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RFRP-3对哺乳动物生殖功能和能量平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiang W  Lai P  Zhang BY  Wang PQ  Chu MX  Fan Q  Liu CX  Tan Y 《遗传》2012,34(8):969-976
哺乳动物的生殖功能受体内状态和外部环境综合作用的影响,这种综合作用通过作用于HPG轴的刺激因子和抑制因子之间的相对平衡来调控生殖。RFRP-3是目前下丘脑中唯一已知的HPG轴抑制因子。大量研究证实,RFRP-3能够抑制GnRH和LH的分泌,进而影响生殖功能。然而,RFRP-3对LH分泌的抑制作用是发生在垂体水平还是下丘脑水平尚不清楚。此外,RFRP-3还可能参与了MLT对哺乳动物季节性繁殖调控的信号通路,但是MLT对RFRP-3神经元的作用方式仍不清楚。此外,RFRP-3还可能在能量平衡和动物行为的调控中发挥着重要作用。文章就RFRP-3对HPG轴的调节机制以及其在能量平衡调节和行为调控中的作用进行了系统的阐述,并针对目前尚待解决的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate effects of feeding propylene glycol (PG) on feed intake, milk yield and milk composition, blood metabolites and energy balance in Holstein dairy cows from 1 to 63 days in milk. Thirty-two multiparous cows, blocked by lactation number, previous 305-day milk production and expected calving date, were arranged into four groups in a randomized block design. Treatments were: control, low PG, medium PG and high PG with 0, 150, 300 and 450 ml PG per cow per day, respectively. The supplement of food grade PG (0.998 g/g PG) was hand-mixed into the top one-third of the daily ration. Cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration consisting of forage and concentrate (50 : 50, dry matter basis). Feed intake, milk yield and milk components were not affected (P > 0.05) by PG supplementation. Overall, body weight (BW) loss tended (P < 0.08) to be linearly reduced, and energy status was linearly improved with increasing PG supplementation. Concentrations of glucose in plasma were higher for cows fed PG relative to control (55.6 v. 58.9 mg/dl) and linearly increased (P < 0.01) with increasing PG supplementation. Plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate were linearly increased, but urine acetoacetate concentration was quadratically changed with the highest for control diet and the lowest for 450 ml/day of PG. These results indicated that supplementation of PG in the early lactating cow diets had minimal effects on feed intake and milk production, but may potentially reduce contents of milk fat and milk protein. Supplementation of early lactating dairy cow diets with PG is beneficial in terms of improving energy status and reducing BW loss.  相似文献   

白色脂肪合成和分泌的瘦蛋白(leptin)作用于下丘脑和外周的代谢产热器官,对摄食和能量平衡起调节作用。摄食和能量平衡的失调,如瘦蛋白抵抗,可以导致肥胖等一系列生理疾病。以体内贮存的脂肪为主要能源物质越冬的冬眠哺乳动物,体重的年周期波动幅度巨大,其摄食和能量平衡调节机制可能不同于一般的非冬眠物种,育肥阶段可能存在瘦蛋白抵抗机制。本文总结了瘦蛋白调节摄食和能量平衡的作用机制以及瘦蛋白对冬眠哺乳动物育肥和冬眠的影响,为进一步研究冬眠哺乳动物的能量平衡提供参考。  相似文献   

At the dairy research farm Karkendamm, the individual roughage intake was measured since 1 September 2005 using a computerised scale system to estimate daily energy balances as the difference between energy intake and calculated energy requirements for lactation and maintenance. Data of 289 heifers with observations between the 11th and 180th day of lactation over a period of 487 days were analysed. Average energy-corrected milk yield, feed intake, live weight and energy balance were 31.8kg, 20.6kg, 584 kg and 13.6 MJ NEL (net energy lactation), respectively, per day. Fixed and random regression models were used to estimate repeatabilities, correlations between cow effects and genetic parameters. The resulting genetic correlations in different lactation stages demonstrate that feed intake and energy balance at the beginning and the middle of lactation are genetically different traits. Heritability of feed intake is low with h2=0.06 during the first days after parturition and increases in the middle of lactation, whereas the energy balance shows the highest heritability with h2=0.34 in the first 30 days of lactation. Genetic correlations between energy balance and feed intake and milk yield, respectively, illustrate that energy balance depends more on feed intake than on milk yield. Genetic correlation between body condition score and energy balance decreases rapidly within the first 100 days of lactation. Hence, to avoid negative effects on health and reproduction as consequences of strong energy deficits at the beginning of lactation, the energy balance itself should be measured and used as a selection criterion in this lactation stage. Since the number of animals is rather small for a genetic analysis, the genetic parameters have to be evaluated on a more comprehensive dataset.  相似文献   

开放式空气C02浓度增高对水稻冠层能量平衡的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
大气CO2浓度升高对植物冠层能量平衡的影响是导致植物生长发育和水分利用率发生变化的环境物理原因.利用位于江苏省无锡市安镇的农田自由开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统平台,进行水稻冠层微气候和土壤热通量的连续观测,并结合能量平衡分析,研究了FACE对水稻冠层能量平衡的影响.结果表明,水稻冠层显热和潜热通量FACE与对照的差异日最大值出现在14:00左右,与空气相对湿度日最低值出现时间一致;潜热通量FACE与对照的差异日最大值变化在—15-—65J·m^-2·s^-1之间,显热通量FACE与对照的差异最低值变化在12—55J·m^-2·s^-1之间;显热和潜热通量FACE与对照的差异日最大值随冠层上方辐射平衡增加而增大.水稻冠层白天总显热通量FACE均高于对照,而总潜热通量FACE均低于对照.白天总显热和潜热通量FACE与对照的差异在同一生育期内随冠层上方净辐射增强而增大,在不同生育期随生育期推进而减少.开花期至蜡熟期,水稻冠层白天总潜热通量FACE比对照平均低6.7%.FACE使水稻冠层白天总显热通量及其占冠层上方辐射平衡的比例减少,而使总潜热通量及其占冠层上方辐射平衡的比例增大,但对土壤热通量及夜间显热和潜热通量的影响不大.开花期至蜡熟期水稻冠层白天总显热、潜热通量占冠层上方净辐射总量的比例FACE与对照之差平均为5.5%.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate the energy expenditure and energy intake as an experiment of energy balance of elite Taekwondo players receiving summer vs. winter intensive training.


The summer training group (STG, n = 15) and the winter training group (WTG, n = 18) wore an accelerometer for the measurement of energy expenditure and maintained a daily dietary record for measurement of energy intake, for seven consecutive days during summer or winter intensive training.


The total energy expenditure (TEE) (834.1 kcal, p < .001), the total counts (1,867 counts, p = .038), and the energy expenditure during moderate (384.6 kcal, p < .001) and vigorous activity (351.8 kcal, p < .001) were significantly lower in the STG than in the WTG. On the other hand, the macronutrient intake showed that intake of energy (902.7 kcal, p < .001), carbohydrates (82.6g, p < .001), and protein (93.9g, p < .001) in the STG were significantly lower than those of the WTG. When comparing TEE and total energy intake, the STG consumed 902.7 kcal less as energy than the WTG, while the STG performed 834.1 kcal more as TEE than that of the WTG.


In conclusion, both of the summer and winter intensive training are not proper for energy balance condition. Therefore, to promote the optimal energy balance during the summer or winter intensive training period, a training and sports nutrition program based on the amount of energy expenditure and energy intake for Taekwondo players should be considered.  相似文献   

九寨沟针阔混交林能量平衡特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李桐  鄢春华  王蓓  赵文利  张杨  邱国玉 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8098-8106
青藏高原及其周边地区的能量交换过程是推动我国及东亚地区天气过程演变与气候变化的重要因素。青藏高原及其周边山谷地区与青藏高原—四川盆地过渡区具有独特的大气边界层热力结构,其能量收支研究不可忽视,但由于长期观测数据的缺失,该地区的能量平衡特征尚未解明。以青藏高原东北边缘向四川盆地陡跌的过渡地带的典型亚高山河谷九寨沟的针阔混交林为研究对象,利用涡度相关系统,对九寨沟典型针阔混交林2014—2015年各能量通量进行了连续观测,分析了该生态系统能量平衡各分量的变化特征,讨论其能量闭合状况。结果表明:能量平衡各分量均与净辐射有相似的日变化、季节变化特征。与萌芽期、生长期、生长后期相比,冻土期各分量峰现时间均延迟2—3 h;而且各项绝对值大小在不同季节占比不同:冻土期和萌芽期显热通量为能量主要支出项;而生长期与生长后期潜热通量占主导地位。九寨沟2014与2015年生长期潜热通量占净辐射比值分别为0.69、0.75,远高于青藏高原其他地区。两年间研究区能量不闭合,能量闭合度分别为0.75,0.71。对于更好地理解高原山区和从高原到盆地的能量循环机理和动力学有着重要意义。  相似文献   

In early lactation, most of the dairy cows are in negative energy balance; the extent and duration depend in part on the feeding strategy. Previous studies showed an increased lactation milk yield by use of a live weight (LW) adjusted feeding strategy with a high energy diet before and a reduced energy diet after LW nadir compared with a standard diet throughout lactation. The objective of the present study was to examine how such an individualized feeding strategy affects plasma indicators of energy status. It was hypothesized that an energy-enriched diet until LW nadir will reduce the severity of the negative energy balance, and that the reduction in diet energy concentration from LW nadir will extend the negative energy balance period further. Sixty-two Holstein cows (30% first parity) were managed for 16 months extended lactation and randomly allocated to one of two feeding strategies at calving. Two partially mixed rations were used, one with a high energy density (HD) and a 50 : 50 forage : concentrate ratio, and one with a lower energy density (LD, control diet) and a 60 : 40 forage : concentrate ratio. Half of the cows were offered the HD diet until they reached at least 42 days in milk and a LW gain⩾0 kg/day based on a 5-days LW average, and were then shifted to the LD diet (strategy HD-LD). The other half of the cows were offered the LD diet throughout lactation (control strategy LD-LD). Weekly blood samples were drawn for analysis of plasma metabolites and hormones. Before the shift in diet, the HD-LD cows had higher glucose and lower beta-hydroxybutyrate and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations than the LD-LD cows. After the shift until 36 weeks after calving, plasma NEFA was higher in HD-LD than LD-LD cows. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 were not affected by the feeding strategy. To conclude, in early lactation, the energy-enriched diet reduced the negative energy balance. Plasma NEFA was higher in HD-LD than LD-LD cows from diet shift until 36 weeks after calving, indicating a carry-over effect of the early lactation HD diet to late lactation metabolism.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to further the understanding of the effects of dietary protein and energy supplements on growth, performance, feed intake and grass forage digestibility in growing meat goat wethers. In Experiment 1, an 18% CP complete goat pellet was offered alone (control diet, C) or added (+), or not, as supplement to three grass hays (coastal bermudagrass, CB; Tifton 85 bermudagrass, T; and sorghum-Sudan grass hay, SS), to Boer-cross wethers (n = 72). The resulting seven diets were offered ad libitum. In Experiment 2, four wether goats in metabolism crates were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design and fed a SS basal diet ad libitum with treatments consisting of no supplement, supplemental urea (200 mg/kg BW daily), supplemental dextrose (0.2% BW daily), or urea + dextrose (200 mg/kg BW daily and 0.2% BW daily, respectively). In Experiment 1, average daily gain (ADG) were −3.8, −5.0 and −6.6 g/day for goats consuming CB, T and SS, respectively, and 69.2, 61.6 and 58.1 g/day for supplemented CB (CB+), T (T+) and SS (SS+), respectively, as compared to 245.8 g/day for ad libitum access to C. Supplementation in Experiment 1 increased (P < 0.01) ADG for all hays when compared to hay-only diets. In Experiment 2, protein and energy supplementation increased (P < 0.01) nitrogen retention but did not impact diet digestibility. The beneficial effects of supplements in Experiment 1 and the increase in nitrogen retention in Experiment 2 cannot be explained by improvements in ruminal fiber utilization, but could be due to post-ruminal nutrient supply and/or increased ruminal microbial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

黄河小浪底人工混交林生长季能量平衡特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
原文文  同小娟  张劲松  孟平  李俊  郑宁 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4492-4499
利用涡度相关系统和小气候梯度观测系统,对黄河小浪底人工混交林2012年生长季(5—9月)各能量通量进行了连续观测,分析了该生态系统能量平衡各项的变化特征,讨论了能量闭合状况。结果表明:潜热通量、感热通量和土壤热通量均与净辐射有类似的日变化特征。各项的绝对值大小表现为净辐射潜热通量感热通量土壤热通量。受日照时数的影响,5—9月能量平衡各项正值的日持续时间逐渐缩短。生长季,净辐射、感热通量和土壤热通量在6月份最大,最大值分别为418.5、231.4和12.5 MJ m-2month-1);潜热通量在7月份达到最大,最大值为320.8 MJ m-2month-1)。潜热通量、感热通量和土壤热通量占净辐射的比例分别在0.48—0.62、0.15—0.55、0.02—0.05之间。人工混交林生长季的能量分配主要以潜热通量和感热通量为主,且潜热通量为感热通量的2倍。波文比呈单峰曲线:6月最大,8月最小。黄河小浪底人工混交林生长季全天能量闭合度为79%。其中,白天闭合程度较高(81%),夜晚较低(41%)。本研究站点存在21%的能量不闭合。其原因可能与通量源区面积不匹配、忽略冠层热储存、湍流能的相位差等有关。  相似文献   

腺苷酸激酶(AK)是催化各种腺嘌呤核苷酸相互转化的一种磷酸转移酶,其在维持细胞能量平衡中起着重要的作用。AK有七种亚型,在线粒体、胞浆、细胞核之间的能量转移和分布中起着至关重要的作用。细胞内、细胞外和血液中的AMP水平是机体能量感知、睡眠、冬眠和食物摄取的代谢信号。高于或低于正常水平的AMP信号与人类疾病相关。AK及其下游的AMP信号组成了一个完整的代谢监测系统,通过检测细胞能量状态变化,从而调整对代谢感受器传递的信号。详细阐述了AK和AMP在感知及维持机体能量中的作用。  相似文献   

Objective: A previous study showed that increasing the portion sizes of all foods led to an increase in energy intake that was sustained over 2 days. The objective of the present study was to determine whether participants would compensate for excess energy intake or continue to overeat when portion sizes were increased for 11 days. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants in the study were 23 normal‐weight and overweight participants (10 women and 13 men). All of their foods and caloric beverages were provided during two different periods of 11 consecutive days, which were separated by a 2‐week interval. During one period, standard portions of all items were served; during the other, all portion sizes were increased by 50%. Results: The 50% increase in portion sizes resulted in a mean increase in daily energy intake of 423 ± 27 kcal (p < 0.0001), which did not differ significantly between women and men. This increase was sustained for 11 days and did not decline significantly over time, leading to a mean cumulative increase in intake of 4636 ± 532 kcal. A significant effect of portion size on intake was seen at all meals and in all categories of foods except fruit (as a snack) and vegetables. The effect of portion size on intake was not influenced by the body weight status of participants. Discussion: These results strengthen the evidence suggesting that increased portions contribute to the overconsumption of energy and to excess body weight.  相似文献   

Kang KS  Yahashi S  Matsuda K 《Peptides》2011,32(11):2242-2247
Ghrelin was first identified and characterized from rat stomach as an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Ghrelin and its receptor system are present not only in peripheral tissues such as stomach and intestine, but also in the central nervous system of mammals. Interestingly, administration of ghrelin induces an orexigenic effect and also modifies locomotor activity, suggesting its involvement in feeding control and the regulation of energy balance, in addition to the regulation of growth hormone release. Information about ghrelin in non-mammals, such as teleost fish, has also been increasing, and important data have been obtained. An understanding of the evolutionary background of the energy regulation system and the central and peripheral roles of ghrelin in teleost fish could provide indications as to their roles in mammals, particularly humans. In this review, we overview the central and peripheral effects of ghrelin on energy balance, locomotor activity, and lipid metabolism in teleost fish.  相似文献   

对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus B.Bienko能源物质含量和消耗情况及种群密度对能源物质含量的影响进行了研究。结果表明,能源物质含量随成虫日龄的增加而发生变化,初羽化时含量较低,在10或13日龄达到最大值,之后开始下降。不同种群密度下亚洲小车蝗同日龄体内能源物质含量存在较大差异,高密度种群甘油酯含量显著的大于低密度种群,亚洲小车蝗飞行过程中主要利用糖类和脂类,但脂类是其远距离飞行的能量保证。  相似文献   

孙树臣  邵明安 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5782-5791
地表能量平衡问题一直是陆面过程研究中的重点和难点问题。以2014年8—10月和2015年4—6月黄土高原北部水蚀风蚀交错带柠条林地涡度相关通量观测数据为依据,分析柠条林地热储通量变化特征,在此基础上分析热储通量对能量闭合度的影响。结果表明,柠条林地各热储通量均表现出明显的季节和日变化规律。在能量平衡方程中,考虑热储通量项后能显著提高柠条林地能量闭合度,平均提高幅度为11.91%。其中,土壤表层热储通量对能量闭合度的贡献最大,占总热储通量的95.63%;光合作用热储通量和大气感热存储通量占总热储通量的比例不足5%,光合热储通量略高于大气感热存储通量;而大气潜热存储通量则降低了能量闭合度,平均降低幅度为0.06%。因此,在分析黄土高原柠条林地能量平衡中热储通量项是不可忽略的。影响柠条林地各热储通量的因素主要有太阳辐射、大气温度、土壤温度和水分。植被生长状况是影响柠条林地热储通量各分量项季节和日变化的重要因素,并对能量闭合度产生影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the sensitivity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wood energy to different forest management regimes when aiming at an integrated production of timber and energy biomass. For this purpose, the production of timber and energy biomass in Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands was simulated using an ecosystem model (SIMA) on sites of varying fertility under different management regimes, including various thinning and fertilization treatments over a fixed simulation period of 80 years. The simulations included timber (sawlogs, pulp), energy biomass (small‐sized stem wood) and/or logging residues (top part of stem, branches and needles) from first thinning, and logging residues and stumps from final felling for energy production. In this context, a life cycle analysis/emission calculation tool was used to assess the CO2 emissions per unit of energy (kg CO2 MWh?1) which was produced based on the use of wood energy. The energy balance (GJ ha?1) of the supply chain was also calculated. The evaluation of CO2 emissions and energy balance of the supply chain considered the whole forest bioenergy production chain, representing all operations needed to grow and harvest biomass and transport it to a power plant for energy production. Fertilization and high precommercial stand density clearly increased stem wood production (i.e. sawlogs, pulp and small‐sized stem wood), but also the amount of logging residues, stump wood and roots for energy use. Similarly, the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of energy were obtained, regardless of tree species and site fertility, when applying extremely or very dense precommercial stand density, as well as fertilization three times during the rotation. For Norway spruce such management also provided a high energy balance (GJ ha?1). On the other hand, the highest energy balance for Scots pine was obtained concurrently with extremely dense precommercial stands without fertilization on the medium‐fertility site, while on the low‐fertility site fertilization three times during the rotation was needed to attain this balance. Thus, clear differences existed between species and sites. In general, the forest bioenergy supply chain seemed to be effective; i.e. the fossil fuel energy consumption varied between 2.2% and 2.8% of the energy produced based on the forest biomass. To conclude, the primary energy use and CO2 emissions related to the forest operations, including the production and application of fertilizer, were small in relation to the increased potential of energy biomass.  相似文献   

为了研究光周期和高脂食物对小型哺乳动物能量代谢和产热的影响,将成年雌性高山姬鼠分别驯化于长光照低脂、高脂食物和短光照低脂、高脂食物条件下,7周后测定动物的体重、能量摄入、产热、身体组成、血清瘦素浓度以及体脂含量等参数。结果发现:1)短光照抑制体重增长,降低血清瘦素浓度,增加非颤抖性产热;2)高脂食物使摄入能减少,消化率和体脂含量提高,但未显著影响体重、基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热和血清瘦素浓度;3)血清瘦素浓度与摄入能不相关,但与体脂重量正相关。结果暗示:短光照下瘦素作用敏感性增加和产热能力增强,可能介导了抵抗高脂食物诱导的肥胖。在野外条件下,高山姬鼠能通过能量代谢和产热的适应性调节避免体重的过度增长,有利于降低捕食风险,增强生存能力。  相似文献   

Objective: We present an updated method for identifying physiologically implausible dietary reports by comparing reported energy intake (rEI) with predicted energy requirements (pER), and we examine the impact of excluding these reports. Research Methods and Procedures: Adult data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals 1994 to 1996 were used. pER was calculated from the dietary reference intake equations. Within‐subject variations and errors in rEI [coefficient of variation (CV) ~ 23%] over 2 days (d), pER (CV ~ 11%), and measured total energy expenditure (mTEE; doubly labeled water, CV ~ 8.2%) were propagated, where ±1 SD = . Thus, a report was identified as implausible if rEI was not within 78% to 122% of pER. Multiple cut‐offs between ±1 and ±2 SD were tested. Results: %rEI/pER = 81% in the total sample (n = 6499) and progressively increased to 95% in the ±1 SD sample (n = 2685). The ±1 to 1.4 SD samples yielded rEI‐weight associations closest to the theoretical relationship (mTEE to weight). Weak or spurious diet—BMI associations were present in the total sample; ±1 to 1.4 SD samples showed the strongest set of associations and provided the maximum n while maintaining biological plausibility. Discussion: Our methodology can be applied to different data sets to evaluate the impact of implausible rEIs on health outcomes. Implausible rEIs reduce the overall validity of a sample, and not excluding them may lead to inappropriate conclusions about potential dietary causes of health outcomes such as obesity.  相似文献   

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