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 The ferritin of Escherichia coli (EcFtnA) is similar to human H-chain ferritin (HuHF) in having 24 subunits, each containing a dinuclear site at which two iron atoms can be oxidised (the diiron centre). In EcFtnA, unlike HuHF, fluorescence quenching of Trp122, located near site A of the dinuclear centre, can be used to monitor metal binding (this tryptophan is absent from HuHF). Metal binding also perturbs the UV absorbance spectrum of Trp122 and that of Tyr24 (a conserved residue near site B of the dinuclear centre). Using UV-difference spectroscopy and fluorescence quenching it is shown that Fe(II) and Zn(II) bind at the same sites, A and B. Sequential stopped-flow studies of Fe(II) binding and oxidation also show that Zn(II) is an effective competitor of Fe(II) binding and an inhibitor of its oxidation. Received: 10 June 1998 / Accepted: 18 September 1998  相似文献   

The iron core within phytoferritin interior usually contains the high ratio of iron to phosphate, agreeing with the fact that phosphorus and iron are essential nutrient elements for plant growth. It was established that iron oxidation and incorporation into phytoferritin shell occurs in the plastid(s) where the high concentration of phosphate occurs. However, so far, the role of phosphate in iron oxidative deposition in plant ferritin has not been recognized yet. In the present study, Fe(II) oxidative deposition in pea seed ferritin (PSF) was aerobically investigated in the presence of phosphate. Results indicated that phosphate did not affect the stoichiometry of the initial iron(II) oxidation reaction that takes place at ferroxidase centers upon addition of ≤48 Fe(II)/protein to apoferritin, but increased the rate of iron oxidation. At high Fe(II) fluxes into ferritin (>48 Fe(II)/protein), phosphate plays a more significant role in Fe(II) oxidative deposition. For instance, phosphate increased the rate of Fe(II) oxidation about 1–3 fold, and such an increase depends on the concentration of phosphate in the range of 0–2 mM. This effect was attributed to the ability of phosphate to improve the regeneration activity of ferroxidase centers in PSF. In addition, the presence of phosphate caused a significant decrease in the absorption properties of iron core, indicating that phosphate is involved in the formation of the iron core.  相似文献   

Quantitative data for growth, carbohydrate, protein and free amino acid nitrogen content of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Finale) seed coat were obtained during the main stage of seed development. These data allowed us to define the role of the seed coat storage compounds. High amounts of arginine were measured in the seed coat and this amino acid is hypothesized to be synthesized de novo in the seed coat cells. Starch appeared to be stored in a specific parenchyma layer of the seed coat. Starch storage was shown to occur from phloem-unloaded sucrose and high activities of some enzymes of sucrose-starch metabolism (sucrose synthase, EC and ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase, EC were measured. The contribution of seed storage compounds is discussed in terms of buffering embryo nutrition. The sink strength of the young pea seed may be located within the seed coat.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation of cDNAs encoding two abscisic acid-responsive pea (Pisum sativum L.) proteins, ABR17 and ABR18, which are synthesized during late seed development in vivo. Southern blot analyses suggest that ABR17 cDNA corresponds to a single-copy gene, but ABR18 is one member of a family of closely related sequences in the pea genome. The deduced amino acid sequences of ABR17 and ABR18 cDNAs showed similarity to those of the pea disease resistance response proteins, to pathogenesis-related and to stress-induced proteins in other species and to the major birch pollen allergen Betvl.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons have been highly studied in monocots; however retrotransposon diversity in dicot crops has not been well documented. Our objective was to assess the diversity harbored by field pea landraces using retrotranposon markers. In this research, molecular characterization of 104 landraces and 34 field pea breeding lines was assessed using newly developed iPBS-retrotransposon markers. The 12 iPBS-retrotransposon primers generated a total 106 scorable bands, and 81 of these were found to be polymorphic (76.4%), with an average of 6.75 polymorphic fragments per primer. Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.33 to 0.84 with an average of 0.61. It was evident that field pea landraces from the same geographical region were often placed in different groups in the neighbor joining analysis, indicating that grouping based on genetic parameters was not closely related to the geographical origin. The population structure was determined by using STRUCTURE software, and three populations at K = 3 and five populations at K = 5 were identified among landraces. The plentiful diversity present in Turkish field pea landraces could be used as genetic resource in designing breeding program, and may also contribute to worldwide pea breeding programs. Our data also suggested a role of iPBS-retrotransposons as ‘a universal marker’ for molecular characterization of pea germplasm.  相似文献   

A mutant line of Pisum fulvum was identified that lacked seed lipoxygenase-2 (LOX-2). The mutant phenotype was introgressed into a standard Pisum sativum cv. Birte to provide near-isogenic lines with or without seed LOX-2. Genetic analyses showed the mutation to behave as a single, recessive Mendelian gene. Northern and dot-blot analyses showed a large reduction in LOX-2 mRNA from developing seeds of the LOX-2-null mutant. A restriction fragment length polymorphism associated with the 5 end of the LOX-2 gene(s) co-segregated with the null phenotype, indicating that the reduction of LOX-2 mRNA was neither a consequence of deletion of the LOX genes nor a consequence of the action of a genetically distant regulatory gene. Analysis of the 5-flanking sequences of LOX-2 genes from Birte and the near-isogenic LOX-2-null mutant revealed a number of insertions, deletions and substitutions within the promoter from the LOX-2-null mutant that could be responsible for the null phenotype. Incubation of crude seed LOX preparations from Birte and the LOX-2-null mutant showed that the latter generated relatively less 13-hydroperoxides and also produced relatively more hydroxy- and ketoacid compounds that have implications for the fresh-frozen pea industry.  相似文献   

 The electrophoretic patterns of dehydrins extracted from mature seeds of a range of pea (Pisum) species revealed extensive variation in dehydrin polypeptide mobility. Variation was also observed among lines of P. sativum. Crosses between lines with different dehydrin electrophoretic patterns produced F1 seeds with additive patterns, and segregation in the F2 generation was consistent with a 1 : 2 : 1 ratio, indicating allelic variation at each of two dehydrin loci (Dhn2, Dhn3). Genetic linkage was observed between Dhn2 and Dhn3, and the segregation ratios indicated preferential transmission of one allele at the Dhn3 locus. Dehydrin cDNA clones were characterised that encoded the allelic variants at Dhn2 and Dhn3. Their deduced amino-acid sequences were very similar to each other as well as to the product of the Dhn1 locus reported previously. Comparisons were made between the sequences of allelic variants at a single locus, and between the products of different loci. Differences in the electrophoretic mobilities between allelic variants at Dhn2 and Dhn3 were associated with differences in polypeptide length resulting principally from tandem duplications of 21 (Dhn2) or 24 (Dhn3) amino-acid residues. These duplications accounted for much of the difference in length between dehydrins encoded by the different loci. The conserved core of one of the duplicated regions varied in copy number, and small insertions/deletions of amino acids near this core also contributed to length variation both between allelic forms and between loci. Dehydrins possess characteristic highly conserved amino-acid sequence motifs, yet vary considerably in length. Mechanisms involving sequence duplication appear to be responsible for generating the length differences observed between allelic variants as well as between the products of different loci. Received: 12 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

Ferritins uniquely direct the vectorial transfer of hydrated Fe(II)/Fe(III) ions to a condensed ferric phase in the central cavity of the soluble protein. Secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure are conserved in ferritin, but only five amino acid residues are conserved among all known ferritins. The sensitivity of ferroxidation rates to small differences in primary sequence between ferritin subunits that are cell-specifically expressed or to the conservative replacement of the conserved tyrosine 30 residue was demonstrated by examining recombinant (frog) H-type (red blood cell predominant) and M-type subunit (liver predominant) proteins which are both fast ferritins; the proteins form two differently colored Fe(III)-protein complexes absorbing at 550?nm or 650?nm, respectively. The complexes are convenient reporters of Fe(III)-protein interaction because they are transient in contrast to the Fe(III)-oxy complexes measured in the past at 310–420?nm, which are stable because of contributions from the mineral itself. The A650-nm species formed 18-fold faster in the M-subunit protein than did the 550-nm species in H-subunit ferritin, even though all the ferroxidase residues are the same; the Vmax was fivefold faster but the Hill coefficents were identical (1.6), suggesting similar mechanisms. In H-subunit ferritin, substitution of phenylalanine for conserved tyrosine 30 (located in the core of the subunit four-helix bundle) slowed ferroxidation tenfold, whereas changing surface tyrosine 25 or tyrosine 28 had no effect. The Fe(III)-tyrosinate was fortunately not changed by the mutation, based on the resonance Raman spectrum, and remained a suitable reporter for Fe(III)-protein interactions. Thus, the A550/650?nm can also report on post-oxidation events such as transport through the protein. The impact of Y30F on rates of formation of Fe(III)-protein complexes in ferritin, combined with Mössbauer spectroscopic studies that showed the parallel formation of multiple Fe(III) postoxidation species (three dinuclear oxy and one trinuclear oxy species) (A. S. Periera et al., Biochemistry 36?:?7917–7927, 1997) and the loss of several of the multimeric Fe(III) post-oxidation species in a Y30F alteration of human recombinant H-ferritin (E. R. Bauminger et al., Biochem J. 296?:?709–719, 1993), indicate that at least one of the pathways for Fe oxidation/transfer in ferritin is through the center of the four-helix bundle and is influenced by structural features dependent on tyrosine 30.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering studies have been conducted on solutions of 11S and 7S globulins isolated from peas (Pisum sativum cv. Filby), and the radii of gyration and molecular weights determined. The general features of the scattering curves were similar to those reported for other seed storage proteins.  相似文献   

Pea bacterial blight occurred by natural infection in a field trial on peas in 1995. Disease development in the winter cultivars Rafale, Frilene and Froidure was compared with that in the spring cultivars Baccara, Conquest and Bohatyr, each sown on six dates in October, November, December, mid-March, late March and April. Disease incidence had reached 100% plants affected in all treatments by mid-July. Disease severity was greater in winter-sown (October, November or December) than in spring-sown peas of each cultivar at each assessment. Significant (P < 0.05) differences in disease severity occurred between cultivars in the winter-sown plots in May and June and the spring cultivars were affected more severely than the winter cultivars. Comparison of areas under the disease progress curves for both disease incidence and severity also showed that the winter-sown peas were more affected by disease than spring-sown peas and that spring cultivars were more severely affected than winter cultivars. Yield was strongly correlated with disease severity. A linear regression model suggested that, for peas sown in October, November or December, a yield loss of 0.5 tha-1 occurred for each 10% increase in canopy area affected by pea bacterial blight.  相似文献   

Enrichments with [Fe(II)EDTA]2- as electron donor and nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptor were established using an inoculum from a bioreactor performing denitrification. A nitrate-reducing, [Fe(II)EDTA]2- oxidizing strain was isolated and named strain BDN-1. The G + C content of strain BDN-1 was 67%, and the organism was closely affiliated to Paracoccus denitrificans, P. pantotrophus and P. versutus by 16S rRNA sequence comparison. Results from DNA-DNA hybridization, rep-PCR, and whole cell protein analysis gave congruent results confirming the genotypic and phenotypic differences between strain BDN-1 and the other species of Paracoccus. From these results, we considered strain BDN-1 as a novel species for which we propose the name Paracoccus ferrooxidans. Apart from [Fe(II)EDTA]2-, BDN-1 could also use thiosulfate and thiocyanate as inorganic electron donors. Nitrate, nitrite, N2O, [Fe(II)EDTA.NO]2- and oxygen could be used by strain BDN-1 as electron acceptors. Repeated transfer on a culture medium with bicarbonate as the sole carbon source confirmed that strain BDN-1 was a facultative autotroph. [Fe(II)EDTA]2- oxidation dependent denitrification was also performed by other Paracoccus species, that were closely affiliated to P. ferrooxidans.  相似文献   

A stable pyridoxine-deficient pea mutant was obtained by screening the M2 progeny of azide-treatedPisum sativum cv Pusa Harbhajan. The mutation is visible lethal. The isolation of pyridoxine-deficient mutant demonstrates directly that pea plants synthesize their own pyridoxine and that pyridoxine is an essential growth factor for pea plants. The mutant character is determined by homozygous recessive alleles, designatedpdx-1, at a single locus. Pyridoxine-deficient plants are fertile and indistinguishable from the wild type if supplied exogenously with 2 mg of pyridoxine.  相似文献   

Norvell  W. A.  Welch  R. M.  Adams  M. L.  Kochian  L. V. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):123-126
Neither the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) by roots nor its induction by Fe-deficiency are unique characteristics of the reductive activities of roots. We show that chelated Mn(III) or chelated Cu(II), as well as chelated Fe(III), may be reduced by Fe-stressed roots of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Deficiency of Fe stimulated the reduction of Fe(III)EDTA about 20-fold, the reduction of Mn(III)CDTA about 11-fold, the reduction of Cu(II)(BPDS)2 about 5-fold, and the reduction of Fe(III)(CN)6 by only about 50%. Not only are metals other than Fe reduced as part of the Fe-stress response, but deficiencies of metals other than Fe stimulate the reductive activity of roots. We show that depriving peas or soybeans (Glycine max) of Cu or Zn stimulates the reduction of Fe(III).  相似文献   

Six sustainable enrichment cultures of thermophilic H2-oxidizing microorganisms utilizing Fe(III) as an electron acceptor were obtained from geothermally heated environments located on two continents (America, Eurasia) and on islands in the Northern (Iceland) and Southern (Fiji) hemispheres, demonstrating the wide distribution of these microorganisms. The main products of amorphic Fe(III) oxide reduction were magnetite and siderite. The observed temperature range for Fe(III) reduction in growing cultures was from 55°C to 87°C, extending the known limits for growth of Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms producing extracellular magnetite to nearly 90°C. Received: August 13, 1996 / Accepted: January 17, 1997  相似文献   

Attachment of Rhizobium and Agrobacterium bacteria to cells of their host plants is a two-step process. The first step, direct attachment of bacteria to the plant cell wall, is mediated by the bacterial protein rhicadhesin. A putative plant receptor molecule for rhicadhesin was purified from cell walls of pea roots using a bioassay based on suppression of rhicadhesin activity. This molecule appeared to be sensitive to treatments with pronase or glycosidase. Its isoelectric point is 6.4, and its apparent molecular mass was estimated to be 32 kDa before and 29 kDa after glycosidase treatment, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ultrafiltration. The sequence of the first 29 N-terminal amino acids was determined: A-D-A-D-A-L-Q-D-L-C(?)-V-A-D-Y-A-S-V-I-L-V-N-G-F-A-S-K(Q)-(P/Q)-(L)-(I). No homology with known proteins was found. In the course of this research project the extracellular matrix protein vitronectin was reported to inhibit attachment of A. tumefaciens to carrot cells [29]. A variety of adhesive proteins, including vitronectin, contain a common cell attachment determinant with the sequence R-G-D. Since we could not detect other cell wall components able to suppress rhicadhesin activity, and since an R-G-D containing hexapeptide was also active as a receptor, we speculate that the plant receptor for rhicadhesin is a glycoprotein containing an R-G-D attachment site.  相似文献   

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