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A stimulation of the abscisic acid (ABA)-induced increase in proline was observed in leaf segments of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) if K+ or Na+ were supplied in the external medium as salts of monovalent anions such as NO3, Br, Cr and I, but not when sulphate or phosphate were used. To a lesser extent, the effect was evident also with RbCl, but it did not occur when chlorides of Li+. Cs+, NH4+, Mg:+ and Ca2+ were used. Both KC1 and NaCl in the concentration range 2–100 m M influence the ABA-dependent proline accumulation to the same extent; the increase induced was about 100% at 10 m M , and reached a maximum between 60 and 100 m M. The effect is not due to the osmotic activity of the salts and does not seem to depend on changes in K+ and Na+ levels within the leaf tissue, but it is somehow linked to their external concentration. The existence of a specific interaction between ABA and K+ or Na+, possibly at the cell membrane level, is proposed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of proline accumulation in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) leaf segments showed a lag phase of ca 3 h when the increase was induced by abscisic acid (ABA), but not when the accumulation of the imino acid was promoted by isobutyric acid (IBA). Cycloheximide (CHI) supplied together with ABA, either from the beginning of the treatment or some time before the end of the lag phase, completely abolished ABA-induced proline accumulation, whereas no block was observed when the inhibitor was supplied after the lag phase. Cordycepin (COR) exibited a similar effect. The IBA-induced increase in proline was not influenced by CHI for at least 5 h.
When segments were pretreated with ABA for a period longer than the lag phase in the absence of salts in the external medium, there was no significant increase in proline. If KCI was added to the incubation medium after such a pretreatment, however, proline increased even after removal of the hormone from the external medium. This increase in proline occurred without any lag phase, and was only partially inbibited by CHI and rapidly and totally blocked by fusicoccin (FC). These results suggest that some protein, characterized by a fast turnover and possibly conferring the sensitivity to KCI, is synthesized during the early hours (lag phase) of the ABA treatment.
The synthesis of this protein(s) does not seem to be involved in the increase in proline induced by IBA and is thus a peculiar aspect of that mediated by ABA.  相似文献   

Abstract Treatment of barley leaf sections with 0.1 mol m?3 thioproline (L-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid) was found to induce a marked increase in proline together with some decrease in glutamate, whereas the levels of other andno acids were not influenced. This result is discussed in relation to the significance of the increase in proline in tissues treated with abscisic acid or subjected to water stress.  相似文献   

Changes in intracellular pH and in H+, K+ and Cl? fluxes were evaluated in different experimental conditions in leaf segments of barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Georgie) incubated in the dark, at pH 5.5, in the presence or absence of abscisic acid (ABA), and a comparison was made between the effects of ABA and those of erythrosin B (EB), a plasmalemma H+-pump inhibitor. In all conditions tested, ABA induced a cell sap acidification, an alkalinization of the external medium, a decrease in K+ intracellular contents, and an increase in the contents of Cl?. The ABA-induced decrease in K+ content was chiefly due to the inhibition of K+ influx. On the contrary, ABA did not influence the uptake of Cl?, but inhibited Cl? efflux, the inhibition satisfactorily accounting for the larger Cl? content observed in the presence of the hormone. The intracellular acidification and the decrease in apparent outward net transport of H+ observed with ABA were seemingly not associated with the activity of the proton pump, the transmembrane electrical potential difference, or K+ transport. On the contrary, a correlation was evident with the changes in Cl? content. These results and, in particular, the similarity between the effects of ABA and those induced by 4,4 -diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS), a Cl? channel-blocking agent, suggest that the ABA-induced changes in intracellular pH and in H+ transport might depend on the capability of ABA to inhibit Cl? efflux, more than on a primary inhibition of the H+ pump, and propose an important role for ABA in regulating the Cl? channels.  相似文献   

Benzyladenine inhibits proline accumulation in wilted, abscisic acid (ABA)-treated, and salt-shocked barley leaves. It does not affect ABA accumulation or disappearance in wilted leaves. Inhibition of proline accumulation in salt-shocked leaves was observed both when benzyladenine was added at the beginning of or after salt treatment. Cycloheximide (CHX) and cordycepin inhibited both ABA and proline accumulations in wilted barley leaves and proline accumulation in ABA-treated leaves. In salt-shocked leaves, cordycepin inhibited proline accumulation when added after salt treatment but before proline began to accumulate but not when added after the onset of proline accumulation. CHX delayed the accumulation of proline in salt-shocked leaves but, after a period of time, proline accumulated in the CHX-treated leaves at rates comparable to the salt-treated control. This delay and subsequent accumulation was observed when CHX was added before, during, and after salt treatment. However, the earlier in the salt treatment period that CHX was given, the longer was the observed delay. These results are interpreted to indicate that gene activation is involved in proline accumulation in response to wilting, to ABA, and to salt in barley leaves. This gene activation is in addition to the gene activation that is required for ABA accumulation in wilted leaves. If ABA accumulation is required for proline accumulation in wilted barley leaves, then two sets of gene activation are involved in wilting-induced proline accumulation. All of our results are consistent with this possibility but do not prove it. The inhibition of proline accumulation by benzyladenine is probably neither due to an effect on gene activation nor to an effect on the ABA level.  相似文献   

Light enhanced the abscisic acid‐induced accumulation of proline in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) and wheat ( Triticum durum L. cv. Valnova). In wheat ABA is ineffective in the dark. In both barley and wheat, the accumulation of proline in the light showed the same characteristics as those of the process that occurs in barley in the dark, namely a synergistic interaction between the hormone and K(Na)Cl, an enhancing effect of Cl anion in excess over K+ cation in the incubation medium, and an inhibiting effect of D ‐mannose and monensine. In wheat, furthermore, light is needed during treatment with ABA if proline is to accumulate. Light was effective in both wheat and barley during the second or accumulation phase of the hormonal process, whereas the events occurring in the first (or lag) phase did not require light. The results suggest that in wheat light induces a putative factor(s) involved in the proline accumulation pathway that is lost in the dark, whereas in barley it is present in the dark.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) significantly stimulated ethylene production in citrus (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck, cv Shamouti orange) leaf discs. The extent of stimulation was dependent upon the concentration of ABA (0.1-1 milimolar) and the duration of treatment (15-300 minutes). Aging the discs before applying ABA increased ABA-induced ethylene production due to enhancement of both ethylene-forming enzyme activity and the responsiveness of ABA. Discs excised from mature leaves were much more responsive to ABA than discs excised from young or senescing leaves. ABA stimulated ethylene production shortly after application, suggesting that ABA does not enhance ethylene production via the acceleration of senescence. The stimulating effect of ABA on ethylene production resulted mainly from the enhancement of 1-aminocylopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthesis. Stimulation of ethylene production by ABA in intact citrus leaves and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv Castlemart) fruit was small but could be increased by various forms of wounding.  相似文献   

Abstract. When isobutyric acid (IBA) or abscisic acid (ABA) are supplied to leaf sections a similar rapid and marked decrease in the intracellular pH is observed. This acidification is accompanied by an increase in proline level which is about the same for both 3 mol m−3 IBA and 1 mol m−3 ABA treatments.
Fusicoccin (FC), known to act at the proton pump level, almost completely suppresses the ABA-induced acidification of the cell sap, whereas it only partially counteracts the acidifying effect of IBA, in particular during short periods of treatment. This effect of FC is paralleled by a similar inhibition of the induced proline accumulation: in fact, FC completely suppresses the ABA-induced increase in proline during short treatment periods, whereas it is only effective in inhibiting the IBA-induced proline accumulation after long treatment periods.
These data seem to suggest that the ABA- and IBA-induced changes in proline level might be mediated by changes in the intracellular pH.  相似文献   

The contents of polyamines and quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), substances involved in several kinds of stress phenomena, were tested in abscisk acid (ABA)-treated barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) accumulating pro-line. The characteristic parameters of the accumulation of proline induced by ABA [i.e. kinetics of accumulation, synergistic interaction hormone-K(Na)Cl, enhancing effect of Cl-, inhibiting effect of tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), D-mannose and glucosamine] were tacking as far as polyamine and QAC content was concerned. Moreover: i) ABA slightly decreased the level of spermine and spermidine, slightly increased that of putrescine but did not influence the level of QAC; ii) the content of polyamines was reduced by KCl; iii) treatment with sorbitol increased the level of polyamines and prevented proline accumulation induced by ABA. These results indicate that there is no relationship between ABA-induced proline accumulation, polyamine level and QAC level; furthermore, accumulation of proline by ABA treatment is possible without increasing the levels of polyamines and QAC.  相似文献   

The effect of wilting on proline synthesis, proline oxidation, and protein synthesis—all of which contribute to proline accumulation—was determined in nonstarved barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. Nonstarved leaves were from plants previously in the light for 24 hours and starved leaves were from plants previously in the dark for 48 hours. Wilted leaves from nonstarved plants accumulated proline at the rate of about 1 μmole per hour per gram of fresh weight whereas wilted leaves from starved plants accumulated very little proline. Wilting caused a 40-fold stimulation of proline synthesis from glutamate in nonstarved leaves but had very little effect in starved leaves. Proline oxidation and protein synthesis, on the other hand, were inhibited by wilting in both nonstarved and starved leaves. Thus, the role of carbohydrates in proline accumulation is to supply precursors for the stimulated proline synthesis. These results further indicate that the main metabolic response causing proline to accumulate in wilted barley leaves is the stimulation of proline synthesis from glutamate. The difference between these results and those obtained with beans is discussed.

Wilting caused an increased conversion of glutamate to other products. In nonstarved leaves, conversion to organic acids as well as to proline was increased. In starved leaves, wilting caused an increase in the conversion of glutamate to glutamine, aspartate, asparagine, and organic acids.


Treatment of dark-grown barley with 0.1 mM fluridone inhibited carotenoid accumulation but did not alter plastid biogenesis. Plastids isolated from dark-grown control and dark-grown fluridone-treated plants were similar in size and protein compositions. Dehydration of dark-grown control barley caused abscisic acid levels to increase 30-40-fold in 4 h, while plants treated with 0.1 mM fluridone accumulated very little abscisic acid in response to dehydration. These results suggest that fluridone-treated plants do not accumulate abscisic acid because of carotenoid deficiency rather than plastid dysfunction. Dark-grown barley plants treated with 0.31 microM fluridone accumulated low levels of carotenoids. Dehydration of these plants resulted in a 4-8-fold increase in abscisic acid and a decrease in antheraxanthin, violaxanthin and neoxanthin, but no change in beta-carotene or lutein plus zeaxanthin levels. This result is consistent with the suggestion that xanthophylls are precursors to abscisic acid in dehydrated plants.  相似文献   

We investigated whether intracellular pH (pHi) is a causal mediator in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced gene expression. We measured the change in pHi by a “null-point” method during stimulation of barley (Hordeum vulgare cv Himalaya) aleurone protoplasts with ABA and found that ABA induces an increase in pHi from 7.11 to 7.30 within 45 min after stimulation. This increase is inhibited by plasma membrane H+-ATPase inhibitors, which induce a decrease in pHi, both in the presence and absence of ABA. This ABA-induced pHi increase precedes the expression of RAB-16 mRNA, as measured by northern analysis. ABA-induced pHi changes can be bypassed or clamped by addition of either the weak acids 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione and propionic acid, which decrease the pHi, or the weak bases methylamine and ammonia, which increase the pHi. Artificial pHi increases or decreases induced by weak bases or weak acids, respectively, do not induce RAB-16 mRNA expression. Clamping of the pHi at a high value with methylamine or ammonia treatment affected the ABA-induced increase of RAB-16 mRNA only slightly. However, inhibition of the ABA-induced pHi increase with weak acid or proton pump inhibitor treatments strongly inhibited the ABA-induced RAB-16 mRNA expression. We conclude that, although the ABA-induced the pHi increase is correlated with and even precedes the induction of RAB-16 mRNA expression and is an essential component of the transduction pathway leading from the hormone to gene expression, it is not sufficient to cause such expression.  相似文献   

In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves, differential ion accumulation commonly results in inorganic phosphate (Pi) being confined to the mesophyll and Ca(2+) to the epidermis, with preferential epidermal accumulation of Cl(-), Na(+), and some other ions. The pattern was confirmed in this study for major inorganic anions and cations by analysis of barley leaf protoplasts. The work focused on the extent to which differences in plasma membrane ion transport processes underlie these observations. Ion transport across the plasma membrane of barley epidermal and mesophyll protoplasts was investigated electrophysiologically (by microelectrode impalement and patch clamping) and radiometrically. Data from both approaches suggested that similar types of ion-selective channels and membrane transporters, which catalyze the transport of Ca(2+), K(+), Na(+), and Pi, exist in the plasma membrane of the two cell types. In general, the simple presence or absence of ion transporters could not explain cell-type-specific differences in ion accumulation. However, patch-clamp data suggested that differential regulation of instantaneously activating ion channels in the plasma membrane could explain the preferential accumulation of Na(+) in the epidermis.  相似文献   

Sayed  Mohammed A  Schumann  Henrik  Pillen  Klaus  Naz  Ali A  Léon  Jens 《BMC genetics》2012,13(1):1-12


Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, the causal organism of late blight, is economically the most important pathogen of potato and resistance against it has been one of the primary goals of potato breeding. Some potentially durable, broad-spectrum resistance genes against this disease have been described recently. However, to obtain durable resistance in potato cultivars more genes are needed to be identified to realize strategies such as gene pyramiding or use of genotype mixtures based on diverse genes.


A major resistance gene, Rpi-rzc1, against P. infestans originating from Solanum ruiz-ceballosii was mapped to potato chromosome X using Diversity Array Technology (DArT) and sequence-specific PCR markers. The gene provided high level of resistance in both detached leaflet and tuber slice tests. It was linked, at a distance of 3.4 cM, to violet flower colour most likely controlled by the previously described F locus. The marker-trait association with the closest marker, violet flower colour, explained 87.1% and 85.7% of variance, respectively, for mean detached leaflet and tuber slice resistance. A genetic linkage map that consisted of 1,603 DArT markers and 48 reference sequence-specific PCR markers of known chromosomal localization with a total map length of 1204.8 cM was constructed.


The Rpi-rzc1 gene described here can be used for breeding potatoes resistant to P. infestans and the breeding process can be expedited using the molecular markers and the phenotypic marker, violet flower colour, identified in this study. Knowledge of the chromosomal localization of Rpi-rzc1 can be useful for design of gene pyramids. The genetic linkage map constructed in this study contained 1,149 newly mapped DArT markers and will be a valuable resource for future mapping projects using this technology in the Solanum genus.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable regeneration system from leaf bases of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) has been developed. The in vitro regeneration frequencies of seven commercial barley genotypes were compared using segments from the first leaves of 5-d-old seedlings. The regeneration frequency ranged from 31.56 to 72.22 % among the barley genotypes. Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (0.5 mg dm−3) and kinetin (0.5 mg dm−3) was optimum for the regeneration. Longitudinal cut of the segments or the removal of coleoptiles further increased plantlet regeneration frequency.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Land plants have evolved several measures to maintain their life against abiotic stresses. The accumulation of proline is the most generalized response of plants under drought, heat or salt stress conditions. It is known as an osmoprotectant which also acts as an instant source of energy during drought recovery process. But, both its role and genetic inheritance are poorly understood in agriculture crops. In the present work, advanced backcross quantitative trait locus (AB-QTL) analysis was performed to elucidate genetic mechanisms controlling proline accumulation and leaf wilting in barley under drought stress conditions. RESULTS: The analysis revealed eight QTL associated to proline content (PC) and leaf wilting (WS). QTL for PC were localized on chromosome 3 H, 4 H, 5 H and 6 H. The strongest QTL effect QPC.S42.5 H was detected on chromosome 5 H where drought inducible exotic allele was associated to increase PC by 54%. QTL effects QPC.S42.3 H, QPC.S42.4 H and QPC.S42.6 H were responsible to heighten PC due to the preeminence of elite alleles over the exotic alleles which ranged from 26% to 43%. For WS, QTL have been localized on chromosome 1 H, 2 H, 3 H and 4 H. Among these, QWS.S42.1 H and QWS.S42.4 H were associated to decrease in WS due to the introgression of exotic alleles. In addition, two digenic epistatic interaction effects were detected for WS where the additive effect of exotic alleles imparted a favorable increase in the trait value. CONCLUSIONS: The present data represents a first report on whole-genome mapping of proline accumulation and leaf wilting in barley. The detected QTL are linked to new alleles from both cultivated and wild accessions which bring out an initial insight on the genetic inheritance of PC and WS. These QTL alleles are fixed in the isogenic background of Scarlett, which will allow for positional cloning of underlying genes and to develop drought resilient barley cultivars.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics, leaf ionic content, and net fluxes of Na(+), K(+), and Cl(-) were studied in barley (Hordeum vulgare L) plants grown hydroponically at various Na/Ca ratios. Five weeks of moderate (50 mM) or high (100 mM) NaCl stress caused a significant decline in chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, and stomatal conductance (g(s)) in plant leaves grown at low calcium level. Supplemental Ca(2+) enabled normal photochemical efficiency of PSII (F(v)/F(m) around 0.83), restored chlorophyll content to 80-90% of control, but had a much smaller (50% of control) effect on g(s). In experiments on excised leaves, not only Ca(2+), but also other divalent cations (in particular, Ba(2+) and Mg(2+)), significantly ameliorated the otherwise toxic effect of NaCl on leaf photochemistry, thus attributing potential targets for such amelioration to leaf tissues. To study the underlying ionic mechanisms of this process, the MIFE technique was used to measure the kinetics of net Na(+), K(+), and Cl(-) fluxes from salinized barley leaf mesophyll in response to physiological concentrations of Ca(2+), Ba(2+), Mg(2+), and Zn(2+). Addition of 20 mM Na(+) as NaCl or Na(2)SO(4) to the bath caused significant uptake of Na(+) and efflux of K(+). These effects were reversed by adding 1 mM divalent cations to the bath solution, with the relative efficiency Ba(2+)>Zn(2+)=Ca(2+)>Mg(2+). Effect of divalent cations on Na(+) efflux was transient, while their application caused a prolonged shift towards K(+) uptake. This suggests that, in addition to their known ability to block non-selective cation channels (NSCC) responsible for Na(+) entry, divalent cations also control the activity or gating properties of K(+) transporters at the mesophyll cell plasma membrane, thereby assisting in maintaining the high K/Na ratio required for optimal leaf photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Starting from senescent barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Hassan) leaf segments receiving light and hormone treatments affecting senescence, the plastid polypeptides synthesized by isolated chloroplasts and by leaf segments were analyzed by radiolabelling followed SDS-PAGE and fluorography. Among 20 to 30 polypeptides detected, a few were specifically synthesized (by chloroplasts and/or leaf segments) after each senescence treatment. Apparently, the polypeptides labelled in assays with isolated chloroplasts are truly synthesized in vivo, because most of them were also labelled in assays with leaf segments. The comparison of polypeptide profiles, for every senescence treatment, after labelling with isolated chloroplasts or leaf segments, suggests that most plastid polypeptides synthesized during senescence are coded in plastid DNA.  相似文献   

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