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It is known that colonic goblet cells utilize glucose to synthesize the carbohydrate portion of mucus glycoprotein. To determine the intracellular site of this synthesis, glucose-H3 was injected into 10-g rats. At 5, 20, 40 min, 1, 1½, and 4 hr after injection, segments of colon were fixed and prepared for electron microscope radioautography. By 5 min after injection, label had been incorporated into substances present in the flattened saccules of the Golgi complex. At 20 min, both Golgi saccules and nearby mucigen granules were labeled. By 40 min, mucigen granules carried almost all detectable radioactivity. Between 1 and 4 hr, these labeled granules migrated from the supranuclear region to the apical membrane; here, they were extruded singly, retaining their limiting membrane. The evidence indicates that the Golgi saccule is the site where complex carbohydrate is synthesized and is added to immigrant protein to form the complete glycoprotein of mucus. The Golgi saccule, distended by this material, becomes mucigen granules. It is roughly estimated that one saccule is released by each Golgi stack every 2 to 4 min: a conclusion implying continuous renewal of Golgi stacks. It appears that the Golgi synthesis, intracellular migration, and release of mucus glycoprotein occur continually throughout the life of the goblet cell.  相似文献   

The parathyroid glands of young rats were radioautographed after a single injection of the protein precursor tyrosine-3H in the hope of identifying the sites of synthesis and migration of newly formed protein in the gland cells. The same procedure was used after injection of the glycoprotein precursor galactose-3H. As early as 2 min after intravenous injection of tyrosine-3H, the label was mainly found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum suggesting that cisternal ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. By 5 and 10 min, much of the label had migrated from the rough endoplasmic reticulum into the Golgi apparatus. By 20 and 30 min, some label had migrated from there into secretory granules. By 45 min and 1 hr, the label content of the cell had decreased, indicating release of labeled material outside the cell. At 2 min after intravenous injection of galactose-3H, the label was mainly present in the Golgi apparatus, where presumably galactose is taken up into glycoprotein. By 10 min, some label appeared in secretion granules and by 30 min release of the material to the outside of the cell was under way. In conclusion, it is likely that the tyrosine-labeled protein material consists mainly of the parathyroid hormone. The galactose-labeled carbohydrate material would be either associated with the hormone in the cell or be part of a distinct glycoprotein which may be the one present on the outer surface of the plasma membrane (cell coat).  相似文献   

The proximal tibial epiphyses of 18–21-day-old fetal rats have been studied by thymidine-3H radioautography. The results reveal that the label is incorporated into two types of osteogenic cells: (a) a spindle cell type (A cells) with characteristics generally associated with matrix production, including an extensive development of the endoplasmic reticulum and the presence of large intracellular accumulations of a dense, finely granular material, morphologically identifiable as glycogen; and (b) a rounded cell type (B cells) with morphological features similar in degree and kind to those of the developing neutrophilic leukocyte, including an abundance of free ribosomes and mitochondria and a complex Golgi apparatus associated with dense specific granules, morphologically identifiable with primary lysosomes. These results, along with the occurrence of recognizable, labeled, immature, perivascular forms of both of these A and B type cells, lead to the conclusion that the specialization of osteogenic cells into osteoclasts and osteocytes may involve separate pathways of cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis was studied in the visual cells of an insect (honeybee drone, Apis mellifera) by electron microscope radioautography. After a single injection of tritiated leucine, the radioactivity first appears in the cytoplasm of the visual cell which contains ribosomes. Later, part of this radioactivity migrates to the rhabdome, the visual cell region which is specialized in light absorption. A maximal concentration of radioactivity is reached there 48 hr after the injection of leucine. This pattern of protein synthesis and transport resembles that described in vertebrate visual cells (rods and cones), where newly synthesized proteins have been shown to contribute to the renewal of the photoreceptor membrane.  相似文献   

Glycogen is present in the rabbit retina in monoparticulate form. Beta particles (~ 229 A) are abundant in Müller cell cytoplasm, particularly in its inner portion, decreasing in number outwards along the cell. They are slightly larger (~ 250 A) and much scarcer in neurons, though regularly present in the juxtanuclear Golgi region of ganglion cells. When the retina was incubated in a glucose-free medium, it was rapidly depleted of native glycogen. On further incubation in medium containing glucose-3H plus unlabeled glucose, glycogen reappeared in the form of beta particles of the same size and distribution as native ones, while radioautography revealed the appearance of amylase-labile radioactivity in the same locations. This newly formed glycogen was not associated with any particular organelle. The rate of synthesis, as judged from the amount of radioactivity, was high in the inner portion of Müller cells and declined uniformly toward the cell outer end, following a logarithmic gradient. The rate of synthesis was low in ganglion cells, at best approaching values in the outer portion of Müller cells. The concentration of glycogen in the inner portion of Müller cells is consistent with the view that it may be the source of glucose for the anaerobic glycolysis prevailing in the inner retina.  相似文献   

The elaboration of dentin collagen precursors by the odontoblasts in the incisor teeth of 30–40-g rats was investigated by electron microscopy, histochemistry, and radioautography after intravenous injection of tritium-labeled proline. At 2 min after injection, when the labeling of blood proline was high, radioactivity was restricted to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, indicating that it is the site of synthesis of the polypeptide precursors of collagen, the pro-alpha chains. At 10 min, when the labeling of blood proline had already declined, radioactivity was observed in spherical portions of Golgi saccules containing entangled threads, and, at 20 min, radioactivity appeared in cylindrical portions containing aggregates of parallel threads. The parallel threads measured 280–350 nm in length and stained with the low pH-phosphotungstic acid technique for carbohydrate and with the silver methenamine technique for aldehydes (as did extracellular collagen fibrils). The passage of label from spherical to cylindrical Golgi portions is associated with the reorganization of entangled into parallel threads, which is interpreted as the packing of procollagen molecules. Between 20 and 30 min, prosecretory and secretory granules respectively became labeled. These results indicate that the cylindrical portions of Golgi saccules transform into prosecretory and subsequently into secretory granules. Within these granules, the parallel threads, believed to be procollagen molecules, are transported to the odontoblast process. At 90 min and 4 h after injection, label was present in predentin, indicating that the labeled content of secretory granules had been released into predentin. This occurred by exocytosis as evidenced by the presence of secretory granules in fusion with the plasmalemma of the odontoblast process. It is proposed that pro-alpha chains give rise to procollagen molecules which assemble into parallel aggregates in the Golgi apparatus. Procollagen molecules are then transported within secretory granules to the odontoblast process and released by exocytosis. In predentin procollagen molecules would give rise to tropocollagen molecules, which would then polymerize into collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

The distribution of infused tritiated norepinephrine (NE-3H) in small mesenteric arteries and intestinal arterioles in rats was investigated with electron microscopic radioautography. Silver grains, indicating the presence of the tritium label on the sections, were found lying mainly over axon bundles, but some were present over collagen and smooth muscle cells. Axons with the highest concentrations of silver grains had been sectioned at points where they were naked of Schwann cell sheath, were dilated into varicosities, and contained small granular vesicles. This finding was taken as confirmatory circumstantial evidence that the small granular vesicles were the sites of uptake and storage of NE. The short interval between the start of infusion and the fixation of the tissue appeared to rule out any process other than a direct uptake of NE by the peripheral axons. If axonal sites of uptake of NE-3H correspond to sites of release of NE, then the evidence suggests that such sites of release are widespread over the terminal part of the axon and are not confined to those parts of the axon which are in close contact with smooth muscle cells. Since the fixation and embedding procedures will remove NE which is not strongly bound to tissues, the localization of NE-3H in the radioautographs does not necessarily correspond to the distribution of all the NE present in vivo.  相似文献   

Discrete localization of stain in pericanalicular granules was found in 10 µ frozen sections of formol-phosphate-sucrose-fixed liver stained by the Gomori acid phosphatase technique and examined in the light microscope. The staining patterns, before and after treatment with Triton X-100 and lecithinase, were identical with those previously reported for formol-calcium-fixed material treated in the same way, and it can be assumed that the stained granules are identical with "lysosomes." Examination in the light microscope of the staining patterns and lead penetration in fixed blocks and slices of various dimensions showed nuclear staining and other artefacts to be present, produced by the different rates of penetration of the various components of the staining medium into the tissue. A uniform pericanalicular staining pattern could be obtained, however, with slices not more than 50 µ thick, into which the staining medium could penetrate rapidly from both faces. The staining pattern produced in 50 µ slices was the same both at pH 5.0 and pH 6.2, and was not altered by subsequent embedding of the stained material in butyl methacrylate. Electron microscopy showed the fine structure of fixed 50 µ frozen slices to be well preserved, but it deteriorated badly when they were incubated in the normal Gomori medium at pH 5.0 before postfixing in osmium tetroxide. After incubation in the Gomori medium at pH 6.2, the detailed morphology was substantially maintained. In both cases lead phosphate, the reaction product, was found in the pericanalicular regions of the cell, but only in the vacuolated dense bodies and never in the microbodies. Not every vacuolated dense body contained lead, and stained and unstained bodies were sometimes seen adjacent to each other. This heterogeneous distribution of stain within a morphologically homogeneous group of particles is consistent with de Duve's suggestion (9) that there is a heterogeneous distribution of enzymes within the lysosome population. It is concluded from these investigations that the vacuolated dense bodies seen in the electron microscope are the morphological counterparts of the "lysosomes" defined biochemically by de Duve.  相似文献   

The cytological changes induced in rat liver cells by the aminoazo dye 2-Me-DAB have been examined by light and electron microscopy. It is observed that this non-carcinogenic compound duplicates most of the morphological alterations produced by other hepatotoxins, some of which, such as the closely related aminoazo dye 3'-Me-DAB, are potent carcinogens. These non-specific effects involve both the granular and agranular forms of the endoplasmic reticulum as well as the glycogen content of hepatic cells. The arrays of cisternal profiles of the granular reticulum in normal hepatic cells become disorganized and the dispersed cisternae often appear fragmented and irregular. Large cytoplasmic inclusions, consisting of loosely organized tubules and vesicles, are also observed which result from a hypertrophy of the agranular reticulum. The glycogen in the cells progressively decreases in amount. The most specific effect of 2-Me-DAB is to induce an increase in the number of mitochondria per cell. Many of these organelles are characterized by the presence of a median double membrane continuous with the inner limiting membrane of the mitochondrial envelope. Evidence is presented in favor of the view that this partition is directly related to the phenomenon of mitochondrial division. It was noted also in the course of the experiment that an increasing number of cells appear which stain quite intensely with methylene blue and appear denser than normal under electron microscopy. The significance of these cells is not known.  相似文献   

Rabbit retinas were incubated in medium containing 500 µCi of [3H]leucine for 3 min, and transferred to medium without isotope for another 7, 17, 37, 57, and 117 min. Retinal pieces were fixed in paraformaldehyde and osmium tetroxide and embedded in Epon. Thin sections were autoradiographed with Ilford L4 emulsion, and a quantitative study of silver grain distribution per Müller cell portion, and per Müller cell organelle, was carried out. Grain density per unit area was high over the middle cell portion at each incubation interval. Silver grains were numerous over background cytoplasm (which comprised free ribosomes) but their percentage was constant at all times and their relative concentration low. Silver grains were numerous and highly concentrated, at pulse incubation, over the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and then decreased sharply, but this decline coincided with an increase over the Golgi complex, peaking at 20 min. Another peak appeared over the cell periphery at 60 min. These findings suggest the simultaneous synthesis of two types of proteins in Müller cells; structural proteins in background cytoplasm and proteins of secretory type in the RER.  相似文献   

The sites of synthesis of proteins and their subsequent migration in rat liver have been studied during a 75 min period after labeling of liver-slice proteins by exposure to leucine-H3 for 2 min. Incorporation of the label into protein began after 1 min and was maximal by 4 min. Electron microscopic radioautography showed that synthesis of proteins in hepatocytes occurs mainly on ribosomes, particularly those in rough endoplasmic reticulum and, to some extent, in nuclei and mitochondria. Most of the newly formed proteins leave the endoplasmic reticulum in the course of 40 min, and concurrently labeled proteins appear in Golgi bodies, smooth membranes, microbodies, and lysosomes. A likely pathway for the secretion of some or all plasma proteins is from typical rough endoplasmic reticulum to a zone of reticulum which is partially coated with ribosomes, to the Golgi apparatus, and thence to the cell periphery. The formation of protein by reticuloendothelial cells was measured and found to be about 5% of the total protein formed by the liver.  相似文献   

The elaboration of enamel matrix glycoprotein was investigated in secretory ameloblasts of incisor teeth in 30–40-g rats. To this end, the distribution of glycoprotein was examined histochemically by the use of phosphotungstic acid at low pH, while the formation of glycoprotein was traced radioautographically in animals sacrificed 2.5–30 min after galactose-3H injection. Histochemically, the presence of glycoprotein is observed in ameloblasts as well as in the enamel matrix; in ameloblasts glycoprotein occurs within the Golgi apparatus in amounts increasing from the outer to the inner face of the stacks of saccules, and is concentrated in condensing vacuoles and secretory granules; in the enamel matrix, glycoprotein is observed within linear subunits. Radioautographs at 2.5 min after injection demonstrate the uptake of galactose-3H label by Golgi saccules, indicating that galactose-3H is incorporated into glycoprotein within this organelle. After 5–10 min, the label collects in the condensing vacuoles and secretory granules of the Golgi region. By 20–30 min, the label appears in the secretory granules of the apical (Tomes') processes, as well as in the enamel matrix (next to the distal end of the apical processes, and at the tips of matrix prongs). In conclusion, galactose contributes to the formation of glycoprotein within the Golgi apparatus. The innermost saccules then distribute the completed glycoprotein to condensing vacuoles, which later evolve into secretory granules. These granules rapidly migrate to the apical processes, where they discharge their glycoprotein content to the developing enamel.  相似文献   

Immersion of the intestinal tissue, from rat jejunum, in hypertonic saline produced very rapid changes in all regions of the epithelial cells, but the apical region was apparently unaffected by hypotonic solutions for at least ½ hour. In both cases, blistering of the microvilli was taken as the first sign of degenerative changes which finally resulted in a breakdown to large vesicular particles. Consideration of both normal and modified tissue indicates that the core of the microvillus contains either paired strands or tubular structures. Lateral cross-fibres extended from the core to the microvillus membrane and may be an essential part of the supporting structure of the microvillus. Densitometer traces across the microvillus membrane at various stages of modification indicated that this membrane might include a 75 A unit membrane structure with additional components associated at either surface. Interruptions in the membrane were apparently expanded by the hypotonic solutions and these might possibly be distinguished from preparative artefacts.  相似文献   

In mixed populations of rat peritoneal fluid cells, the mast cells can be differentiated from other cell types in the scanning electron microscope by virtue of the X-ray emission referable to their sulfur content. Both stationary probe and X-ray mapping are feasible; the amount of sulfur eliciting a signal is estimated to be about 8 x 10-18 g.  相似文献   

Characteristic cytoplasmic inclusions (myelin figures), consisting of concentric multilaminar paired membranes surrounding one or more lipid bodies, were produced in rat liver parenchymal cells by incorporating high doses of an anticonvulsant agent (Bax 422Z) into the animals' diet. Enzymatic reaction product (presumably lead phosphate) was found around the central fat of these myelin figures in liver which had been fixed in glutaraldehyde, incubated in Wachstein and Meisel's medium containing adenosine triphosphate or inosine tri- or diphosphate, postosmicated, embedded in epoxy resin, and examined in the electron microscope. In an attempt to isolate myelin figures, fresh liver from medicated rats was homogenized and differentially centrifuged. Thin sections of osmium tetroxide-fixed, Epon-embedded pellets from each fraction were examined with the electron microscope. The concentric membranous whorls, which are probably derived from cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, broke up as the cells were disrupted and became inextricably mixed with the microsomal fraction. However, when liver previously fixed in formalin for 24 hours was homogenized, the myelin figures remained intact.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of protein synthesis capable of differential effects on nascent peptide synthesis on membrane-bound and free polyribosomes were employed to investigate the structure and function of cellular membranes of liver. The formation of membranous whorls in the cytoplasm and distension of nuclear membranes were induced by inhibitors of protein synthesis (i.e., cycloheximide and emetine) which predominantly interfere with nascent peptide synthesis on membrane-bound polyribosomes in situ. Other inhibitors of protein synthesis such as puromycin and fusidic acid, which inhibit nascent peptide synthesis on both free and membrane-bound polyribosomes, and chloramphenicol, which inhibits mitochondrial protein synthesis, did not induce these alterations. Cycloheximide, puromycin, and chloramphenicol produce some common cellular lesions as reflected by similar alterations in morphology, such as swelling of mitochondria, degranulation of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and aggregation of free ribosomes. The process of whorl formation in the cytoplasm, the incorporation of [3H]leucine and of [3H]choline into endoplasmic reticulum and the total NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity of the endoplasmic reticulum were determined. During maximum formation of membranous whorls, [3H]leucine incorporation into cytoplasmic membranes was inhibited, while [3H]choline incorporation into these structures was increased; maximum inhibition of protein synthesis and stimulation of choline incorporation into endoplasmic reticulum, however, preceded whorl formation. Cycloheximide decreased the activity of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase of rough endoplasmic reticulum, but increased NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, cycloheximide decreased the content of hemoprotein in both the microsomal and mitochondrial fractions of rat liver, and the activities of mixed function oxidase and of oxidative phosphorylation were impaired to different degrees. Succinate-stimulated microsomal oxidation was also inhibited. The possible mechanisms involved in the formation of membranous whorls, as well as their functions, are discussed.  相似文献   

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