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Six ovariectomized gilts were given zearalenone (Z), estradiol benzoate (EB) or vehicle in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square design. Zearalenone was added to 2.3 kg of a corn-soybean ration at a dose of 1 mg Z/kg body weight; EB was given intramuscularly at 0.1 mg EB/kg body weight. Control gilts received vehicle solvent for both Z and EB. Blood samples were collected from indwelling jugular cannulas at 6-h intervals for 48 h before Z, EB or vehicle was given. After treatment, blood samples were drawn at 6-h intervals for an additional 84 h. Serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) decreased (P<0.001) from 4.67 ng/ml to 0.29 ng/ml within 6 h of EB. From 54 to 84 h after EB, serum concentrations of LH rose to 15.60 ng/ml (P<0.001). Serum concentrations of LH were reduced (P<0.001) in a similar pattern after Z (3.70 ng/ml to 0.49 ng/ml), but a rise in serum LH was not observed 54 to 84 h after Z (1.30 ng/ml). Serum concentrations of LH remained unchanged (P=0.55) in gilts given vehicle. Serum concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were suppressed (P<0.03) at 6 h in EB (19.10 vs 11.35 ng/ml) and Z gilts (16.16 vs 11.41 ng/ml) but remained unchanged in vehicle gilts. Serum concentrations of FSH did not change in EB or Z gilts during the next 36 h. These data indicate that the suppressive action of Z on serum concentrations of LH and FSH was similar to that of EB, while the biphasic stimulatory effect of EB for LH was not manifested by Z.  相似文献   

The temporal relationships of serum prolactin, oestrogen and LH concentrations during the perioestrous period were compared in prepubertal gilts induced to ovulate by PMSG and hCG and in mature gilts. In Exp. 1, 2 sustained prolactin surges, beginning 4 days and 1 day before the preovulatory LH surge, occurred in all mature gilts. A single preovulatory prolactin surge occurred in 3 prepubertal gilts, starting just before the preovulatory LH surge, but 4 prepubertal gilts had neither a prolactin nor an LH surge. A status (prepubertal or mature) versus time interaction (P less than 0.01) was detected for serum prolactin concentrations. A preovulatory oestrogen surge occurred in all gilts but was of lesser magnitude (P less than 0.01) and duration (P less than 0.05) in the prepubertal gilts without prolactin and LH surges compared to mature gilts and of lesser magnitude (P less than 0.01) compared to prepubertal gilts with prolactin and LH surges. The relative timing of the oestrogen surge in prepubertal gilts corresponded with that of mature gilts when adjusted to the LH surge (if present) but was delayed (P less than 0.01) in all prepubertal gilts if standardized to the hCG injection. In Exp. 2, mature gilts were examined to determine whether 2 perioestrous prolactin surges were characteristic of all cycling gilts. Of 9 gilts, 8 exhibited an initial prolactin surge 4-5 days before oestrus and 5/9 gilts exhibited a periovulatory prolactin surge. The presence of 2 perioestrous serum prolactin surges was not a requirement for subsequent pregnancy maintenance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Angus and Angus crossbred prepubertal heifers were ovariectomized and randomly assigned to either increasing light simulating the photoperiod of the vernal equinox to the summer solstice (I) or decreasing light simulating the photoperiod of the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice (D) for 43 degrees N latitude. Three blood samples were taken each week for 14 weeks, the first at 11:00 h and two others 2 days later, 1 h before lights on (dark), 1 h before lights off (light). At the end of 14 weeks 4 heifers from each treatment group were cannulated and samples were taken for 12 h at 15-min intervals, 6 h in the light and 6 h in the dark. All sera were assayed for LH, FSH and prolactin. In addition, the samples taken at 15-min intervals were assayed for melatonin. In samples taken weekly at 11:00 h circulating concentrations of LH and prolactin were higher among animals in Group I, while FSH concentrations were not different between Groups D and I. In samples collected weekly in the light or the dark, LH and prolactin concentrations were higher in Group I animals. However, prolactin concentrations were higher and LH concentrations tended to be higher in samples taken in the dark. FSH concentrations were not different between either D or I or dark and light. In samples taken at 15-min intervals the prolactin baseline was higher and pulse amplitude tended to be higher for Group I animals. Neither LH nor FSH pulse characteristics differed between I and D; however, LH baseline and LH pulse amplitude were higher in the dark. Melatonin pulse amplitude was higher among animals in Group D and higher in serum collected in the dark. These results suggest that photoperiod alters circulating concentrations of LH and prolactin and alters pulsatile release of LH, prolactin and melatonin in the prepubertal heifer.  相似文献   

Intravaginal rings containing progesterone were inserted on Day 5 of the cycle to 8 healthy, normally menstruating women. Blood samples were taken during Days 4--22 of the cycle at 2--3-day intervals. The plasma progesterone levels obtained after the insertion were between 7.5 and 21 nmol/l. Four subjects showed no increase in plasma oestradiol concentrations. The subjects showing increased plasma oestradiol levels also showed a positive feedback on LH, resulting in ovulation or an LH peak. The results suggest that progesterone may have a local inhibitory effect on the follicular oestradiol production.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the effect of sampling interval on serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and prolactin (PRL) in prepubertal, ovariectomized, and cycling gilts. In all experiments, blood samples were drawn at 2-min intervals for 4 h from indwelling jugular catheters. Mean serum hormone concentrations, mean number of peaks, and mean and maximum peak heights of LH, FSH, and PRL were calculated using values reflecting 2-, 6-, 10-, 20-, 30-, and 60-min sampling intervals. For LH, FSH, and PRL, mean serum concentrations can be obtained through blood samples drawn at hourly intervals. Since LH peaks are very distinct in pigs, the number of secretory peaks and mean peak height can be obtained via samples drawn at 20-min intervals. Since FSH and PRL peaks are less well defined, a more frequent sampling interval (10 min) is needed to determine number of peaks and mean peak height. To obtain the maximum peak height or the number of minutes for LH, FSH, or PRL to rise from its nadir to zenith, blood samples need to be drawn at 2-min intervals. Regardless of reproductive state, these data indicate that the sampling interval needed to characterize serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and PRL in the gilt is dependent upon the parameter in question.  相似文献   

The effect of a combined test (insulin, TRH, LHRH) on plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, PRL, Cortisol was studied in 18 normal subjects in prepubescent state and in 65 patients in prepubescent state with short stature. In 6 subjects with short stature there was no change of LH, and in 7 subjects with short stature there was no change of FSH. In conclusion the combined test for pituitary stimulation provides an useful method for localizing the lesion in disorders of hypothalamo-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the relationship between prolactin (PRL) levels and corpus luteum function in humans, assessment of temporal relationship between levels of PRL, LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone was made in eleven normal cycling women and six short luteal women. All hormones were determined by specific radioimmunoassay. The mean PRL level in the luteal phase was higher than that in the follicular phase in normal women. On the other hand, no difference mean was seen between the PRL levels of follicular and luteal phases in short luteal women. In addition, follicular and luteal phase secretion of PRL in the short luteal phase (SLP) was lower than that in the normal control. LH and FSH in the follicular and luteal phases, estradiol secretion in the late follicular and early to mid-luteal phases in SLP were also lower than those in the control. These observations were consistent with the hypothesis that SLP is a sequel to aberrant folliculogenesis. In addition, it is inferred that low PRL levels in the SLP might be due to inadequate augmentation by estrogen, rather than giving PRL any positive controlling role in the maintenance of corpus luteum function.  相似文献   

W Krause 《Endokrinologie》1978,72(2):129-135
In 188 males FSH, LH, and prolactin serum levels determined from a single blood sample were found to be closely correlated. No correlation appeared to testosterone levels. The same correlation is observed, if serum levels of FSH, LH, and prolactin are measured after stimulation with LH-RH and TRH. In order to explain the close correlation, in five young men hormone levels were measured at 2-min-intervals over a period of 2 hours. Peaks of prolactin often correspond to those of FSH and LH, and a statistical correlation was found in two cases between FSH and prolactin. Results suggest a common releasing mechanism, which is superposed to the main mediating mechanism.  相似文献   

The effect of p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA: 300 mg/kg) on the rate of ovulation and plasma LH, FSH and prolactin secretion has been studied in rats at preovulatory periods (18th hour of diestrus) and post-ovulatory periods (9th hour of metaestrus). In both experimental groups, results showed that administration of PCPA caused an increase in both prolactin concentration and number of mature ovarian follicles (p less than 0.001). No changes were observed in FSH levels. LH concentration, however, decreased (p less than 0.001) and ovulation became totally inhibited. Rats treated at the 9th hour of metaestrus exhibited a marked luteinization as well as an increased number of corpus luteum in the ovaric tissue (p less than 0.001), whereas those treated at the 18th hour of diestrus underwent no luteinization and merely showed a greater number of mature ovarian follicles (p less than 0.001). PCPA, therefore, seems not to have a double effect on ovulation, LH, FSH, and prolactin secretion regardless of the pre or post-ovulatory periods. Changes observed in the ovaric tissue might be due to an increase in plasma prolactin concentration which appears earlier in the preovulatory than in the post-ovulatory treated animals. This difference may explain the double effect that has been attributed to the ovaric cycle and reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Angus and Angus crossbred heifers were ovariectomized, treated with oestradiol implants and randomly assigned to the natural photoperiod of fall to spring for 43 degrees N latitude or extra light simulating the photoperiod of spring to fall. Weekly blood samples were taken for 6 months (fall to spring equinox). All heifers were cannulated every 4 weeks and blood samples were taken for 4 h at 15-min intervals. Sera were assayed for LH, FSH, prolactin and oestradiol. In samples taken weekly, serum LH and FSH concentrations were higher while serum prolactin was lower in heifers exposed to natural photoperiod. There was a photoperiod X time interaction for both FSH and prolactin with concentrations diverging as photoperiod diverged. Circulating concentrations of oestradiol were not different between groups. In samples taken every 4 weeks at 15-min intervals, baseline concentrations of LH and FSH and LH pulse amplitude were higher while prolactin pulse frequency was lower in heifers exposed to natural photoperiod. There was a photoperiod X time interaction for each of these pulsatile characteristics. The correlation between LH and prolactin concentrations estimated from the 15-min samples differed between the two photoperiod treatment groups. The pooled correlation coefficient (r) was -0.12 under natural photoperiod and +0.50 under extra light. There was also a photoperiod X time interaction with negative correlations occurring when photoperiod was decreasing and positive correlations occurring when photoperiod was increasing. These results support the hypothesis that photoperiod alters serum concentrations of LH, FSH and prolactin in cattle.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol (4 g/kg) as well as the role of serotoninergic neurons on the rate of ovulation and plasma LH, FSH and prolactin secretion have been studied in rats at preovulatory periods (18th hour of diestrus). It has been found that administration of ethanol in preovulatory periods decreased the number of ovules per rat (p less than 0.001), the number of ovulating rats and LH levels (p less than 0.001). These effects were accompanied by an increase in prolactin concentration (0.05 greater than p greater than 0.02), which was followed by a diffuse luteinization in the ovarian tissue. These results showed that ethanol had an effect of central depression in preovulatory periods. These effects could be mediated through the hypothalamic releasing factors. Under previous serotonin depletion with p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA: 300 mg/kg), ethanol caused similar effects on LH and FSH levels as compared with the control group with PCPA. However, prolactin concentration was not increased. These results showed that serotoninergic neurons could be mediated in changes caused by ethanol on prolactin secretion, but do not affect directly in changes caused on LH and FSH secretion.  相似文献   

Plasma FSH and LH in prepubertal Booroola ewe lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Basal plasma concentrations (four 30-min samples) and GnRH-induced release of gonadotrophins were measured every 15 days between 30 and 90 days and at 110 days of age in Merino ewe lambs from the prolific Booroola ('B') flock (n = 18-23), the medium prolificacy ('T') flock (n = 14-20), and the 'O' flock (n = 4-8) of low prolificacy. At ages of 30 and 45 days B ewe lambs had mean basal plasma FSH concentrations of 145 and 122 ng/ml which were significantly higher (P less than 0.01) than those seen in T (45 and 53 ng/ml), and O (39 and 38 ng/ml) flock ewes. Between 60 and 110 days of age there were no significant differences between genotypes. The increment in FSH concentrations above basal levels induced by the subcutaneous injection of 100 micrograms synthetic GnRH was only significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in B than T and O genotype ewe lambs at 110 days of age but not at other ages. The basal plasma FSH differences between the B, T and O genotypes at 30 and 45 days of age were not consistently related to the size of litter in which lambs were born. At 30 days of age the mean plasma LH concentration of B, T, and O flock lambs were 2.6 +/- 0.5, 1.2 +/- 0.6 and 0.7 +/- 0.8 ng/ml respectively. These differences were not significant. At later ages there were also no significant differences between the genotypes with respect to basal LH, and the increase in LH induced by exogenous GnRH was always similar for the three genotypes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied, from 1977 to 1979, 61 females and 72 males (aged 6 to 10 years) in order to demonstrate the occurrence of FSH and LH circannual variations. The data were fitted a cosine function by least square method in order to describe any rhythm and to estimate its parameters:mesor, amplitude, acrophase. Our data suggest that in prepubertal age the behaviour of FSH secretion is different in two sexes, but without circannual rhythm. LH instead shows a statistically significant circannual rhythm in both groups, without differences in mean levels between the two sexes.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the rate (dose/time) at which oestradiol-17 beta (oestradiol) is presented to the hypothalamo-pituitary axis influences secretion of LH, FSH and prolactin. A computer-controlled infusion system was used to produce linearly increasing serum concentrations of oestradiol in ovariectomized ewes over a period of 60 h. Serum samples were collected from ewes every 2 h from 8 h before to 92 h after start of infusion, and assayed for oestradiol, LH, FSH and prolactin. Rates of oestradiol increase were categorized into high (0.61-1.78 pg/h), medium (0.13-0.60 pg/h) and low (0.01-0.12 pg/h). Ewes receiving high rates of oestradiol (N = 11) responded with a surge of LH 12.7 +/- 2.0 h after oestradiol began to increase, whereas ewes receiving medium (N = 15) and low (N = 11) rates of oestradiol responded with a surge of LH at 19.4 +/- 1.7 and 30.9 +/- 2.0 h, respectively. None of the surges of LH was accompanied by a surge of FSH. Serum concentrations of FSH decreased and prolactin increased in ewes receiving high and medium rates of oestradiol, when compared to saline-infused ewes (N = 8; P less than 0.05). We conclude that rate of increase in serum concentrations of oestradiol controls the time of the surge of LH and secretion of prolactin and FSH in ovariectomized ewes. We also suggest that the mechanism by which oestradiol induces a surge of LH may be different from the mechanism by which oestradiol induces a surge of FSH.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of pre-treatment of prepubertal gilts with FSH on the estrus and ovulatory responses to eCG injection at two ages. A total of 149 prepubertal Hypor gilts were selected at 150 days (n=76) or 180 days (n=73) of age and assigned to injection of 400 IU eCG plus 200 IU hCG (PG600), 600IU eCG alone (Folligon), pre-treatment with 72 mg FSH (Folltropin) administered as 6 x 12 mg injections at 12 h intervals with 600 IU Folligon 12h after last FSH injection, or non-injected controls. To facilitate detection of estrus, gilts were exposed to a mature boar for 15 min daily for 7 days. To determine ovulatory responses, blood samples were obtained on the day of injection and 10 days later and assayed for progesterone content. Following treatment at 150 days, one control gilt (5.3%) was deemed estrus but ovulation did not occur. Compared to treatment with Folligon alone, PG600 injection tended (P=0.1) to increase the estrus response (52.6% compared with. 26.3%) and increased (P<0.01) the ovulatory response (89.5% compared with. 47.4%). The estrous response in gilts pretreated with Folltropin was intermediate (42.1%) but the ovulatory response (47.4%) was the same as for Folligon alone. Following treatment at 180 days, two control gilts (10.5%) were deemed estrus and ovulation did occur in these gilts. There was no difference between hormone-treated groups for estrus or ovulatory responses, although the ovulatory response of PG600-treated gilts tended (P=0.1) to be greater than for the Folligon-treated group (89.5% compared with 66.7%), with Folltropin-pretreated gilts being intermediate (76.5%). These data demonstrate that the estrus and ovulatory responses of gilts were greater for PG600 than for Folligon and that while responses to PG600 were not affected by gilt age, for the combined Folligon groups, estrous response (P<0.02) and ovulatory response (P<0.05) improved with increased gilt age.  相似文献   

Caffeine, a trimethylxanthine alkaloid, is a psycho-active drug that effects a wide range of physiological systems, including the reproductive system. Reports of infants with intra-uterine growth retardation and lowered birth weight as a result of in utero exposure to caffeine, are increasing. The drug is also known to alter steroidogenesis but it is not certain whether this is a direct and/or indirect effect with the involvement of the central nervous system. Thus, an experiment was designed to determine the effect of acute caffeine administration on the circulating concentrations of gonadotrophins and prolactin in the ovariectomized oestradiol-implanted ewe. A single intravenous dose of caffeine (20 mg kg−1 bodyweight) did not affect circulating gonadotrophin concentrations with the parameters for the pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the mean concentration of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) being similar in both experimental and control groups. Circulating prolactin levels, on the other hand, were significantly (P < 0.01) elevated following intravenous treatment with caffeine. The effect was immediate following caffeine administration with elevated concentrations being maintained over the next 3 h before their return to pre-treatment concentrations. The response was bi-phasic with peaks of prolactin concentrations at 1 and 3 h. The results of this experiment show that acute caffeine exposure does not affect the secretion of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary gland. Furthermore, they show that acute administration of caffeine stimulates prolactin secretion via an action that is independent of oestradiol feedback and which we suggest, may involve the ACTH/adrenal axis.  相似文献   

The effects of 30 min of exercise (74.1 +/- 3.0% (VO2), on the responses of progesterone (P), estradiol (E2), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) were investigated in 10 women. With such exercise significant increments occurred in P (37.6 +/- 9.5%) and E2 (13.5 +/- 7.5%) (P less than 0.05), whereas no changes were observed in FSH and LH (p greater than 0.05). Exercise in the luteal phase and during menses provoked similar changes in P, but E2 concentrations remained unchanged when exercise occurred during menses (p greater than 0.05). With 8-11 weeks of training the menstrual cycles were quite irregular and retesting of subjects in the same phase of the cycle was not possible. Yet, when subjects were retested after training, no changes occurred in P, E2 or LH (p greater than 0.05) but a decrement did occur in FSH (p less than 0.10). Thus, heavy exercise in untrained subjects provokes significant increments in ovarian hormones, whereas no such increments are observed in trained subjects exercising at the same absolute workload.  相似文献   

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