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T-cell receptor (Ti) gene restriction fragment patterns (RFPs) were determined by Southern blots of genomic DNA obtained from T-lymphocyte colonies isolated from a single normal individual. 4 wild-type colonies and 11 in vivo derived 6-thioguanine-resistant mutant colonies with previously characterized hprt gene structural alterations were studied. Among the hprt mutants, 10 of the 11 showed unique Ti RFPs indicating their origins in different in vivo progenitors. Unique Ti RFPs were also seen among the wild-type T-cell colonies. One, however, shared its Ti RFP with a mutant. These results suggest that mutation in vivo of the hprt gene in human T-lymphocytes occurred after thymic maturation and that the 11 recovered hprt mutants probably resulted from 11 independent mutational events.  相似文献   

The hprt T-lymphocyte cloning assay, which detects mutations occurring in vivo in humans, has been used to examine mutants induced in patients receiving radioimmunoglobulin therapy (RIT) for cancer. Samples from 13 patients before treatment (controls) and 15 samples from 12 patients after treatment were studied for both mutant frequencies and molecular changes in the hprt mutant T-cell clones. Patients were studied up to 48 months after treatment. Post-RIT patients showed increased mutant frequencies as compared to pre-treatment values. T-cell receptor (TCR) gene analysis of mutant T-cell clones demonstrated that 84% arose independently, both pre- and post-treatment, which is the same proportion as seen in normal individuals. However, several individuals did show large sets of mutants with the same TCR gene rearrangement patterns. Molecular analysis of mutants demonstrated a greater proportion of mutations with hprt gene changes on Southern blots after RIT treatment than before (40% versus 20%). RIT increases the proportion of mutations with total rather than partial gene deletions or other gross structural changes compared to normal individuals or pre-treatment patients. These studies are defining the spectrum for radiation-induced hprt gene mutations in vivo in human T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The T-cell receptor (TCR) mutation assay for in vivo somatic mutations is a sensitive indicator of exposure to ionizing radiation. However, this assay cannot be immediately applied after radiation exposure because expression of a mutant phenotype may require as long as several months. In the present study, we eliminate this time lag by stimulating lymphocytes with a mitogen that can accelerate the turnover of TCR protein expression in T-cells. When lymphocytes obtained from healthy donors were irradiated with various doses of X-rays and cultured with human interleukin-2 after phytohemagglutinin (PHA) pulse stimulation, the mutant frequency (MF) of CD4+ T-cells increased dose dependently during the first 7 days, then decreased rapidly due to the growth disadvantage of mutant cells. This suggests that PHA stimulation can shorten the expression time of a mutant phenotype to within a week after radiation exposure. The relationship between radiation dose and TCR MF on the seventh day was best fitted by a linear-quadratic dose–response model. We applied this improved TCR mutation assay to gynecological cancer patients who received 5 days of localized radiotherapy, totaling about 10 Gy. The in vivo TCR MF in the patients did not change within a week after radiotherapy, whereas the in vitro TCR MF of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes from the same patients significantly increased 7 days after initiating culture. The estimated mean radiation dose to the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the cancer patients was about 0.9 Gy, based on the in vitro linear-quadratic dose–response curve. This estimated dose was close to that described in a previous report on unstable-type chromosome aberrations from cervical cancer patients after receiving the same course of radiotherapy. On the basis of these findings, we propose that the improved TCR mutation assay is a useful biological dosimeter for recent radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Types and frequencies of in vivo mutation in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase (HPRT) gene was studied in 142 T cell mutants from 78 healthy nonsmoking and smoking adults with a mean of 65 years. The HPRT mutant frequency in the nonsmokers was 18.7±12.0×10−6, and in the smokers 26.6±18.5×10−6 (mean±S.D., P<0.01). Among 107 single base pair substitutions (SBS) in the coding region of the HPRT gene, one new mutable site, one novel nonsense mutation and three not previously reported SBS were identified. Transitions accounted for 59% of the SBS and transversions for 41%. GC>AT transitions were the predominant type of mutation, with 50% of all SBS. The mutations showed a nonrandom distribution along the coding sequence, with three significant hotspots at positions 143, 197 and 617 (13, 14 and 7 mutations, respectively). There was no difference between smokers and nonsmokers with regard to the distribution of mutations at these hotspot positions. However, 85% of the mutations at GC base pairs and 88% of the mutations at AT base pairs in smokers occurred at sites with guanine or thymine, respectively, in the nontranscribed DNA strand. Moreover, smokers had a higher frequency of transversions and lower frequency of transitions than nonsmokers did. Particularly, GC>TA transversions were increased in smokers (11%) compared to nonsmokers (2%), which suggests that tobacco-smoke induced adducts at guanine bases in the nontranscribed DNA strand contributes to the increase of HPRT mutation in smokers. Overall, these results were very similar to the mutational spectra in two younger study populations reported previously [K.J. Burkhart-Schultz, C.L. Thompson, I.M. Jones, Spectrum of somatic mutation at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene of healthy people, Carcinogenesis 17 (1996) 1871–1883; A. Podlutsky, A.-M. Österholm, S.-M. Hou, A. Hofmaier, B. Lambert, Spectrum of point mutations in the coding region of the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, Carcinogenesis 19 (1998) 557–566]. With the possible exception of an increase of mutations at hotspot position 143, and a decrease of 5-methylcytosine deamination mediated transitions at CpG-sites in the older individuals, there were no differences between the mutational spectra of old and young adults. In conclusion, both smoking and ageing seem to have minor influences on the spectrum of HPRT mutation in T cells.  相似文献   

Summary Altered sequences were determined of 52 independent spontaneous mutations occuring in a cDNA of the human hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt) gene, which was integrated into chromosomal DNA of the mouse cell as a part of the retroviral shuttle vector. Spontaneous mutations comprised a variety of events: base substitutions, frameshifts, deletions, duplications, and complex mutational events, and were distributed randomly over the coding region of the gene. Frameshifts were the most frequent mutational event (38%), and base substitutions were the next most frequent (25%), followed by deletions (19%). Frameshift and deletion mutations commonly occurred preferentially at sites flanked by short direct repeats. Short inverted repeats were frequently found to be associated with duplication and complex mutational events. Analysis of the sequence alterations in the mutant genes suggests that misalignment mutagenesis represents an important molecular mechanism for the generation of spontaneous mutations in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Although much research has focused on transferring exogenous genes into living mouse testis to investigate specific gene functions in spermatogenic, Sertoli, and Leydig cells, relatively little is known regarding real-time gene expression in vivo. In this study, we constructed a bicistronic lentiviral vector (LV) encoding firefly luciferase and enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP); this was a highly efficient in vivo gene transfer tool. After microinjecting LV into the seminiferous tubules the ICR mouse testis, we detected luciferase and EGFP expression in vivo and ex vivo in the injected tubules using bioluminescence imaging (BLI) with the IVIS-200 system and fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy (CellViZio), respectively. In addition, with an in vivo BLI system, luciferase expression in the testis was detected for ∼3 mo. Furthermore, EGFP expression in seminiferous tubules was confirmed in excised testes via three-dimensional fluorescent imaging with a confocal laser-scanning microscope. With immunostaining, EGFP expression was confirmed in several male germ cell types in the seminiferous tubules, as well as in Sertoli and Leydig cells. In conclusion, we demonstrated that real-time in vivo BLI analysis can be used to noninvasively (in vivo) monitor long-term luciferase expression in mouse testis, and we verified that EGFP expression is localized in seminiferous tubules after bicistronic LV-mediated gene transfer into mouse testes. Furthermore, we anticipate the future use of in vivo BLI technology for real-time study of specific genes involved in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

GUOLIHE  LIHUAZHU 《Cell research》1995,5(1):93-100
A cDNA molecule encoding a major part of the human Norepinephrine transporter(hNET) was synthesized by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) technique and used as a probe for selecting the human genomic NET gene.A positive clone harbouring the whole gene was obtained from a human lymphocyte genomic library through utilizing the “genomic walking” technique.The clone,designated as phNET,harbours a DNA fragment of about 59 kd in length inserted into BamH I site in cosmid pWE15.The genomic clone contains 14 exons encoding all amino acid residues in the protein.A single exon encodes a distinct transmembrane domain,except for transmembrane domain 10 and 11,which are encoded by part of two exons respectively,and exon 12,which encodes part of domain 11 and all of domain 12.These results imply that there is a close relationship between exon splicing of a gene and structureal domains of the protein,as is the case for the human γ-aminobutyric acid transporter(hGAT) and a number of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

In vivo electroporation and hydrodynamics-based gene delivery were utilized to test the effect of leptin gene transfer on food intake, and body and fat weights of mice. Gene transfer of pVRmob by electroporation caused a significant reduction in body weight compared with the control counterpart (p<0.05), although a lesser effect was found in food intake, and the weights of interscapular brown and epididymal fat by electroporation. As might be expected, the hydrodynamics-based transfection method significantly reduced body weight over 1 week post-transfection (p<0.05). Furthermore, epididymal fat was decreased by 50% at 1 week after gene transfer (p<0.001). These results suggest that both electroporation and hydrodynamics-based gene delivery may be effective approaches for systemic delivery of recombinant leptin to the central nervous system, and that the efficiency of gene transfer in hydrodynamics-based gene delivery was markedly higher than that in electroporation at least within the first week after transfection.  相似文献   

The hprt T-lymphocyte cloning assay, which detects mutations occurring in vivo in humans, has been used to examine mutants induced in patients receiving radioimmunoglobulin therapy (RIT) for cancer. Samples from 13 patients before treatment (controls) and 15 samples from 12 patients after treatment were studied for both mutant frequencies and molecular changes in the hprt mutant T-cell clones. Patients were studied up to 48 months after treatment. Post-RIT patients showed increased mutant frequencies as compared to pre-treatment values. T-cell receptor (TCR) gene analysis of mutant T-cell clones demonstrated that 84% arose independently, both pre- and post-treatment, which is the same proportion as seen in normal individuals. However, several individuals did show large sets of mutants with the same TCR gene rearrangement patterns. Molecular analysis of mutants demonstrated a greater proportion of mutations with hprt gene changes on Southern blots after RIT treatment than before (40% versus 20%). RIT increases the proportion of mutations with total rather than partial gene deletions or other gross structural changes compared to normal individuals or pre-treatment patients. These studies are defining the spectrum for radiation-induced hprt gene mutations in vivo in human T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have characterized the structural changes in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene of 14 UV-induced, 15 γ-ray-induced and 17 spontaneous mutants of human lymphoblastoid cells selected for 6-thioguanine (6TG) resistance. Southern blot analysis using the full-length HPRT cDNA as a probe revealed that 29% (5/17) of the spontaneous mutants contained detectable alterations in their restriction fragment patterns. Among the 15 mutants induced by γ rays, 7 (47%) had such alterations indicative of large deletions in the HPRT gene. In contrast, all 14 UV-induced mutants exhibited hybridization patterns indistinguishable from those of the wild-type cells. These results suggest that UV is likely to induce point mutations at the HPRT locus on the human chromosome and that the molecular mechanism of UV-induced mutation is quite different from that of ionizing radiation-induced mutation or spontaneous mutation in human cells.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes gene expression before and after PHA stimulation is monitored by DNASER technology, a novel bioinstrumentation entirely constructed in our laboratories as previously reported. The validity of the DNASER measurements is confirmed by standard fluorescence microscopy equipped with CCD. The human lymphocytes gene expression here experimentally probed using commercially available DNA microarrays such as Human Starter, appears compatible both with independent bioinformatic prediction and with existing experimental data, pointing to MYC as the key gene in the G0-G1 transition induced by PHA in resting lymphocytes. It does not escape our notice that in cell biology and cancer research DNASER technology based on microarray constructed with few leader genes identified from bioinformatics represents a meaningful cost-effective route alternative to massive frequently misleading molecular genomics.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick disease type C1 (NPC1), caused by mutations of NPC1 gene, is an inherited lysosomal lipid storage disorder. Loss of functional NPC1 causes the accumulation of free cholesterol (FC) in endocytic organelles that comprised the characteristics of late endosomes and/or lysosomes. In this study we analyzed the pathogenic effect of 103 nsSNPs reported in NPC1 using computational methods. Rl186C, S940L, R958Q and I1061T mutations were predicted as most deleterious and disease associated with NPC1 using SIFT, Polyphen 2.0, PANTHER, PhD-SNP, Pmut and MUTPred tools which were also endorsed with previous in vivo experimental studies. To understand the atomic arrangement in 3D space, the native and disease associated mutant (Rl186C, S940L, R958Q and I1061T) structures were modeled. Quantitative structural and flexibility analysis was conceded to observe the structural consequence of prioritized disease associated mutations (R1186C, S940L, R958Q and I1061T). Accessible surface area (ASA), free folding energy (FFE) and hydrogen bond (NH bond) showed more flexibility in 3D space in mutant structures. Based on the quantitative assessment and flexibility analysis of NPC1 variants, I1061T showed the most deleterious effect. Our analysis provides a clear clue to wet laboratory scientists to understand the structural and functional effect of NPCI gene upon mutation.  相似文献   

The in vivo effects of chronic, ultra low dose rates of gamma radiation in mice were evaluated using fluorescence in situ hybridization and the in vivo micronucleus test. SWR×C57BL/6 mice were divided into nine exposure groups and continuously exposed to 0.5, 2.0 or 4.0 cGy 137Cs per day for 30, 60 or 90 days; unexposed control mice were also included. Following exposure, blood samples were taken from each animal and the frequencies of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPCE) and micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes (MNCE) were determined using flow cytometry. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured and analyzed by chromosome painting to determine translocation frequencies. A significant dose rate response was seen in translocations and both MPCE and MNCE. Comparisons were made between the three chronic dose rates and it was determined that there was no significant difference among translocation frequencies for each rate. However, a significant difference was found between the chronic exposures reported here and the fractionated daily exposures reported previously. Dose rate reduction effects, ranging from 3 at low doses to 14 at high doses, were found for chronic versus acute exposures. The possibility of gender effects was investigated in both micronucleus and translocation data. No gender effect was found in translocation induction, but a slight effect was suggested in micronucleus induction.  相似文献   

Although a rodent carcinogen, metronidazole is widely used in humans for the treatment of infections with anaerobic organisms. Metronidazole is mutagenic for microorganisms, but has a mainly negative data base for mammals and humans. Therefore, metronidazole is generally considered as a non-genotoxic carcinogen. Only the results of two human in vivo studies would allow the classification of metronidazole as genotoxic carcinogen: (1) the induction of DNA strand breaks; and (2) the induction of chromosome aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes after metronidazole therapy. Because the classification of metronidazole as genotoxic carcinogen would imply enormous consequences with respect to its application, both studies were reinvestigated very thoroughly. The present report describes the reinvestigation of the induction of DNA strand breaks after metronidazole therapy. Each two probes of lymphocytes of metronidazole-treated patients (3×500 to 3×750 mg/day for 5–8 days) were examined separately for the appearance of DNA strand breaks before and after treatment. In total, 400 nuclei were examined per patient. Immediately before the first, and 30 min to 2 h after the last application, 2×10 ml blood per patient was sampled, transported to the laboratory at 15–20°C to make DNA repair more difficult, and examined within the next 4–7 h for DNA strand breaks. At the same time, the individual metronidazole blood plasma levels were measured. In contrast to the published reports, no induction of DNA strand breaks after metronidazole therapy could be observed in the present study. As the applied doses (15 750 mg vs. 4800 mg) and the plasma level (up to 25 μg/ml vs. not measured) of metronidazole were much higher than in the published study, the relevance of the clearly negative result is obvious. As induction of DNA strand breaks is a frequent prerequisite for genotoxicity, metronidazole should be considered as a non-genotoxic carcinogen, and not as a genotoxic carcinogen.  相似文献   

Human adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) can be expanded in an undifferentiated state or differentiated along the osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic, myogenic, endothelial and neurogenic lineage. To test their in vivo and in situ regenerative potential, their fate needs to be traced after application in suitable defect models. Non-invasive imaging systems allow for real time tracking of labelled cells in the living animal. We have evaluated a bioluminescence cell tracking approach to visualise ASC labelled with luciferase in the living animal. Two procedures have been tested to efficiently label human stem cells with a reporter gene (luciferase, green fluorescent protein), namely lipofection with Lipofectamine 2000 and electroporation with a Nucleofector device. With both lipofection and nucleofection protocols, we have reached transfection efficiencies up to 60%. Reporter gene expression was detectable for 3 weeks in vitro and did not interfere with the phenotype and the stem cell properties of the cells. By means of a highly sensitive CCD camera, we were able to achieve real time imaging of cell fate for at least 20 days after application (intravenous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous) in nude mice. Moreover, we were able to influence cell mobility by choosing different modes of application such as enclosure in fibrin matrix. The optical imaging system with transient transfection is an elegant cell-tracking concept to follow survival and fate of human stem cells in small animals.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is a highly prevalent protozoan parasite that is the second leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality due to diarrhoea in developing countries, and causes a serious diarrheal syndrome in calves, lambs and goat kids worldwide. Development of fully effective drugs against Cryptosporidium has mainly been hindered by the lack of genetic tools for functional characterization and validation of potential molecular drug targets in the parasite. Herein, we report the development of a morpholino-based in vivo approach for Cryptosporidium parvum gene knockdown to facilitate determination of the physiological roles of the parasite’s genes in a murine model. We show that, when administered intraperitoneally at non-toxic doses, morpholinos targeting C. parvum lactate dehydrogenase (CpLDH) and sporozoite 60K protein (Cp15/60) were able to specifically and sustainably down-regulate the expression of CpLDH and Cp15/60 proteins, respectively, in C. parvum-infected interferon-γ knockout mice. Over a period of 6?days of daily administration of target morpholinos, CpLDH and Cp15/60 proteins were down-regulated by 20- to 50-fold, and 10- to 20-fold, respectively. Knockdown of CpLDH resulted in approximately 80% reduction in oocyst load in the feces of mice, and approximately 70% decrease in infectivity of the sporozoites excysted from the shed oocysts. Cp15/60 knockdown did not affect oocyst shedding nor infectivity but, nevertheless, provided a proof-of-principle for the resilience of the morpholino-mediated C. parvum gene knockdown system in vivo. Together, our findings provide a genetic tool for deciphering the physiological roles of C. parvum genes in vivo, and validate CpLDH as an essential gene for the growth and viability of C. parvum in vivo.  相似文献   



Mutation(s) in proteins are a natural byproduct of evolution but can also cause serious diseases. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are indispensable components of all cellular protein translational machineries, and in humans they drive translation in both cytoplasm and mitochondria. Mutations in aaRSs have been implicated in a plethora of diseases including neurological conditions, metabolic disorders and cancer.


We have developed an algorithmic approach for genome-wide analyses of sequence substitutions that combines evolutionary, structural and functional information. This pipeline enabled us to super-annotate human aaRS mutations and analyze their linkage to health disorders. Our data suggest that in some but not all cases, aaRS mutations occur in functional and structural sectors where they can manifest their pathological effects by altering enzyme activity or causing structural instability. Further, mutations appear in both solvent exposed and buried regions of aaRSs indicating that these alterations could lead to dysfunctional enzymes resulting in abnormal protein translation routines by affecting inter-molecular interactions or by disruption of non-bonded interactions. Overall, the prevalence of mutations is much higher in mitochondrial aaRSs, and the two most often mutated aaRSs are mitochondrial glutamyl-tRNA synthetase and dual localized glycyl-tRNA synthetase. Out of 63 mutations annotated in this work, only 12 (~20%) were observed in regions that could directly affect aminoacylation activity via either binding to ATP/amino-acid, tRNA or by involvement in dimerization. Mutations in structural cores or at potential biomolecular interfaces account for ~55% mutations while remaining mutations (~25%) remain structurally un-annotated.


This work provides a comprehensive structural framework within which most defective human aaRSs have been structurally analyzed. The methodology described here could be employed to annotate mutations in other protein families in a high-throughput manner.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1063) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), an environmental carcinogen, shows genotoxicity after metabolic transformation into the bay-region diol epoxide, BaP-7,8-diol 9,10-epoxide. 10-Azabenzo[a]pyrene (10-azaBaP), in which a ring nitrogen is located in the bay-region, is also a carcinogen and shows mutagenicity in the Ames test in the presence of the rat liver microsomal enzymes. In order to evaluate the effect of aza-substitution on in vivo genotoxicity, BaP and 10-azaBaP were assayed for their in vivo mutagenicity using the lacZ-transgenic mouse (Muta™Mouse). BaP was potently mutagenic in all of the organs examined (liver, lung, kidney, spleen, forestomach, stomach, colon, and bone marrow), as described in our previous report, whereas, 10-azaBaP was slightly mutagenic only in the liver and colon. The in vitro mutagenicities of BaP and 10-azaBaP were evaluated by the Ames test using liver homogenates prepared from several sources, i.e. CYP1A-inducer-treated rats, CYP1A-inducer-treated and non-treated mice, and humans. BaP showed greater mutagenicities than 10-azaBaP in the presence of a liver homogenate prepared from CYP1A-inducer-treated rodents. However, 10-azaBaP showed mutagenicities similar to or more potent than BaP in the presence of a liver homogenate or S9 from non-treated mice and humans. These results indicate that 10-aza-substitution markedly modifies the nature of mutagenicity of benzo[a]pyrene in both in vivo and in vitro mutagenesis assays.  相似文献   

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