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We developed 11 new microsatellite markers for the European tree frog (Hyla arborea), and tested patterns of polymorphism in 54 adults (27 males and 27 females) from two ponds close to Lausanne (Western Switzerland). One marker was sex linked and two pairs displayed linkage disequilibrium. Comparisons of allele numbers with heterozygosity values support a stepwise-mutation model at neutral equilibrium, with mutation rates spanning nearly two orders of magnitude. These markers will prove useful for population genetic studies and fine-scale investigations requiring genetic assignment techniques.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation of Hyla arborea molleri and H. meridionalis was studied through allozyme electrophoresis and through essays of artificial hybridization. Samples were taken at several localities in Portugal, where these species occur either in sympatry or allopatry, and at one locality in France. Of the 21 presumptive loci analyzed, 6 were monoallelic, while 9 loci were discriminative between both species. A relatively high level of genetic differentiation was found between the two species (NEI's D = 0.725), contrasting with their morphological similarity. Remarkably low levels of genetic variability were found within species, with greater differentiation found among samples of H. meridionalis than of H. a. molleri. Although the capacity for interspecific hybridization was low, hybrid embryos resulted from both reciprocal crosses, but with much greater success in the cross ♂H. a. molleri x δH. meridionalis. Hybrids showed greater similarity with the male parent, and showed heterozygote allozymic phenotypes for discriminative loci. Results are compared with those of similar studies on the same and different species of Hyla, and differentiation of H. a. molleri and H. meridionalis is discussed in relation to their taxonomic status and origin.  相似文献   

Speciation, the process by which one species evolves into two or more, is a major focus of ongoing debate, particularly regarding the geographic context in which it occurs. Geographic models of speciation tend to fall into discrete categories, typically referred to as allopatric, parapatric and sympatric speciation, according to whether two groups evolve reproductive isolation while geographically isolated, differentiated but connected by gene flow, or completely co‐occurring. Yet molecular studies indicate that full development of reproductive isolation can take very long compared with the timescale at which climatic oscillations occur, such that the geographic context of differentiating forms might change often during the long process to full species. Studies of genetic relationships across the ranges of organisms with low‐dispersal distances have the potential to reveal these complex histories. In a particularly elegant example in this issue, Dufresnes et al. ( 2016 ) use genetic variation and ecological niche modelling to show that a ring of populations of the eastern tree frog (Hyla orientalis) surrounding the Black Sea had a complex history of geographic differentiation. Alternating phases of geographic fragmentation and phases of gene flow between neighbouring populations have produced a pattern of gradual genetic change connecting the western, southern and eastern sides of the ring, with the northwestern and northeastern forms being most differentiated. In the north, a population in Crimea appears to have been produced through mixture of the two extreme forms. The overall genetic relationships are reminiscent of those found in ring species, which have been used as prime demonstrations of the process of speciation. The difference, however, is that the terminal forms appear to have mixed rather than be reproductively isolated, although more research is needed to infer whether there might be some reproductive isolation on the northern side of the ring.  相似文献   

1.  Governmental authorities in many countries financially support the implementation of habitat connectivity measures to enhance the exchange of individuals among fragmented populations. The evaluation of the effectiveness of such measures is crucial for future management directions and can be accomplished by using genetic methods.
2.  We retraced the population history of the European tree frog in two Swiss river valleys (Reuss and Thur), performed comprehensive population sampling to infer the genetic structure at 11 microsatellite markers, and used first-generation migrant assignment tests to evaluate the contemporary exchange of individuals.
3.  Compared with the Thur valley, the Reuss valley has lost almost double the number of breeding sites and exhibited a more pronounced genetic grouping. However, similar numbers of contemporary migrants were detected in both valleys. In the Reuss valley, 81% of the migration events occurred within the identified genetic groups, whereas in the Thur valley migration patterns were diffuse.
4.  Our results show that the connectivity measures implemented in the Reuss valley facilitated effective tree frog migration among breeding sites within distances up to 4 km. Nevertheless, the Reuss valley exhibited high genetic differentiation, which reflected the impact of barriers to tree frog movement such as the River Reuss. By contrast in the Thur valley, a larger number of breeding sites have been preserved and high admixture indicated exchange of individuals at distances up to 16 km.
5.   Synthesis and applications . We show that genetic methods can substantiate the effectiveness of connectivity measures taken in conservation management at the landscape scale. We urge responsible authorities from both river valleys to continue implementing connectivity measures and to create a dense network of breeding sites, as spatial gaps of 8 km are rarely traversed by tree frogs.  相似文献   

In sharp contrast to birds and mammals, most cold‐blooded vertebrates have homomorphic (morphologically undifferentiated) sex chromosomes. This might result either from recurrent X‐Y recombination (occurring e.g. during occasional events of sex reversal) or from frequent turnovers (during which sex‐determining genes are overthrown by new autosomal mutations). Evidence for turnovers is indeed mounting in fish, but very few have so far been documented in amphibians, possibly because of practical difficulties in identifying sex chromosomes. Female heterogamety (ZW) has long been established in Bufo bufo, based on sex reversal and crossing experiments. Here, we investigate a sex‐linked marker identified from a laboratory cross between Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup). The F1 offspring produced by a female Bufo balearicus and a male Bufo siculus were phenotypically sexed, displaying an even sex ratio. A sex‐specific marker detected in highly reproducible AFLP genotypes was cloned. Sequencing revealed a noncoding, microsatellite‐containing fragment. Reamplification and genotyping of families of this and a reciprocal cross showed B. siculus to be male heterogametic (XY) and suggested the same system for B. balearicus. Our results thus reveal a cryptic heterogametic transition within bufonid frogs and help explain patterns of hybrid fitness within the B. viridis subgroup. Turnovers of genetic sex‐determination systems may be more frequent in amphibians than previously thought and thus contribute to the prevalence of homomorphic sex chromosomes in this group.  相似文献   

For polyploid species to persist, they must be reproductively isolated from their diploid parental species, which coexist at the same time and place at least initially. In a complex of biparentally reproducing tetraploid and diploid tree frogs in North America, selective phonotaxis--mediated by differences in the pulse-repetition (pulse rate) of their mate-attracting vocalizations--ensures assortative mating. We show that artificially produced autotriploid females of the diploid species (Hyla chrysoscelis) show a shift in pulse-rate preference in the direction of the pulse rate produced by males of the tetraploid species (Hyla versicolor). The estimated preference function is centred near the mean pulse rate of the calls of artificially produced male autotriploids. Such a parallel shift, which is caused by polyploidy per se and whose magnitude is expected to be greater in autotetraploids, may have facilitated sympatric speciation by promoting reproductive isolation of the initially formed polyploids from their diploid parental forms. This process also helps to explain why tetraploid lineages with different origins have similar advertisement calls and freely interbreed.  相似文献   

The frog genus Leptopelis is composed of ~50 species that occur across sub‐Saharan Africa. The majority of these frogs are typically arboreal; however, a few species have evolved a fossorial lifestyle. Most species inhabit lowland forests, but a few species have adapted to high elevations. Five species of Leptopelis occupy the Ethiopian highlands and provide a good opportunity to study the evolutionary transition from an arboreal to a fossorial lifestyle, as well as the diversification in this biodiversity hot spot. We sequenced 14 nuclear and three mitochondrial genes, and generated thousands of SNPs from ddRAD sequencing to study the evolutionary relationships of Ethiopian Leptopelis. The five species of highland Leptopelis form a monophyletic group, which diversified during the late Miocene and Pliocene. We found strong population structure in the fossorial species L. gramineus, with levels of genetic differentiation between populations similar to those found between arboreal species. This could indicate that L. gramineus is a complex of cryptic species. We propose that after the original colonization of the Ethiopian highlands by the ancestor of the L. gramineus group, episodes of vicariance fragmented the ancestral populations of this group. We also report the re‐evolution of arboreality in L. susanae, which evolved from a fossorial ancestor, a rare ecological switch in frogs that had previously been reported only once.  相似文献   

Abstract "Good genes" models of sexual selection predict that male courtship displays can advertise genetic quality and that, by mating with males with extreme displays, females can obtain genetic benefits for their offspring. However, because the relative performance of different genotypes can vary across environments, these genetic benefits may depend on the environmental context; in which case, static mating preferences may not be adaptive. To better understand how selection acts on the preference that female gray tree frogs ( Hyla versicolor ) express for long advertisement calls, I tested for genetic benefits in two realistic natural environments, by comparing the performance of half-sibling offspring sired by males with long versus short calls. Tadpoles from twelve such maternal half-sibships were raised in enclosures in their natal pond at two densities. In the low-density treatment, offspring of long-call males were larger at metamorphosis than were offspring of short-call males, whereas in the high-density treatment, offspring of males with long calls tended to metamorphose later than offspring of males with short calls. Thus, although the genes indicated by long calls were advantageous under low-density conditions, they were not beneficial under all conditions, suggesting that a static preference for long calls may not be adaptive in all environments. Such a genotype-by-environment interaction in the genetic consequences of mate choice predicts that when the environment is variable, selection may favor plasticity in female preferences or female selectivity among environments to control the conditions experienced by the offspring.  相似文献   

We investigated sex-specific recombination rates in Hyla arborea, a species with nascent sex chromosomes and male heterogamety. Twenty microsatellites were clustered into six linkage groups, all showing suppressed or very low recombination in males. Seven markers were sex linked, none of them showing any sign of recombination in males (r=0.00 versus 0.43 on average in females). This opposes classical models of sex chromosome evolution, which envision an initially small differential segment that progressively expands as structural changes accumulate on the Y chromosome. For autosomes, maps were more than 14 times longer in females than in males, which seems the highest ratio documented so far in vertebrates. These results support the pleiotropic model of Haldane and Huxley, according to which recombination is reduced in the heterogametic sex by general modifiers that affect recombination on the whole genome.  相似文献   

Frogs are a representative taxon that use advertisement calls to aid in reproduction. In most frog species, calls vary with body size, and allometric constraints between body size and call frequency have been widely reported among anuran species. Although this variation is an important driver of sexual selection in frogs, male advertisement call strategies may also vary according to body size. In this study, we conducted playback experiments on the male forest green tree frog (Zhangixalus arboreus) to determine whether male advertisement call characteristics and strategies vary according to body size and the amplitude of intraspecific chorus noise. The results indicated that the calls of larger individuals are louder and lower than those of smaller ones, who call more frequently; moreover, the calls become lower, and the number of calls decreases, as noise levels increase. These findings suggest that forest green tree frog emits lower calls or refrains from calling when chorus noise increases, and that intraspecific variation in advertisement call characteristics can induce different strategies in response to chorus noise. Because advertisement call variation with body size is common among frog species, intraspecific variation in male advertisement call strategies may also be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiation of DNA generates mutagenic photoproducts such as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) which can affect the growth and development of amphibian embryos. Differential ability to repair UV-B-induced DNA damage may be␣responsible for differences in population stability between␣some amphibian species. Photoreactivation via the enzyme photolyase is a major mechanism used to remove CPDs from DNA. The aim of this study was to determine if photolyase activity differed in three sympatric Australian amphibian species, one of which has suffered marked population declines (Litoria aurea) and two whose populations do not appear to be in decline (L. dentata and L. peronii). The specific activity of photolyase was measured in each species and compared to the hatching success of their eggs under unfiltered summer sunlight. The mean specific activities of photolyase were 1.10 ± 0.18 × 1011, 5.76 ± 1.01 × 1011, and 2.66 ± 0.15 × 1011 CPDs repaired per hour per microgram of egg protein extract, for L. aurea, L. dentata and L. peronii, respectively. When intrinsic differences in hatching success between species were controlled for, the relative percentage hatching success under unfiltered sunlight of L. aurea (77%) was lower than that of L.␣peronii (91%) and L. dentata (98%); however, these values did not differ significantly. L. aurea had the lowest photolyase activity of the three species and showed a non-significant trend of reduced hatching success under UV-B exposure. Received: 15 December 1997 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary Tree frogs, either with or without calcium chloride preloading, were maintained in a 0.8% strontium chloride solution for 1 week, then studied by X-ray microanalysis and scanning electron microscopy to determine the distribution of incorporated strontium in the endolymphatic crystals. In the absence of calcium preloading, strontium was detected on every surface of all the crystals, but after calcium preloading for 5 or 7 weeks, strontium incorporation was partially or completely inhibited, suggesting that an inhibition of the growth of the endolymphatic crystals had taken place in these preloaded specimens.  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to determine the sex of a dioecious species, Carica papaya L., with three sex types, male, female and hermaphrodite. A 450 bp marker fragment, named PSDM(Papaya Sex Determination Marker), exists in all male and hermaphrodite plants but not in the female plants so far analyzed. The DNA sequence of PSDM exhibited no significant similarity to previously reported sequences. A sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker, SCARps, was developed from PSDM to determine the sex of papaya. Southern hybridization, using PSDM as a probe, showed that PSDM exists in the male and hermaphrodite genomes, but not in the female genome. This result strongly suggests that PSDM is located on the chromosome region that is specific to the male and the hermaphrodite. SCARps is a suitable marker for the precise and rapid diagnosis of sex in papaya. Received: 1 February 2001 / Accepted: 22 May 2001  相似文献   

A 323-bp DNA fragment (U15557) was isolated, cloned, and sequenced after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification from Monodelphis domestica genomic DNA. AHindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism was identified in this species using the U15557 PCR. fragment as a hybridization probe. DNA samples exhibited either a 6.4kb band, a 7.2 kb band, or both bands simultaneously. Behaviour of these two variants in family studies was consistent with codominant autosomal inheritance. Linkage between this marker and the loci encoding protease inhibitor (PI) and adenylate kinase 1 (AK1) was found in M. domestica.  相似文献   

Occasional XY recombination is a proposed explanation for the sex‐chromosome homomorphy in European tree frogs. Numerous laboratory crosses, however, failed to detect any event of male recombination, and a detailed survey of NW‐European Hyla arborea populations identified male‐specific alleles at sex‐linked loci, pointing to the absence of XY recombination in their recent history. Here, we address this paradox in a phylogeographic framework by genotyping sex‐linked microsatellite markers in populations and sibships from the entire species range. Contrasting with postglacial populations of NW Europe, which display complete absence of XY recombination and strong sex‐chromosome differentiation, refugial populations of the southern Balkans and Adriatic coast show limited XY recombination and large overlaps in allele frequencies. Geographically and historically intermediate populations of the Pannonian Basin show intermediate patterns of XY differentiation. Even in populations where X and Y occasionally recombine, the genetic diversity of Y haplotypes is reduced below the levels expected from the fourfold drop in copy numbers. This study is the first in which X and Y haplotypes could be phased over the distribution range in a species with homomorphic sex chromosomes; it shows that XY‐recombination patterns may differ strikingly between conspecific populations, and that recombination arrest may evolve rapidly (<5000 generations).  相似文献   

Metamorphosis is assumed to be beneficial because it can break developmental links between traits in the different phases of a complex life-cycle and thereby allow larval and adult phases to adapt independently. I tested the prediction that correlations between the larval and adult phases are smaller than within stages. I estimated phenotypic and additive genetic variances and correlations for tadpole swimming speed, frog jump distance, body size, and larval period in a single population of the Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla. These traits are known or reasonably assumed to be important for survival in this and other anuran species from temporary ponds. Only the three size variables were affected by sire identity. Heritabilities for locomotor performance, larval period, and size-independent performance were low (0.00-0.23) and not significant. Body size measurements showed somewhat higher and statistically significant heritabilities (0.24-0.34). Most traits were phenotypically correlated. On average, phenotypic correlations were larger between phases than within phases (0.41 vs. 0.28). Genetic correlations involving body-size traits were positive and large, and average within- and between-phase genetic correlation coefficients were identical (0.81). These results do not support the adaptive decoupling hypothesis, and they indicate that a paucity of additive genetic variation is a likely constraint on the evolution of traits measured for this population.  相似文献   

Sex-specific DNA markers can serve as efficient tools for molecular sex identification and thus provide important information for ecological and evolutionary studies, as well as for fishery management. In the present study, microsatellite markers were employed to identify sex-linked markers in the rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus). A microsatellite marker, designated as Oplfa16, displayed a male-specific genotype in rock bream. The male-specific microsatellite marker was further tested in 82 individuals, ensuring reproducible sex identification. Therefore, we developed a rapid and reliable method for sex identification in rock bream by using a novel sex-linked microsatellite marker.  相似文献   

Summary A molecular marker has been identified in embryos of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, that is localized among epithelial cells to those directly involved in morphogenesis. A monoclonal antibody has been developed that selectively binds to epithelial cells undergoing any of three very different morphogenetic movements-invagination, evagination or epiboly. Neighboring cells not involved in these developmental processes are not labeled by the antibody. The antigen is transiently present on the cells for a period just prior to and during the morphogenetic activity. It is localized on the apical surface of the cells. The spatial, temporal and subcellular distributions of antibody binding during development indicate a role for the antigen in epithelial morphogenesis different from that of any previously described molecule.  相似文献   

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