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许世贤  井长青  高胜寒  邬昌林 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9689-9700
总初级生产力(GPP)是全球生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,对全球气候变化有重要影响。目前有多种遥感模型可以模拟总初级生产力,比较不同遥感模型在中亚干旱区上的适用性对推进全球干旱区碳收支估算具有重要意义。基于涡度协相关技术观测的四个地面站数据验证MOD17、VODCA2、VPM、TG、SANIRv五种模型的模拟精度。结果表明:(1)基于光能利用率理论的MOD17、VPM模型模拟咸海荒漠植被和阜康荒漠植被GPP的精度最高(R2分别为0.52和0.80),但在模拟草地、农田生态系统生产力时存在较明显的低估(RE>20%);基于植被指数的遥感模型TG模型、SANIRv模型模拟巴尔喀什湖草地生态系统和乌兰乌苏农田生态系统GPP的精度最高(R2分别为0.91和0.81),同时模拟值与实测值的相对误差也较低;基于微波的VODCA2模型模拟各生态系统生产力的效果最差。(2)水分亏缺是限制植被GPP的主要因素,因此是否合理考虑水分胁迫是影响GPP模型在中亚干旱区适用性的重要因素。研究揭示了遥感GPP模型在中亚干旱区的应用潜力,为推进全球植被碳通量的准确估...  相似文献   

Applications of ecosystem flux models on large geographical scales are often limited by model complexity and data availability. Here we calibrated and evaluated a semi‐empirical ecosystem flux model, PREdict Light‐use efficiency, Evapotranspiration and Soil water (PRELES), for various forest types and climate conditions, based on eddy covariance data from 55 sites. A Bayesian approach was adopted for model calibration and uncertainty quantification. We applied the site‐specific calibrations and multisite calibrations to nine plant functional types (PFTs) to obtain the site‐specific and PFT‐specific parameter vectors for PRELES. A systematically designed cross‐validation was implemented to evaluate calibration strategies and the risks in extrapolation. The combination of plant physiological traits and climate patterns generated significant variation in vegetation responses and model parameters across but not within PFTs, implying that applying the model without PFT‐specific parameters is risky. But within PFT, the multisite calibrations performed as accurately as the site‐specific calibrations in predicting gross primary production (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET). Moreover, the variations among sites within one PFT could be effectively simulated by simply adjusting the parameter of potential light‐use efficiency (LUE), implying significant convergence of simulated vegetation processes within PFT. The hierarchical modelling of PRELES provides a compromise between satellite‐driven LUE and physiologically oriented approaches for extrapolating the geographical variation of ecosystem productivity. Although measurement errors of eddy covariance and remotely sensed data propagated a substantial proportion of uncertainty or potential biases, the results illustrated that PRELES could reliably capture daily variations of GPP and ET for contrasting forest types on large geographical scales if PFT‐specific parameterizations were applied.  相似文献   

We used a combination of eddy flux, chamber and environmental measurements with an integrated suite of models to analyse the seasonality of net ecosystem carbon uptake (FCO2) in an 8-year-old, closed canopy Pinus radiata D.Don plantation in New Zealand (42°52′ S, 172°45′ E). The analyses utilized a biochemically based, big-leaf model of tree canopy photosynthesis (Ac), coupled to multiplicative environmental-constraint functions of canopy stomatal conductance (Gc) via environmental measurements, a temperature-dependent model of ecosystem respiration (Reco), and a soil water balance model. Available root zone water storage capacity at the measurement site is limited to about 50 mm for the very stony soil, and annual precipitation is only 660 mm, distributed evenly throughout the year. Accordingly the site is prone to soil moisture deficit throughout the summer. G c and Ac obtained maximum rates early in the growing season when plentiful soil water supply was associated with sufficient quantum irradiance (Qabs), and moderate air saturation deficit (D) and temperature (T). From late spring onwards, soil water deficit and D confined Gc and Ac congruously, which together with the solely temperature dependency of Reco resulted in the pronounced seasonality in FCO2. Reflecting a light-limitation of Ac in the closed canopy, modelled annual carbon (C) uptake was most sensitive to changes in Qabs. However, Qabs did not vary significantly between years, and changes in annual FCO2 were mostly due to variability in summer rainfall and D. Annual C-uptake of the forest was 717 g C m–2 in a near-average rainfall year, exceeding by one third the net uptake in a year with 20% less than average rainfall (515 g C m–2).  相似文献   

This article develops a new carbon exchange diagnostic model [i.e. Southampton CARbon Flux (SCARF) model] for estimating daily gross primary productivity (GPP). The model exploits the maximum quantum yields of two key photosynthetic pathways (i.e. C3 and C4) to estimate the conversion of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation into GPP. Furthermore, this is the first model to use only the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by photosynthetic elements of the canopy (i.e. FAPARps) rather than total canopy, to predict GPP. The GPP predicted by the SCARF model was comparable to in situ GPP measurements (R2 > 0.7) in most of the evaluated biomes. Overall, the SCARF model predicted high GPP in regions dominated by forests and croplands, and low GPP in shrublands and dry‐grasslands across USA and Europe. The spatial distribution of GPP from the SCARF model over Europe and conterminous USA was comparable to those from the MOD17 GPP product except in regions dominated by croplands. The SCARF model GPP predictions were positively correlated (R2 > 0.5) to climatic and biophysical input variables indicating its sensitivity to factors controlling vegetation productivity. The new model has three advantages, first, it prescribes only two quantum yield terms rather than species specific light use efficiency terms; second, it uses only the fraction of PAR absorbed by photosynthetic elements of the canopy (FAPARps) hence capturing the actual PAR used in photosynthesis; and third, it does not need a detailed land cover map that is a major source of uncertainty in most remote sensing based GPP models. The Sentinel satellites planned for launch in 2014 by the European Space Agency have adequate spectral channels to derive FAPARps at relatively high spatial resolution (20 m). This provides a unique opportunity to produce global GPP operationally using the Southampton CARbon Flux (SCARF) model at high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

We analyzed 17 months (August 2005 to December 2006) of continuous measurements of soil CO2 efflux or soil respiration (RS) in an 18‐year‐old west‐coast temperate Douglas‐fir stand that experienced somewhat greater than normal summertime water deficit. For soil water content at the 4 cm depth (θ) > 0.11 m3 m?3 (corresponding to a soil water matric potential of ?2 MPa), RS was positively correlated to soil temperature at the 2 cm depth (TS). Below this value of θ, however, RS was largely decoupled from TS, and evapotranspiration, ecosystem respiration and gross primary productivity (GPP) began to decrease, dropping to about half of their maximum values when θ reached 0.07 m3 m?3. Soil water deficit substantially reduced RS sensitivity to temperature resulting in a Q10 significantly < 2. The absolute temperature sensitivity of RS (i.e. dRS/dTS) increased with θ up to 0.15 m3 m?3, above which it slowly declined. The value of dRS/dTS was nearly 0 for θ < 0.08 m3 m?3, thereby confirming that RS was largely unaffected by temperature under soil water stress conditions. Despite the possible effects of seasonality of photosynthesis, root activity and litterfall on RS, the observed decrease in its temperature sensitivity at low θ was consistent with the reduction in substrate availability due to a decrease in (a) microbial mobility, and diffusion of substrates and extracellular enzymes, and (b) the fraction of substrate that can react at high TS, which is associated with low θ. We found that an exponential (van't Hoff type) model with Q10 and R10 dependent on only θ explained 92% of the variance in half‐hourly values of RS, including the period with soil water stress conditions. We hypothesize that relating Q10 and R10 to θ not only accounted for the effects of TS on RS and its temperature sensitivity but also accounted for the seasonality of biotic (photosynthesis, root activity, and litterfall) and abiotic (soil moisture and temperature) controls and their interactions.  相似文献   

A model of leaf photosynthesis of C3, plants has been developed to describe their nitrogen economy. In this model, photosynthetic proteins are categorized into five groups depending on their functions. The effects of investment of nitrogen in each of these groups on the maximal rate of photosynthesis and/or the initial slope of the light-response curve are described as simple equations. Using this model, the optimal pattern of nitrogen partitioning which maximizes the daily rate of CO2 exchange is estimated for various light environments and leaf nitrogen contents. When the leaf nitrogen content is fixed, the amount of nitrogen allocated to Calvin cycle enzymes and electron carriers increases with increasing irradiance, while that allocated to chlorophyll-protein complexes increases with decreasing irradiance. For chlorophyll-proteins of photosystem II, the amount of light-harvesting complex II relative to that of the core complex increases with decreasing irradiance. At any irradiance, partitioning into ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase increases with increasing leaf nitrogen content Taking the total leaf nitrogen content and the daily CO2 exchange rate as ‘cost’ and ‘benefit’, respectively, the optimal amount and partitioning of nitrogen are examined for various conditions of light environment and nitrogen availability. The leaf nitrogen content that maximizes the rate of daily carbon fixation increases with increasing growth irradiance. It is also predicted that, at low nitrogen availabilities, low leaf nitrogen contents are advantageous in terms, of nitrogen use efficiency. These trends predicted by the present model are largely consistent with those reported for actual plants. The differences in the total amount of leaf nitrogen and in the organization of photosynthetic components that have been reported for plants from different environments would therefore be of adaptive significance, because such differences can contribute to realization of efficient photosynthesis. These results are fürther discussed in an ecological context.  相似文献   

Aim The Tibetan Plateau accounts for about a quarter of the total land area of China and has a variety of ecosystems ranging from alpine tundra to evergreen tropics. Its soils are dominated by permafrost and are rich in organic carbon. Its climate is unique due to the influence of the Asian monsoon and its complex topography. To date, the carbon dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau have not been well quantified under changes of climate and permafrost conditions. Here we use a process‐based biogeochemistry model, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM), which was incorporated with a soil thermal model, to examine the permafrost dynamics and their effects on carbon dynamics on the plateau during the past century. Location The Tibetan Plateau. Methods We parameterize and verify the TEM using the existing data for soil temperature, permafrost distribution and carbon and nitrogen from the region. We then extrapolate the model and parameters to the whole plateau. Results During the 20th century, the Tibetan Plateau changed from a small carbon source or neutral in the early part of the century to a sink later, with a large inter‐annual and spatial variability due to changes of climate and permafrost conditions. Net primary production and soil respiration increased by 0.52 and 0.22 Tg C year?1, respectively, resulting in a regional carbon sink increase of 0.3 Tg C year?1. By the end of the century, the regional carbon sink reached 36 Tg C year?1 and carbon storage in vegetation and soils is 32 and 16 Pg C, respectively. On the plateau, from west to east, the net primary production, soil respiration and net ecosystem production increased, due primarily to the increase of air temperature and precipitation and lowering elevation. In contrast, the decrease of carbon fluxes from south to north was primarily controlled by precipitation gradient. Dynamics of air temperature and associated soil temperature and active layer depth resulted in a higher plant carbon uptake than soil carbon release, strengthening the regional carbon sink during the century. Main conclusions We found that increasing soil temperature and deepening active layer depth enhanced soil respiration, increasing the net nitrogen mineralization rate. Together with the effects of warming air temperature and rising CO2 concentrations on photosynthesis, the stronger plant nitrogen uptake due to the enhanced available nitrogen stimulates plant carbon uptake, thereby strengthening the regional carbon sink as the rate of increase net primary production was faster than that of soil respiration. Further, the warming and associated soil thermal dynamics shifted the regional carbon sink from the middle of July in the early 20th century to early July by the end of the century. Our study suggests that soil thermal dynamics should be considered for future quantification of carbon dynamics in this climate‐sensitive region.  相似文献   

稳定性碳同位素自然丰度(δ~(13)C)记录着生态系统碳循环过程的关键信息,常被用于评价全球变化情景下陆地生态系统碳的动态。以长白山北坡垂直带4种典型森林生态系统为研究对象,测定乔木建群种叶片、凋落物以及不同深度土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和δ~(13)C值,探讨植物叶片-凋落物-土壤连续体碳含量、δ~(13)C丰度的分布格局及其生态学暗示。研究结果表明:植物叶片碳含量随海拔高度的增加呈现抛物线型变化,且阔叶树叶片碳含量显著低于针叶树,体现气候要素和植被功能型的支配作用,并且暗示针叶树种潜在的碳蓄积能力更强。此外,植物叶片δ~(13)C随海拔高度升高而降低,表明高海拔植物叶片水分利用效率较低,即固碳耗水成本更高。凋落物碳含量随海拔增加逐渐下降,而矿质表层土壤则表现为阔叶红松林、岳桦林显著高于暗针叶林,体现了植被类型和土壤质地的共同支配作用。总体上,岳桦林SOC周转最快,其次是暗针叶林,位于基带的阔叶红松林最慢。可见,小尺度上气候因子并不是温带森林地下碳循环的主导因素,植被功能型和土壤属性对SOC周转与稳定的影响更大。在探讨环境因子对陆地生态系统碳循环和碳平衡的影响时需要考虑研究尺度,不同的研究尺度影响SOC周转的驱动因子并不相同。研究方法方面,基于log SOC和δ~(13)C的SOM周转模型能够很好地概括不同生态系统类型下SOM周转的相对快慢,可用来评价SOC动态对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 in plants results in the balance between the photochemical energy developed by light in chloroplasts, and the consumption of that energy by the oxygenation processes, mainly the photorespiration in C3 plants. The analysis of classical biological models shows the difficulties to bring to fore the oxygenation rate due to the photorespiration pathway. As for other parameters, the most important key point is the estimation of the electron transport rate (ETR or J), i.e. the flux of biochemical energy, which is shared between the reductive and oxidative cycles of carbon. The only reliable method to quantify the linear electron flux responsible for the production of reductive energy is to directly measure the O2 evolution by 18O2 labelling and mass spectrometry. The hypothesis that the respective rates of reductive and oxidative cycles of carbon are only determined by the kinetic parameters of Rubisco, the respective concentrations of CO2 and O2 at the Rubisco site and the available electron transport rate, ultimately leads to propose new expressions of biochemical model equations. The modelling of 18O2 and 16O2 unidirectional fluxes in plants shows that a simple model can fit the photosynthetic and photorespiration exchanges for a wide range of environmental conditions. Its originality is to express the carboxylation and the oxygenation as a function of external gas concentrations, by the definition of a plant specificity factor Sp that mimics the internal reactions of Rubisco in plants. The difference between the specificity factors of plant (Sp) and of Rubisco (Sr) is directly related to the conductance values to CO2 transfer between the atmosphere and the Rubisco site. This clearly illustrates that the values and the variation of conductance are much more important, in higher C3 plants, than the small variations of the Rubisco specificity factor. The simple model systematically expresses the reciprocal variations of carboxylation and oxygenation exchanges illustrated by a “mirror effect”. It explains the protective sink effect of photorespiration, e.g. during water stress. The importance of the CO2 compensation point, in classical models, is reduced at the benefit of the crossing points Cx and Ox, concentration values where carboxylation and oxygenation are equal or where the gross O2 uptake is half of the gross O2 evolution. This concept is useful to illustrate the feedback effects of photorespiration in the atmosphere regulation. The constancy of Sp and of Cx for a great variation of P under several irradiance levels shows that the regulation of the conductance maintains constant the internal CO2 and the ratio of photorespiration to photosynthesis (PR/P). The maintenance of the ratio PR/P, in conditions of which PR could be reduced and the carboxylation increased, reinforces the hypothesis of a positive role of photorespiration and its involvement in the plant-atmosphere co-evolution.  相似文献   

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