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Most raptors take large prey for their size compared to other birds, but tear the prey apart into small morsels before swallowing. Little is known about how the efficiency of this prey handling varies among raptors, and how it relates to their feeding niches, diets and gape dimensions. We offered 202 mammalian and 224 avian prey items to 37 wild raptors kept temporarily in captivity, representing ten species and three orders. Feeding efficiency was measured as the proportion of a prey item that was ingested. The proportion of a prey item ingested was larger for mammalian than for avian prey, declined with prey size, increased with raptor size, and was larger for typical vole feeders (with shorter and wider bills) than typical bird feeders (with longer and narrower bills). The proportion of a prey item ingested was not related to raptor sex when controlling for focal raptor body mass. The probability that the head of a prey was ingested was higher if the prey was a mammal than if it was a bird, whereas the opposite was the case for the entrails of a prey. The results suggest that the traditional use of prey remains to estimate raptor diets may lead to severe biases, the magnitude of which would depend on prey type and size, raptor sex, species and order, and raptor feeding niche. Failure to correct for uneaten remains of a prey would lead to overestimating the profitability of large prey, and in particular of large avian prey. The results are consistent with the idea that vole feeders can afford to have a well‐developed digestive tract, and thus swallow prey in large pieces, because they pounce on prey from above. Bird feeders, however, must ingest food in smaller pieces because they have smaller guts as a result of selection to keep the body mass low to capture agile prey.  相似文献   

In laboratory feeding trials, we analyzed the feeding behavior and selectivity of the cichlid, Sarotherodon galilaeum, for zooplankton prey from Lake Kinneret, Israel. The feeding behavior was dependent on fish size. Fish less than 20 mm SL fed on zooplankton as obligate particulate feeders. Fish from 20 to 42 mm SL fed either as particulate feeders or as filter feeders. Fish larger than 62 mm SL fed as obligate filter feeders. Particulate-feeding fish were size selective and had highest feeding electivities for large-sized zooplankton species. Filter-feeding fish had highest feeding electivities for zooplankton species with poor escape ability. In general, S. galilaeum predation pressure would be greatest on Ceriodaphnia reticulata, a large-bodied and easily captured species which is selected by both particulate-feeding and filter-feeding fish.  相似文献   

The Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons is regarded as a purely terrestrial species, but our results demonstrate that it can feed both on land and in water. The inverse relationship between the relative development of the hyoid apparatus and the tongue found in the most investigated chelonians is not valid in the Indochinese box turtle. Our morphological analysis of the feeding apparatus reveals that the palate shape and the design of the tongue are consistent with terrestrial feeders, but the construction of the hyoid complex is more characteristic of aquatic feeders. Previous studies have demonstrated that tongue enlargement negatively impacts the capacity of the turtles to suction feed. The present study focuses on the aquatic intraoral prey transport kinematic patterns. Our analysis is based on high-speed films with 250 fr/s and high-speed cineradiography with 50 fr/s. The aquatic intraoral food transport mechanisms differ depending on prey size: small items are transported predominantly by “inertial suction”, whereas larger items are moved by the tongue—normally a clear terrestrial strategy. As the genus Cuora is ancestrally aquatic, the use of lingual food transport in the aquatic environment is presumably an aberrant modus typical only for the most terrestrial among the Asian box turtles.  相似文献   

Larvae feeding selectivity of Iheringichthys labrosus , Hypophthalmus edentatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus was assessed, examining the role of mouth gape in prey selection. Fish larvae were sampled in the Itaipu Reservoir (Brazil–Paraguay). Iheringichthys labrosus and H. edentatus larvae, with small and similar gape sizes, exhibited slightly different diets; I. labrosus preferred cladocerans ( Bosmina hagmanni , Bosmina huauriensis and Bosminopsis deitersi ) and the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus . Hypophthalmus edentatus , however, primarily ingested the cladocerans B. hagmanni , Ceriodaphnia cornuta , Daphnia gessneri and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Plagioscion squamosissimus , with a greater gape size, preferred Calanoida. The mechanistic processes that determine food selectivity of fish larvae in temperate aquatic systems were similar in the Neotropical system. The trophic spectrum of these species is characterized by small- to intermediate-sized prey. Plagioscion squamosissimus larvae, which have larger mouths, exploit primarily larger prey differing from the most abundant species or size classes; consequently, their diet is quite different from I. labrosus larvae and modestly similar to H. edentatus larvae, opportunistic feeders that they eat more abundant prey.  相似文献   

Carnivore kill frequency is a fundamental part of predator–prey interactions, which are important shapers of ecosystems. Current field kill frequency data are rare and existing models are insufficiently adapted to carnivore functional groups. We developed a kill frequency model accounting for carnivore mass, prey mass, pack size, partial consumption of prey and carnivore gut capacity. Two main carnivore functional groups, small prey‐feeders versus large prey‐feeders, were established based on the relationship between stomach capacity (C) and pack corrected prey mass (iMprey). Although the majority of small prey‐feeders is below, and of large prey‐feeders above a body mass of 10–20 kg, both occur across the whole body size spectrum, indicating that the dichotomy is rather linked to body size‐related ecology than physiology. The model predicts a negative relationship between predator size and kill frequency for large prey‐feeders. However, for small prey‐feeders, this negative relationship was absent. When comparing carnivore prey requirements to estimated stomach capacity, small carnivores may have to eat to their full capacity repeatedly per day, requiring fast digestion and gut clearance. Large carnivores do not necessarily have to eat to full gastric capacity per day, or do not need to eat every day, which in turn reduces kill frequencies or drives other ecological processes such as scavenging, kleptoparasitism, and partial carcass consumption. Where ecological conditions allow, large prey‐feeding appears attractive for carnivores, which can thus reduce activities related to hunting. This is particularly so for large carnivores, who can achieve distinct reductions in hunting activity due to their relatively large gut capacity.  相似文献   

Gape morphology has been linked to feeding and breeding ecology in raptors, according to the ingestion rate hypothesis. Mammal feeding raptors have larger gapes, allowing them to ingest prey more rapidly than bird feeders, which have evolved smaller average body sizes and gapes to capture more agile prey. One highly derived raptor, however, the Bat Hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus), specializes on colonial bats and swiftlets concentrated daily in a limited temporal window by capturing and swallowing them whole in flight. We hypothesized that the gape of the Bat Hawk evolved to feed rapidly on agile vertebrates limited temporally. We predicted that the gape of the Bat Hawk would be significantly larger than the gape of other raptors, more closely resembling the gapes of swifts (Apodidae), swallows (Hirundinidae), and goatsuckers (Caprimulgiformes). We measured gape area of the lower mandible in museum specimens representing 138 bird species in six orders. We also compared gape area by prey type in over 100 raptor species in three orders. We predicted that insectivorous raptors would exhibit gapes similar to mammal feeders but would differ from bird feeders because insects are not agile prey. The Bat Hawk had the largest gape of any raptor and more closely resembled the gape of insectivorous birds, which also swallow prey whole in flight. The evolution of an enlarged gape may have permitted the Bat Hawk to exploit a previously unrealized ecological niche. Gapes of bird feeding raptors were smaller than in mammal and insect feeders, supporting the ingestion rate hypothesis.  相似文献   

Duncan  Reavey 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(2):277-297
There is striking variation in egg size among Lepidoptera. Part of the explanation could be a link between egg size and larval feeding ecology.
The relationship between absolute egg size and aspects of feeding ecology for different Lepidoptera families from different temperate regions is examined. Species that overwinter in the egg stage have larger eggs. There are significant differences in egg size with respect to feeding specificity but different families show different patterns. Woody plant feeders have larger eggs than herb feeders. There is little effect of proximity of the egg to the plant part that is eaten.
Patterns in the behaviour and survival of newly hatched larvae of 42 spp. of British Lepidoptera and their relationship to egg and larval size and to food plant characteristics are examined. Patterns in egg size with respect to feeding ecology are similar to those described above. There is a strong correlation between egg size and the size of newly hatched larvae. Newly hatched larvae survived for a mean of 1–20 days without food. Survival is not correlated with larval weight. Grass feeders survive longer than herb and woody plant feeders; the species surviving the longest feeds on lichens. Newly hatched larvae moved at a mean speed of 0.7-267.8 cm h-1. Speed is not correlated with larval weight or survival time. Grass feeders move faster than woody plant feeders which, in turn, move faster than herb feeders. Woody plant feeders tend to move upwards, grass feeders downwards and herb feeders both upwards and downwards. The proportion of larvae silking is negatively correlated with larval weight.
The strong links between egg size and larval feeding ecology and between feeding ecology and larval behaviour are discussed. It is surprising that larval body size does not appear to constrain the speed of movement, nor tolerance to starvation.  相似文献   

Synopsis Stomach content data from 281 tiger sharks caught during shark control programs in Hawaii between 1967 and 1969, and during 1976 were analyzed to examine feeding habits and ontogenetic shifts in diet. As sharks increased in size, prey diversity and frequency of occurrence of large prey items increased. The percent occurrence of teleosts and cephalopods in stomachs decreased as sharks increased in length, while occurrence of elasmobranchs, turtles, land mammals, crustaceans, and undigestible items increased. Comparisons between the diets of tiger sharks from Hawaii and other locations indicate that ontogenetic shifts are universal in this species and that tiger sharks may be opportunistic feeders that prey heavily on abundant, easy to capture prey. Small tiger sharks may be spatially segregated from medium and large sharks and appear to be primarily nocturnal, bottom feeders. Large tiger sharks feed near the bottom at night, but also feed at the surface during the day. Prey, similar in size to humans, begin to occur in the diet of tiger sharks approximately 230 cm TL, and therefore sharks of this size and larger may pose the greatest threat to humans. Ontogenetic shifts in diet may be attributed to increased size of sharks, expanded range and exploitation of habitats of larger sharks, and/or improved hunting skill of larger sharks.Deceased 1974  相似文献   

The feeding abilities of two tintinnid ciliates, Favella ehrenbergii and Favella taraikaensis, on 10 species of flagellates including harmful marine algae were examined under single prey conditions, and selective feeding of F. taraikaensis on two species of algae of different sizes was investigated under mixed prey conditions. Ingestion rates calculated from the rate of increases of auto-fluorescent particles inside food vacuoles in individuals ranged from 0.5 to 22.1 cells ind(-1) h(-1) for F. ehrenbergii and from 0.8 to 44.9 cells ind(-1) h(-1) for F. taraikaensis on nine species of prey algae. Significant ingestion rates of both Favella species could not be detected on Heterosigma akashiwo, although some individuals of both species were observed ingesting H. akashiwo in the initial incubation period. The relationship between prey cell volume and ingestion rate could be expressed mathematically for both Favella species, indicating that it is possible to estimate the potential feeding activity of each Favella species on specific algae using an equation, and may be applicable to evaluate the food value of prey alga for both Favella species. When F. taraikensis was fed mixtures of H. circularisquama and Pavlova lutheri, significant ingestion rates of H. circularisquama by F. taraikaensis could not be measured when H. circularisquama accounted for less than 20% of the other prey biomass. However, clear selectivity for H. circularisquama was observed when H. circularisquama reached and exceeded 34% of the other prey biomass. Under mixed prey conditions, it is likely that the selectivity of F. taraikaensis is stronger for larger prey compared to prey algae with a size near the lower limit on which F. taraikaensis can feed.  相似文献   

The influence of restricted feeding time on the subsequent survival of adult Aglais urticae and Inachis io during diapause was tested in the laboratory. Abdominal lipid weight increased in the first 7 days of feeding by A. urticae and up to day 15 in I. io. Lipid as a proportion of dry weight also increased during this time. Individuals of both species feeding for 0–3 days began overwintering at significantly lower weights, and percentage weight loss during overwintering was more rapid than for those feeding for longer periods. Differences in fresh weights at the beginning of the overwintering period are reflected by differences in overwintering survival. In A. urticae , all 0–3 day feeders died in less than 150 days, in contrast, over 75% of 7–30 day feeders survived this period. In I. io , all 0–1 day feeders died within 160 days, less than 50% of 3 day feeders survived, whilst over 90% of7–15 day feeders were alive after this time. In I. io individuals feeding for one day, fresh weight is correlated with survival time suggesting that a larger body size may enhance survival time if feeding time is restricted.  相似文献   

The Magellan region is a unique peri-Antarctic ecosystem due to its geographical position. However, the knowledge about the distribution and feeding ecology of fish larvae is scarce. Since this area is characterized by low phytoplankton biomass, we hypothesize that marine fish larvae display different foraging tactics in order to reduce diet overlap. During austral spring 2009–2010, two oceanographic cruises were carried out along southern Patagonia (50–56°S). Larval fish distribution and feeding of the two most widely distributed species were studied, the smelt Bathylagichthys parini (Bathylagidae) and black southern cod Patagonotothen tessellata (Nototheniidae). Larvae of B. parini showed a lower increase in the mouth gape at size, primarily feeding during daytime (higher feeding incidence during the day) mostly on nonmotile prey (invertebrate and copepod eggs, appendicularian fecal pellets, diatoms). They showed no increase in feeding success (number, total volume of prey per gut and prey width) with increasing larval size, and the niche breadth was independent of larval size. Larvae of P. tessellata showed a large mouth gape at size, which may partially explain the predation on motile prey like large calanoid copepods (C. simillimus) and copepodites. They are nocturnal feeders (higher feeding incidence during night) and are exclusively carnivorous, feeding on larger prey as the larvae grow. Nonetheless, niche breadth was independent of larval size. Diet overlap was important only in individuals with smaller mouth gape (<890 μm) and diminished as larvae (and correspondingly their jaw) grow. In conclusion, in the peri-Antarctic Magellan region, fish larvae of two species display different foraging tactics, reducing their trophic overlap throughout their development.  相似文献   

Martin  A. J.  Seaby  R. M. H.  Young  J. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,273(2):67-75
The effect of predator and prey body size on the feeding success of the British lake-dwelling leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Helobdella stagnalis was examined in the laboratory, and any involvement of size difference between the leeches in allowing coexistence in the field assessed. G. complanata breeds in advance of H. stagnalis and maintains a body size advantage throughout their annual life-cycle. In experiments, conducted at 14 °C and a photoperiod of 16 hrs L: 8 hrs D, three size classes of leeches of each species were each exposed to each of three size classes of each of five prey species, viz. Tubifex sp., Chironomus sp., Asellus aquaticus, Lymnaea peregra and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. For each prey species, three different types of experiments were performed: one leech exposed to four prey individuals; four leeches of the same species with sixteen prey; and two leeches of each species with sixteen prey. In the first experiment, all sizes of G. complanata were capable of feeding on all sizes of the prey types offered; the same was true for H. stagnalis with exceptions of feeding on large A. aquaticus and large L. peregra. For both species, but especially for G. complanata, there was a trend within each size class of leech for decreasing proportions of fed leeches with increasing prey size, and within each size class of prey for an increasing proportion of fed leeches with increasing leech size; however there were several exceptions to these trends. Both leeches fed extensively on Tubifex sp. but there were significant differences in the proportions feeding on other prey types; G. complanata fed more on A. aquaticus and the two snail species, and less on Chironomus, than H. stagnalis. The effect of increasing the number of leech individuals from one to four individuals, of the same or mixed species, had little effect on the proportion of leeches which had fed. It is concluded that large G. complanata will have access to large individuals of certain prey taxa denied H. stagnalis, which may lessen the intensity of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

McClintock  James B.  Lawrence  John M. 《Oecologia》1985,66(2):291-298
Summary Luidia clathrata show a strong preference for the infaunal bivalve Mulinia lateralis in Tampa Bay, Florida. Quantitative and qualitative changes in diet occurred over a 7-month period. Individuals may shift from intraoral macrofaunal feeding to intra- and extraoral detrital feeding during periods of low macrofaunal availability. In the laboratory L. clathrata showed switching behavior, feeding disproportionately on the most abundant of two simulataneously presented food models. This switching mechanism may be related to either contact-chemoreceptive rejection of lowdensity food or enhanced distance-chemoreception of high density food. The use of standardized food models eliminated the possibility that handling time was important in switching behavior. Both fed and starved individuals showed functional responses to changes in prey density. However starved individuals ingested greater numbers of prey and spent more time foraging than did fed individuals. Switching and functional response behaviors may be important in promoting nutritional uptake and in causing density-dependent mortality of prey populations. Movement patterns of L. clathrata are directional in the absence of bivalve prey, but become non-directional once patches of prey are encountered. This allows individuals to remain in areas of high prey density. Luidia clathrata has characteristics of an optimal forager, where energy is maximized per unit feeding time.  相似文献   

Abrusán G 《Oecologia》2003,134(2):278-283
The responses of invertebrate predators to changes in the morphology of their prey, and especially the responses for induced defences, are largely unexplored, compared with the vast amount of data on predator-induced defences. This study demonstrates that the size of the feeding basket, the anatomical structure used to capture prey by the predaceous freshwater cladoceran Leptodora kindtii, shows significant allometric changes with the average body size of the prey (herbivorous cladocerans) in six lakes of northeastern Poland. Prey density influences the basket size only in adult Leptodora individuals, whereas induced defences such as helmets of Daphniasp. seem to have no effect on Leptodora's morphology. In a feeding experiment it is shown that the increase in the feeding basket enables Leptodora to capture larger prey. The seasonal pattern of morphological change, and its measurable benefit suggest that the observed morphological variability of Leptodora is phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The literature on discriminant feeding by planktonic protozoans using geometric and nongeometric criteria is reviewed with emphasis on recent studies that indicate phagotrophic protists can use information other than particle size or shape to sort among potential prey. Sufficient data are available for ciliates, aplastidic microflagellates, and phagotrophic dinoflagellates. Numerous representative taxa of all three groups have chemosensory capabilities, either to specific chemicals or to prey exudates, that modify their motility patterns resulting in aggregation or dispersal. Representatives of all three groups also have specific prey preferences. These considerations imply, but do not prove, selectivity in feeding through use of chemical cues. Although prey geometry is clearly a first-order determinant of ingestion through passive mechanical selection, recent studies illustrate that planktonic ciliates and flagellates can use other criteria to discriminate among prey. the evidence clearly implicates use of chemical cues, most likely perceived through contact chemoreception. Filter feeders as well as raptors have such abilities indicating that feeding mechanisms per se do not imply limitations on feeding behavior. Evidence of considerable flexibility and complexity in chemoperceptive feeding suggests that we have only glimpsed the more detailed features of feeding behavior in aquatic protozoans.  相似文献   

Copepod nauplii are either ambush feeders that feed on motile prey or they produce a feeding current that entrains prey cells. It is unclear how ambush and feeding-current feeding nauplii perceive and capture prey. Attack jumps in ambush feeding nauplii should not be feasible at low Reynolds numbers due to the thick viscous boundary layer surrounding the attacking nauplius. We use high-speed video to describe the detection and capture of phytoplankton prey by the nauplii of two ambush feeding species (Acartia tonsa and Oithona davisae) and by the nauplii of one feeding-current feeding species (Temora longicornis). We demonstrate that the ambush feeders both detect motile prey remotely. Prey detection elicits an attack jump, but the jump is not directly towards the prey, such as has been described for adult copepods. Rather, the nauplius jumps past the prey and sets up an intermittent feeding current that pulls in the prey from behind towards the mouth. The feeding-current feeding nauplius detects prey arriving in the feeding current but only when the prey is intercepted by the setae on the feeding appendages. This elicits an altered motion pattern of the feeding appendages that draws in the prey.  相似文献   

We compared intraoral prey transport in venomous snake species from four families (two atractaspidids, nine elapids, three colubrids, 44 viperids) with that in eight non-venomous colubrid species, most feeding on similar mammalian prey. The morphology of the venom delivery system suggests that intraoral prey transport performance should be slightly decreased in atractaspidids, unmodified in most elapids and venomous colubrids, and increased or unmodified in vipers, as compared to that in non-venomous colubrid snakes. Our measurements of relative intraoral prey transport performance show that differences among families do not match expectations based on morphology or past studies. Decreased performance in Atractaspis results from reduction and loss of teeth on the medial palatal elements and dentaries, but affects only early phases of ingestion. Although joint and bone features of elapids and colubrids are similar, intraoral prey transport performance is significantly lower in elapids than in colubrids. Predicted enhancement of intraoral prey transport performance in vipers as compared to colubrids was not borne out by measurements, presumably because palatopterygoid movement during intraoral prey transport is reduced in many viper species to limit fang erection. Absence of significant performance differences between colubrids and viperids might suggest that evolution of the viperid venom delivery system was subject to little selection pressure from intraoral prey transport. Another possibility is that there are trade-offs between intraoral prey transport and strike performance in vipers related to relative skull mass and jaw fragility. Immobilizing prey prior to intraoral transport places less demand on transport performance in vipers. In this model, the conservative kinesis and greater robustness of the colubrid palate has greater potential for transporting live prey with less risk of injury.  相似文献   

A test of a model for planktivorous filter feeding by bream Abramis brama   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The planktivorous feeding of bream, Abramis brama on Daphnia hyalina and Bosmina coregoni was analyzed in a stepwise regression analysis with the average size (and standard deviation) of consumed organisms as dependent variable and the size of the fish, the average size (and standard deviation) of the organisms and their density in the environment as independent variables. Three basic predictions on filter feeding were formulated and tested. It was predicted that the (average) prey size should increase with fish size, but that the standard deviation should decline. Secondly the prey size should be strongly correlated with the prey size available and thirdly the prey density should have little effect on the size selection. These hypotheses could not be rejected for bream>10 cm feeding on B. coregoni and for bream>20 cm feeding on D. hyalina. The hypotheses were not valid for smaller bream as these acted as particulate or combined filter- and particulate feeders.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the feeding habits of Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus along the continental Portuguese coast, a total of 619 individuals were sampled of which 60% contained food in their stomach and 35% had more than one prey item. Among the 81 prey items that were identified in the stomachs, benthic and benthopelagic prey prevail on this species diet. Acantephyra sp, Pasiphaea sp, mysidacea, and teleostei n.i. were the prey with the higher percent index of relative importance (%IRI) value. Three length groups (5?C20?cm, 21?C27?cm, and 28?C48?cm) were defined through cluster analysis of the mean abundance of prey items. A permutational MANOVA detected significant differences in the diet and stomach fullness index for TLG, season, and maturation stage. Smaller fishes had a generalized diet, feeding mainly on mysidacea changing their diet above 20?cm TL, where a major consumption of natantia was found. The larger individuals, >28?cm TL, present a less generalized diet with pisces as dominant prey group. Seasonally, natantia and pisces were the principal prey groups during spring and winter, respectively, while mysidacea and other crustaceans were predominant during the rest of the year. Mysidacea were also the main prey group for immature individuals while natantia and pisces were the principal prey groups to the other maturity stages. The results of this study indicate that H. d. dactylopterus has a diverse diet focused on small crustaceans such as misyds and as specimens grow shrimps and fishes become more consumed, with larger specimens having a more specialized diet. The different nutritional needs during spawning season also seemed to influence the feeding habits of H. d. dactylopterus.  相似文献   

Summary Foraging efficiency and intraspecific competition were compared between wild adult and immature rooks Corvus frugilegus with respect to flock size. Behavioural time budgets, and observations of prey selection and prey energetic values revealed that adult rooks in large flocks (> 50 individuals) consumed smaller, less profitable prey, but allocated more time to feeding and fed at a faster rate and with greater success than adults in small flocks. By contrast, immature rooks in flocks of more than 30 individuals allocated proportionally less time to feeding, fed at a lower rate and fed with no increase in success rate than when foraging in smaller flocks. Agonistic encounters and the avoidance of adults by immature rooks appeared responsible for such inefficient foraging. Hence immature rooks showed a preference for smaller flocks (< 50 individuals) with low adult: immature ratios while adults preferred larger flocks (> 50 individuals). We discuss the possible influence of competitive disadvantages on immature rook distribution, flock composition and post-natal dispersal.  相似文献   

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