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Endozoochory plays a prominent role for the dispersal of seed plants. However, for most other plant taxa it is not known whether this mode of dispersal occurs at all. Among those other taxa, lichens as symbiotic associations of algae and fungi are peculiar as their successful dispersal requires movement of propagules that leaves the symbiosis functional. However, the potential for endozoochorous dispersal of lichen fragments has been completely overlooked. We fed sterile thalli of two foliose lichen species (Lobaria pulmonaria and Physcia adscendens) differing in habitat and air-quality requirements to nine snail species common in temperate Europe. We demonstrated morphologically that L. pulmonaria regenerated from 29.0% of all 379 fecal pellets, whereas P. adscendens regenerated from 40.9% of all 433 fecal pellets, showing that lichen fragments survived gut passage of all snail species. Moreover, molecular analysis of regenerated lichens confirmed the species identity for a subset of samples. Regeneration rates were higher for the generalist lichen species P. adscendens than for the specialist lichen species L. pulmonaria. Furthermore, lichen regeneration rates varied among snail species with higher rates after gut passage of heavier snail species. We suggest that gastropods generally grazing on lichen communities are important, but so far completely overlooked, as vectors for lichen dispersal. This opens new ecological perspectives and questions the traditional view of an entirely antagonistic relationship between gastropods and lichens.  相似文献   

Aims The biochemical defense of lichens against herbivores and its relationship to lichen frequency are poorly understood. Therefore, we tested whether chemical compounds in lichens act as feeding defense or rather as stimulus for snail herbivory among lichens and whether experimental feeding by snails is related to lichen frequency in the field.Methods In a no-choice feeding experiment, we fed 24 lichen species to snails of two taxa from the Clausilidae and Enidae families and compared untreated lichens and lichens with compounds removed by acetone rinsing. Then, we related experimental lichen consumption with the frequency of lichen species among 158 forest plots in the field (Schw?bische Alb, Germany), where we had also sampled snail and lichen species.Important findings In five lichen species, snails preferred treated samples over untreated controls, indicating chemical feeding defense, and vice versa in two species, indicating chemical feeding stimulus. Interestingly, compared with less frequent lichen species, snails consumed more of untreated and less of treated samples of more frequent lichen species. Removing one outlier species resulted in the loss of a significant positive relationship when untreated samples were analyzed separately. However, the interaction between treatment and lichen frequency remained significant when excluding single species or including snail genus instead of taxa, indicating that our results were robust and that lumping the species to two taxa was justified. Our results imply lichen-feeding snails to prefer frequent lichens and avoid less frequent ones because of secondary compound recognition. This supports the idea that consumers adapt to the most abundant food source.  相似文献   

Lichens are valuable bio-indicators for evaluating the consequences of human activities that are increasingly changing the earth’s ecosystems. Since a major objective of national parks is the preservation of biodiversity, our aim is to analyse how natural resource management, the availability of lichen substrates and environmental parameters influence lichen diversity in Rodnei Mountains National Park situated in the Eastern Carpathians. Three main types of managed vegetation were investigated: the transhumance systems in alpine meadows, timber exploitation in mixed and pure spruce forests, and the corresponding conserved sites. The data were sampled following a replicated design. For the analysis, we considered not only all lichen species, but also species groups from different substrates such as soil, trees and deadwood. The lichen diversity was described according to species richness, red-list status and substrate-specialist species richness. The variation in species composition was related to the environmental variables. Habitat management was found to negatively influence species richness and alter the lichen community composition, particularly for threatened and substrate-specialist species. It reduced the mean level of threatened species richness by 59%, when all lichen species were considered, and by 81%, when only epiphytic lichens were considered. Management-induced disturbance significantly decreased lichen species richness in forest landscapes with long stand continuity. The diversity patterns of the lichens indicate a loss of species richness and change in species composition in areas where natural resources are still exploited inside the borders of the national park. It is thus imperative for protected areas, in particular old-growth forests and alpine meadows, to receive more protection than they have received in the past to ensure populations of the characteristic species remain viable in the future.  相似文献   

Lichens are very sensitive to habitat changes and their species richness is likely to decline under intensive land use. Currently, a comprehensive study analyzing lichen species richness in relation to land-use types, extending over different regions and including information on habitat variables, is missing for temperate grasslands. In three German regions we studied lichen species richness in 490 plots of 16 m2 representing different land-use types, livestock types, and habitat variables. Due to the absence of low-intensity pastures and substrates such as woody plants, deadwood and stones, there were no lichens in the 78 plots in Schorfheide-Chorin. In the two other regions, the richness of lichen species was 45 % higher in pastures than in meadows, and 77 % higher than in mown pastures, respectively. Among the pastures, the richness of all lichen species was on average 10 times higher in sheep-grazed pastures than in the ones grazed by cattle or horses. On average, the richness of all lichen species increased by 3.3 species per additional microhabitat. Furthermore, the richness of corticolous lichens increased by 1.2 species with 10 % higher cover of woody plants, lignicolous lichen species richness increased by 4.8 species with 1 % higher cover of deadwood, and saxicolous lichen species richness increased by 1.0 species with 1 % higher cover of stones. Our findings highlight the importance of low-intensity land use for lichen conservation. In particular, the degradation of grasslands rich in microhabitats and the destruction of lichen substrates by intensification, and conversion of unfertilized pastures formerly grazed at low intensity to meadows should be avoided to maintain lichen diversity.  相似文献   

Host species has an important influence on the distribution of epiphytic lichens in forests. However, the importance of non-dominant trees in shaping lichen communities has been poorly studied owing to the relative rarity of individuals. The importance of dominant and non-dominant trees for distribution of epiphytic lichens was determined in eight subtropical forests in southwestern China. Dominant trees supported more abundant total and exclusive lichen species only in secondary forests. The occurrence of non-dominant trees promoted lichen diversity within forest types and influenced lichen communities on both tree groups. The effects of total tree species on lichen distribution largely resulted from the presence of non-dominant trees. Dominant and non-dominant trees supported distinct lichen assemblages within forest types, and ordination analyses showed a clear separation. Our study, therefore, reinforces the importance of non-dominant trees for conserving epiphytic lichens, and highlights that lichen assemblages are shaped by both dominant and non-dominant trees.  相似文献   

The forest management practices used in central Europe in the last several centuries have led to loss of lichen diversity that may be largely attributed to a loss of substrate variability and quantity. In an attempt to obtain information enabling us to mitigate this process, we surveyed affinity of lichen species to the substrates they currently occupy in six forest areas in the Czech Republic, located between 200 and 1000 m a.s.l. Tree bases and stems represented the most important substrate for lichen species, and especially so for threatened (i.e. red-listed) species. Lichen species richness per individual tree generally increased with stem diameter, especially for beech. Stems and tree bases of large-diameter beeches provide habitats that have enabled the survival of a crucial component of the red-listed lichen species in central Europe, far outweighing other tree species. The deciduous tree species that are commonly considered as favourable for lichen diversity (e.g. maples, ash, elms) were inhabited by only a few other lichen species additional to those associated with beech. This may be due to the low frequency of these tree species in most managed forests, and also some forest reserves, at the present time. Similarly, low incidence of dead wood in managed forests has likely limited its contribution to the lichen diversity, despite the high potential for lichen diversity associated with such substrates. It is thus apparent that bark of large-diameter live beech trees comprises a keystone habitat element in the provision of lichen diversity in central European forests.  相似文献   

地衣是大型真菌的重要组成部分, 是中国大型真菌红色名录评估的主要对象之一。本次评估的地衣共2,164种, 其中子囊菌地衣2,145种, 担子菌地衣19种, 分属于2门9纲34目92科352属。评估结果显示, 地衣受威胁物种共28种, 占被评估地衣物种总数的1.29%, 其中极危3种, 濒危7种, 易危18种; 近危6种, 无危657种, 而数据不足的物种达1,473种。这类因为缺乏足够的数据资料而未能进一步评估其生存状态和红色名录等级的物种占评估地衣总数的68.07%, 凸显了我国地衣学研究的严峻形势及对地衣分类学人才的迫切需要。对受威胁物种的分析表明, 地衣由于自身生长缓慢和对环境污染敏感, 并且绝大多数分布区域狭窄, 种群数量少, 对生境退化的适应和恢复生长的能力弱, 人类活动和气候变化导致的栖息地破坏和碎片化使得这些地衣的生存受到严重威胁。值得注意的是, 评为易危的一些地衣, 因具有较大的食药用价值而被过度采挖利用, 如不采取有效保护措施, 其受威胁程度将进一步加剧。  相似文献   

海南地衣多样性考察及其资源研发前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中对中国海南岛地区地衣多样性进行了考察并对其资源研究与开发提出了建议。笔者对生物多样性的概念做了阐明;对于考察中的有关地衣资源做了简报,对地衣多样性及其资源的研究与开发及其三大存取系统进行了论述。报道了海南地衣138种,其中中国新记录种14种。  相似文献   

Abstract:The results of an investigation into the lichen vegetation associated with vascular plant communities in the Scottish Highlands are presented. Most lichen species rarely occur in homogeneous stands of vascular plant vegetation, either occurring around the edges of recognized National Vegetation Classification (NVC) communities or in small-scale mosaics with them. However, some lichen species have a high fidelity to the more open NVC communities. The problems associated with applying NVC survey techniques to lichen assemblages are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Although several studies demonstrated the importance of dead wood for lichen conservation in N-Europe and N-America, the lichen biota on dead wood was poorly studied in the Alps, where stumps represent one of the main available dead wood type. This work aims at evaluating species richness and composition of lichens in relation to the decay of stumps in subalpine forests of the Italian Alps. Differences in species richness between three decay stages were tested using a one-way ANOVA, while the pattern of species composition was evaluated with non-metric multidimensional scaling and an Indicator Species Analysis. Overall, 69 species were found and wood decay proved to be an important factor influencing lichen communities on stumps in our subalpine forests. Despite the fact that the mean number of species per stump did not differ between the three decay stages and lichen communities broadly overlapped, a main pattern of species turnover was identified across wood decay process as well as some indicator species for each decay stage. During the decay process, lichen communities change functional and ecological composition as an adaptive response to the continuous change of substrate. Since stumps host several nationally rare species, which are related to different stages of decay, they could have a relevant role in lichen conservation in managed forests where other types of dead wood are normally absent.  相似文献   

The ecology of many tropical rain forest organisms, not the least in Africa, remains poorly understood. Here, we present a detailed ecological study of epiphytic lichens in the equatorial montane rain forest of Bwindi National Park (331 km2), Uganda. We evaluated all major lichen growth forms, including selected groups of crustose lichens. In 14 transects at elevations of 1290 m to 2500 m, we sampled 276 trees belonging to 60 species. We recorded all lichen species on each tree trunk between ground level and 2 m above the ground, yielding 191 lichen species in 67 genera, with a mean of 4.7 species per tree. We used non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling to separate epiphytic lichen assemblages according to tree species composition and elevation. Structural equation modeling indicated that elevation influenced tree species composition and that tree species composition largely determined lichen species composition. Thus, elevation acted indirectly on the lichen assemblages. Further studies examining factors such as bark properties and lichen colonization ecology may clarify what determines the association between tree species and lichen assemblages. The link between lichen assemblages and large‐scale elevation patterns, as well as disturbance and regrowth histories, warrants further study. An analysis of lichen species composition on individual tree species that occur over large elevation ranges would distinguish the effect of tree species on lichen assemblages from the effect of elevation and thus climate. Our study highlights the limited extent of our knowledge of tropical epiphytic lichens.  相似文献   

该研究通过对山西管涔山和五鹿山等区域采集的蜈蚣衣科地衣300余份标本的鉴定分析,结合已有报道,从物种多样性、空间分布特点、生境类型及区系成分等方面对蜈蚣衣科地衣进行研究,以明确中国蜈蚣衣科地衣物种组成及区系特点。结果表明:(1)中国蜈蚣衣科地衣共有7属197种54变种,饼干衣属(Rinodina)占绝对优势,约占蜈蚣衣科地衣总种数的30.5%。(2)中国蜈蚣衣科地衣多分布于新疆,蜈蚣衣属(Physcia)是该科中分布最广泛的属,但其中有26.4%的物种仅分布于单一地区。(3)蜈蚣衣科地衣生境类型多样,有树生、石生、藓丛生、土生和多生境5种,以多生境地衣为主(48.5%)。(4)中国蜈蚣衣科地衣的地理成分复杂,同时伴随多种区系成分,但以温带性质显著(占43.1%),东亚特色明显。(5)仅分布于中国的蜈蚣衣科地衣共4属10种,且主要分布于中国东北、西北和西南地区。  相似文献   

Lichens are a key component of forest biodiversity. However, a comprehensive study analyzing lichen species richness in relation to several management types, extending over different regions and forest stages and including information on site conditions is missing for temperate European forests. In three German regions (Schwäbische Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin), the so-called Biodiversity Exploratories, we studied lichen species richness in 631 forest plots of 400 m2 comprising different management types (unmanaged, selection cutting, deciduous and coniferous age-class forests resulting from clear cutting or shelterwood logging), various stand ages, and site conditions, typical for large parts of temperate Europe. We analyzed how lichen species richness responds to management and habitat variables (standing biomass, cover of deadwood, cover of rocks). We found strong regional differences with highest lichen species richness in the Schwäbische Alb, probably driven by regional differences in former air pollution, and in precipitation and habitat variables. Overall, unmanaged forests harbored 22% more threatened lichen species than managed age-class forests. In general, total, corticolous, and threatened lichen species richness did not differ among management types of deciduous forests. However, in the Schwäbische-Alb region, deciduous forests had 61% more lichen species than coniferous forests and they had 279% more threatened and 76% more corticolous lichen species. Old deciduous age classes were richer in corticolous lichen species than young ones, while old coniferous age-classes were poorer than young ones. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of stand continuity for conservation. To increase total and threatened lichen species richness we suggest (1) conserving unmanaged forests, (2) promoting silvicultural methods assuring stand continuity, (3) conserving old trees in managed forests, (4) promoting stands of native deciduous tree species instead of coniferous plantations, and (5) increasing the amount of deadwood in forests.  相似文献   

This work describes the lichen diversity found on the megalithic Dolmen of Sa Coveccada (Mores, Sardinia) until 2010. After that year, a restoration with chemical removal of lichen crusts took place, which destroyed a great part of the lichen communities. These were studied again after removal and lichen communities occurring on rock outcrops in the surroundings of the Dolmen and on a contiguous menhir were investigated as well for comparison. Before the restoration, 33 species had been recorded on the Dolmen, most being crustose, followed by foliose and fruticose forms. Among these, eight species are regarded as rare in Sardinia and five rare at lower elevations. Most of the recorded species are typical for eutrophic substrates and for meso- to xerophytic conditions. Studies on lichen diversity on archaeological monuments in Sardinia are limited. This is the first report on the lichens of a Sardinian dolmen. This paper questions whether the lichen diversity of such monuments should be preserved as lichens have been an important part of the monument ecosystem and of the landscape for many centuries. This work also aims to improve collaboration among lichen and monument experts, in order to avoid hasty restoration decisions.  相似文献   

根据西藏地衣分类和区系的文献资料,对西藏地衣物种多样性的海拔梯度进行了分析。267个分类群按照生长型或者基物被分为六组。每一组地衣的物种丰度随海拔增加呈现单峰曲线形式的变化。多数组物种丰度的峰值出现在海拔3400~3900m之间,对应于山地寒温带针叶林带的上半部分,比尼泊尔对应类群出现极值的海拔要高。此植物带谱内复杂的生态系统可能是物种多样性高的主要原因。壳状地衣物种丰度的峰值出现在5100~5400m区间则可能是因为该区内高大的树木的消失以及具有充裕的阳光。西藏的地衣物种多样性远低于尼泊尔,两地共有的物种数量很少。对西藏地衣物种多样性的调查不充分应当是其主要原因,因此今后中国地衣学工作者应当加强西藏地衣多样性的研究。  相似文献   

The epiphytic and epixylic lichen flora of natural forests was recorded in different parts of Estonia. Altogether 232 taxa of lichens, lichenicolous fungi, or non-lichenized fungi were recorded, 10 of them listed in the Estonian Red Data Book. We found regional differences in lichen species composition and diversity caused by differences in the forest types. The tree-species-rich boreo-nemoral forests had the most diverse lichen flora, while the boreal forest dominated by coniferous trees or birch had the lowest diversity. The stand age proved to be significant in regard to the number of lichen species in a forest. The most remarkable effect on the diversity of forest lichen species was caused by the presence of Populus tremula. Aspen had the highest number of lichen species on the basal trunk and twigs, and also the highest number of host-specific lichen species.  相似文献   

赵遵田  刘华杰 《菌物学报》2002,21(3):457-458
In addition to 25 species, 6 varieties and 17 forms of the lichen genus Peltigera accepted by Wei (1991), 2 species new to China in this genus are added to the Chinese lichen flora in present paper. Peltigera kristinssonii Vitik., Ann. Bot. Fennici 22: 291 (1985). Thallus folious, c. 10 cm in diam, upper surface gray-brown to brown, erect-tomentose and somewhat scabrous near the edge, glabrescent towards center, dull, lobes 1~1.5cm wide, 5~7 cm long, margins upturned to slightly downturned;…  相似文献   

The diversity of Indian lichen flora has undergone a considerable decline in the last five decades. Among the various anthropogenic activities, overexploitation and selective removal of economically important lichens have become major threats to the lichen flora of the country. Commercial samples of lichens collected from different states of India were studied for their source and commercial use. Among samples offered for sale, 38 different lichen species were identified. The western Himalayas proved to be the main area for lichen collection, while some lichen species also come from the central and Western Ghats. Local traders coordinate the lichen collection and then sell the material to traders in the foothills, and from there it is processed and distributed to other parts of the country and abroad. Because lichens belonging to the families Parmeliaceae and Physciaceae are the ones most exploited commercially, they are recommended for inclusion in the CITES list.  相似文献   

本文报道了主要分布于澳洲的扇盘衣属地衣,缝裂扇盘衣在中国的首次发现,从而为中国地衣区系增加了一个新记录属。文中报道的该属的地衣不仅在中国,即使在世界范围也十分珍异。因而,对于该属及种的特征从形态学、解剖学与化学方面给以简要描述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The superhydrophobicity of the thallus surface in one of the most SO(2)-tolerant lichen species, Lecanora conizaeoides, suggests that surface hydrophobicity could be a general feature of lichen symbioses controlling their tolerance to SO(2). The study described here tests this hypothesis. METHODS: Water droplets of the size of a raindrop were placed on the surface of air-dry thalli in 50 lichen species of known SO(2) tolerance and contact angles were measured to quantify hydrophobicity. KEY RESULTS: The wettability of lichen thalli ranges from strongly hydrophobic to strongly hydrophilic. SO(2) tolerance of the studied lichen species increased with increasing hydrophobicity of the thallus surface. Extraction of extracellular lichen secondary metabolites with acetone reduced, but did not abolish the hydrophobicity of lichen thalli. CONCLUSIONS: Surface hydrophobicity is the main factor controlling SO(2) tolerance in lichens. It presumably originally evolved as an adaptation to wet habitats preventing the depression of net photosynthesis due to supersaturation of the thallus with water. Hydrophilicity of lichen thalli is an adaptation to dry or humid, but not directly rain-exposed habitats. The crucial role of surface hydrophobicity in SO(2) also explains why many markedly SO(2)-tolerant species are additionally tolerant to other (chemically unrelated) toxic substances including heavy metals.  相似文献   

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