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An algorithm for comparing multiple RNA secondary structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new distributed computational procedure is presented for rapidlydetermining the similarity of multiple conformations of RNAsecondary structures. A data abstraction scheme is utilizedto reduce the quantity of data that must be handled to determinethe degree of similarity among multiple structures. The methodhas been used to compare 200 structures with easy visualizationof both those structures and substructures that are similarand those that are vastly different. It has the capability ofprocessing many more conformations as a function of researchrequirements. The algorithm is described as well as some suggestionsfor future uses and extensions. Received on October 29, 1987; accepted on May 4, 1988  相似文献   



The identification of a consensus RNA motif often consists in finding a conserved secondary structure with minimum free energy in an ensemble of aligned sequences. However, an alignment is often difficult to obtain without prior structural information. Thus the need for tools to automate this process.  相似文献   

A statistical reference for RNA secondary structures with minimum free energies is computed by folding large ensembles of random RNA sequences. Four nucleotide alphabets are used: two binary alphabets, AU and GC, the biophysical AUGC and the synthetic GCXK alphabet. RNA secondary structures are made of structural elements, such as stacks, loops, joints, and free ends. Statistical properties of these elements are computed for small RNA molecules of chain lengths up to 100. The results of RNA structure statistics depend strongly on the particular alphabet chosen. The statistical reference is compared with the data derived from natural RNA molecules with similar base frequencies. Secondary structures are represented as trees. Tree editing provides a quantitative measure for the distance dt, between two structures. We compute a structure density surface as the conditional probability of two structures having distance t given that their sequences have distance h. This surface indicates that the vast majority of possible minimum free energy secondary structures occur within a fairly small neighborhood of any typical (random) sequence. Correlation lengths for secondary structures in their tree representations are computed from probability densities. They are appropriate measures for the complexity of the sequence-structure relation. The correlation length also provides a quantitative estimate for the mean sensitivity of structures to point mutations. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for analyzing the secondary structures of RNA is developed that is based on the connection matrix associated with the planar p-h graph. The classification of the elementary structures allows the introduction of the basis of structural space from which to build the global secondary structure. All admissible solutions belong to the configuration space and can be obtained directly from its basis.  相似文献   

Many different programs have been developed for the prediction of the secondary structure of an RNA sequence. Some of these programs generate an ensemble of structures, all of which have free energy close to that of the optimal structure, making it important to be able to quantify how similar these different structures are. To deal with this problem, we define a new class of metrics, the mountain metrics, on the set of RNA secondary structures of a fixed length. We compare properties of these metrics with other well known metrics on RNA secondary structures. We also study some global and local properties of these metrics.  相似文献   

Automatic display of RNA secondary structures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

RNA secondary structures and their prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a review of past and present attempts to predict the secondary structure of ribonucleic acids (RNAs) through mathematical and computer methods. Related areas covering classification, enumeration and graphical representations of structures are also covered. Various general prediction techniques are discussed, especially the use of thermodynamic criteria to construct an optimal structure. The emphasis in this approach is on the use of dynamic programming algorithms to minimize free energy. One such algorithm is introduced which comprises existing ones as special cases. Issued as NRCC No. 23684.  相似文献   

Given an RNA sequence and two designated secondary structures A, B, we describe a new algorithm that computes a nearly optimal folding pathway from A to B. The algorithm, RNAtabupath, employs a tabu semi-greedy heuristic, known to be an effective search strategy in combinatorial optimization. Folding pathways, sometimes called routes or trajectories, are computed by RNAtabupath in a fraction of the time required by the barriers program of Vienna RNA Package. We benchmark RNAtabupath with other algorithms to compute low energy folding pathways between experimentally known structures of several conformational switches. The RNApathfinder web server, source code for algorithms to compute and analyze pathways and supplementary data are available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNApathfinder.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of an RNA molecule is of great importance and possesses influence, e.g., on the interaction of tRNA molecules with proteins or on the stabilization of mRNA molecules. The classification of secondary structures by means of their order proved useful with respect to numerous applications. In 1978, Waterman, who gave the first precise formal framework for the topic, suggested to determine the number a(n,p) of secondary structures of size n and given order p. Since then, no satisfactory result has been found. Based on an observation due to Viennot et al., we will derive generating functions for the secondary structures of order p from generating functions for binary tree structures with Horton-Strahler number p. These generating functions enable us to compute a precise asymptotic equivalent for a(n,p). Furthermore, we will determine the related number of structures when the number of unpaired bases shows up as an additional parameter. Our approach proves to be general enough to compute the average order of a secondary structure together with all the r-th moments and to enumerate substructures such as hairpins or bulges in dependence on the order of the secondary structures considered.  相似文献   

Base-pair probability profiles of RNA secondary structures   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Dynamic programming algorithms are able to predict optimal andsuboptimal secondary structures of RNA. These suboptimal oralternative secondary structures are important for the biologicalfunction of RNA. The distribution of secondary structures presentin solution is governed by the thermodynamic equilibrium betweenthe different structures. An algorithm is presented which approximatesthe total partition function by a Boltzmann–weighted summationof optimal and suboptimal secondary structures at several temperatures.A clear representation of the equilibrium distribution of secondarystructures is derived from a two-dimensional bonding matrixwith base–pairing probability as the third dimension.The temperature dependence of the equilibrium distribution givesthe denaturation behavior of the nucleic acid, which may becompared to experimental optical denaturation curves after correctionfor the hypochromicities of the different base-pairs. Similarly,temperature-induced mobility changes detected in temperature-gradientgel electrophoresis of nucleic acids may be interpreted on thebasis of the temperature dependence of the equilibrium distribution.Results are illustrated for natural circular and synthetic linearpotato spindle tuber viroid RNA respectively, and are comparedto experimental data.  相似文献   

It is a classical result of Stein and Waterman that the asymptotic number of RNA secondary structures is $1.104366 \cdot n^{-3/2} \cdot 2.618034^n$ . Motivated by the kinetics of RNA secondary structure formation, we are interested in determining the asymptotic number of secondary structures that are locally optimal, with respect to a particular energy model. In the Nussinov energy model, where each base pair contributes $-1$ towards the energy of the structure, locally optimal structures are exactly the saturated structures, for which we have previously shown that asymptotically, there are $1.07427\cdot n^{-3/2} \cdot 2.35467^n$ many saturated structures for a sequence of length $n$ . In this paper, we consider the base stacking energy model, a mild variant of the Nussinov model, where each stacked base pair contributes $-1$ toward the energy of the structure. Locally optimal structures with respect to the base stacking energy model are exactly those secondary structures, whose stems cannot be extended. Such structures were first considered by Evers and Giegerich, who described a dynamic programming algorithm to enumerate all locally optimal structures. In this paper, we apply methods from enumerative combinatorics to compute the asymptotic number of such structures. Additionally, we consider analogous combinatorial problems for secondary structures with annotated single-stranded, stacking nucleotides (dangles).  相似文献   

Conserved RNA secondary structures in Picornaviridae genomes   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The family Picornaviridae contains important pathogens including, for example, hepatitis A virus and foot-and-mouth disease virus. The genome of these viruses is a single messenger-active (+)-RNA of 7200–8500 nt. Besides coding for the viral proteins, it also contains functionally important RNA secondary structures, among them an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) region towards the 5′-end. This contribution provides a comprehensive computational survey of the complete genomic RNAs and a detailed comparative analysis of the conserved structural elements in seven of the currently nine genera in the family Picornaviridae. Compared with previous studies we find: (i) that only smaller sections of the IRES region than previously reported are conserved at single base-pair resolution and (ii) that there is a number of significant structural elements in the coding region. Furthermore, we identify potential cis-acting replication elements in four genera where this feature has not been reported so far.  相似文献   

RNA sequences can form structures which are conserved throughout evolution and the question of aligning two RNA secondary structures has been extensively studied. Most of the previous alignment algorithms require the input of gap opening and gap extension penalty parameters. The choice of appropriate parameter values is controversial as there is little biological information to guide their assignment. In this paper, we present an algorithm which circumvents this problem. Instead of finding an optimal alignment with predefined gap opening penalty, the algorithm finds the optimal alignment with exact number of aligned blocks.  相似文献   

We suggest a new algorithm to search a given set of the RNA sequences for conserved secondary structures. The algorithm is based on alignment of the sequences for potential helical strands. This procedure can be used to search for new structured RNAs and new regulatory elements. It is efficient for the genome-scale analysis. The results of various tests run with this algorithm are shown.  相似文献   

Computer-aided prediction of RNA secondary structures.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A brief survey of computer algorithms that have been developed to generate predictions of the secondary structures of RNA molecules is presented. Two particular methods are described in some detail. The first utilizes a thermodynamic energy minimization algorithm that takes into account the likelihood that short-range folding tends to be favored over long-range interactions. The second utilizes an interactive computer graphic modelling algorithm that enables the user to consider thermodynamic criteria as well as structural data obtained by nuclease susceptibility, chemical reactivity and phylogenetic studies. Examples of structures for prokaryotic 16S and 23S ribosomal RNAs, several eukaryotic 5S ribosomal RNAs and rabbit beta-globin messenger RNA are presented as case studies in order to describe the two techniques. Anm argument is made for integrating the two approaches presented in this paper, enabling the user to generate proposed structures using thermodynamic criteria, allowing interactive refinement of these structures through the application of experimentally derived data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multiple sequence alignments are essential tools for establishing the homology relations between proteins. Essential amino acids for the function and/or the structure are generally conserved, thus providing key arguments to help in protein characterization. However for distant proteins, it is more difficult to establish, in a reliable way, the homology relations that may exist between them. In this article, we show that secondary structure prediction is a valuable way to validate protein families at low identity rate. RESULTS: We show that the analysis of the secondary structures compatibility is a reliable way to discard non-related proteins in low identity multiple alignment. AVAILABILITY: This validation is possible through our NPS@ server (http://npsa-pbil.ibcp.fr)  相似文献   

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