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A new genus Amblomma gen. nov. of fossil beetles is erected and can be assignedto the family Ommatidae because its two procoxal cavities are contiguous and the articulations of the abdominal ventrites are abutting. The new genus is similar to Zygadenia Handlirsch, 1906 (=Notocupes Ponomarenko, 1964), Tetraphalerus Waterhouse, 1901,Rhobdocupes Ponomarenko, 1966 and Sinocupes Lin, 1976, but can be distinguished from other genera according to the following characters: the second segment of antennae is shorterthan the third one in length; the posterior tarsi with the basal segment is obviously shorter than the three following taken together in length; the antennae reach the posterior ridge of prothroax in length, and the sides of the prothroax with serrulate margin. Four new species of the new genus are described and figured: Amblomma psilata gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma rudis gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma epicharis gen. et sp. nov., and Amblomma stabilis gen. etsp. nov. A key to species within this new genus is provided. All the specimens are collected from the Late Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning and are now housed in the College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

The fire-bellied newt genus Cynops contains ten known species distributed in China and Japan in East Asia.In this work,two new Cynops species are described,namely Cynops jiaoren sp.nov.distributed in northern Guangdong and Cynops maguae sp.nov.distributed in eastern Jiangxi.The two new species can be distinctly distinguished from their congeners by the independent phylogenetic placements and a combination of morphological characteristics.The discovery of these two new species in the Southeast Ch...  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Spilogona Schnabl, namely S. carbiarenosa sp. nov., S.dasyoomma sp. nov. and S. kunjirapensis sp. nov. are described from China. The type specimens of S. kun-firapensis sp. nov. are kept in the Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and those of S. carbi-arenosa sp. nov. and S. dasyoomma sp. nov. are deposited in Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

Eocene amynodonts,including one new genus and five new species,are described inthe present notes.The material investigated are for the most part upper cheek teeth rows,and were mostly collected during the past decade by the writers and their associates ofthe Institute (IVPP) from the various Upper Eocene localities in Honan (Lushi,Chi-yuan and Mienchih) and Shansi (Yuanchü).Many amynodont remains from the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene of China and  相似文献   

This paper reports the genus Erotis Meyrick for the first time from China. Two new species Erotis expansa sp. nov. and Erotis punctalosa sp. nov. are described. E. expansa sp. nov. is related to E. phosphora Meyrick both in appearance and in the male genitalia, but can be differentiated from the latter by uncus broader and slightly concave at middle of caudal margin, gnathos nearly as long as uncus and valva with costa almost straight in the male genitalia. E. punctalosa resembles E. expansa sp. nov. externally, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the female genitalia: eighth tergite caudally almost straight; two signa large thorn-like, basal plate irregularly triangular in shape, with fine spines along anterior margin. The photographs of the adults and the genital structures of the new species are provided. A key to all the known species of Erotis is given.  相似文献   

The genus Helina R.-D., 1830 is the second largest genus in Muscidae. By now,more than 400 species are known in the world and about 200 species have been described in China. This paper outlines earlier studies on the subgenus and species-group of Helina. Helina annosa species-group is erected. A key to the known Chinese subgroups and species is given.The 19 known Chinese species is listed, including one new species, i.e. Helina setipostitibia sp. nov. Type specimen of the holotype of the new species is deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

The genus Acricotopus Kieffer including three species from China is reviewed.Acricotopus lucens (Zetterstedt) is reexamined. Two species A. simplex sp. nov. and A.zhalingensis sp. nov. are described as male imagines. Acricotopus simplex sp. nov. was collected from Xizang, Sichuan and Qinghai Provinces; the species differs from others of the genus by the absence of hind tibial comb, temporal and clypeal seta. Acricotopus zhalingensis sp. nov. was collected from Qinghai Province; the species is recognized by a combination of characters: the larger body size; the clypeus without setae; anal lobe strongly produced, nearly hemispherical shape; inferior volsella triangular, strongly sclerotized; gonostylus with 13 very long setae. A key to the world males of the genus is presented. The generic diagnosis is emended.All the types described in this paper are deposited in Department of Biology, Nankai University,China (BDN).  相似文献   

In the present paper five new species of the genus Helina R.-D., 1830 from Sichuan Province, China are described and figured, namely H. sternitoscola, sp. nov.; H. sinoccidentala, sp. nov.; H. subfica, sp. nov.; H. didicrocerca, sp. nov.; H. Sichuanica, sp. nov. The type specimens of the former 4 species are kept in the Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032; the type of last species is kept in…  相似文献   

Two genera of fangless homalopsid snakes Brachyorrhos and Calamophis from eastern Indonesia have been described as basal members of the clade. A third genus belonging to this group from Sumatra, Indonesia is described here based upon morphology. Fangless homalopsid snakes share 19 dorsal scale rows at mid-body, fused dorsal scales above the cloaca, 5 to 7 upper labials, divided anal plate, divided subcaudals, 15–21 teeth on the dentary, frontal bone about 23% of skull length and other morphological characters that suggest they are related. All the three genera are known only from Indonesia. The new genus and species have a distinctive skull morphology with an absent premaxilla, a more depressed skull, and a larger eye than are present in Brachyorrhos.  相似文献   

Three ganera and five species of Urostylidae are reported from China inthe present paper, three species belonging to the genus Urolabida, one toUrochela and one to Urochellus. Among them, a species is recorded for thefirst time from this country, while all the ramaining are described as new toscience. The type species are separately deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica and the Department of Biology, Nankai University. All themeasurements are in millimeters.  相似文献   

Caulophilus zherikhini, sp. nov. (Curculionidae: Cossoninae) is described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. The new species is distinguished from all known species of the genus by its longer rostrum. It is especially similar to C. falini Davis et Engel, 2007 from Dominican amber, from which it probably differs also in the more strongly curved rostrum, less flattened body, longer and narrower profemur, and shorter elytral setae.  相似文献   

报道了球角跳科在中国的1新纪录属"米氏球角跳属",并描述了1新种,新种命名为鞍山米氏球角跳Mitchellania anshanensis sp.nov.鞍山米氏球角跳与描述自西伯利亚的M.subhorrida Babenko,1994相似,两者的主要区别在于:新种体长仅0.8mm,腹部第5节背面p1毛之间体表颗粒数量为17~20,触角第4节腹面有20~25个弯曲且顶端膨大的短小感觉毛,爪部生有1内齿,但无侧齿,胸部第2和第3节背面感觉毛短小精巧,腹部第1~3节背面感觉毛与普通刚毛长度相同;M.subhorrida体长达到1.5mm,腹部第5节背面p1毛之间体表颗粒数量为8~10,触角第4节腹面弯曲且顶端膨大的短小感觉毛数量范围为30~35个,爪部生有1内齿和1侧齿,胸部第2节、腹部第1~3节背面感觉毛与普通刚毛长度相同,胸部第3节和腹部第2节背面感觉毛短小粗壮.模式标本保存在中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所.  相似文献   

最近,作者在整理四川省象尉亚科Nasutitermitinae标本时,发现象尉属Nasutitermes Dudley二新种,现记述如下。  相似文献   

本文记述河南省北部太行山区的花蝇科泉种蝇属一新种。模式标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。突额泉种蝇Pegohylemyia convexifrons Fan,Chen et Chen,H.,新种(图1-3) :体长6-7mm。头长为头高的0.9倍;眼具疏短微毛;额等于或略宽于前单眼宽,间额黑,突出于侧额,向前扩展成很宽的三角形,色转红褐,侧额上端极狭,向前亦渐宽;间额鬃2对,稍短于单眼鬃,下眶鬃约8-10,在列外侧和列间尚杂有少数细毛,在下眶鬃列内侧的间额边缘每侧有一、二行不整齐共约十余个内倾鬃状毛和细毛;头前面粉被银白,但沿侧额内缘暗色;前额宽约为触角第三节的1.4倍,侧颜向下去明  相似文献   

记述维螨属2新种:河南维螨Veigaia henanensis sp.nov.和福建维螨Veigaia fujianensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述新恙螨属NeotrombiculaHirst ,192 5一新种 ,拟旱獭新恙螨Neotrombiculaparamarmotaesp .nov .,模式标本采自民和县的松田鼠PitymysireneThomas,1911体上。标本存放在青海省地方病防治研究所。量度单位均为 μm。  相似文献   

记述采自中国云南瑞丽的果实蝇属(双翅目,实蝇科)2新种,拟黑颜果实蝇 Bactrocera(Zeugodacus)proprediaphraWang,Xiao et Chen,sp.nov.和瑞丽果实蝇 Bactrocera(Bactrocera)ruiliensis Wang,Xiao et Chen,sp.nov..2新种的正模及其中的4个副模标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所,其余的副模标本保存于瑞丽出入境检验检疫局.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Eurytoma, Eu. emirata Zerova, sp. n. and Eu. cornutella Zerova, sp. n., and two new species of the genus Nikanoria, N. globosa Zerova, sp. n. and N. cuspidata Zerova, sp. n., are described from the United Arab Emirates. This is the first record of genera and species of Eurytomidae from the United Arab Emirates. Holotypes and paratypes of the new species are deposited in the collection of Institute of Zoology, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev).  相似文献   

Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2000,34(6):534-538
The mites of genus Neharpyrhynchus Fain, 1972 (Acari: Harpirhynchidae) are recorded from Rissia for first time. Two species, N. hippolae sp. n. from Hippolais icterina (Passeriformes: Sylviidae) and N. plumaris (Fritsch) from Fringilla coelebs (Passeroformes: Fringillidae) from N. W. Russia was found. N. hippolae sp. n., female holotype (all measurements in mkm, abbreviations--see Fain e.a., 1999): L 517, W 382, LS 179, WS 325, PA 27, thicker than PI 49 and PE 24, pts smooth, vi, ve [symbol: see text] sci are subequal, about 94, l5 247; propodosomal shield not divided; anterior region of pronotum with rounded verrucosites; venter without scales; legs I-II with 2 free segments and strongly developed lobes at their bases; legs III-IV with one segment, bears 4 and 5 setae respectively (in paratypes number of these setae is variable, 4-5). Male: L 227-254, W 210-219, LS 129-134, WS 170-183, pts are smooth, ve 78-87, sci 83-90, sce 89-95, h 90-110; penis 49-56 long; legs III with 2 free segments, basal segment bears seta, apical segment with 5-6 setae; legs IV with one free segment, it bears 4-5 setae. The new species is closely related to N. pilirostris (Berlese et Trouessart, 1889) and distinguished by characters as follows. N. hippolae sp. n. (female): the setae PI about 2 times are longer than PA and PE; the apical segment of legs III-IV bears 4-5 setae. N. pilirostris: setae PA, PI [symbol: see text] PE are subequal; the apical segment of legs III-IV bears 4 setae only. N. plumaris differs from closely related species N. novoplumaris Moss e.a., 1968 by characters as follows. In female of N. plumaris, the setae PA are subequal to PE and 1.6-1.8 times shorter than PI. In N. novoplumaris, the setae PA shorter than PI and PE.  相似文献   

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