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Expression and phase variation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae P.II genes in Escherichia coli were studied using TnphoA fusions. Fusions were created in the P.IIc gene of N. gonorrhoeae JS3 using lambda TnphoA-1 and were characterized by restriction digestion and dideoxy sequencing. Three fusions were chosen for further study; Tnp7 (fusion junction at mature amino acid 7), Tnp57 (amino acid 57), Tnp66 (amino acid 66). All fusions were in frame with the P.IIc coding sequence but were out of frame with the purported initiation codon. All fusion constructions were shown to phase vary in E. coli in an analogous fashion to that seen in N. gonorrhoeae, i.e. phase changes (in a recA background) at a frequency of c. 10(-3) accompanied by an alteration at the DNA level of the number of coding repeats (CRs). In vitro mutagenesis of the fusion constructions indicated that expression of out of frame P.II genes in E. coli was probably the result of ribosomal frameshifting within the run of 'A' residues immediately preceding the CR region and not due to low-level false initiation at codons other than the ATG initiation codon (as had previously been suggested). The mechanism for P.IIc::phoA phase variation appears to be related to the 'slipped-strand mispairing' mechanism responsible for frameshift mutations in a number of other bacterial genes containing short, direct, tandem repeats.  相似文献   

Slipped-strand mispairing: a major mechanism for DNA sequence evolution   总被引:128,自引:13,他引:128  
Simple repetitive DNA sequences are a widespread and abundant feature of genomic DNA. The following several features characterize such sequences: (1) they typically consist of a variety of repeated motifs of 1-10 bases--but may include much larger repeats as well; (2) larger repeat units often include shorter ones within them; (3) long polypyrimidine and poly-CA tracts are often found; and (4) tandem arrangements of closely related motifs are often found. We propose that slipped-strand mispairing events, in concert with unequal crossing- over, can readily account for all of these features. The frequent occurrence of long tandem repeats of particular motifs (polypyrimidine and poly-CA tracts) appears to result from nonrandom patterns of nucleotide substitution. We argue that the intrahelical process of slipped-strand mispairing is much more likely to be the major factor in the initial expansion of short repeated motifs and that, after initial expansion, simple tandem repeats may be predisposed to further expansion by unequal crossing-over or other interhelical events because of their propensity to mispair. Evidence is presented that single-base repeats (the shortest possible motifs) are represented by longer runs in mammalian introns than would be expected on a random basis, supporting the idea that SSM may be a ubiquitous force in the evolution of the eukaryotic genome. Simple repetitive sequences may therefore represent a natural ground state of DNA unselected for coding functions.   相似文献   

A mechanism of capsular polysaccharide phase variation in Neisseria meningitidis is described. Meningococcal cells of an encapsulated serogroup B strain were used in invasion assays. Only unencapsulated variants were found to enter epithelial cells. Analysis of one group of capsule-deficient variants indicated that the capsular polysaccharide was re-expressed at a frequency of 10?3. Measurement of enzymatic activities involved in the biosynthesis of the α-2,8 polysialic acid capsule showed that polysialyltransferase (PST) activity was absent in these capsule-negative variants. Nucleotide sequence analysis of siaD revealed an insertion or a deletion of one cytidine residue within a run of (dC)7 residues at position 89, resulting in a frameshift and premature termination of translation. We analysed unencapsulated isolates from carriers and encapsulated case isolates collected during an outbreak of meningococcal disease. Further paired blood-culture isolates and unencapsulated nasopharyngeal isolates from patients with meningococcal meningitis were examined. In all unencapsulated strains analysed we found an insertion or deletion within the oligo-(dC) stretch within siaD, resulting in a frameshift and loss of capsule formation. All encapsulated isolates, however, had seven dC residues at this position, indicating a correlation between capsule phase variation and bacterial invasion and the out-break of meningococcal disease.  相似文献   

The nucleotide and amino acid sequences for rat type I angiotensin II receptor were deduced through molecular cloning and sequence analysis of its complementary DNAs. The rat angiotensin II receptor consists of 359 amino acid residues and has a sequence similar to G protein-coupled receptors. The expression of this receptor gene was detected in the adrenal, liver and kidney by Northern blotting. Sodium deprivation positively modulated the expression of the receptor gene in the adrenal. No detectable change was observed in the expression levels of this receptor gene between spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar-Kyoto rats in the tissues examined including the adrenal, brain, kidney and liver. Interestingly the expression of this receptor gene was developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Pili prepared from Neisseria gonorrhoeae contain minor amounts of a 110 kd outer membrane protein denoted PilC. The corresponding gene exists in two copies, pilC1 and pilC2, in most strains of N.gonorrhoeae. In the piliated strain MS11(P+), only one of the genes, pilC2, was expressed. Inactivation of pilC2 by a mTnCm insertion resulted in a nonpiliated phenotype, while a mTnCm insertion in pilC1 had no effect on piliation. Expression of pilC was found to be controlled at the translational level by frameshift mutations in a run of G residues positioned in the region encoding the signal peptide. Nonpilated (P-), pilin expressing colony variants that did not express detectable levels of PilC were selected; all P+ backswitchers from these P-, PilC- clones were found to be PilC+. The structural gene for pilin, pilE, was sequenced and found to be identical in one P-, PilC- and P+, PilC+ pair. Most PilC- cells were completely bald whereas the PilC+ backswitcher had 10-40 pili per cell. Thus, a turn ON and turn OFF in the expression of PilC results in gonococcal pili phase variation. These results suggest that PilC is required for pilus assembly and/or translocation across the gonococcal outer membrane.  相似文献   

Influence of DNA sequence on the nature of mispairing during DNA synthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M D Lai  K L Beattie 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1722-1728
A series of synthetic oligonucleotide primers, annealed at various positions along the lacZ-alpha region of bacteriophage M13mp9 template, were elongated by purified DNA polymerases in the presence of only 3 of the 4 deoxynucleoside triphosphates to achieve misincorporation at a total of 49 different positions along the template. The newly synthesized strands (containing misincorporated bases) were isolated and sequenced to determine the identity of misincorporated deoxynucleoside monophosphates. The results indicate that the kind of mispairing that occurs during DNA synthesis is greatly influenced by the nucleotide sequence of the template. Transition-type base substitutions predominated overall, but at many template positions, transversion-type base substitutions occurred, most commonly via A.A mispairing. The results of parallel determinations made with Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I ("large fragment" form) and DNA polymerase of Maloney murine leukemia virus indicated that, overall, the identity of polymerase had only a small effect on the kind of misincorporation that occurred at different positions along the template. However, at certain template positions, the nature of mispairing during DNA synthesis was reproducibly affected by differing polymerase active-site environment.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe RecG DNA helicase plays a crucial role in stalled replication fork rescue. We have recently discovered that interaction of RecG with single-strand DNA binding protein (SSB) remodels RecG, allowing it to spontaneously translocate upstream of the fork. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that mispairing of DNA could limit such translocation of RecG.MethodsHere, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to directly test this hypothesis and investigate how sensitive RecG translocation is to different types of mispairing.ResultsWe found that a CC mispairing, at a distance of 30 bp from the fork position, prevents translocation of RecG over this mispairing. A G-bulge, placed at the same distance, also has a similar blocking efficiency. However, a CC mispairing, 10 bp away from the fork, does not prevent RecG translocation beyond 10 bp distance, but decreases complex yield. Modeling of RecG-DNA complexes show that 10 bp distance from the fork is within the binding footprint of RecG on DNA.ConclusionsOur results suggest that the RecG translocation upstream of the replication fork is limited by mispairings in the parental arm of the replication fork.General significanceThese findings led us to propose dual functions for RecG, in which the thermally driven translocation of RecG can be a mechanism for the additional control of the DNA paring in which RecG can detect the lesions in front of the replication fork, adding to the fidelity of the DNA replication machinery.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase from the bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans, while being related to the mitochondrial enzyme in many ways, consists of only two to three different subunits. For the identification of its genes, a Paracoccus DNA library was constructed and screened with specific antibodies for expression of cloned inserts in E. coli. A positive clone expressing immunoreactive products in the molecular mass region of authentic subunit II revealed a high homology of its DNA-deduced amino acid sequence with subunit II sequences of the mitochondrial oxidases; several typical features, such as the transmembrane folding pattern and the presumed copper-binding site, are highly conserved between prokaryotic and mitochondrial polypeptides. A comparison with peptide sequencing data of the purified subunit established the presence of a characteristic N-terminal extension as well as a longer C terminus in the initial translation product of the Paracoccus subunit; by mass spectroscopy, the first N-terminally blocked residue of the mature polypeptide was identified as a pyroglutamate. No code abnormalities, but a highly specific codon usage were observed; no evidence for a localization of the subunit I gene directly adjacent to this gene has been obtained.  相似文献   

Feedback regulation of Ran gene expression by Ran protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhao Z  Wang J  Zhang X 《Gene》2011,485(2):85-90

MicroRNA regulation and interspecific variation of gene expression   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) modulate expression of their target genes in various tissues and at different developmental stages, but it is unclear whether they drive cross-species variation in gene expression. By comparing data from mammal and fly species we found that the cross-species expression variation of miRNA targets is significantly lower than that of other genes. This implies that miRNAs can affect gene expression by reducing stochastic noise, buffering cross-species variation and constraining evolutionary gene expression variation.  相似文献   

4.5 SI RNA is an abundant, noncapped, small nuclear RNA found in rodent cells. The 4.5 SI RNA is 98 or 99 nucleotides long and contains no modified nucleotides; it is synthesized by RNA polymerase III, is partly hydrogen-bonded to poly(A+) hnRNA, and was the first small nuclear RNA to be purified and sequenced (Busch, H., Reddy, R., Ruthblum, L., and Choi, Y. C. (1982) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 51, 617-654). In studies on the structure and organization of genes coding for this abundant RNA, it was found that this RNA is homologous to an apparently novel family of repetitive sequences. Two clones were characterized; one clone showed that its sequence is identical to the RNA in the first 92 residues and differed only in the last six nucleotides. In addition, the 3'-end of the sequence contained an A,T-rich region, and the sequence was flanked by a 15-nucleotide long direct repeat of AAAATATAGACACTG. The second clone characterized contained nucleotide sequences 1-57 corresponding to the RNA and was flanked by a 15-nucleotide long direct repeat. The structural features of these two DNAs are consistent with RNA-mediated DNA synthesis and integration of this DNA into the genome at random sites. It is estimated that there are about 10,000 copies of this family of sequences in the haploid rat genome.  相似文献   

An expression vector containing three copies of the AP-1 binding element (TRE) upstream of a thymidine kinase promotor which controlled the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene was transiently transfected into vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells and a human hepatocarcinoma cell line, Hep G2. Twelve hours of angiotensin (Ang) II exposure stimulated significantly CAT expression by 3.4 fold and 2.7 fold in Hep G2 and VSM cells, respectively. AngII had no effect on CAT expression of a control vector. This AngII-induced stimulation was attenuated significantly by an AngII receptor antagonist, Sar1 Ile8 AngII, and abolished completely by a PKC inhibitor, staurosporine. Our data suggest that the TRE plays a crucial role in AngII-induced gene expression that is mediated by PKC. We concluded that TRE is one of the AngII-responsive elements.  相似文献   

A dispersed middle repetitive DNA sequence isolated originally from human chromosome 12 did not show homology with rodent DNA under standard conditions of Southern DNA blot analysis. The evolutionary relationship of this human repetitive DNA to that of other primates was investigated using three hybridization methods: DNA dot blot, Southern DNA blot analysis, and chromosome in situ hybridization. Homology with the human repetitive DNA was found throughout the suborder Anthropoidea, in fourteen ape and New and Old World monkey species. In addition, the human pattern of hybridization to noncentromeric regions of all chromosomes was seen. No hybridization by any of the three techniques was found in five species of the suborder Prosimii. The phenomenon of marked differences in sequence homology and copy number of dispersed repetitive DNA from closely related species has been observed in protozoans (Plasmodia), Drosophila, sea urchins, mice and the great apes (Hominoidea). We report here a similar phenomenon that may have occurred at an early stage in primate evolution.  相似文献   

Feedback regulation of DNA methyltransferase gene expression by methylation.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper tests the hypothesis that expression of the DNA methyltransferase, dnmt1, gene is regulated by a methylation-sensitive DNA element. Methylation of DNA is an attractive system for feedback regulation of DNA methyltransferase as the final product of the reaction, methylated DNA, can regulate gene expression in cis. We show that an AP-1-dependent regulatory element of dnmt1 is heavily methylated in most somatic tissues and in the mouse embryonal cell line, P19, and completely unmethylated in a mouse adrenal carcinoma cell line, Y1. dnmt1 is highly over expressed in Y1 relative to P19 cell lines. Global inhibition of DNA methylation in P19 cells by 5-azadeoxycytidine results in demethylation of the AP-1 regulatory region and induction of dnmt1 expression in P19cells, but not Y1 cells. We propose that this regulatory region of dnmt1 acts as a sensor of the DNA methylation capacity of the cell. These results provide an explanation for the documented coexistence of global hypomethylation and high levels of DNA methyltransferase activity in many cancer cells and for the carcinogenic effect of hypomethylating diets.  相似文献   

A 2.1-kb EcoRI fragment of rat DNA has been cloned and sequenced. This fragment contained a repetitive element which was highly specific for rat DNA and widely dispersed throughout the rat genome. The repetitive element is homologous to a sequence found in the 3' end of the rat LINE family. Because of its high degree of species specificity and its heterodisperse distribution, this sequence provided a useful marker for rat DNA in DNA transfection experiments into mouse host cells.  相似文献   

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