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Summary Hainsworth and Wolf (1976) reported that under certain conditions hummingbirds made food choices which did not maximize their net rate of energy intake while foraging. They concluded that the birds were not foraging optimally. We show here that their birds probably maximized a different utility function, the net energy per unit volume consumed (NEVC), which appears to be an optimal choice on a time scale longer than that of a foraging bout. Our own experiments with Archilochus colubris support the conclusion that hummingbirds make foraging decisions that maximize NEVC. A simulation model shows that, in nature, NEVC maximization would require fewer foraging trips and visits to fewer flowers per day to balance daily energy budgets. For territorial birds this can lead to smaller territory sizes and reduced costs of territorial defense. Plants that evolutionarily increase corolla length to enhance pollinator specificity need only increase nectar concentration slightly to maintain the same net energy per unit volume consumed (NEVC) by a given hummingbird pollinator.  相似文献   

Factors affecting individual diet specialization in generalist populations and the relationship between diet and foraging success remain poorly studied, particularly in terrestrial wide-ranging predators. We studied whether individual variations in diet in Montagu's harrier males (determined through a combination of direct foraging observations and pellet analysis) were associated with patterns of foraging habitat selection and foraging success of 12 radiotracked males during the breeding period. We found important differences in diet composition and breadth between individuals. Diet diversity was negatively related to hunting success: the most efficient individuals in terms of hunting success had the most specialized diet. This study also suggests an important role of individual foraging habitat selection in explaining individual diet, as the proportion of different prey types in the diet was associated with habitat composition within the home range, with higher proportion of those habitats that held higher abundances of their more frequent prey. This study thus provides evidence of individual diet specialization having a knock-on effect on foraging efficiency in a wide-ranging raptor and highlights the role of individual behaviour as a driving force of intra-population niche variation.  相似文献   

Assuming the subsocial route towards eusociality, I show that selection favors worker habits (under haplodiploidy) provided the mutant workers are able to bias the sex ratio towards sisters and/or selectively substitute their sons for brothers. If the original workers are not able to do this, selection does not favor the habit. However, under these conditions, selection is indifferent as to whether an individual rears offspring or sibs. This makes it easy for a mother to enlist her daughter's services in rearing other offspring, since the daughter cannot evolve to stop the parental parisitism. These results deal with the origin of eusocial behavior. I also look at selection acting on genes (to invest in offspring rather than sibs) in existing eusocial societies. It is shown that selection for laying workers is very strong, even if such workers give up rearing a seemingly advantageous combination of brothers and sisters. This poses distinct problems for the maintenance of eusocial societies.  相似文献   

Honeybees were trained to visit artificial feeding sites containing a 2 mol·1-1 sucrose solution. To reach the feeder they either had to walk through 3 m of Teflon tube, or fly 20 m or 65 m and then walk through 3 m of tube. Only individuals that flew at least 65 m performed waggle dances. The distance indicated in these waggle dances, judged by the number of wagging movements per wagrun, was the same regardless of whether individuals had to run an additional 3 m of tube after flight or not. The energy needed during walking after flight was determined by measuring O2 consumption. All individuals attempted to regulate their body temperatures between 36 and 42°C during walking and feeding (O2 consumption=40l·min-1 per bee). Calculations show that this walking through 3 m of tube requires as much energy as flying 128 m (difference between thoracic and ambient temperature=15°C). This energy expenditure was not reflected in the dances. The results do not support the hypothesis that honeybees estimate feeding site distances by measuring the energy required to reach a feeder.Abbreviations Ta ambient temperature - T b body temperature - T th thorax temperature  相似文献   

During the breeding season, males often produce costly and extravagant displays or physical ornaments to attract females. Numerous studies have established that testosterone could directly influence the expression of certain sexual signals. However, few of these studies have focused on the indirect role that testosterone could play in modulating prey detection and visual performance to improve the foraging ability of males and hence their acquisition of nutritional resource. In the present study, we experimentally modified the testosterone levels of European tree frog males (Hyla arborea), staying in the natural range previously measured in the field, and we investigated the effect of testosterone on the foraging ability of individuals. Foraging capacities were measured on males placed in an arena with a virtual cricket moving on a computer screen. Our results demonstrated a significant effect of testosterone on the hunting behavior of H. arborea. We observed that testosterone reduced the orientation latency to virtual prey for supplemented males compared to controls. In addition, testosterone significantly increased the attack promptness of male frogs. Finally, our experiment did not demonstrate any impact of testosterone on male attack success.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(5):348-356
The mother–offspring social unit is a universal feature in the social life of all mammals and nursing is the most direct and vital component of maternal investment in young. Living in diverse environments, various ungulate species have different strategies for rearing offspring, from bearing a single, relatively large newborn and supplying only limited amounts of milk, to bearing several relatively small newborns with intensive post-partum lactation. In this paper, we consider the rearing strategy of goitered gazelle with a focus on suckling behavior, which, until now, has never been a subject of special investigation. Adult females of this species in their reproductive prime typically bear twins when environmental conditions are favorable, but the proportion of singletons increases when conditions are unfavorable. We expected that in goitered gazelles suckling intensity would be maximal during the first weeks after birth, and then decrease with the growth of the young; we also expected that twins would demand more energy, but receive significantly less maternal investment per young than singletons. We found that, indeed, suckling behavior had similar dynamics as typical of all bovid species, but our expectation for less maternal investment in twins vs. singletons was wrong. In reality, female goitered gazelles suckled twins significantly more intensively and terminated suckling less often compared to singletons. We concluded that in favorable situations females of high quality have the ability to show significantly more maternal investment in each twin, while singletons are typically born to weaker females. This ability of females to produce mostly twins allows goitered gazelles to take advantage of any favorable opportunity to quickly increase their population in an environment with unpredictable and abrupt yearly changes typical of the arid regions of Central Asia.  相似文献   

In theory, the combination of mathematical modeling with experimental studies can be a powerful and compelling approach to understanding cell biology. In practice, choosing appropriate problems, identifying willing and able collaborators, and publishing the resulting research can be remarkably challenging. To provide perspective on the question of whether and when to combine modeling and experiments, a panel of experts at the 2010 ASCB Annual Meeting shared their personal experiences and advice on how to use modeling effectively.  相似文献   

Summary When a honey bee forager returns to her hive and unloads nectar, she sometimes transfers her entire load to one bee, but other times she makes a series of unloadings to several bees. One intriguing hypothesis for why foragers make multiple unloadings is the Information Improvement hypothesis: multiple unloadings improve a foragers estimate of the difficulty in finding a receiver bee, and thus of the allocation of labor between nectar collecting and nectar processing. In this paper, we discuss a possible weakness in the empirical evidence in support of the Information Improvement hypothesis. We also present a competing hypothesis, the Crop Fullness hypothesis: multiple unloadings arise from a mismatch between the amount of nectar a forager has to unload and the amount of nectar a receiver can imbibe. Finally, we test the two hypotheses by checking their predictions regarding the conditions under which multiple unloadings occur and which bee (forager or receiver) breaks off the first unloading when a forager makes multiple unloadings. We find that multiple unloadings are common only at times of high nectar influx and that most often it is the receiver, not the forager, who breaks off the first unloading. We argue that both of these findings are contradictory to the Information Improvement hypothesis but are consistent with the Crop Fullness hypothesis. Furthermore, we relate our findings to a recent theoretical study (Gregson et al., 2003) which shows, by means of a simulation model, that the level of multiple unloadings observed can be accounted for by a mismatch between the crop loads of foragers and the crop capacities of receiver bees. We combine our measurements with the Gregson et al. model to identify the rule used by receiver bees in deciding when to stop receiving more nectar. We conclude that receivers make this decision during the course of an unloading, not after completing an unloading. Finally, with this conclusion in hand, we test the Gregson et al. model by comparing predictions and observations on how full receivers are when they decide to break off an unloading. We find a remarkable agreement (prediction: 60%, observation: 52–59%), in strong support of the model.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the attraction of adult butterflies to moist soil and dirt places (a behavior termed `mud-puddling') in two species-rich tropical communities on the island of Borneo. At a rain forest site, 227 individuals (46 species) were attracted to the baits, compared to 534 individuals (54 species) at a farmland site. With one single exception, all attracted butterflies were males. Of various salt and amino acid solutions, only sodium was accepted, but overall, albumin solutions turned out to be the most attractive puddling resource. Butterfly families differed consistently in their resource preferences. Representatives of the families Papilionidae and Pieridae more often visited NaCl solutions, but still accepted albumin, whereas representatives of the Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae and, in particular, Lycaenidae preferred the protein resource. In experiments using decoys prepared from pinned butterfly specimens, representatives of the Papilionidae and Pieridae were more strongly attracted to baits provided with decoys made from conspicuous, medium-sized yellow Eurema species (Pieridae), whereas dummies made from small, cryptically colored lycaenids (Prosotas and Caleta species) were ineffective. Decoys did not influence the attraction of lycaenid butterflies towards baits. Hence, visual cues play an important role in locating puddling resources for papilionids and pierids, while for lycaenid butterflies searching for nitrogen sources, olfactory cues emitted by decaying organic matter are more likely to be important. The strong attraction of male butterflies to nitrogen-rich resources suggests that, as in the case of sodium, these nutrients may increase reproductive success. Received: 5 October 1998 / Accepted: 7 December 1998  相似文献   

The eyes of stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae) are positioned at the end of rigid peduncles projected laterally from the head. In dimorphic species the eye-stalks of males exceed the eye-stalks of females and can exceed body length. Eye-stalk length is sexually selected in males improving male reproductive success. We tested whether the long eye-stalks have a negative effect on free-flight and aerial turning behavior by analyzing the morphology and free-flight trajectories of male and female Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. At flight posture the mass-moment-of-inertia for rotation about a vertical axis was 1.49-fold higher in males. Males also showed a 5% increase in wing length compared to females. During free-flight females made larger turns than males (54 ± 31.4 vs. 49 ± 36.2°, t test, P < 0.033) and flew faster while turning (9.4 ± 5.45 vs. 8.4 ± 6.17 cm s−1, ANOVA, P < 0.021). However, turning performance of both sexes overlapped, and turn rate in males even marginally exceeded turn rate in females (733 ± 235.3 vs. 685 ± 282.6 deg s−1, ANCOVA, P < 0.047). We suggest that the increase in eye-span does result in an increase in the mechanical requirements for aerial turning but that male C. dalmanni are capable of compensating for the constraint of longer eye-stalks during the range of turns observed through wingbeat kinematics and increased wing size.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fishes producing high-frequency wavelike electrical discharges maintain a relatively rigid body axis and swim forwards and backwards with equal ease. Using stop-action videotape filming we have observed the gymnotiform Apteronotus albifrons feeding on zooplankton and oligochaete annelids. Here it is reported that reverse swimming is characteristic of two foraging behaviors: searching for prey and assessing it. In assessing a potential prey item, fish typically scan it from tail to head by swimming backwards, then ingest it after a short forward lunge. A scan in the opposite direction-from head to tail by forward swimming-would have the prey located near the tail and out of position for the final lunge. Food choice experiments indicate that these electrosensing fish feed equally well, and take larger rather than smaller zooplankton, under light and dark conditions. Furthermore, electric fish take normal (light) colored and darkened prey (Daphnia) in a 50: 50 ratio under both dark and light conditions. These results are consistent with the interpretation that electrosensory cues are being used to detect zooplankton and other prey. Together, our observations support Lissmann's (1958, 1974) and Lissmann & Machin's (1958) assertion that backwards swimming is a component of a locomotory pattern guided by the constraints produced by an active electrical sense.  相似文献   

1. We test MacArthur and Wilson's theory about the biogeography of communities on isolated habitat patches using bird breeding records from 16 small islands off the coasts of Britain and Ireland. 2. A traditional examination of patterns of species richness on these islands suggests that area and habitat diversity are important predictors, but that isolation and latitude have a negligible impact in this system. 3. Unlike traditional studies, we directly examine the fundamental processes of colonization and local extinction (cessation of breeding), rather than higher-order phenomena such as species richness. 4. We find that many of MacArthur and Wilson's predictions hold: colonization probability is lower on more isolated islands, and extinction probability is lower on larger islands and those with a greater diversity of habitats. 5. We also find an unexpected pattern: extinction probability is much lower on more isolated islands. This is the strongest relationship in these data, and isolation is the best single predictor of colonization and extinction. 6. Our results show that examination of species richness alone is misleading. Isolation has a strong effect on both of the dynamic processes that underlie richness, and in this system, the reductions in both colonization and extinction probability seen on more distant islands have opposing influences on species richness, and largely cancel each other out. 7. We suggest that an appropriate model for this system might be optimal foraging theory, which predicts that organisms will stay longer in a resource patch if the distance to a neighbouring patch is large. If nest sites and food are the resources in this system, then optimal foraging theory predicts the pattern we observe. 8. We advance the hypothesis that there is a class of spatial systems, defined by their scale and by the taxon under consideration, at which decision-making processes are a key driver of the spatiotemporal dynamics. The appropriate theory for such systems will be a hybrid of concepts from biogeography/metapopulation theory and behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

The mate-locating behavior of male butterflies has been classified into two major types, territorial and patrolling. Territorial males defend a specific site, whereas patrolling males fly around a wider area without having to defend a site. In this study, I investigated the use of these tactics by males of the satyrine butterfly, Lethe diana. A previous study suggested that the males of L. diana change their mate-locating behavior during the day (they patrol in the morning and defend territories in the afternoon) and that patrolling is the primary mating strategy, whereas defending territories is a supplementary one. In the present study, I found that the daily activity pattern of the males of L. diana was similar to that described in the previous study: males often flew around in the morning and competed for territories in the afternoon. However, contrary to the previous study, all courtships and copulations were performed within male territories during their territorial activity. Closer observations revealed that copulations found in male territories were achieved by the owner of the territory. Males tended to feed in the morning, suggesting that the males flying in the morning searched for food rather than females. I conclude that territory holding is the primary male matelocating tactic in L. diana. I further found that, in summer, males exhibited territorial behavior later than in spring or autumn, which may be a strategy for preventing heat stress.  相似文献   

The cattle parasite, Onchocerca ochengi, is widely distributed in West Africa. Significantly, Simulium darnnosum, the vector o f the important human parasite, O. volvulus, the cause o f river blindness, also appears to be the vector of O. ochengi. For epidemiological reasons it is therefore vital to be able to distinguish the infective larvae o f these filoriae. Here, Sandy Trees also describes other features of the cattle parasite that make it of significance to investigations of human filariases.  相似文献   

M. Mackauer  W. Völkl 《Oecologia》1993,94(3):339-350
Aphidiid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) of aphids generally exploit only a small percentage of the available host resources in the field. This limited impact on aphid populations has often been explained as a consequence of hyperparasitism. We propose that a wasp's reproductive strategy, as opposed to hyperparasitism, is the dominant factor in aphidiid population dynamics. A wasp's foraging efficiency and oviposition decisions are influenced by several variables, including searching behaviour between and within patches, host choice (as modified by the aphids' defensive behaviours), and plant structural complexity. Two broadly different patterns of host exploitation have evolved in aphidiid wasps in relation to ant-aphid mutualism. Firstly, in species that are exposed to predation and hyperparasitism, a female may leave a patch before all suitable hosts are parasitized. Because predators and hyperparasitoids tend to aggregate at high aphid or aphidiid densities, or in response to aphid honeydew, this strategy enables females to reduce offspring mortality by spreading the risk over several host patches. Secondly, in species that have evolved mechanisms to avoid aggression by mutualistic ants, females are able to exploit a hyperparasitoid-free resource space. Such species may concentrate their eggs in only a few aphid colonies, which are thus heavily exploited. Although hyperparasitism of species in the first group tends to reach high levels, its overall impact on aphid-aphidiid population dynamics is probably limited by the low average fecundity of most hyperparasitoids. We discuss the foraging patterns of aphidiid wasps in relation to aphid population regulation in general, and to classical biological control in particular. We argue that a parasitoid's potential to regulate the host population is largely determined by its foraging strategy. In an exotic parasitoid, a behavioural syndrome that has evolved and presumably is adaptive in a more diverse (native) environment may, in a more uniform (managed) environment, result in suboptimal patch-leaving and oviposition decisions, and possibly increased resource usage.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of kin-biased territorial defense behavioron the distribution of foraging attempts and percent weightchanges (fitness benefits) in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmosalar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in an artificialstream channel. The individual percent weight changes and frequencyof aggressive interactions and foraging attempts were quantifiedin kin (full sibling) and non-kin groups of salmon and troutWe observed kin groups of both species to obtain significantlygreater mean and less variable percent weight gains that non-kingroups. In addition, faster-growing (dominant)individuals ofboth species within kin groups exhibited significantly feweraggressive interactions than did faster-growing nonkin individuals,while we observed no difference between kin and non-kin slower-growing(subordinate) individuals. Slowergrowing kin individuals ofboth species obtained significantly more foraging opportunitiesthan slower-growing non-kin individuals while there was no differencebetween faster-growing kin and non-kin individuals. These datasuggest that reduced aggression by faster-growing individualstowards slower-growing kin enables slower-growing kin to obtainmore foraging opportunities, resulting in higher and less variablepercent weight changes. These data also suggest that as a resultof kin-biased territorial defense and foraging behavior, juvenileAtlantic salmon and rainbow trout may be able to maximize inclusivefitness potential by defending territories near related conspecifics.  相似文献   



Orangutans have one of the slowest-paced life histories of all mammals. Whereas life-history theory suggests that the time to reach adulthood is constrained by the time needed to reach adult body size, the needing-to-learn hypothesis instead suggests that it is limited by the time needed to acquire adult-level skills.To test between these two hypotheses, we compared the development of foraging skills and growth trajectories of immature wild orangutans in two populations: at Tuanan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii), Borneo, and Suaq Balimbing (Pongo abelii), Sumatra. We collected behavioral data on diet repertoire, feeding rates and ranging competence during focal follows, and estimated growth through non-invasive laser photogrammetry.


We found that adult-like diet repertoires are attained around the age of weaning and that female immatures increase their repertoire size faster than their male peers. Adult-level feeding rates of easy techniques are reached just after weaning, but several years later for more difficult techniques, albeit always before adulthood (i.e. age at first reproduction). Independent immatures had faster feeding rates for easy to process items than their mothers, with male immatures achieving faster feeding rates earlier in development relative to females. Sumatran immatures reach adult-level feeding rates 2–3 years later than their Bornean peers, in line with their higher dietary complexity and later weaning. The range-use competence of independently ranging and weaned immatures is similar to that of adult females. Body size measurements showed, immatures grow until female age of first reproduction.


In conclusion, unlike in humans, orangutan foraging skills are in place prior to reproduction. Growth trajectories suggest that energetic constraints, rather than skills, best explain the length of immaturity. However, skill competence for dietary independence is reached later where the adult niche is more complex, which is consistent with the relatively later weaning age with increasing brain size found generally in primates, and apes in particular.

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