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An in vitro superfusion method was used to test sex hormone release from different kinds of ovarian follicle (growing follicles, postovulatory follicles, and atretic follicles) in the lizard Podarcis sicula sicula. Sex hormone output changes with the stage of follicle evolution and sexual cycle. Previtellogenetic follicles prevail in early-spring quiescent ovaries and secrete mainly progesterone, which is probably utilized at that phase to delay ovarian resumption. In the active ovary, progesterone output from previtellogenetic follicles decreases, whereas vitellogenetic follicles produce a significant amount of 17β-estradiol, which is necessary for sustaining vitellogenin synthesis by the liver and oviduct growth. As follicles become ripe, progesterone production is resumed, and it increases in young postovulatory follicles. This is in line with the functions assigned to the hormone at that phase of the sexual cycle, i.e., the induction of oocyte maturation and the regulation of egg retention in the oviduct. Postovulatory follicles can also synthetize 17β-estradiol. After oviposition, this hormone, which is secreted by the old postovulatory follicles, can reinitiate vitellogenin synthesis, allowing the development of a new oocyte set. Our data confirm that active, although ephemeral, corpora lutea are also formed in oviparous species. A limited contribution to ovarian sex steroid production derives also from atretic follicles, at least at the early stages of the breeding cycle. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of the proopiomelanocortin-derived opioid peptide, beta-endorphin (β-EP), and of the opioid antagonist, naloxone (NAL), on both basal and pituitary-stimulated androgen secretion from superfused quiescent and active testes were assessed in the adult lizard, Podarcis sicula. In the absence of the homologous pituitary, in vitro treatment with β-EP and/or NAL did not affect basal secretion of androgens from quiescent and active testes. Conversely, in the presence of the homologous pituitary, treatment with β-EP brought about a decrease in androgen secretion in active testes, but no effect on quiescent ones Naloxone counteracted the inhibitory effect of β-EP in active testes, and enhanced maximal pituitary-stimulated secretion of androgens in quiescent but not in active testes. The effects produces by β-endorphin and naloxone were reversible. These results suggest that, in this lizard, opioids might be involved in the control of androgen release. The lack of effect of β-EP and naloxone when added directly to the testes seems to suggest that the opioid agonist and antagonist act on androgen release by modulating pituitary gonadotrophin output. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in epididymal weight and histology were studied in relation to testicular function in the adult spiny-tailed lizard, Uromastix hardwicki, over a period of 1 year. The eipdidymal weights, tubular diameter, and epithelial height increased in March, reaching a peak in April. This peak coincided with sperm maturation, elevated plasma testosterone levels, and release of sperm into the epididymis. The epididymal weights decreased in May following a sudden regression of the testis early in the month. The epididymal weights decreased further during June and remained low until February. The diameter of the duct and the height of the epithelial cells also decreased in May and the epididymal epithelium maintained a low histological profile from June to February. The fall testicular recrudescence was not accompanied by a change either in the weight or the histological structure of the epididymis. Administration of oFSH (0.1 mg) daily for 7 days during the sexually quiescent period induced a significant increase in the weight of the epididymis and epithelial height of the duct. Administration of testosterone alone, (2.0 mg) daily for the same period and under identical conditions, did not induce a change in the weight of epididymis or its histology. A possible permissive role of gonadotrophin in the hormonal regulation of the lizard epididymis has been suggested.  相似文献   

The regional difference in the carbohydrate components of the ductus epididymis epithelium of a lizard was delineated by means of 13 lectins. Basal cells expressed only N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). Throughout the ductus, the secretory cells showed oligosaccharides with terminal N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac)(2,6)galactose (Gal)/N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and internal mannose (Man) and/or glucose (Glc) in the whole cytoplasm, oligosaccharides terminating in Neu5Ac(2,6)Gal(1,3)GalNAc, Neu5Ac(2,6)Gal (1,4)GlcNAc, GalNAc, GlcNAc, and fucose (Fuc) in the supra-nuclear zone, and also glycans terminating in Neu5Ac(2,3)Gal (1,4)GlcNAc, Neu5Ac(2,6)Gal(1,3)GalNAc, Gal (1,4)GlcNAc on the luminal surface. In the caput and corpus regions, the supra-nuclear cytoplasm was characterized by terminal Gal(1,4)GlcNAc and GalNAc, the luminal surface by GalNAc and Gal. The Golgi zone, showing oligosaccharides with terminal Neu5Ac(2,3)Gal (1,4)GlcNAc, Neu5Ac(2,6)Gal (1,3)GalNAc, Neu5Ac(2,6)Gal (1,4)GlcNAc, and internal GlcNAc, expressed terminal Gal (1,4)GlcNAc and GalNAc in the caput, and terminal GalNAc in the corpus. The granules showed all the investigated carbohydrates in their peripheral zone except terminal GalNAc and Fuc, whereas internal Man/Glc and terminal Gal were expressed in the central core, and Fuc throughout the ductus, terminal GlcNAc in the caput and corpus, and terminal GalNAc only in the corpus.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the presence of leptin receptor in pancreatic islets and the effect of exogenous leptin administration in Podarcis sicula on glucose metabolism. Our data show the presence of leptin receptor immunoreactivity in the endocrine pancreas suggesting that leptin may act at a peripheral level as previously postulated in mammals. The effects of short- and long-term and dose-response treatment with supraphysiological concentrations of leptin on circulating levels of insulin, glucagon and glucose in the blood have been evaluated. Taken together, our results indicate that leptin treatment was followed by an increase in insulin, glucagon and glucose in the blood, depending on the dose of leptin. Moreover, leptin treatment brought about a decrease of glycogen and the appearance of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins in the liver. This study shows that in the lizard P. sicula leptin is involved in glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

In reptiles, as in the other oviparous vertebrates, vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis is stimulated in the liver by ovarian estrogens. In this article, the presence of VTG precursors was detected in liver subcellular fractions of the oviparous lizard, Podarcis sicula, in the reproductive period. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the smooth microsomal fraction (SMF), which includes smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex, were separated by means of two different sucrose gradients. The successful separation was controlled at the electron microscope. The contents of the different compartments were extracted by means of n-octyl-beta-D-glucopiranoside detergent and subjected to SDS-PAGE. Western Blotting with homologous anti/VTG antibody revealed two immunoreactive proteins of about 84 and 70 kDa in the RER, and four proteins of about 180, 150, 60, 50 kDa in the SMF; all these proteins appeared phosphorylated and glycosylated. The differences in the molecular weight of these VTG precursors are discussed.  相似文献   

Paolucci M  Di Cristo C 《Life sciences》2002,71(12):1417-1427
In this paper we report the presence of a (3)H-Progesterone ((3)H-P) binding moiety, which has the characteristics of a true receptor, in the liver of the female of the lizard Podarcis sicula. (3)H-P binding studies show the presence of one type of binding site with an average Kd value of 6.2 +/- 2.0 nM in the cytoplasm and 6.3 +/- 1.1 nM in the nucleus. Competition experiments showed that progesterone (P) was the best competitor, while testosterone, deoxycorticosterone (DOC), corticosterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone; R5020; RU486 and RU26988-5 were poor competitors. We have also investigated the immunological characteristics of progesterone receptor (PR) in both the liver and the oviduct of Podarcis sicula, by Western blotting using the monoclonal antibody PR22 raised against the PR isoforms A and B of chicken. One imunoreactive band of about 70 kDa was detected in cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts of both the liver and the oviduct. PR immunoreactivity was present in the liver during the quiescent phase. In the oviduct PR immunoreactivity increased from the recovery to the full grown phase. P treatment of estrogen-primed females did not affect the presence of PR in the liver, while brought about a PR increase in the oviduct. This study suggests that PR is expressed differently in the liver and the oviduct of Podarcis sicula throughout the reproductive cycle. PR might fulfill different requirements in relation to the different physiological functions of the tissue during the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Borrelli L  De Stasio R  Parisi E  Filosa S 《Gene》2001,275(1):149-156
The present paper reports the full nucleotide sequence of a cloned cDNA prepared from RNA of lizard ovaries. The open reading frame consists of 2019 nucleotides, which encodes a protein of 673 amino acids belonging to the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily with a large extracellular N-terminal domain involved in hormone recognition. The transmembrane domain ends with a short intracytoplasmic COOH-terminal domain involved in effector activation. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the lizard receptor belongs to the family of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptors. The hydrophobicity profile is similar to that observed for mammalian and avian FSH receptors. Northern blot analysis of total RNA revealed that the FSH receptor is expressed at high levels in the ovary. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that FSH receptor mRNA is specifically localized within the small cells of the follicular epithelium surrounding the oocyte.  相似文献   

We analyzed the organization of the microtubular cytoskeleton and the distribution of centrosomes at the different stages of differentiation of the ovarian follicle of the lizard Podarcis sicula by examining immunolabeled α‐ and γ‐tubulins using confocal microscopy. We observed that in the follicular epithelium the differentiation of the nurse pyriform cells is accompanied by a reorganization of the microtubules in the oocyte cortex, changing from a reticular to a radial pattern. Furthermore, these cortical microtubules extend in the cytoplasm of the connected follicle cells through intercellular bridges. Radially oriented microtubules were still more marked in the oocyte cortex during the final stages of oogenesis, when the yolk proteins were incorporated by endocytosis. The nucleation centres of the microtubules (centrosomes) were clearly detectable as γ‐tubulin immunolabeled spots in the somatic stromal cells of the germinal bed. A diffuse cytoplasmic immunolabeling together with multiple labeled foci, resembling the desegregation of the centrosomes in early oogenesis of vertebrates and invertebrates, was revealed in the prediplotenic germ cells. In the cytoplasm of growing oocytes, a diffuse labeling of the γ‐tubulin antibody was always detectable. In the growing ovarian follicles, immunolabeled spots were detected in the mono‐layered follicle cells which surrounded the early oocytes. In follicles with a polymorphic follicular epithelium, only the small follicle cells showed labeled spots. A weak and diffuse labeling was observed in the pyriform cells while in the enlarging intermediate cells the centrosomes degenerated like in the early oocytes. Our observations confirm that in P. sicula most of the oocyte growth is supported by the structural and functional integration of the developing oocyte with the pyriform nurse cells and suggest that their fusion with the oocyte results in an acquirement by these somatic cells of characteristics typical of the germ cells. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

M Paolucci  M Rocco  E Varricchio 《Life sciences》2001,69(20):2399-2408
Leptin is a 16 kDa peptide produced by adipocytes in response to increasing fat stores and signals to the brain to stop eating and increase energy expenditure. Recent studies point out that the role of leptin is much broader and includes the regulation of reproduction. The lizard, Podarcis sicula, is an oviparous species characterized, at this latitude, by a seasonal reproductive cycle. Since in Podarcis sicula the recovery of the gonadal function coincides with the recovery of metabolic activity, we have hypothesized that leptin might be involved in the regulation of the reproductive function in this species. We have identified an immunoreactive band in the plasma of the female of Podarcis sicula, which comigrated with recombinant mouse leptin and cross reacted with polyclonal antibodies against mouse leptin. A RIA method developed by Linco (St. Louis, MO) was utilized to measure leptin concentration in plasma, liver and fat bodies of Podarcis sicula throughout the reproductive cycle. The antibody used in this kit (Linco's Multi-Species Leptin Radioimmunoassay kit) was produced in the guinea pig against human leptin but displays crossreactivity to leptin molecules of many species. The level of leptin in the plasma of Podarcis sicula was in the same range as that of mammals. Leptin levels in plasma, liver and fat bodies fluctuated during the reproductive cycle, in a way consistent with its possible role in reproduction.  相似文献   

In the lizard Podarcis sicula, the major vitellogenin (VTG)-derived yolk proteins, lipovitellins and phosvitins, were extracted from the yolk globules of laid and fertilized eggs at different periods of incubation up to 44 days close to hatching. Embryonic development was almost over at this time. Yolk proteins were isolated by precipitation in saturated (NH(4))(2)SO(4), separated on SDS-PAGE and detected by Western blotting with homologous polyclonal anti/VTG antibody. Two lipovitellins of 110 and 116 kDa were always present in the yolk of laid eggs after 1, 10, 18, and 44 days from oviposition. Both these proteins were glycosylated and were recognized by the anti/VTG antibody; their N-terminal sequences were analyzed. Four phosvitins were detected in freshly laid eggs, but their number decreased during incubation, and after 44 days only a single protein of approximately 6.5 kDa was present. The results indicated that, in this lizard, during embryonic development, lipovitellins remain unchanged, whereas the phosphorylated components of yolk undergo continuous degradation.  相似文献   

The thyroid gland of the lizard Podarcis sicula was immunohistochemically studied in adult male specimens using specific antibodies against NPY, VIP and 5-HT and the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) procedure to localize the three peptides. Fine beaded VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers ran between the follicles, and VIP-immunoreactivity was evenly distributed in the apical cytoplasm of follicular cells. NPY-immunoreactive fibers were found around the follicles, and, in the cells, immunoreactivity was localizated only in the cellular apices. Immunoreactivity to 5-HT was observed in the colloid, with a concentration in the follicular lumen exceeding that in the follicular cells. In fact, most follicles showed immunoreactivity in the cytoplasmic bridges formed between the apical portion of the follicular cells and the colloid.  相似文献   

Five days after implantation with 11-ketotestosterone (KT) female Lythrypnus dalli exhibited elevated urinary KT levels and male-like genital papilla morphology. Papilla length increased, width decreased, and length : width ratio increased. Control fish exhibited increases in papilla length, and length : width ratio on day 3, but not on day 5. Changes in the total area of the papilla were not statistically significant. It is suggested that KT mediates genital papilla morphology rapidly and thus may be a useful indicator of circulating KT in L. dalli.  相似文献   

Summary The otoliths of embryos and young animals of the lizard Podarcis s. sicula were studied by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Two types of crystal that give different X-ray diffraction patterns were found in the membranous labyrinth of Podarcis. The crystals consist of calcite or aragonite and are easily distinguished by scanning electron microscopy because of their different morphology. The two calcium carbonate crystal forms are not mixed at random but are present in the embryo from the very beginning in specific sites. The endolymphatic sac contains aragonite crystals while the saccule contains calcite crystals adjacent to the wall, in addition to a preponderance of aragonite crystals. The utricle and lagena contain only calcite crystals. The presence of two crystal forms of calcium carbonate in the membranous labyrinth are discussed in terms of differing genetic and functional significance.  相似文献   

Leptin, the product of the ob gene, is a hormone secreted by adipocytes that regulates food intake and energy expenditure. The hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis is markedly influenced by the metabolism status, being suppressed during food deprivation. The present study was designed to ascertain whether (1) lizard thyroid gland expresses the long form of leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) and (2) the leptin administration affects the thyroid gland activity in this species (and to verify whether leptin plays a similar role in reptiles as observed in the other vertebrates). The presence of leptin receptor in the thyroid gland of Podarcis sicula was demonstrated by immunohistochemical technique (avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex--ABC method). The role of leptin in the control of thyroid gland activity was studied in vivo using light microscopy (LM) technique coupled to a specific radioimmunoassay for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones (T4 and T3). Leptin (0.1 mg/100 g body wt)/day increased T4 and T3 release for 3 days but decreased the plasma concentration of TSH; using LM clear signs of stimulation in the thyroid gland were observed. These findings suggest that systemic administration of leptin stimulates the morphophysiology of the thyroid gland in the lizard through a direct mechanism involving Ob-Rb.  相似文献   

Using alpha and beta spectrin mammalian antibodies on Western blotting, we demonstrated that lizard ovarian follicles contain two isoforms of alpha spectrin, Mr 94 and 134 kDa, and a 230 kDa beta spectrin, and that their pattern modifies in relation to pyriform cell differentiation. In fact, a positive immunoreaction is firstly evident within follicular epithelium of previtellogenic follicles when small cells differentiate into pyriform cells via intermediate cells. Later on, immunostain is present in pyriform cells and in the oocyte cortex that previously appears unstained. It is noteworthy that immunostain is also present on small cells located in contact with the oocyte membrane, but not on those located under the basal lamina and among pyriform cells, not engaged in pyriform cell differentiation. During the subsequent stages of previtellogenic phase, spectrin immunostain over the follicular epithelium and in the oocyte cortex does not change. By contrast, in vitellogenic follicles, when the follicular epithelium is constituted only by small cells, immunostain is evident at the level of the oocyte cortex and the cytoplasm of regressing pyriform cells. The present data strongly suggest that the alpha and beta spectrin pattern put in evidence during the different phases of lizard oocyte growth is related to the differentiation of small into pyriform cells, where such protein may guarantee a relationship between surface glycoproteins (Andreuccetti et al., 2001: Anat Rec 263:1-9), and the cytoskeleton distribution (Maurizii et al., 2000: Raf Mol Reprod Dev 57:159-166). Furthermore, the distribution of spectrin mRNA, similar to that observed for the protein, demonstrates that spectrin, once synthesized within pyriform cells, is transferred through intercellular bridges in the oocyte cortex, thus confirming that pyriform cells are nurse that significantly are involved in the oocyte growth. Finally, the present data demonstrate that alpha spectrin of lizard ovarian follicles has Mr quite different from those so far reported and may constitute a new group of isoforms. This important result will be the focus of future experiments. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 67: 101-107, 2004.  相似文献   

Color polymorphisms are widely studied to identify the mechanisms responsible for the origin and maintenance of phenotypic variability in nature. Two of the mechanisms of balancing selection currently thought to explain the long-term persistence of polymorphisms are the evolution of alternative phenotypic optima through correlational selection on suites of traits including color and heterosis. Both of these mechanisms can generate differences in offspring viability and fitness arising from different morph combinations. Here, we examined the effect of parental morph combination on fertilization success, embryonic viability, newborn quality, antipredator, and foraging behavior, as well as inter-annual survival by conducting controlled matings in a polymorphic lacertid Podarcis muralis, where color morphs are frequently assumed to reflect alternative phenotypic optima (e.g., alternative reproductive strategies). Juveniles were kept in outdoor tubs for a year in order to study inter-annual growth, survival, and morph inheritance. In agreement with a previous genome-wide association analysis, morph frequencies in the year-old juveniles matched the frequencies expected if orange and yellow expressions depended on recessive homozygosity at 2 separate loci. Our findings also agree with previous literature reporting higher reproductive output of heavy females and the higher overall viability of heavy newborn lizards, but we found no evidence for the existence of alternative breeding investment strategies in female morphs, or morph-combination effects on offspring viability and behavior. We conclude that inter-morph breeding remains entirely viable and genetic incompatibilities are of little significance for the maintenance of discrete color morphs in P. muralis from the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

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