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Serially presented tones are sometimes segregated into two perceptually distinct streams. An ongoing debate is whether this basic streaming phenomenon reflects automatic processes or requires attention focused to the stimuli. Here, we examined the influence of focused attention on streaming-related activity in human auditory cortex using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Listeners were presented with a dichotic paradigm in which left-ear stimuli consisted of canonical streaming stimuli (ABA_ or ABAA) and right-ear stimuli consisted of a classical oddball paradigm. In phase one, listeners were instructed to attend the right-ear oddball sequence and detect rare deviants. In phase two, they were instructed to attend the left ear streaming stimulus and report whether they heard one or two streams. The frequency difference (ΔF) of the sequences was set such that the smallest and largest ΔF conditions generally induced one- and two-stream percepts, respectively. Two intermediate ΔF conditions were chosen to elicit bistable percepts (i.e., either one or two streams). Attention enhanced the peak-to-peak amplitude of the P1-N1 complex, but only for ambiguous ΔF conditions, consistent with the notion that automatic mechanisms for streaming tightly interact with attention and that the latter is of particular importance for ambiguous sound sequences.  相似文献   

Relations among linguistic auditory processing, nonlinguistic auditory processing, spelling ability, and spelling strategy choice were examined. Sixty-three undergraduate students completed measures of auditory processing (one involving distinguishing similar tones, one involving distinguishing similar phonemes, and one involving selecting appropriate spellings for individual phonemes). Participants also completed a modified version of a standardized spelling test, and a secondary spelling test with retrospective strategy reports. Once testing was completed, participants were divided into phonological versus nonphonological spellers on the basis of the number of words they spelled using phonological strategies only. Results indicated a) moderate to strong positive correlations among the different auditory processing tasks in terms of reaction time, but not accuracy levels, and b) weak to moderate positive correlations between measures of linguistic auditory processing (phoneme distinction and phoneme spelling choice in the presence of foils) and spelling ability for phonological spellers, but not for nonphonological spellers. These results suggest a possible explanation for past contradictory research on auditory processing and spelling, which has been divided in terms of whether or not disabled spellers seemed to have poorer auditory processing than did typically developing spellers, and suggest implications for teaching spelling to children with good versus poor auditory processing abilities.  相似文献   

The Johnston’s Organ neurons (JONs) form chemical and electrical synapses onto the giant fiber neuron (GF), as part of the neuronal circuit that mediates the GF escape response in Drosophila melanogaster. The purpose of this study was to identify which of the 8 Drosophila innexins (invertebrate gap junction proteins) mediates the electrical connection at this synapse. The GF is known to express Shaking B (ShakB), specifically the ShakB(N+16) isoform only, at its output synapses in the thorax. The shakB2 mutation disrupts these GF outputs and also abolishes JON-GF synaptic transmission. However, the identity of the innexin that forms the presynaptic hemichannels in the JONs remains unknown. We used electrophysiology, immunocytochemistry and dye injection, along with presynaptically-driven RNA interference, to investigate this question. The amplitude of the compound action potential recorded in response to sound from the base of the antenna (sound-evoked potential, or SEP) was reduced by RNAi of the innexins Ogre, Inx3, Inx6 and, to a lesser extent Inx2, suggesting that they could be required in JONs for proper development, excitability, or synchronization of action potentials. The strength of the JON-GF connection itself was reduced to background levels only by RNAi of shakB, not of the other seven innexins. ShakB knockdown prevented Neurobiotin coupling between GF and JONs and removed the plaques of ShakB protein immunoreactivity that are present at the region of contact. Specific shakB RNAi lines that are predicted to target the ShakB(L) or ShakB(N) isoforms alone did not reduce the synaptic strength, implying that it is ShakB(N+16) that is required in the presynaptic neurons. Overexpression of ShakB(N+16) in JONs caused the formation of ectopic dye coupling, whereas ShakB(N) prevented it altogether, supporting this conclusion and also suggesting that gap junction proteins may have an instructive role in synaptic target choice.  相似文献   

Three different methods for foreground selection and four different methods for background selection were compared in terms of the efficiency of marker-assisted introgression of a QTL allele from a donor line into a recipient line and also in terms of the recovery of the recipient genetic background. The results showed that for the introgression of a donor QTL allele, a direct selection on the QTL itself (when the QTL genotype can be directly identified) would ensure that the allele is successfully introgressed and rapidly fixed. However, when a direct selection on the QTL is not feasible, an indirect selection using two closely linked flanking markers can be used, which also shows similar results. For the recovery of the recipient genetic background, if the goal is to recover the whole genetic background of the recipient, genomic similarity selection or marker index selection would be the best choice: Only three generations of backcrosses were required to recover over 98% of the recipient genome. Whereas if the goal is to recover certain background traits of the recipient, MBLUP selection would give the best results, which achieved not only over 99% recovery of the recipient QTL alleles for the background traits after three generations of backcrosses, but also showed the best genetic improvement of these traits.  相似文献   

标记辅助导入中不同前景和背景选择方法的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白俊艳  张勤  贾小平 《遗传学报》2006,33(12):1073-1080
标记辅助导入是分子遗传信息应用于动物育种的一个重要方面,其目的是在标记信息的辅助下将一个品种(供体)中的一个或多个优良基因导入另一个品种(受体),同时还要尽可能地保持受体群体原有的遗传背景。标记辅助导入的过程包括3个阶段,第一阶段是杂交,即供体与受体杂交产生F1代个体,第二阶段是回交,即F1个体以及后续各个世代的后代个体重复地与受体回交,以使受体的遗传背景得到恢复,第三阶段是横交,即重复回交后得到的个体彼此问交配,以便获得供体基因的纯合个体,使该基因在群体中固定。在回交和横交阶段,都要对参与交配的个体进行选择。在选择中,要分别进行前景选择和背景选择,前景选择是对供体基因的选择,选择携带有供体基因个体参加配种,从而使该基因在回交过程中不会丢失,并在横交过程中能尽快固定,背景选择是对受体遗传背景的选择,选择那些含有受体基因组比例较高的个体参加配种,从而加快恢复受体遗传背景的速度。本研究通过计算机模拟对不同的前景选择方法和不同的背景选择方法进行了比较。前景选择方法包括对受体基因的直接选择(假设该基冈可以直接测定)、利用单个连锁标记的间接选择和利用两侧标记的间接选择3种,背景选择方法包括随机选择、基因组相似性选择、指数选择和标记辅助BLUP(MBLUP)选择4种。研究结果表明,对于前景选择来说,对供体基因的直接选择能保证该基因在回交的各个世代中保持一个稳定的频率(0.25)并在横交阶段迅速固定(2个世代),用两侧标记的间接选择也能得到类似的结果,但如果仅利用单个连锁标记进行选择,则会导致供体基因的频率在回交阶段中有所下降,并在横交阶段不能被固定。对于背景选择来说,如果最终的目的是要完全恢复受体的遗传背景,基因组相似性选择或标记指数选择是最好的选择方法,它们可使受体的遗传背景在回交3个世代后就恢复到98%以上,而随机选择或MBLUP选择需要至少5个世代的回交才能达到这个水平。但如果最终的目的只是要恢复受体的某些优良性状,则MBLUP选择是值得推荐的方法,它可使影响这些性状的受体基因频率在回交3个世代后就达到99%以上,而且还能在整个基因导入过程中给这些性状带来最大的遗传进展。虽然用标记指数选择也有相似的结果,但与之相比,MBLUP的成本要低得多,更具有实际可行性。  相似文献   



The transport of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived COPII vesicles toward the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) requires cytoplasmic dynein and is dependent on microtubules. p150Glued, a subunit of dynactin, has been implicated in the transport of COPII vesicles via its interaction with COPII coat components Sec23 and Sec24. However, whether and how COPII vesicle tether, TRAPP (Transport protein particle), plays a role in the interaction between COPII vesicles and microtubules is currently unknown.

Principle Findings

We address the functional relationship between COPII tether TRAPP and dynactin. Overexpressed TRAPP subunits interfered with microtubule architecture by competing p150Glued away from the MTOC. TRAPP subunit TRAPPC9 bound directly to p150Glued via the same carboxyl terminal domain of p150Glued that binds Sec23 and Sec24. TRAPPC9 also inhibited the interaction between p150Glued and Sec23/Sec24 both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that TRAPPC9 serves to uncouple p150Glued from the COPII coat, and to relay the vesicle-dynactin interaction at the target membrane.


These findings provide a new perspective on the function of TRAPP as an adaptor between the ERGIC membrane and dynactin. By preserving the connection between dynactin and the tethered and/or fused vesicles, TRAPP allows nascent ERGIC to continue the movement along the microtubules as they mature into the cis-Golgi.  相似文献   

Reduced neural processing of a tone is observed when it is presented after a sound whose spectral range closely frames the frequency of the tone. This observation might be explained by the mechanism of lateral inhibition (LI) due to inhibitory interneurons in the auditory system. So far, several characteristics of bottom up influences on LI have been identified, while the influence of top-down processes such as directed attention on LI has not been investigated. Hence, the study at hand aims at investigating the modulatory effects of focused attention on LI in the human auditory cortex. In the magnetoencephalograph, we present two types of masking sounds (white noise vs. withe noise passing through a notch filter centered at a specific frequency), followed by a test tone with a frequency corresponding to the center-frequency of the notch filter. Simultaneously, subjects were presented with visual input on a screen. To modulate the focus of attention, subjects were instructed to concentrate either on the auditory input or the visual stimuli. More specific, on one half of the trials, subjects were instructed to detect small deviations in loudness in the masking sounds while on the other half of the trials subjects were asked to detect target stimuli on the screen. The results revealed a reduction in neural activation due to LI, which was larger during auditory compared to visual focused attention. Attentional modulations of LI were observed in two post-N1m time intervals. These findings underline the robustness of reduced neural activation due to LI in the auditory cortex and point towards the important role of attention on the modulation of this mechanism in more evaluative processing stages.  相似文献   

50年代,随着分子生物学中心法则的提出,掀起了蛋白质合成研究热潮。60年代末出现的mRNA闭环翻译模型认为,通过mRNA两末端相互作用形成闭环进行翻译是最高效的翻译方式。真核生物mRNA除了具有5′端帽子结构(m7GpppN)外[1],大多还具有3′端polyA,它们的协同作用是mRNA高效翻译所必需[2、3]。帽子结合蛋白(capbindingprotein,CBP)和polyA结合蛋白(polyAbindingprotein,PABP)等的发现为该假说提供了一些依据。因此,对mRNA两末端及其相互作用的研究引起了许多研…  相似文献   

Sensory flooding, particularly during auditory stimulation, is a common problem for patients with schizophrenia. The functional consequences of this impairment during cross-modal attention tasks, however, are unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine how auditory distraction differentially affects task-associated response during visual attention in patients and healthy controls. To that end, 21 outpatients with schizophrenia and 23 healthy comparison subjects performed a visual attention task in the presence or absence of distracting, environmentally relevant “urban” noise while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3T. The task had two conditions (difficult and easy); task-related neural activity was defined as difficult – easy. During task performance, a significant distraction (noise or silence) by group (patient or control) interaction was observed in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, right hippocampus, left temporoparietal junction, and right fusiform gyrus, with patients showing relative hypoactivation during noise compared to controls. In patients, the ability to recruit the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during the task in noise was negatively correlated with the effect of noise on reaction time. Clinically, the ability to recruit the fusiform gyrus during the task in noise was negatively correlated with SANS affective flattening score, and hippocampal recruitment during the task in noise was positively correlated with global functioning. In conclusion, schizophrenia may be associated with abnormalities in neural response during visual attention tasks in the presence of cross-modal noise distraction. These response differences may predict global functioning in the illness, and may serve as a biomarker for therapeutic development.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究音乐训练是否能增强基于音高和空间位置的听觉选择性注意力,以及音乐训练对听觉可塑性的神经机制.听觉感知实验中,受试者根据音高差异或空间位置差异,选择两个同时播放的数字之一.听觉认知实验在安静和噪声环境中播放频率分辨率不同的复合音,记录受试者听觉脑干频率跟随响应(frequency-following responses,FFRs).本文提出分析FFR的四种方法,即包络相关频率跟随响应(envelope-related frequency-following response,FFRENV)的短时锁相值、瞬时相位差极性图、相位差均值矢量以及时间细节结构相关频率跟随响应(temporal-fine-structure-related frequency-following response,FFRTFS)的幅度谱信噪比.实验结果表明,在完成基于音高的任务时,受过音乐训练的受试者准确率更高、反应时间更短.外界噪声不影响两组人群在基频(fundamental frequency,F0)的神经元锁相能力,但是显著降低了谐波处的神经元锁相能力.受过音乐训练的受试者的神经元在基频处的锁相能力和谐波处抗噪能力均增强,且其FFRTFS幅度谱信噪比与基于音高的行为学准确率呈正相关.因此,受过音乐训练的受试者其音高选择性注意感知能力的提高取决于认知神经能力的增强,经过音乐训练后,F0处FFRENV的锁相能力、谐波处FFRTFS的抗噪和持续锁相能力以及谐波处FFRTFS幅度谱信噪比均明显增强.音乐训练对听觉选择性注意具有显著的可塑性.  相似文献   

The neural response to a stimulus is influenced by endogenous factors such as expectation and attention. Current research suggests that expectation and attention exert their effects in opposite directions, where expectation decreases neural activity in sensory areas, while attention increases it. However, expectation and attention are usually studied either in isolation or confounded with each other. A recent study suggests that expectation and attention may act jointly on sensory processing, by increasing the neural response to expected events when they are attended, but decreasing it when they are unattended. Here we test this hypothesis in an auditory temporal cueing paradigm using magnetoencephalography in humans. In our study participants attended to, or away from, tones that could arrive at expected or unexpected moments. We found a decrease in auditory beta band synchrony to expected (versus unexpected) tones if they were unattended, but no difference if they were attended. Modulations in beta power were already evident prior to the expected onset times of the tones. These findings suggest that expectation and attention jointly modulate sensory processing.  相似文献   

Gadd45b has been known as a positive mediator of apoptosis induced by certain cytokines and oncogenes. Here, we identified Gadd45b as an effector of Fas-induced apoptosis and found that p38-mediated Rb hyperphosphorylation is one of the mechanisms of Fas-induced apoptosis in murine hepatocyte AML12 cells. Gadd45b has been shown to activate p38 through its physical interaction with MTK1 and induce apoptosis. However, in this study, we have showed that the function of Gadd45b during Fas-induced apoptosis in AML12 cells is different from that reported in previous studies. Depletion of Gadd45b expression did not inhibit the phosphorylation of p38, but it suppressed p38-mediated Rb phosphorylation and apoptosis in response to Fas stimulation by reducing the interaction between p38 and Rb. Ectopic expression of Gadd45b was sufficient to enhance this interaction. These findings suggest that Gadd45b mediates p38-induced Rb phosphorylation by enhancing the interaction between p38 and Rb during Fas-induced apoptosis in murine hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Ivan Liachko  Bik K. Tye 《Genetics》2009,181(2):379-391
The connection between DNA replication and heterochromatic silencing in yeast has been a topic of investigation for >20 years. While early studies showed that silencing requires passage through S phase and implicated several DNA replication factors in silencing, later works showed that silent chromatin could form without DNA replication. In this study we show that members of the replicative helicase (Mcm3 and Mcm7) play a role in silencing and physically interact with the essential silencing factor, Sir2, even in the absence of DNA replication. Another replication factor, Mcm10, mediates the interaction between these replication and silencing proteins via a short C-terminal domain. Mutations in this region of Mcm10 disrupt the interaction between Sir2 and several of the Mcm2–7 proteins. While such mutations caused silencing defects, they did not cause DNA replication defects or affect the association of Sir2 with chromatin. Our findings suggest that Mcm10 is required for the coupling of the replication and silencing machineries to silence chromatin in a context outside of DNA replication beyond the recruitment and spreading of Sir2 on chromatin.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2014,426(24):4030-4048
The oncoprotein E7 from human papillomavirus (HPV) strains that confer high cancer risk mediates cell transformation by deregulating host cellular processes and activating viral gene expression through recruitment of cellular proteins such as the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and the cyclic-AMP response element binding binding protein (CBP) and its paralog p300. Here we show that the intrinsically disordered N-terminal region of E7 from high-risk HPV16 binds the TAZ2 domain of CBP with greater affinity than E7 from low-risk HPV6b. HPV E7 and the tumor suppressor p53 compete for binding to TAZ2. The TAZ2 binding site in E7 overlaps the LxCxE motif that is crucial for interaction with pRb. While TAZ2 and pRb compete for binding to a monomeric E7 polypeptide, the full-length E7 dimer mediates an interaction between TAZ2 and pRb by promoting formation of a ternary complex. Cell-based assays show that expression of full-length HPV16 E7 promotes increased pRb acetylation and that this response depends both on the presence of CBP/p300 and on the ability of E7 to form a dimer. These observations suggest a model for the oncogenic effect of high-risk HPV16 E7. The disordered region of one E7 molecule in the homodimer interacts with the pocket domain of pRb, while the same region of the other E7 molecule binds the TAZ2 domain of CBP/p300. Through its ability to dimerize, E7 recruits CBP/p300 and pRb into a ternary complex, bringing the histone acetyltransferase domain of CBP/p300 into proximity to pRb and promoting acetylation, leading to disruption of cell cycle control.  相似文献   

The patterns of visual attention allocation were investigated in healthy subjects (n = 43) and patients with focal brain lesions (n = 17) using the original method developed for eye tracking in patients while memorizing a series of stimulatory image triplets. Two processes were estimated: delayed reproduction and recognition of stimuli in a series of consecutive visually similar distractors. In healthy subjects both processes correlated to a great extent (r = 0.6; p = 0.00001). The most significant disorders of voluntary verbal reproduction were observed when the left hemisphere of the brain was affected. The overall effectiveness of recognition in the case of brain damage decreased without significant dependence on the lateralization of the focus. Some correlation was observed between realized and remembered information and the patterns of visual fixations (concentrated on the semantic parts of the image or chaotically distributed in the space of stimulus exposure). Ineffective patterns of visual fixation in patients were more often observed in the area contralateral to the lesion. These contralateral stimuli were reproduced and recognized less efficiently in comparison with the central and ipsilateral images. Complete ignoring of the contralateral image in the triplet was observed both in the absence of visual fixation and in combination with the diffuse pattern.  相似文献   

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