome constitution has been reported in the pig. It is of particular interest that this karyotype is associated with reduced boar fertility, which could lead to potential economic losses if such a boar were selected for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

The Vitiligo Global Issues Consensus Conference (VGICC), through an international e‐Delphi consensus, concluded that ‘repigmentation’ and ‘maintenance of gained repigmentation’ are essential core outcome measures in future vitiligo trials. This VGICC position paper addresses these core topics in two sections and includes an atlas depicting vitiligo repigmentation patterns and color match. The first section delineates mechanisms and characteristics of vitiligo repigmentation, and the second section summarizes the outcomes of international meeting discussions and two e‐surveys on vitiligo repigmentation, which had been carried out over 3 yr. Treatment is defined as successful if repigmentation exceeds 80% and at least 80% of the gained repigmentation is maintained for over 6 months. No agreement was found on the best outcome measure for assessing target or global repigmentation, therefore highlighting the limitations of e‐surveys in addressing clinical measurements. Until there is a clear consensus, existing tools should be selected according to the specific needs of each study. A workshop will be conducted to address the remaining issues so as to achieve a consensus.  相似文献   

Large cytoplasmic inclusions called aggresomes are seen in many protein conformational diseases including Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. The roles of inclusions and aggresomes in these diseases are unresolved critical issues that have been vigorously debated. Two recent studies used microtubule disruption with nocodazole to inhibit aggresome formation and observed increased toxicity of expanded polyglutamines in the context of huntingtin exon 1 and a truncated androgen receptor. Increased toxicity of expanded polyglutamines in the presence of nocodazole was correlated with decreased protein turnover, leading the authors to conclude that aggresomes were cytoprotective and that they directly enhanced clearance of the toxic proteins. Here we show that nocodazole has additional effects, which provide a simple alternative explanation for these previous observations. We confirmed aggresome formation in cells expressing proteins with polyalanine and polyglutamine expansions. As expected, we found a reduction in aggresome formation when microtubule function was disrupted using nocodazole. However, in addition to this effect, nocodazole treatment increased the proportions of cells with nuclear inclusions in PC12 cells expressing huntingtin exon 1 with 74 glutamines. This can be explained as nocodazole inhibits autophagosome-lysosome fusion, a key step in mutant huntingtin exon 1 clearance. This effect alone can explain the previous observations with this compound in polyglutamine diseases and raises doubts about the interpretation of some of the data that have been used to argue that aggresomes protect against polyglutamine mutations.  相似文献   

In vitiligo, cutaneous depigmentation is accompanied by increased T cell cytolytic activity targeting melanocytes, indicating that autoimmune tolerance is disrupted. The inhibited amount and function of Tregs have been indicated to be involved in the autoimmune intolerance in vitiligo, however, with the conclusion still controversial and the involved mechanism unknown. In this study, we explored the molecular and cellular alterations accounting for the impaired Treg response in vitiligo. Our results showed that the amount of Tregs was drastically reduced in peripheral blood of active vitiligo patients. Furthermore, the immunoregulatory function of Tregs was attenuated, with lower expression of CTLA4, IL‐10 and TGF‐β. Moreover, the expression of HO‐1, a functional modulator of Tregs, was decreased in vitiligo Tregs, and the concentrations of HO‐1 metabolites, including bilirubin, CoHb and iron, were correspondingly decreased in serum of vitiligo patients. In addition, we treated the Tregs from vitiligo patients with Hemin, an agonist of HO‐1, and found that enhanced HO‐1 expression restored the function of Tregs by up‐regulating IL‐10 expression. Our study demonstrates the essential role of HO‐1 in the impaired Treg response in vitiligo and indicates the potential of HO‐1 as a therapeutic target in vitiligo management.  相似文献   

Ecogeographical rules linking climate to morphology have gained renewed interest because of climate change. Yet few studies have evaluated to what extent geographical trends ascribed to these rules have a genetic, rather than environmentally determined, basis. This applies especially to Allen's rule, which states that the relative extremity length decreases with increasing latitude. We studied leg length in the common frog (Rana temporaria) along a 1500 km latitudinal gradient utilizing wild and common garden data. In the wild, the body size-corrected femur and tibia lengths did not conform to Allen's rule but peaked at mid-latitudes. However, the ratio of femur to tibia length increased in the north, and the common garden data revealed a genetic cline consistent with Allen's rule in some trait and treatment combinations. While selection may have shortened the leg length in the north, the genetic trend seems to be partially masked by environmental effects.  相似文献   

Dramatic local population decline brought about by anthropogenic-driven change is an increasingly common threat to biodiversity. Seabird life history traits make them particularly vulnerable to such change; therefore, understanding population connectivity and dispersal dynamics is vital for successful management. Our study used a 357-base pair mitochondrial control region locus sequenced for 103 individuals and 18 nuclear microsatellite loci genotyped for 245 individuals to investigate population structure in the Atlantic and Pacific populations of the pelagic seabird, Leach's storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa. This species is under intense predation pressure at one regionally important colony on St Kilda, Scotland, where a disparity between population decline and predation rates hints at immigration from other large colonies. AMOVA, F(ST), Φ(ST) and Bayesian cluster analyses revealed no genetic structure among Atlantic colonies (Global Φ(ST) = -0.02 P > 0.05, Global F(ST) = 0.003, P > 0.05, STRUCTURE K = 1), consistent with either contemporary gene flow or strong historical association within the ocean basin. The Pacific and Atlantic populations are genetically distinct (Global Φ(ST) = 0.32 P < 0.0001, Global F(ST) = 0.04, P < 0.0001, STRUCTURE K = 2), but evidence for interocean exchange was found with individual exclusion/assignment and population coalescent analyses. These findings highlight the importance of conserving multiple colonies at a number of different sites and suggest that management of this seabird may be best viewed at an oceanic scale. Moreover, our study provides an illustration of how long-distance movement may ameliorate the potentially deleterious impacts of localized environmental change, although direct measures of dispersal are still required to better understand this process.  相似文献   

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