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The fate of Streptococcus parauberis in seawater and sediment microcosms at different temperatures (6 and 22 degrees C) was investigated by comparing the survival dynamics of 2 strains of this bacterial species, isolated respectively from diseased turbot and cattle. The turbot and the bovine isolate showed similar survival kinetics, remaining culturable for approximately 1 mo in water and 6 mo in sediment. A slight influence of temperature on the stability of the cells was observed, in that the number of culturable cells was about 1 log10 unit higher at 6 than at 22 degrees C. During the starvation period, the metabolic activity of the cells, after suffering a strong reduction during the first 12 d, stabilized at levels ranging from 20 to 40% of the initial values. However, in all the microcosms, the acridine orange (AO) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenilindole (DAPI) counts remained at about 10(5) cells ml(-1) throughout the experimental period, even when cells became undetectable by standard plate count methods. The addition of fresh medium to microcosms containing nonculturable cells induced the return to culturability of S. parauberis strains. On the basis of these results, it seems that S. parauberis has the ability to enter into a viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state. Dormant cells of the turbot isolate maintained their infectivity and pathogenic potential for fish.  相似文献   

Germinating spores of Bacillus brevis are sensitive to inhibition by gramicidin S prior to emergence whereas once emergence is underway inhibition is lost and newly emerged vegetative cells are not affected by the antibiotic. Under conditions of overcrowding the concentration of antibiotic released is sufficient to render the germinated spores non-viable although dormant spores still retain their viability. Considering these points and the manner in which spore populations germinate we outline a strategy of germination for survival of Bacillus brevis .  相似文献   

Breaking of Seed Dormancy by Nitrate as a Gap Detection Mechanism   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
PONS  THUS L. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(1):139-143
Germination of Planlago lanceolata seeds buried in a chalk grasslandwas higher in bare soil than in vegetated soil, and measurementof soil nitrate concentrations showed that they were high enoughto account for this stimulation. When seeds of P. lanceolatawere sown in pots of soil with or without plants, and wateredwith nutrient solution containing either no nitrate, or 14 mMnitrate (sufficiently high that not all nitrate was absorbedby the plants), the presence of plants inhibited germinationonly when the nutrient solution contained no nitrate. It wasconcluded that breaking of seed dormancy by nitrate can functionas a gap detection mechanism if nitrate concentrations in baresoil are high enough to break seed dormancy, but are too lowto break dormancy when vegetation is present Plantago lanceolata, seed, dormancy, germination, nitrate, gap detection  相似文献   

D. FRISCH 《Freshwater Biology》2002,47(7):1269-1281
1. The survival of cyclopoid copepods was investigated in a floodplain for 2 years where flooding occurred during the cold season. The cyclopoid community was studied in three waterbodies with distinct hydroperiods: a permanent pond connected to the flooded area during inundation, a temporary pool that is part of the flooded area and an isolated temporary pool.
2. Field studies, including data obtained from samples of water, sediment and soil, showed the overall predominance of species with a summer diapause over those with a winter diapause or without diapause. Emergence of cyclopoid copepods at the onset of flooding, examined using emergence traps and data from recently filled or still isolated temporary pools, showed that some species can survive several months of drying.
3. The ability of the diapausing fourth copepodid stages of Cyclops strenuus and C. insignis , the two cyclopoids most abundant during winter and spring flooding, to survive terrestrial conditions was tested in laboratory experiments. Both species survived for several months, but rates differed among the species. A higher percentage of C. strenuus survived for a longer period, possibly explaining why this species was relatively more abundant in more temporary habitats.
4. Both dormancy and dispersal facilitated survival of cyclopoid copepods in transient habitats connected to each other during flood periods. Dormancy was the most important survival strategy, whereas dispersal could be more important following prolonged periods without flooding.  相似文献   

Bacteria have evolved complex systems to maintain consistent cell morphologies. Nevertheless, in certain circumstances, bacteria alter this highly regulated process to transform into filamentous organisms. Accumulating evidence attributes important biological roles to filamentation in stressful environments, including, but not limited to, sites of interaction between pathogenic bacteria and their hosts. Filamentation could represent an intended response to specific environmental cues that promote survival amidst the threats of consumption and killing.  相似文献   

蔷薇种子的休眠及解除方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了蔷薇(Rosa L.)种子休眠原因、解除休眠方法以及环境条件对休眠与萌发的影响.蔷薇种子休眠的主要原因有瘦果果皮和种皮的限制作用,胚生理休眠以及果肉、瘦果果皮、种皮和胚中的抑制物质.解除休眠的方法包括去除瘦果果皮限制、解除胚的生理休眠、去除抑制物质等.种子发育过程中及成熟后,环境因子,如温度、水分和光照,对种子休眠和萌发有影响.此外,微生物、果实采集时间也对种子休眠及萌发有较大影响.蔷薇种子的休眠机制复杂,且种间差异很大.  相似文献   

Dormancy and germination of olive embryos as affected by temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Olive seeds do not germinate promptly when placed under favourable conditions, which is a problem in raising young plants for breeding or experimental purposes. In a series of experiments an investigation of the role of temperature in the germination of olive embryos was conducted. Naked, unchilled olive embryos ( Olea europaea L. cv. Chalkidikis), cultured in vitro at 20°C, had a germination capacity of 73%, whereas that of embryos which had previously been chilled at 10°C for 2 or more weeks reached 96%. Intact seeds did not germinate at 20°C unless they had previously been subjected to 10°C for 3 or 4 weeks. Embryos chilled while in the intact seed and excised just before transfer to 20°C, reacted in a similar way to naked embryos, but reached their maximum germination capacity after 4 weeks at 10°C. Under constant temperature conditions the highest germination percentage of embryos was observed at 10 and 15°C and the highest germination rate at 15°C, while a moderate capacity and rate of germination occurred at 20°C, and a very low percentage and rate at 25 and 30°C. Prechilling at 10°C did not affect germination at 15°C, but improved the percentage and the rate of germination at 20, 25 and 30°C. The germination percentages of embryos chilled for 1 or 2 weeks at 10°C and then transferred to 25°C were lower than those of similarly chilled embryos transferred to 20°C. The chilling effect could not be reversed at 25°C when the embryos had been chilled for 3 or more weeks. The results show that olive seeds exhibit a state of dormancy that is caused by factors residing partly in the endosperm and partly within the embryo.  相似文献   

大百合种子休眠特性及休眠破除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对哀牢山自然保护区大百合种子休眠原因、休眠破除方法进行了研究,为大百合的种子繁殖提供理论与技术依据.结果表明:大百合种子休眠的主要原因是胚发育不全,种子休眠类型为复杂的形态生理休眠.温度是影响胚生长和分化的主要因素,经高温到低温的变温[25℃/15℃(60 d)→15℃/5℃(60 d)→4℃(50 d)]层积处理,种子可完成后熟而萌发,所需时间约170 d,比自然条件下层积所需时间缩短了11~12个月.  相似文献   

A generalized Gompertz-Rayleigh distribution is proposed as a potential survival distribution for the case of modeling dual components of risk acting on a population. The hazard function is expressed as the sum of two risks. The early risk component allows for either a high initial death rate that can decrease rapidly or an initial death rate that increases to a maximum before decaying. The late risk component is generally relatively constant with the possibility of an increase after a long followup period. An example is provided based on data collected on 569 patients who were operated on for the simultaneous replacement of aortic and mitral heart valves at the University of Alabama in Birmingham Medical Center.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Mimetic seeds simulate the appearance of fleshy fruits and arilled seeds without producing nutritive tissues as a reward for seed dispersers. In this strategy of seed dispersal, seeds may remain attached to the mother plant for long periods after maturity, increasing their availability to naïve seed dispersers. The hypothesis that seed coat impermeability in many tropical Fabaceae with mimetic seeds serves as an exaptation to protect the seeds from deterioration and rotting while awaiting dispersal was investigated.


Seed coat impermeability was evaluated in five mimetic-seeded species of tropical Fabaceae in south-eastern Brazil (Abarema langsdorffii, Abrus precatorius, Adenanthera pavonina, Erythrina velutina and Ormosia arborea) and in Erythrina speciosa, a ‘basal’ species in its genus, which has monochromatic brown seeds and no mimetic displays. Seed hardness was evaluated as a defence against accelerated ageing (humid chamber at 41 °C for 144 h). Seed development and physiological potential of O. arborea was evaluated and the effect of holding mature seeds in pods on the mother plant in the field for a period of 1 year under humid tropical conditions was compared with seeds stored under controlled conditions (15 °C and 40 % relative air humidity).

Key Results

All five mimetic-seeded species, and E. speciosa, showed strong coat impermeability, which protected the seeds against deterioration in accelerated ageing. Most O. arborea seeds only became dormant 2 months after pod dehiscence. Germination of seeds after 1 year on the plant in a humid tropical climate was 56 %, compared with 80 % for seeds stored in controlled conditions (15 °C, 45 % relative humidity). Seedling shoot length after 1 year did not differ between seed sources.


Dormancy acts in mimetic-seeded species as an exaptation to reduce seed deterioration, allowing an increase in their effective dispersal period and mitigating the losses incurred by low removal rates by naïve avian frugivores.  相似文献   

Iris Seed Dormancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iris embryos were treated in several ways to study the cause of delayed germination. The results of this work indicate that a chemical inhibitor is present in the endosperm and mechanical inhibition of embryo growth also occurs. The mechanical inhibition reduces excised Iris embryo growth to the same extent as does the chemical inhibitor.  相似文献   

盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论了盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点,主要内容有:(1) 盐生植物种子的休眠类型;(2) 打破盐生植物种子休眠的必要条件;(3) 盐生种子萌发与土壤盐度的关系。并讨论了盐度抑制盐生植物种子的机理。最后,作者提出了将来研究盐生植物种子萌发需要解决的几个重点问题以及研究盐生植物种子休眠和萌发问题的意义。  相似文献   

种子休眠是植物在长期发育过程中形成的对不良环境条件主动适应的现象。介绍了常见药用植物种子休眠的原因,根据休眠原因对种子休眠与萌发的影响将种子休眠划分的几种类型,总结了对不同休眠类型的种子应分别采用的休眠解除方法,并评述了目前的研究进展。  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1954,2(4888):635-636

Seeds of a non-dormant rice variety, Satika, were studied underdifferent natural and controlled humid conditions of storageat room temperature. Just after harvest the germination andpercentages of grain moisture were 9.2 and 30.0 respectively.Under humid conditions of storage (94 per cent) there was onlypartial break of dormancy after 42 d (32.8 per cent ger mination)with high grain moisture (23.8 per cent); in all other treatmentswhere the grain moisture varied from 4.4 to 16.4 per cent thegermination percentages were over 96 per cent after 42 d. This delaying effect of high moisture contents on the breakingof dormancy became very pronounced at about 26 per cent. Itis suggested that high moisture content may inhibit dormancy-breakingreactions possibly by interrupting air-diffusion inside theseeds.  相似文献   

盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文讨论了盐生植物种子的休眠、休眠解除及萌发的特点 ,主要内容有 :( 1 )盐生植物种子的休眠类型 ;( 2 )打破盐生植物种子休眠的必要条件 ;( 3)盐生种子萌发与土壤盐度的关系。并讨论了盐度抑制盐生植物种子的机理。最后 ,作者提出了将来研究盐生植物种子萌发需要解决的几个重点问题以及研究盐生植物种子休眠和萌发问题的意义  相似文献   

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